Network programming language structure

The present invention discloses a method and a network for interconnecting a plurality of electronic devices for their configuration and control, the network comprising at least one of the plurality of electronic devices being a local node including a controller, a memory and at least one local virtual variable having a value representative of a state of the local node, the local virtual variable being stored in the memory of the local node, the non-selected electronic devices being remote nodes including a controller and a memory, the memory having stored therein at least one remote virtual variable having a value representative of a state of the remote node, the remote virtual variable being reported by the controller of the remote node on the network in response to a change in the value of said remote virtual variable, and at least one action being stored in the memory of the local node for execution by the controller of the local node, the action using the local virtual variable and the remote virtual variable, wherein the controller of the local node is so configured as to execute the action stored in the memory of the local node in response to the reporting of the remote virtual variable, the action changing the value of the local virtual variable and modifying the state of the local node according to the value of the local virtual variable.


[0002] The present invention relates generally to configuring and controlling electronic devices connected to a network.


[0003] With the advent of computer technology, the heart of any computer is the microprocessor or microcontroller. The addition of these key parts to any device or appliance can convert them into small computers. Software code integrated into the microprocessors enables a device or appliance to perform automated tasks without external control. These components that are integrated into pre-existing machines are often referred to as “embedded systems”. Along with microprocessors, other hardware components such as memory can add further robustness to otherwise simple machines. Physical space available in these pre-existing machines is often limited however, so whatever storage is available must be used efficiently.

[0004] Connecting many embedded systems on a network allows for communication between the embedded systems. Computer networking focuses on having a number of processors communicate and share information with one another, as well as the utilization of such systems by remote devices. Taking it a step further, embedded systems in communication with other systems may be thought of as a distributed data processing system. In such a distributed system, the results of embedded system networking lead to the design of applications systems. Information gathered from one system on the network could affect the states of other systems. For example, the closing of a light switch may initiate the lowering of a television set's volume. The software in the microprocessor of one embedded system often relies on knowledge of other system's states to perform certain tasks.

[0005] The software embedded in each embedded system or device must be structured in such a way to facilitate inter-network communication. Current network programming structures use compiler based languages for the source program and compilers to convert the source program into machine code. While these programming structures allow for communicating and controlling information, the format is complex and requires additional memory. Storage space is already limited so the requirement for extra storage space can increase costs. In the field, compiler based programming languages are generally difficult to configure and are not readily adaptable device or network changes.

[0006] Accordingly, it is an object of the present application to obviate or mitigate some or all of the above disadvantages.


[0007] In one aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method for configuring and controlling a plurality of interconnected electronic devices defining a network, said method comprising:

[0008] selecting at least one of said plurality of electronic devices as a local node;

[0009] defining at least one local virtual variable having a value representative of a state of said local node;

[0010] defining the non-selected devices as remote nodes; each remote node having at least one remote virtual variable having a value representative of a state thereof, each said remote virtual variable being reported on said network in response to a change in said value of said remote virtual variable;

[0011] providing said local node with at least one action using said local virtual variable and said remote virtual variable;

[0012] executing said action in response to said reporting of said remote virtual variable, said action changing said value of said local virtual variable; and

[0013] modifying said state of said local node according to said value of said local virtual variable.

[0014] In another aspect of the present invention, there is further provided a network interconnecting a plurality of electronic devices for their configuration and control, said network comprising:

[0015] at least one of said plurality of electronic devices being a local node including a controller, a memory and at least one local virtual variable having a value representative of a state of said local node; said local virtual variable being stored in said memory of said local node;

[0016] the non-selected electronic devices being remote nodes including a controller and a memory, the memory having stored therein at least one remote virtual variable having a value representative of a state of said remote node, said remote virtual variable being reported by said controller of said remote node on said network in response to a change in said value of said remote virtual variable; and

[0017] at least one action being stored in said memory of said local node for execution by said controller of said local node, the action using said local virtual variable and said remote virtual variable;

[0018] wherein said controller of said local node is so configured as to execute said action stored in said memory of said local node in response to the reporting of said remote virtual variable, said action changing said value of said local virtual variable and modifying said state of said local node according to said value of said local virtual variable.


[0019] Embodiments of the invention will be described by way of example only with the help of the accompanying figures.


and 1b are the virtual variable general characteristics property parameters.


, 2b and 2c are the virtual variable reporting type property parameters.


to 3f are the virtual variable default value/value range property parameters.

FIG. 4 is a flowchart illustrating the method of creating a virtual variable.


and 5b show respectively simplified illustrations of the communication between two nodes having two different data variable types of a prior art system and the system in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention.

FIG. 6 shows the parameters of the remote virtual variable descriptor.


and 7b show the differences between compiled languages and interpreted languages.

FIG. 8 shows a simplified schematic of a system of two nodes, a switch and a lamp and their respective data variables.


and 9b show the virtual variable general characteristics property parameters of the virtual variables for the system of FIG. 8.

FIGS. 10

and 10b show the virtual variable reporting type property parameters of the virtual variables for the system of FIG. 8.

FIGS. 11

to 11e show the virtual variable default value/value range property parameters of the virtual variables for the system for FIG. 8.

FIG. 12 shows the parameters of the remote virtual variable descriptor for the system of FIG. 8.

FIGS. 13

and 13b show respectively the pseudocode and the actual code of an example program for the system of FIG. 8.

[0033] Table 1 is a listing of the virtual variable value types.

[0034] Table 2 is a listing of measurement units.

[0035] Table 3 is a listing of the token values.


[0036] In standard programming structures, actions are performed on data variables. Before describing the structure of the program, the data variables will be defined. These data variables represent states and conditions of features relevant to the type of node. Examples of features include a temperature sensor of a thermostat, a state of a light switch or the volume of a television set. These data variables will from herein be defined as virtual variables.

[0037] Virtual Variable Properties

[0038] As mentioned earlier, virtual variables (V2) represent states or conditions of a node. They may be created by the manufacturer of the node or by the system installer. On a network, nodes have access to read the information provided by the V2 of every node and may use this information to control node parameters. The structure of the variables comprises several properties: general characteristics, V2 reporting type, default value/value range and other properties. These will be described in more details.

[0039] Virtual Variable (V2) General Characteristics

[0040] The general characteristics of a V2 are stored within two bytes. FIG. 1a shows the most significant byte of the general characteristics (10) and FIG. 1b shows the least significant byte of the general characteristics (11). Byte (10) contains information relating to volatility (12), manufacturer (13), output (14) and V2 type (15). Byte (11) includes the following fields: Normal Read (16), Normal Write (17), Manufacturer Read Secured (18), Manufacturer Write Secured (19), Visible V2 bit (20) and Reserved bits (21).

[0041] Bit 7 of byte (10) describes the volatility (12) of the V2 value. If set to one, the V2 is initialized to a default value or to 0 depending on the configuration of the default value/value range property. If set to zero, the V2 is initialized to the value stored in the node's flash memory. The exception is data V2 that are always directly stored in flash memory. Bit 6 is the Manufacturer bit (13) and an indication of the source of the V2. If set to one, the manufacturer has created the V2. Otherwise, it indicates that it has been created in the field. Bit 5 is the Output bit (14) and describes where the V2 is mapped. If it is set, the V2 may be mapped to an output peripheral. Otherwise, the V2 is mapped to an input peripheral. If mapped to an input peripheral, the V2's value cannot be changed by the system software. Bits 0-4 describe the V2 type (15). This property is discussed later.

