Non-toxic, green fracturing fluid compositions, methods of preparation and methods of use

The invention describes improved environmentally friendly, non-toxic, green fracturing compositions, methods of preparing fracturing compositions and methods of use. Importantly, the subject invention overcomes problems in the use of water-based mists as an effective fracturing composition particularly having regard to the ability of a mist to transport an effective volume of proppant into a formation. As a result, the subject technologies provide an effective economic solution to using high ratio gas fracturing compositions that can be produced in a continuous (i.e. non-batch) process without the attendant capital and operating costs of current pure gas fracturing equipment.

The invention describes environmentally friendly, non-toxic, green fracturing compositions, methods of preparing fracturing compositions and methods of use, in various applications and particularly in shallow formations. In addition, the subject invention overcomes problems in the use of mists as an effective fracturing composition particularly having regard to the ability of a mist to transport an effective volume of proppant into a formation. As a result, the subject technologies provide effective economic and environmentally friendly solutions to using high ratio gas fracturing compositions that can be produced in a continuous (i.e. non-batch) process without the attendant capital and operating costs of current pure gas fracturing equipment.


As is well known in the hydrocarbon industry, many wells require “stimulation” in order to promote the recovery of hydrocarbons from the production zone of the well.

One of these stimulation techniques is known as “fracturing” in which a fracturing fluid composition is pumped under high pressure into the well together with a proppant such that new fractures are created and passageways within the production zone are held open with the proppant. Upon relaxation of pressure, the combination of the new fractures and proppant having been forced into those fractures increases the ability of hydrocarbons to flow to the wellbore from the production zone.

There are a significant number of fracturing techniques and fluid/proppant compositions that promote the formation of fractures in the production zone and the delivery of proppants within those fractures. The most commonly employed methodologies seek to create and utilize fracturing fluid compositions having a high viscosity that can support proppant materials so that the proppant materials can be effectively carried within the fracturing fluid. In other words, a viscous fluid will support a proppant within the fluid in order that the proppant can be carried a greater distance within the fracture or in some circumstances carried at all. In addition, fracturing fluids are commonly designed such that upon relaxation of viscosity (or other techniques) and over time (typically 90 minutes or so), the fluid viscosity drops and the proppant is “dropped” in the formation and the supporting fluid flows back to the wellbore. The proppant, when positioned in the fracture seeks to improve the permeability of the production zone in order that hydrocarbons will more readily flow to the well. An effective fracturing operation can increase the flow rate of hydrocarbons to the well by at least one order of magnitude. Many wells won't produce long term in an economic manner without being stimulated by methods such as fracturing.

Fracturing fluid compositions are generally characterized by the primary constituents within the composition. The most commonly used fracturing fluids are water-based or hydrocarbon-based fluids, defined on the basis of water or a hydrocarbon being the primary constituent of the specific composition. Each fracturing fluid composition is generally chosen on the basis of the subterranean formation characteristics and economics.

In the case of water-based fluids, in order to increase the viscosity of water, various “viscosifying” additives may be added to the water-based fluid at the surface such that the viscosity of the water-based fluid is substantially increased thereby enabling it to support proppant. As is known, these water-based fluids may include other additives such alcohols, KCl and/or other additives to impart various properties to the fluid as known to those skilled in the art. The most commonly used viscosifying additives are polymeric sugars that are used to create linear gels having moderate viscosities. These linear gels may be further combined with cross-linking agents that will create cross-linked gels having high viscosities.

During a fracturing operation, the fracturing fluid (without any proppant) is initially pumped into the well at a sufficiently high pressure and flow rate to fracture the formation. After fracturing has been initiated, proppant is added to the fracturing fluid, and the combined fracturing fluid and proppant is forced into the fractures in the production zone. When pressure is released and over time (typically 90 minutes), the viscosity of the fracturing fluid drops so that the proppant separates or drops out of the fracturing fluid within the formation, and the “de-viscosified” fracturing fluid flows back to the well where it is removed.

One important problem in this type of fracturing is the volumes of water required and the attendant issues relating to the disposal of the water that has been pumped downhole and ultimately recovered from the well as a hydrocarbon-contaminated fluid. As a result, in some cases the industry has moved away from pure water-based fracturing fluids in favor of those technologies that utilize a high proportion of gas (usually nitrogen or supercritical carbon dioxide) as the fracturing fluid.

The use of a high proportion of gas has several advantages including minimizing formation damage, fluid supply costs and reduced disposal costs of fluid that is recovered from the well. For example, whereas water may reduce the ability of a production zone to flow by absorbance on sandstones and/or cause swelling or migration of clays that cause the production zone to plug, high gas compositions will minimize such damage or effects and will otherwise migrate from the formation more readily. Gas injected and thus recovered from a well can simply be released to the atmosphere thereby obviating the need for decontamination and disposal of a substantial proportion of the materials recovered from the well.

With high ratio gas fracturing compositions, the characteristics of the compositions can be similarly controlled or affected by the use of additives. Generally, gas fracturing compositions can be characterized as a pure gas fracturing composition (typically a fluid comprising around 100% CO2 or nitrogen) or energized, foamed and emulsied fluids (typically a fracturing composition comprising less than about 85% CO2 or nitrogen by volume).

A pure 100% gas fracturing composition will have minimal viscosity and instead will rely on high turbulence to transport proppant as it is pumped into the production zone. Unfortunately, while such techniques are effective in limited batch operations, the need for expensive, highly specialized, pressurized pumping, mixing and containment equipment substantially increases the cost of an effective fracturing operation. For example, a fracturing operation that can only utilize a batch process is generally limited in size to the volumetric capacity of a single pumping and containment unit. As it is economically impractical to employ multiple units at a single fracturing operation, the result is that very high volume gas fracturing operations can only be effectively employed in relatively limited circumstances. For example, a pure gas fracturing operation would typically be limited to pumping 300-32,000 kg of sand (proppant) into a well and is limited to the type of proppant that can be used in some circumstances.

In the case of some shallow, dry and severely under-pressured production zones, the reservoir has high permeability and can be naturally fractured. During the drilling, casing and cementing process, the production zone is damaged or plugged such that perforations alone can't adequately communicate the well with the reservoir. A pure gas fracturing technique without proppant can be used to break through the damaged area and/or unplug the blocked area that prevents the hydrocarbon flowing into the well from the production zone. For example, high rate nitrogen is injected into a shallow coal bed methane production zone at a rate of 1000 to 1500 scm/min for a volume of 3000 to 5000 scm (just a few minutes total operation) to unplug the damage and allow the production zone to flow into the well.

