Network router search engine using compressed tree forwarding table


  • Patent Grant
  • 6192051
  • Patent Number
  • Date Filed
    Friday, February 26, 1999
    25 years ago
  • Date Issued
    Tuesday, February 20, 2001
    23 years ago
Network routing apparatus employs multi-level tree data structures in a centralized routing table and in distributed forwarding tables. Each level of each structure is associated with a different field of a network address appearing in received packets. Pointers in each structure are used to identify either an address of a next hop network, or a next-level tree to be examined for a next-hop address. An uncompressed tree routing table uses directly addressed trees in order to simplify the storage and retrieval of pointers, and the next-tree pointers directly identify next trees. Compressed tree forwarding tables are generated from the uncompressed routing table by reducing the number of pointers stored at one or more levels to substantially the number of unique next hop addresses associated with network addresses at that level. A single mapping table maps pointer values at one level to the locations of trees at the next level in the compressed trees. Next hop address lookup logic performs lookups in accordance with the structure of the compressed trees. Also, the lookup logic stores and selectively operates on multiple forwarding tables in order to provide support for virtual router operation.


The present invention is related to the field of data networks, and more particularly to the routing of data packets from a source node to a destination node within a network.

One primary function of data networks is the routing of data packets or frames from a source network node to one or more destination network nodes. When a network device receives a packet or frame, the device examines the packet or frame in order to determine how the packet or frame is to be forwarded. Similar forwarding decisions are made as necessary at multiple intermediate network devices until the packet or frame is received at a desired destination node. This type of operation is in contrast to networks employing switching techniques, in which routes are pre-established as “circuits” and each network device simply forwards each received packet on its associated circuit. One example of a routed network is the Internet, which employs a protocol known as the Internet Protocol (IP) for routing data packets through the Internet.

There is a growing demand for Internet and other data network services. As a result, there is an increasing volume of routed data traffic such as IP traffic being carried on high-bandwidth data channels, such as the well-known T1 and T3 signals used to carry data and digitized voice in the public telephone system. Along with this increase in routed traffic is an increased demand for high-throughput routers that can make forwarding decisions at very high rates.

To accomplish the task of routing data packets through a network from a source node to a destination node, data networks commonly employ a distributed routing procedure. Network routers maintain routing tables to carry out the routing function. When a packet arrives at a router, an address contained within the packet (for example the destination address) is used to retrieve an entry from the routing table that indicates the next hop, or next node, along a desired route to the destination node. The router then forwards the packet to the indicated next hop node. The process is repeated at successive router nodes until the packet arrives at the desired destination node.

The routing tables in the routers are maintained according to any of a variety of distributed routing protocols. For example, one well-known routing protocol is known as OSPF, which is an acronym for “Open Shortest Path First”. The routers collect information about the activation and deactivation of network links among neighboring nodes, and the information is communicated among the routers according to the routing protocol. Routes are created, updated, and deleted as needed according to network conditions. All of the pertinent routing-related information is contained collectively within the routing tables maintained at the routers.

A routing table entry includes a 2-part mapping between an address such as a destination address and an associated next hop address. It is common for the destination address portion to include a subnet mask value indicating that some of the address bits are to be matched precisely and others need not be. An example of an entry in an Internet Protocol (IP) routing table is the following:

This entry uses the known convention of representing a 32-bit IP address as a string of four bytes (most significant to least significant) separated by decimal points, where the value of each byte is given as a decimal equivalent. This entry indicates that any packet having a destination address whose 16 most significant bits are equal to 128.4 (1000000 0000100 binary), should be routed to the network node having IP address (01100100 00000000 00000000 00000000 binary). An example of a matching destination address is; an example of a non-matching address is

The example above illustrates the concept of aggregation of IP addresses for routing purposes. All IP addresses whose upper 16 bits are equal to 128.4 are routed to the same next hop node. Since IP addresses are 32-bit values, there are 2




=64K such addresses. These addresses are said to be aggregated in the routing table. It will be appreciated that shorter subnet masks correspond to greater aggregation, while longer subnet masks correspond to less aggregation. In addition, this format for a routing entry can also be used for route summarization, a technique similar to aggregation that is used by routing protocols.

The mapping from the set of all possible destination addresses to the set of all possible next hops can be represented as a binary tree, in which each bit of the destination address dictates which branch is taken at a corresponding level in the search for the next hop. For an n-bit address, a tree of height n is required. A fully populated tree has 2


distinct leaves at the end of 2


distinct search paths, where each leaf corresponds to a next hop value. However, a tree representing a set of routing entries typically contains far fewer leaves. The number of leaves required is influenced by the number of entries in the routing table, and also the degree to which network addresses are aggregated. If the network address space is divided into a relatively large number of sub-spaces each of which is assigned a different route, more leaves are needed than when the network address space is divided into a smaller number of sub-spaces having distinct routes. Most networks exhibit substantial address aggregation, so that even in large networks the mapping tree used for routing at a given node tends to be “sparse”, i.e. not very fully populated. For example, the routing entry given above corresponds to a single leaf at location


of the tree, and it covers the range of 64K addresses from through

The simplest way conceptually to look up a next hop address is to use a conventional random-access memory having a binary address input and a data storage location associated with each unique address value. A next hop value is stored at the storage location corresponding to each address. The next hop is looked up in the memory by simply retrieving the value stored at the memory location indicated by the address included in a received packet. When a group of addresses are aggregated, such as in the above example, the next hop value used by the aggregation would be replicated at each aggregated address in the memory. Thus in the foregoing example the entry would appear at locations through of such a memory.

While conceptually simple, such an approach is not practically feasible for typical network address spaces. The amount of memory required based on typical network address lengths is prohibitively large. For example, 4 billion memory locations are required to fully decode 32-bit IP addresses. Also, this approach is inefficient when the tree is even modestly sparse. For these reasons, network routers have generally employed alternative means of storing and retrieving the tree elements.

Many contemporary routers employ what is referred to as a Patricia tree representation of the mapping from destination addresses to next hops. During a search, a Patricia tree is traversed in binary fashion in the direction from most significant to least significant address bits. The Patricia tree structure achieves significantly greater storage efficiency than the simplistic approach described above. However, worst-case searches can potentially require 32 memory references. Thus the performance of a router using a Patricia tree is undesirably sensitive to network topology and address assignments.

The logical partitioning and layout of functional components within the router also affect router performance. A common configuration for a contemporary router is a collection of line cards interconnected by a switching fabric. Each line card has one or more ports each attached to a corresponding physical network medium. When a packet arrives at a line card port, a forwarding engine on the line card determines which port the packet should be forwarded to, and then forwards the packet to the corresponding line card through the switch fabric. The receiving line card then transmits the packet onto the appropriate network segment. The forwarding engine may be implemented using a general-purpose microprocessor executing special-purpose forwarding software, or may alternatively be implemented using special-purpose hardware. A software approach is favored when the speed of lookups is secondary to other considerations, such as ease of revision. A hardware approach is favored when the speed of lookups is paramount, for example on line cards used with very high-speed networks.

It is known to maintain the routing information within a centralized component such as a system controller within a router of the foregoing type, and for each forwarding engine to consult the system controller in order to obtain a route for each received packet. This approach has the advantage that only a single copy of the routing information is maintained within the router, so that the information can be updated readily and the most up-to-date information is automatically used for route determination. However, the system controller in such routers rapidly becomes a bottleneck, especially in light of the recent tremendous growth in the volume of network traffic.

To reduce the effect of a limited-capacity system controller on router performance, it has become more common for routing information to be distributed in multiple readily accessible locations in a router. In one approach a forwarding table is employed on the line cards to map the destination address of each received packet to the identity of the port to which the packet should be forwarded. The forwarding table contains a subset of the information from the routing table. The system controller updates the forwarding tables on the various line cards as changes to the routing table occur. The use of distributed forwarding tables increases parallelism in the router. Also, if the forwarding tables are small enough they can be placed into relatively fast-access storage on the line cards, which further enhances performance.