[0042] Bits 4 to 7 of byte (11) deal with security and encryption. Bit 7 (16) of byte (11) is the Normal Read (16) property. If bit 7 (16) is set, the V2 may be read without using any specific encryption key when the network is not encrypted, otherwise the Public Key is required. If bit (16) is not set, the V2 cannot be read. Bit 6 is the Normal Write (17) property. If this bit is set, the V2 may be written to without using any specific encryption key in the case the network is not encrypted, otherwise the Public Key is required. If this bit is not set, the V2 cannot be written to. Bit 5 is the Manufacturer Read Secured bit (18). If this bit is set, the V2 value may be read using the manufacturer key. This key is a manufacturer-defined encryption key and is used to protect secured properties and V2 that are specific to the manufacturer. If neither the Manufacturer Read Secured bit (18) nor the Normal Read bit (16) is set, the V2 value cannot be read from the communication medium. Bit 4 is the Manufacturer Write Secured bit (19). If this bit is set, the V2 value may be written to using the manufacturer key. If neither the Manufacturer Write Secured bit (19) nor the Normal Write bit (17) is set, the V2 value cannot be read from the communication medium. Bit 3 is the Visible V2 (20) bit. When this bit is not set, an external application may hide the V2 from the user's view. Otherwise, the V2 may be shown. This is to avoid showing basic V2 calculations used by the manufacturer in its manufacturer logic. This bit is for information purposes only, thus its value is not processed by the device's protocol. Bits 0 to 2 are Reserved bits (21) and are set to 0. They are available for use for future applications.

[0043] Earlier it was mentioned that bits 0 to 4 of byte (10) described the V2 type (15). Table 1 lists possible V2 types. These types include a boolean type (represents either true or false values), an unsigned character, a signed integer, a signed long integer, a floating-point number, a data variable and a string variable. The boolean and unsigned character are both one byte long; the signed integer is two bytes long; and the signed long integer and the floating number are both four bytes long. The length of the data and string V2 value types varies from 0 to 246 bytes.

[0044] V2 Reporting

[0045] The V2 reporting property is used to define how V2's values are reported. FIG. 2a shows the five-byte property definition (40) and its contents including byte 0, the First Byte Field (41), bytes 1 and 2, Report_Parameter_1 (42) and bytes 3 and 4, Report_Parmeter_2 (43).

FIG. 2

shows the First Byte Field (41) definition including bit 7, which is an unused field (44), bit 6 that indicates Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Reporting (45), bit 5 that indicates Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART) Reporting (46) and bits 0 to 4 that indicate the Medium Reporting Type (47). In this embodiment, two standard serial ports are used: an SPI and a UART.

[0047] If bit 6, the SPI Reporting (45) field is set, then the V2 value is reported on the SPI port every time its value changes. If this bit is cleared, the V2 value is never reported on the SPI port. If bit 5, the UART Reporting (46) field is set, then the V2 value is reported on the UART interface every time its value changes. If this bit is cleared, the V2 value is never reported on the UART interface. Bits 0 to 4 correspond to the Medium Reporting Type (47) field. This value determines how the V2 value is reported to the medium so that other devices on the network receive its value when required. The Medium Reporting Type (47) field and the Report Parameter_1 (42) and the Report_Parameter_2 (43) fields (bytes 1 to 4 of the V2 Reporting property) are set according to the table shown in FIG. 2c. There are four different Medium Reporting Types: None (51), Heartbeat (52), Delta (53) and Percentage (54). When the V2 is never reported, None (51) is selected and the value in the Medium Reporting Type (47) field is 00 (hexadecimal notation). When Heartbeat (52) is selected, the device reports the V2 value at a fixed rate or period. The value in the Medium Reporting Type (47) field is 01. When Delta (53) is selected, the device will report the V2 value every time it changes by a specific value (delta). Delta 0 indicates that the V2 value is reported every time its value changes. The value in the Medium Reporting Type (47) field is 02. When Percentage (54) is selected, the device will report the V2 value only if it has changed by at least a specified percentage of its current value. A percentage of 0 means that the V2 is reported every time its value changes.

[0048] V2 Default Value/Value Range

[0049] This property specifies a V2's default value and its value range including minimum and maximum values. The default value is loaded at power-up for V2 stored in volatile memory. FIGS. 3a and 3b show this twelve-byte property. FIG. 3a shows the V2 default value/value range property (60) for the data V2. Bytes 0, 2-12 are Not used fields (61). Byte 1 specifies the physical length of the data V2. This physical length corresponds to the flash memory space reserved for the V2's if its value type is data. This V2 type does not have a default value. FIG. 3b shows the V2 default value/value range property for all other V2's (63). Byte 0 contains the First Byte Field (64), bytes 1 to 4 contain the Default value (65), bytes 5 to 8 contain the Minimum Value (66) and bytes 9 to 12 contain the Maximum Value (67).

FIG. 3

gives the breakdown of First Byte Field (64). Bit (68) is the Default Specified (68) field, bit 6 is the Min/Max Specified (69) field and bits 0-5 are not used. To specify a default value, the Default Specified (68) bit must be set, and the Default (65) field must be filled with a proper default value. The default value must be consistent with the V2's value type. This same principle also applies for the Min/Max Specified (69) field. To specify a value range for the V2's value, the Min/Max Specified (69) bit must be set and the Minimum Value and Maximum Value fields must be filled with the proper minimum and maximum values for the V2. The minimum and maximum values must be consistent with the V2's value type.


, 3e and 3f specify the Default Value (65), Minimum Value (66) and Maximum Value (67) fields for the various V2 types including boolean, unsigned character, signed integer, signed long integer and floating-point number. The value formats for each type correspond to their lengths. Both boolean and unsigned character are one-byte long; the signed integer is two bytes long; and the signed long integer and floating-point number are four bytes long. These lengths are constant for the Default Value (65), Minimum Value (66) and the Maximum Value (67).

[0052] Other Properties

[0053] Along with the properties described earlier, the following properties are also associated with V2's.

[0054] The V2 Hardware Mapping property maps a V2 to a hardware peripheral. Each element in this property is a one byte field that corresponds to a particular input or output peripheral.

[0055] The Units of Measure property specifies the V2's measurement unit in relation to mass, area, temperature, electrical parameters, etc. These units are for information purposes only, thus its value is not processed by the device's protocol. Table 2 gives a detailed list of the various units.

[0056] The Name property stores personalized descriptors for the V2's, i.e. fan speed, volume level, light switch status, etc. The Name property is used to describe each V2, not to identify it.

[0057] Identification is done using a V2 identification (ID) number. Each of the properties discussed so far is grouped in multi-element, two-dimensional arrays. The ID is given by the element index of the V2 in the array, where the first ID has an ID of zero. For example, the V2 whose configuration details are stored in the fifth element of the above properties has a V2 ID of 4. This ID is used to refer to a particular V2 in the programming logic scenarios.

