A method and system to manage battery pack having a plurality of rechargeable battery cells connected in series is disclosed. The system comprises a plurality of identical voltage detection and charging modules, one for each of the plurality of battery cells. The system also comprises a multiplexer connected to and multiplexing each of the voltage detection and charging modules. Each of the modules has one or two wires connecting to the positive side of its corresponding battery cell and another set of one or two wires connecting to the negative side of the battery cell.

The present invention relates generally to battery charging and protection, and more particularly to voltage measurement for a plurality of rechargeable battery cells.


Many battery powered products require the use of multiple cell battery packs with the cells connected in series to achieve a high enough voltage for proper operation. The rechargeable type of battery packs need to be recharged periodically so that the powered operation can continue. And, special care needs to be taken to avoid damage to the battery cells during charging and operation. Two typical damages to battery cells are overcharging and deep-discharging.

Overcharging may cause severe damages to battery cells, and may even become safely concerns. Overcharging lithium-ion or lithium polymer batteries, for example, may cause thermal runaway, and the high temperature developed may lead to cell rupture. Fire hazards have been reported during charging as extreme cases. Therefore, much attention has been paid to battery overcharging and solutions have been designed to avoid battery damage and safety issues. The typical charging system developed applies one charger to charge all cells connected in series in a battery pack. Since all cells are not manufactured the same, some cells may charge faster than others. As such, charging a battery pack with a plurality of cells with a single charger can lead to overcharging some of the cells.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,079,303, issued to Cox or Mar. 14, 1978, discloses a two step charging system to charge all battery cells connected in series at an initial charging rate to a predetermined voltage threshold, followed by an equalization procedure for charging each of the cells with controlled and equal voltage to fully charged state. The disadvantage of such a system is that the equalization phase is based on a conservative estimate of a predetermined charging voltage threshold. And the charging process can be time consuming when the battery pack contains many cells.

A common practice of using a single charger to charge a battery pack of a plurality of cells is to use shunt circuit to bypass the charging circuit of each individual cell when it is fully charged to avoid overcharging and over heat. U.S. Pat. No. 6,388,424B1, issued to Hidaka et al on May 14, 2002, teaches a system for charging a plurality of lithium-ion battery cells connected in series. And, each of the cells has a shunt circuit connected in parallel with the cell. A comparator compares the charging voltage of each cell with a reference voltage. When the charging voltage is higher than the reference voltage, a switch is activated to direct the electricity to the shunt circuit for the cell. Although the invention is trying to supply the surplus energy to the next cell in line, this system inevitably causes energy waste for charging which is not friendly to the environment.

Another damage that can happen to battery cells is deep-discharging. And this is especially true for lithium-ion and lithium polymer batteries. When a charged battery pack of a plurality of cells is connected to a load, each cell is gradually discharged, and the cell voltage declines. When a cell is discharged below a defined low voltage threshold, further discharging may damage it. After that the cell may have degraded storage capacity. For example, a certain lithium-ion battery cell of the LiFePO4 variety should not be discharged below 2.5 volts to avoid deep-discharging damage. It is important, therefore, that care is taken to remove the battery load before the low cell voltage limit is reached.

Therefore, it is important to manage individual cells in a battery pack to effectively avoid over charging or deep-discharging of the each cell. For a battery pack of a plurality of cells, each cell can behave differently due to variations of manufacturing and parts supply. It is apparently advantageous to measure the voltage of each of the cells due to the type of uncertainties. In this way, when the voltage of any one of the plurality of the cells reaches a predetermined low voltage limit, a decision is made to unload the battery pack. And the battery pack is effectively protected. It is also advantageous to individually charge each of the plurality of cells in a battery pack so that no one cell is overcharged.

Therefore, there is a need for a simple and inexpensive way to manage each cell in a battery pack containing a plurality of cells for the best battery protection and extended battery life.


It is therefore an object of the invention to provide a method and a system to manage a loaded battery pack including a plurality of rechargeable battery cells.

