Radio frequency (RF) wireless communication systems are becoming more complex and are employing data-driven solutions based on deep learning to solve classification problems where a closed-form mathematical model is too cumbersome or even impossible to obtain. Neural networks are now being used to address notoriously hard problems such as radio fingerprinting, signal/traffic classification, and resource allocation, among many others. Yet, extensive work in computer vision has demonstrated that carefully tailored adversarial inputs can seriously decrease the accuracy of a deep learning model. On the other hand, it is unclear if, when, and how adversarial machine learning (AML) is concretely possible in practical wireless scenarios, where (i) the highly time-varying nature of the channel could compromise adversarial attempts; and (ii) the received waveforms still need to be decodable and thus cannot be extensively modified.
The technology described herein provides a comprehensive, general-purpose modeling, analysis and experimental evaluation of adversarial attacks to machine learning models in the wireless domain. A Generalized Wireless Adversarial Machine Learning Problem (GWAP) is provided to address AML in the wireless domain. Algorithms are provided to solve the GWAP in whitebox and blackbox settings. The performance of the algorithms has been evaluated on existing state-of-the-art neural networks and datasets. Results demonstrate that the algorithms were effective in confusing the classifiers while keeping the waveform distortion to a minimum.
Recent research has shown that deep learning can classify spectrum phenomena with accuracy levels that were once thought impossible. Yet, extensive work in computer vision has demonstrated that carefully tailored adversarial inputs can seriously decrease the accuracy of a deep learning model. On the other hand, it is unclear if, when, and how adversarial machine learning (AML) is concretely possible in practical wireless scenarios, where (i) the highly time-varying nature of the channel could compromise adversarial attempts; and (ii) the received waveforms still need to be decodable and thus cannot be extensively modified. The technology described herein bridges the gap between AML and the wireless domain by providing a comprehensive analysis and experimental evaluation of adversarial learning attacks to state-of-the-art wireless deep learning systems. First, a series of adversarial attacks are postulated, and a Generalized Wireless Adversarial Machine Learning Problem (GWAP) is mathematically formulated which analyzes the combined effect of the wireless channel and the adversarial waveform on the efficacy of the attacks. The technology provides algorithms to solve the GWAP in (i) a “white box” setting where the adversary has access to the deep learning model; and (ii) a “black box” setting where the deep learning model is not available. For the latter, a neural network architecture is provided, sometimes termed “WaveNet” herein, which combines concepts from deep learning and signal processing to “hack” a classifier based only on its output. The performance of the algorithms has been evaluated on classifiers trained on (i) a 1,000-device radio fingerprinting dataset, and (ii) a 24-class modulation dataset. Results obtained with several channel conditions show that the white-box algorithms can decrease the classifier accuracy up to 3×. The adversarial neural network technology has also been experimentally evaluated on a software-defined radio testbed, which showed that the data-driven black-box approach can confuse the classifier up to 97% while keeping the waveform distortion to a minimum.
The technology provides advantages in Internet of Things security applications and markets, and in military and/or tactical wireless systems security. The technology provides wireless adversarial machine learning algorithms suitable for use with real-world datasets and models. The technology provides a neural network implementation of digital signal processing. The technology provides an experimental evaluation of wireless adversarial machine learning. The technology enables machine learning modes to be more robust in the wireless domain. The technology enables tactical applications, such as cracking radio fingerprinting and modulation recognition.
The Internet of Things (IoT) will bring 75.44B devices on the market by 2025, a 5× increase in ten years. Due to the sheer number of IoT devices soon to be deployed worldwide, the design of practical spectrum knowledge extraction techniques has now become a compelling necessity—not only to understand in real time the wireless environment, but also to design reactive, intelligent, and more secure wireless protocols, systems, and architectures.
Arguably, the radio frequency (RF) spectrum is one of nature's most complex phenomena. For this reason, data-driven solutions based on deep learning are well suited to solve classification problems where a closed-form mathematical model is too cumbersome or even impossible to obtain. Neural networks are now being used to address notoriously hard problems such as radio fingerprinting, signal/traffic classification, and resource allocation, among many others.
However, neural networks are prone to be “hacked” by carefully crafting small-scale perturbations to the input—which keep the input similar to the original one, but are ultimately able to “steer” the neural network away from the ground truth. This activity is also known as adversarial machine learning (AML). The degree to which malicious wireless agents can find adversarial examples is correlated to the applicability of neural networks to problems in the wireless domain. For example, if neural networks are used in tactical or highly-pervasive IoT contexts, AML could potentially disrupt communications or cause life-threatening situations.