[0058] Creating and Deleting V2's

[0059] It is possible to create a V2 on either a local device or a remote one. The process is outlined in FIG. 4 and involves the definition of the V2 properties described earlier. The first step is to choose a V2 ID (75). As described earlier, the first V2 must have an ID of 0 and all subsequent V2's must follow numerically (ID 1 for the second V2, ID 2 for the third V2, etc). This is important since, in the present embodiment, the chosen ID matches the corresponding element index of the two-dimensional array of V2 properties. If an ID is skipped, by the device's controller ignores all V2's having an ID greater than the skipped one. The second step involves defining a name (76) for the V2. This name is only a descriptor for the V2 and is not used in the programming logic. The third step involves defining the reporting characteristics (77). Details on the reporting characteristics were given in FIG. 2. The fourth step involves defining the mapping characteristics (78). As described earlier, each V2 is mapped to a particular input or output peripheral. Each input and output peripheral has a property ID similar to a V2. This ID is given in the one byte V2 Hardware Mapping field. The fifth step involves defining the default value and range (minimum and maximum values) (79). Details of this were given in FIG. 3. The sixth step defines the unit of measure (80) relating to the particular V2. The units are chosen among those defined in Table 2. The seventh and last step involves defining the V2 General Characteristics property (81). These were outlined and described earlier in FIG. 1. They include, the V2 type and security/encryption features. It is important to configure the V2 General Characteristics property (81) after configuring the other six properties. If this does not happen, the V2's behavior may be erroneous until all properties are correctly configured.

[0060] To delete a V2, the corresponding element in the V2 General Characteristics should be set to FFFFh. If a V2 is deleted however, the node's controller ignores all V2's having an ID greater than the deleted one. This is due to the way the controller scans the V2's: it checks all elements in the V2's General Characteristics starting from element 0, and increments until it finds an element having the FFFFh value.

[0061] Remote Virtual Variable Descriptor


and 5b demonstrate an example system of two nodes, a switch and a lamp that each have one data variable. Each of these data variables use two different data variable value types. FIG. 5a shows a prior art system. This system consists of two nodes, switch A (85) and lamp A (87). Switch A's (85) data variable (86) is based on the boolean value type. It is in communication with lamp A (87) whose data variable is based on the unsigned character value type (90). To enable communication between the two nodes, the manufacturer of lamp A (87) must add the capability of receiving boolean value types. This data variable must be designed into the product. Therefore, the manufacturer must add a boolean value type receiver (88) to lamp A (87). The manufacturer must also add the necessary hardware logic complying to the system manufacturer's programming structure. For any product that has to communicate with different value types, corresponding value type receivers must be added by the product manufacturer. The product manufacturer must have advance knowledge of the devices and more specifically the remote data variables to which its product will be bound. It is difficult, therefore, for the end-user or system installer to make changes to the program specifications at a later time.

FIG. 5

shows a system similar to the system of FIG. 5a in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. This system consists of two nodes, switch B (91) and lamp B (93). Switch B's (91) data variable (92) is based on a boolean value type. It is in communication with lamp B (93) whose V2 is based on the unsigned character value type. A remote V2 descriptor (94), that is part of the network programming language structure of the present invention, may accept a V2 of any value type. It is possible to include more than one remote V2 descriptor (94) to support a plurality of remote V2.

FIG. 6 shows the format of the Remote V2 Descriptor (94). Bytes 0 and 1 contain the node address (97), byte 2 contains the V2 ID (98) and byte 3 contains the V2 value type (99). Value types were described in FIG. 2. The V-Logic may be set up by the system installer or the end-user, therefore it may be written in the field and the product manufacturer does not need to know details about the system that installs its product. Any V2 may bind to other V2's of a plurality of devices without these devices having prior knowledge of the remote devices and their V2's.

[0065] Programming L gic Language

[0066] The properties of V2's have been described in detail. These variables contain information related to the features of each node. To have a user or other nodes access and control this information, the network requires a communication process. Machine code will execute instructions based on user requirements. This code however requires explicit knowledge of the machine processes. A programming language that may be understood and executed by an end user is required. For machine understanding, the programming language needs to be converted to a form that is readable to their processors. The methods of program conversion and execution of a user's program may be classified into two basic techniques: 1) compilation and execution, or 2 interpretation. These two techniques are shown in simplified form in FIGS. 7a and 7b, respectively. FIG. 7a demonstrates the case of compilation and execution (100). Here the source program A (101) represents a programming language that requires compilation to translate it into machine code. This source program A (101) is converted to a compiled code using a compiler (102). The machine processor A (103), may then execute the instructions of the source program since the compiled code is machine readable. The compiler takes the source program (101) and translates it into executable files of binary machine code by the compiler (102). Once the binary code has been generated, it is stored in memory and the machine processor A (103) may execute it directly without looking at the source program (101) again. This method improves efficiency and saves time, but it is difficult to create code such as source program A (101). Knowledge of programming fundamentals is necessary since compiled languages may be difficult to program in. FIG. 7b shows the case of interpretation (104). Due to the programming structure of source program B (105), no compiling is needed. The source program B (105) is interpreted directly by the machine processor (106). The interpreter within machine processor B (106) translates and executes each statement of the source program B (105) before translating and executing the next one. As a result, no memory is required to store intermediate code, making it cost-effective. The execution time may be relatively slower, but with the current range of available high-speed controllers, delays are not an issue. Also, creating code for source program B (105) is usually simpler than using a compilation language.

[0067] The programming language used for reading and controlling the V2's is an interpreted language. This language facilitates the creation of operational scenarios or logic between devices. All the devices in the network contain variable logic (V-Logic) as well as an interpreter to execute operations defined in the language.

[0068] Since all V-Logic scenarios are stored in flash memory, they may be reprogrammed in the field to enhance or update device functionality. The manufacturer may define it (mainly to define a device's local behavior), or the installer and end-user (to define the interaction between devices in a network). This gives more flexibility for the system installer or end-user to configure and program their devices according to their requirements as opposed to the manufacturers. To implement a V-Logic scenario, the Manufacturer Variable Logic or the Field Variable Logic property must be filled with a data string following the language format described below. It describes the syntax of the variable logic language following a BNF (Backus-Naur Form) format.

[0069] The format of a variable logic script contains a list of actions followed by an ‘END’ token to indicate the end of the script.
1<V-Logic>::= <Action List><END Token>

[0070] The Action List is defined as a list of zero, one or several actions. There are different types of actions including IF and Conditional Statements, Timer, Computational, and Miscellaneous Actions. Each action corresponds to a particular token and each token has a hexadecimal value associated with it.

[0071] The following information provides the formats of the various actions attributed to the V-Logic language. Prior to describing these actions, it is necessary to introduce some common V-Logic elements.

[0072] Common Elements

[0073] <V2>

[0074] Some actions can use both local or remote V2's while some other actions use only local V2's.