According to one aspect of the invention, the battery managing system comprises a plurality of modules for voltage detection and charging, one for each of the plurality of battery cells. Each voltage detection and charging module comprises a voltage detection circuit to detect the voltage of the corresponding battery cell and a charger to charge the same battery cell. Optionally, a multiplexer is connected to the voltage detection and charging modules to allow scanning of multiple cells for voltage detection.

According to another aspect of the invention, each voltage detection and charging module is connected to its corresponding battery cell with one or two wires to the positive side of the battery cell and another set of one or two wires to the negative side of the battery cell;

According to yet another aspect of the invention, the voltage detection for each of the plurality of battery cells is in process when the battery pack is in loaded operation, and the charging for each of the plurality of battery cells happens when the battery pack is not loaded.

According to yet another aspect of the invention, all the voltage detection and charging modules for the plurality of battery cells are identical to each other and are interchangeable.

According to yet another aspect of the invention, during loaded battery operation when a battery cell voltage is detected below a predetermined low voltage limit the load is removed from the battery pack for protection.

According to yet another aspect of the invention, the charger for each of the plurality of battery cells includes a control circuit to detect the voltage of the corresponding battery cell and to end charging when the cell voltage reaches a predetermined high voltage limit.


These and other objects and features of the invention will become more fully apparent from the following description and appended claims taken in conjunction with the following drawings, where like reference numbers and alphanumeric names indicate identical or functionally similar elements.

FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a voltage detection circuit connected to a battery cell;

FIG. 2 is a series of charts showing electrical signals changing with time for 4 cases when applying the circuit in FIG. 1 for voltage detection;

FIG. 3 shows a wave form of Case C in FIG. 2 for one full cycle, including the positive half cycle and the negative half cycle;

FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of voltage detection of 4 battery cells connected in series, based on the circuit in FIG. 1;

FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram of a voltage detection and charging circuit for 4 battery cells connected in series, based on the circuit in FIG. 4; and

FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram of the voltage detection and charging module for a battery cell taking out of FIG. 5.

FIG. 7 is an alternative schematic diagram of FIG. 6 including additional wires between the battery cell and the voltage detection and charging module.


The present description will be directed in particular to elements forming part of, or cooperating more directly with, methods and apparatus in accordance with the present invention. It is to be understood that elements not specifically shown or described may take various forms well known to those skilled in the art.

FIG. 1 shows a circuit to detect the voltage of a battery cell. A current limited square wave generator 2 is connected to a battery cell 4 with voltage Vb. And, current limited square wave generator 2 and battery cell 4 are referenced to a common ground. Square wave generator 2 produces voltage wave form Vg that has a series of waves with frequency F. Each wave has a positive phase and a negative phase, or a positive cycle and a negative cycle, with a peak-to-peak voltage amplitude Vg-pp. When square wave generator 2 is not loaded, the wave form Vg is a square wave with maximum peak-to-peak voltage Vg-pp-max. When it is loaded enough to cause current limiting, wave form Vg changes shape according to the load, and its amplitude Vg-pp may be lower than Vg-pp-max. The circuit in FIG. 1 includes a capacitor C and two diodes d1 and d2 that separate the circuit to two current loops depending on the phase of wave form Vg from square wave generator 2. When Vb is low enough relative to Vg, and square wave generator 2 sends out a positive phase of a wave, electrical current I=I1 travels in the direction from capacitor C through diode d1 to the positive side of battery cell 4. When a negative phase is sent electrical current I=I2 travels in the direction from the negative side of battery cell 4 through diode d2 to capacitor C. Diodes d1 and d2 can be replaced with other types of rectifiers that allow one way current flow.

