Nonantigenic stabilizer and physiologically active substance

The invention provides a nonantigenic stabilizer that can be obtained with a high yield, inducing no anaphylaxis, and has an effect of stabilizing a physiologically active substance, and provides a physiologically active substance stabilized thereby.


[0001] 1. Field of the Invention

[0002] The invention relates to a nonantigenic stabilizer inducing no anaphylaxis reactions wherein the nonantigenic stabilizer is obtained by specifically decomposing zelatin or collagen using a collagenase, and to a physiologically active substance stabilized thereby.

[0003] 2. Description of Prior Art

[0004] Pharmaceutical preparations of various physiologically active substances, particularly proteins, enzymes and vaccine preparations, have been developed for treating and preventing various diseases. A zelatin or collagen (see Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 54-140715; Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 1-279843; Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 6-234659; Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 51-16488; Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 60-260523; Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 62-149628; and Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2-49734) or their decomposition products by acid or heat treatment (see Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 49-109520; Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 54-140715; Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 57-114527; Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 63-307827; Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 6-234659; and Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 54-143197) have been used as stabilizer for the preparations. They are used single or in combination with other common stabilizers. A zelatin, collagen and their decomposition products have become popular as stabilizer for various physiologically active substances based upon the experiences that they seldom cause allergic reactions.

[0005] On the other hand, a rapid increase of the patients of allergic diseases, referred to as civilizational diseases, has been ever lasting in recent years in Japan as well as countries in Europe and the USA. It is even said that one out of three has some allergic disease now. With such increase of allergic patients as a background, those patients who suffer adverse drug reactions such as anaphylaxis against various physiologically active substances containing a zelatin or collagen as stabilizer which was thought to have little antigenicity/allergenicity (the patients who have zelatin-specific IgE antibody) have recently increased little by little, therefore beginning to make a social problem In fact, it was not before 1990s that academic reports on these reactions have been seen at times (see Kelso, J. M. et al., Allergy Clin. Immunol., vol. 91, 867-872 and Sakaguchi, M. et al., Infection, Inflammation and Immunity, vol. 26, 48-50). It is an important problem since adverse drug reactions such as anaphylaxis should not be caused by a pharmaceutical preparation of a physiologically active substance originally used for treating and preventing various diseases.

[0006] The inventors therefore intensively and repeatedly studied on those derivatives of zelatin and collagen that show no antigenicity or allergenicity in view of such actuality. As a result, we found that a peptide composite with a molecular weight ranging up to 1,000 which has no antigenicity, maintaining (Gly-X-Y)n, and a specific amino acid sequence for collagen, by making a single collagenase or the enzyme immobilized on various carriers directly act on materials containing zelatin or collagen to perform a specific enzymolysis (see Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 7-82299).

[0007] However, no use of the peptide composite shown by the inventors in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 7-82299 as stabilizer could be thought since the zelatin whose molecular weight of not more than about 10,000 was conventionally thought to have little stabilizing effects of urokinase as shown in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 54-80406. The peptide composite shown in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 7-82299 also had a problem of limitation in raising the yield due to the narrow range of molecular weight.

[0008] The invention is made to solve such conventional problems and its object is to provide a nonantigenic stabilizer obtainable with a high yield which induces no anaphylaxis and has an effect of stabilizing physiologically active substances, and to present physiologically active substances stabilized thereby.


[0009] The inventors intensively and repeatedly studied on derivatives of zelatin and collagen that show no antigenicity or allergenicity, and consequently found that those peptide composites with an amino acid sequence (Gly-X-Y)n that is obtained by a specific decomposition of zelatin or collagen using a collagenaee and has a molecular weight not more than 20,000 not only show no antigenicity/allergenicity but also have an action to stabilize various physiologically active substances.

[0010] The nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention therefore is characterized in that it is mainly composed of a peptide whose molecular weight is not more than 20,000 and whose amino acid sequence is (Gly-X-Y)n that is obtained by a specific decomposition of zelatin or collagen using a collagenase. Particularly, the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention preferably comprises the peptide composite which is obtained by a specific decomposition of zelatin or collagen using a collagenase, and contains not less than 70% of peptide whose molecular weight is not more than 20,000 and whose amino acid sequence is (Gly-X-Y)n. In particular, the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention preferably contains at least 85%, more preferably 95% of said peptide to increase nonantigenicity.

