The invention relates to optical fibers designed for space-division multiplexing (SDM). More specifically it relates to optical fibers that efficiently transmit optical signals in multiple modes without substantial crosstalk.
(The following may or may not constitute prior art)
Previous work on multiple mode optical fibers for mode-division multiplexing focused on step and graded index (GRIN) fiber designs for optimized two LP mode fibers (having three spatial modes). We have also disclosed GRIN fiber designs with 1% core relative deltas, including a shelf and trench in the cladding, which are optimized to support four LP modes (having six spatial modes).
We have now designed GRIN fibers with lower core relative delta (near 0.8%) which have desirable properties for transmission. These lower delta fibers will have lower attenuation losses due to reduced Rayleigh scattering, which is desirable to improve performance. We have also designed fibers with optimized raised triangle, depressed cladding profiles to support two and four LP modes. Recently work on fibers designed to support space-division multiplexing (SDM) has been reported, for example see. This work has generally focused either on fibers that contain multiple cores with weak coupling between the cores or on fibers with a single core that supports the propagation of a few modes.
Interest in SDM is mainly due to the impending “capacity crunch,” in which the fundamental, non-linear Shannon limit to increasing the spectral efficiency of fiber optic transmission will force carriers to deploy fiber cables at an accelerating rate, rather than simply deploying faster transmitters at decreasing marginal cost-per bit, thus destroying the economics of the backbone network. A rich new medium with 100× to 1000× times the capacity of standard single mode fiber (SSMF) would be required. Few mode fiber (FMF) technology combined with multi-core fiber technology might create such a medium. The following portion of the specification will review the single-core FMF work, also briefly touching upon the concept of supermodes using strongly coupled multicore fiber. For use in high capacity SDM transmission it is desirable that the waveguide:
It will be noted that alternative suggestions have been put forward as to the most beneficial properties for FMFs. In the following portion of the specification we will discuss FMF design strategies for step index and graded index fibers and consider the inevitable tradeoffs that will be made in trying to achieve a design that meets any set of objectives. Recent fiber design and transmission experiments over few-mode fiber have been conducted with two limits in mind. In one case, it is assumed that mode coupling in an N-mode fiber will be confined to a subset of M modes where M<N. In one example of this low mode-coupling paradigm, the fiber supported five spatial modes (comprising LP01, LP11, and LP21), where the only strong couplings were between LP11a and LP11b and then between LP21a and LP21b. So it was only necessary to implement two 4×4 MIMO recovery algorithms instead of one 10×10 MIMO algorithm. In another paradigmatic case, it is assumed that all N fiber spatial modes mix sufficiently such that full 2N×2N MIMO recovery of the signals is necessary (where 2N accounts for two polarizations for each spatial mode). In prior work independent data streams were multiplexed onto three independent spatial modes (comprising LP01, LP11) and their x- and y-polarizations were then demultiplexed by a 6×6 MIMO recovery algorithm over 10 km, then 96 km, and then 1200 km. In the case of 96 km transmission, large penalties were observed for reduced complexity 4×4 MIMO demodulation of LP11a and LP11b. This is the more complex case for receiver design and implementation. In the former case, the fiber design must maintain a relatively large Δβ between nearest neighbor modes to reduce distributed mode coupling. In the latter case, a smaller Δβ between guided modes would beneficially slow the accumulation of DGD as a function of length and mitigate the effects of DMA through stronger mode mixing (within and between the low-loss modes).
