This invention relates to personal digital representation and multiple-identities, web exchanges (marketplaces) that work with these, contacts management, and individuals' web data repositories.
U.S. Pat. No. 6,442,602, U.S. application Ser. No. 09/642,127 filed by Azkar Choudhry on Aug. 18, 2000 and Ser. No. 10/190,283 filed Jul. 5, 2002; U.S. application Ser. No. 09/853,167 filed jointly by Chen Sun and Azkar Choudhry on May 11, 2001; and U.S. application Ser. Nos. 10/074,081, 10/189,063, 10/190,283, and 10/630,335 filed by Chen Sun on Feb. 1, 2002, Jul. 2, 2002, Jul. 5, 2002, and Jul. 30, 2003 respectively; are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, including drawings, and are hereby made a part of this application.
Social networking websites are websites with participant individuals' data socializing on a web community. In Web 3.0 preliminary discussions, data portability is the individual user's option to use his personal data among such social networking websites. Presently, individual users can't easily exchange his web content or easily use his own preferred domain name.
U.S. application Ser. No. 10/630,335 entitled Individuals' URL Identity Exchange and Communications, by Chen Sun, hereafter referred to as SSIRA (Set Syntax Identity Repository Application), introduced the concept of a repository to store URL names that can be used to exchange, consolidate, and utilize an individual's web data. SSIRA's URLs have a set syntax with the individual's name in the third-level-domain name. This continuation-in-part application is directed to determining what is an individual's identity syntax in other URL locations (Universal Syntax Identity—USI), with using multiple identities in a SSIRA-modified repository called multiple identity syntax repository (MIS), and with associating the multiple identities and profiles of the same individual—Associated Identities Individual—(AII).
Some of the methods used in SSIRA are briefly introduced here. The SSIRA URL is a web addressable individual's profile, and its web content contains extractable, exchangeable data of the individual. A SSIRA URL-names storage repository extracts this data, selects, and organizes the data along with other URLs with common identities, which also have a set-syntax name of [Name.Second.Top/File-Suffix]. The methods of data extraction include XML, HTML commentaries, set data structures, and others. The SSIRA would then consolidate these extracted data to the same individual, based on utilizing same identities, and then present the consolidated data with individuals' URLvs. Full details including drawings of SSIRA are included with U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/630,335, which is incorporated by reference.
Individual's identity URLv names, if used, can be found anywhere in the URLv. An automated mechanism to determine the URLv's identity name syntax (aka identity syntax) would be advantageous. The identity syntax can be used to determine identities which can then be used to consolidate profiles to form individual's consolidated object entities, an example of which are contact entities in contact management systems.
Multiple identity syntaxes and multiple identities can be used by a single individual. It is further advantageous to determine and/or consolidate the multiple URLv profiles from differing secondary-top domain names that a single individual may have. For example, how to associate the same individual JohnT's URLvs with his
Any arrangement of URLv identity syntax can now be used in a repository, once its domain is known to have an identity syntax. The repository can extract, select, store, organize, prioritize, and consolidate URLvs of differing identity syntaxes. The correlation and association among different contact entities' containing the same individual's identities can yield accurate same individual's identity and URLvs. Other aspects of the invention will be apparent from the following description and the appended claims.
The figures presented herein when taken in conjunction with the disclosure form a complete description of the invention, wherein elements and steps indicated by like reference indicators are the same or equivalent elements or steps.
Many of the terms used in this application are similar to those in SSIRA. URLvs (URL verbals) are URLs without the “http:” prefix. URLvs can be used to represent individuals; a specific URLv and its web content is an individual's profile; and the individual's name or representation name can be embedded in the URLv. A popular example of a Name syntax is Another syntax is's and's, which use the same syntax as SSIRA's—[Name.Second.Top/File-Suffix], for example,
SSIRA used the syntax [ domain names—abbreviated] as the identity syntax to manipulate same identitied profiles. For example, {} is the identity, which may have numerous profiles, including,, and, and [] is the identity syntax.
Clarification of Terms:
Name, when used for a person's name. (aka individual's name or individual's representation name.)—an individual's name or representation of his name. That is, instead of Joseph A. Smith, it can be Joe, JoeSmith, or even a representation for him, such as JoeBob or even a HandleName1355. In this application, the name in the URLv is usually a representation of his name.
Name, when used in domains structure—the DNS domain's names—top, second, third . . . .
Identity—a computer manageable text representation of an individual's name, and the name represents the person's actual name, nick name, alias, web name, etc.
Encoded identity—a computer manageable text representation of an individual's name where the name is encoded, (usually a number or non-comprehensible text; and usually created as a part of a variable to pass the individual's representation to the web server) within the URLv.
A person is a human being. A user is a person using a software application. An individual refers to a specific person, and often, in this application, the individual can be represented by an identity name in his URLv. A contact entity of a contact management system can also represent an individual. Note that the contact entity itself may have several same individual URLv identity names—these are still representations of the individual.