[0075] <Local V2>

[0076] A local V2 is a V2 present in the local device. Its corresponding ID identifies it. The format is:
2<Local V2> ::= <Local V2 Token><Local V2 ID><Local V2 ID> ::= <00h...2Fh><Remote V2>

[0077] A remote V2 is a V2 present in a remote device. Its ID corresponds to the index of the element where the information about this V2 is stored in the Remote V2 descriptor property array.
3<Remote V2> ::= <Remote V2 Token><Remote V2 cID><Remote V2 ID>::= <00h...2Fh><Const>

[0078] Constant values are used in most V-Logic actions.
4<Const> ::= <Const Token><Const Type><Data><Const Type> ::= <Boolean Token>| <Unsigned CharToken>|<Signed Integer Token>|<Signed Long Token>|<FloatToken>|(<Data Token><Data Length>)<Data Length> ::= <00h...F6h><Data> ::= Constant value according to the specified data type.<Value>

[0079] A value is a V2 value or a constant.

[0080] <Timer>

[0081] A V-Logic scenario can use up to 8 timers that are identified by <Timer> when using timer-related actions or flags.
5<Timer> ::=<00h...07h><Timer Value>

[0082] Since a timer decrements from an initial value loaded by a Start Timer action, the timer value can be loaded in a V2 to retrieve the value of a timer, running or not, or be used to trigger actions or events.

[0083] The timer value can be used in several V-Logic actions:.
6<Timer Value> ::= <Timer Value Token> <Timer ID><Timer Value Token> ::= <16h><Timer ID> ::= <00h...07h><IF> Statement, Conditions and Arguments<IF> Statement

[0084] A variable logic IF statement contains the condition description and the actions and the actions to be executed if this conditions' value is greater than zero. An IF can contain an Action List, which can contain other IF's (as can be seen in the definition of the <Action List> element). This recursive concept gives the possibility to express interwoven IFs. It is also possible to associate ELSEIF and ELSE statements to an IF statement:
7<IF>::= <IF Token><Condition><Action List>(<ELSEIF Token><Condition><Action List>)[<ELSE Token><Action List>]<END Token>

[0085] Conditions

[0086] A condition is defined as a relational expression, a logical expression or an argument:

<Condition>::=[<NOT Token> ](<Logical Expression> |<Relational Expression>)

[0087] A logical expression contains a logical operator and multiple conditions:
8<Logical Expression> ::= (<AND Token><Relational Expression> +(<Relational Expression>)<END Token>)|(<OR Token><Relational Expression> +(<Relational Expression>)<END Token>)|(<XOR Token><Relational Expression> +(<Relational Expression>)<END Token>)

[0088] A relational expression contains a logical operator and multiple conditions. These include Greater Than Equal (GTE), Greater Than (GT), Less Than. Equal (LTE), Less Than (LT), Equal (EQ), Not Equal (NEQ). The format for this is as follows:
9<Relational Expression> ::= (<GTE Token><Value><Value>)|(<GT Token><Value><Value>)|(<LTE Token><Value><Value>)|(<LT Token><Value><Value>)|(<EQ Token><Value><Value>)|(<NEQ Token><Value><Value>)|<Argument>

[0089] The <Value> token can be any V2 type except for the data V2.

[0090] Arguments

[0091] An <Argument> can be defined by a Timer's Status, a V2's value status, a boolean V2's value, a boolean constant or the TRUE and FALSE tokens:
10<Argument> ::=<OnTimerRunning>|<OnTimerExpired>|<OnValueChanged>|<50msPassed>|<TRUE Token>|<FALSE Token>|<Value>

[0092] The <OnValueChanged> flag is set to TRUE when a V2's value is written to (either by a variable-logic action, a message from a local host or from a remote device, or a change in a hardware peripheral state). The flag is reset to FALSE at the end of the Manufacturer variable-logic's execution. The format for this argument is:
11<OnValueChanged> ::= <Value Changed Token><V2>

[0093] If the V2's value is set by a variable logic action, the flag is set to TRUE even if the new value is equal to the previous one.

[0094] The <OnTimerRunning> flag is TRUE if the specified timer is currently running. It is set to FALSE when the timer expires and when it is stopped. The format for this argument is:
12<OnTimerRunning> ::= <Timer Running Token><Timer>

[0095] The <OnTimerExpired> flag is set to TRUE when the specified timer expires. The format is:
13<OnTimerExpired> ::= <Timer Expired Token><Timer>

[0096] The <50 msPassed flag is set every 50 ms. The flag is reset to FALSE at the end of the Manufacturer variable logic's execution. The format is:
14<50msPassed> ::= <50ms Token>

[0097] Timer Actions

[0098] The variable logic language supports up to eight software timers, which can be used to control the duration of an action or the persistence of an input, to debounce a logic state, etc. The state of a timer can be read using the <OnTimerExpired> and <OnTimerRunning> flags. By default at startup, both flags are false for all timers.

[0099] <Start Timer>

[0100] The <Start Timer> action loads a timer with the <Timer Duration> value and starts the timer. After this action is called, the <OnTimerRunning> flag is set to TRUE and the <OnTimerExpired> flag is set to false. The format is:
15<Start Timer> ::= <Start Timer Token><Timer><Timer Duration><Timer Duration> ::= <Value>

[0101] The <Timer> parameter represents the ID of the timer to be started. The <TimerDuration> is in increments of 50 ms and it supports the signed integer value type.

[0102] <Disable Timer>

[0103] The <Disable Timer> action stops the timer and the <OnTimerRunning> and <OnTimerExpired> flags are set to FALSE. The format is:
16<Disable Timer> ::= <Disable Timer Token><Timer>

[0104] The <Timer> parameter represents the ID of the timer to be stopped.

[0105] Computational Actions

[0106] <Assign>

[0107] The <Assign> action copies the contents of a source V2 or constant, into a destination V2. If different V2 types are used, the values are typecasted as in C code. The format is:
17<Assign> ::= <Assign Token><V2><Value>

[0108] In C language, the action would be represented as follows: V2=Value;

[0109] The <V2> parameter represents V2's to which a value is assigned. The <Value> parameter represents values assigned to the V2's. All value types are supported by these two parameters.

[0110] <Add>

[0111] The <Add> action adds one or more values directly to a destination V2. If different V2 types are used, the values are typecasted as in C code. The format is:
18<Add> ::= <Add Token><V2>(<Value>)+ <End Token>

[0112] In C language, the action would be represented as follows:
19V2 = V2 + Value_1 + Value_2 + ...+ Value_N;

[0113] The <V2> parameter represents V2's to which values are added. The <Value> parameter represents value(s) added to the V2's. The value types are supported by these two parameters are the unsigned char, signed integer, signed long integer and floating point.

[0114] <Subtract>

[0115] The <Subtract> action subtracts one or more values directly from a target V2. If different V2 types are used, the values are typecasted as in C code. The format is:
20<Subtract> ::= <Subtract Token><V2>(<Value>)+ <End Token>

[0116] In C language, the action would be represented as follows:
21V2 = V2 − Value_1 − Value_2 − ...− Value_N;

[0117] The <V2> parameter represents V2's from which values are subtracted. The <Value> parameter represents value(s) subtracted to the V2's. The value types are supported by these two parameters are the unsigned char, signed integer, signed long integer and floating point.

[0118] <Multiply>

[0119] The <Multiply> action multiplies the content of a V2 by one or several values. If different V2 types are used, the values are typecasted as in C code. The format is:
22<Multiply> ::= <Multiply Token><V2>(<Value>)+ <End Token>

[0120] In C language, the action would be represented as follows:
23V2 = V2 * Value_1 * Value_2 * ...* Value_N;

[0121] The <V2> parameter represents V2's multiplied by the values. The <Value> parameter represents value(s) used to multiply the V2's value. The value types are supported by these two parameters are the unsigned character, signed integer, signed long integer and floating point.

