Life Course Methodology Core The overall goal of the Life Course Methodology Core (LCMC) of the New York Regional Center for Diabetes Translation Research is to support high quality type 2 translational research in diabetes prevention and control across the life span. The life course perspective focuses on the biopsychosocial and behavioral processes that individuals experience during particular periods in their life, and examines the interplay between these exposures in shaping disease risk. Currently, there is strong evidence from observational studies that the processes that lead to the development of diabetes start early in life and continue throughout the lifespan. This life course approach also can enhance the translation of efficacious interventions by ensuring that intervention strategies are appropriate for the age group targeted and address associated individual or environmental barriers. Following this line of thought, we propose a two pronged approach that identifies the most relevant modifiable risk factors and the most appropriate interventions taking into account the life stage targeted. The LCMC will leverage existing multidisciplinary expertise and infrastructure to facilitate application of a life course perspective to new translational diabetes research. Einstein investigators and their collaborators have accumulated decades of expertise in diabetes research across the life span and are well positioned to contribute to the acceleration of translational research. The LCMC will provide conceptual and instrumental support regarding the design, and implementation of new translational diabetes research across the life span with the ultimate goal of decreasing the burden of diabetes and alleviating diabetes health disparities. The LCMC specific aims are: 1) To build capacity in using the life course approach to the design of new translational diabetes research; 2) To facilitate the implementation of new translational diabetes research; 3) To provide consultation and mentorship on biological factors underlying diabetes health disparities across the lifespan.