The present invention relates to machine learning. More specifically, the present invention relates to transfer learning using multiple tasks, with results from multiple tasks being used in the accomplishment of other tasks related to the multiple tasks.
While conventional supervised learning is getting more stable and used in a wide range of applications, learning a complex model may require a daunting amount of labeled data. For this reason, transfer learning is often considered as an option to reduce the sample complexity of learning a new task. While there has been a significant amount of progress in domain adaptation, this particular form of transfer learning requires a source task highly related to the target task and a large amount of data on the source task. For this reason, it has been sought to make progress on multitask transfer learning (also known as few-shot learning), which is still far behind human level transfer capabilities. In the few-shot learning setup, a potentially large number of tasks are available to learn parameters shared across all tasks. Once the shared parameters are learned, the objective is to obtain good generalization performance on a new task with a small number of samples.
Recently, significant progress has been made to scale Bayesian neural networks to large tasks and to provide better approximations of the posterior distribution. This, however, comes with an important question: “What does the posterior distribution actually represent?” For neural networks, the prior is often chosen for convenience and the approximate posterior is often very limited. For sufficiently large datasets, the observations overcome the prior, and the posterior becomes a single mode around the true model, justifying most uni-modal posterior approximations.
However, many usages of the posterior distribution require a meaningful prior. That is, a prior that expresses a current knowledge of the task and, most importantly, a lack of knowledge regarding the task. In addition to that, a good approximation of the posterior under the small sample size regime is required, including the ability to model multiple modes. This is indeed the case for Bayesian optimization, Bayesian active learning, continual learning, safe reinforcement learning, exploration-exploitation trade-off in reinforcement learning. Gaussian processes have historically been used for these applications but using an Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel is a too generic a prior for many tasks. More recent tools such as deep Gaussian processes show great potential but their scalability whilst learning from multiple tasks needs to be improved upon.
Based on the above, there is a need for systems and methods that overcome the shortcomings of the prior art and which provide advantages for learning and accomplishing tasks.
The present invention provides systems and methods relating to multitask transfer learning. Neural networks are used to accomplish a number of tasks and the results of these tasks are used to determine parameters common to these and other tasks. These parameters can then be used to accomplish other related tasks. In the description, data fitting as well as image related tasks are used. Task conditioning, as well as the use of a KL regularizer, has greatly improved results when testing the methods of the invention.
In a first aspect, the present invention provides a method for accomplishing a first task, the method comprising:
In a second aspect, the present invention provides a system for accomplishing a first task, the system comprising at least one neural network having a plurality of parameters, said plurality of parameters comprising parameters determined by use of results from accomplishing at least one second task, said first task being related to said at least one second task.
The embodiments of the present invention will now be described by reference to the following figures, in which identical reference numerals in different figures indicate identical elements and in which:
The present invention seeks to learn a good prior across multiple tasks and to transfer the prior to a new task. To be able to express a rich and flexible prior learned across a large number of tasks, neural networks learned with a variational Bayes procedure are used. By doing so, the following have been achieved: (i) isolate a small number of task specific parameters and (ii) obtain a rich posterior distribution over this space. Additionally, the knowledge accumulated from the previous tasks provides a meaningful prior on the target task, yielding a meaningful posterior distribution which can be used in a small data regime. It should be clear that, for the explanation of the present invention, a “task” is defined as modeling the underlying distribution from a dataset of observations. Thus, the desired posterior distribution is to be predicted or determined based on the observations, each of which can be viewed as the result of a previous modeling exercise.
By leveraging the variational Bayes approach, it is shown that a system can learn a prior over models with neural networks. Also, by factorizing the posterior distribution into a task agnostic and task specific component, an important simplification that results in a scalable algorithm is shown and this is referred to in this document as a “deep prior” and which forms part of the present invention.
Hierarchical Bayes
It is first considered learning a prior from previous tasks by learning a probability distribution p(w|α) over the weights w of a neural network parameterized by α. This is done using a hierarchical Bayes approach across N tasks, with hyper-prior p(α).
Each task has its own parameters wj, with={wj}j=1N. Using all datasets D={Sj}j=1N, one has the following posterior:
For clarity, note that p(xij) cancelled with itself from the denominator since it does not depend on wj nor on α. This would have been different for a generative approach.
In the above posterior, the term p(yij|xij,wj) corresponds to the likelihood of sample i of task j given a model parameterized by wj e.g. the probability of class yij from the softmax of a neural network parameterized by wj with input xij. For the posterior p(α|D), it is assumed that the large amount of data available across multiple tasks will be enough to overcome generic prior p(α) such as an isotropic Normal distribution. Hence, on can consider a point estimate of the posterior p(α|D) using maximum a posteriori. It should be clear that this can be done through simply minimizing the cross entropy of a neural network with L2 regularization.
