A detailed description of preferred embodiments of the claimed invention is provided herein below, with reference to the following drawings, in which:
FIG. 1 is a top view of a dental container and more specifically a maxillary impression tray.
FIG. 2 is a top view of a dental container and more specifically a mandibular impression tray.
FIG. 3 is a top view of a dental container and more specifically a maxillary impression tray, containing unset impression material, to which is attached a body which forms a boundary or border thereby confining impression material to the maxillary teeth and preventing spillage of said impression material towards the palate.
FIG. 4 is a top view similar to FIG. 3, additionally demonstrating a plurality of bodies comprising occlusal stops.
FIG. 5 is a top view of a dental container similar to FIG. 3 containing impression material which has hardened or set.
FIG. 6 is a top view similar to FIG. 4 containing impression material which has hardened or set.
FIG. 7 is a top view of a of a dental container similar to FIG. 2 demonstrating a plurality of bodies forming occlusal stops, which are embedded within impression material which has hardened or set.
FIG. 8 is a longitudinal cross sectional view of a of a dental tray or container filled with impression material demonstrating bodies comprising occlusal stops located in the anterior and posterior aspects of a container or tray.
FIG. 9 is a longitudinal cross sectional view of a dental container similar to FIG. 8 illustrating the placement of the dental container or tray over teeth until resistance is obtained by the engagement of the semi rigid compressive occlusal stops on the teeth.
FIG. 10 is a longitudinal cross sectional view of a of a dental container similar to FIG. 9 illustrating the complete seating of the dental tray or container over the teeth as the semi rigid compressive occlusal stops wrap around the distal and proximal teeth thereby rendering said tray more stable and secure as the soft impression material hardens or sets.
FIG. 11 represents a horizontal cross section of a dental container, or more specifically, a sectional impression tray, filled with unset impression material, and anterior and posterior bodies acting as occlusal stops.
FIG. 12 represents a horizontal cross section of a dental container, or more specifically, a sectional impression tray, as seen in FIG. 11 after it has been placed in the mouth and allowed to set and was subsequently removed from the mouth.
FIG. 13 is a horizontal cross section of a dental container, or more specifically, an impression tray, demonstrating a plurality of bodies comprising border/occlusal stops which are adjustable.
FIG. 14 is a horizontal cross section of a dental container, or more specifically, an impression tray as described in FIG. 13 that has been inserted over the teeth and further demonstrating how the proximal body comprising an occlusal stop has been adjusted on the tray to engage the proximal tooth and how the distal body comprising an occlusal stop has been adjusted to act as a boundary thereby directing the impression material towards the teeth and coincidentally limiting the expression of impression material out the open ended distal aspect of the tray.
FIG. 15 is a horizontal cross section of a dental container, or more specifically, an impression tray filled with unset impression material illustrating bodies comprising occlusal stops which have been adjusted in such a position as to engage teeth immediately adjacent to a single abutment tooth to be restored, further demonstrating how the bodies stabilize the tray during the setting time of the impression material as well as how they direct the impression material towards the abutment tooth and limit the expression of impression material out of the open end of the tray.
FIG. 16 is a horizontal cross section of a dental container, or more specifically, an impression tray filled with unset impression material illustrating bodies which have been adjusted in such a position as to engage teeth immediately adjacent to multiple abutment teeth to be restored.
FIG. 17 is a cross section of a maxillary dental container or tray illustrating an open end and a body acting as an occlusal stop as well as a boundary.
FIG. 18 is a cross section of a mandibular dental container or tray illustrating an open end and a body acting as an occlusal rest as well as a boundary.