Exercise is typically done on a horizontally based surface, for example the ground, floor, seat or bench, done standing or seated, and using weights or resistance machines. These methods are very limiting as they are completely dependent on voluntary activation and recruitment of muscles to do the movement required of a particular exercise. Humans are horizontal animals and designed to balance and move through balance supported and stabilized by a horizontal surface or resistant force.
Because we are designed to balance and move on the horizontal plane, we are neurologically comfortable doing it, and function in the parasympathetic nervous system when moving or exercising normally. Equilibrium is autonomic and sustained constantly with very little effort or thought, as muscles extend and contract reflexively if equilibrium is threatened to quickly reestablish equilibrium. Horizontal exercise and movements all require the body to be supported against gravity forces pulling us straight down toward the earth and equilibrium can be comfortably achieved with as little as one foot or hand being located directly under the body's center of balance (torso), and further stabilized with more than one foot or hand, or both, or all. The position of the torso over or between the horizontal supports or props is the primary determining factor for attaining equilibrium.
That being said, horizontal stability, equilibrium, can be recognized by the inner ear and autonomic nervous system by having the horizontal support being directly under the torso, or the torso between the two of more supports, in such a manner like the seat of a chair or bench in contact with the glutes or buttocks, or under the back or chest or side if you are laying down flat, or both the buttocks and the back if seated at an incline. The upward forces of buoyancy when in the water produce horizontal support, and with the addition of the surrounding pressure of the water around the body, it literally takes less muscle activation and recruitment to acquire recognizable horizontal stability than standing on the ground. Exercises such as body weight pull-ups also fall under the category of horizontal exercise, as all the resistant forces to the body are moving upward from directly below the torso, and the direction of fall the body is experiencing is straight down with no angular forces applied and recognized by the nervous system.
If when doing pull-ups you simply let go, the body will fall uninterrupted straight down to the floor or next horizontal support. While hanging on to the bar when doing pull-ups, the bar is providing a horizontal support force that is directly above the torso giving the same stimuli to the inner ear as if the support force was directly under the torso, and because this follows the rules of equilibrium the body stays in the parasympathetic nervous system during the exercise. The body is used to momentary threats to equilibrium, and autonomically responds to them to regain equilibrium by extending or contracting the few muscles it requires to recruit to reposition the torso into balance. The body's response is normal and comfortable, and the body does all its normal responses to momentary threats to equilibrium within the parasympathetic nervous system regardless to how physically intense the stimuli or response may be.
Horizontal movements and exercises, including swimming, require and are limited to only 1 to 10 muscles to be activated and recruited on any one side of the body to perform and control the movement while maintaining equilibrium. With one of the largest objectives to exercising being weight/fat loss, and having only 10 of over 600 motor movement muscles in the body recruited, horizontal exercise is not very efficient for consuming calories very quickly. This requires a person to exercise for long periods of time each day to lose a minimal amount of fat if measured in kcals per minute.
Muscle being the major consumer of kcals per minute, the more muscles being activated and recruited at the same time the more kcals will be consumed. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, have an average body mass index, and exercise recruiting 10 muscles simultaneously at 85% of your max heart rate, and each muscle averaged 0.001 kcal per minute of caloric consumption, at best on the horizontal based exercise you would consume 10 calories per minute, 100 calories per 10 minutes of exercise, or 600 calories per hour.
This is not to say that at 85% of your max heart rate during exercise you will burn 100 calories in 10 minutes, because the real determining factor is how many muscles are being recruited during the exercise. For example, if you do an exercise that recruits only 3 muscles simultaneously at 85% max heart rate, you will only consume 30 calories in 10 minutes respectively. The heart supplies blood with glucose and oxygen to burn to all the muscles in the body every heart beat, regardless to how many of them are consuming. So if we were able to exercise at 100% our max heart rate we would be limited to consuming 150 calories per 10 minutes at the same 140 pounds of body weight. This may sound good until you consider how much more could be consumed if we could recruit more muscles simultaneously.
Over the last several decades, the major improvements to the horizontal exercises and horizontal-based apparatuses have still remained limited to only being able to activate the same few muscles or muscle chains at any given time, and because of the nature of horizontal exercise, the parasympathetic nervous system is in charge of the body's functions and resources.