Single individual's consolidated object entity—a data-consolidated object comprising of various data sources from an individual. This can created by aggregating his multiple URLvs' profiles' webpages.
Contact entity—an individual's representation with his associated data in a contact manager. For example, a contact entity of an individual in Microsoft Outlook's or ACT contact managers' portions. A contact entity is usually a form of single individual's consolidated object entity.
Syntax of the URLv—how the URLv syntax is structured.
URLv Identity syntax—what is the URLv syntax for an individual's name within a URL or URLv.
Simple URLv Identity Syntax—URLv identity syntaxes where NAME is not web application coded and is usually located adjacent to the domain names. For examples, and
Complex URLv Identity Syntax—URLv identity syntaxes where NAME is usually web application coded, is located in the file-suffix, and the NAME is often in different locations in different file suffixes of the same NAME individual's webpages. Frequently generated by web content management systems and web databases, frequently uses symbols, in particular, as “?”, to suggest variables.
Profile—one of several web addressable pages of the same identity.
URLv—a URL without the protocol portion—without the http://.
SSIRA—Set-Syntax-Identity Repository Application—U.S. application Ser. No. 10/630,335 with a database field that accepts multiple inputted URLv profiles of an URLv identity. SSIRA can extract, select, sort, organize, prioritize, and consolidate URLvs web-accessed data based on domains syntax.
SSIR—the set-syntax-identity repository type found in SSIRA.
USI—embodiment type that identifies the URLv identity syntax of any identity URLv.
MIS—embodiment type that utilizes multiple identity syntaxes in a SSIRA-like repository.
AII—embodiment type that associates probabilistic identities and URLvs from multiple users to associate with a single individual.
User URLv repository—a storage location for a user's inputted URLvs. Example is a personal contact manager.
Correlate is a probability and statistics (hereafter a.k.a. probability-statistics) method. Associate in the context of identities means acceptable degree of correlation to join as one.
Popular Names Dictionary Database—a database that comprises of popular people's names, e.g. John, Mary, Sue, James, Jim, etc. Such database can be created by taking names from books that suggest birth names or from phone books. Databases can be customized by languages and cultures.
Formatting of identity, identity syntax, profile, and URLv names will facilitate easier reading. The identity is a text string in the URL to be manipulated, and uses { } marks, for example, {}. A URLv syntax is identified in [ ], as in's URLv syntax is []. Each of's URLv profiles is web addressable and underlined: and
There are numerous challenges to determining a syntax identity in URLvs, including:
There are a few general current trends about individual representation names in URLvs, including:
One or more embodiments of this invention are directed towards deriving identity syntaxes of individuals' URLvs (USI), use these multiple identity syntaxes of differing domains to create individual entities (objects) with numerous profiles (MIS), integrate and orderly present these entities' URLvs accompanied with their standard organizational website addresses (usually prefixed www), and determine which URLvs with differing belong to the same individual (AII).
Determining the Identity Syntax in URLv
SSIRA showed the idea for a repository of URLvs with identities that could consolidate the URLvs' associated download data using the identities. SSIRA identity syntax was the individual's named-third-level-domain name coupled with level domain names. Below describes how to determine other forms of identity syntaxes. Once a URLv identify syntax can be identified, a lot of database storage and processing power is saved because an identity syntax can cover millions of identities.
One type includes a user on a personal computer with access to an Internet-connected browser and an Internet-connected Apache-Linux server computer running Apache web server (manufactured by Apache Software Foundation). On this web server is a database, such as mySQL (manufactured by Sun Microsystems) and languages and/or PHP (manufactured by the PHP Group). Several Domain Name Servers, as part of the Internet, may also be involved.
The personal and server computers may be an IBM PC-compatible computer. Many other types of computing devices can be used including, for users, any device with functionality to display URLs and connect to the Internet, for example, PDAs, cellular phones, laptops, Windows PCs, attached UNIX computer terminals, and more. The type of server software can be any web server software, including web servers from Microsoft and other web UNIX-flavor web servers. Programming languages can include Visual Basic, C, C++, Perl, ASP, Outlook's scripting language, PHP, and numerous others.
One embodiment of the invention involves a contact management system, similar to SSIRA's, because contact managers is commonly used, making the explanations here easy to understand and clearer, and because the contact manager's user typically knows the contact entity's individual. Just as SSIRA's contact management system is only one of many SSIRA embodiments, in this invention, the contact management system is only one of many SSIRA-similar embodiments. The embodiments can include eCommerce, matchmaking, employment, alumni, digital identification, national defense, discussion forum, political and social websites, social networking, and others similar to and described in the SSIRA. The workings of this invention includes functionality to cover most types of websites where the individual can have a name representation in the URL; thus, the full scope of embodiment types is more than as enumerated in this paragraph.
To help in the understanding of the invention, we'll initially discuss Simple URLv Identity Syntax—URLv identity syntaxes where NAME is not a web application code and is usually located adjacent to the domain names. For examples, and Toward this end, we'll discuss complex URLv Identity Syntax—URLv identity syntaxes where NAME is often web application coded, is located in the file-suffix, and the NAME is often in different locations in different file suffixes of the same NAME individual's webpages.