The above reasons show the timeliness and usefulness of an investigation into the robustness of wireless deep learning systems. Prior work is limited by small-scale simulation-based scenarios. A reason that sets wireless AML apart is that a wireless deep learning system is by definition non-stationary, due to the time-varying nature of the channel. This implies that the channel action should be factored into the crafting process of the AML attack.
To further confirm this aspect,
The technology described herein provides a comprehensive modeling and experimental evaluation of adversarial machine learning (AML) attacks to wireless deep learning systems. To this end, the technology bridges together concepts from both the wireless and the adversarial learning domains, which have been so far kept substantially separated.
An AML threat model (Section 2) is provided which considers (i) a “whitebox” scenario, where the adversary has complete access to the neural network; and (ii) a “blackbox” scenario, where the neural network is not available. In the model, attacks are derived for arbitrary channels, waveforms, and neural networks, and thus generalizable to any state-of-the-art wireless deep learning system.
Based on the model, a AML Waveform Jamming (Section 3.1) and a AML Waveform Synthesis (Section 3.2) attack are formulated. A Generalized Wireless Adversarial Machine Learning Problem (GWAP) is provided where an adversary aims to steer the neural network away from the ground truth yet keeping constraints such as bit error rate, energy emitted, and other relevant metrics below a threshold (Section 4). In Section 4.2, a gradient-based algorithm is provided to solve the GWAP in a white-box scenario. For the blackbox scenario, a neural network architecture, called WaveNet, is provided. The approach mixes together concepts from generative adversarial learning and signal processing to train a neural network composed by finite impulse response layers (FIRLayers).
The algorithms are evaluated on (i) a deep learning model for radio fingerprinting trained on a 10,000-device dataset of WiFi and ADS-B transmissions collected in the wild; and (ii) a modulation recognition model trained on the RadioML 2018.01A dataset, which includes 24 different analog and digital modulations with different levels of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Extensive experimental results indicate that the algorithms can decrease the accuracy of the models up to 3× in case of whitebox attacks, while keeping the waveform distortion to a minimum. The adversarial neural network (WaveNet) approach is evaluated on the software-defined radio testbed, which shows that the approach confuses the 5-device radio fingerprinting classifier up to 97%.
As used herein, boldface upper and lower-case letters denote matrices and column vectors, respectively. For a vector x, xi denotes the i-th element, ∥x∥p indicates the lp−norm of x, xT its transpose, and x·y the inner product of x and y. For a matrix H, Hij indicates the (i,j)-th element of H. The notation and indicates the set of real and complex numbers, respectively.
System Model. The top portion of
Let Λ>1 be the number of layers of the TNN, and C be the set of its classes. The TNN is modeled as a function F that maps the relation between a set of inputs X and a set of outputs Y through a Λ-layer mapping F(x; θ): i→o of an input vector x ∈ i to an output vector y ∈ o. The mapping happens through Λ transformations:
j(rj−1, θj) 0≤j≤Λ, (1)
where Fj(rj−1, θj) is the mapping carried out by the j-th layer. The vector θ=(θ1, . . . , θΛ) defines the whole set of parameters of the TNN. It is assumed the last layer of the TNN is dense, meaning that FΛ−1(rj−1, θj)=σ(Wj·rj−1+bj), where σ is a softmax activation function, Wj is the weight matrix and bj is the bias vector.
The activation probabilities of the neurons at the last layer of the TNN are evaluated. Let c ∈ C be a generic class in the classification set of the TNN. Let fc(x) denote the activation probability of the neuron corresponding to class c at the output layer of the TNN when input x is fed to the TNN. From (1), it follows that
c(x)=FΛ,c(rΛ−1, θΛ). (2)
It is assumed that the input of the TNN is a series of I.Q samples received from the radio interface. For the sake of generality, it is assumed that the I/Q samples may be processed through a processing function P( ) before feeding the I/Q samples to the TNN. Common examples of processing functions P( ) are equalization, demodulation or packet detection.
Threat Model. It is assumed that the adversary A may or may not be part of the legitimate set of nodes in . The adversary is called respectively rogue and external in these cases. Adversarial action is further classified based on the knowledge that the adversary possesses regarding the TNN. In the first, called whitebox, adversary A has perfect knowledge of the TNN activation functions Fj, meaning that A has access not only to the output layer FA but also to the weight vector θ (and thus, its gradient as a function of the input).