In some routers the forwarding tables are cached copies of one or more sections of the routing table. This technique exploits address locality appearing in the network traffic. Most of the next hop lookups are done on the line card when the hit rate in the cache is high. However, there are circumstances in which the hit rate in the cache cannot be maintained at an adequately high level. If the cache is too small relative to the number of different addresses received by the line card over a given interval, the cache may begin to thrash. When thrashing occurs, entries are repeatedly swapped out of the cache prematurely, substantially decreasing the hit rate. Each lookup that misses in the cache incurs delay while the needed entry is fetched from the system controller. As a result, overall performance of the router is degraded.

In a technique described by Degermark et al. in a paper entitled “Small Forwarding Tables for Fast Routing Lookups”, small forwarding tables that contain all the necessary routing information are used in the line cards. A microprocessor on each line card executes a lookup algorithm using the data stored in the corresponding forwarding table. The technique uses a 3-level prefix tree representation of the mapping from destination network addresses to next hop addresses, and the inherent sparseness of the prefix tree is exploited to achieve considerable storage efficiency. Level 1 of the prefix tree is associated with bits <




> of the IP address from packets arriving at the router. Levels 2 and 3 of the prefix tree are associated with bits <




> and <




> of the IP address respectively.

In the technique of Degermark et al., routing entries that aggregate addresses having up to 16 of their most significant bits in common have corresponding entries in the level 1 tree, and require no space in either the level 2 or level 3 trees. Routing entries that aggregate addresses having between 17 and 24 of their most significant bits in common require space in both the level 1 and the level 2 trees. For these routing entries, the level 1 tree contains node entries that point to chunks in the level 2 tree that contain the corresponding leaves. For routing entries that aggregate addresses having between 25 and 32 most significant bits in common, the chunks in the level 2 tree contain node entries that point to chunks in the level 3 tree that contain the leaf entries. The levels are searched in order as deep as necessary using the respective bits of the IP address to retrieve the desired next hop value.

The technique shown in the Degermark et al. paper achieves considerable storage efficiency, so that small but complete forwarding tables can be stored on each line card. At each level of the prefix tree, storage is used only to store the required leaf and node information; little or no storage is left empty as a result of tree sparseness. A multi-level mapping structure within each level maps aggregated addresses to a single leaf or node entry used by all members of the aggregation. Thus for an exemplary routing entry such as (—, the Degermark forwarding table would contain a single leaf, and each address in the range from through would be mapped to the location of the single leaf.

While the technique shown in the Degermark et al. paper achieves considerable storage efficiency, it does so at the cost of complexity, notably in the multi-level mapping used at each level to extract the desired node or leaf based on the corresponding bits of the IP address. It would be desirable, however, for next hop lookups to be performed in a manner better suited to high-performance hardware implementation. Also, the Degermark et al. paper does not address performance issues that may arise from the manner of creating and maintaining the various data structures during dynamic network operation when routes are being added, deleted, or changed. A practical router must have an efficient means of re-generating the forwarding tables as necessary to keep up with changes in the routing topology as dictated by the routing protocol being followed.


In accordance with the present invention, network routing apparatus and associated methods and data structures are disclosed in which high route lookup rates are achieved for a large number of network data streams. Complete forwarding tables are stored efficiently in memory on each line card, and are organized such that route lookups are performed simply, rapidly and efficiently. Also, a central routing table is organized in a manner that enables fast and efficient updating of the forwarding tables, so that the router can react quickly to changes in the network topology while maintaining high route lookup rates.

The disclosed network router apparatus employs a multi-level prefix tree forwarding table organized in a manner that enables fast and efficient lookups in hardware. A first-level tree is directly addressed by a first field of a network address, so that a pointer can be retrieved using only a single memory lookup. Compression is achieved by providing for the storage of either dense or sparse trees at other levels. Dense trees are directly addressed, so that pointer lookup is done with a single memory reference. Sparse trees are used to store pointers using less redundancy than exhibited by the dense trees. The number of pointers in a sparse tree is on the order of the number of unique routing entries associated with the corresponding set of addresses. A mapping table is used to map pointers from one level to trees at the next lower level, so that the number of memory references required for retrieving lower-level trees is minimized.

The routing apparatus maintains an uncompressed multi-level tree routing table in order to enhance the efficiency with which the forwarding table is re-created during operation. The uncompressed tree employs pointers that point to either routing entries stored in a linked list for ease of insertion and removal, or to next-level trees directly without any intervening mapping structures. The trees at each level are directly addressed, so that each pointer lookup is done in a single direct memory reference. The forwarding table is generated in a straightforward manner by traversing the uncompressed tree and performing a regular set of operations on each entry during the traversal. The levels of the forwarding table are generated in a recursive manner from the levels of the uncompressed routing table.

The routing apparatus also employs lookup logic that is tailored to perform fast lookups at high rates. The routing apparatus supports what are referred to as “virtual” routers by providing for the storage and use of multiple forwarding tables on each line card and a protocol for selecting the appropriate forwarding table for a given lookup. These features enable the routing apparatus to support multiple virtual networks as a straightforward extension of the basic routing functionality, significantly enhancing the range of possible applications of the disclosed apparatus.

Other aspects, features, and advantages of the present invention are disclosed in the detailed description, which follows.


FIG. 1

is a block diagram of a network router device according to the principles of the present invention;

FIG. 2

is a block diagram of a customer interface line card in the network router device of

FIG. 1


FIG. 3

is a block diagram of an interface line card for a core network in the router of

FIG. 1


FIG. 4

is a schematic diagram depicting how data received from a network is processed within the customer interface line card of

FIG. 2


FIG. 5

is a schematic diagram depicting how data received from a network is processed within the core network interface line card of

FIG. 3


FIG. 6

is a schematic diagram depicting how forwarding addresses are obtained based on the destination addresses appearing in packets received by the network router device of

FIG. 1


FIG. 7

is a schematic diagram of an uncompressed tree data structure representation of a routing table in a system controller in the network router device of

FIG. 1


FIG. 8

is a schematic diagram of a compressed tree data structure representation of a forwarding table in the line cards of

FIGS. 2 and 3


FIG. 9

is a block diagram of address resolution logic and an address resolution memory in the line cards of

FIGS. 2 and 3


FIG. 10

is a memory map of the address resolution memory of

FIG. 9

showing how multiple compressed tree data structures like the compressed tree data structure of

FIG. 8

are stored therein;

FIG. 11

is a schematic diagram showing the manner in which the compressed tree data structure of

FIG. 8

is stored in address resolution memory and is accessed by the address resolution logic of

FIG. 9


FIGS. 12 through 14

are flow diagrams depicting how the compressed tree of

FIG. 8

is generated from the uncompressed tree of

FIG. 7

; and

FIG. 15

is a memory map of a portion of the address resolution memory of

FIG. 9

showing the detailed arrangement of a portion of a single compressed tree data structure stored therein.


FIG. 1

shows a router


including a system controller card


, a number of DS3 cards


and an OC3 card


. As is known in the art, the acronym DS3 represents a multiplexed digital signal with a data rate of approximately 45 Mb/s, representing 28 multiplexed DS1 signals or 672 64-Kb/s DS0 signals. DS3 and DS1 are also referred to respectively as “T3” and “T1”. The acronym “OC3” represents a 155 Mb/s optical carrier signaling protocol. The cards




interface to an interconnect bus


to enable the cards to exchange data. The DS3 cards


are connected to DS3 network segments denoted as “customer segments”


in FIG.