Step 1 (Optional)
Provide a database of known identity URLv syntaxes for level domains ((1) in
(Notice that known identity representations can be coded—an encoded identity. For example, in a type URL ll&viewas=1407187839, the “671298689” is a coded representation of the individual that is used on many of his or her SocialNetworking webpages. Working with encoded identity representations in URLvs is described later.)
Step 2
Provide single user's repository for URLvs. ((15) in
Step 3
Input an URLv into the repository (e.g. (2) in
Step 4
Parse the inputted URLv for the domain names combination (hereafter domains) and compare this with the database of known-identity URLv syntaxes ((1) in
Step 5 (Optional)
If no, ask the user to select an identity name from among the parsed URLv parts ((5) in
Selecting does not have to be adjacent domain names or file suffixes. For example, in”, the identity can include “” together with “Laura-Stevens”, with “people” as a filler.
This user's selected identity syntax is not necessarily the true or probabilistic URLv identity syntax because the user may be mistaken, as explained in Step 9 below and also in the descriptions of
Step 7 (Note: Step 6 is Intentionally Skipped)
Use an algorithm to guess-estimate the true identity syntax of the domains.
Use below probability-weighted factors algorithm to guess-estimate the identity syntax ((7) in
Probability Weighted Factors to Guess-estimate of True Identity and Syntax Factors
Following are example weights for guessed syntaxes (e.g. (7) in is entered.
1. User selects [] +5
2. XML data indicates {} is identity +7
3. [] is a popular style of URLv identity syntax +2
4. Other users have also guessed [] often as identity +5
5. is also in the contact entity +1
6. is in the contact manager, and its [] is also probable identity syntax. +2
John is a popular name and located in third-level-domain-name. +1
Total user's probabilistic rating score of 23 based on 7 criteria that {} is an identity; hence, [] is a “23” weighted identity syntax.
Suppose is instead inputted
1. User selects [] +5
2. No XML data is available +0
3. [] is not a popular style of URLv syntax +0
4. No other users have guessed as an identity syntax +0
5. No other URLv is in the contact entity that also has +0
6. No other is in the contact manager as a guessed identity syntax.'s total user's probabilistic rating score is 5, and it is less likely an identity presently, and [] is an unlikely “5” weighted syntax.
If user chose a name in the URLv (step 5), use that syntax to show in his preferred identity ((10) in
Step 8
Use the results from the above algorithm and weights; then set a probabilistic rating on the guessed [ identity syntax] ((13) in
Other users (e.g. (9A) and/or (9B) in
When the users' repositories are local, these repositories can be software databases located on a personal computer, PDA, cell phone, laptop, all of which can have access to the Internet. The databases of the known identity syntax and probable syntaxes (e.g. (1) and (8) in
When the users' repositories are on the web, as with a multi-user database on a web server, the users can use a personal computer, PDA, cellphone, laptop, or other http: accessible device to access the repositories on the web server.
In another embodiment, the repositories' original URLvs can also be uploaded with the guessed identity and weights to the database of probable syntaxes. This will prove to be useful in the AII version below.
In another type of embodiment still, as shown in
One weight factor is to run the parsed URLv components to compare with a popular people's names dictionary database ((51) in
For example, consider the following uploaded URLvs., . . . ., . . . . occurs in 10 of the contact entities uploads.,, . . . . occurs in 20 of the contact entities uploads., WW5., . . . . (William Wallis the fifth) occurs in 12 of the contact entities uploads.,, . . . . (Murum Ngh Krem the third) occurs in 10 of the contact entities.
“John” and “Mary” are detected by the popular English names dictionary as containing names in the third level domain name, so [] becomes a possible syntax. If still more names are found, e.g., {}, {}, this-popular-name-in-URLv-syntax weighing factor would be increased. If the threshold is eventually surpassed (utilizing all the weighing factors), [] becomes a known URLv identity syntax ((1) in
Another weighing factor is also now available with the large numbers of URLvs available. URLvs with identities from the same individual tend to be concentrated in the individual's contact entities. To explain, suppose 100 contact entities from 10 contact managers are uploaded, and 1,000 total URLvs are uploaded.
(, where FSxx is any file suffix, is found in 100 of these URLvs. These URLvs will tend to be concentrated with the “John” contact entities that they came from; hence an example of the distribution of the 100 is 5 in one contact entity, 5 another, 3 in third, etc. It will unlikely be an even distribution of 1 among the 100 contact entities. Probability and statistics methods can measure the degree of concentration, and this becomes a weighing factor.
Numerous other probability and statistics methods can be applied, once there are numerous URLvs, contact entities information, and contact management information uploaded. Furthermore, if the web version of the contact manager is being used, the contacts information is readily available for the algorithms, and far more information is attained. Note though that people generally prefer to keep their contacts information local. However, in other repository versions of this, e.g., eCommerce, discussion forums, dating . . . others mentioned, the web version data will expedite the identity syntax determination process.