In this context, it is interesting as well as important to consider that DMA, mode coupling, and maximum accumulated DGD are inter-related quantities. Consider the schematic diagram of fiber mode propagation constants in
The strength of coupling between bound modes which carry signals and the lossy or leaky modes are governed by Eq. 11.5, leading to microbending loss in the presence of cable stress. Microbending loss for the lowest bound mode is a strong function of Δβlossy, so maximizing Δβlossy is also a condition for minimizing DMA. In an ideal case for the strong mode-mixing paradigm, all Δβij would be small, βmin would be relatively large, and Δβλ0σσψ>>Δβij. This would result in a fiber where modes couple strongly in pairwise fashion leading to 1) accumulation of DGD which is proportional to the square root of the fiber length (see Eq. 11.7) even over shorter links of a few hundred km and 2) mitigation of the deleterious impact of DMA. Furthermore macro- and microbending of the lowest guide mode would be small, leading to low DMA. In fact, these are difficult conditions to fulfill. It is typical that the spacing between adjacent modes does not vary strongly over a few modes, and there is typically no abrupt change in mode spacing across the cladding index. In other words, it is challenging to design a fiber to promote mixing between multiple low loss bound modes while simultaneously minimizing the loss of the lowest bound mode.
Since low DMA is a fundamental requirement, we conclude that βmin must be kept greater than some threshold for low macrobending and Δβlossy (typically similar to Δβij) must be kept large enough to minimize microbending loss. Once these two criteria are fulfilled, there will typically be little flexibility to manipulate the magnitude of Δβij.
Consider a circularly symmetric optical fiber with cladding of infinite radial extent and radially varying index of refraction as shown in
where a is the core radius, α is the core shape parameter. The ideal step index core shape occurs when α becomes infinite.
It can be shown that the effective index, β/k, of a mode guided by this waveguide structure must satisfy the inequality
nclad<β/k<ncore (2)
where β is the propagation constant of the mode and k=2π/λ is the propagation constant of a plane wave in free space. When the effective index is greater than the cladding index the solutions for the transverse fields in the cladding region are radially evanescent and therefore the modal energy is confined within the waveguide structure and the mode is referred to as a guided mode. A mode is said to be cutoff when its effective index is equal to the cladding index since the solutions for the transverse fields in the cladding is oscillatory, rather than evanescent, and energy is carried away from the fiber axis. In general it is desirable for a mode to have effective index far above the cladding index since this results in rapid decay of the evanescent field in the cladding, and it being less susceptible to bending losses.
When the weakly guiding assumption holds, i.e., when (ncore−nclad)/nclad<<1, then the waveguide properties can be accurately approximated by linearly polarized modes that have no longitudinal field components, i.e., the polarization is in the plane transverse to the fiber axis. The fields and characteristic equation of the linearly polarized modes can be described by simple analytic formulas that simplify calculation of the waveguide properties. The properties of the LP modes are a good approximation of those of the real modes of weakly guiding fibers over a wide range of conditions. For these reasons, the LP mode analysis is often used when considering typical optical fibers used in optical communications systems. The LP modes correspond to degenerate groups of the HE, TE and TM modes given by the more general analysis that does not make use the weakly guiding approximation. For the LP modes with no azimuthal variation of the fields, i.e., the azimuthal mode number is zero, the LP modes are comprised of two degenerate modes; the two polarizations of the HE1x modes. For the LP modes with azimuthal variation of the fields, i.e., the azimuthal mode number is greater than zero, then the LP modes are comprised of four nearly degenerate modes; a set of HE, EH, TE and TM modes. The LPlm nomenclature is generally used to name the individual linearly polarized modes. Here the azimuthal and radial mode-numbers are given by l and m, respectively. The lowest order LP01 mode is often referred to as the fundamental mode and corresponds to the two polarizations of the HE11 mode. The first higher-order mode, the LP11 mode, is comprised of the two polarizations of the HE21 mode and the TM01 and TE01 modes, i.e., four nearly degenerate “real” modes.
The normalized frequency of a step index fiber is defined as
V=ka(ncore2−nclad2)1/2≈kncorea√{square root over (2θ)} (3)
where Δ=(ncore−nclad)/nclad. The normalized frequency is sometimes referred to as the waveguide strength because any given guided mode will be better confined to the core, i.e more strongly guided, when the waveguide has a larger value of V.
when V is less than 2.405, then only the fundamental LP01 satisfies the condition that the effective index is greater than nclad and therefore the fiber is single-moded. When V is greater than 2.405 then additional modes satisfy the propagation condition and the fiber supports the propagation of more than one LP mode.