. Each card


is connected to three DS3 segments, the segments being labeled 0, 1 and 2 for each card


. The OC3 card


is connected to an OC3 segment denoted as “core network segment”


. As the names of the segments




indicate, the router


is intended for use at an intermediate hierarchical position in a data network. For example, the router


transfers packets between a large number of customers reachable via the customer segments


and a smaller number of high-traffic, medium-to-long haul data communication devices reachable via the core network segments



In a known fashion, communications on the segments




are carried out in a hierarchical manner, in general accordance with the principles reflected in the well-known 7-layer Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model promulgated by the International Standards Organization (ISO). The following description employs descriptive terminology according to that model. In particular, the device


operates primarily at the lowest 3 layers of the OSI model, which are in ascending order the physical, data link, and network layers. At the network layer, the device


implements the Internet Protocol (IP) for routing datagrams among various source and destination network nodes (although IP does not follow the OSI model strictly). As described below, at layer 2 the device


employs several protocols including Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Frame Relay, and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). The device


also employs multiple protocols at the physical layer as described below.

At the physical layer, each customer segment


employs the channelized T3 protocol, which operates at approximately 45 Mbps. Channelized T3 signals include 28 DS1 channels, each of which operates at 1.544 Mbps, and each DS1 channel carries 24 “DS0” channels each operating at up to 64 Kbps. As described in greater detail below, these channels are assigned to higher-level “circuits” at the network layer where routing occurs. The core network segment


employs 155 Mb/s OC3 optical signaling. The OC3 traffic is likewise assigned to higher-level “circuits” as described below.

The system controller


carries out a number of operations in support of the overall operation of the router


. One operation performed by the system controller


is the management of the routing function at the network layer. The system controller


maintains a large routing database, referred to as a routing table, which is used to enable the device


to make decisions regarding how packets received on a segment




are to be forwarded. The routing table reflects the overall topology of the entire network as known to the router


. The system controller


communicates with neighboring routers in the network to exchange topology-related information so that the routing tables are kept current despite changes in the network topology. Thus for example when a new node is configured on a network segment, that information is broadcast throughout the network to enable each router to update its routing table.

As mentioned, the device


uses the information in the routing table to make decisions regarding how to forward a packet. In a manner described in greater detail below, the device


arranges the information in the routing table, and distributes the information among the cards




in such a manner that routing decisions take the form of lookups in the cards




. The system controller


is not involved on a lookup-by-lookup basis, but rather continually updates and distributes routing information to enable each card




to perform lookups independently. The lookups are done at a very high rate, so the device


efficiently supports a large number of customers having high data rate demands. As part of its routing-related operation, the system controller


determines when it is necessary to update the routing information on the cards




, and re-generates and broadcasts the information to the cards. The information is broadcast in a manner that does not interfere with the lookup operations on the cards





The configuration shown in

FIG. 1

is intended to be representative. In alternative embodiments there may be different numbers of customer interface cards


and/or core interface cards


. Also, the cards may operate according to other protocols. In some embodiments the separate functional elements shown in

FIG. 1

may be physically arranged in other manners, such as for example on a single circuit board.

FIG. 2

shows the structure of a DS3 card


. A High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) controller


transmits and receives a DS3 data stream (such as DS3 stream 0 as shown) to and from a customer segment


as HDLC frames. The HDLC controller


interfaces to packet assembly and disassembly logic


via a bus


. The DS3 card


also contains a DS3 forwarding controller


, which along with forwarding controller memory


and bus transceivers


is attached to a bus


. A bridge circuit


provides a communications path between devices on the bus


and devices on the bus


. The foregoing devices are part of a logical interface unit


associated with one DS3 data stream, in this case stream 0 as indicated. The card


contains three such units


to interface to the three DS3 customer network segments


of FIG.



The transceivers


within each interface unit


are connected to another bus


that provides communication to address resolution logic


, which in turn interfaces with address resolution memory


. An interface controller


has associated interface controller memory


and communicates with the bus


via transceivers



FIG. 3

shows the structure of the OC3 card


. Packet flow logic


transmits and receives the OC3 data stream to and from the core network segment


. The OC3 data is buffered within a packet memory


. The packet flow logic


interfaces with packet assembly and disassembly logic


tied to the interconnect bus


of FIG.


. The packet flow logic


also interfaces with an OC3 forwarding controller


and associated forwarding controller memory


via a bus


. Transceivers


are connected between the bus


and another bus


that provides communication to address resolution logic


, which in turn interfaces with address resolution memory


. The address resolution logic


and address resolution memory


are structurally the same as their counterparts





FIG. 2

, but function somewhat differently as described below. The OC3 card


also contains an interface controller


and associated interface controller memory


; the interface controller


communicates with the bus


via transceivers



FIG. 4

illustrates the processing of network data traffic on the DS3 cards


. Processing is performed hierarchically, with protocol stacks being employed at the interfaces to the DS3 network segments


and at the interface to the internal interconnect bus


. At the interface to a DS3 network segment


, HDLC and DS3 logic


transmits and receives DS3 frames


. The HDLC and DS3 logic


is part of the HDLC controller


of FIG.


. HDLC and DS3 logic


converts received DS3 frames


to HDLC frames


, and also converts outgoing HDLC frames


to DS3 frames


for transmission on the DS3 segment


. As shown in

FIG. 4

, the DS3 frames


include multiple DS0 channels


. The logic


is programmed by interface controller


to associate groups of DS0 channels


. On the receive side, the logic


forms HDLC frames


from each group of associated channels


. On the transmit side, the logic


breaks HDLC frames


down into multiple DS0 channels for transmission on the DS3 segment



The HDLC and DS3 logic


also creates PPP frames


from received HDLC frames


, and converts outgoing PPP frames


to HDLC frames


for transmission on the DS3 segment


. Each PPP frame


corresponds to a payload portion


of an HDLC frame



PPP logic


extracts IP frames or packets


from received PPP frames


, and provides the IP frames


to IP logic


. The PPP logic


also creates outgoing PPP frames


for IP frames


to be transmitted over the DS3 segment


. The IP logic


carries out a variety of network-level tasks, such as frame forwarding or routing, frame classification for Quality of Service (QOS) support, and statistics gathering for network management purposes. The frame forwarding function is performed partially by the IP logic


and partially by similar IP logic on the OC3 card


. For IP frames received from a DS3 segment


destined for the OC3 segment


, the IP logic


performs “ingress” processing while the IP logic on the OC3 card


performs “egress” processing. For IP frames travelling in the other direction, the IP logic on the OC3 card


performs ingress processing while the IP logic


performs egress processing. In either case the ingress IP logic appends a route tag


to the IP frame


for use by the egress IP logic in a manner described below.

The interconnect bus



FIG. 1

employs the ATM data link protocol for transferring data among the various cards




in the system


. Thus to communicate internally the IP logic


interfaces with ATM adaptation layer (AAL) logic


that implements the ATM Adaptation Layer 5 (AAL5) protocol to effect the transfer of frames


across the interconnect bus


. As shown, the frames


include the embedded IP frame


, the route tag


, and an AAL5 trailer


. The AAL logic


interfaces with ATM data link logic


that transfers each frame


as a plurality of ATM cells


over the interconnection bus



The PPP logic


, IP logic


, and AAL logic


and ATM data link logic


are distributed among several components shown in

FIG. 2

, including the forwarding controller


, forwarding controller memory


, packet assembly and disassembly logic


, address resolution logic


and address resolution memory


. The operation of these components is described in more detail below.

FIG. 5

shows frame processing on the OC3 card


. The transfer of frames to and from the interconnect bus


is carried out by ATM data link logic


and AAL interface logic


. The AAL logic


interfaces with IP logic


, which is the counterpart of the IP logic


on the DS3 cards


. AAL logic


along with ATM data link and OC3 logic


carry out the interface between the IP logic


and the OC3 segment


. As shown, the AAL logic


communicates over the OC3 segment


using frames


having the embedded IP frame


and an AAL trailer


. The ATM data link and OC3 logic


transfer the frames


as a plurality of ATM cells


at the data link layer. The ATM cells are transported at the physical layer in channels


within frames


appearing on the OC3 segment



The ATM data link logic


, AAL logic


, IP logic


, and ATM circuit logic


are implemented primarily by the OC3 forwarding controller


, forwarding controller memory


, address resolution logic


and address resolution memory


of FIG.