[0122] <Divide>

[0123] The <Divide> action divides the content of a V2 by one or several values. If different V2 types are used, the values are typecasted as in C code. The format is:
24<Divide> ::= <Divide Token><V2>(<Value>)+ <End Token>

[0124] In C language, the action would be represented as follows:
25V2 = V2/(Value_1 * Value_2 * ...* Value_N);

[0125] The V2> parameter represents V2's divided by the values. The <Value> parameter represents values used to divide the V2's value. The value types are supported by these two parameters are the unsigned char, signed integer, signed long integer and floating point.

[0126] Miscellaneous Actions

[0127] <Force Report>

[0128] The <Force Report> action forces the device to report a V2's value on the medium. If the SPI Reporting bit is set in the V2 Reporting property, the V2 is also reported on the SPI interface. If the UART Reporting bit is set in the V2 Reporting property, the V2 is also reported on the UART interface. The format is:
26<Force Report> ::= <Force Report Token><Local V2>


[0129] The following example illustrates, in detail, the format of the V-Logic programming structure.

FIG. 8 shows an example of a network of two nodes: node A (110) and node B (112). Node A (110) has a network address of ‘00 01h’ and node B (112) has a network address of ‘00 02h’. Node A (110) contains a dimmer circuit (111) provided with a controller (111a) and a memory (111b). The state of node A (110) is represented by the V2's of dimmer (111). The V2's, named Raise Intensity and Lower Intensity, are defined as Remote V2's who's values indicate if the intensity is to be raised or lowered, and have V2 IDs of 00h and 01h, respectively. The values of the Raise Intensity and Lower Intensity V2's may be set, for example, by corresponding buttons or switches. Node B (112) contains a lamp (113) provided with a controller (113a) and a memory (113b). The state of node B (112) is represented by the V2 of lamp (113). The V2, named Lamp Intensity, is defined as a Local V2 who's value indicates the intensity level of lamp (113), and has V2 ID of 00h. In one embodiment of this example, the controller (113a) is so configured that the lamp's (113) intensity increases from 0 to a maximum intensity of 100% at a rate of 1% every 50 milliseconds (ms), by raising the value of Local V2 Lamp Intensity, when the Remote V2 Raise Intensity is on. If the Remote V2 Raise Intensity is off, the lamp's (113) intensity will stay at the last known state before the Remote V2 Raise Intensity was turned off. Similarly, turning Remote V2 Lower Intensity on or off will have the reverse effects.

[0131] Before proceeding further, it may be useful to examine the properties of the V2's of FIG. 8. For concision purposes, for dimmer (113) we will only examine the Raise Intensity V2. FIG. 9a shows the most significant byte of the general characteristics (10) applied to this example. The format of this property follows that as shown in FIGS. 1a and 1b. The V2 properties of each node are shown including the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 and the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2. The Volatility (12) property is set to 1 for both dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 and the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 meaning that the default values are stored in each of the V2's respective default value property (60). The Manufacturer (13) property is set to 1 for the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 as the manufacturer of the dimmer's (111) created the dimmer's (111) V2's. The lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 however was created in the field and is a field V2. The output property (14) for both the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 and the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 are set to one. This indicates that both of these V2's are mapped to output peripherals such as a bus or cable. This is necessary for communicating the value of the V2s. The value type of the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 is boolean and is represented as such according to the value types table of Table 1. The value in the value type (15) property of byte (10) is given as ‘00000′. The value type of the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 is unsigned character and its representation in the value type (15) property of byte (10) is ‘00001′.

FIG. 9

shows the least significant byte of the general characteristics (11). The first property of this byte (11) is the Normal Read (16) property. This property is set to one for both V2s. If it is not set, then the V2 cannot be read. The Normal Write (17) property is also set for both V2s. If it is not set, then the V2 cannot be written to. Both the Manufacturer Read Secured (18) property and the Manufacturer Write Secured property (19) must also. be set for all V2s, otherwise the V2 cannot be read or written to. The Visible V2 property (20) is set to one for both V2s. It is unnecessary to hide the V2s to the user. Reserved bits (21) are for future used and not used, therefore these bits are set to ‘000′ for both V2s.

FIGS. 10

and 10b show the V2 reporting property for both the dimmer's (111) and the lamp's (113) V2s. The format of this property follows that is shown in FIGS. 2a and 2b. FIG. 10a shows the five-byte property definition (40). The first byte field of the V2 Reporting property (41) is ‘62h’ in hexadecimal notation for both of the V2s. FIG. 10b gives an explanation of this value. The Report_Parameter_1 field (42) and the Report._Parameter_2 field (43) are both set to zero. Further explanations are given below.

[0134] Bit 7 of the first byte field (44) is not used, and is therefore set to zero. Bit 6 is the SPI Reporting field (45) and bit 5 is the UART Reporting field (46). These fields are both set to one for both V2s since it was explained. in the output property (14) of the general characteristics that both of the V2s are coupled to output peripherals including the two standard serial ports. The Medium Reporting Type property (47) is set to ‘00010′ for both V2s. FIG. 3c gives a detailed explanation of the Medium Reporting Type property (47). The Medium Reporting Type for this example is Delta (50) for both of the V2s. In the case of the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2, because it is a boolean value type, it's Report_Parameter_1 (42) and Report_Parameter_2 (43) fields are always interpreted as Delta 0. This indicates that the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 is reported every time its value changes. These fields are then set to zero. In the case of the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2, its value must also be reported every time it changes to ensure that is has not reached its maximum value. Once it does reach its maximum value, it is not necessary to increment it any further. Fields (42) and (43) are both set to zero.

FIG. 11

is the V2 default value/value range property (63). The format of this property follows that as shown in FIGS. 3b to 3f. The First Byte field of both V2s is set to ‘C0h’ for both V2s. The Default field (65) for the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 is given as ‘01 00 00 00h’. The Default field (65) for the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 is given as ‘32 00 00 00h’. The Details on the values of the First Byte field of the V2 default value/value range property (64), Default field (65), Minimum Value field (66) and Maximum Value field (67) are given in FIGS. 11b, 11c, 11d and 11e respectively.

[0136] The Default Specified field (68) and the Min/Max Specified field (69) must both be set to one to indicate that default, minimum and maximum fields are given. The remaining bits in this field are not used and therefore set to zero. The resulting byte is ‘11000000’ or ‘C0’ in hexadecimal notation. Both V2s have the same First Byte field (64).

[0137] The Default field (65). specifies the exact default value. The dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 has two states: on or off. If the default is the ‘on’ state, the default value is ‘01h’. The lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 has fully on, fully off and different levels of intensity states in between. If the default is 50% intensity, then the default is ‘32h’. Bytes 2, 3 and 4 of the Default Value Format are not used and therefore set to zero.

[0138] The Minimum Value field (66) specifies the minimum value in the range of values of the particular V2. The minimum value of the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 is off or ‘00h’. The minimum value of the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 is off or ‘00h’. Bytes 2, 3 and 4 of the Default Value Format are not used and therefore set to zero.