The voltage of cell 4, Vb, can be measured for two distinctively different purposes: the first is to track the cell voltage to prevent overcharging during charging or to determine the status of the cell during operation; the second is to prevent deep-discharging during operation. The circuit of FIG. 1 can serve both purposes. During an operation when a battery pack is used to power a load (not shown), cell 4 is gradually discharged as energy is delivered to the load. Consequently, the voltage of cell 4, Vb, goes lower and lower. At a certain point, Vb will decline to reach a predetermined low voltage limit Vb-low, below which damage to cell 4 can happen.

Square wave generator 2 has current limit indicator |L| that is high whenever the generator is current limited in either positive direction, wherein I=I1 is greater than 0, or negative direction, wherein I=I2 is greater than 0. In other words, limit indicator |L| being high is a signal that wave form Vg from square wave generator 2 is current limited. Indicator |L| can be derived from electrical current I in FIG. 1. For example, an amplifier can be built into the circuit to take current I as input. In this way, even a small signal of I causes the amplifier to output a strong signal. Indicator |L| devised in such a way is a current indicator. Other implementations exist to produce the same output. As will be delineated in the next paragraphs, by measuring the change of indicator |L|, whether Vb of cell 4 has reached the low voltage limit, Vb-low, can be detected. The low voltage limit detection can also be made with direct measurement of current I, or voltage Vg, with implementation of circuits known by those with ordinary skill in the art.

To detect whether Vb of cell 4 has reached low voltage limit, Vb-low, the current limited maximum peak-to-peak voltage amplitude, Vg-pp-max, of the wave Vg from generator 2 needs to be set to a predetermined value according to low voltage limit Vb-low of cell 4, voltages across diodes d1 and d2, and voltage across capacitor C, as will be described subsequently.

According to FIG. 2, there are four states as voltage Vb of cell 4 decreases and crosses low voltage limit Vb-low. They are Case A, Case B, Case C, and Case D, respectively. In FIG. 2, wave form Vg, current I, and indicator |L| are plotted as functions of time for the four different cases. In each of the four cases, steady state is assumed after capacitor C is initially charged.

For Case A, Vb is substantially higher than the predetermined low voltage limit Vb-low. And, Vb is even higher than maximum peak-to-peak voltage amplitude Vg-pp-max of wave Vg. Therefore, diode d1 and diode d2 do not conduct and no current flows, that is, I1=I2=0 for the full period of Vg. As a result, square wave Vg is undistorted. As shown in FIG. 2 as Case A, Vg is a perfect square wave, because there is no current flow, i.e., I=0. Therefore, indicator |L| stays 0.

As cell 4 in FIG. 1 discharges and Vb goes lower, to a certain point, Vb will become somewhat lower than maximum peak-to-peak voltage Vg-pp-max. Then, Case B of FIG. 2 happens. At this point, diode d1 conducts for part of the positive cycle and diode d2 conducts for part of the negative cycle. And the activities alternately add to and subtract from the capacitor's initial charge. When generator 2 is loaded by current flow for part of the positive cycle and part of the negative cycle, wave form Vg cannot maintain its original square shape. And, generator 2 resorts to drive the load with its limited constant current, in partial positive or negative phases, in an effort to restore Vg to its unloaded shape and value. The necessary voltage change across capacitor C for Case B is so small that it takes only part of half cycle to restore Vg to its unloaded shape and value. Once Vg reaches steady state, current I subsides, as shown in FIG. 2 as Case B. In this case, indicator |L| is high when current I has its limit current flowing during the time Vg is ramping to its steady state value on each of the partial half cycles.

As cell 4 further discharges, Vb goes lower further. Therefore, it takes longer for Vg to reach steady state. To a certain point, the time it takes for Vg to reach steady state is exactly the length of a half cycle of wave form Vg, hence Case C of FIG. 2. For Case C, generator 2 is not able to restore its unloaded voltage until at the end of each positive phase or negative phase. As a result, current I=I1 stays constant for the entire positive phase of a wave as it flows through diode d1. And the same is true for the entire negative phase of the wave as current flows through diode d2 as I=I2. The positive phase current I=I1 and the negative phase current I=I2 are equal in absolute value but opposite in flow direction from generator 2. Consequently, indicator |L| is constantly high for the full wave period for Case C.