In the second scenario, also called blackbox, the adversary does not have full knowledge of the TNN, and therefore cannot access gradients. It is assumed, however, that the adversary has access to the output of the TNN. Specifically, for any arbitrarily chosen waveform x, the adversary can obtain its label C(x)=y by querying the TNN. Obtaining the output of the TNN is an issue known as 1-bit feedback learning. In this scenario, the adversary can use ACKs or REQs as 1-bit feedback. Specifically, for a given batch B of size M, the loss function L(B) can be approximated by observing the number of ACKs or REQs received (A) for the current batch and then assign
The adversary then may choose different strategies to craft adversarial samples over tuples (x, y) obtained from querying the TNN. The technology considers herein targeted and untargeted attacks. The former type attempts to find waveforms that make the classifier “steer” toward a different class than the ground truth g. More formally, given a classifier C and a target t, the adversary tries to find a waveform w˜x such that C(w)=t≠g. Conversely, untargeted attacks attempt to find waveforms through which C(w)≠C(x).
Wireless Model. To be effective, the attacker must be within the transmission range of R, meaning that A should be sufficiently close to R to emit waveforms that compromise (to some extent) ongoing transmissions between any node l ∈ and R. In this scenario, not only can A eavesdrop wireless transmissions generated by R (e.g., feedback information such as ACKs or REQs), but can also emit waveforms that can be received by R—and thus, compromise the TNN.
The effect of channel action is illustrated in
L, (3)
where xL represents the waveform transmitted by node L, is the convolution operator; hL and wL are the fading and noise characterizing the channel between node L and the receiver R.
Similarly, let xA be the waveform transmitted by node A, and let ϕ be an attack strategy of A. The attacker utilizes ϕ to transform the waveform xA and its I/Q samples. For this reason, the waveform transmitted by A can be written as xA(ϕ). For the sake of generality, in this section no assumption are made on ϕ. However, in Section 3, two examples of practical relevance (i.e., jamming and waveform synthesis) are presented where closed-form expressions for the attack strategy ϕ and xA(ϕ) are derived. The waveform zA received by node R can be written as
A(ϕ)hA+wA. (4)
Notice that (3) and (4) do not assume any particular channel model, nor any particular attack strategy. Therefore, the formulation is general in nature and able to model a rich set of real-world wireless scenarios.
In most wireless applications, noise wi can be modeled as additive white Gaussian (AWGN). On the contrary, hi depends on mobility, multi-path and interference. Although these aspects depend on the application and network scenarios, they are usually assumed to be constant within the coherence time of the channel, thus allowing to model hi as a Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter with K>0 complex-valued taps.
By leveraging the above properties, the n-th component zi[n] of the waveform zi received from node i can be written as follows:
where xi[n] is the n-th I/Q symbol transmitted by node i; hik[n] and wi[n] are respectively the k-th complex-valued FIR tap and noise coefficients representing the channel effect at time instant n.
Referring to
In AWJ, an adversary carefully jams the waveform of a legitimate device to confuse the TNN. Since the TNN takes as input I/Q samples, the adversary may craft a waveform to cause a slight displacement of I/Q samples at the receiver side, thus fooling the TNN.
As shown in
L (6)
where zA and zL are defined in (3) and (4), respectively.
Attack objectives and strategies. The attacker aims at computing xA so that C(z)≠C(zL). Moreover, this attack can be either targeted (i.e., A generates jamming waveforms whose superimposition with legitimate signals produce C(z)=cT, with cT being a specific target class in C), or untargeted (i.e., it is sufficient to obtain C(z)≠cL).
In this case, xA(ϕ)=ϕ. That is, the transmitted waveform corresponds to the actual attack (jamming) strategy. Specifically:
A(ϕ)=(+jϕnℑ)n=1, . . . , N
where (i) aℑ=Im(a) and =Re(a) for any complex number a; and (ii) NJ>1 represents the length of the jamming signal in terms of I/Q samples. Since NJ might be smaller than the TNN input NI, without losing in generality, it can be assumed that that adversary periodically transmits the sequence of NJ I/Q samples so that they completely overlap with legitimate waveforms and have the same length, i.e., NJ=NI. However, it can be noticed that perfect superimposition of the jamming signal with the legitimate signal is not assumed, and thus adversarial signals are not added in a precise way to the legitimate waveform.
Undetectability aspects. Any invasive attack might reveal the presence of the adversary to the legitimate nodes, which will promptly implement defense strategies. For this reason, the adversary generates misclassifications with undetectability by computing ϕ such that the signal z can still be decoded successfully by the receiver (e.g., by keeping the bit-error-rate (BER) lower than a desirable threshold) but yet misclassified. This is because the attacker aims to conceal its presence. If exposed, the receiver might switch to another frequency, or change location, thus making attacks less effective. However, this constraint can be relaxed if the jammer is not concerned about concealing its presence. It can be further assumed that the attacker has no control over channel conditions (i.e., hA and wA) and legitimate signals (i.e., zL), meaning that the attacker can control xA(ϕ) only by computing effective attack strategies ϕ.