[0139] The Maximum Value field (67) specifies the maximum value in the range of values of the particular V2. The maximum value of the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 is on or ‘01h’. The maximum value of the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 is on or ‘64h’. Bytes 2, 3 and 4 of the Default Value Format are not used and therefore set to zero.

FIG. 12 shows the Remote V2 Descriptor (94) of the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 since it is a remote V2. This Remote V2 Descriptor (94) is contained within node B (112). The format of this property was described in FIG. 6. The dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 is a V2 belonging to node A (110) and its two-byte node address (97) is given as ‘00 01h’ from FIG. 8. The V2 ID (98) is ‘00h’ and the V2 Value Type (99) is boolean. In hexadecimal notation, 00h represents the boolean value type.

FIG. 13

gives the associative program in pseudocode for the raising of the lamp's (113) intensity, again for simplicity, the program for the lowering of the lamp's (113) intensity being similar. Lines (115) to (120) detect the transition of dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 and initiate the timer. Lines (121) to (124) deal with incrementing the lamp's (113) intensity. The first line of this code (115) determines if there is a change in the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 status, i.e. the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 is turned from on to off or off to on. The second line (116) is a nested IF statement and assuming there is a change in the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 status, it determines if the transition of dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 is from off to on. The third line (117) initiates the ramp timer to 50 ms assuming that there was a dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 transition and it was from off to on. The fourth line (118) initializes the lamp (113) intensity to 0%. Line (119) closes the IF block started by line (116). Line (120) closes the IF block started by line (115). Line (121) determines if the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 is still on, if the timer has expired and if the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 is still less than the maximum intensity. If all these conditions are true, then line (122) goes on to increment the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 by 1%. Line (123) restarts the ramp timer to count for 50 ms. Line (124) ends the IF block started by line (121).

FIG. 13

gives the actual V-logic program listing for node B (112). Node B (112) is the local node and node A (110) is the remote node. The lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 represents the local V2 and the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 is a remote V2. Line (135) is the V-Logic code representing line (115). Line (135) begins with the <IF Token> (136), followed by the action statement <Value Changed Token> (137) and the V2 information. The <Remote V2 Token> (138) identifies the switch state as a remote V2 and the <V2 ID> (139) identifies the particular V2 of the remote node. Line (140) represents line (116). By writing the code using only an <IF Token> (136) and a V2 token, it is implied that the V2 is in its default state (in this case true or on). This is only true in the case of boolean value types. Line (141) represents line (117).

[0143] The <Start Timer Token> (142) initiates the timer action. The <Timer> (143) token specifies the identification of the particular timer. The <Timer Duration> (144) token, as the name implies, specifies the duration of the timer. As stated in Table 2, the <Timer Duration> token is in increments of 50 ms. Line (145) represents line (118). This line initializes the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 to a value of zero. The <Assign Token> (146) is an action statement that assigns a value to a V2. The value is being assigned to the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 that is a local V2, thus the <Local V2> token is used (147) as well as its corresponding V2 ID (148). The type of value is a constant and the format of this is described further in Table 2. It includes the <Const Token> (149), the constant type and the value. The <Unsigned Char Type Token> (150) identifies the type of constant as an unsigned character and <Value> (151) gives the value of the constant. Line (152) ends the IF block started by line (135) by using an <End Token> (153) and line (154) ends the IF block started by line (140) by also using <End Token> (153). Lines (155), (156), (157), (159) and (162) represent line (121). Line (155) consists of <IF Token> (136) and the <AND Token> (156). According to the structure of the programming language, the relational expressions that follow a logical expression are all bound by the logical expression. An <END Token> (153) signifies the end of the group of relational expressions. In this case, there are three relational expressions that must be satisfied in order to proceed: the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 should be on, the timer (143) should be expired and the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 should be less than 100%. Line (157) examines the state of the dimmer's (111) Raise Intensity V2 as seen by the lamp (113), thus justifying the use of the <Remote V2 Token> (138).

[0144] As described earlier, Line (158) checks for timer expiration by using the <Timer Expired Token> (159) along with the ID of the appropriate timer with the <Timer> (143) token. Line (160) is a relational expression that examines if the local V2, the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 is less than a given value, in this case, one hundred. This line (160) begins with the Less Than logical operator, <LT Token> (161), followed by the subject of the operation. The lamp (113) is the local node, so the <Local V2 Token> (147) and its corresponding ID (148) are used. The value in question is a constant value. As explained for line (145), the format for a constant expression includes the <Const Token> (149), the constant type and the value. Again the <Unsigned Char Type Token> is selected and the <Value> (162) represents one hundred in hexadecimal notation. Line (163) ends the block of relational expressions started by the <AND Token> (156) of line (155) with an <END Token> (153).

[0145] Assuming that all of the conditions of the <AND> block are met, the lamp's (113) intensity increments by one. Line (164) is similar in construct to line (160). The computational action statement for addition is represented by the <Add Token> (165). This statement is followed by the relational expression that is the subject of the addition and the amount to be added. The lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2 is a local V2, so the <Local V2 Token> (147) and its corresponding ID (148) represents this. The number one is represented in the same way as the number one hundred through the use of the <Const Token> (149), the <Unsigned Char Type Token> (150) and the <Value> (166) represents one in hexadecimal notation. After the incrementing of the lamp's (113) Lamp Intensity V2, the timer must be started up again for another 50 ms. Line (167) is the same as line (141). The <Start Timer Token> (142) initiates the timer. The ID of the particular timer is given by the <Timer> (143) token and the duration of the timer, in increments of 50 ms, is given with the <Timer Duration> (144) token. Line (168) ends the IF block started by line (155) with an <END Token> (153) and line (169) ends the entire block of V-Logic code for this example with another <END Token> (153).

[0146] Further examples of configurations and control scenarios, which may be addressed using the V-Logic programming structure, are illustrated by FIGS. 14a, 15a and 16a.

FIG. 14

shows an example of a network of two nodes: node A (210) and node B (212). Node A (210) has a network address of ‘00 01h’ and node B (212) has a network address of ‘00 02h’. Node A (210) contains a remote control (211) provided with a controller (211a) and a memory (211b) for controlling Node B (212), which contains a television (213) provided with a controller (213a) and a memory (213b). The state of node A (210) is represented by the V2's of the remote control (111). The V2's, named Pwr_Button, Vol_Up, Vol_Down, Ch_Up and Ch_Down are defined, as shown in FIG. 14b, as Remote V2's who's values indicate power on/off (TRUE/FALSE), raising of the volume, lowering of the volume, selecting the next channel and selecting the previous channel, respectively, and have V2 IDs of 00h to 04h, respectively. The values of the remote control (211) V2's may be set, for example, by corresponding buttons or pressure sensors. The state of node B (212) is represented by the V2's of television (213). The V2's, named Power, Volume and Channel, are defined, as shown in FIG. 14b, as Local V2's who's values indicates power on/off, volume level and channel, respectively, of television (213), and have V2 ID of 00h to O2h, respectively. In one embodiment of this example, the controller (213a) is configured as illustrated by the pseudocode shown in FIG. 14c.