Finally, for Case D, Vb is lower still because cell 4 is further discharged. Current I flows during both half cycles, just as in Case C. The difference is that peak-to-peak amplitude Vg-pp of wave form Vg, is reduced from that of Case C. This is because current I flowing through diode d1 in the positive cycle and through diode d2 in the negative cycle fails to fully recover Vg to its stead state shape and value and to its maximum peak-to-peak voltage Vg-pp-max.

Considering the special properties of Case C, if Vb is slightly higher than that of Case C, the limit current indicator |L| is either off or pulsing high for partial half cycle. When Vb reaches the value of Case C, the pulsing stops and indicator |L| remains high. Since the transition of |L| from low, i.e., Case A, or partially low, i.e., Case B, to high, i.e., Case C, is detectable, |L| can be used for the detection of battery cell voltage Vb being low. To make this detection a possibility, it is critical, then, to select electrical components C, d1 and d2, and a wave form Vg having a matched maximum peak-to-peak voltage amplitude Vg-pp-max and frequency.

The following example, in connection with FIG. 3, numerically illustrates the selection of wave form Vg and components C, d1 and d2 for the detection of voltage Vb of cell 4 in FIG. 1 being low.

First, let's assume that the low voltage limit of cell 4 in FIG. 1 is Vb-low=2.8 V, and that operation temperature is 25° C. The limited current I is designed to be 1 mA. Since I is very small, it does not substantially affect the voltage of cell 4. The components of the circuit in FIG. 1 are selected as follows: capacitor C with capacitance of 1.00 μF; diode d1 and diode d2 with Vd1=Vd2=0.575 V (I=I mA at 25° C.). Wave form Vg is set to have frequency F=10 KHz. The last parameter to decide is the value for maximum peak-to-peak voltage Vg-pp-max.

Since current I for Case C is constant on each of the positive and negative half cycles, the slope of the voltage ramp can be calculated as

I/C=1×10−3/1×10−6=103 V/S.

Because the time for each half cycle is ½F=½×(104)−1=50×10−6 S, the voltage change on the half cycle ramp is

(103 V/S)×(50×10−6 S)=50 mV.

As such, Vg-pp-max should be equal to the summation of cell voltage Vb plus the voltage drops at diodes d1 and d2 and 50 mV. In other words, Vg-pp would be larger than the summation of cell voltage Vb plus the voltage drop at diode d1 by 25 mV at the positive excursion of wave form Vg, and 25 mV below the summation of cell voltage Vb plus the voltage drop at diode d2 at the negative excursion. This happens because capacitor C acquires whatever nominal charge necessary to make the positive and negative charge excursions equal. The capacitor therefore makes a +25 mV to −25 mV transition from its nominal charge on the first ramp, and the opposite on the second, so that each ramp traverses 50 mV. Therefore, the equation of voltage balance can be written as:

d2+50 mV.


g-pp-max=2.8+0.575+0.5754+0.05=4.00 V.

Therefore, to detect cell 4 of FIG. 1 against a low voltage limit Vb-low=2.8 V and with components selected in this example, a maximum peak-to-peak voltage Vg-pp-max=4.00 V is determined for wave form Vg.

The detection of voltage low for cell 4 in FIG. 1 follows the cases illustrated in FIG. 2. In an operation when cell 4 is loaded and discharged, voltage Vb goes lower and lower. Initially Vb is substantially above the low voltage limit Vb-low. And, current I from generator 2 and indicator |L| both stay low. This is Case A. At a certain point when Vb is reduced close to low voltage limit Vb-low, Case B happens, where current I flows for part of each the half cycle and indicator |L| pulses. Further discharging of cell 4 leads to Case C. That is, current flows for full positive and negative cycles, and indicator |L| stays high all the time. At this point, voltage of cell for is detected to reach low voltage limit Vb-low.