. The ATM data link and OC3 logic


is implemented primarily by the packet flow logic


, packet memory


, and packet assembly and disassembly logic


of FIG.



FIG. 6

illustrates the overall processing by the network device


of an IP destination address to direct a received frame to the desired next hop node. The destination address is used to lookup a next hop index in a forwarding table


residing in the address resolution memory




of an ingress line card




. The next hop index is used to retrieve an entry from a global IP interface table


, each entry of which represents one of several hundred IP interfaces known to the network device


. The global IP interface table


supplies an ATM data link identifier and a remote IP index, both these values being associated with the IP interface represented by the looked-up entry. The ATM data link identifier identifies an ATM data link logic block


within the network device


to which the IP frame should be forwarded within the box. The remote IP index is used along with a source IP interface identifier (identifying the interface on which the IP frame was received) to form the route tag


. As previously described, the route tag


is appended to the received IP frame and transferred to the egress-side IP logic by the ingress-side IP logic.

As shown in

FIG. 6

, on the egress side the remote IP index from the route tag


is used to retrieve an entry from a local IP interface table


. This entry contains an identifier of a layer-2 interface on which the IP frame should be forwarded. The identifier is the next hop “address”. In the illustrated embodiment, the layer-2 interface identifier from the local IP interface table


identifies an ATM connection by VPI and VCI value. In alternative embodiments this identifier may take other forms, however. For example, in an embodiment in which the egress side interface is an Ethernet interface, the layer-2 identifier is a MAC address of an Ethernet node to which the IP frame should be forwarded. The MAC address is retrieved from a table used to stored address bindings in accordance with the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP).

It should be noted at this point that the lookup technique described herein may be used to support operational features of the network device


other than routing. The index retrieved from the forwarding table


may identify a list of alternative routes rather than a single route. This feature is referred to as “equal-cost multipath”. The index may identify specific Quality of Service (QOS) processing to be performed based on an address such as a source address contained within a received packet. The global IP interface table


may be thought of as a specific type of global forwarding equivalence class table containing information about how a received packet is to be processed.

FIG. 7

illustrates the structure of a routing table maintained by the system controller



FIG. 1

for routing purposes. The overall structure shown in

FIG. 7

is referred to herein as an “uncompressed tree”, as distinguished from “compressed trees” which are described below.

The routing table contains a plurality of routing entries, segregated into groups as follows: level-1 routing entries


which have subnet mask lengths of 16 or less; level-2 routing entries


having subnet mask lengths of between 17 and 24; and level-3 routing entries


having subnet mask lengths of between 25 and 32.

Each routing entry






includes a key and a “next hop” address. The key includes a destination IP address value and a subnet mask value (shown together in the form X.X.X.X/yy at the top of each routing entry). The next hop address is an IP address (shown in the form X.X.X.X at the bottom of each routing entry) which is the address of a network to which frames having destination addresses matching the key should be forwarded.

Beyond the coarse division of routing entries into levels 1, 2 and 3, the routing entries are further organized according to their key address values and subnet mask lengths. When multiple routing entries have the same key address value, these are grouped into a linked list. Each linked list is sorted in order of descending subnet mask length, which is also the order of decreasing specificity.

Sub-trees at the three different levels index into the routing entries






. A single tree


at level 1 contains pointers to level-1 routing entries


. The level-1 tree


includes 2


or 64K pointer storage locations indexed by IP address bits [




], the most significant 16 bits of the IP address. A portion of the level 1 tree


is shown in

FIG. 7

, including locations 128.63 through 128.68. Multiple trees


at level 2 contain pointers to level-2 routing entries


. Each level-2 tree


includes 2


or 256 pointer storage locations indexed by IP address bits [




]. Similarly, multiple trees


at level 3 contain pointers to level-3 routing entries


. Each level-3 tree


includes 2


or 256 pointer storage locations indexed by IP address bits [





Each pointer storage location in the level-1 tree


contains either a pointer or a null value indicating that the location is empty. In addition, each location contains additional bits that describe the pointer type when a pointer is present. Each pointer points to a corresponding routing entry and each routing entry may be part of a linked list of routing entries as described above. A pointer may point to a routing entry whose key address value is equal to the index of the location at which the pointer is stored. Such pointers are termed “real leaf” pointers, and this status is indicated by a bit called the “real leaf” bit being set to one. A pointer may instead point to a routing entry whose key address value is not equal to the index of the pointer, but is the best match for that index based on the subnet mask. These pointers are termed “fill leaf” pointers, as indicated by the “real leaf” bit being set to zero. In

FIG. 7

, the path between a fill pointer and the associated routing entry is shown using a dotted line.

An additional bit called the “next tree” bit is used to indicate whether the pointer is a “next tree” pointer pointing to a level-2 tree


. A next tree pointer is stored in the level-1 tree


when more than the upper 16 IP address bits must be examined to determine the next hop. This condition is indicated by the presence of either a level-2 routing entry


or a level-3 routing entry


whose upper 16 IP address bits are equal to the address of the next tree pointer. The next tree pointer is the address of a level-2 tree


used to decode IP address bits [




]. Thus whenever a next tree pointer is retrieved from the level-1 tree


during a lookup, a second lookup to a level-2 tree


must occur.

A mechanism is provided for identifying both a routing entry and a next tree at a given pointer location in the level-1 tree


. In the illustrated embodiment this is achieved by providing a special pointer


associated with the root of each level-2 tree


. The pointer in the level-1 tree


points to a level-2 tree


, and the pointer


points to a level-1 routing entry


. It should be noted that there are alternative ways to achieve the required association between an entry in the level-1 tree and both a level-1 routing entry


and a level-2 tree


. For example, both pointers could be stored in the level-1 entry, or each routing entry


could optionally point to a level-2 tree


when necessary. However, the illustrated approach has the advantage of storage efficiency, because space for a second pointer is needed only when a pointer in the level-1 tree


points to a level-2 tree



Each level-2 tree


contains 256 storage locations containing either null or pointer values. Like the level-1 tree


, each pointer can point to either a next tree or directly to a routing entry, and routing entry pointers may be either “real leaf” or “fill leaf” pointers. Next tree pointers are used in a level-2 tree


when it is necessary to examine more than the upper 24 IP address bits to determine the next hop. The next tree pointer is the address of a level-3 tree


used to decode IP address bits [




]. Special pointers


are used in the level-3 trees


to point to level-2 routing entries


, in a manner analogous to that described above for level-2 trees


and level-1 routing entries



Each level-3 tree


also contains 256 storage locations containing either null or pointer values. The leaf pointers in the level-3 trees


may be either real or fill pointers in a manner analogous to the level-1 and level-2 trees




. There are no next tree pointers in the level-3 trees


, because in the illustrated embodiment there are no further levels of decoding the IP address.

The information in the uncompressed tree shown in

FIG. 7

is maintained in the following manner. The system controller



FIG. 1

adds and deletes routing entries in accordance with the routing protocol. When a routing entry is added, it is first determined whether a new level-3 tree


and/or a level-2 tree


must be created for the routing entry. This depends on the subnet mask length and whether or not a level-3 or level-2 tree already exists for other routing entries having key addresses that match the key address of the new routing entry in the corresponding fields. If no such tree or trees exist, then new level-3 and/or level-2 trees are created for the new routing entry. A next tree pointer for each new tree is placed in the next-higher level tree. Special pointers


are placed in the new trees if there are routing entries associated with the locations of the new next tree pointers.