Within the last half decade, it has been proven that for exercise done on a vertical surface with only you being the means of attachment and your torso positioned in such a manner that the torso cannot get directly over a horizontal support (such as the feet, hands, both, or between two or more), and therefore cannot establish and recognize horizontal stability. With the forced incorporation of at least one upper limb to maintain the body's position in space (such as one finger), for more than an instant/momentary period of time, the body will then physically confirm an ongoing threat to equilibrium, go into a defensive neurological response and shift into the sympathetic nervous system to take over the functions and responses of the body until the threat is terminated. This sympathetic response trigger by vertical exercise was confirmed using a Polar rs800CX and R-R recorder to conduct time domain heart rate variability (HRV) analysis. This sympathetic response is similar to the flight or fight responses, but without the negative cortisol and adrenal responses and side effects. The clean sympathetic response has been found to be uniquely produced while doing proper and controlled vertical exercise, and has tremendous benefits when it is possible to do it regularly and several times per week for months. But a traditional apparatus does not have the required geometry to allow the user to use it long term without reaching a point where it begins to hurt or injure critical joints and forces the user to terminate use.
A very positive effect of proper vertical exercise is the sympathetic response to the constant physical threat to equilibrium and the involuntary activation of the vast majority of the 600+ motor muscles in the body. The voluntary activation of a muscle doing horizontal exercise is directly linked to the simultaneous recruitment of muscles required for the movement. However, the sympathetic response experienced when doing proper vertical exercise can activate muscles independent of any recruitment of muscle. “Activation” is the muscle being turned on (neurological connection established) but not put into use or motion, and “recruitment” is when the muscle is put into action or use by either extension of contraction. Activation is like a vehicle engine being turned on and idling, and recruitment being the engine put into gear and pressure being applied to the accelerator causing movement or forces to be produced.
Like an engine running idle, the activated muscles on call made ready for action are burning energy, fuel in the vehicle and glucose in the body. In turn, all the activated motor muscles are consuming at least a measurable amount calories per minute or while activated without much of an elevation of heart rate when physically shifted into the sympathetic nervous system.
Referring back to the flight or fight response, the nervous system is shifted into the sympathetic nervous system starting with an emotional trigger or assumption that there is a threat. While the conscious mind assumes the threat is real, the blind and deaf autonomic nervous system fights going sympathetic and pushes back into the parasympathetic because it cannot physically confirm a threat with a loss of body fluid, temperature change or loss of balance, to cite just a few neurological conditions constantly monitored by the body. The emotional assumption of the conscious mind pushes back again into the sympathetic, and back and forth until there is a physical confirmation of a real physical threat. Once the threat is physically confirmed, the sympathetic response stays constant until the threat is then confirmed terminated. But an emotionally triggered sympathetic response is accompanied with a negative adrenal response and increase of alpha amylase and cortisol, along with many other negative effects that can last minutes if not days after the fight-or-flight experience. The depth or level of sympathetic response is also limited by the nervous system's central governing control working to preserve resources every way possible.
On the opposite side of the sympathetic nervous system, lithe sympathetic response is triggered first only by a confirmed physical threat with no emotional influence, the sympathetic response is clean and free of the negative adrenal response, increased alpha amylase and cortisol, and other negative side effects. In contrast, the physically triggered sympathetic response is immediate and at a higher level, and produces positive benefits related to the conditioning of the body and neuromuscular re-education.
Currently available devices that vertical exercise can be practiced with, while evolving, are lacking in many ways. Existing vertical exercise apparatus can cause sympathetic responses, but the sustainability of the modality is limited by the design and configuration leading to musculoskeletal performance and ergonomic detriments that can lead to injury over time.
Existing vertical exercise apparatuses do not consider or accommodate the subtle and vast differences from person to person using the apparatus. The height of a person, the distance between joints and torso length, and range of motion for a muscle and a chain of muscle all differ from person to person. The amount of joint extension, flexion, hyperextension, supination, pronation, rotation, circumduction, adduction and abduction during body movements vary between people and have a large effect on the longevity of the practice of vertical exercise and the potential benefits versus the risks.