The same circuit in FIG. 1 can be used for measuring of voltage Vb of cell 4. Instead of setting maximum peak-to-peak voltage Vg-pp-max to a determined value according to the parameters of components C, d1 and d2, and the predetermined low voltage limit Vb-low for cell 4, Vg-pp-max starts from a predetermined low value and incrementally increases during the detection process. The voltage detection process also follows the cases in FIG. 2. When Vg-pp-max is lower than Vb, Case A of FIG. 2 happens. As Vg-pp-max incrementally increases, at a certain point it is slightly above Vd1+Vb+Vd2. This leads to Case B, when current I from generator 2 flows for part of each the half cycle and indicator |L| pulses. Further increases Vg-pp-max will trigger Case C shown in FIG. 2, where current flows for full positive and negative cycles, and indicator |L| stays high all the time. In this way, Case C is the detection of cell 4 voltage Vb. Using the assumptions and component selection of the above example, Vb can be calculated as

d2−50 mV,

where Vg-pp-max is the maximum peak-to-peak voltage of wave form Vg when Case C happens.

The cell voltage detection capability provided by the method described above can produce battery status update based on actual measurements instead of estimates based on usage. When cell voltage is running low, an alert can be produced to warn the operator. And, when a cell in the battery pack malfunctions, for example, with low voltage or charging failure, warning can be produced to have the cell replaced.

For accurate detection, the forward voltage drops Vd1 and Vd2 of diodes d1 and d2 need to be specified for certain limited current used, for instance, the 1 mA as in the previous example. Fortunately tightly specified diodes are available inexpensively. One issue is that the temperature of the diodes is not always going to be 25° C. or at a fixed value. So temperature compensation is necessary for accurate measurement. One method of temperature compensation is to accurately measure the temperatures of diodes d1 and d2, and interpolate the true voltage drops Vd1 and Vd2 according to established voltage drop and temperature correlation. Diode voltage drop and temperature correlation can be provided by vendor or established in lab. Another method is to control the diode temperature to a narrow range during operation so that the diodes have constant voltage drops. Conventional methods for temperature control of electronics exist and can be selected and implemented by one of ordinary skill in the art.

A practical method of temperature compensation of diodes d1 and d2 in FIG. 1 is to match a pair of diodes in the circuit of square wave generator 2 so that voltage Vg-pp-max is actually composed of a portion caused by diode temperature change. Ideally, the output voltage Vg of wave generator 2 includes the voltage drops of two diodes identical to d1 and d2. In addition the matching diodes in wave generator 2 also have 1 mA of current flowing through and are at the same temperature as that of d1 and d2. In this way, when temperature changes, Vg-pp-max will change with temperature the same amount that voltage drop Vd1+Vd2 changes, and the temperature effects on d1 and d2 are thereby compensated for. To maintain diodes d1 and d2 and their matching diodes in generator 2 at the same temperature, the 4 diodes can be physically placed at close vicinity or in contact with each other. Or, they can be thermally connected. In other words, they can be connected by a structure that has high thermal conductivity, or convective media, if there is a distance between them.

Turning to FIG. 4, the voltage detection circuit of FIG. 1 is applied to detect voltages of 4 cells in a battery pack. Because the circuit for each cell is identical, the practice can be expanded to detect voltages of many cells in a battery pack, whether the cells are connected in series or in parallel. In practice, the limit to the number of cells in a battery pack is the voltage and current required for the operation, in addition to cost consideration. In FIG. 4, square wave generator 12 is shared by 4 circuits for the battery cells 22, 24, 26 and 28. Each circuit is connected to one battery cell at one end and to a common analog signal multiplexer 16 at the other end. Multiplexer 16 can include control logics or a processor that can manage multiple tasks. The wave signal from square wave generator 12 is manipulated by multiplexer 16 and sent to cells 22, 24, 26 and 28 sequentially. Each of the 4 circuits for voltage detection of individual cells 22, 24, 26 and 28 are identical to each other. That is, capacitors C1, C2, C3 and C4 are identical. And diodes D1 and D2 are identical to D3 and D4, to D5 and D6, and to D7 and D8.