Additional enhancements still can be that when the syntax is unknown, the probable syntax database ((8) in
If sufficient numbers of users accept, this is a strong weighing factor that indicates to the probable syntax database that it is the syntax. If insufficient users accept, the probable syntax database would acknowledge its inaccuracy, and attempt to find another probable syntax. Again, when the web applications are solely on the web server, this is easier.
A single user assigning an URLv identity or syntax to an individual may be inaccurate. Numerous users assigning such identities and syntaxes are far more accurate, particularly, when the users are assigning through personal contact managers, the first embodiment.
With more users' confirmations, the database of probabilistic URLv syntaxes ((8) in
The “pass threshold?” ((21) in
In one or more embodiments of the invention, lesser numbers of contact entities are used to establish known identity syntax. If the weighted probable values are also transferred to the database of probable syntaxes ((8) in
Suppose the threshold algorithm also requires the weighted criteria of more than 1 individual, and {} was the only identity in the 10 contact entities. When identity {} is uploaded, the threshold is then met, and [] becomes a known identity syntax. A contact entity can also have multiple profiles of {}, each capable producing a []. Whether the subsequent profiles are worth as much weight value as the first, is something that can be adjusted in the algorithms.
The specific weights, criteria, and algorithms will differ with different implementations. The first USI embodiment includes the upload of the probable identities syntax, their probable weight, and the original URLvs. This relatively small amount of data upload ensures accurate algorithm calculations while reducing storage and bandwidth requirements. As the databases of known and probable identity syntaxes grow, any USI can quickly identify most any URLvs containing an identity. Using identify syntaxes is more efficient than using known identities, because a syntax can cover numerous identities, and thus expedite processing and reduce storage. By uploading the optional, relatively small amount of data of the original URLvs as well, we can also have available for use, as seen later, the URLvs for a known identity URLv database.
One or more embodiments of
MIS—Multi-identity Syntax URLv Repositories
SSIRA used a set-identity URLv syntax to organize its contact entities' individuals. SSIRA then web accesses URLvs to extract, select, organize, sort, prioritize, and consolidate data to form a single individual contact entity in the contact management system. In this embodiment, FIG. 3's MIS (multi-identity-syntax) now works with multiple identity syntaxes.
MIS's first embodiment is a personal contact manager that comprises of contact entities, each of which represents an individual. Contact manager users usually personally know the contact entity's individual; and it follows that a contact entity's inputted URLvs, even with differing domain identities, usually represent the same individual.
We can see how a MIS works, by observing the following example using identified, unidentified, and website URLvs found in a contact entity.
Step 1 Identity Syntax Determined (from above UIS)
Step 2 Identities Established:
Step 3 URLvs Organized by Identified, Unidentified and Website URLvs.
If “www” is prefaced and there is no file suffix for the domains or only domains are inputted, these indicate a website URLv rather than an identity URLv.
Step 4 Extract Individual's Data from Identified URLvs Based on Extraction Method Described in SSIRA.
Step 5
Select, sort, prioritize, and consolidate data, like as described in SSIRA.
We can see MIS's result is a singular database-record, easy-to-read contact entity with consolidated data and with web-linked identified, unidentified, and website URLvs. There are now two identity syntaxes used—[] and [].
In most prior art contact managers, for examples Microsoft Outlook and Sage CRM's ACT, the contact entity user interface has only one web-linked datafield designed for a website URLv (in Outlook 2003, this is the Web Page Address data field), and none specifically for a URLv identity. Migrating from the prior-art contact management systems Outlook or ACT to MIS requires minimal user interface change. A drop down menu of inputted URLvs is added to the prior-art's web-linked URLv data field, and MIS's algorithm now works on this datafield, sorting the identified, unidentified, and website URLvs. In all, a simple migration path for prior-arts to upgrade to the invention.
To further explain using sample data and
When new URLv is inputted ((5) in
In prior art contact management practice, the user would use the contact manager's search feature to find the contact entity for Robert and input the new URLvs into its URLv database field. In the embodiment, the contact manager can have a feature of an input field for all URLvs ((5) in
If the contact manager does not contain matching identity, the user can use prior art search method to find the URLv's individual. When user manually places a different identity URLv into an existing contact entity's URLv datafield, this commences the association process of the URLv to the individual, as a contact entity refers to an individual. Lastly, the user can also use this new identified URLv ( to web extract and select its web content so as to create a new contact entity.
Using the identity syntax database is efficient, because it is far smaller than an identities database. However, an identities database can also be used. In another embodiment, an identities database (e.g. (11a) and (9a) in
If the identity syntax of the new inputted URLv cannot be determined (“No” decision in (9) in
A MIS can have its multi-user database, known URL identity syntaxes database, and/or known URLv identity databases on a web server, and the user simply accesses these databases from his personal computer, laptop, terminal, PDA, cell phone, and other http: accessible personal devices. The location of the MIS databases can also be local to the user, as the multi-user, the identity, and syntax databases can be local.