Addressing non-stationarity. An adversary cannot evaluate the channel hL in (3)—which is node-specific and time-varying. Also, waveforms transmitted by legitimate nodes vary according to the encoded information, which is usually a non-stationary process. It follows that jamming waveforms that work well for a given legitimate waveform zL, might not be equally effective for any other z′L≠zL. Thus, rather than computing the optimal jamming waveform for each specific legitimate signal zL, it is computed over a set of consecutive S legitimate input waveforms, also called slices.
Let ρ ∈ {0, 1} be a binary variable to indicate whether or not the attacker node belongs to the legitimate node set (i.e., a rogue node). Specifically, ρ=1 if the attacker node is a rogue device and A ∈ , ρ=0 if the attacker is external (i.e., A ∉ ). Also, let cL and cA be the correct classes of the waveforms transmitted by nodes L and A, respectively.
Untargeted AWJ. The adversary aims at jamming legitimate waveforms such that (i) these are misclassified by the TNN; (ii) malicious activities are not detected by the TNN; and (iii) attacks satisfy hardware limitations (e.g., energy should be limited). These objectives and constraints can be formulated through the following untargeted AWJ problem (AWJ-U):
where zs=zA+zLs, zLs represents the s-th slice (or input) of the TNN; Constraint (C1) ensures that the BER experienced by the legitimate node is lower than the maximum tolerable BER threshold BERmax; while (C2) guarantees that the energy of the jamming waveform does not exceed a maximum threshold Emax. In practice, Constraints (C1) and (C2) ensure that jamming waveforms do not excessively alter the position of legitimate I/Q samples. This is useful to avoid anti-jamming strategies such as modulation and frequency hopping, among others. Although Problem (AWJ-U) takes into account Constraints (C1) and (C2) only, in Section 4 the formulation is extended to larger set of constraints.
Targeted AWJ. By defining cT ∈ C as the target class, the targeted AWJ is formulated as
When compared to Problem (AWJ-U), Problem (AWJ-T) differs in terms of the objective function. One approach would see the adversary maximize the term
only. However, the objective of the adversary is to produce misclassifications, so the adversary should try to reduce the activation probability of the jammed class cL and adversarial class cA, while maximizing the activation probability for the target class cT. It is expected that the TNN has high accuracy and by simply maximizing
does not necessarily mean that the TNN would not be able to still correctly classify transmissions from the legitimate device L (i.e., the activation probability fcL might still be high).
An example is provided. Assume that the attacker is external
Consider the case where the adversary computes ϕ such that the term
only is maximized. A reasonable outcome of this optimization problem is that ϕ is such that
In this case, it is easy to notice that input waveforms are still classified as belonging to class cL. A similar argument can be made for term ρfA(zs) when ρ=1 (i.e., the attacker is a rogue node).
In other words, to effectively fool the TNN, the attacker must generate waveforms that (i) suppress features of class cL; (ii) mimic those of class cT; and (iii) hide features of the attacker's class cA. These objectives can be formulated via the objective function in Problem (AWJ-T).
In this attack—illustrated in the bottom-right side of
Let cT ∈ C be the target class. The (targeted) AWS problem (AWS) is formulated as
This attack can map to scenarios such as radio fingerprinting, where a malicious device aims at generating a waveform embedding impairments that are unique to the target legitimate device. In other words, the attacker cannot generate random waveforms as in the AWJ, but should transmit waveforms that contain decodable information. To this end, FIR filters are uniquely positioned to address this issue. More formally, a FIR is described by a finite sequence ϕ of M filter taps, i.e., ϕ=(ϕ1, ϕ2, . . . , ϕM). For any input x ∈ X, the filtered n-th element {circumflex over (x)}[n] ∈ {circumflex over (x)} can be written as
It can be observed that by using FIRs, the adversary can manipulate the position in the complex plane of the transmitted I/ symbols. By using complex-valued filter taps, i.e., ϕm ∈ for all m=0, 1, . . . , M−1, Eq. (8) becomes:
For example, to rotate all I/Q samples by θ=π/2 radians and halve their amplitude, set ϕ1=½expj
By using a FIR ϕ with M complex-valued taps, the waveform xA(ϕ) transmitted by the attacker can be written as
A(ϕ)=xBBϕ (10)
where xA(ϕ)=(xA[n](ϕ))n=1, . . . , N
Notice that Problems (AWJ-U), (AWJ-T) and (AWS) are similar in target. Thus, the following generalized wireless AML problem (GWAP) formulation are proposed:
where g(z)=(g1(z), . . . , gG(z))T is a generic set of constraints that reflect BER, energy and any other constraint that the attack strategy ϕ must satisfy (e.g., upper and lower bounds); and ωc takes values in {−ρ, −1, 0, 1, ρ} depending on the considered attack. As an example, Problem (AWJ-T) has ωcT=1, ωcL=−1, ωcA=−ρ and ωc=0 for all c≠cL, cT, cA.