[0011] The physiologically active substance involved in the present invention is, for example, a virus, vaccine, one of various cytokines or antibiotics. The “Physiologically active substance” herein refers to a concept including a virus, vaccine, various cytokines, or antibiotics as well as components such as proteins, enzymes, bacteria, hormones, nucleic acids, antibody, or those pharmaceutical preparations for the purpose of treatment or prevention that have these substances as active ingredients. The physiologically active substance involved in the present invention may also be those antibodies or enzymes that are prepared by genetic engineering techniques.

[0012] More concrete examples for the physiologically active substance include hormones/proteins/cytokines such as insulin, kallikrein, aprotinin, prolactin, chorionic gonadotrophin, luteinizing hormone, transforming factors (TGFα, TGFβ and TGFγ etc.), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA), other stimulators and cytokines; enzymes such as urokinase, cytochrome C, ribonuclease, papain, chymotrypsin, pepsin and trypsin; clotting factors such as plasmin, thrombin and antithrombin; nucleic acid related substances such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), nucleotides and nucleic acids; antibiotics such as cephem, penicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol and polypeptide antibiotics; and other biological components such as prostaglandin.

[0013] Since the physiologically active substances are generally unstable, often changed during storage with the passing of time and their activity is greatly reduced, components derived from zelatin or collagen are often added as stabilizer in a practical use as described above. The use of the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention for the physiologically active substances as stabilizer allows preparing those pharmaceutical preparations of physiologically active substances, etc. that will not cause adverse drug reactions such as anaphylaxis.

[0014] There is a fear of antigenicity appearing with even those peptides with an amino acid sequence (Gly-X-Y)n that are obtained by specific decomposition of zelatin or collagenase using a collagenase if they have a molecular weight over 20,000. The nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention has a molecular weight which is not more than 20,000. Thus it can be prepared with a higher yield from the same raw material than that with a molecular weight not more than 1,000. The nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention preferably has a molecular weight not more than 10,000 to raise its nonantigenicity. Preferably, the percentage of the peptides whose molecular weight is not over 10,000 in those peptides of the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention whose molecular weight is not more than 20,000 and whose amino acid sequence is (Gly-X-Y)n is not less than 90%.

[0015] In the formula (Gly-X-Y)n of the amino acid sequence, X and Y are any amino acid residues other than Gly, e.g. Pro and Hyp, and n is a natural number.

[0016] The physiologically active substance involved in the present invention is characterized by containing 0.005-15 percent by weight of the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention. The physiologically active substance involved in the present invention preferably contains 0.01-10 percent by weight of the nonantigenic stabilizer. However, the amount of the physiologically active substance to add to the nonantigenic stabilizer cannot uniformly be defined since it varies with the kind of the physiologically active substance to add to and the type of the pharmaceutical preparation.

[0017] The nonantigenic stabilizer may be directed to use single or to use in combination with other commonly used stabilizers according to objects. Examples for the combined other general stabilizers include sorbitol, inositol, mannitol, saccharose, lactose, monosodium glutamate, dextran, glycerol and amino acids.

[0018] For starting materials of the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention, a zelatin or collagen, particularly the collagen or zelatin prepared from fresh bones, skin, tendon or cartilage derived from animals including a bovine and pig as raw materials may be used. On this occasion, the degree of purification of the collagen or zelatin is preferably higher, but no degree of the purification is specifically required if the purity or specificity of the collagenase used is excellent or a process for purification can be incorporated after an oxygen treatment. A more important selection criterion for these starting materials is a relation to the use of the manufactured nonantigenic stabilizer, which the materials are preferably selected upon.

[0019] For the collagenase used for enzymolysis when the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention is produced, those enzymes derived from bacteria such as Clostridium histolyticum and Streptomyces parvulus, actinomycetes or fungi, etc. that specifically cleave the amino acid side of the glycine in the amino acid sequence (Gly-X-Y)n which is characteristic of collagen. The collagenase may also be one of the collagenase having similar substrate specificity that is a product of gene recombination obtained by incorporating the enzyme gene into a specific vector with genetic engineering to allow production with other microorganisms such as lactic acid bacteria and yeast or animals.