The use of non-energized, energized, foamed and emulsied fluids as fracturing fluids are generally not limited to batch operations as fluid mixing and pumping equipment for such fluids is generally not at the same scale in terms of the complexity/cost of equipment that is required for pure gas operations. In other words, the mixing and pumping equipment for a non-energized/energized/foamed/emulsied fluid fracturing operation is substantially less expensive and importantly, can produce effectively large continuous volumes of fracturing fluid mixed with proppant. That is, while a 100% gas fracturing operation may be able to deliver up to 32,000 kg of proppant to a formation, a non-energized/energized/foamed/emulsied fluid fracturing operation may be able to deliver in excess of 10 times that amount.

The characteristics of energized, foamed and emulsied fluids are briefly outlined below as known to those skilled in the art.

An energized fluid will generally have less than 53% (volume %) gas together with a conventional gelled water phase. An energized fluid is further characterized by a continuous fluid phase with gas bubbles that are not concentrated enough to interact with each other to increase viscosity. For example, the overall viscosity of an energized fluid comprised of a linear gel and nitrogen gas may be in the range of 20 cP which is a “mid-point” between the viscosity of a typical linear-gel water phase (30 cP) and a nitrogen gas phase (0.01 cP). For a cross-linked gel, the viscosity range may be 150-1000 cP (typically 100-800 cP when mixed with gas). As is known, and in the context of this description, viscosity values measured in centipoise (cP) are dependent on shear rate. In this specification, all viscosity values are referenced to a shear rate of 170 sec−1.

Foams will generally have greater than 53 vol % gas but less than about 85 vol % gas with the remainder being a gelled water phase. Foams are characterized as having a continuous fluid film between adjacent gas bubbles where the gas bubbles are concentrated enough to interact with each other to increase viscosity. Foams require the addition of foaming agents that promote stability of the gas bubbles. The viscosity of a foam will typically be in the range of 200-300 cP which may be 10 times greater than the viscosity of the gelled water phase (20-30 cP) and many times greater than the viscosity of the gas phase (0.01-0.1 cP).

A carbon-dioxide emulsion, also known as a carbon-dioxide foam, is where the internal phase is a carbon-dioxide supercritical fluid and is characterized by having a second liquid film (i.e. the water-based phase) between adjacent liquid droplets. Emulsions will generally form when the supercritical fluid concentration is greater than 53 vol % and less than about 85 vol %. Emulsions require the addition of foaming agents to promote stability. The viscosity of an emulsion may also be 10 times greater than the individual viscosities of the separate gelled water phase and supercritical gas phase.

Finally, when the gas concentration is increased above about 85% (typically 90-97%), the stability of a typical emulsion or a foam will decrease, such that the emulsion or foam will “flip” such that the gas phase becomes continuous, and the water phase is dispersed with the gas phase as small droplets or in larger slugs. This is commonly referred to as a “mist”. The viscosity of a mist will generally revert to a “mid-point” of viscosity close to that of the gas (i.e. approximately 1-3 orders of magnitude lower than that of an emulsion) with the result being that the ability to support proppant based on viscosity is lost.

As a result, fracturing compositions generally avoid the formation of mists and instead favor stabilizing foams and otherwise maximizing viscosities.

Fracturing fluid compositions are inherently “toxic” as result of their make-up and specifically as a result of constituent compounds such as hydrocarbons, viscosifying additives, and any number of low cost additives of various functions that make up a fracturing fluid composition. As a result, there is a significant concern in the event of the fluids coming into contact with groundwater in either a short or longer time frame and the associated concern that any contaminated fluids would be subsequently consumed by humans or animals. The deepest depth that easily processed and consumable groundwater is found is referred to as the base of ground water in which all deeper sources are saline and thus not fit for human or animal consumption.

When a fracturing operation is conducted in deep wells (i.e. generally greater than 200 m depth or below the base of groundwater regulations and protection), the toxicity is generally not a problem as the fracturing fluid is diluted by virtue of the migration distance to the groundwater as well as the low vertical permeability and ability of the fracturing fluid to migrate vertically at all through the matrix production zones due to cap rocks.

In the case of many shallow formations, operational economics are achieved by completing and stimulating multiple non-economic production zones to form a marginal to good overall well with comingled production from all zones. All zones could be stimulated at once by injecting down the well through casing only, but coiled tubing is often used to isolate the stimulation of individual zones with the flow back of the fracturing fluids comingled. When comingled deep (>200 m deep) and shallow (<200 m deep) production zones are flowed by together and then produced after the frac, fracturing fluids can flow from any one production zone out of the well or into another production zone temporarily based on simple pressure differential. The result is that all production zones in the well are at risk for being exposed to all fracturing fluids pumped into all production zones. This effect although not usually measured in the comingled stimulated well can be risk assessed through regional bottom hole pressure measurements from offset wells that isolated individual production zones to establish typical reservoir pressures.

However, in shallow wells, toxicity can be a significant problem as the fracturing operation may be conducted in relatively close proximity to groundwater such that the groundwater can be contaminated. For example, in Alberta, Canada, there has been a recent trend to develop shallow gas reservoirs less than 200 meters deep using high fracture volumes, pump rates and pressures during such shallow fracturing operations.

In response to these concerns, regulatory agencies such as the Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB) (Alberta, Canada) are developing regulations to address these trends to ensure that the effects of these trends do not result in environmental contamination at or away from the well. For example, these regulations are considering imposing on companies conducting fracturing operations some or all of the following, including an effective assessment demonstrating that a complete review was conducted and all potential impacts were mitigated in the designed fracture program. Such an assessment is suggested to include the fracturing program design, including proposed pumping rates, volumes, pressures, and fluids; a determination of the maximum propagation expected for all fracture treatments to be conducted; identification and depth of offset oilfield and water wells within 200 m of the proposed shallow fracturing operations; verification of cement integrity through available public data of all oilfield wells within a 200 m radius of the well to be fractured; and landholder notification of water wells within 200 m of the proposed fracturing operations.

Other conditions include restrictions for fracturing near a water well, in proximity to bedrock and limitations concerning pumping volumes during a nitrogen fracture. In particular, the use of non-toxic fracture fluids is required.

The “toxicity” of many fluids is quantified by various protocols acceptable to a jurisdiction for testing the toxicity of a composition in the environment. Different areas or applications may use different protocols. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) utilizes different testing protocols for testing soil contamination in different applications.

One set of standards that is generally accepted as a rigorous and meaningful test is the Microtox™ testing protocols for testing the toxicity of compositions in soil. Under the Microtox™ protocols, the viability of known bacterial cultures is measured within a sample to produce a numeric result as well as a “pass/fail” indication.

More specifically, the Microtox™ test is based on monitoring changes in the level of light emission from a marine bioluminescent bacterium, Vibrio fischeri NRRL-B-11177, when challenged with a toxic substance or sample containing toxic materials.

