This patent claims priority of the application filed with the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of the Republic of Colombia, with file number NC2018/0014032 entitled “EASY OPEN MULTI-LAYER SINGLE-DOSE BOTTLE WITH A PE/PET/PP CONFIGURATION AND A PRE-CUT AT THE TOP” filed on Dec. 21, 2018. Disclosures from the Colombian application are incorporated into this document in its entirety.
This application relates to the engineering sector, in particular packaging engineering.
In the alcohol market or in the liquor industries, it is common to find that the companies that produce these beverages carry out the activity of packaging in glass bottles—usually in 750 and 375 milliliters presentation—and sometimes in PET (POLYETHYLENE 30 TEREFALATE) and PP (POLYPROPYLENE). In the case of these latter packages, there are problems of conservation of quality, aroma and flavor, in addition to affecting the quality of the ethyl alcohol content of the spirit drink, since this type of material gives off particles because it is not completely resistant to alcohol.
Thus, glass bottles are the most used in this industry thanks to their barrier property that preserves the flavor and quality of this kind of beverages for longer, maintaining the level of alcohol, aroma and flavor from bottling.
Another class of packaging for the packaging of alcohol or spirits is also known and they are flexible PET bags called flexible PET sachets, which are transparent envelopes filled with liquors such as whiskey, rum, vodka, among others in which their only material is PET.
Some patents related to the use of PET material with easy-open bottle systems are known, among them the application “Container with reinforced cannula and easy-open cap” number E51057258 (u)—2004-07-01 which corresponds to a container made up of by a container, a base that serves as a connecting element with a cannula, and a plug initially joined to the lower end of the cannula by an area that presents a perimeter weakening that facilitates its detachment, the whole forming a single body, characterized in that said plug is affected by a hole capable of housing the lower end of the cannula in which it has a widening due to divergence of its walls, so that once the cannula and the stopper have been separated due to breakage of the perimeter weakening, it is possible to cover and uncover the cannula as many times as desired, as its lower widening is retained inside the hole due to the pressure exerted by the walls of the same on it.
Another application is “Easily openable container and production method thereof E52047363 (t3)—1994-02-16, which is an easy-to-open container that comprises a multilayer container body that includes an inner layer and an adjacent layer in contact with the inner one, a recess portion and a flange and a cover member sealed by casting to the inner layer of the body of the multilayer container in the flange, where the inner and adjacent layers are separated from each other and have a resistance between them to the separation less than the resistance between the lid and the inner layer. The flange has two Circular grooves made in the inner layer, the multilayer container body and the lid are cast sealed between the two circular grooves, provided that a portion of the cast sealed area projects outward from the outer circular groove, and makes a depression in the inner layer at the outer edge of the projected portion of the melt-sealed area by pressing the inner layer through the lid, opens by separating the inner layer together with the lid from the adjacent layer of the container body multilayer between the two circular grooves and begins to easily break the inner layer by the depression in the outer edge 10 of the projected portion of the melt-sealed area.
The use of PET that is evidenced in the aforementioned patents is characterized for the most part by being an excellent container for fats and oils, but it is not a good alternative for the proper spirits or liqueurs, proof of this is that most companies have considerably reduced since the liquor stored there lasts only 6 months without organoleptic alterations of the product.
On the other hand, as far as what is known in the state of the art, that is, packaging in glass bottles, limits the possibility of packaging in smaller containers or bottles, since doing so increases the price and the product becomes inaccessible to the end consumer. It also happens that the consumer only wants to acquire a “shot” that has an average of 50 milliliters and does not have money to buy the 750 or 375 milliliter bottle being enough quantity for a single person, this situation generates inconveniences since people cannot buy smaller doses or of less content, single-dose type, since there is no container or bottle that can guarantee the prolonged conservation of these drinks in materials other than glass. Although the industries have addressed the market located at the base of the pyramid as an important market in which the mini dose plays a transcendental role in the offer of products—from soaps to deodorants—, in terms of liquors with mini packaging. doses have not achieved significant innovations which opens the industrial application of the invention.
The present invention solves the problem by providing a new bottle with an easy-open system of a new multilayer material in which a smaller dose, or single-dose of liquor or spirit drink is packaged, in which the preservation of the liquor is guaranteed for a prolonged period and considerable time, reducing the risks of drinking in bad condition for the consumer. Through a new multilayer material with which the packaging and bottling of alcoholic beverages is manufactured, a solution is provided to preserve the liquid for up to two years without changing its flavor and ethanol composition.
Polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene terephthalate or polyethylene terephthalate (better known by its acronym in English PET, polyethylene terephthalate) is a type of plastic widely used in food packaging, whether these are snacks, prepared meals, dairy products, as well as drinks in general, thanks—among other things—to their properties related to high resistance and acceptable barrier to CO2, humidity and O2.
Given its widespread use, alcoholic beverages for human consumption packaged in PET bottles are known on the market. This fact presents problems such as the change in the physicochemical composition of the beverage stored there.
Containers for alcoholic beverages other than glass are usually tretapack in the case of wines and/or tetrapack and PET for other distilled beverages, the latter, when used in single doses of a maximum of 50 milliliters, do not have ergonomic shapes that allow their use and packaging comfortably, in addition the opening must always be done with scissors or some sharp element in the case of the bags, a situation that makes it difficult for the consumption of the drink and subjects it to the buyer having an instrument to open them.
On the other hand, these packages do not provide the possibility of standing up like a glass bottle, given for example that the flexible PET bags are bags, and not bottles.
Some single-dose beverage packages that exist in the market are also manufactured in two parts, or they are joined through heat or thermoformed on the front and on the back, generating waste because the forms of these packages are previously exempted in molds, when divided into two parts, generates surpluses of the used material, causing even more contamination.
So there is no single-dose bottle for alcoholic beverages that offers the preservation of the liquor inside for more than 6 months, which has a negative impact on the liquor industries since they cannot produce inventory due to the short duration of the product. Likewise, the experience of the final consumer is also affected whenever beverages in PET containers experience a change in taste and the modification of the ethyl component, because the alcohol concentration changes and there is a loss of organoleptic qualities that are normally found in drinks packed in glass bottle.
Thus it is established that the currently known bottles for packaging alcoholic beverages in single doses present the following problems:
They only use a thick PET layer, causing contamination of the beverage.
The present invention solves these problems since it provides a new, easy-open bottle of a new material for the packaging and distribution of single-dose bottles of liquor or spirits, which allows a duration of the content for a time greater than that known in the state of the art, that is, up to 2 years plus the shape allows the bottle to stand upright.
The present development is composed of 3 layers which provide the following advantages to the new bottle:
The first layer of polyethylene PE, a second layer of Polyethylene PET Polyerephthalate and the last layer of Polypropylene PP, which form a new material that allows the preservation of the alcoholic beverage intact for up to 27 months, the invention also has an easy opening system in its same structure, so it is no longer necessary for the consumer or end customer to open the bottle with scissors or other sharp elements that present risk to him and risk of damaging the bottle. Furthermore, after opening the bottle it is not possible to reuse it, which allows solving the problem of adulterated liquors that are generally repackaged in glass bottles due to the imperceptibility of their reuse.
On the other hand, the invention is a bottle configured in its lower part to remain standing, that is, it is not a bag with the difficulties of handling and packaging, but a bottle that is easy to carry and pack.
The solution provided by the present invention is the combination of 3 layers of plastic, specifically PE, PET and PP which produce a surprising effect since they result in the duration of the bottled spirit liquid for a longer time, when they last the longest in a PET packaging is 6 months, and it preserves the product without changing its flavor, so that each layer of material in the bottle fulfills a specific function for the preservation of the product.
PE Layer 1 is the one that is in contact with the alcohol-polystyrene, due to its properties there is no detachment of particles and contamination.
PET Layer 2 is the barrier that allows it not to evaporate or lose the alcohol.
PP Layer 3 is the one that allows the printing of brands and labels in very good resolution and duration. Said printing is mirror type, that is, the printing is made on the inside of this last layer, which prevents the detachment of the printing and adulteration of the product brand. Additionally, it contains a pigment-type attachment that allows the protection of alcohol against ultraviolet rays.
To complement the description that is being made and in order to help a better understanding of the characteristics of the invention, a set of drawings is attached as an integral part of said description, in which, with an illustrative and non-limiting nature, the following has been represented:
The present invention consists of the following parts
The present invention provides a new bottle with a new material for the packaging of alcoholic beverages in single-dose presentation in which the material of the invention is composed of 3 layers arranged in a specific order which have functions within the invention and together they produce a unique and new effect not previously known in the state of the art.
These layers have the function of a cava for liqueurs, due to the properties of their material, that is to say that the liquor through the new material revealed creates a dark chamber in which the alcohol packed there is preserved intact.
The first layer, PE (1) of polyethylene known as Polyethylene blown film is characterized by preventing the detachment of particles and contamination of the alcoholic beverage, this layer prevents the change of flavor of the liquor and is the inner layer that is in direct contact with the drink, the polyethylene is characterized for having a high chemical resistance which allows it not to be attacked or affected by alcohol.