[0148] When the television's (213) Local V2 Power value is FALSE and the remote control's (211) Remote V2 Pwr_Button value is TRUE (Pwr_Button is activated), then the Local V2 Power value is set to TRUE, changing the state of television (213) so that it is turned on. Conversely, when the television's (213) Local V2 Power value is TRUE and the Remote V2 Pwr_Button value is TRUE (Pwr_Button is activated), then the Local V2 Power value is set to FALSE, changing the state of television (213) so that it is turned off.

[0149] Each time the remote control's (211) Remote V2 Vol_Up value is TRUE (Vol_Up is activated), the television's (213) volume level increases by 5, up to a maximum level of 95, by raising the value of Local V2 Volume. Conversely, each time the remote control's (211) Remote V2 Vol_Down value is TRUE (Vol_Down is activated), the television's (213) volume level decreases by 5, down to a minimum level of 0, by lowering the value of Local V2 Volume.

[0150] Similarly, each time the remote control's (211) Remote V2 Ch_Up value is TRUE (Ch_Up is activated), the television's (213) channel increases by 1, up to a maximum channel of 255 after which the channel is set to 1, by raising the value of Local V2 Channel. Conversely, each time the remote control's (211) Remote V2 Ch_Down value is TRUE (Ch_Down is activated), the television's (213) channel decreases by 1, down to a minimum channel of 1 after which the channel is set to 255, by lowering the value of Local V2 Channel.

FIG. 15

shows an example of a network with five nodes, of which node A (310), node D (312) and node E (314) are represented for concision purposes as node B and node C are similar to node A and node D. Node A (310) has a network address of ‘00 01h’, node D (312) has a network address of ‘00 04h’ and node E (314) has a network address of ‘00 05h’. Node A (310) and node D (312) contain light switches (311) and (313), provided with controllers (311a) and (313a) and memories (31 lb) and (313b), respectively, as do node B and node C (not represented), and are monitored by node E (314), which contains a heater (315) provided with controller (315a) and memory (315b). The state of node A (310) is represented by the V2's of light switch (311). The V2's, named Switch_State, Button_Up and Button_Down are defined, as shown in FIG. 15b, as a Remote and two Local V2's, respectively, who's values indicate power on/off, activating the switch and deactivating the switch, respectively, and have V2 IDs of 00h to O2h, respectively. The same structure applies to node B, node C and node D (312). The values of the light switch's (311) Local V2's may be set, for example, by corresponding buttons or pressure sensors. In one embodiment of this example, the controller (313a) is configured as illustrated by the pseudocode shown in FIG. 15c.

[0152] When the light switch's (311) Local V2 Button_Up value is TRUE (Button_Up is activated), then the light switch's (311) Remote V2 Switch_State value is set to TRUE, indicating to a remote node that the light switch (311) has been activated. Conversely, when the light switch's (311) Local V2 Button_Down value is TRUE (Button_Down is activated), then the light switch's (311) Remote V2 Switch_State value is set to False, indicating to a remote node that the light switch (311) has been deactivated.

[0153] The state of node E (314) is represented by the V2's of heater (315). The V2's, named Heater_State, Zone_1, Zone_2, Zone_3 and Zone_4, are defined, as shown in FIG. 15b, as a Local V2 who's values indicate if the heater (315) is on/off, and the states of the monitored light switches contained in nodes A, B, C and D, respectively, and have V2 ID of 00h to 04h, respectively. In one embodiment of this example, the controller (315a) is configured as illustrated by the pseudocode shown in FIG. 15c.

[0154] The heater (315) sets the values of its Local V2's Zone_1, Zone_2, Zone_3 and Zone_4 to the state of each of the corresponding monitored light switches contained in nodes A, B, C and D, respectively. When the value of the Local V2's Zone_1, Zone_2, Zone_3 and Zone_4 are all FALSE, meaning all the light switches have been turned off, the heater's (315) Local V2 Heater_State value is set to FALSE, shutting off heater (315). This simplified scenario may be used to conserve energy by supposing that having all of the light switches turned off indicates that all the inhabitants of a household have gone to bed, of course other variables may be monitored by heater (315) and may be used in the determination of when to effectively shut it off.

FIG. 16

shows an example of a network of five nodes, of which node A (410), node B (412) and node E (414) are represented for concision purposes as node C and node D are similar to node B and node E. Node A (410) has a network address of ‘00 01h’, node B (412) has a network address of ‘00 02h’ and node E (414) has a network address of ‘00 05h’. Node A (410) contains a light switch (411) provided with controller (411a) and memory (411b), for controlling node B (412) and node D (414), which contain light fixtures (413) and (415), provided with controllers (413a) and (415a) and memories (413b) and (415b), respectively, as well as node C and node D (not represented). The state of node A (410) is represented by the V2's of light switch (411). The V2's, named Switch_State, Button_Up and Button_Down are defined, as shown in FIG. 16b, as a Remote and two Local V2's, respectively, who's values indicate power on/off, activating the switch and deactivating the switch, respectively, and have V2 IDs of 00h to 02h, respectively. The values of the light switch's (411) Local V2's may be set, for example, by corresponding buttons or pressure sensors. In one embodiment of this example, the controller (411a) is configured as illustrated by the pseudocode shown in FIG. 16c.

[0156] When the light switch's (411) Local V2 Button_Up value is TRUE (Button_Up is activated), then the light switch's (411) Remote V2 Switch_State value is set to TRUE, indicating to remote nodes that the light switch (411) has been activated. Conversely, when the light switch's (411) Local V2 Button_Down value is TRUE (Button_Down is activated), then the light switch's (411) Remote V2 Switch_State value is set to False, indicating to remote nodes that the light switch (411) has been deactivated.

[0157] The state of node B (412) is represented by the V2 of light fixture (413). The V2, named Fixture_State is defined, as shown in FIG. 16b, as a Local V2 who's value indicates if the light fixture (413) is on or off, and has V2 ID of 00h. The same structure applies to node C, node D and node E (414). In one embodiment of this example, the controller (413a) is configured as illustrated by the pseudocode shown in FIG. 16c.

[0158] Each of the light fixtures (413) and (415), as well as those of node B and node D, set the value of their respective Local V2 Fixture_State to the value of the light switch's (411) Remote V2 Switch_State. Thus, by activating or deactivating a single light switch (411), four different light fixtures (413), (415) and those of node B and node D, are turned on or off simultaneously. Of course, the number of light switches and light fixtures may be different that that illustrated by the previous example.

[0159] Although the present invention has been described by way of particular embodiments and examples thereof, it should be noted that it will be apparent to persons skilled in the art that modifications may be applied to the present particular embodiment without departing from the scope of the present invention.
27Value TypeValue TypeName(hexadecimal)Length (Bytes)RangeBoolean00h100h . . . 01hUnsigned01h100h . . . FFhCharSigned02h20000h . . . FFFFh (where MSB is theIntegersign bit)Signed03h400000000h . . . FFFFFFFFh (whereLongMSB is the sign bit)Float04h400000000h . . . FFFFFFFFh followingIEEE Big Endian formatData05h0 . . . 246. The length is onAny hexadecimal stringone byte (unsigned char).String06h0 . . . 246. The length is onAny ASCII stringone byte (unsigned char).