The test is performed by rehydrating freeze dried cultures of the organism, supplied as the Microtox™ reagent and determining the initial light output of homogenized bacterial suspensions. Aliquots of osmotically adjusted sample and sample dilutions are added to the bacterial suspension, and light measurements are made at specific intervals (generally at 5 or 15 minutes) after exposure to test samples. The diluent control (blank) is used to correct time-dependant change in light output.

The Microtox™ test endpoint is measured as the effective or inhibitory concentration of a test sample that reduces light emission by a specific amount under defined conditions of time and temperature. Normally, this is expressed as an ECSO(15) or ICSO(15) which is the effective concentration or inhibitory concentration of a sample that reduces light emission of the test organism by 50% over a 15 minute test period at 15° C.

The EC50 or IC50 is calculated by log linear plotting of Concentration (C) vs percent Light Decrease (percent A), or more precisely by plotting Gamma Q (which is the corrected ratio of the amount of light lost to the amount of light remaining) versus Concentration on a log-log graph. Either a hand calculator or computer program data reduction systems may be used to calculate Gamma and the corresponding EC50 or ICSO values.

Accordingly, there has been a need for the development of non-toxic fracturing fluid compositions that will meet acceptable standards for “non-toxicity” and that generally address society's needs for environmentally friendly, green consumable materials used by many industries.


In accordance with the invention, there is provided green fracturing fluid compositions and methods of preparing and using such compositions for fracturing a well.

In its broadest form, the fracturing fluid compositions comprise: a liquid component for temporarily supporting a proppant within the liquid component at surface, the liquid component including a viscosified water component having a viscosity sufficient to temporarily support proppant admixed within the viscosified water component; and a breaker for relaxing the viscosity of the viscosified water component within a pre-determined period in which the fracturing fluid compositions are non-toxic.

In another aspect of the invention, in its broadest form, the invention provides a method of fracturing a formation within a well comprising the steps of:

    • a) preparing a non-toxic liquid component at surface in a blender, the liquid component including:
      • i) a viscosified water component having a viscosity sufficient to temporarily support proppant admixed within the viscosified water component; and,
      • ii) a breaker for relaxing the viscosity of the viscosified water component within a pre-determined period;
    • b) mixing the proppant into the liquid component in the blender;
    • c) introducing the proppant/liquid component into a high pressure pump and increasing the pressure to well injection pressure;
    • d) introducing a gas component into the high pressure pump and increasing the pressure to well pressure;
    • e) mixing the gas component with the proppant/liquid component under high turbulence conditions; and
    • f) pumping the combined gas and fluid from step e) at a high rate down the well.

For both the compositions and methods, the predetermined period is preferably less than 30 minutes and more preferably less than 10 minutes. In various embodiments, the viscosity is relaxed to less than 10 cP.

In further embodiments, the fracturing fluid composition includes a proppant admixed within the viscosified water component.

The fracturing fluid composition may further comprise a gas component admixed with the liquid component under high turbulence conditions sufficient to support the proppant within a combined liquid component/gas component mixture wherein the combined liquid component/gas component mixture is characterized as a mist or liquid slug. It is preferred that the gas component is carbon dioxide or nitrogen.

In various embodiments, the combined fluid/gas component mixture is 3-15 vol % liquid component and 85-97 vol % gas component exclusive of the proppant.

In other embodiments, the initial viscosity of the liquid component is 15-100 centipoise (cP) at 170 sec−1 prior to mixing with proppant or gas component and/or the mass of proppant is 0.25-5.0 times the mass of the liquid component. In a preferred embodiment, the mass of proppant is 1.0-2.5 times the mass of the liquid component.

The viscosified water component may comprise clay control agents (such as diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, ethylene glycol and water) as well as other additives.

In preferred embodiments, the viscosified water component includes 0.1-1.5 wt % guar gum such as carboxy methyl hydroxyl propyl guar or hydroxyethyl cellulose. It is preferred that viscosification of the water through gel hydration is done only during the well injection in a non-premixed operation as known to those skilled in the art.

In another embodiment, the breaker is preferably hemicellulase enzyme.

In yet another embodiment, the proppant is partially supported within the liquid component at surface, the well and production zone by turbulence.

In yet another embodiment, the process of fracturing is continuous.


The invention is described with reference to the accompanying figures in which:

FIG. 1 is an overview of a typical equipment configuration for a fracturing operation in accordance with the invention;

FIG. 2 is a graph showing liquid component viscosity vs. time for different concentrations of breaker;

FIG. 3 is a graph showing foam stability vs. time for liquid component compositions having foaming agent or the absence of foaming agent.


With reference to the accompanying figures, “green”, non-toxic fracturing compositions, methods of preparing green non-toxic fracturing compositions and methods of use in various applications and particularly in shallow formations are described. In addition, the subject invention overcomes problems in the use of mists as an effective fracturing composition particularly having regard to the ability of a mist to transport an effective volume of proppant into a formation. As a result, the subject technologies provide effective economic and environmentally friendly solutions to using high ratio gas fracturing compositions that can be produced in a continuous (i.e. non-batch) process without the attendant capital and operating costs of current pure gas fracturing equipment.

Generally, compositions prepared in accordance with the invention include a liquid component (water-based component) and a gas component in proportions that promote the formation of a mist. In the context of this description reference to a gas component refers to a compound that is a gas at standard temperature and pressure (273 K and 100 kPa) such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, propane, methane or other gases that are used in fracturing. Such compounds may in the context of the invention be in a supercritical state at various times during a fracturing process. Accordingly, it is understood that while such compounds may be referred to as a “gas”, they may be exhibiting other properties such as those of liquids or supercritical fluids.

More specifically, the present compositions include a 3-15% liquid component (typically about 5%) and an 85-97% gas component (typically about 95%).

With reference to FIG. 1, fracturing fluid compositions are generally prepared and utilized in accordance with the following methodology:

    • a. A liquid component having desired properties is prepared at surface in a blender 20 with chemical additives from chemical truck 22a.
    • b. Proppant 22 is added to the liquid component;
    • c. The combined liquid/proppant mixture is introduced into a high pressure pump 24 and pressurized to well pressure;
    • d. A gas component (typically, nitrogen or liquid carbon dioxide) is introduced into a high pressure line leading to the well 28 where it mixes with the combined liquid/proppant mixture;
    • e. The pressurized combined liquid/proppant/gas is pumped at a high rate down the well 28;
    • f. The fracturing operation proceeds with the above fracturing fluid compositions being continuously prepared at the surface with varying ratios;
    • g. Upon completion, surface mixing and pressurization are ceased and the surface equipment is detached and removed from the well;
    • h. The well is flowed to remove as much fracturing gas and proppant as possible and turned over to production of hydrocarbons from the production zone.