FIG. 4—Does Direct Correlation of Multiple Users' Contact Entities' Same URLvs Indicate These URLvs are for the Same Individual?
People have multiple webpage profiles and identifies. Consider for example, two unidentified- or unknown-identity-to-contact-manager URLvs of and of the same person “Robert”. How is it possible to enable these URLvs with differing second-top domains to be easily computer and people recognizable as belonging to the same individual, from among the trillions of URLvs in the world?
Any single user's contact entity's inputted URLvs or user's specified identities may not be accurate due to users' input errors, deliberate distortions, misunderstandings, complex URLv structure, etc. Might a correlation of commonly held URLvs work? A high correlation among differing users' contact entities' URLvs' might suggest their common URLvs are of the same individual. For example, if Users A, B, C . . . . J (10 users) each has a contact entity containing and, this high 100% correlation would suggest these URLvs both represent same individual ((3) and (16) in
But this direct correlation of URLvs has many difficulties. The first is that it relies on numerous users' contact managers each having such exact URLvs. Suppose a new URLv was found in only 2 of the same Users A-Js' contact managers. would be weakly 20% correlated with, and But, these are the same individual. Or suppose, as Users are prone to input miscellaneous information in the URLv datafield, many of the Users inputted, an eBay item for sale. Despite a high correlation, an eBay URLv doesn't have any of the individual's extractable information. Hence, a high correlation of contact managers' inputted URLvs ((3) in
However, by correlating the in-common, known or probable identities and identity syntaxes of many AII contact managers' users' URLvs, a derived association of an individual's true identities and URLvs can be far more accurate. This is the purpose of AII, Associated Identity Individual.
Due to the nature of contacts managers' contact entities, the entities' unidentified and identified URLvs are now partly associated to the same individual ((4) in
Whether a syntax or URLv is known or unknown is relative to the repository and its knowledge sources. For example, can be a URLv with an identity syntax, but its identity syntax is unknown to a specific repository.
The following table shows this, where KIS refers to known identified syntax URLv, UKIS refers to unknown identity syntax, PIS refers to probable identity syntax and FS refers to file suffix. The table is a simplified example, as in practice, there would be far more than 4 users, and probability and statistics methods may be used instead of the simple weight addition method below. In the below simplified, hypothetical example, the threshold value to establish same individual association is 75.
Identified {} and {} have differing URLvs in three of the users contact managers. Despite these differences, the same-individual-identities-correlation among these three contact entities is high because known individual's identities {} and {} are found in all three. If these all had known-identity weighing syntax of 23 (see above), the total weight is 138 (2*3*23), which establishes an identities association. and are also found in all three, but have low weighted unknown identity syntaxes, so it is unknown whether's or's URLvs represents an individual. An correlation of to yields 30, (6 multiplied by weighing of 5, see above) which is not associated, but there remains some correlation value.
If probable syntaxes were weighed at 18, then in relation to has a weighted score of 82 (2*(18+23)=82) to establish association. A single occurrence of known identity to score of 46 is not an association. Association threshold values and algorithms for calculating associations can differ in different embodiments.
In the first AII embodiment, the contact entity's URLvs, known or guess-estimate individual identities, and above guessed-syntax weight values are uploaded as a single user's contact object ((14) in
To further explain, if User A, User B, User C . . . . User J each has contact entity JohnT which contains and, both with previously known identity URLv syntax, this high degree of correlation with relative high weighing would indicate these URLvs and identities {} and {} represent the individual JohnT. URLv profiles containing either of the two identities would belong to the same individual.
However, consider if User A, User B, User C . . . . User J's contact entities all still have known identity URLvs and with, then, some same contact entities have unknown identity syntax URLv, others have unknown, and still others have unknown These three latter unknown identity syntax URLvs have low weighing factors. The identities {} and {} are associated for JohnT, but the 3 unidentified URLvs,, and lack sufficient correlating-association weighing values and are not associated as with the same individual
Probability and statistics methods correlations of low-weight, unknown identity URLvs can also establish same individual, but requires significantly larger sample quantities ((3) in
If the contact entities' content is uploaded with the contact objects, additional algorithm factors can be used to determine association correlation. For example, any same email address, telephone number, XML data of the URLvs extracted data, http:// extracted data can be used to help correlate the same individual. These would have the disadvantage of increasing the database size significantly, but can add more accuracy.
Above such probability and statistics correlation-association methods are well known probability and statistics methods, and the thresholds and methods may differ for different embodiments.
An AII has its shareable database on a web server or other kinds of shareable computing. The users' contact managers are on a personal computer, PDA, laptop, or other personal computing devices or on a web server. The database can be accessed by the contact managers through the web or locally if the contact managers and AII databases are on the same server or local computing facility.
Searching for Known Individual's URLvs and Multiple Identities
The database ((7) in
In prior-art methods of searching for an individual's web content and URLvs, the searcher can submit partial contacts information about the searched-for-individual to a stored individuals' information database and perform a database search. However, this search can be slow and excessive. For example, imagine a search for all identities and URLvs for a person named “John”.