FIG. 4 includes a Case C detector 14 to take indicator |L| and Vg-pp-max as input and determine voltage detection according to the criteria described in previous paragraphs related to FIG. 1. When a predetermined maximum peak-to-peak voltage Vg-pp-max is set according to cell low voltage limit, Case C detection of |L| high for a battery cell means that voltage of the battery cell has reached the low voltage limit. A decision will be made to remove the load (not shown) and stop the operation. When the detection process starts at a low Vg-pp-max and incrementally increases, indicator |L| low means voltage for the cell being tested is not yet detected. And indicator |L| high, or Case C, means that that voltage of the battery cell is detected. Voltage for the cell is calculated according to the formula provided above. Since cell voltage normally changes slowly while being discharged with nominal currents, it is sufficient to sample it periodically rather than making continuous measurements. Therefore, sequenced and multiplexed measurements are suitable for most cell voltage measurement and low voltage detection purposes.

In FIG. 4, the capacitors and diodes can be located either near their respective cells. Or they can be placed remote from the cells but close to multiplexer 16. Since there are not many wires in the circuits, both cases are feasible. As disclosed previously, it's important to compensate the diodes for temperature change, in order to accurately detect cell voltage.

Now turning to FIG. 5, each individual voltage detection circuit in FIG. 4 is coupled with a battery charger. Four battery chargers 32, 34, 36 and 38 are used to charge battery cells 22, 24, 26 and 28, respectively. FIG. 5 shows that each battery charger has 2 wires to connect to its respective cell. But common wire sharing by adjacent chargers is possible. The charger can be a type of lithium-ion or lithium polymer battery charging device that is commercial available. Lithium-ion and lithium polymer batteries have high voltage limit above which damage to battery cell can happen. As such, battery chargers 32, 34, 36 and 38 preferably include their own circuits for detecting the battery charging state, manipulating charging rate when charging voltage approaches the high voltage limit, and ending charging when the high voltage limit is reached. Comparing with the voltage detection circuit of FIG. 4, the detection circuit included in a battery charger can has the advantage of manipulating and controlling the behavior of the charger.

The capacitors and the diodes of an each detection circuit in FIG. 5 can be located next to their coupled charger. For example, capacitor C1, diodes D1 and D2, and charger 32 can be placed in close vicinity or packaged together in the same housing. Further the detection and charging components can be placed close to battery cell 22. The voltage detection components and battery chargers of FIG. 5 can take other arrangements as optimal to battery pack integration.

Since the detection circuit and cell charger for each of the battery cells in FIG. 5 are simple and identical, it is possible to design and package them as a module. Such an embodiment is further depicted in FIG. 6, which is taken out of FIG. 5 as module 30 for cell 22. Module 30 contains voltage detection components C1, D1 and D2, and charger 32. Preferably, these components are standard components available from the market. They can be packaged closely together. For example, they can be assembled in a small housing on a mass production assembly line as air intermediate product. Though module 30 is taken out of FIG. 5 as connected to cell 22, it can be connected to any of the 4 cells because all the detection aid charging modules are identical. During battery pack integration, the number of modules 30 are selected to match the number of battery cells in the battery pack. Then each module 30 is connected to a battery cell. Since modules 30 are modularized and wiring is simple, no attention need to be paid to match module and cell. As such, the integration or assembly process is simple aid can be error free. During operation when one module experiences an issue, it can be replaced without touching other modules in the same battery pack. Therefore, a modular device for voltage detection and battery charging, such as module 30 of FIG. 6, significantly reduces the complexity and greatly simplifies the integration and maintenance.