As shown in FIG. 1, and as will be explained in greater detail below, the preparation and blending of the liquid and gas components is achieved at a well site utilizing portable equipment.

Importantly, in comparison to past non-energized, energized, foamed or emulsied fluid technologies, the subject technology does not require the supply of as high volume of fluids for injection nor the disposal of as high volumes of fluids recovered from the well as the relative proportion of water in the overall fracturing fluid composition is substantially lower than that of a non-energized, energized, foamed or emulsied fluid. It should also be noted that in the preferred embodiments, that the liquid portion of the fracturing fluid requiring disposal is environmentally friendly which also increases the options and reduces the costs. In comparison to past 100% pure gas technologies, the subject technology, by virtue of the liquid component supporting proppant prior to mixing, the need for specialized, pressurized batch mixing equipment is eliminated.

Fluid Compositions
Liquid Component

The liquid component generally comprises (A) a linear gelled water, (B) a buffering agent, (C) a breaker, and (D) a clay control agent. The liquid component is designed to impart adequate but short-lived viscosity to the liquid component such that proppant can be temporarily supported within the liquid component at surface without settling and plugging surface pumping equipment. It is further designed such that the viscosity of the liquid component promptly relaxes during and after fracturing to promote mist or liquid slug formation and ensure flow back to the well.

A-Linear Gelled Water

The linear gelled water is formed from about 99 wt % water and 1 wt % gelling agent. Suitable linear gelling agents are for example guar gums (including guar gum derivatives and other gelling agents as known to those skilled in the art). Preferred guar gums are CMHPG (carboxy methyl hydroxy propyl guar). Guar gums are typically obtained as gum suspended in a mineral oil so as to promote easy operation mixing and continuous mixing with water. Synthetic gels such as hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) also are preferred.


A buffering agent is added to the linear gelled water to impart various properties to the fracturing fluid. For example, for some of the gelling agents, buffers may be introduced to lower the pH of the liquid component to enhance breaker kinetics, maximize the gel hydration rate to quickly form viscosity or other functions as understood by those skilled in the art. For the preferred embodiments, buffers can be foregone to reduce the overall chemicals added to the water based fracturing composition and thus reduce the overall contamination of the production zone while still achieving the necessary viscosity.


The breaker is typically an enzyme added to the liquid component for relaxing viscosity in a controlled manner such as hemicellulase. Typically, a breaker is selected that reduces liquid component viscosity over a maximum 30 minute time period and preferably 15 minutes or less. For example, liquid component viscosity may initially be in the range of 18-30 cP at a shear rate of 170 sec1 and be effectively reduced to 1-10 cP over a 5-60 minute period. The amount of enzyme, temperature, and pH of the liquid component are controlled to provide the relaxation in viscosity. Other suitable breakers include oxidizers or encapsulated breakers as known to those skilled in the art, however there they must also meet the non-toxic requirements.

In one embodiment, breaker activity is controlled to relax viscosity within 10 minutes so as to more readily promote the formation of a mist or liquid slugs.

D-Clay Control Agents

Primarily, clay control agents are added to minimize damage (such as water damage) to the formation based on the formation-specific chemistry. Typical clay control agents are KCl, NaCl, ammonium chloride, and others as known to those skilled in the art, however the non-toxic requirements must be considered to determine allowed concentrations.

With reference to Table 1, various liquid component compositions are described that pass the non-toxic requirements. In accordance with the invention, it is understood that the primary functions of the liquid component is to temporarily support proppant for a short time at surface prior to mixing with the gas component but not promote the formation of stable foams/emulsions on mixing. As such, various additives including surfactants, alcohols and clay control agents are not essential to the invention in that based on a specific application may not be added to the fluid composition, however, in the event that they are desired and pass the non-toxic requirements, these could also be added.


Liquid Component Additives

Amount (% of total
Examples and/or Composition (%

liquid component)
of unmixed component)

A-Linear Gelled
wt %
Optionally, can contain KCl and/or


other salts up to 10% KCl. Salts

can provide clay control functions as


wt %
CMHPG (carboxy methyl hydroxy

propyl guar) (Century Oilfield

Services Inc., Calgary, Alberta)


pH Buffer
vol %
Acetic Acid (40-70 wt %), Water (30-

60 wt %) (Century Oilfield Services

Inc., Calgary, Alberta)

vol %
Hemicellulase Enzyme 0.1-5.0 wt %

diluted in Ethylene Glycol 15-40

wt % and Water 60-85 wt % (Century

Oilfield Services Inc., Calgary,


D-Clay Control
Clay Control
vol %
I-Methaminium (40-80 wt %),

Ethylene Glycol (15-40 wt %),

remainder Water (Century Oilfield

Services Inc., Calgary, Alberta)

Non-Toxic Fracturing Fluid Compositions

In accordance with another aspect of the invention, green, environmentally friendly (EF) or non-toxic (NT) fracturing fluid compositions are described. The EF or NT fracturing fluid compositions are particularly effective for use in shallow wells. In particular, fracturing fluid compositions that pass standardized Microtox™ testing protocols are described.

Generally, the EF compositions are water-based fracturing fluids in which the combination of constituents both individually and collectively pass Microtox™ testing.

For example, a fracturing fluid may be comprised of constituents A, B and C. Individually, A, B and C, in the concentrations used in the fracturing fluid may not be toxic, but collectively result in a “fail”.

Accordingly, in a first instance, the subject technology describes those compositions in which the combined composition is non-toxic whilst providing desired fracturing fluid properties. Ideally, the constituents individually are also non-toxic.

In particular, EF fracturing fluid compositions include a water component, a viscosifier, a breaker and a clay stabilizer. Other optional compounds such as anti-freeze and/or surfactant may be included in the formulation as long as they pass the required non-toxic testing.

Water Component

The water component generally includes water with or without appropriate buffering agents. Water is inherently non-toxic without and sometimes with many buffers as used in the industry at common concentrations. Suitable buffering agents include non-toxic acids and bases.


EF viscosifiers are generally characterized by their relative purity and/or the absence of toxic additives when compared to past viscosifiers. Suitable viscosifiers include cellulose-based compounds such as guar and cellulose derivatives such as carboxy methyl hydroxy propyl guar (CMHPG), hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) and poly anionic cellulose (PAC). As compared to past viscosifiers, EF viscosifiers are prepared and delivered in relatively pure form than those commonly used in the industry at present. For example, whereas past viscosifiers may be non-purified powders delivered as a suspension in a toxic hydrocarbon such as diesel or include surfactants as a suspension agent, EF viscosifiers are delivered either as a pure powder and/or suspended in a clean and generally non-toxic hydrocarbon such as a purified mineral oil.

