Depicts initial or final stowed arrangement, emphasizing its unique ability for convenient handling, storage and savings in transportation needs.
Illustrates folding and unfolding modes, utilizing accessories, locking and retaining devices as required.
Demonstrates various extension abilities, applying accessories to achieve maximum requirements.
Portrays several stepladder arrangements, beginning with minimal step stool & upwards to typical step laddering systems & heights.
Sections thru central pivotal rung areas revealing two piece rung (17), bonded together with detention bar with two pins attachment, permitting folding and unfolding progression (
Symbolizes pivotal rung motions in its various capabilities.
Use of retainers on stepladder systems downsides, preventing rungs from unwanted movement.
Typical section thru channel upright (16) & rung (17) with pinning attachment.
Shows top levelers (20) & section depicting connection to channel upright (16) in stepladder systems.
Outlines single lock bracket (lock pins & cotter pins required at assembly)
Outlines dual lock brackets (lock pins & cotter pins required at assembly)
Outlines retainers (lock pins & cotter pins required at assembly)