Problem (GWAP) is non trivial since (i) the functions fc have no closed-form and depend on millions of parameters; (ii) both the objective and the constraints are highly non-linear and non-convex; (iii) it is not possible to determine the convexity of the problem. Despite the above challenges, in whitebox attacks the adversary has access to the gradients of the TNN (
From (6), the input of the TNN is z=zA+zL. Since zL cannot be controlled by the attacker node, fc(z)=fc(zA).
∇ϕfc(z)=Jϕ(z)T·∇zfc(z) (12)
where Jϕ(z) is the NI×M Jacobian matrix of the input z with respect to the attacker's strategy ϕ, T is the transposition operator, and · stands for matrix dot product.
The input of the TNN is defined as a set of NI consecutive I/Q samples, i.e., z=(z[n])n=0, . . . , NI−1, where zn ∈ for all n=0, . . . , NI−1. The attacker's waveform is defined as a sequence of M complex numbers, i.e., xA(ϕ)=(xA[m](ϕ))m=0, . . . , M−1 whose values depend on the attack strategy ϕ. With this information at hand, it can be observed that the gradient ∇ϕfc(z) has dimension 2M×1, while the gradients with respect to real and imaginary parts of the m-component are respectively
While the AWJ generates waveforms that mimic noise on the channel and target already ongoing transmissions between legitimate nodes, the AWS aims at creating synthetic waveforms when no other node is occupying the wireless channel. Therefore, the two attacks require different attacks strategies ϕ which will inevitably result in different values of (13) and (14). Thus, the implementation details of AWJ and AWS attacks are discussed and the corresponding closed-form expressions for the partial derivatives in (13) and (14) are derived.
AML Waveform Jamming. Here, the adversary is not required to transmit intelligible or standard-compliant waveforms. Therefore, xA(ϕ) is defined in (10). Since is the only variable the attacker can control,
Where Z′ and Z″ can be either or ℑ to identify real and imaginary part, respectively. Accordingly, from (5):
By substituting (15) into (13) and (14), the attacker can calculate gradients that will be used to compute an efficient jamming solution in Section 4.2.
AML Waveform Synthesis. In this attack, the optimization variables are the FIR taps and the attacker's waveform xA(ϕ) is defined in (10). For this reason, gradients can be computed as follows:
Presented here is a general solution to Problem GWAP which leverages the availability of gradients (13), (14), (15) and (16) to compute an effective attack strategy ϕ.
First, the constraints gi(·) are relaxed through Lagrangian Relaxation. Specifically, the augmented Lagrangian is defined
where λs=(λ0,s, . . . , λG,s)T, λG,s≥0, λ=(λ1, . . . , λs), and ρ>0 is a fixed-step size to regulate the convergence speed of the algorithm. By using Lagrangian duality, an approximated solution to Problem (GWAP) can be found by the following iterative process
where t represents the iteration counter and γt is a decreasing step-size such that
Σtγt=∞ and Σtγt2<∞
Equation (18) can be solved via the Non-linear Conjugate Gradient (NCG) method. To compute a solution at each iteration t, the gradient of L(ϕ, λ(t−1)) is defined as a function of the attack strategy ϕ:
with ∇ϕfc(zs) being computed in (12), ∇ϕg(zs) and JgT(ϕ) being the gradient and Jacobian matrix of the functions g with respect to ϕ, respectively.
The core objective of the adversarial neural network (WaveNet) is to hack the TNN without requiring to have a copy of the TNN. To this end, the feedback from the TNN is leveraged to carefully transform the input via a series of finite impulse response (FIR) convolutional layers.
Before training, the FIR layer's weights are initialized such that ϕ0=1 and {ϕi}=0, i>0. This initialization in essence represents an identity vector, which returns unchanged input values. The reason this particular initialization rule is considered is to preserve the shape and content of input waveforms in the first few training epochs. This way, the neural network technology updates weights iteratively without irremediably distorting input waveforms.