As an example, a preferred viscosifier is HEC. As HEC is similar to guar powders, it is very clean and hence, non-damaging to various formations, in particular coal formations, due to the minimal residue contained within the solution.

HEC, preferably having zero solids, is delivered suspended in a clean mineral oil (preferably a isoparaffinic hydrocarbon) where at the job site it is combined with the water component to form a viscosified fracturing fluid. HEC is a derivatized guar composed of mannose and glucose sugar molecules. The difference between conventional guar and HEC is the arrangement of the hydroxyl pairs on the polymer backbone. Guar has hydroxyl pairs located on the same side (cis orientation) of the backbone making it very easy to crosslink. In contrast, HEC has hydroxyl pairs located on opposite sides (trans orientation) of the backbone which substantially affects crosslinking of the gel unless the pH of the solution is above 10.

The determination of the relative toxicity of a viscosifer is achieved by Microtox™ testing at a comparable loading in water. Thus, the desired loading for a fracturing fluid is determined and the viscosifier diluted to that loading in water and subjected to standardized Microtox™ testing.

The use of mineral oil as a suspending agent provides several advantages over past systems. These include a) powders suspended in mineral oil do not form “fish eyes” to those skilled in the art, b) the suspension is stable, and c) no preservatives are required.


EF breakers include breakers such as hemicellulase, BKEP1 and BKEP2 (Century Oilfield Services, Calgary, Alberta). In accordance with various methodologies of use of the subject EF fluids, the relative concentration of breaker is relatively high.

Clay Stabilizer

Clay stabilizers have the function of preventing formation damage caused by swelling and the plugging of pore throats due to swelling or mobile clay particles. Diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (DADMAC) is a temporary clay stabilizer having a low molecular weight. It is a cationic, organic molecule that accumulates on the surface of the clay particles in order to neutralize the clay's negative charge. This accumulation results in a reduction of repulsive forces and reduced negative effects of swelling and migration.

Other suitable EF clay stabilizers include potassium chloride (KCl).

Table 2 shows EF fracturing fluid constituents suitable for preparing EF fracturing fluid compositions in accordance with the invention. Typical and preferred loading concentrations (kg/m3 or L/m3) are shown.


EF Fracturing Fluid Constituents Suitable For

Preparing EF Fracturing Fluid Compositions


Water component

Gelling Agent
Cellulose derivatives as powders or
Dry form: 1-20 kg/m3 preferably

powders suspended in pure mineral
about 3 kg/m3

Suspended form: 2-40 L/m3

Hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) (Century
preferably about 8 L/m3

Oilfield Services, Calgary, Alberta)

Carboxy methyl hydroxy propyl guar

(CMHPG) (Century Oilfield Services,

Calgary, Alberta)

Poly anionic cellulose (PAC) (Century

Oilfield Services, Calgary, Alberta)

Clay Control Agent
>0-12% preferably about 4%

(by weight)

diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride
>0-0.75% preferably about

(DADMAC) (Century Oilfield Services,
0.14% (by weight)

Calgary, Alberta)

Hemicellulase enzyme in a non-toxic
>0 to 0.05% preferably about

carrier fluid such as water. (Century
0.005% (by weight)

Oilfield Services, Calgary, Alberta)

Anti-Freezing agent
Ethylene Glycol

(winter only -


Surfactant (optional
Isopropanol, petroleum sulphonates,
<0.1%, preferably about 0.05%

use in small
Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (Century
(by weight) if optionally used

Oilfield Services, Calgary, Alberta)

The actual concentration of constituent compounds will vary based on the desired fracturing fluid properties provided that the resulting fracturing fluid will pass the Microtox™ test.

Microtox™ Test Results

Table 3 shows representative Microtox™ test results for constituent viscosifer, clay stabilizer and breakers at various loadings.


Representative Microtox ™ Test Results for Constituent

Viscosifer, Clay Stabilizer and Breakers

Composition Tested
EC50 Result (%)

HEC gel (0.36 wt %) in fresh water

4 wt % KCl water

hemicellulase enzyme (0.02 wt %)

0.36 wt % HEC, 4 wt % KCl, 0.02

wt % hemicellulase enzyme

0.002 wt % formic acid

0.00025 wt %


0.25 wt % in fresh water

>75% EC50 result is required for pass

Field Methodology and Equipment

As noted above, FIG. 1 shows an overview of the equipment and method of fracturing a well in accordance with the invention. Base fluids including water 10 (from water tank 10a), gelling agent 12, buffer 14, surfactant/alcohol 16 and breaker 18 (from a chemical truck 12a) are selectively introduced into a blender 20 (on blender truck 20a) at desired concentrations in accordance with the desired properties of the fluid composition. Upon establishment of the desired viscosity of the fluid composition, proppant 22 (from proppant storage 22a) is added to the composition and blended prior to introduction into a high pressure pump 24 (on pump truck 24a). Gas 26 (from gas truck 26a) is introduced to a high pressure line between the high pressure pump 24 and a well 28 prior to introduction into the well 28. A data truck 30 is configured to the equipment to collect and display real time data for controlling the equipment and to generate reports relating to the fracturing operation.

The blender blends the base fluids and proppant and chemical and includes appropriate inlets and valves for the introduction of the base fluids from the water tanks and chemical truck and proppant storage. The blender preferably includes a high shear tub capable of blending in the range of 1000-5000 kg (preferably about 2200 kg) of proppant per m3 of fluid.

The base liquid components including gel, clay control, and breaker (and optionally buffer, surfactant, or alcohol) are delivered to a field site in a chemical truck 12a. The chemical truck includes all appropriate chemical totes, pumps, piping and computer control systems to deliver appropriate volumes of each base liquid component to the blender 20.

Water tanks 10a include valves to deliver water to the blender via the blender hoses.

The high pressure pump(s) typically each have a nominal power rating in the range of 1500 kW and be capable of pumping up to 2 m3/minute of liquid fracturing fluid and proppant through 4.5-5″ pump heads in order to produce downhole operating well pressures up to 15,000 psi. Depending on the size of the fracturing operation, 1-6 liquid high pressure pumps may be required.

Most commonly nitrogen is the gas used in field applications to dilute the slurry of fluid and proppant from the high pressure pump. For clarity in describing the fracturing fluid composition, in the industry and in the context of this description, it is known that nitrogen is bought and sold and measured in terms of its volume with reference to standard conditions (1 atm and 15 C or thereabouts) and referred to in units of “scm” (standard cubic meters or cubic meters under standard conditions as noted above). The physical state of nitrogen received at a well site is in a refrigerated liquid form stored at about 1 atm gauge pressure (2 atm absolute pressure) and about −145 C to −190 C. The ratio of 1 m3 of liquid nitrogen as delivered is equivalent to about 682 scm at standard atmospheric conditions. Nitrogen is pumped in its cryogenic liquid state taking it from storage pressure to well pressure, then gasified by heating it to 20 C, whereupon it enters the high pressure line where it mixes with the fracturing liquid composition and proppant.