Module 30 can be further simplified by shared wiring of voltage detection and charging. For many applications, charging and discharging of a battery pack do not need to take place simultaneously. For example, for a battery powered vehicle, battery charging happens when the vehicle is stopped and connected to a charging station. At the time, it is proper to temporarily remove the load from the battery. And, the need for voltage detection is during battery in operation. This is especially true when battery chargers, such as many commercially available types, have the capability to detect battery voltage and control the charging process. In this case charger 32 in FIG. 6 includes a voltage detection circuit that senses the voltage of battery cell 22 and controls charger 32 during a charging event accordingly. As such, module 30 in FIGS. 5 and 6 only has two wires connecting to the cell, one wire to the positive side of the cell and the other to the negative side of the cell. And, the same wiring used for cell voltage detection by the detection circuit that includes capacitor C1 and diodes D1 and D2 is also used for charging: voltage detection happens during battery in operation; and charging happens when battery voltage is low and is not in operation. It can also be seen in FIGS. 5 and 6 that only 1 wire connects module 30 to shared multiplexer 16 because the circuit return to common is accomplished through the battery pack.

An alternative of Module 30 of FIG. 6 is shown in FIG. 7 to have extra wiring and to include a secondary voltage detection circuit 40. Charger 32 is connected to battery cell 22 through wires 42 and 44. And the secondary voltage detection circuit 40 shares the same wiring 46 and 48 with the main detection circuit that includes capacitor C1 and diodes D1 and D2 to connect to battery cell 22. In this way voltage detection by the main voltage detection circuit as illustrated in FIG. 5 or by the secondary voltage detection circuit 40 can detect the voltage of the battery cells 22, 24, 26 and 28 when the cells are being charged without being affected by the voltage drop caused by the charging current. Therefore, the circuit of FIG. 7 can be applied to the cases where cell charging and voltage detection need to happen simultaneously. In FIG. 7, V Detector 40 represents an example that a voltage detection circuit is included in the packaging of charger 32 available to purchase from the market.

Back to FIG. 5, the components that are shared by the voltage detection and cell charging modules, include multiplexer 16, wave generator 12, and Case C detector 14. All these shared components can be packaged together. For example, they can be assembled on a single PCB. Then, the PCB can be placed close to the detection and charging modules, thereby assuring isothermal conditions for accurate temperature compensation.

The number of cells connected together in a battery pack, and measured with the method of this invention is only limited by the voltage ratings of the capacitors used and the required sampling time and frequency, making this technique very powerful. In addition, the low cost of the components associated with each cell allows for economical use with a many cell pack.

It is understood that the above-described invention is merely illustrative of the possible specific embodiments which may represent principles of the present invention. Other arrangements may readily be devised in accordance with these principles by those skilled in the art without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention.