The second layer, PET (2) of polyethylene terephthalate known as Polyethylene terephthalate acts as a barrier against light, prevents it from evaporating and losing the alcohol in the alcoholic beverage, it is also the layer that provides the bottle with firmness and stability to allow its resistance and to remain standing.
The third and last layer, PP (3) Polypropylene known as cast polypropylene film, has a thermal resistance at high temperatures and being the outermost layer provides extra protection against thermal changes, also due to its exterior and interior texture it lends itself to the printing of the high-resolution product labeling, where said printing is mirror-like, that is, it is printed on the inner face of this last layer, which prevents detachment and color change due to the product rubbing against other surfaces. This last layer also has an attachment type 25038-59-9 that protects alcohol or drink from ultraviolet rays, making the material resistant to light. This light protective pigment can be EU: 201-375-5.
The layers of the invention have a total sum of 330 microns, where PE (1) has a dimension of 250 microns, PET (2) a dimension of 50 microns 20 and PP (3) a dimension of 30 microns, in which each thickness is determined by the function that each one fulfills for the preservation of the alcoholic beverage.
In another embodiment of the invention it is observed that the layers of PE (1), PET (2), and PP (3) material can have the following thicknesses: a) 300, 50, 30 b) 25 300, 55, 35 or c) 430, 55 and 40 microns, respectively.
Likewise, said combination of layers in which PE (1) can be CAS 9002-88-4, PET (2) can be CAS 25038-59-9, and PP (2) can be CAS 9003-07-0 as a result a new material. The duration of the alcoholic beverage has been demonstrated through laboratory stability studies supported by the ONAC (National Accreditation Body of Colombia) in which an accelerated aging test was carried out in which the speed of physical decomposition is increased and/or chemistry of the product by creating environmental conditions of extreme conservation to determine the physical decomposition time taking into account the type of material and the content, and identify the kinetic parameters of the decomposition processes and predict the useful life of the product under conditions of normal storage.
The accelerated stability study was carried out on samples of the product in the bottle of the invention, single-dose bottles, specifically with Aguardiente and Rum liquor from the Industria Licorera de Caldas.
The accelerated stability study was carried out by applying an extreme temperature of 40° C.+2° C. and RH 75%+5% relative humidity to the samples, according to the following table:
Likewise, a natural stability study was carried out before and after study on the samples stored at temperatures of 25° C.+2° C. and 60%+5% relative humidity:
The aspects to be evaluated were the physicochemicals of the alcohol throughout the study time, the organoleptic or sensory aspects such as the appearance, color, odor throughout the study time.
Where 8 is the maximum rating against possible variations, which indicates that the product does not suffer alterations in its physicochemical characteristics.
The result of the analysis shows that when faced with extreme temperatures, the composition of the single-dose bottle of the invention did not significantly alter the quality of the product or alcoholic beverage housed in it.
1Methods accredited by ONAC Certificate of Accreditation 10-LAB-053 Renewal Date 2014 Sep. 5 Under ISO/IEC 17025: 200 Standard
Against the projection of the useful life in terms of accelerated aging conditions of 40° C.+2° C. and RH 75%+5%, characteristics such as alcoholic degree were evaluated, in
1. Data Projection and Analysis
Simple Regression—Alcoholic Grade vs. Time
Dependent Variable: Alcoholic Grade Independent Variable:
Linear Time: Y=a+b*X
Correlation Coefficient=−0.950066
R-squared=90.2625 percent
R-squared (adjusted for g.l.)=85.3937 percent
Standard error of the est. =0.149047
Mean absolute error=0.088
Durbin-Watson statistic=2.98328 (p=0.6907)
Auto correlation of residuals in lag 1=−0.60117
The output shows the results of fitting a linear model to describe the relationship between alcoholic strength and time. The equation of m tight model is
Alcoholic degree=36.663−0.0287*time
Since the −P value in the ANOVA table is less than 0.05, there is a statistically significant relationship between alcoholic strength and time with a 95% confidence level.
The R-Squared statistic indicates that the adjusted model explains 90.2625% of the variability in Alcoholic Grade. The correlation coefficient is equal to −0. 950066 indicating a relatively strong relationship between the variables
Predicted Values
This table shows the predicted values for Alcoholic Grade using a fitted model. In addition to the best predictions, the table shows:
(1) 95.0% forecast intervals for new observations
(2) 95% confidence intervals for the mean of several observations
The prediction and confidence intervals correspond to the internal and external bounds on the graph of the fitted model.