This turbulent mixture is then pumped down the well where it warms up to as much as the formation temperature and reaches the pressures used to fracture the production zone. The estimated temperature and pressure under pumping conditions of the production zone is used to estimate the compression of nitrogen in the form of the number of standard cubic meters per cubic meter of actual space at the production zone.

For example, 1 m3/min of cryogenic liquid from the nitrogen truck may be pressurized to 20 MPa surface pressure, heated to 20 C, mixed with the fluid and proppant at the desired volume % ratios and pumped in the well to the formation. If the pumping pressure and temperature of fracturing into the production zone is 18 MPa and 30 C, the compression at these conditions is about 160 scm occupying 1 m3 of actual space. The 682 scm/min of nitrogen rate as it would be referred to in the field operations relates to an actual flow rate at the production zone during fracturing of 4.26 m3/min (682 scm/min divided by the compression ratio of 160 scm/m3). When the frac is flowed back, as pressure and temperature changes the nitrogen gas expands as it flows with fluid to flow back tanks at surface for separation and disposal.

Generally, the fracturing composition is formulated for a desired composition input to the formation at formation conditions. As such, the ratio between the fluid component and gas component as measured in volume % at the surface will likely be different to what is delivered to the formation. As known to those skilled in the art, the difference between surface pressure and bottom hole pressure may have either a positive or negative variance depending on parameters including the hydrostatic pressure and friction pressures between the surface and the formation. For example, for a typical fracturing composition in accordance with the invention, where a 10/90 volume % liquid/gas composition is to be injected at the formation, may depending on the depth of the formation and the friction pressures of the specific composition conveyance equipment require either higher or lower ratio of liquid to gas mixing at surface at a given surface pressure.

In some embodiments, carbon dioxide is used to dilute the fluid and proppant. In this case, the storage vessel is under storage conditions of about 150 psi and about −30 C. Carbon dioxide vessels may also be pressured to 300 psi with nitrogen gas to boost the pressure of the vessel during the fracturing operation. Carbon dioxide liquid is suctioned from the bulk vessel and/or pushed with nitrogen gas to a high pressure pump identical to the fluid pump to increase the carbon dioxide to well pressure. The carbon dioxide mixes with the fluid and proppant and is pumped into the well and ultimately into the production zone. The carbon dioxide warms up and turns to a gas while flowing back with any well fluids into flow back tanks at surface for separation and disposal.


Test samples of the fluid composition were prepared in accordance with the following general methodology. A volume of a base fluid (for example water) was measured in a beaker from a bulk source and added to a variable speed Waring blender. The fracturing liquid component additives were measured in disposal plastic syringes from bulk sources. The Waring blender was turned on to an appropriate speed and the additives were added to the base fluid sequentially. The samples were blended for about 0.5 minutes (or slightly longer as required). To foam a sample, the Waring blender was turned to a higher speed setting for at least 10 seconds. The fracturing fluid test sample was then ready to be used in the various experiments.

Test samples of the proppant (sand) were prepared in accordance with the following general methodology. A volume of 20/40 Ottawa white sand was taken from a bulk source in a beaker. Two API sand sieves and a pan were stacked such that a 30 mesh pan was at the top, a 35 mesh pan was in the middle and a collection pan was at the bottom. The sand sample was slowly poured on the top sieve and the stack of sieves was agitated using a sieve shaker for about 5 minutes. The sand that fell through the 30 mesh sieve and was held on the 35 mesh sieve was used in the various experiments. Otherwise, various mesh ranges of various proppants as commonly available to industry were used in the various experiments.

Test samples of the fluid were measured for proppant (sand) support under static conditions using the following general methodology. A fracturing fluid composition was prepared and a sand sample was obtained according the previous methodologies described. 90% of the volume of a fluid sample was blended without sand in one Waring blender. The remaining 10% of the volume of a fluid sample was blended with sand in a second Waring blender. The fluid sample without proppant was quickly placed in a graduated cylinder with the sand laden fluid sample placed on top. The sand volume accumulation was observed at the bottom of the graduated cylinder and compared to the initial proppant sample used. A longer accumulation time (i.e. a lower fall rate for the particles) indicated a greater tendency of the fracturing fluid to support proppant.

Test samples of the fluid were measured for viscosity with the following general methodology. A Brookfield PVS rheometer (Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Middleboro, Mass.) was utilized to measure the viscosity of the liquid fracturing fluid compositions. The oil bath temperature was set to a specific temperature according to each experiment. 250 mL of liquid fracturing fluid composition was blended in a Waring blender. A 50 mL plastic syringe was used to transfer a 35 mL sample from the prepared liquid fracturing fluid composition in the Waring blender to the rheometer cup. The cup was screwed on the rheometers such that the bob was appropriately immersed in the fluid, the sealed cup was exposed to 400 psi nitrogen pressure above the fluid, and the cup immersed in the oil bath for temperature control according to the general procedures as known to those skilled in the art.

Viscosity Vs. Time

FIG. 2 shows the effect of varying breaker concentration on viscosity of a liquid fracturing fluid composition as a function of time. The fluid composition was a blend of water with additive concentrations of 0.36 wt % hydroxyethyl cellulose, 0.1 wt % Ethylene Glycol, 0.46 wt % Mineral Oil, 0.1 wt % diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, and various loadings of hemicellulase enzyme. The viscosity was measured at 20° C. and a shear rate of 170 sec−1. As shown, as the breaker concentration is varied from 0.00025-0.0050 wt %, the viscosity of the fluid composition relaxes in approximately one twentieth of the time to 10 cP at a shear rate of 170 sec−1 (4 minutes compared to 90 minutes).

Most fracturing stimulation operations finish in more time than 4 minutes. The standard, as known to those skilled in the art, is to have higher viscosity values until the time planned for the fracturing stimulation is reached, or by default, about 90 minutes. This invention demonstrates that the temporary viscosity of the fracturing fluid is brought below 10 cP (considered a “broken” or relaxed fluid) before the fracturing stimulation operation is finished.