After any required new trees have been created, the location in the tree corresponding to the key of the new routing entry is examined. This may be a location in the level-1 tree


, a level-2 tree


, or a level-3 tree


, depending on the subnet mask length. If the location is empty or contains a fill pointer, then a new real leaf pointer to the new routing entry is placed in the location. If the location already contains a real leaf pointer, then the new routing entry is inserted into the linked list to which the real leaf pointer points. The routing entry is inserted in a manner that maintains ordering according to decreasing subnet mask length.

Once a real leaf pointer has been added for the new routing entry, then all of the tree locations in the range of IP addresses covered by the new routing entry are examined. Fill pointers are placed in those locations for which the new routing entry is the best match, based on the subnet mask length. This process must be done in the level-1 tree


as well as any level-2 trees


or level-3 trees


that are in the address range covered by the new routing entry. In some cases, fill pointers may point from one level to a higher level in the tree. An example is shown in

FIG. 7

, in which several pointers in the level-3 tree




are pointing to the level-2 routing entry whose key is

When a routing entry is deleted, the entry is removed from the linked list in which it resides, if any. If as a result of the deletion there are no longer any routing entries in the linked list, then the real leaf pointer in the tree is replaced with a fill pointer pointing to a next best remaining match, if one exists, or is deleted. Then all of the tree locations in the range of IP addresses covered by the deleted routing entry are examined. For those locations having a fill pointer to the deleted routing entry, the fill pointer is either changed to point to a next best remaining match, if one exists, or is deleted.

For example, if the routing entry were deleted from the routing table of

FIG. 7

, the fill pointers at locations 128.65, 128.66 and 128.67 would be changed to point to the routing entry If the routing entry were deleted, then all of the pointers in locations 128.68 through 128.127 would be deleted. The level-2 and level-3 trees in the covered address range are also examined, and fill pointers are appropriately modified.

A level-3 tree


is deleted when it no longer contains any real leaf pointers, and a level-2 tree is deleted when it no longer contains any real leaf pointers or next tree pointers. When a tree is deleted, the pointers in the remaining higher level(s) are modified as necessary. For example, if the level-2 tree


-n were deleted, the pointer at location 128.68 in the level-1 tree


would be modified to point directly to the entry, and the “next tree” bit would be set to zero.

FIG. 8

shows the structure of the forwarding table



FIG. 6

, which is used on each interface card




of FIG.


. The forwarding table


is stored in the address resolution memory


on the DS3 card



FIG. 2

, and in the address resolution memory


on the OC3 card


of FIG.


. The information in the forwarding table



FIG. 8

is derived from the uncompressed tree routing table of

FIG. 7

in a manner described below. The forwarding table


includes tree structures, and is generally smaller in size than the uncompressed tree structure of FIG.


. For this reason the forwarding table


is referred to as a “compressed tree” forwarding table.

Like the uncompressed tree, the compressed tree is divided into three levels associated with IP address bits [




], [




] and [




] respectively. At level 1, a single tree


has 64K 16-bit entries. One bit of each entry is a type bit, and the remaining 15 bits form a pointer value. The pointer value for empty entries is a null value. For non-empty entries, the type bit indicates whether the pointer is a “next hop” pointer NH or a “next tree” pointer NT.

Each next hop pointer NH contains an address of an entry in the global IP interface table


of FIG.


. As described above, the entries retrieved from the global IP interface table


are used to form the route tags


, which in turn are used to obtain the identities of the interfaces on which received IP frames are to be forwarded to reach the desired next hop nodes. As discussed above, in alternative embodiments the pointer retrieved from the compressed tree may provide an index into another type of table to indicate other types of processing to be performed, such as QOS processing.

Each next tree pointer NT contains an index into a level-2 next tree table


. Each entry in the level-2 next tree table


contains a 24-bit pointer field and an 8-bit size field. The 24-bit pointer field contains an NT pointer pointing to a level-2 compressed tree


. Each level-2 compressed trees


may be either a “dense” tree holding 256 pointer entries, or a “sparse” tree holding 32 or fewer entries. The 8-bit size field indicates how many NH or NT pointers are stored in the level-2 compressed tree. The size information is used in a manner described below to retrieve pointers from the level-2 compressed trees



The use of the level-2 next-tree table


including 24-bit NT pointers provides for a level of indirection in the accessing of level-2 compressed trees. While this indirection entails additional delay, it provides desired flexibility in the allocation of storage space within the address resolution memories





FIGS. 2 and 3

, as described in greater detail below.

When more than 32 next hop or next tree pointers are stored in the level-2 tree, these pointers are stored in a “dense” level-2 compressed tree


. Each dense level-2 compressed tree


contains 256 16-bit entries, and each non-null entry includes a type bit and a 15-bit NH/NT pointer as in the level-1 tree


. The entries in the dense level-2 trees


are retrieved by a straight decoding of IP address bits [





When 32 or fewer next hop or next tree pointers are stored in the level-2 tree, these pointers are stored in a “sparse” level-2 compressed tree


to conserve storage space. Each sparse level-2 tree


contains from 4 to 32 locations in increments of 4. Each non-null entry contains a type bit, a 15-bit NH/NT pointer, and an index tag indicating the highest value of IP address bits [




] for which the NT/NH pointer should be used. The entries are stored in ascending order of index tags. During a next-hop lookup, the index tags of the entries are searched in a manner described below in order to retrieve the correct NT/NH pointer based on the destination IP address of the received frame.

The NT pointers in the level-2 trees


point to entries in a level-3 next tree table


which is analogous to the level-2 next tree table


. The NT pointers in the level-3 next tree table


point to level-3 compressed trees


, which may be either dense or sparse. These trees are analogous to their level-2 counterparts


, except that all non-null pointers in the level-3 compressed trees


are NH pointers, so there is no need of a type bit.

In the compressed tree structure of

FIG. 8

, it is possible to achieve even greater storage efficiency by taking advantage of certain partitioning of the IP address space. For example, there is a known multicast address space at IP address and so-called “class E” address space above the multicast space. It is not necessary to allocate space in the level-1 tree


for these addresses, so it may be possible to reduce the size of the level-1 tree



FIG. 9

shows the structure of the address resolution logic




and the address resolution memories





FIGS. 2 and 3

. Each address resolution logic block




includes four ports P


through P


. For each port there is a corresponding input FIFO


and output FIFO


. The forwarding controllers





FIGS. 2 and 3

write 32-bit destination IP addresses into the port input FIFOs


to initiate next hop lookups. The next hop index is returned in the corresponding output FIFO


. There can be multiple lookups pending at a given time in the address resolution logic




, although each lookup is an atomic sequence that is performed to completion once begun. Lookup requests from the different ports P


through P


are arbitrated in a round-robin manner, and a lookup requested at a given port is performed only if there is sufficient room for the result to be stored in the output FIFO


for that port.

The destination IP address from a given input FIFO


is transferred to a key register


via a port multiplexer


. A level multiplexer


is used to select the bits of the IP address based on the level at which the lookup is being conducted:





IP Address




The output from the level multiplexer


is provided to an adder


used to form a 24-bit address used to address the associated address resolution memory




. This address passes through an address multiplexer


to a memory address register


connected to the address inputs of the associated memory





The output from the address resolution memory




is provided to a small cache of level/base pointers


whose use is described below, and also to a small input buffer RAM


. The output of the RAM


is provided to the adder


and to a return next hop register


which feeds the output FIFOs


. The output of the RAM


is also provided along with the output of the level multiplexer


to compare logic


, which is used by search control logic


to carry out searching at levels 2 and 3.

The address resolution logic




also contains elements to enable an external device to directly read and write the address resolution memory




. This feature is used by the interface controllers





FIGS. 2 and 3

to store updated compressed trees into the address resolution memories




when they are received from the system controller


of FIG.