The focus can now be shifted to the remaining term: p(wj|α). Since wj is potentially high dimensional with intricate correlations among the different dimensions, we cannot use a simple Gaussian distribution. Following inspiration from generative models such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs), one can use an auxiliary variable z˜N (0, Idz) and a deterministic function projecting the noise z to the space of w i.e. w=hα(z).
Marginalizing z, this results in: p (w|α)=∫z p(z)p(w|z,α)dz=∫z p(z)δh
where δ is the Dirac delta function. Unfortunately, directly marginalizing z is intractable for a general hα. To overcome this issue, one can add z to the joint inference and marginalize it at inference time. Considering the point estimation of α, the full posterior is factorized as follows:
where p(yij|xij, wj) is the conventional likelihood function of a neural network with weight matrices generated from the function hα i.e.: wj=hα(zj). Similar architecture has been used previously, but it will be shown below that it can be reduced to a simpler architecture in the context of multi-task learning. The other terms are defined as follows:
p(zj)=(0,I) (2)
The task will consist of jointly learning a function hα common to all tasks and a posterior distribution p(zj|α, Sj) for each task. At inference time, predictions are performed by marginalizing z i.e.:
Hierarchical Variational Bayes Neural Network
In the section above, there is described the different components for expressing the posterior distribution of Equation (4). While all those components are tractable, the normalization factor hidden behind the “∝” sign is still intractable. To address this issue, one can follow the Variational Bayes approach.
Conditioning on α, it can be seen in Equation (1) that the posterior factorizes independently for all tasks. This reduces the joint Evidence Lower BOund (ELBO) to a sum of individual ELBO for each task.
Given a family of distributions qθ
Notice that, after simplification, KLj is no longer over the space of wj but only over the space zj. Namely, the posterior distribution is factored into two components, one that is task specific and one that is task agnostic and can be shared with the prior. This amounts to finding a low dimensional manifold in the parameter space where the different tasks can be distinguished. Then, the posterior p(zj|Sj, α) only has to model which of the possible tasks are likely, given observations Sj instead of modeling the high dimensional p(wj|Sj, α).
But, most importantly, any explicit reference to w has now vanished from both Equation (5) and Equation (6). This simplification has an important positive impact on the scalability of the approach. Since there is no longer a need to explicitly calculate the KL on the space of w, one can simplify the likelihood function to (yij|xij, zj, α), which can be a deep network parameterized by α, taking both xij and zj as inputs. This contrasts with the previous formulation, where hα(zj) produces all the weights of a network, yielding an extremely high dimensional representation and slow training.
It should be noted that, for the simplification in Equation (6), the cancellation of the Dirac delta functions can be justified by considering a Gaussian with finite variance, ϵ. For all ϵ>0, the cancellation is valid, so letting ϵ→0, the result can be recovered.
Posterior Distribution
For modeling qθ
Note that with IAF, qθ
where zj(i)˜qθ
As is well-known to those of skill in the art, the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence is used to measure the closeness between the desired posterior p and the approximate variational distribution q. To minimize this divergence (and hence move the approximate distribution q and the desired prior closer to each another), one maximizes the Evidence Lower BOund (ELBO) noted above.
Training Procedure
In order to compute the loss noted in Equation (5), every sample of every task would need to be evaluated. To accelerate the training, described is a procedure following the mini-batch principle. In this procedure, summations are first replaced with expectations:
Afterwards, it is sufficient to simply approximate the gradient with nmb samples across all tasks. Thus, all datasets can be concatenated into a meta-dataset and add j as an extra field. Then, sampling can be done uniformly nmb times with replacements from the meta-dataset. Notice the term nj appearing in front of the likelihood in Equation (7)—this indicates that, individually, for each task, it finds the appropriate trade-off between the prior and the observations. The algorithm below details the steps in this procedure.
Extending to Three Levels of Hierarchies
The present invention gives rise to a very flexible way to transfer knowledge from multiple tasks. However, there is still an important assumption at the heart of deep prior (and other VAE (variational autoencoder) based approaches such as, for example, in Edwards and Storkey), the task information must be encoded in a low dimensional variable z. In the Results section below, it is shown that, while it is appropriate for regression, for image classification, this is not the most natural assumption. Hence, as part of the present invention, the approach must be extended to a third level of hierarchy by introducing a latent classifier on the obtained representation.