These characteristics of typical vertical exercise apparatus limit the performance and potential benefits that can be enjoyed from proper and sustainable vertical exercise. Current vertical exercise apparatus have no ergonomic adjustability, and the range between low and high intensity exercise potential is also limited. The support surfaces and handles are not shaped correctly for the human body and cannot be utilized for long periods of time without pain or injury to the practitioner. Over time the joint and connective tissue strain experienced on typical apparatus forces the practitioner to discontinue use of the apparatus due to pain or injury caused by the incorrect joint positions or compression points the practitioner is forced to endure.
The foregoing example of the related art and limitations related therewith are intended to be illustrative and not exclusive. Other limitations of the related art will become apparent to those of skill in the art upon a reading of the specification and a study of the drawings.
The following embodiments and aspects thereof are described and illustrated in conjunction with systems, tool and methods that are meant to be exemplary and illustrative, not limiting in scope. In various embodiments, one or more of the above-described problems have been reduced or eliminated, while other embodiments are directed to other improvements.
The disclosed vertical exercise device, hereinafter referred to as the “device,” and method produces the central nervous system response at a higher level safely, as well as reduces joint, myofascial and tensional line pain and impingement experienced on current vertical exercise apparatus. The disclosed device permits the practitioner to exercise safer for longer periods of time and for a larger range of ages from toddlers to the elderly, without the practitioner being required to discontinue the use of the device.
The disclosed device produces more even tensions through the musculoskeletal system while reducing or eliminating joint pain with a more natural positioning, angle and shape of handles and supports. It can accommodate a large range of varying heights and widths of practitioners' body shapes, capabilities, age and levels of physical conditioning.
The disclosed device has handles that have multiple angles to match the natural, neutral and ergonomic position of the wrist when it is required to pronate or supinate while gripping and holding on to the device during particular exercises. The angle and height location of the handles in relationship to the foot supports during properly executed exercises also keep the wrists from extending or hyperextending to the side too far as to create joint impingement and restrict blood flow and neurotransmission through the joint and its surrounding tissues. The device can have a set of handles located specifically to accommodate a small range of practitioners' varying heights, or an array of handles used to accommodate the majority of varying ranges of heights from person to person. The array of handles allow the device to universally fit the majority of people without having to change or adjust the device in any manner. The practitioners will use that handle and foot supports that best suits their height for an exercise.
The angle of the handle changes to match the natural angle and position of the hand and wrist as the arms are moved outward from the side of the body when the hands are below or above the shoulders during movement. The handle shape and positions relative to each other and the foot supports minimize the side to side articulation (pronation and supination) of the wrist from the beginning to the end of a proper vertical exercise or movement. This prevents abnormal strains on the wrist that will reduce the performance of the muscles in and from the hand and along myofascial and tensional lines going to the torso and feet, because the body is now required to focus energy on the defense of the wrist and reducing (governing) the level of permitted extension and contraction of the muscle within the lines as not to injure itself. This device allows the energy that was governed back to be spent in the muscles within the myofascial and tensional lines, and more contraction and extension is permitted with no threat to the wrist because the wrist is never forced to pronate or supinate too far to either side during the entire range of motion. Typical horizontally and vertically aligned handles over rotate (supinate and pronate) or hyperextend the wrist joint forcing it into a non-ergonomic position and alignment, and results in pain and injury.
This disclosed device has a set of handles that can rotate about a center axis in the front of the apparatus to different positions, or rotate freely while moving up and down and side to side freely for added intensity for the practitioner and to add to the variations of exercises that can be done on the device, or the handles can be fixed in position at any given location.
The handles can rotate about a side axis to turn over or mirror the angles of one handle bar to produce a second set of different angles and lock into place, or rotate freely to add intensity to the exercises.
The handles or array of handles can rotate around a vertical axis freely or adjusted to a fixed position so that the handle-line from hand to hand is no longer parallel to the foot-to-foot line or front face of the foot supports. The handles or array of handles can be fixed at a set height or move freely up and down while rotating freely about the vertical axis.