When designing the index profile of a single mode fiber it is usual to place the V value slightly greater than 2.405 at the shortest operating wavelength, say V˜2.8. Even though the fiber can theoretically support the propagation of the LP11 mode, the effective index of the LP11 mode is very low and the loosely bound LP11 mode is susceptible to excess loss caused by bending and waveguide imperfections. With a fiber of this design under practical deployment conditions, the LP11 is effectively cutoff because of the excess losses that result from bending. This design trick of operating the waveguide at V-number slightly above the cutoff V-number results in a “stronger waveguide” and therefore the fundamental mode has better mode confinement and lower susceptibility to bending loss than would be otherwise possible. This same design approach can be used when designing FMFs.
As noted previously, it is desirable for FMFs to have low mode coupling between the modes that will be used for SDM multiplexing to minimize the crosstalk between the multiplexed data streams. An additional requirement is that the highest order mode used in the SDM scheme have low mode coupling to even higher order guided, leaky or radiation modes since energy coupled to these modes results in energy loss.
The field shapes of the guided modes of an ideal fiber satisfy an orthogonality condition and therefore energy does not couple between the modes. However, in a real fiber the orthogonality can be broken by imperfections in the fiber, e.g. inhomogeneities of the index of refraction or deformations of the fiber axis or core size, core noncircularity, etc.; which can result in the coupling of energy between the modes. Imperfections in the transmission path or coupling points can cause optical modes to exchange power. This issue can be addressed with MIMO signal processing, but for a good understanding of the FMF properties, one must have a grasp of the potential and implications of mode coupling. For degenerate modes (such as the two polarizations of the LP01 which have identical phase constants) the mode coupling is usually strong; that is a substantial optical power will be transferred between the modes within a few tens of meters. In the case of other modes (LP11 to LP01 for example) the coupling can be much weaker, and depends on the relative difference in phase constants. In such a case, the optical signal may travel tens of kilometers before there is significant coupling to another mode. Different FMF design strategies can result in either strong or weak mode coupling. Prior work found that energy will couple between two modes when the imperfections have a longitudinal spatial frequency component equal to the difference in the longitudinal propagation constants of the modes, Δβ. The strength of the coupling between two modes is a strong function of Δβ. Coupling between modes of adjacent mode groups is proportional to
(Δβ)−(4+2p) (5)
where p characterizes the power spectrum of the perturbation and typically has values of 0, 1 or 2 depending on the nature of the external stresses, the fiber outer diameter, and coating properties. This result implies that to minimize mode coupling we must maximize the Δβ of the modes.
When the group velocities of the modes that carry independent SDM data channels are different, then pulses that are simultaneously launched into the various modes of the fiber will arrive at the end of the fiber at different times. When mode coupling and DGD are both present then crosstalk between modes can spread across multiple bit periods. The MIMO signal processing electronics that address channel crosstalk in the SDM receiver hardware become more complex when the accumulated DGD between the modes grows and the crosstalk spreads over many bit periods. Therefore for long distance SDM transmission it is desirable to minimize the DGD.
When small and random mode coupling is considered, it can be shown that the DGD will grow linearly with length for distances much shorter than the correlation length and as the square root of length for long lengths. The two-mode case is completely analogous to the results obtained for PMD. If a short pulse is launched simultaneously in each mode then the variance in arrival times of portions of the pulse is given as a function of fiber length, L:
where lc is the correlation length and T is the time-of-flight through the fiber. Note from the second equation (long fiber limit) that the spread in arrival times scales as the square root of the product of the correlation length and the fiber length. A similar scaling law holds for guides with any number of modes.
The inability of two-mode, step-index fibers to simultaneously provide low DGD, low mode coupling and low DMA leads to consideration of fibers with more complicated core shape. It was pointed out in prior work that when the core shape parameter α is 2.5 that the group delay curves of the LP01 and LP11 modes cross when V is ˜5.5 and that the fiber is effectively two-moded.