. The elements that support this feature are an input address register


, an input data register


and tri-state buffers


, and an output register


. The storing of updated compressed trees can be performed at the same time that searches are in progress, so that search bandwidth is not compromised by the need to update the compressed trees.

While as illustrated the address resolution logic




contains a single search controller


, in alternative embodiments it may be desirable to include multiple search controllers to achieve greater parallelism and thus higher lookup rates. Another alternative is to use multiple address resolution memories and associated lookup logic to achieve even greater parallelism.

FIG. 10

shows a memory map of the address resolution memories




. The first 8 Kb are used to store up to 512 16-byte level pointer blocks


. The remainder of the 16 Mb storage space is allocated to storing compressed forwarding tables


, each forwarding table


being associated with a corresponding one of the 512 level pointer blocks


. Each level pointer block


contains the following items used to address the corresponding forwarding table


: a level 1 pointer


; a T2 base address


; a level 2 pointer


; a T3 base address


; and a level 3 pointer


. The use of these items is described below. In alternative embodiments it may be desirable to have more or less address resolution memory




, and to allocate more or less space for the storage of level pointer blocks



FIG. 11

shows the manner in which the pointers in the level/base pointer block


are used to access entries in a forwarding table


during a next hop lookup. During a lookup, the level pointer block


is stored within the level pointer block (LPB) cache



FIG. 9

, and the pointers are provided to the adder


to calculate addresses of tree entries in the address resolution memory




. Upon initiation of a lookup, the level pointer block


may already be stored in the LPB cache


, in which case the lookup proceeds using the stored level pointer block


. In some cases, the lookup request indicates that the level pointer block


should be re-read from the address resolution memory




and stored into the LPB cache


. The level pointer block


must be re-loaded, for example, whenever the corresponding forwarding table


has been updated by the system controller



FIG. 1

, and also when a lookup is being done on a different forwarding table


than the forwarding table


used for preceding lookups. In each of these cases, the lookup request contains a value indicating which one of the 512 level pointer blocks


should be used. The ability to select one of multiple pointer blocks


is a feature that enables support for multiple virtual routers. Different ones of the level pointer blocks


are allocated for use by different virtual routers, and each virtual router identifies the level pointer block


to be used for its route lookups.

At level 1 of the lookup, the level 1 pointer


selects the level-1 compressed tree


of the forwarding table


. IP address bits [




] provide the index of an entry in the level-1 tree


. The entry may be an NH pointer, in which case no further searching is required. However, if the entry is an NT pointer then further searching at level 2 is carried out.

At level 2, the NT pointer from the level-1 tree


is used as an index into the level-2 next tree table


of the forwarding table, the base of which is pointed to by the level 2 pointer


from the level pointer block


. The NT pointer in the level-2 next tree table


is added to the T2 base address


from the level pointer block


to obtain the base address of a level-2 tree


. The NT pointer points to a level-2 compressed tree


. If the size is indicated to be greater than 32, then the level-2 tree


is a dense tree (not shown in FIG.


), and IP address bits [




] are used to directly look up the level-2 NH/NT pointer. If the size is 32 or fewer, however, then the level-2 tree


is a sparse tree, and IP address bits [




] are used to conduct a search of the sparse tree


in a manner described below.

The entry in the level-2 tree


may contain an NH pointer, in which case no further searching is required. However, if the entry contains an NT pointer then further searching at level 3 is carried out. Access to level 3 of the forwarding table proceeds in a manner similar to that of level 2, using the T3 base address


and the level 3 pointer


from the level pointer block


, the NT pointer and size retrieved from the level-2 tree


, and the level-3 next tree table


and level-3 trees


. The search key at level 3 is made up of IP address bits [




], and the retrieved pointer is guaranteed to be an NH pointer.

The sparse level-2 trees


and level-3 trees


are searched in the following manner. If the size of the sparse tree is sixteen or less, then a linear search of the sixteen entries is performed. The RAM


, comparison logic


, and search control logic



FIG. 9

are configured to compare the search key to four tree entries simultaneously. As a result, a linear search of sixteen entries requires at most four memory accesses, in the case when it is necessary to examine all sixteen entries. When the tree size is between seventeen and thirty-two entries, the first step performed is comparing the search key to the thirteenth entry. If the search key is less than the thirteenth entry, then a linear search of the first thirteen entries is performed. If the search key is greater than or equal to the thirteenth entry, then a linear search of the thirteenth through thirty-second entries is performed. The first entry having an index greater than or equal to the search key is the desired entry. The pointer from this entry is the desired NH pointer or NT pointer into the next level, as dictated by the type bit of the entry.

FIGS. 12 through 14

show the manner in which the compressed tree forwarding table



FIG. 8

is created from the corresponding uncompressed tree routing table of FIG.



FIG. 15

shows an example portion of a compressed tree forwarding table


as it resides within the system controller


during its creation. The forwarding tables


are re-created and distributed periodically by the system controller


during operation of the router


. This calculation is done frequently so as to minimize the forwarding of frames along stale routes.

As a first step


in the process of

FIG. 12

, an entry is retrieved from the uncompressed level 1 tree


. A convenient starting location is entry 0, which corresponds to IP address [




]=0.0. For each non-null entry, the NEXT TREE bit is tested at step


. If the NEXT TREE bit is FALSE, indicating that the entry is a leaf pointer, then at step


an NH pointer is placed in the corresponding entry in the level-1 compressed tree


. The NH pointer is the address of an entry in the global IP interface table



FIG. 6

for the interface corresponding to the IP address stored in the level-1 routing entry


pointed to by the level-1 entry being processed.

If the NEXT TREE bit of the entry in the level-1 uncompressed tree


is TRUE, then a level 2 next tree


is created at step


. This process is described below with reference to FIG.



After the execution of either step


or step


, it is determined in step


whether all of the entries from the level-1 uncompressed tree


have been processed. If not, the process returns to step


to process the next entry. Otherwise, the process of creating the compressed tree forwarding table


is complete.

The special pointers


are not traversed during the compression process. The routing entries pointed to by the special pointers


are also pointed to by fill leaves associated with routes in the level-2 or level-3 trees beneath the level-1 next tree entry, and thus are processed during the compression of those level-2 and/or level-3 trees.

FIG. 13

shows the process of creating a level 2 compressed tree


. The process is a “two-pass” process, as reflected in the loops shown as steps




and steps




, respectively. During the first pass, the NEXT TREE (NT) indicator is checked for each entry of the level-2 uncompressed tree


at step


. If NT is TRUE, indicating that the pointer in the level-2 uncompressed tree


contains a NEXT TREE pointer, then at step


a next tree placeholder is added to a temporary list used to accumulate compressed entries during the first pass. If the NT indicator is FALSE, indicating that the entry contains a NEXT HOP (NH) pointer, then at step


it is determined whether the NH pointer is the same as any NH pointers already stored in the temporary list. If not, then at step


the NH pointer is added to the temporary list. The result of the first pass is the creation of a temporary list, which is a compressed version of the level-2 uncompressed tree


by virtue of containing only one copy of each distinct NH pointer.

The process then enters the second pass, in which the compressed level-2 tree


is actually created. At step


, actions are taken to set up a level-2 compressed tree


. Based on the size of the temporary list created during the first pass, it is determined whether the compressed level-2 tree to be created should be sparse or dense. If the number of entries in the temporary list is more than 32, then storage for a 256-entry dense tree


is allocated. Otherwise, storage for a sparse tree


is allocated. The storage allocated for a sparse tree


is the multiple of four entries that is equal to or greater than the number of entries in the temporary list. After the level-2 tree has been created, an NT entry is placed in the level-2 next tree table


pointing to the first entry of the newly allocated compressed level-2 tree


. Also, an NT entry is placed in the level-1 compressed tree


pointing to the NT entry in the level-2 next tree table



The process then proceeds to step


, in which an entry is retrieved from the temporary list created during the first pass. At step


it is determined whether this is a NEXT TREE (NT) placeholder. If not (i.e., the entry is an NH pointer), then at step


the NH pointer is copied to the level-2 compressed tree


. If the level-2 compressed tree being created is a dense tree, then the NH pointer is placed at the location having the same index as the NH pointer from the uncompressed tree


. If the level-2 compressed tree being created is a sparse tree, then the NH pointer is placed in the sparse tree along with an index I indicating the largest value of IP [




] for which the NH pointer should be used. The entries in the sparse trees are stored in ascending order of the index values I


, I


, etc.