  • 1. A method for managing a rechargeable battery cell that is connected to a load, comprising the steps of: detecting the battery cell voltage with a first voltage detection circuit;charging the battery cell with a charger; andwherein the first voltage detection circuit and the charger are connected to the positive side of the battery cell with less than 3 wires, and connected to the negative side of the battery cell with less than 3 wires.
  • 2. The method as recited in claim 1 wherein: the first voltage detection circuit and the charger share common wiring connecting to the battery cell, with one shared wire connecting to the positive side of the battery cell and one shared wire connecting to the negative side of the battery cell; andwherein the detecting the battery cell voltage happens when the battery cell is in loaded operation, and the charging the battery cell happens when the battery cell is not in loaded operation.
  • 3. The method as recited in claim 1 wherein: when the battery cell voltage is detected below a predetermined low voltage limit the load is removed from the battery cell.
  • 4. The method as recited in claim 1 wherein: the first voltage detection circuit and the charger are assembled in a single housing.
  • 5. The method as recited in claim 1, further comprising the steps of: detecting the battery cell voltage during charging with a second battery voltage detection circuit proximate the charger; andending charging when the cell voltage reaches a predetermined high voltage limit.
  • 6. The method as recited in claim 1 wherein: the first voltage detection circuit and the charger have separate wiring connecting to the battery cell, the first voltage detection circuit having a first wire connecting to the positive side of the battery cell and a second wire connecting to the negative side of the battery cell, the charger having a third wire connecting to the positive side of the battery cell and a fourth wire connecting to the negative side of the battery cell.
  • 7. The method as recited in claim 1 wherein: the battery cell voltage is detected by the first voltage defection circuit during loaded operation, and by the a second voltage detection circuit proximate the charger when the battery cell is charged.
  • 8. A method for managing a battery pack having a plurality of rechargeable battery cells, the battery pack is connected to a load, comprising the steps of: performing the steps as recited in claim 1 for each of the plurality of rechargeable battery cells; andmultiplexing voltage detection of the plurality of battery cells with a multiplexer.
  • 9. The method as recited in claim 8 wherein: the plurality of rechargeable battery cells are connected in series.
  • 10. The method as recited in claim 8 wherein: for each of the plurality of rechargeable battery cells the first voltage detection circuit and the charger share common wiring connecting to the battery cell, with one shared wire connecting to the positive side of the battery cell and one shared wire connecting to the negative side of the battery cell; andwherein the detecting the battery cell voltage for each of the plurality of battery cells happens when the battery pack is in loaded operation, and the charging the battery cell for each of the plurality of battery cells happens when the battery pack is not in loaded operation.
  • 11. The method as recited in claim 8 wherein: when the voltage of any of the plurality of battery cells is detected below a predetermined low voltage limit the load is removed from the battery pack.
  • 12. The method as recited in claim 8 wherein: for each of the plurality of battery cells the first voltage detection circuit and the charger are assembled in a single housing.
  • 13. The method as recited in claim 8 wherein: the module including the first voltage detection circuit and the charger is identical for each of the plurality of battery cells.
  • 14. The method as recited in claim 8, further comprising the steps of: detecting the battery cell voltage for each of the plurality of battery cells during charging of the battery pack; andending charging of a battery cell of the voltage for the battery cell reaches a predetermined high voltage limit.
  • 15. The method as recited in claim 14 wherein: the detection of the battery cell voltage during charging is done by a second voltage detection circuit included in the charger.
  • 16. The method as recited in claim 8 wherein: for each of the plurality of battery cells the first voltage detection circuit and the charger have separate wiring connecting to the battery cell, the first voltage detection circuit having a first wire connecting to the positive side of the battery cell and a second wire connecting to the negative side of the battery cell, the charger having a third wire connecting to the positive side of the battery cell and a fourth wire connecting to the negative side of the battery cell.
  • 17. A battery managing system for a battery pack having a plurality of rechargeable battery cells connected in series, the battery pack is connected to a load, comprising: a voltage detection and charging module for each of the plurality of battery cells, the module for a battery cell including a voltage detection circuit to detect the voltage of the battery cell and a charger to charge the battery cell, the module being connected to the respective battery cell with less than three wires to the positive side of the battery cell and less than three wires to the negative side of the battery cell;a multiplexer connected to each voltage detection and charging module to control the voltage detection; andwherein the voltage detection for each of the plurality of battery cells happens when the battery pack is in loaded operation, and the charging for each of the plurality of battery cells happens when the battery pack is not in loaded operation.
  • 18. The battery managing system as recited in claim 17 wherein: during loaded battery operation when the voltage of any of the plurality of the battery cells is detected below a predetermined low voltage limit the load is removed from the battery pack.
  • 19. The battery managing system as recited in claim 17 wherein: for each of the plurality of battery cells the module that includes the voltage detection circuit and the charger is identical and assembled in a single housing.
  • 20. The battery managing system as recited in claim 17, wherein: the charger for each of the plurality of battery cells includes a control circuit to detect the voltage of the battery cell, and to end charging when the cell voltage reaches a predetermined high voltage limit.

This is a 111A Application of Provisional Application Ser. No. 61/737,048, filed on Dec. 13, 2012, entitled CELL VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT MEANS FOR A MULTI CELL BATTERY PACK by John Manford Wade.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
61737048 Dec 2012 US