Foam Stability

FIG. 3 shows the effect of introducing additives that are known foaming agents as compared to avoiding the use of foaming surfactants by measuring foam stability as a function of time. A blend of water base fluid with additive concentrations of 0.36 wt % hydroxyethyl cellulose, 4 wt % potassium chloride, 0.46 wt % Mineral Oil, and, 0.0015 wt % hemicellulase enzyme, and various loadings of foaming surfactant agents are shown in FIG. 3. In these experiments, the liquid fracturing fluid composition was agitated in a Waring blender at the 100% (maximum) speed setting to produce foam. After cessation of agitation, the height of the foam was measured immediately and at time intervals thereafter. Foam half life, a common observation, is defined as the time in which half of the foam height is reduced. As shown, a standard foaming agent at a common concentration (0.0039 wt % alkyl cocoamide) used to produce foams had typical foam stability and compared to essentially no foam stability with the plain base blend. Additionally, the base blend had an observed foam half life of 4 minutes where the base blend plus the foaming agent had a foam half life of 22 minutes.


The following are representative examples of field trials of the subject technology.

Field Example 1

The well was characterized by having perforations in the Edmonton, Belly River, Milk River and Medicine Hat formation production zones as shown in Table 4 in the “Perforation Interval” column. The casing was isolated below 990 m. The stimulation was pumped down 73 mm (8.04 kg/m QT-700) coiled tubing utilizing zonal isolation cups in 114.4 mm, 14.14 kg/m, J-55 casing to attempt to place 7,000 kg of 20/40 sand into the production zones in a manner as stated in the “Sand Pumped” column of Table 4.


Field Example 1

1 min.


Perforation Interval
(1000 s kg)

930 m to 932 m

866 m to 867 m,

861 m to 862 m

712 m to 713 m

701 m to 702.5 m

608 m to 610 m

550 m to 551.5 m

344.5 m to 345.5 m

218.5 m to 219.5 m,

215 m to 216 m

207 m to 209 m

202 m to 204.5 m

196 m to 197 m

Prior to the fracture, the well was not on production status.

At the job site, all truck-mounted equipment was positioned and connected in accordance with standard operating practice. All fluid tanks were filled with fresh water. Water was heated to 20-25° C. prior to the fracturing operation. The coiled tubing was pressure tested to 55 MPa with a maximum working pressure of 48 MPa.

At the perforation zone, an initial 100% nitrogen pad (volume in the “N2 Pad” column of Table 4) was injected into the producing zone to create at least one fracture. Depending on the production zones in the region, each perforated interval is stimulated a particular way for optimum production (either with nitrogen/fluid/proppant or nitrogen only) as indicated in Table 4. After the initial 100% nitrogen pad, if required, a fluid composition having a base fluid of fresh water with the additives of 0.36 wt % hydroxyethyl cellulose, 0.1 wt % Ethylene Glycol, 0.46 wt % Mineral Oil, 0.1 wt % diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride, and 0.0025 wt % Hemicellulase Enzyme was prepared in the blender.

Proppant (20/40 mesh sand) was admixed to the fluid composition, when used, at a ratio of 2000 kg of sand per m3 of fluid.

When proppant was required, the rate of fluid/sand slurry mixture started at 0.59 m3/min and increased to 0.88 or 1.05 m3/min (depending on the production zone) during the proppant pumping. The overall perforation equivalent rate of gas, fluid and proppant in the formation was estimated to vary between 3.71 m3/min and 4.68 m3/min during the proppant stages.

Nitrogen gas was introduced to the high pressure line between the high pressure pump and well head. The nitrogen gas rate was varied to result in 4 different rates for each production zone ranging from 600 scm/min down to 306 scm/min which diluted the fluid and sand composition pumped down the well head to the formation. The gas quality (gas volume at the perforations divided by the gas and fluid volume at the perforations) was 100% in the pad and ranged between 92.1% and 85% in the proppant/fluid stages to result in an overall inject gas quality placed in the production zones ranged from 95.1% to 96.3%. This did not include the flush of the well of proppant, and only the material that passed the perforations to get into the production zone. The overall concentration of sand placed into the production zones range from 300 kg of sand/m3 of combined fluid and gas to 350 kg/m3 of combined fluid and gas. In total, 6,700 kg of proppant was delivered to the formation intervals as shown in Table 4 in the “Sand Pumped” column.

Several pressures were observed during the stimulation of each production zone in Table 4. Overall, the first pressure observation was the breakdown pressure which represents the pressure at surface during the fracture creation or initiation. The second pressure observation was the average surface pressure during fracturing. The instantaneous shut in pressure at surface (Instant SIP) was recorded at the end of pumping, as well as a one minute after pumping shut in pressure (1 min SIP).

Upon completion, the well was vacated and an estimated 5.2 m3 of fluid was recovered from the well for disposal. In comparison to an energized fluid frac, this represented a 4 fold decrease in the amount of water requiring disposal.

Focusing on the shallowest most production zone which has non-toxic requirements (196 m to 197 m), the risk for cross flow was evaluated where a higher pressured zone deeper in the well could flow into said production zone. Two methods were used, the one minute shut in pressure in the stimulated well and average regional reservoir pressures, both corrected for estimated hydrostatic well gradients and depth. Using the one minute shut in pressure, all production zones from 550 m to 930 m (which includes all three fluid stimulations) have a higher risk of initially flowing into the shallow most zone during well clean up immediately after the fracturing operations when the coiled tubing is removed from the well, and all production zones in the well are comingled together. The stimulated well had a measured reservoir pressure at 196 m to 553 m ranging from 0.66 MPa to 0.68 MPa a month after the stimulation. Looking at the reservoir pressure for the deeper zones in the region (within 5 kilometers of the stimulated well), the reservoir pressure is 2.9 to 4.1 MPa at depths of 855 m to 901 m. This causes long term risk of cross flow of the deeper zones injected with fluids flowing some of the fluid into the shallowest zone with the non-toxic requirements. In general when all production zones are comingled at a variety of depths and time dependent reservoir pressures, there is risk that any production zone could flow into any other production zone.

Gas flow rates from the well after fracturing started at 0.88 E3M3/day and increased to 1.14 E3M3/day on the fourth month of production (the average of production was 0.67 E3M3/day flowing over the first four months of production).


In summary, the lab and field test data showed that substantially lower quantities of water can be used to create fracturing compositions that in combination with novel mixing and pumping methods are effective in providing high mass proppant fractures. Importantly, the subject technologies demonstrated that the use of mists can be used as an effective fracturing composition particularly having regard to the ability of a mist to transport an effective volume of proppant into the formation using conventional fracturing equipment. As a result, the subject technologies provide an effective economic solution to using high concentration gas fracturing compositions that can be produced in a continuous (i.e. non-batch) process without the attendant capital and operating costs of current pure gas fracturing equipment.

In addition, the results show that effective non-toxic fracturing fluid compositions can be formulated and utilized in both deep and shallow wells.