The handles or array of handles can be adjusted forward or backward on the base of the device changing the relationship between the hands and feet to change the dynamic forces experienced by the practitioner while doing vertical exercises. The handles can be move backwards and away from the practitioner to a point that will allow the practitioner to position their torso directly over their feet and eliminate the sympathetic response, as the practitioner can then balance on their feet without the use of their hands, therefore removing the threat of falling and allowing the practitioner to also do horizontal based exercises in the parasympathetic nervous system physiological state. This can be beneficial when introducing vertical exercise to a beginner or deconditioned person, and allow the person to condition and prepare themselves for the added backward and angular forces experienced when the handle is moved toward them, pushing their torso backwards and no longer directly above the feet pushing them into the sympathetic nervous system.
Handles can be rotated about both a front and side axis and fixed into any desired position, or left to rotate freely at one or both axes to increase the physical demands and intensity required of the practitioner.
Handles in any of the above configurations can be adjusted forward at a downward angle from the standing base of the device, changing its inline relationship to the foot supports below. This will force the practitioner to work harder to keep their feet forward on the foot supports, increasing the challenge and intensity when doing vertical exercises that require the feet to move upward onto the above foot supports.
For those people that want to inspire strength and/or muscle growth, it is optimal to use an open grip and not allow the thumb to wrap around the bar. This open grip is difficult to maintain when exercising as the person usually forgets about where their thumb is when the exercise intensity begins to increase as more and more repetitions of the movement progress. The thumb naturally finds the most comfortable and less demanding grip, and after a few reps the person finds their thumb is wrapped around the handle bar and the potential benefits are diminished. This device can be made to have a thumb control plate on one side of the handle that will not permit the thumb to wrap around the bar and close the grip, forcing only the fingers to be the gripping points of the device, thereby maintaining the tension from fingers to core regardless of the person's level of intensity or fatigue. If the thumb is allowed to wrap around the handle bar, the grip tension is focused in the forearm flexor group of muscle and does not transfer through the tensional line of muscle leading to the torso. The plate making up the thumb control can be made in such a manner that it can adjust and change the depth and distance the fingers can wrap around the bar and force more tension into the fingers as the gripping contact surface of the fingers is pushed out farther toward the tips of the fingers. This plate controls the amount of depth around the handle bar that the fingers can wrap around the bar. The farther around the fingers can wrap around the bar, the less tension from fingertip to torso/core is required to hang on during exercise. To intensify the level of tension to the core and inspire more strength and/or growth in the muscle along this tensional line, the thumb guard can be moved around the radius of the handle bar limiting the distance the fingers can wrap around the handle.
The height relationship of the foot supports to each other are fixed or adjustable. When fixed they are spaced above and below each other at a distance that will allow any and all vertical exercises requiring the lifting and lowering of the feet into differing positions during an exercise to have sufficient distance to allow the foot to lift and move out and away from the edge of the above or below foot support and not impact it. If the foot holds are spaced too close to each other in height, the toe can impact or get caught on the above foot support as the foot moves to step onto it. If the foot supports are too close in height to the one below it, the foot stepping down onto it may not have enough space and time to be brought inward far enough to establish a good footing before the body's weight is rested upon it.
The position and angle of the foot supports in relation to the handles above can be adjusted forward and back and angled as well to change the inline relationship, and the dynamics forces that can be changed to decrease or increase the intensity of exercises.
Either the handles, the foot supports or both can be mounted to a structure wall or a vertical post or column. A single handle and a single foot support can be attached to a wall or column creating a specific and limited vertical exercise device, or additional handles, foot supports or both can be attached creating more versatility and removing limitations. In some embodiments, such as where a vertical post or column is used, the lateral ends of the one or more handles may freely extend into space and are not anchored to a static structure.
The length of the foot support is at a length that will accommodate the various different body widths, heights and natural foot and ankle positions from person to person.
The depth of the step is made in such a manner that it supports varying lengths and sizes to give all enough distance to place the entire ball pad of the foot into the step, so everyone can enjoy an equally stable footing on the apparatus and be able to focus on the exercise, not the lack of foot support. This depth of the foot support can be a fixed dimension to accommodate everyone, or it can be made adjustable to limit how far the person's foot is allowed to go into the foot support for performance and rehabilitation purposes by the location of the vertical surface located to the back of the foot support surface acting as a toe stop.