Additionally, in one embodiment, the user's search ((19) in
In a better embodiment of the invention, a web sent form can inquire if the searcher knows of any URLvs for the individual. If the searcher inputs an identified URLv, then the individual's many identities can be used to quickly find his in the identities database ((7) in
Establishing Associations Other Than Through Using Contact Mangers
Utilizing differing syntaxes and multiple identities and associating multiple identities and URLvs can also be used by embodiments other than contact managers. SSIRA describes set-identity-syntax identities for eCommerce, matchmaking, employment, alumni, digital identification, national defense, discussion forum, political and social websites, social networking, and numerous other types of sites. UIS, MIS, and AII can also utilize these other embodiments. The working is comparable to the contact manager. Once a URLv identity is established in these other embodiments, the identity is used to extract, select, sort, organize, prioritize, and consolidate URLvs and their web content. Where there are multiple identities, they are allowed to further consolidate and also to correlate-associate with other identities of same individual.
One or several of the URLv input can also serve similar to “user name”, as seen in many prior-art-websites. Also, website cookies can identity same individuals, even when the person enters in an USI, MIS, or AII utilizing another URLv with differing identity. Other prior-art methods of identifying same user can be used to tie in the user's inputted URLvs into same individual.
For example, in an eCommerce auto sales website, a user inputs, and the site also uses Robert as his user name. Robert visits this website again, the cookie recognizes him, and automatically issues Robert user name. He further enters and into the site's URLv data field for him. The site now extracts the Fords, Chevy, and Ford Mustangs for sale on these three URLvs web accessed. The site then selects relevant data, sort, organize, prioritize, and consolidate, such that Robert's Chevys and Fords and non-duplicated Ford Mustangs are entered for sale into the site, under the name Robert. {} and {} are later associated as the same individual.
Another example is in social networking sites, for example, which has a syntax of []. Here an initial URLv name is available, e.g. would make available for additional URLvs to be inputted to For example, is added. {} and {} can now be associated.
This process is similar for all the other website types mentioned above. Additionally, any website where a representation of individual identity or identities can be useful can benefit.
4 Sub-identifies
A sub-identity would typically be a directory profile being used as an identity for a series of profiles; for example,, and {} can also be used like an identity for the above and also be a sub-identity of {}. Likewise, and, whereby {} can be the identity, and {} can be the subidentity.
Subidentities are useful where branding is valuable for the subidentity. For example, car buyers might not care about {}—his general identity with his personal dating history, but may care much more about {}, his profile as it relates to his cars selling activities.
After usage similar to an identity, these types of subidentities can work just like identities. Branding identity and sub-branding identity can be consolidated, similar to methods in SSIRA.
Advanced Probability and Statistics Methods can be Used
The threshold above used primarily identity-weighted additions of common URLvs. Other methods can be used, including, for example, weighted statistical methods that arrive at a weighted mean, and determining whether this number exceeds the threshold. Even unweighted statistical methods can be used, but these are less efficient. All these type of probability statistics methods are well known to those with basic probability and statistics background and these methods can be used here.
Encoded Identity in Complex URLs—Background
Many web database applications can produce complex URLs that carry a code to represent the individual. For example, in a hypothetical URL, (comparable to a URL): ll&viewas=1407187839, the “671298689” is a individual's code and is used on the majority this individual's webpages within Many other web databases, including discussion forum websites, blogs, auction, matchmaking, and custom-application websites, also use such individual's code in URLs. These individual-code are usually in the file suffix, due to the nature of web databases. Web database and other web applications use such individual-codes to relay information that the individual is relevant to the URLs' webpages. The domain names coupled with a individual-code is called {encoded identity}. UIS, MIS, and AII can learn to identify and use the pattern syntaxes and individual-codes of many of these web databases and applications.
Many websites databases will use same software manufacturers' web database and application program. These websites can be detected frequently by the manufacturers' names located at the webpages' bottom. Client links from the manufacturers' websites can also indicate same software. Once the manufacturers' encoded identity syntaxes are determined and inputted into the syntax database, the same syntaxes would apply to other websites where the same software is used.
Encoded Identity—Terminology
As an example,, 671298689 is an individual-code. Its pattern syntax is []. In another,, 671298689 is again an individual-code, and the pattern syntax is []. The encoded identity is {} and [] is the encoded identity syntax. This encoded identity is used by the URLvs repositories in similar way as identity is used—to organize, prioritize, and consolidate their URLvs extracted content.
Encoded Identity—Workings—Preset Known
In the following explanation, notice, if either a pattern syntax or the individual-code becomes known to the URLvs repository, it helps to make known to the URLvs repository the other. If the individual-code is known, many pattern syntaxes (as these relate to encoded identity) can be derived.