In Equation (5), for a given task j, the likelihood p(S|z) is decomposed into Πi=1np(yi|xi,z) by assuming that the neural network is directly predicting p(yi|xi,z). Here, there is introduced a latent variable ν to make the prediction p(yi|xi, ν). This can be, for example, a Gaussian linear regression on the representation φα(x, z) produced by the neural network. Commonly called the marginal likelihood, the general form now factorizes as follows:
To compute ELBOj in Equation (5) and to update the parameters α, the only requirement is to be able to compute the marginal likelihood p(S|z). There are closed form solutions for, e.g., linear regression with Gaussian prior, but the aim is to compare with algorithms such as Prototypical Networks (Proto Net) on a classification benchmark. Alternatively, the marginal likelihood can be factored as follows:
p(S|z)=Πi=1np(yi|xi,S0 . . . i−1,z).
If a well calibrated task uncertainty is not required, one can also use a leave one out procedure:
Both of these factorizations correspond to training the latent classifier n times on a subset of the training set and evaluating the result on a left out sample.
For a practical algorithm, a closed form solution for leave one out in prototypical networks may be used. In its standard form, the prototypical network produces a prototype ck by averaging all representations γi=ϕα(xi,z) of class k i.e.
where K={i: yi=k}. Then, predictions are made using
p(y=k|x,α,z)∝ exp(−∥ck−γi∥2).
It should be clear that the above gives rise to the theorem that, given that ck−i∀k are prototypes computed without examples xi, yi in the training set, then
Because of this, one only needs to compute prototypes once and to rescale the Euclidean distance when comparing with a sample that was used for computing the current prototype. This results in an efficient algorithm with the same complexity as the original one. As well, what results is a good proxy for the marginal likelihood.
Throughout the experiments, answers to the following questions were sought:
i) Can deep prior learn a meaningful prior on tasks?
ii) Can it compete against state of the art on a strong benchmark?
iii) In which situations deep prior and other approaches are failing?
Regression on One Dimensional Harmonic Signals
To gain a good insight into the behavior of the prior and posterior, a collection of one dimensional regression tasks was chosen. It is also sought to test the ability of the method to learn the task and not to simply match the observed points. For this, periodic functions were used and experiments to test the ability of the regressor to extrapolate outside of its domain were executed.
Specifically, each dataset consists of (x, y) pairs (noisily) sampled from a sum of two sine waves with different phase and amplitude and a frequency ratio of two: f(x)=a1 sin(ω·x+b1)+a2 sin(2·ω·x+b2), where y˜N(f(x), σy2). We construct a meta-training set of five thousand tasks, sampling ω˜U(5, 7), (b1, b2)˜U(0, 2π)2 and (a1, a2)˜N(0, 1)2 independently for each task. To evaluate the system's ability to extrapolate outside of the task's domain, it is ensured that each task has a different domain. Specifically, x values are sampled according to N (μx, 1), where μx is sampled from the meta-domain U(−4, 4). The number of training samples ranges from four to fifty for each task and evaluation is performed on one hundred samples from tasks never seen during training.
Model Once z is sampled from IAF, this is concatenated with x and a network of twelve densely connected layers of one hundred twenty eight neurons with residual connections between every other layer is used. The final layer linearly projects to two outputs μy and s, where s is used to produce a heteroskedastic noise, σy=sigmoid(s)·0.1+0.001. Finally, p(y|x,z)=N(μy (x,z), σy (x,z)2) is used to express the likelihood of the training set. To help gradient flow, ReLU activation functions and Layer Normalization were used.
To add a strong baseline, experiments with MAML were executed. After exploring a variety of values for hyper-parameter and architecture design, the results were less than perfect for the two harmonics meta-task. The meta-task was thus reduced to a single harmonic and, in addition, the base frequency range was reduced by a factor of two. With those simplifications, the results were still less than stellar when compared with those of the deep prior even in this simplified setup.
Finally, to provide a stronger baseline, the KL regularizer portion of deep prior was removed and the posterior qθ
Mini-Imagenet Experiment
Vinyals et al. used a subset of Imagenet to generate a benchmark for few-shot learning. Each task is generated by sampling five classes uniformly and five training samples per class, with the remaining images from the five classes being used as query images to compute accuracy. The number of unique classes sums to one hundred, each having six hundred examples of 84×84 images. To perform meta-validation and meta-tests on unseen tasks (and classes), sixteen and twenty classes respectively were isolated from the original set of one hundred, leaving sixty-four classes for the training tasks.