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are composed by a generator G and a discriminator D. Both G and D are trained to respectively learn (i) the data distribution and (ii) to distinguish samples that come from the training data rather than G. To this end, the generator builds a mapping function parametrized with θg from a prior noise distribution pz as G(z; θg), while the discriminator D(x; θd), parametrized with θg parameters, outputs a single scalar representing the probability that x came from the training data distribution px rather than the generator G. Therefore, G and D are both trained simultaneously in a minmax problem, where the target is to find the G that minimizes log 1−D(G(z)) and the D that minimizes log D(x). More formally:
Although the neural network technology is at its core an adversarial network, there are a number of key aspects that set the technology apart from existing GANs. First, in this scenario D has already been trained and thus is not subject to any modification during the G training process. Second, GANs assume that D is a binary discriminator (i.e., “fake” vs “authentic” response). This is not the case in this problem, since D has a softmax output (i.e., multiclass). Third, GANs take as input a noise vector, whereas here baseband I/Q samples are taken as inputs. Fourth, as shown in Equation 22, the minmax problem solved by GANs is unconstrained, while the GWAP problem in Section 4 is instead constrained. Fifth, GANs assume stationarity, which is not entirely the case in the wireless domain. Finally, to actually implement a “black-box” attack, it cannot be assumed that the waveform produced by the technology will be used “as is” by the target network, which is instead assumed in traditional GANs.
For the above reasons, a training strategy as shown in
First, the adversary generates a waveform training batch B (step 1), where waveforms are generated according to the wireless protocol being used. For example, if WiFi is the wireless protocol of choice, each waveform could be the baseband I/Q samples of a WiFi packet that the adversary wants to transmit. To each waveform z in the batch, the adversary assigns an embedded label y, which is selected randomly among the set of devices that the adversary wants to imitate. The adversary does not need to know exactly the number of devices in the network to do this. This set is then fed to the neural network which generates a training output G(z, y, ϵ) (step 2), where ϵ is the constraint of the weight of the FIRLayers as explained previously.
The waveform produced by the neural network is then transmitted over the air and then received as a waveform H(G(z, y, ϵ)) (step 3). It is realistic to assume that the device could pre-process the waveform before feeding it to the target network, e.g., to extract features in the frequency domain. Thus, the softmax output of the target network is modeled as O(z, y)=D(P(H(G(z, y, ϵ))). It is assumed that the adversary does not have access in any way to D and P, but only to the softmax output. The adversary can thus minimize the following loss function:
where M is the number of devices, I{·} is a binary indicator function, and Ot is the softmax output for target class t. The adversary can then minimize L(B) using stochastic gradient descent (SGD) or similar algorithms.
The systems and architectures described herein can be implemented in conjunction with a computing device that includes a combination of hardware, software, and firmware that allows the computing device to run an application layer or otherwise perform various processing tasks. Computing devices can include without limitation personal computers, work stations, servers, laptop computers, tablet computers, mobile devices, wireless devices, smartphones, wearable devices, embedded devices, microprocessor-based devices, microcontroller-based devices, programmable consumer electronics, mini-computers, main frame computers, and the like and combinations thereof.
The computing device can include a basic input/output system (BIOS) and an operating system as software to manage hardware components, coordinate the interface between hardware and software, and manage basic operations such as start up. The computing device can include one or more processors and memory that cooperate with the operating system to provide basic functionality for the computing device. The operating system provides support functionality for the applications layer and other processing tasks. The computing device can include a system bus or other bus (such as memory bus, local bus, peripheral bus, and the like) for providing communication between the various hardware, software, and firmware components and with any external devices. Any type of architecture or infrastructure that allows the components to communicate and interact with each other can be used.
Processing tasks can be carried out by one or more processors. Various types of processing technology can be used including a single processor or multiple processors, a central processing unit (CPU), multicore processors, parallel processors, or distributed processors. Additional specialized processing resources such as graphics (e.g., a graphics processing unit or GPU), video, multimedia, or mathematical processing capabilities can be provided to perform certain processing tasks. Processing tasks can be implemented with computer-executable instructions, such as application programs or other program modules, executed by the computing device. Application programs and program modules can include routines, subroutines, programs, scripts, drivers, objects, components, data structures, and the like that perform particular tasks or operate on data.
Processors can include one or more logic devices, such as small-scale integrated circuits, programmable logic arrays, programmable logic devices, masked-programmed gate arrays, field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), and complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs). Logic devices can include, without limitation, arithmetic logic blocks and operators, registers, finite state machines, multiplexers, accumulators, comparators, counters, look-up tables, gates, latches, flip-flops, input and output ports, carry in and carry out ports, and parity generators, and interconnection resources for logic blocks, logic units and logic cells.