If in step


it is determined that the entry is a NEXT TREE placeholder, then the process proceeds to step


in which a new level-3 compressed tree


is set up. This process is described with reference to

FIG. 14

below. After the last temporary entry has been processed as determined at step


, the process of

FIG. 13

is complete, and the process of

FIG. 12

resumes at step



FIG. 14

shows the process by which level-3 compressed trees


are created. The process is analogous to the process for level-2 next trees described above. Because in the illustrated embodiment there are no levels beyond the third level, no provision need be made for NEXT TREE entries in the third level. During a first pass from steps




, the process creates a compressed temporary list of distinct NH pointers, and then in steps




creates the level-3 tree


. As in the case of level-2 trees


, the level-3 compressed tree created by the process of

FIG. 14

may be either dense or sparse. The processing for each case is analogous to the corresponding case at level 2.

The processing shown in

FIGS. 12 through 14

has a recursive nature, which is illustrated in the exemplary resulting memory map shown in FIG.


. In memory, a single level-1 compressed tree


is followed by a first level-2 compressed tree




, which is followed by one or more level-3 compressed trees


-i associated with entries in the preceding level-2 compressed tree




. This pattern repeats for all the level-2 and level-3 compressed trees that exist in the forwarding table. This section is followed by the level-2 next tree table


and the level-3 next tree table


. After the forwarding table



FIG. 15

has been created, it is distributed to the line cards




and used in the above-described manner to determine next hop addresses for incoming packets.

On the left in

FIG. 15

are shown mnemonic labels of addresses that correspond to the pointers in the level pointer block


. In the illustrated embodiment the T2 Base pointer


and T3 Base pointer


have the same values. In alternative embodiments it may be desirable to segregate the level-2 and level-3 trees, in which case it would be advantageous to use corresponding different values for the T2 and T3 base pointers.

While the process described with reference to

FIGS. 12-15

achieves compression by virtue of eliminating redundant “next hop” information, it may be desirable in alternative embodiments to use a slightly different method of creating the compressed tree to advance other goals. For example, it may be desirable to examine pointer values and eliminate redundant pointers. In such an embodiment, there may be redundant next hop information in the compressed tree if multiple routing entries have the same next hop value. Alternatively, it may be desirable to test for other information in the routing table that is non-redundant, and to store otherwise redundant entries in the compressed table in order to capture the non-redundant information. For example, two different addresses may map to the same next hop value, but have different Quality of Service parameters. In such a case it would be useful to store different entries in the compressed tree. Although both entries would map to the same interface identifier, they would map to different sets of QOS parameters and thus result in different QOS processing.

Although in the illustrated embodiment both the compressed and uncompressed tree are divided into three levels, it may be desirable in alternative embodiments to divide these trees into different numbers of levels. In particular, it may be desirable to use more levels for network addresses that are longer than 32 bits. It may also be desirable to associate different fields of the network address with the levels of the trees. For example, in an alternative embodiment bits [




] might be associated with level 1, bits [




] with level 2, and bits [




] with level 3. In other alternative embodiments it may be desirable to shuffle the address fields with respect to the levels. For example it may be advantageous for level-1 to be associated with a middle address field or a lower address field rather than an upper address field.

Methods and apparatus for network routing using compressed tree forwarding tables have been described. It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that modification to and variation of the above-described methods and apparatus are possible without departing from the inventive concepts disclosed herein. Accordingly, the invention should be viewed as limited solely by the scope and spirit of the appended claims.