5 and
When V˜6, the normalized propagation constants and the difference between the propagation constants of the LP01 and LP11 are large which gives low sensitivity to mode coupling between the LP01 and LP11 modes and between the LP11 mode and leaky modes. Further, the propagation constant of the LP02 and LP21 modes are very small so that these modes will be very lossy and therefore only the two lowest order modes propagate with low loss. Also, when V˜6 and the difference between the LP01 and LP11 group delays is low.
While two regimes of strong and weak mode coupling for few-mode transmission have been contemplated, there may be some doubt that a weak coupling regime will exist in a deployed transmission link. The picture can be clarified by considering that the strength of mode coupling in a FMF transmission line will depend on both distributed and discrete contributions.
The impact of splicing modern FMF on mode coupling has not yet been quantitatively determined, although early studies considered loss and mode-mixing at splices of traditional MMF. If it be the case that splices, connectors, and components generally leads to the strong mode coupling regime, then the upper right quadrant of
Table I shows the modal content of the LP modes in terms of the more fundamental HE, TE, and TM modes. To calculate the total number of modes onto which data can be multiplexed, multiply by two to account for the two polarizations for each spatial mode pattern.
The table illustrates that designing a FMF to support, e.g. 10 low loss, orthogonal spatial modes is equivalent to designing for the lowest 6 LP modes for transmission. Increasing the number of low loss modes requires increasing the V-number. If V is increased by raising the core diameter, then the modes will become more closely spaced, the mode Aeff will increase, and Δβlossy will become smaller leading to higher DMA. If V is increased by the increasing the core Δ, then the mode Aeff will decrease, Rayleigh scattering losses will increase due to higher concentration of GeO2, and the modal spacing will increase helping to minimize DMA. A judicious combination of adjusting core Δ and diameter, along with other degrees of freedom in the profile, will be necessary to guide 10 to 20 modes with low DMA and low attenuation losses.
The term “ledge” is used herein the define a region separating an up-doped core and a down-doped trench. Typically the ledge portion is undoped.
In general terms the optical fiber just described can be characterized as having a core and a cladding surrounding the core, wherein the core and cladding have a refractive index profile that is structured to support propagation of a plurality of desired signal-carrying modes, while suppressing undesired modes, wherein the core comprises a portion extending from the center of the core, ncore, to radius a, in which the refractive index decreases linearly from ncore to point a, wherein the cladding comprises a down-doped cladding region abutting or adjacent to the core, and an undoped cladding region abutting the down-doped cladding region, wherein the core, and cladding are configured to support propagation of a spatially multiplexed optical signal comprising a plurality of desired modes, while suppressing undesired modes, wherein the core and surrounding cladding is configured such that undesired modes have respective effective indices that are close to or less than the cladding index so as to result in leaky modes that leak into the outer cladding region, and wherein the index spacing between the desired mode having the lowest effective index and the leaky mode with the highest effective index is sufficiently large so as to substantially prevent coupling therebetween.
The following chart gives calculated properties of the raised triangle, depressed clad profile shown in previous figure.
Since variations on the step index design such as the raised triangle, depressed-cladding profile can provide only a narrow design space for low DGD when no more than four modes are allowed to propagate, an alternative is to consider Graded Index (GRIN) fiber designs. The index profile considered here consists of a graded-index core region and a depressed cladding region (i.e. a “trench”). There could be a number of additional design features between the graded core and the trench, such as a shelf region between the core and the trench or an index step between the core and the trench. The purpose of these features to the index profile outside the core region is to provide additional flexibilities to manipulate the spacing of the modal propagation constants so that the desired combination of transmission properties can be obtained. The simplest way to characterize the graded-core region was shown in Eq. 1. The alpha parameter α can be chosen between 1 and ∞, whereas α=2 corresponds to an inverted parabola. For two-mode design, low DGD between LP01 and LP11 modes can be obtained with any α between 1 and ∞ combining proper values of other profile parameters such as ncore, rcore, trench depth and position. However, for FMF design beyond two LP modes, α is preferentially chosen close to an inverted parabola shape to achieve low DGD among all LP modes. The preferred range is 2.0+/−0.03. The trench feature has three functions. As shown in
The inventive fiber profiles have a maximum Δ of 0.8%, which will give lower attenuation loss, important for system performance.