A fixed or adjustable vertical back surface of the foot support foot or toe stop surface not only limits the distance the foot can go into the foot support, it also prevents injury if the foot slips and moves forward undesirably. When doing vertical exercises, the practitioner's body is often leaning back and away from the device with the practitioner's feet forward and out from under the torso, which applies a forward force to the feet like they are sliding out from under the practitioner, hence part of the physical threat confirmed by the inner ear and combined muscle contractions. If the foot is allowed to move too far into the foot support, the practitioner's shins can impact the front edge of the foot support, and may continue to slip forward until the entire foot has gone in and past the foot support surface, and the practitioner then made to fall down and off the device causing serious injury or death. The toe stop, whether fixed or adjustable, prevents this potential accident from happening and the potential of the practitioner's foot and/or leg from being captured and pinned in the apparatus. Current apparatus resembling a ladder are most dangerous and have a constant potential for injury or death, as there is nothing to stop the foot from moving too far in and past the foot rung. Open back steps are equally as dangerous with nothing to limit and stop the entry of the foot.
The height and distance of the foot supports can be adjusted to fit within a person's limited range of upward leg motion due to limited flexibility and/or strength from lack of conditioning or a past injury. Adjusting the height of the foot supports will allow the limited practitioner to do the exercise in its entirety and receive as much of the benefits possible, but they will not be forced to get hurt going beyond their safe range of motion and hurt themselves more, or not be able to do the exercise at all.
The angle of the foot supports is critical, as are the angles of the handles. The foot supports are at an angle that the practitioner's entire surface of the ball pad of the foot will rest on the top surface of the foot support. The support surface of the foot supports may be substantially flat. The angle of inclination of the foot support should be greater than 0 degrees and less than 35 degrees for normal use and intensities, and between 35 degrees to 85 degrees for exercises requiring more upper body muscle recruitment and intensity than the lower body. In some embodiments, the angle may be approximately 20 degrees. It should be appreciated that in certain embodiments, the plane of the foot support(s) may be tilted or pivoted relative to the vertical axis of the device if desired for a given exercise or user; in this way, the angle of inclination of each foot support surface may be further adjusted with respect to the user, without necessarily adjusting the angle of inclination of each foot support surface with respect to the mounting plane of the foot support(s). With the entire bottom surface of the foot's ball pad in contact with the top surface of the foot support, the foot will not experience localized pressure on, or along, any of the articulating bones of the foot, and not create localized pressure on the bottom tissues of the foot which can cause injury to both the tissue and bones immediately if exercises are done improperly or over time regardless to how an exercise is done. If the top surface of the foot support is horizontal, the foot will be supported by only the edge of the foot support which focuses a line of pressure across the ball pad of the foot creating all the damage and injury aforementioned, and the same results from the rung of a ladder, and all resulting in limited physical performance of the practitioner and limited sustainability of the exercise modality.
The angled top surface of the foot support also provides a platform of resistance against the forward forces on the feet, produces more surface contact pressure between the ball pad of the foot and the top surface of the foot support, therefore increasing the friction and neutralizing the forward forces, and converts the forward forces into traction greatly reducing the potential for the foot to slip forward. This is similar to an embanked corner of a racetrack that transfers the car's inertia when the car is going around a corner at a high rate of speed into the ground giving all the wheels of the car more traction. The angled ground or supporting surface under the wheels of the car drives the inertia downward into all four wheels and into the ground, rather than letting the inertia parallel the ground and all the weight of the car going into one or two of the wheels causing the car to slide or roll over sideways. Angles greater than 0 and less than 35 degrees maximize the surface contact and neutralize forward forces in relationship to the user's up and down position of the torso; as the lower the body becomes closer to the feet, the angled position of the foot and forward forces will change and therefore require a different angle to maintain the ideal balance of surface contact and forward forces. Angles greater than 35 degrees will further decrease the potential of forward movement of the foot while also decreasing the leg's ability to hold the torso in the proper exercise position, which will increase the intensity and muscle recruitment of the upper body. A 90 degree angle will eliminate the lower body's ability to contribute to holding the torso up in proper position, but will maintain the angle and position of the torso relative to the feet maintaining the physical threat. If the torso is positioned higher and away from the feet, using the greater angle (that was ideal for the lower torso position) will then force the foot to lift off the ball of the foot and place all the support pressure onto the toes.