  • 1. Apparatus for identifying a next hop address of a network to which packets should be forwarded, the apparatus comprising a memory storing a forwarding table, the forwarding table comprising a first-level table having entries directly addressable by a first field of address bits from an address field of the packets, and a second-level table having entries associatively addressable by a second field of address bits from the address field of the packets, the first-level table being operative to provide (i) a next hop index indicative of a next hop network address for those packets having addresses for which the first field of address bits is sufficient to determine the next hop address, and (ii) a pointer to the second-level table for those packets having addresses for which the first field of address bits is not sufficient to determine the next hop address, and the second-level table being operative to provide a next hop index indicative of a next hop network address for those packets having address for which the first and second fields of address bits are sufficient to determine the next hop address.
  • 2. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the forwarding table further comprises a third-level table having entries associatively addressable by a third field of address bits from the address field of the packets, and wherein the second-level table is operative to provide a pointer to the third-level table for those packets having addresses for which the first and second fields of address bits are not sufficient to determine the next hop address, and the third-level table is operative to provide a next hop index indicative of the next hop address for those packets having addresses for which the first, second and third fields of address bits are sufficient to determine the next hop address.
  • 3. Apparatus according to claim 2, wherein the forwarding table further comprises a table at each of one or more additional levels, each table having entries associatively addressable by a corresponding additional field of address bits from the address field of the packets, wherein each table is operative to provide a pointer to the table in the next level for those packets having addresses for which the address bits from the first field through the corresponding additional field are not sufficient to determine the next hop address, and each table is operative to provide a next hop index indicative of the next hop address for those packets having addresses for which the address bits from the first field through the corresponding additional field are sufficient to determine the next hop address.
  • 4. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the second-level table is a sparse second-level table containing fewer entries than the number of unique values of the second field of the address, and wherein the forwarding table further comprises a dense second-level table being directly addressable by the second field of address bits from the address field of the packets, and wherein (i) the first-level table is operative to selectively provide pointers to the sparse and dense second-level tables based on the first field of the address field of the packets, (ii) the sparse second-level table provides a next hop index indicative of the next hop address when a pointer to the sparse second-level table is provided by the first-level table for a given packet, and (iii) the dense second-level table provides a next hop index indicative of the next hop address when a pointer to the dense second-level table is provided by the first-level table for a given packet.
  • 5. Apparatus according to claim 4, wherein the number of storage locations in the dense second-level table is equal to the number of unique values of the second address field, the number of pointers stored in the dense second-level table is greater than or equal to a first number substantially smaller than the number of unique values of the second address field, the number of pointers stored in the sparse second-level table is less than the first number, and the number of storage locations in the sparse second-level table is the smallest multiple of a storage block size that is sufficient to store the number of pointers stored in the sparse second-level table.
  • 6. Apparatus according to claim 5, wherein the number of unique values of the second address field is 256 and the first number is 32.
  • 7. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the forwarding table further comprises a third-level table having entries associatively addressable by a third field of address bits from the address field of the packets, and wherein one of the second-level tables is operative to provide a pointer to the third-level table for those packets having addresses for which the first and second fields of address bits are not sufficient to determine the next hop address, and the third-level table is operative to provide a next hop index indicative of the next hop address for those packets having addresses for which the first, second and third fields of address bits are sufficient to determine the next hop address.
  • 8. Apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the forwarding table further comprises additional second-level tables each having entries associatively addressable by the second field of address bits from the address field of the packets, and wherein the first-level table is operative to selectively provide pointers to the different second-level tables based on the first field of the address field of the packets, and each second-level table provides a next hop index indicative of the next hop address when a corresponding pointer to the respective second-level table is provided by the first-level table for a given packet.
  • 9. Apparatus according to claim 8, wherein the forwarding table further comprises a mapping table operative to map each pointer in the first-level table to a corresponding second-level table.
  • 10. A method of operating a network device, comprising the steps of:establishing and maintaining an uncompressed multi-level tree routing table, each level of the routing table containing at least one table directly addressable by a corresponding field of an address field of received packets, each table being operative to provide a pointer indicative of an address of a next hop network to which packets are to be forwarded, the number of unique pointer values in each table being substantially less than the number of pointers in the table; and periodically creating an updated compressed multi-level tree forwarding table from the uncompressed routing table and distributing the updated forwarding table to forwarding controllers within the network device for use by the forwarding controllers in routing packets received by the network device, the compressed forwarding table containing at least one table at each of one or more levels, each table reflecting the same forwarding information as a counterpart table of the uncompressed routing table using a number of pointers substantially equal to the number of unique pointer values.
  • 11. Apparatus used to determine next hop addresses of networks to which data packets are to be forwarded, each data packet including an address field containing an address indicative of a network node to which the packet is ultimately to be delivered, the apparatus including memory storing a data structure, the data structure comprising:a plurality of routing entries, each routing entry containing a key address, a subnet mask value, and a next hop address which is the address of a network to which packets whose address matches the key address in a number of most-significant bit positions indicated by the subnet mask value are to be forwarded, the routing entries being divided into at least two classes according to subnet mask values such that a first class of routing entries includes level-1 routing entries whose subnet mask values are no more than a first number, and a second class of routing entries include level-2 routing entries whose subnet mask values are greater than the first number and no more than the sum of the first number and a second number, the level-2 routing entries being further divided into groups such that the key addresses of the routing entries within each group match each other in the first number of most significant bit positions; and a plurality of pointers, the pointers being associated with addresses of packets and being divided into at least two classes according to fields of the addresses with which the pointers are associated, a first class of pointers being level-1 pointers associated with a first field containing the first number of the most significant address bits of the address, and a second class of pointers being level-2 pointers associated with a second sub-field containing the second number of the next most significant address bits of the address, the level-1 pointers being arranged in a level-1 tree indexed by the first field of the address, the level-2 pointers being divided into a plurality of level-2 trees according to groups of the level-2 routing entries with which the level-2 pointers are associated, each level-2 tree being indexed by the second field of the address, the pointers at both the first and second level including real leaf pointers and fill leaf pointers, each real leaf pointer pointing to an associated routing entry having a key address value equal to the index of the pointer in the data structure, each fill leaf pointer pointing to an associated routing entry whose key address value best matches the index of the fill leaf pointer based on the value of the subnet mask, the pointers at the first level including next tree pointers each pointing to a corresponding level-2 tree containing a pointer to a routing entry whose key address is equal to the index of the next tree pointer in the data structure.
  • 12. Apparatus used to determine the addresses of next hop networks to which data packets are to be forwarded, each data packet including an address field having an address indicative of a network to which the packet is ultimately to be delivered, the apparatus including a memory storing a data structure, the data structure comprising a plurality of pointers, the pointers being associated with addresses of packets and being divided into two or more classes according to fields of the addresses with which the pointers are associated, a first class of pointers being level-1 pointers associated with a first field containing a first number of the most significant address bits of the address, the level-1 pointers being arranged in a level-1 binary tree indexed by the first field of the address, a second class of pointers being level-2 pointers associated with a second sub-field containing a second number of the next most significant address bits of the address, the level-2 pointers being divided into a plurality of level-2 binary trees each being indexed by the second field of the address, the level-1 pointers including next hop pointers and next tree pointers, each next hop pointer identifying the address of a network to which packets having an address whose first field is equal to the index of the next hop pointer in the level-1 binary tree should be forwarded, and each next tree pointer identifying a level-2 binary tree which should be used to determine the address of a network to which packets having an address whose first field is equal to the index of the next tree pointer in the level-1 binary tree should be forwarded, each level-2 binary tree including next hop pointers each identifying the address of a network to which packets having an address whose second field is equal to the index of the next hop pointer in the level-2 binary tree and whose first field is equal to the index of the next tree pointer in the level-1 binary tree that identifies the level-2 tree containing the next hop pointer should be forwarded.
  • 13. A method of operating a network device, comprising the steps of:establishing and maintaining at a centralized controller within the network device a multi-level tree routing table, each level of the routing table containing one or more binary trees indexed by a corresponding field of an address field of received packets, each location in each binary tree containing a pointer to a routing entry indicating the address of a next hop network to which packets whose address contains the index value of the pointer are to be routed, the number of routing entries associated with each binary tree being generally being less than the number of pointers, so that in general multiple pointers in a given binary tree point to the same routing entry; and periodically creating an updated compressed multi-level tree forwarding table from the uncompressed routing table and distributing the updated forwarding table to forwarding controllers within the network device for use by the forwarding controllers in routing packets received by the network device, the compressed forwarding table containing binary trees at one or more levels, each binary tree reflecting the same forwarding information as a counterpart binary tree of the routing table using a number of pointers substantially equal to the number of unique routing entries associated with the counterpart binary tree.
  • 14. Apparatus used to determine the addresses of next hop networks to which data packets are to be forwarded, comprising:a memory for storing a plurality of level pointer blocks and a plurality of forwarding tables, each forwarding table containing data structures associated with values of one or more fields of the address field of the data packets, the data structures containing entries identifying the addresses of next hop networks to which data packets having address sub-fields containing values associated with the data structures are to be forwarded, and each level pointer block being associated with a corresponding different one of the forwarding tables and containing pointers identifying the data structures within the associated forwarding table; one or more input buffers operative to receive next hop address lookup requests, each lookup request containing an address and an identifier of a level pointer block to be used in performing the lookup; selection logic coupled to the input buffers, the selection logic being operative to select among the following: (i) the lookup requests in the different input buffers, (ii) the address and the level pointer block identifier contained in each request, and (iii) the fields of the address contained in each request; a cache coupled to the memory, the cache being operative to store for the duration of a lookup a level pointer block retrieved from the memory upon the initiation of the lookup; a memory input buffer coupled to the memory, the memory input buffer being operative to store a plurality of forwarding table data structure entries retrieved from the memory during a lookup; addressing logic having inputs coupled to the selection logic, the cache, and the memory input buffer, the addressing logic being operative to calculate the addresses of level pointer blocks within the memory and the addresses of forwarding table data structure entries within the memory based on (i) values selected by the selection logic, (ii) values stored in the cache, and (iii) values stored in the memory input buffer, the addressing logic also being operative to provide the calculated addresses to the memory in order to retrieve level pointer blocks and forwarding tables therefrom; comparison logic having inputs coupled to the selection logic and the memory input buffer, the comparison logic being operative during a lookup to compare a value selected by the selection logic to one or more forwarding table data structure entries stored in the memory input buffer; and one or more output buffers coupled to the memory input buffer, each output buffer being associated with a corresponding input buffer, each output buffer being operative to store the results of lookups whose requests are received in the associated input buffer and to provide the results as responses to the lookup requests, the result of each lookup including a next hop address from a selected forwarding table data structure entry stored in the memory output buffer, the selected entry being the entry indicated by the comparison logic as matching the value selected by the selection logic.
US Referenced Citations (8)
Number Name Date Kind
5412654 Perkins May 1995
5842224 Fenner Nov 1998
5870739 Davis, III et al. Feb 1999
5946679 Ahuja et al. Aug 1999
6011795 Varghese et al. Jan 2000
6014659 Wilkinson, III et al. Jan 2000
6052683 Irwin Apr 2000
6061712 Tzeng May 2000
Non-Patent Literature Citations (1)
Degermark, M., et al. “Small Forwarding Tables for Fast Routing Lookups” Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM '97 Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures and Protocols for Computer Communications (Student Paper Award), Cannes, France, Sep. 1997.