This Phase II SBIR grant will allow BIOTEK to do research on low molecular weight metal polymer salts that can be used as biodegradable implants or injections. Many medical therapies can benefit from drug delivery using biodegradable implants or injections. The FDA-approved polymers used for this purpose are polyesters of lactic and glycolic acids (PLGs) which are limited to rather slow degradation in the body. PLGs with a molecular weight low enough to degrade quickly are syrups or sticky solids. BIOTEK is seeking to improve PLGs by using low molecular weight metal polymers salts that have both good physical properties and shortened degradation times. Phase I confirmed that such salts can be strong and non-tacky. These new materials open the door to many new medical products; the company's commercial interest lie chiefly in producing PLG salts for the drug delivery field. In Phase II BIOTEK will investigate alternative methods of production; verify reproducibility and purity; prepare injectable and implantable drug delivery systems; and assess delivery, irritation, and resorption characteristics.