Foot supports can be made to split in half and accommodate separately the right and left foot. Individually the right and left foot supports can be adjusted at different heights from one another to create a non-symmetrical line of tension through the body for unique exercise and rehabilitation effects.
The foot support is made with rounded ends to prevent pain or injury to the inside of the practitioner's legs when doing vertical exercises requiring the torso to remain close to the device while moving up and down in motion forcing the legs to spread open, rest and slide on the front edge of the step. Square cornered edges and ends would focus pressure on the tissues of the inner leg causing pain or injury, forcing the practitioner to limit the amount of exercise repetitions or modify the exercises form improperly and can cause other related pain and injuries.
The device according to the present disclosure may also include controls to automatically adjust the handles and foot supports, and the angles and distances between them. The controls may also be programmed to monitor physical intensity and make automatic adjustments to maintain a more constant intensity required from the practitioner during the repetitions of the exercise or changing exercises. It should be appreciated that the positional adjustment of components according to the present disclosure is not limited to spatial arrangement in the vertical plane or the tilting of a single plane; the horizontal and vertical positioning may be independently adjusted for each foot support and/or handle component. In certain embodiments, handles of a handle array assembly are independently adjustable, while in others, the handles are adjusted together in one or more dimensions relative to the foot support(s).
The device according to the present disclosure may also include a horizontal vibration system that moves the handles and/or foot supports forward and backwards, side-to-side and/or through a looped pathway (e.g., circular motion). Typical vibration applications for exercise apparatus are vertical in direction moving the person up and down. Vertical vibration (up and down motion) can stimulate a central nervous system response as the floor is dropped underneath the person and then pushed back up causing the body to adapt to the moving surface, but the adaptation is very quick and equilibrium is not actually threatened with the feet still directly under the torso. Vertical vibration is an adaptable change in elevation and frequency to the position of the horizontal support surface, and over time the body will stop reacting to it as a threat.
This innovative vertical exercise device may have horizontal (forward to back or side to side) movement or vibration. The horizontal movement or vibration pulls the feet or hands out from under or away from the practitioner, and/or side to side, in a horizontal direction that does threaten the CNS in an abnormal way and continues to threaten it until it terminates. The body cannot recognize it as an adaptable change in anchor position and frequency of the horizontal support surface, and will consistently switch into the sympathetic nervous system.
Using a horizontal vibration on this device increases the level of muscle recruitment during all exercises. For instance, the greater the forward and backward distance of motion, the more increase of muscle recruitment already recruited for the exercise and it causes the recruitment of additional muscles not otherwise needed for the exercise.
The use of vertical vibration done with typical fitness vibration apparatus is dangerous and if the person using the vertical vibration locks the knee or elbow joint supporting them on the surface, the vibration forces will transfer up and into the head and can cause the brain to separate from the skull. The horizontal vibration used in the present disclosure will not cause a threat of injury to the practitioner regardless of any joints being locked and rigid.
All the above configurations of the present disclosure can be done with a built in man-lift or hoist that will assist the user or therapist when getting onto the device. It can have a shock absorbing safety lanyard that can remain attached to the safety harness worn by the user to insure the safety of the user if they become fatigued or incapable of holding on to the device. This makes it safer for the therapist or assistant as well as the user if the potential of failure is there, and will keep the user upright and not allow the user to fall and impact the floor.
In addition to the exemplary aspects and embodiments described above, further aspects and embodiments will become apparent by reference to the accompanying drawings forming a part of this specification wherein like reference characters designate corresponding parts in the several views.
The present disclosure is further described below in reference to the accompanying figures:
Before explaining the disclosed embodiment of the present invention in detail, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of the particular arrangements shown, since the invention is capable of other embodiments. Exemplary embodiments are illustrated in referenced figures of the drawings. It is intended that the embodiments and figures disclosed herein are to be considered illustrative rather than limiting. Also, the terminology used herein is for the purpose of description and not of limitation.
