The present invention relates to the field of sanitizers, and more specifically sanitizers for the underside of finger and toe nails.
Hand sanitizing is not a new concept of personal hygiene especially in this era of Covid 19, and continuous exposures to harmful bacteria as a result of work and social activities. The most common method used to eradicate potential germs, bacteria, viruses and other biological agents, so far, is hand washing. However, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) studies shows that this does little to make contact with and to kill bacteria lodged in the under the fingernail region. Another method to prevent getting bacteria and viruses on our hands and finger is the use of rubber latex gloves. however, gloves are tedious to use and from preliminary research, are not used at all times and instances where bacteria may come in contact with such region. They are also not practical to be worn by everyone at all times.
Sanitizers, and hand sanitizing in particular, have become increasingly popular in the last decade. Hand sanitizers are present in hospitals around the world, carried in people's bags, used before meals, etc. The increased focus on sanitation and keeping hands clean has led to a boom in the market and the release of a plethora of products that deal with said type of sanitation. Most products in the market today involve an alcoholic liquid or foam that is extracted from a container and applied to one's hands. Application consists of lathering the alcoholic liquid on the external surface of the hand. Indeed, products such as these eliminate potential germs, bacteria, viruses and other biological agents from the surface of the hands but they have little impact on germs, bacteria, viruses and other biological agents in regions of the hand that are not readily accessible by surface cleaning, like the under parts of the fingernails and toenails. As such, there is a need for a device that can overcome the problems as enumerated above, while providing a quick, easy mechanism to sanitize the hands.
The present invention is a quick and efficient method for delivering a sanitizing agent to the under parts of the fingernails and toenails with related effective bacteria termination and infections which in turn helps decreases the number of bacteria in the region that can infect and create health issues. One of the value propositions of the present invention is its simplicity and easy to use packaging containing a brush and sanitizing agents that helps kill bacteria in the under parts of the fingernails and toenails with simple but effective application. The germs and bacteria will be killed by sanitizing agents.
The present invention also comes at an excellent juncture in time, for health and clinical standpoint, as hospitals around the world and society at large are demanding stringent sanitization methods because of bacterial disease spreading such as the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic. The lack of hand sanitization particularly the under parts of our fingernails and toenails can lead to bacteria been harbored and transferred causing diseases and more trivial cases death. Based on hand-sanitation analysis, the need for an “under-the-fingernail sanitization applicator and method” is an excellent step to achieving and meeting world-wide health of hand-sanitation levels. The present invention addresses a healthcare issue of an accumulation of foreign particles and bacteria under the fingernail that when transmitted, can result in illness and disease. This residue actively enters the body by way of using the under the fingernail cavity as a holding reservoir. These infective agents then penetrate into the body through orifices such as the eye, mouth, ear, nasal cavities and open wounds. These infective agents must be eliminated through an applicator and method that can reach under the fingernail region and sanitize this region. This is a problem especially for those who work in, but not limited to, the healthcare, childcare, and food services industries.
U.S. Pat. No. 1,234,844, this shows a surgical swab adapted for transporting and applying small quantities of cleansing antiseptically healing liquid in a container and to dispense same through a fabric cover.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,886,078A an elongated rod or stick of porous material with one end pointed and tufted to engage under finger or toe nails for cleaning same. The porous material is impregnated with agents such as suitable soaps, detergents, germicides and the like actuated when the tufted tip is wetted with water. Materials such as orange wood, balsa, paper and the like may be used to form the stick and the tufted end thereon.
U.S. Pat. No. 1,819,004, This shows a pencil type toilet article for use in whitening the undersides of the nails and includes a relatively sharp pointed core within a casing of wood or wound paper stick.
U.S. Pat. No. 1,982,285, This shows a cleaning and polishing means for teeth and nails having wedge shaped or slanting receptacles or grooves adapted to receive pumice and the like and to hold same while cleaning said nails and teeth.
US20060196519A1 A nail cleaning system for cleaning and disinfecting underneath one's nails. The nail cleaning system comprises an elongated member having a predetermined size and shape and a first and second end. At least one cleaning tip is located at the first end of the elongated member. The cleaning tip includes a unique styled head which has both a rounded portion and a pointed tip located adjacent the rounded portion for cleaning underneath the rounded portion of the nail and the quick portion where the skin meets the nail. A liquid retaining material is located on at least a portion of the at least one cleaning tip. A cleaning and/or disinfecting solution is provided within the liquid retaining material such that the cleaning solution, in combination with the cleaning tip, is capable of thoroughly removing dirt and germs underneath nails.
U.S. Pat. No. 2,122,920, This shows a dental stick formed of a composition containing a cementitious ingredient, a polish ingredient and a comminuted buffing and binding ingredient in the form of a stick.
U.S. Pat. No. 4,225,254, illustrates a scrub device for applying a selected liquid to an area of the body of a patient while maintaining the sterile condition required and is in the form of a hollow handle and a scrubbing swab on one end thereof.
None of the above mentioned is suitable for the purpose of antiseptically scrubbing under the fingernails whereas the present invention is designed specifically for this purpose. The sanitizing agent is made from a natural ingredient such as aloe Vera and the brush are made of hard small bristle made from nylon plastic which are flexible and durable. The brush may also be dabbed in a liquid solvent such as a water-soluble soap, detergent, antiseptic, anti-fungal or anti-bacterial agent or any other water-soluble agent required so that when the brush is dipped in the solvent or sanitizer, a cleansing action is generated by the back and forth movement of the brush bristles under the nail. Another advantage of the invention is to provide a device of the character here within described which is simple in construction, economically manufactured and otherwise well suited to the purpose for which it is designed.
The following summary discloses all the features and functions of the present Invention, by considering the whole specifications, claims, drawings and abstract, one can easily get a full understanding of the invention and it functions.
The present invention is a nail sanitizing tool and under-nail cleaning tool comprising of an elongated stick having a brush end portion formed from a nylon synthetic fibrous material to assist in scrubbing the finger nail and under the nail, and a container body portion that houses a sanitizing liquid solvent of water and Aloe Vera. Another advantage of the invention is to provide a close by sanitizing tool for both natural and artificial nail of the character here within described which is simple in construction, economically manufactured and otherwise well suited to the purpose for which it is designed.