As mentioned, the refractive index profile of
It has been found that in some optical fiber designs it may not be necessary to truncate the core. Also it has been found that some designs that omit the trench may also be effective.
Design parameters for radius width that have been found to be effective are:
A further embodiment of the invention is represented by the refractive index profile of
A further embodiment of the invention is represented by the refractive index profile of
A further embodiment of the invention is represented by the refractive index profile of
A further embodiment of the invention is represented by the refractive index profile of
The following table shows effective area of LP01, LP11, LP02, LP21, LP12 and LP31 modes versus wavelength of the six-mode design in
Large effective area in optical fibers can reduce nonlinear effects, both intra-modal and inter-modal. In addition, some differential group delay can reduce inter-modal nonlinear effect. However pairs of inverse differential group delay and differential group delay slope with similar effective areas would be desirable to reduce the total span group delay for simplicity and low cost receiver MIMO design.
In an effort to design very large effective area fibers that support multiple independent modes for mode division multiplexing we investigated a few mode fiber design space resulting in an effective area large than 160 μm2 for LP01 mode, having differential group delay near zero, tunable for inverse differential group delay and differential group delay slope pairs. We refer to these as ultra large effective area few mode fiber designs (ULA-FMF)
A refractive index profile for ULA-FMF EXAMPLE 7 is shown in
In this ULA-FMF design the delta is kept small for low attenuation.
Differential group delay between LP11 mode and LP01 mode for this EXAMPLE is given in
To illustrate the large effective area of this design the effective area is shown for a range of wavelengths in the following table:
In EXAMPLE 7 the width of the trench is less than 1 micron. In general, designs with trench widths less than 2 microns for mode division multiplexing are effective and unusual.
The design parameters for this example are:
The effective area of this design is shown for a range of wavelengths in the following table:
The design parameters for this example are:
The ULA-FMF design of EXAMPLE 9 has two guided modes (LP01 and LP11). LP02 mode is cut off at 1.421 μm. The effective area LP01 mode is 196.35 μm2 at 1550 nm, close to that of ULA-FMF design 2 (215.5 μm2 at 1550 nm). The DGD slope has opposite signs. Thus ULA-FMF design 2 and 3 could be used in pair to reduce total DGD across a total transmission span. The DGD values can be further increased and DGD value/DGD slope can be further optimized to minimize inter-modal nonlinear effect and reduce accumulated net total span DGD.
In addition to the application of spatial mode division multiplexing using both LP01 mode and LP11 mode, single mode launch into LP01 mode is another potential application. There will be some cross talk due to distributed coupling in long distance transmission, however the small net DGD can help to reduce the spread of the distributed coupling in time domain. Few mode fibers as contemplated for the invention according to the current state of the technology generally support from 2 to 10 modes. Support in this context means that each of 2 to 10 modes are effectively transmission channels that are capable of transmitting optical signals independently without fatal crosstalk. Fatal crosstalk means that the signal is degraded beyond intelligence.
Various additional modifications of this invention will occur to those skilled in the art. All deviations from the specific teachings of this specification that basically rely on the principles and their equivalents through which the art has been advanced are properly considered within the scope of the invention as described and claimed.
This application claims priority from U.S. Provisional Application No. 61/696,932 filed Sep. 5, 2012, which application is owned by the assignee of this invention and is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
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Number | Date | Country | |
20140064686 A1 | Mar 2014 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
61696932 | Sep 2012 | US |