When complex URLvs are present, the encoded identity can be represented by several different URLv pattern syntaxes, and the individual-code can be in different locations in these pattern syntaxes. Comparable to an identity syntax database ((1) in
When the user inputs an encoded-identity URLv ((2) in
This known individual-code is further stored with its domains in a database ((5) in
If no pattern syntax matches, a determination is made as to whether the inputted URLv contains a known individual-code matching with its domain ((5) and/or (6) in
The probability weight of the individual-code now affects the weighing of the probable pattern syntax ((7) and (17) in
Encoded Identity—Workings—Preset Unknown
Other than the person-created URLv syntaxes, URLvs with encoded identities will be initially unknown to the embodiments, and have to be learned. Again, similar to the prior embodiments' explanations, using the examples of several users' contact managers to guess-estimate pattern-syntaxes and individual-codes, can help to explain how this can be learned. Embodiment types other than contact managers also can be used. Henceforth “‘UC’” will mean to assume that such URLv is initially unknown coded in pattern syntax or individual code to the repository.
Because “UC”'s individual-code can be cryptically coded, can occur in different parts of the URL, and may not even exist, it can be difficult to derive the individual-codes. Additionally, some of the prior embodiments' guess-estimate identity assessment methods described above—for examples XML and user selections—are less accurate on individual's encoded identity assessment methods, because the addressed webpage's download data will unlikely directly show the individual-code, and individual-codes can be difficult for humans to select. For example——numerous numbers here resemble an individual-code to the user selection.
It will be challenging to determine the pattern identity syntax for all such complex URLvs, but we can for many. To begin with, let's note some tendencies of these complex URLvs:
Because of the wide ranging number of syntax variables that can be involved in complex URLvs, probability weights issued at the local-to-user level are less accurate, for the lack of sufficient numbers of URLvs to verify the accuracy of the guess-estimate identity syntax. ((12) in
The shared server level ((8) in
An additive process ((10) in
Below is an example of how probable encoded identities become known, with parenthesis numbers tying into
Step 1: Person-created Pattern Syntax in Database—Tables 7
(Another embodiment begins instead with set known individual-codes in individual-codes database, and as the URLv are inputted ((2) in
Step 2 Compare Table 6's URLv with Syntax Pattern in Table 7 ((3) in
Match found, individual code is 671298689 and is added to the database of individual-codes ((5) in
Step 3 Enter next URLv 4
Pattern syntax match is again found ((3) and/or (1) in
Individual-code of 771298699 is added to the database of known individual-codes ((5) in
Step 4 Third Entered URLv
No match in pattern syntax ((3) and/or (1) in
671298689 is a known individual-code ((5) in
Step 5 Likewise, Several Other Users also have Entered into their Contact Entities ((9) in
The likelihood of [] being a known pattern syntax is significantly increased in the database of probable pattern syntaxes due to more users recognizing same URLv as belonging to an individual-code.
In the database of probable pattern syntaxes ((8) in
Step 6 is next inputted ((2) in
The probable syntaxes database ((8) in
Step 7 php is next inputted ((2) in
This does not match any known or probable syntax pattern ((3) and (12): (1) and/or (8) in
If a guess-estimate is made on the pattern syntax and/or individual-code ((13) in
Step 8
The various weighing factors and quantities are taken accumulated and added or otherwise probability and statistics measured (including weighted means methods), and if the pattern syntax or individual-code weighing exceed a set threshold ((10) and (16) in
Sufficient numbers of analyses of the suspect (low-weight) individual-codes and pattern syntaxes can increase their total probability weight value to become probable codes and syntaxes, and eventually become known codes and syntaxes. Such are methods known in probability and statistics, and probability and statistics algorithms can vary and be adjusted for the applications.
Step 9 php is entered ((2) in
Again, this has no known matching pattern ((6) in
Step 10 The End Result of the Above Steps are:
{} and {} can both be used now as encoded identities.
In, 771298699 and 671298689 are known individual-codes.
[] is a highly probable pattern syntax that may become a known pattern syntax.
In, 432356323 and Me1234 are probable individual-code.
[] is a probable pattern syntax.'s URLvs remain unknown.
Step 11
If a pattern syntax or individual-code remains unknown (unable to determine pattern or individual-code) after above steps, ((14) and (15) in
Using for all URLv Types
Notice that FIG. 6's encoded identity embodiment is derived from
Recognizing this, it is possible to integrate the various embodiment types shown in the figures to a single embodiment by: 1. integrating single variable syntax (simple) as a special form of multiple variable (complex) syntax; 2. uncoded individual names as a special form of individual-codes; and 3. providing dictionary usage and user recognition acknowledgment only where uncoded names are involved. Such an integration would simply apply all the teachings of the embodiments above. The result is that all types of URLvs can be inputted and organized according to identity, encoded identity, website, or unknown.
Accuracy of the UIS, MIS, and AII
Not all URLvs' identities will be accurately determined. However, notice by using the syntax method, once just one identity, one syntax, one individual-code, or syntax pattern is figured out for a domain, most of the other identities, codes, syntax, or syntax can be determined. When there are many URLvs and their repositories in use, the odds of successful identity syntax recognition is high due to the many probability and statistics methods that can be applied, some of which are described above, and due to past recognition by other users. Where the identity or identity syntax is unreliable or inaccurate, the repository user can control its use, and if determined to be such, an inputted URLvs is set an unknown-identity URLv (e.g. (14) and/or (15) in
More on Multiple URLv Profiles
In the embodiment, the individual's separate URLvs are entered into a repository, and then consolidated and organized based on an identity. It is also possible for these URLvs to be entered already consolidated. Other embodiments are also acceptable.