V2 Units of Measure

Property Value

Unit of Measure

No Specified Unit

No Unit












mil (thou)


nautical mile

picas (computer)

picas (printer)

point (computer)

point (printer)


square kilometer

ha (hm2)

(square hectometer)

square meter

square millimeter

square micrometer

square nanometer

square mile


square yard

square foot

square inch


cubic kilometer


cubic meter

cubic centimeter

cubic millimeter

cubic mile

cubic yard

cubic foot

cubic inch







barrel of oil

gallon (US)

quart (US)

pint (US)

fluid ounce (US)
fl. oz.

imperial gallon


quart (UK)

pint (UK)

fluid ounce (UK)
fl. oz.

dry gallon

dry quart

dry pint


megagram (tonne)
Mg (t)






long ton (UK)

short ton (UK)























Energy & Power







terawatt hour

gigawatt hour

megawatt hour

kilowatt hour

watt hour

milliwatt hour







metric horsepower


electric horsepower

Pressure & Stress

Pressure &









kilonewton per

square meter

newton per

square meter


pound per

square inch

Electric Parameters





















metric horsepower


Luminous Intensity





° C.

c° C.



00h . . . FFh

00h . . . FFh




Token Name

General Tokens

<END Token>

<Local V2 Token>

<Remote V2 Token>

<Const Token>

IF Statement

<IF Token>

<ELSEIF Token>

<ELSE Token>

Logical Expressions

<NOT Token>

<AND Token>

<OR Token>

<XOR Token>

Relational Expressions

<GTE Token>

<GT Token>

<LTE Token>

<LT Token>

<EQ Token>

<NEQ Token>


<TRUE Token>

<FALSE Token>


<Timer Running Token>

<Timer Expired Token>

<Disable Timer Token>

<Start Timer Token>

V2 Actions

<Assign Token>

<Add Token>

<Subtract Token>

<Multiply Token>

<Divide Token>

<Force Report Token>

Value Types

<Boolean Token>

<Unsigned Char Token>

<Signed Integer Token>

<Signed Long Token>

<Float Token>

<Data Token>


<Value Changed Token>

<50 ms Token>

<Clear Settings Token>

  • 1. A method for configuring and controlling a plurality of interconnected electronic devices defining a network, said method comprising: a) selecting at least one of said plurality of electronic devices as a local node; b) defining at least one local virtual variable having a value representative of a state of said local node; c) defining the non-selected devices as remote nodes; each remote node having at least one remote virtual variable having a value representative of a state thereof, each said remote virtual variable being reported on said network when predetermined conditions are met. d) providing said local node with at least one action using said local virtual variable and said remote virtual variable; e) executing said action in response to said reporting of said remote virtual variable, said action changing said value of said local virtual variable; and f) modifying said state of said local node according to said value of said local virtual variable.
  • 2. A method according to claim 1, wherein said local variable defining act and remote variable defining act include defining variable values having an associated type, said type belonging to a set including: boolean, unsigned character, signed integer, signed long and float.
  • 3. A method according to claim 1, wherein said action includes assigning said remote virtual variable to said local virtual variable.
  • 4. A method according to claim 3, wherein said assigning of said remote virtual variable to said local virtual variable does not require said remote variable value to be of the same type as said local variable value.
  • 5. A method according to claim 1, wherein the reporting condition includes that said value of said remote virtual variable has changed.
  • 6. A method according to claim 1, wherein the reporting condition includes that a given time interval has elapsed since a previous reporting of said remote virtual variable.
  • 7. A method according to claim 1, wherein the reporting condition includes that said value of said remote virtual variable has changed by a given delta.
  • 8. A method according to claim 1, wherein the reporting condition includes that said value of said remote virtual variable has changed by a given ratio.
  • 9. A method according to claim 1, wherein the act of executing said action is done by interpretation.
  • 10. A method according to claim 1, wherein there is a further act of defining at least one additional local node virtual variable, said additional local node virtual variable being a remote virtual variable associated with said local node, said additional local node virtual variable being reported on said network in response to a certain reporting condition being satisfied.
  • 11. A method according to claim 10, wherein there is a further act of defining at least one additional remote node virtual variable, said additional remote node virtual variable being a local virtual variable associated with said remote node.
  • 12. A method according to claim 11, further comprising: a) providing said remote node with at least one action using said additional remote node virtual variable and said additional local node virtual variable; b) executing said action in response to said reporting of said additional local node virtual variable, said action changing said value of said additional remote node virtual variable; and c) modifying said state of said remote node according to said value of said additional remote node virtual variable.
  • 13. A network interconnecting a plurality of electronic devices for their configuration and control, said network comprising: a) at least one of said plurality of electronic devices being a local node including a controller, a memory and at least one local virtual variable having a value representative of a state of said local node; said local virtual variable being stored in said memory of said local node; b) the non-selected electronic devices being remote nodes including a controller and a memory, said memory having stored therein at least one remote virtual variable having a value representative of a state of said remote node, said remote virtual variable being reported by said controller of said remote node on said network when predetermined conditions are met; and c) at least one action being stored in said memory of said local node for execution by said controller of said local node, the action using said local virtual variable and said remote virtual variable; wherein said controller of said local node is so configured as to execute said action stored in said memory of said local node in response to the reporting of said remote virtual variable, said action changing said value of said local virtual variable and modifying said state of said local node according to said value of said local virtual variable.
  • 14. A network according to claim 13, wherein said local variable and said remote variable values have an associated type, said type belonging to a set including: boolean, unsigned character, signed integer, signed long and float.
  • 15. A network according to claim 13, wherein said action includes assigning said remote virtual variable value to said local virtual variable value in said memory.
  • 16. A network according to claim 15, wherein said assigning of said remote virtual variable value to said local virtual variable value in said memory does not require said remote variable value to be of the same type as said local variable value.
  • 17. A method according to claim 13, wherein the reporting condition includes that said value of said remote virtual variable has changed.
  • 18. A network according to claim 13, wherein the reporting condition includes that a given time interval has elapsed since a previous reporting of said remote virtual variable.
  • 19. A network according to claim 13, wherein the reporting condition includes that said value of said remote virtual variable has changed by a given delta.
  • 20. A network according to claim 13, wherein the reporting condition includes that said value of said remote virtual variable has changed by a given ratio.
  • 21. A network according to claim 13, wherein said action is part of an interpreted programming language.
  • 22. A network according to claim 13, wherein said memory of said local node having stored therein at least one additional remote virtual variable associated with said local node, said additional remote virtual variable being reported by said controller of said local node on said network when predetermined conditions are met.
  • 23. A network according to claim 22, wherein said memory of said remote node having stored therein at least one additional local virtual variable associated with said remote node, said additional local virtual variable being reported by said controller of said remote node on said network when predetermined conditions are met.
  • 24. A network according to claim 23, further comprising at least one action being stored in said memory of said remote node for execution by said controller of said remote node, the action using said additional local virtual variable and said additional remote virtual variable, wherein said controller of said local node is so configured as to execute said action in response to said reporting of said additional remote virtual variable, said action changing said value of said additional local virtual variable and modifying said state of said remote node according to said value of said additional local virtual variable.

[0001] The present application claims the benefits of U.S. provisional patent application No. 60/425,121 filed Nov. 8, 2002, which is hereby incorporated by reference.

Provisional Applications (1)
Number Date Country
60425121 Nov 2002 US