As used herein, the terms top and bottom, upper and lower, etc. are relative to the vertical direction, axis and/or plane. The term front corresponds to the side of the device facing a user during exercise; the term back corresponds to the side of the device opposite the front. The terms back and forth, forward and back, front to back, etc. are relative to the front and back of the device and correspond to the horizontal direction, axis and/or plane. Terms like side-to-side, lateral, etc. indicate a horizontally perpendicular axis/direction relative to the back and forth, front to back, forward to rear, etc. axis/direction. It is understood that these terms are used for convenience to describe a default configuration of the device and positional/directional aspects of components and attributes thereto; components described in these terms—particularly the handle assembly, handlebars, and handles—may be also be rotatable about one or more axes as discussed below thereby changing the relative orientation to the default configuration, but it is not intended that such changes in orientation affect the accuracy of the terms in initially describing the structure. The vertical axis of the device corresponds to the central vertical axis of its support structure (e.g., wall, post, column, etc.).
It is also visible in
At the ends of the foot support 106 and the dimensions 85, the front outside corners of the foot support 106 may be round, so when doing exercises and movements requiring the legs to spread apart and the inside of the legs to make contact with the front edge of the foot support 106, practitioners' legs are able to freely press upon and slide along the ends of the foot support without discomfort or injury.
The depth 84 of the foot support 106 is required to control the depth and position of the foot when on the device 100, and to not permit the heel of the foot to rest on the foot support 106 contact surfaces. By not allowing the heel to rest on the surface of the foot support 106, there is additional tension forces created in the plantar fascia ligament that is then transferred through and along the tensional line of muscles from the toes to the torso, and then on through to the hands increasing the numbers of muscles recruited to perform exercise and movement on the device 100, thereby increasing the intensity and caloric expenditure per second burning more calories and fat in less time making it more efficient for conditioning and weigh loss. The vertical surface 83 acts as a toe stop for the foot position that regulates the depth the foot can go onto the foot support 106, and also prevents the foot from going too far into the foot support that it would go past and off the foot support 106 top contact surface, which could cause the person to lose their balance and hold on the device and get seriously injured breaking their leg or more if they fall completely off the device while their leg is too far in the device 100 between the array of foot supports 102. The depth 84 is the dimension required to accommodate small people with short feet and large people with long feet given a foot support 106 surface that accommodates all people equally and safely. If the depth 84 is too great, the shorter foot will go too far into the foot support 106 and allow the person to rest their heel on the foot support 106, and not require and produce the same level of tension in the plantar fascia and continue through the tensional line to the hand, and therefore diminish or negate many of the specific exercise and movement benefits. If the depth 84 is too little, a taller person with longer feet would not be able to get their foot far enough into the foot support 106 to make surface contact with the entire ball or front foot pad of their foot and have only their toes contacting the surface of the foot support 106, thereby creating too much tension and force in the carpals and ligaments of the foot that cannot be sustained long enough to get the targeted and ideal benefits of the specific exercise and movements. The ideal maximum depth or dimension 84 is approximately 5.25 inches (about 13.3 cm), but can be specifically less or more if the device 100 is produced for one specific person or adjusted as described herein.
The dimension 109 is the distance from the foot support 86 and the floor or ground relative to the distance 108 from the floor to the first lower handle bar 89. The distance 108 is required to create enough distance 109 to accommodate a second foot support 87 below the foot support 86 at the dimension 113 to be used for people of less conditioning or lower levels of fitness. By having a person hold on to any of the handle bars 89-94 and use foot support 87, the torso is moved closer to the front of the device 100 than it would be if on the foot support 86 above it where the torso would be pushed farther away from the device 100 where the leverage forces and weight of the torso are greater. It is easier to do exercises and movements on the lower foot support 87 than on the higher foot support 86. With that being said, for the more fit and conditioned person, using the highest foot support 88 would increase the leverage weight and force created by the torso more than would using the foot support 86, and will therefore produce a higher level of intensity and required strength for all exercises and movements done on the foot support 88. Therefore, the configuration of the device 100 efficiently accommodates all the needs of people from extremely unfit or deconditioned to people that are extremely fit and conditioned just by using the ideal foot support for their specific level of conditioning or fitness, and allows them to progress from one extreme to the other all on the same device 100 without any physical adjustments to the device 100 itself.