Notice that the concept of profiles, as initially introduced in SSIRA, is different from linked webpages of a website or that of a web database with links. Profiles are not necessarily linked to other webpages, for the sake of privacy control, as described in SSIRA. This is why the repositories can't simply send a robot to follow all the links to gather the individual's webpages information. Social networking sites usually use clumsy all-or none password or owner-acceptance privacy controls. UIS, MIS, and AII repositories use superior user-submitted URLvs for privacy controls.
Mass Adoption Methods
Two solutions to the marketing challenge of mass adoption of utilizing identities in URLvs are: 1. revise the actions of browser email-address-link-click-launch and 2. add an email-to-web-address converter in an email-contact-manger client.
In email-contact-manager clients, such as Microsoft Outlook, a new user-interface button is added that runs a script to convert a contact entity's email address to web address by substituting the email's “@” for a “.”, and place this web address in a URLv field. For example: a button-launched script that takes in the email address field and creates in an URLv field.
Browsers have capabilities that a left mouse click of an email address link launches an such email-addressed email to send in an email client software. Programming changes can be made such that when such browser email address link is right mouse clicked, a web address is browser launched. For example, browser launch address when is right clicked. The address can display individual's web content or can redirect to a web address containing identity.
Any URLv syntax can now be used for identity syntax. Once the identity syntax is determined for a domain, then, the identity can be accurately determined. Once multiple identities can be stored in a contact entity, the weighted, probability and statistics correlation of same identities among contact entities can yield accurate multiple identity names and URLvs associated with the same individual. Encoded-identity and complex URLvs also can be used.
The social impact of this invention's embodiments is immense. Consider a hypothetical example of dominant eCommerce individuals' auction site, (for example, provides a way for individuals to auction products, and owns 70+% of its marketplace. The barriers to entry in's marketplace are: its brand name, its numbers of buyers and sellers, and the amount of time it takes for an individual to list his products with another website. Let's suppose new websites, Competitor2. com, . . . , and, offered identical services as, and offered these with a promotional offer of no transaction fees for three years. Such competitors still face a high barrier to entry because it takes time for a seller to list his products at each Competitor's site, and listing at these new sites with few buyers would multiply his time costs of selling tremendously.
Suppose an individual seller received a webpage designed for eCommerce exchanges, containing exchangeable data and with an identified URLv, comparable to one of the ndfSDpFDA of the SSIRA application, but with a differing URLv identity and URLv syntax. This webpage enables him to list all his products for sale, and carries data fields and data for his products. After listing once, the seller can quickly enter this URLv to sell at the newly revised, Competitor2. com, . . . , and websites containing invention's embodiments. These sites' invention revision is that they can now accept individuals' multiple-identity URLvs and associated extracted data and have UIS, MIS, and AII features. The impact is that one of's major barriers-to-entry (listing time) nearly disappears. Now,, Competitor2. com, . . .'s promotional offer of no listing fees coupled with minimal time required for product listing, will motivate individual sellers to list with them, and over time, will form a sizable sales inventory. Buyers can also register quickly at these by conveniently entering in their purchasing URLv representations.
The result is that many competitive marketplaces will emerge to compete against the dominant And with more competitive sites, the power and focus of the eCommerce shifts to the individual rather than to dominant websites. Service prices drop, service selections improve, and more and better commerce develops.
Consider another example of a monopoly type of social networking website, such as Once a user places creates his content into, the content is not easily exchangeable with other social networking websites, and thus becomes “owned” by Similarly with the nearly all the current dominant social networking websites. Using the inventions embodiments and those found also in SSIRA, a user can create his content at his preferred domain; and use his resulting URLv profiles at any social networking websites, with far superior data transport ease than what information can provide. This will also create far more competitive social networking websites.
In one or more embodiments of the invention, software instructions to perform embodiments of the invention, when executed by a processor, may be stored on a computer readable medium such as a compact disc (CD), a diskette, a tape, or any other computer readable storage device.
While the disclosure contained herein has set forth a number of embodiments of the invention, used an easy-to-explain contact management embodiment for explanation purposes, and many of the fundamental components used within the invention are well known within the art, it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that variations to the combination of elements and steps disclosed can be made without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. Accordingly, the scope of the invention should be limited only by the attached claims.
This application is a continuation of co-pending U.S. application Ser. No. 12/387,545, filed May 4, 2009, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,958,266, and entitled “Multiple URL Identity Syntaxes and Identities.” Accordingly, this application claims benefit of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/387,545, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,958,266, under 35 U.S.C. §120. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/387,545, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,958,266, is herby incorporated in its entirety.
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