The training procedure mentioned above requires training on a fixed set of tasks. It was found that one thousand tasks yielded enough diversity and that, over nine thousand tasks, the embeddings are not being visited often enough over the course of the training. To increase diversity during training, the 5×5 training and test sets are re-sampled every time from a fixed train-test split of the given task.
In one experiment with a vanilla or plain version of deep prior, a ResNet network was used, where FILM layers were inserted between each residual block to condition on the task. Then, after flattening the output of the final convolution layer and reducing to 64 hidden units, a 64×5 matrix was applied, with the matrix being generated from a transformation of z. Finally, predictions were made through a softmax layer. It was found that this architecture was slow to train as the generated last layer was noisy for a long time and prevented the rest of the network to learn. Nevertheless, a 62.6% accuracy on Mini-Imagenet was obtained, on par with many strong baselines.
To enhance the model, task conditioning was combined with prototypical networks as noted in the section above relating to extending the present invention to a higher level of hierarchies. This approach alleviates the need to generate the final layer of the network, thus accelerating training and increasing generalization performances. While there is no longer a well calibrated task uncertainty, the KL term still acts as an effective regularizer and prevents overfitting on small datasets. With this improvement, an accuracy of 74.5% was achieved (see Table 1 below). In addition, an ablation study was also performed to highlight the contributions of the different components of the model. The results of this ablation study can be found in Table 2 below. It has been found that a deeper network with residual connections can yield major improvements. As well, it has also been found that task conditioning is preferably used the leave one out procedure. Finally, the use of the KL regularizer yields positive results, as can be seen from Table 1 below.
In the Mini-Imagenet Experiment noted above, it was noted that conditioning helps, but that this only yields a minor improvement. This is due to the fact that Mini-Imagenet is a very homogeneous collection of tasks where a single representation is sufficient to obtain good results. To test this, a new benchmark of synthetic symbols (referred to as Synbols) was used. Images are generated using various font families on different alphabets (Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, Chinese) and background noise (see
Referring to
Of course, as can be imagined, the first data processing device can train the model 50 and the results can be used at a later time by the second data processing device.
The embodiments of the invention may be executed by a computer processor or similar device programmed in the manner of method steps, or may be executed by an electronic system which is provided with means for executing these steps. Similarly, an electronic memory means such as computer diskettes, CD-ROMs, Random Access Memory (RAM), Read Only Memory (ROM) or similar computer software storage media known in the art, may be programmed to execute such method steps. As well, electronic signals representing these method steps may also be transmitted via a communication network.
Embodiments of the invention may be implemented in any conventional computer programming language. For example, embodiments may be implemented in a procedural programming language (e.g. “C”) or an object-oriented language (e.g. “C++”, “java”, “PHP”, “PYTHON” or “C #”) or in any other suitable programming language (e.g. “Go”, “Dart”, “Ada”, “Bash”, etc.). Alternative embodiments of the invention may be implemented as pre-programmed hardware elements, other related components, or as a combination of hardware and software components.
Embodiments can be implemented as a computer program product for use with a computer system. Such implementations may include a series of computer instructions fixed either on a tangible medium, such as a computer readable medium (e.g., a diskette, CD-ROM, ROM, or fixed disk) or transmittable to a computer system, via a modem or other interface device, such as a communications adapter connected to a network over a medium. The medium may be either a tangible medium (e.g., optical or electrical communications lines) or a medium implemented with wireless techniques (e.g., microwave, infrared or other transmission techniques). The series of computer instructions embodies all or part of the functionality previously described herein. Those skilled in the art should appreciate that such computer instructions can be written in a number of programming languages for use with many computer architectures or operating systems. Furthermore, such instructions may be stored in any memory device, such as semiconductor, magnetic, optical or other memory devices, and may be transmitted using any communications technology, such as optical, infrared, microwave, or other transmission technologies. It is expected that such a computer program product may be distributed as a removable medium with accompanying printed or electronic documentation (e.g., shrink-wrapped software), preloaded with a computer system (e.g., on system ROM or fixed disk), or distributed from a server over a network (e.g., the Internet or World Wide Web). Of course, some embodiments of the invention may be implemented as a combination of both software (e.g., a computer program product) and hardware. Still other embodiments of the invention may be implemented as entirely hardware, or entirely software (e.g., a computer program product).
A person understanding this invention may now conceive of alternative structures and embodiments or variations of the above all of which are intended to fall within the scope of the invention as defined in the claims that follow.
This application is a non provisional patent application which claims the benefit of U.S. provisional application No. 62/703,046 filed on Jul. 25, 2018.
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