As a result, the study carried out by the laboratory indicated that the product, under normal conditions of temperature and relative humidity, remained without significant modifications compared to the sensory and physicochemical characteristics evaluated.
During the accelerator study of extreme conditions of temperature and relative humidity, the product maintains the evaluated quality characteristics within specifications; sensory characteristics such as color, smell and appearance were monitored. The alcoholic degree was taken as an indicator to make the calculation of the projection of the useful life time, as it is a priority condition for this type of products, which remained within the established specification.
In conclusion, taking into account the stability of the formulation, both from the sensory and physicochemical point of view, a shelf life of 27 months and a reliability of 95% is established for the product in the bottle of the invention provided that the product remains in the bottle and it is not damaged or altered, that is, as long as it is not opened and the alcoholic beverage is packaged in a bottle with the new multilayer material used in the accelerated stability study.
Another study carried out on the invention is the technical test of global and specific migration, which is required by INVIMA for the material to be accepted to accommodate liquid or solid content that is for human consumption.
In this global and specific migration test, the presence of metals and acids is measured on the tested material, in this case the multilayer material of the bottle of the invention. These laboratory tests determined that the material of the invention complies with the limits of global migration and specific migration of metals (Barium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lithium, Manganese, Zinc, Aluminum, Nickel), antimony trioxide, monoethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, terephthalic acid, isophthalic acid, acetaldehyde, 1-hexene and 1-octene established in Commission Regulation (EU) No. 10/2011 of Jan. 14, 2011, on plastic materials and objects intended to come into contact with food for the simulant tested under the exposure conditions evaluated and consequently complying with the analysis of toxicological risks due to migration of packaging material to the product; according to the provisions of Article 32, Decree 1686 of 2012 and Resolution No. 683 of 2012, according to the tests of certified Colombian and European laboratories, it was determined that the packaging complies with these parameters and is suitable for human consumption.
Specifically, the migration study for single-dose bottle of the new PE/PET/PP three-layer composite material indicated:
Specific Migration of 9 Metals (Ba, Co, Cu, Fe, Li, Mn, Zn, Al, Ni) in 50% Ethanol (v/v)*PAQ385 ICP-MS
From these tests it follows that the migration levels comply with the European standard UNE-EN 13130-1 since the maximum allowed concentration of lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium must not exceed 100 mg/kg in weight, and the tests show that the levels are almost imperceptible compared to the maximum allowed.
For plastic materials and objects, the maximum is 10 mg/dm2, maximum limits that are not revealed in the study either, since the values obtained are the following:
In the same way, given these results on the study of global and specific migration, the Colombian control entity INVIMA approved the material as suitable for human consumption, differentiating it from the PET individually considered, establishing that this is a new material suitable for packaging products for human consumption.
So that the single-dose bottle built with the combination of the three PE/PET/PP layers, technically improves the conservation of the alcoholic beverages housed in it, likewise it keeps the drink isolated from the presence of metals such as barium, cobalt, copper, iron, lithium, manganese, zinc, aluminum, and acids.
The three layers are joined together under the lamination method, generating a single piece that is later simply bent, without cuts, or separate molds, but in a single mold and in a single sheet the shape is extruded and then injected with air and finally filled with the alcoholic drink.
The manufacturing steps of the bottle would be to take the three layers described, they are shaped, subsequently laminated, filled with liquid, stamped, sealed around the shape and the easy open that constitutes a pre-cut is located.
The base or lower part of the bottle, when formed in a single piece, has an oval-shaped slit (5) with an internal diameter whose measurement is 12 and 16 mm wide and between 14 and 20 mm long, and of The inner diameter dimensions are preferably 15 mm wide and 18 mm long.
In the formation of the container, greater hardness is observed in the layer of the upper part of the bottle, and in the lower part, the layer of the base of the bottle is thinner, because it expands in its formation.
This form of production generates a final technical effect on the bottle, which is to stand up, otherwise, if it were made up of two molds, its final shape would be a kind of flexible PET sachets or shampoo cushion.
From another aspect of the invention, the revealed bottle has an easy-open system located at its upper end that consists of a pre-cut (4) with a drilling depth dimension of 0.3 mm and a length of 12 mm, which allows the consumer with three simple movements (
Once the cut of the upper part that emerges from the bottle to access the liquid has been made, it is observed that the bottle does not remain with burrs, but that it remains polished and without imperfections.
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
NC2018/0014032 | Dec 2018 | CO | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/CO2019/000016 | 12/18/2019 | WO | 00 |