The computing device includes memory or storage, which can be accessed by the system bus or in any other manner. Memory can store control logic, instructions, and/or data. Memory can include transitory memory, such as cache memory, random access memory (RAM), static random access memory (SRAM), main memory, dynamic random access memory (DRAM), block random access memory (BRAM), and memristor memory cells. Memory can include storage for firmware or microcode, such as programmable read only memory (PROM) and erasable programmable read only memory (EPROM). Memory can include non-transitory or nonvolatile or persistent memory such as read only memory (ROM), one time programmable non-volatile memory (OTPNVM), hard disk drives, optical storage devices, compact disc drives, flash drives, floppy disk drives, magnetic tape drives, memory chips, and memristor memory cells. Non-transitory memory can be provided on a removable storage device. A computer-readable medium can include any physical medium that is capable of encoding instructions and/or storing data that can be subsequently used by a processor to implement embodiments of the systems and methods described herein. Physical media can include floppy discs, optical discs, CDs, mini-CDs, DVDs, HD-DVDs, Blu-ray discs, hard drives, tape drives, flash memory, or memory chips. Any other type of tangible, non-transitory storage that can provide instructions and/or data to a processor can be used in the systems and methods described herein.
The computing device can include one or more input/output interfaces for connecting input and output devices to various other components of the computing device. Input and output devices can include, without limitation, keyboards, mice, joysticks, microphones, cameras, webcams, displays, touchscreens, monitors, scanners, speakers, and printers. Interfaces can include universal serial bus (USB) ports, serial ports, parallel ports, game ports, and the like.
The computing device can access a network over a network connection that provides the computing device with telecommunications capabilities Network connection enables the computing device to communicate and interact with any combination of remote devices, remote networks, and remote entities via a communications link. The communications link can be any type of communication link including without limitation a wired or wireless link. For example, the network connection can allow the computing device to communicate with remote devices over a network which can be a wired and/or a wireless network, and which can include any combination of intranet, local area networks (LANs), enterprise-wide networks, medium area networks, wide area networks (WANS), virtual private networks (VPNs), the Internet, cellular networks, and the like. Control logic and/or data can be transmitted to and from the computing device via the network connection. The network connection can include a modem, a network interface (such as an Ethernet card), a communication port, a PCMCIA slot and card, or the like to enable transmission to and receipt of data via the communications link. A transceiver can include one or more devices that both transmit and receive signals, whether sharing common circuitry, housing, or a circuit boards, or whether distributed over separated circuitry, housings, or circuit boards, and can include a transmitter-receiver.
The computing device can include a browser and a display that allow a user to browse and view pages or other content served by a web server over the communications link. A web server, sever, and database can be located at the same or at different locations and can be part of the same computing device, different computing devices, or distributed across a network. A data center can be located at a remote location and accessed by the computing device over a network.
The computer system can include architecture distributed over one or more networks, such as, for example, a cloud computing architecture. Cloud computing includes without limitation distributed network architectures for providing, for example, software as a service (SaaS), infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), network as a service (NaaS), data as a service (DaaS), database as a service (DBaaS), desktop as a services (DaaS), backend as a service (BaaS), test environment as a service (TEaaS), API as a service (APIaaS), and integration platform as a service (IPaaS).
The datasets and learning architectures are described in Section 6.1, followed by the results of AWF (Section 6.2), AWS (Section 6.3), and the neural network technology (WaveNet) (Section 6.4).
6.1.1 Radio Fingerprinting. Considered were (i) a dataset of 500 devices emitting IEEE 802.11a/g (WiFi) transmissions; and (ii) a dataset of 500 airplanes emitting Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) beacons. ADS-B is a surveillance transmission where an aircraft determines its position via satellite navigation. For the WiFi dataset, the transmissions were demodulated and the models trained on the derived I/Q samples. To demonstrate the generality of the AML algorithms, the ADSB model was instead trained on the unprocessed I/Q samples. A CNN architecture was used where the input is an I/Q sequence of length 288, followed by two convolutional layers (with ReLu and 2×2 MaxPool) and two dense layers of size 256 and 80. The above CNN models were referred to as RF-W (WiFi) and RF-A (ADS-B) TNN architectures.
6.1.2 Modulation Classification (MC). For modulation classification, the RadioML 2018.01A dataset was used, available for download at The dataset is an available large modulation dataset, and includes 24 different analog and digital modulations generated with different levels of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For consistency, the neural network were considered which present 7 convolutional layers each followed by a MaxPool-2 layer, finally followed by 2 dense layers and 1 softmax layer. The dataset contained 2M examples, each 1024 I/Q samples long. In the following, this model was referred to as the MC TNN architecture.