  • 1. A fracturing fluid composition comprising: a non-toxic liquid component for temporarily supporting a proppant within the liquid component at surface, the liquid component including:i) a viscosified water component including a viscosifier, the viscosified liquid component having a viscosity sufficient to temporarily support proppant admixed within the viscosified water component; andii) a breaker for relaxing the viscosity of the viscosified water component within a pre-determined periodwherein the non-toxic liquid component passes toxicity testing.
  • 2. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the toxicity testing is a Microtox™ test.
  • 3. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the Microtox™ test is an EC50 test.
  • 4. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 further comprising a non-toxic clay control agent.
  • 5. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 4 wherein the non-toxic clay control agent is diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (DADMAC).
  • 6. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the viscosifier is any one of or a combination of hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC), carboxy methyl hydroxy propyl guar (CMHPG) or PAC (poly anionic cellulose) or a derivative thereof.
  • 7. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the breaker is hemicellulase enzyme.
  • 8. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 further comprising a proppant admixed within the viscosified water component.
  • 9. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 8 further comprising a gas component admixed with the liquid component under high turbulence conditions sufficient to support the proppant within a combined liquid component/gas component mixture wherein the combined liquid component/gas component mixture is characterized as a mist or liquid slug.
  • 10. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 9 wherein the gas component is carbon dioxide or nitrogen.
  • 11. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 9 wherein the combined fluid/gas component mixture is 3-15 vol % liquid component and 85-97 vol % gas component exclusive of the proppant.
  • 12. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the pre-determined period is less than 30 minutes.
  • 13. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the pre-determined period is less than 10 minutes.
  • 14. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the initial viscosity of the liquid component is 15-100 centipoise (cP) at 170 sec−1 prior to mixing with proppant or gas component.
  • 15. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 8 wherein the mass of proppant is 0.25-5.0 times the mass of the liquid component.
  • 16. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 8 wherein the mass of proppant is 1.0-2.5 times the mass of the liquid component.
  • 17. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the concentration of breaker within the liquid component is sufficient to relax the initial viscosity of the liquid component to less than 10 cP at 170 sec−1 (20° C.) within 30 minutes.
  • 18. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the concentration of breaker within the liquid component is sufficient to relax the initial viscosity of the liquid component to less than 10 cP at 170 sec−1 (20° C.) within 10 minutes.
  • 19. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the liquid component further comprises less than 1 vol % buffer.
  • 20. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 19 wherein the buffer is acetic acid.
  • 21. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the viscosified water component includes 0.1-2.0 wt % gelling agent.
  • 22. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 21 wherein the gelling agent is carboxy methyl hydroxyl propyl guar or a derivative thereof.
  • 23. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 21 wherein the gelling agent is hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) or a derivative thereof.
  • 24. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 21 wherein the gelling agent is PAC (poly anionic cellulose) or a derivative thereof.
  • 25. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the breaker is hemicellulase enzyme.
  • 26. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 wherein the liquid component further comprises less than 0.1 vol % non-foaming surfactant.
  • 27. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 1 further comprising less than 1 vol % clay control agent.
  • 28. A fracturing fluid composition as in claim 27 wherein the clay control agent is diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride.
  • 29. A method of fracturing a formation within a well comprising the steps of: a. preparing a non-toxic liquid component at surface in a blender, the liquid component including: i. a viscosified water component having a viscosity sufficient to temporarily support proppant admixed within the viscosified water component; and,ii. a breaker for relaxing the viscosity of the viscosified water component within a pre-determined period;b. mixing the proppant into the liquid component in the blender;c. introducing the proppant/liquid component into a high pressure pump and increasing the pressure to well pressure;d. introducing a gas component into the high pressure pump and increasing the pressure to well pressuree. mix the gas component with the proppant/liquid component under high turbulence conditions; and,f. pumping the combined gas and fluid from step e) at a high rate down the wellwherein the non-toxic liquid component passes toxicity testing.
  • 30. A method as in claim 29 wherein the combined gas and fluid in step f) is characterized as a mist or slug at the formation.
  • 31. A method as in claim 29 wherein the gas component is carbon dioxide or nitrogen.
  • 32. A method as in claim 29 wherein the combined gas and fluid in step f) is 3-15 vol % liquid component and 85-97 vol % gas component exclusive of the proppant.
  • 33. A method as in claim 29 wherein the pre-determined period is less than 30 minutes.
  • 34. A method as in claim 29 wherein the pre-determined period is less than 10 minutes.
  • 35. A method as in claim 29 wherein the initial viscosity of the viscosified water component is 15-100 centipoise (cP) at 170 sec−1 (20° C.) prior to mixing with proppant or gas component.
  • 36. A method as in claim 29 wherein the mass of proppant mixed in step b) is 1.0-5.0 times the mass of the liquid component.
  • 37. A method as in claim 29 wherein the concentration of breaker within the liquid component is sufficient to relax the initial viscosity of the liquid component to less than 10 cp at 170 sec−1 (20° C.) within 30 minutes.
  • 38. A method as in claim 29 wherein the concentration of breaker within the liquid component is sufficient to relax the initial viscosity of the liquid component to less than 10 cp at 170 sec−1 (20° C.) within 10 minutes.
  • 39. A method as in claim 29 further comprising the step of mixing less than 1 vol % buffer with the liquid component.
  • 40. A method as in claim 39 wherein the buffer is acetic acid.
  • 41. A method as in claim 29 wherein the viscosified liquid component includes 0.1 to 2.0 wt % gelling agent.
  • 42. A method as in claim 41 wherein the gelling agent is carboxy methyl hydroxyl propyl guar or a derivative thereof.
  • 43. A method as in claim 41 wherein the gelling agent is hydroxyethyl cellulose (HEC) or a derivative thereof.
  • 44. A method as in claim 41 wherein the gelling agent is PAC (poly anionic cellulose) or a derivative thereof.
  • 45. A method as in claim 29 wherein the breaker is hemicellulase enzyme.
  • 46. A method as in claim 29 further comprising the step of mixing less than 0.1 vol % non-foaming surfactant with the viscosified liquid component.
  • 47. A method as in claim 29 further comprising the step of mixing less than 1 vol % clay control agent with the viscosified liquid component.
  • 48. A method as in claim 29 wherein proppant is partially supported within the liquid component at surface by turbulence.
  • 49. A method as in claim 29 wherein the process is continuous.
  • 50. A method as in claim 29 wherein the well injection of high ratio proppant slurry is preceded by a 100% gas pad.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
2635989 Jul 2008 CA national

This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/207,731 filed Sep. 10, 2008 and claims priority to Canadian Patent Application 2,635,989 filed Jul. 25, 2008.

Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 12207731 Sep 2008 US
Child 12458763 US