The distance 113 can be adjusted to less or greater than ideal to create an abnormal challenge causing more focus and attention on where the feet are moved and then placed. The distance 113 can be different for the foot support 87 below the foot support 86 than the distance between foot support 86 and foot support 88.
When the handle array 136 is allowed to rotate freely about the horizontal axis 142 while also allowing the handle array 135 to slide freely up and down on the vertical post 103, the strength and intensity is amplified many times more again. The advantage to allowing either the free rotation or the vertical movement up and down of the handle array 106 is that the tremendous amount of caloric burn and strength required becomes very time efficient allowing the user to reach their exercise goals in much less time.
The handle 140 can be attached to a pivoting assembly 139 that rotates about a front to back horizontal axis. The swivel handle 140 and the pivoting assembly 139 can be attached to a vertical slide 138 that moves up and down along the vertical post 144. The slide 138 can be fixed in position at any height or slide freely up and down.
The device being able to utilize any shape of handle if desired in certain embodiments, whether straight or completely round like a steering wheel, or any shape or combination of shapes set in a static position or made adjustable in height or rotation or allowed to move freely in any or all directions, comprises one aspect of the present disclosure.
The neutral angle and alignment 175 for the right hand as shown in
When the hand 172 and the elbow 188 are above the shoulders and extended outward away from each other, the neutral alignment of the wrist is no longer about the degree of pronation and supination but instead it is about flexion and hyperextension. When the hand 172 is above the shoulder 186 and shoulder width apart from the other hand, the natural alignment 176 is when the hand 172 is in-line 176 with forearm 189. The wrist 190 has 15 degrees of safe flexion 180 and 15 degrees of safe hyperextension 181 as illustrated in
The invention solves many of the problems and design flaws of known apparatuses, as well as incorporates innovative features and functions creating a unique, flexible and multifunctional device that make the modality of vertical exercise and movement sustainable and safe for all ages.
All current types of vertical exercise apparatus force the body's arms, legs, hands and feet in certain positions that create negative strain on muscles and ligaments and restrict proper blood flow and neurotransmission. Repetitive and/or long-term strain and restriction can cause long term or permanent injury or damage to the body. One example is the slight rotation and bend put in the wrist when typing on a typical keyboard. The ever so slight strain over time can produce injury, one being carpal tunnel syndrome. So it is vital that when putting the body under repetitious movement that the body's joints are in as neutral a position as possible, which means the muscles and ligaments all around the joints are as close to balanced or equal contraction and tension having as close to normal balance of blood flow and neurotransmission as possible to avoid injury. Current prior art vertical exercise apparatuses cause over pronation, supination, flexion or hyperextension that could restrict flow through a joint and/or result in an impingement. The prior art requires the user's body to conform to the form of the apparatus and the apparatus cannot conform its form to the user.
While a number of exemplary aspects and embodiments have been discussed above, those of skill in the art will recognize certain modifications, permutations, additions and sub-combinations therefore. It is therefore intended that the following appended claims hereinafter introduced are interpreted to include all such modifications, permutations, additions and sub-combinations, which are within their true spirit and scope. Each embodiment described herein has numerous equivalents.
The terms and expressions which have been employed are used as terms of description and not of limitation, and there is no intention in the use of such terms and expressions of excluding any equivalents of the features shown and described or portions thereof, but it is recognized that various modifications are possible within the scope of the invention claimed. Thus, it should be understood that although the present invention has been specifically disclosed by preferred embodiments and optional features, modification and variation of the concepts herein disclosed may be resorted to by those skilled in the art, and that such modifications and variations are considered to be within the scope of this invention as defined by the appended claims. Whenever a range is given in the specification, all intermediate ranges and subranges, as well as all individual values included in the ranges given are intended to be included in the disclosure. When a Markush group or other grouping is used herein, all individual members of the group and all combinations and sub-combinations possible of the group are intended to be individually included in the disclosure.
In general the terms and phrases used herein have their art-recognized meaning, which can be found by reference to standard texts, journal references and contexts known to those skilled in the art. The above definitions are provided to clarify their specific use in the context of the invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
62365860 | Jul 2016 | US |