6.1.3 Data and Model Setup. For each architecture and experiment, two distinct datasets have been extracted for testing and optimization purposes. The optimization set was used to compute the attack strategies ϕ as shown in Sections 3 and 4. The computed ϕ are then applied to the testing set and then fed to the TNN. To understand the impact of channel conditions, a Rayleigh fading channel was simulated with AWGN noise hA that affects all waveforms that node A transmits to node R. High and low SNR scenarios were considered with path loss equal to 0 dB and 20 dB, respectively. Moreover, a baseline case with no fading was also considered.
6.1.4 Model Training. To train the neural networks, an 2 regularization parameter λ=0.0001 was used. An Adam optimizer with a learning rate of l=10−4 and categorical cross-entropy as a loss function was also used. All architectures were implemented in Keras. The source code used to train the models was available for download at
In AWJ, the adversary aims at disrupting the accuracy of the TNN by transmitting waveforms of length NJ and of maximum amplitude ϵ>0, to satisfy Constraint (C2) and keep the energy of the waveform limited. Since NJ might be smaller than the TNN input NI, it is assumed that the adversary periodically transmits the sequence of NJ I/Q samples so that they completely overlap with legitimate waveforms.
6.2.1 Untargeted AWJ (U-AWJ).
6.2.2 Targeted AWJ (AWJ-T). Compared to untargeted jamming, AWJ-T requires smarter attack strategies as the adversary needs to (i) jam an already transmitted waveform, (ii) hide the underlying features and (iii) mimic those of another class. The top portion of
The performance of AWS attacks in the case of rogue nodes was evaluated. In this case, the attacker strategy ϕ includes M complex-valued FIR taps (Section 3.2) that are convoluted with a baseband waveform xBB. To simulate a rogue device, xBB was extracted from the optimization set of the rogue class. This way a rogue class that needs to hide its own features and imitate those of the target classes was effectively emulated.
The same behavior was also exhibited by the RF-A TNN.
To further demonstrate this point,
Finally, the waveforms in
The neural network technology was evaluated on a software-defined radio (SDR) testbed composed by 64 omni-directional antennas through 100 ft coaxial cables. Antennas were hung off the ceiling of a 2240 ft2 office space and operated in the 2.4-2.5 and 4.9-5.9 GHz frequency bands.
To evaluate the performance of the neural network technology in a challenging black-box scenario, the targeted external Adversarial Waveform Synthesis (AWS) attack was implemented to a neural network used to fingerprint 5 nominally-identical USRP N210 radios transmitting an identical WiFi baseband signal. This was the worst-case scenario for an adversary since the neural network technology had to learn the impairments to fool the neural network. The receiver SDR sampled the incoming signals at 20 MS/s and equalized it using WiFi pilots and training sequences. The resulting data was used to train a TNN, which took as input 6 equalized OFDM symbols, thus 48*6=288 I/Q samples. It was composed by two 1D Conv/ReLU with dropout rate of 0.5 and 50 filters of size 1×7 and 2×7, respectively. The output was then fed to two dense layers of 256, and 80 neurons, respectively. The network was trained using the procedure in Section 6.1.4. The resulting confusion matrix of the classifier, which obtains 59% accuracy, is shown in
The neural network was trained using baseband WiFi I/Q samples, thus without any impairment, with 1 FIRLayer and with a batch of 100 slices.
As used herein, “consisting essentially of” allows the inclusion of materials or steps that do not materially affect the basic and novel characteristics of the claim. Any recitation herein of the term “comprising,” particularly in a description of components of a composition or in a description of elements of a device, can be exchanged with “consisting essentially of” or “consisting of.”
To the extent that the appended claims have been drafted without multiple dependencies, this has been done only to accommodate formal requirements in jurisdictions that do not allow such multiple dependencies. It should be noted that all possible combinations of features that would be implied by rendering the claims multiply dependent are explicitly envisaged and should be considered part of the invention.
The present technology has been described in conjunction with certain preferred embodiments and aspects. It is to be understood that the technology is not limited to the exact details of construction, operation, exact materials or embodiments or aspects shown and described, and that various modifications, substitution of equivalents, alterations to the compositions, and other changes to the embodiments and aspects disclosed herein will be apparent to one of skill in the art.
This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e) of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/952,629, filed on 23 Dec. 2019, entitled “Neural Network for Adversarial Deep Learning in Wireless Systems,” the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference.
This invention was made with government support under Grant Number N00164-18-R-WQ80 awarded by DARPA. The government has certain rights in the invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
62952629 | Dec 2019 | US |