Latino Network for Diabetes Translation Research ? A National Resource Core The Latino population is the largest ethnic/racial minority group in the U.S. and is projected to continue to grow, as the U.S. transitions to a ?majority-minority nation.? Latinos clearly bear a disproportionate burden of diabetes, as compared to non-Hispanic whites. The landmark Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL) of 16,415 Latino adults from four U.S. field centers showed an overall diabetes prevalence of 16.9% with more than 41% undiagnosed, and low levels of diabetes control. The causes of Latino diabetes disparities include social determinants with their roots in structural racism, as well as psychosocial, lifestyle, biological and genetic pathways. To combat diabetes disparities and improve quality of life in US Latinos, innovative, culturally appropriate approaches are needed that address multi-level targets, partner with community entities, and apply state of science technologies. In the proposed renewal of the New York Regional Center for Diabetes Translation Research (NY-CDTR), we will build on our successful Latino Network for Diabetes Translation Research ? a National Resource Core (?Latino Network Core?) supporting type 2 to 4 translational research that focuses on cutting-edge diabetes prevention and management approaches with emphasis on sociocultural adaptation for U.S. Latinos. We will continue to leverage resources and expertise of the HCHS/SOL which now includes six years of longitudinal follow-up (with a third, 12-year follow-up in process) and rich phenotypic and genetic data from multiple ancillary studies relevant to diabetes translational research across the life course. In addition, we expand the Latino Network Core?s investigator expertise in culturally appropriate interventions targeting diabetes prevention, management, and healthcare services. Expertise in cultural tailoring, community engaged research, eHealth approaches, and the use of pragmatic interventions in real-world healthcare contexts will help guide maximally effective, sustainable, and innovative translational research in Latinos. In this cycle, we seek to: 1) Further develop the Latino Network Core, building national capacity for diabetes translational research among Latinos, by engaging new members (with special emphasis on early stage investigators and those who are underrepresented in medicine), leading research dissemination and training activities, and convening scientific interest group discussions and themed meetings; 2) Foster novel research focused on understanding Latino diabetes health and disparities and identifying modifiable targets for intervention, by facilitating access to the richly characterized HCHS/SOL datasets and other resources; and 3) Provide consultation and mentorship on study conceptualization, design, assessment, and evaluation for type 2 to 4 translational research on diabetes prevention, management, and healthcare services in Latinos. By capitalizing on HCHS/SOL resources and our specialized expertise in culturally informed interventions to improve health and healthcare among Latinos with or at risk for diabetes, the evolved Latino Network Core will significantly extend the reach and impact of the NY-CDTR in promoting type 2 to 4 diabetes translational research at the national level.