Funds are being provided via an interagency transfer to provide cost sharing for ongoing and new projects being conducted under the auspices of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP). FY07 funds are requested for cost sharing ongoing projects: 1) annual funding of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl; 2) support for the Ocean.US office; 3) the second of three year's support for a study entitled "Community Sediment Transport Model" led by Rocky Geyer (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) funded as part of the FY06 BAA; 4) support for a National Academy of Sciences, Ocean Studies Board review of the interagency Ocean Research Priorities Plan; 5) support for the engineering and deployment of an undersea cable leading to the ALOHA Observatory; 6) support for a new NOPP project entitled "A Comprehensive Modeling Approach Towards Understanding and Prediction of the Alaskan Coastal System Response to Changes in an Ice-diminished Arctic" led by Wieslaw Maslowski (Naval Postgraduate School) to be funded as part of the FY07 BAA; and 7) Heinz project support. The Office of Naval Research continues to be the lead agency to implement and fund many NOPP research and education programs. This arrangement helps to centralize and better control fiscal management, using cost sharing funds provided by other partnering agencies.