[0020] It is a common way of thinking in case of the peptides with several thousands or more of molecular weight that they may generally maintain the antigenicity of the raw material partially at least. In actual fact, as shown in the undermentioned example, activity of approximately {fraction (1/15)} to {fraction (1/50)} of the antigenicity of zelatin remained in case of the products of decomposition of zelatin which had a molecular weight ranging from 500 to 20,000 that were prepared by treating zelatin or collagen with acids or heating. Further, the antigenicity as gelatin also remained approximately {fraction (1/50)} to {fraction (1/200)} in case of those zelatin composites obtained by treatment not with a decomposing method by acids or heating but with enzymolysis by a single or mixture of more than two general protease such as pepsin, trypsin, papain, chymotrypsin, pancreatin or actinase. Thus it is supposed that the attempt for lower molecular weight by a simple decomposition may not be sufficient for eliminating the antigenicity of zelatin, and that there may be a close relation between the elimination of antigenicity and a method for decomposing zelatin.

[0021] A critical point for producing the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention is the purity of the collagenase used. A collagenase, generally prepared from various bacterial bodies, is sometimes contaminated by other proteases. The much contained impure enzymes results in the decomposition of proteins other than zelatin or collagenase in a raw material or the nonspecific decomposition of zelatin or collagen itself by the impure enzymes. In this case, the quality of the nonantigenic stabilizer purified may be reduced, thereby causing induction of anaphylaxis. It is therefore necessary to take enough care for the purity of collagenase used as well as the substrate specificity.

[0022] The collagenase may be used in a free form or may be used as an immobilized enzyme in which the collagenase is combined with various carriers by physical adsorption or chemical bonding. As a method for enzymolysis by the collagenase, (a) a batch process, (b) a column process, or (c) a method combining the two may be used. The manufacturing line by the methods (a)-(c) and the form of collagenase used may be freely combined. The manufacture of the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention may be performed in accordance with the method described in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 7-82299, and also with other methods. It is rather preferable to select a respective method for zelatin or collagen as raw material or to select a method suitable for maintaining the specificity or purity of collagenase.

[0023] More concretely, as an example for the method for manufacturing the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention, the nonantigenic stabilizer may be manufactured as shown in the example below from zelatin or collagen as starting material by a bioreactor system with a batch or column process using an immobilized enzyme for better enzyme yield. Specifically, a collagenase may be combined with various carriers, e.g. CHITOPEARL, by physical adsorption or chemical bonding, the complex may be packed in a column for chromatography, and a solution of zelatin solubilized or a collagen denatured at such a temperature that no decomposition occurs, preferably 40-45° C. may be allowed to pass through the column for enzymolysis. The speed of transferring the raw material collagen may be properly selected in accordance with the activity of the immobilized enzyme and the needed degree of decomposition.

[0024] While the following example serves to specifically illustrate the present invention, it is not intended to limit any scope of the invention. The method for using the nonantigenic stabilizer of the present invention for physiologically active substances can be performed in accordance with the methods for using already known stabilizers for physiologically active substances.


[0025] After dissolving 50 g of highly purified zelatin (produced by Miyagi Chemical Industries, Ltd.) in 1,000 mL of 20 mM Tris-HCL buffer solution (pH 7.4)/0.1 M NaCl by heating, the solution was cooled to 50° C. An immobilized enzyme was prepared by combining 100 mg of collagenase (produced by Washington, Ltd.; a highly purified product from type IV) with 50 g of CHITOPEARL (Fuji Boseki Co., Ltd.) using two crosslinking reagents. The absorbances at 280 nm were measured before and after the binding so as to calculate a percentage of the collagenase bound to the carrier. The percentage was not less than 99%. When the immobilized enzyme was used, it was packed in a tandem column bioreactor with a pH sensor placed between the columns and washed and equilibrated with 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer solution (pH 7.4)/0.1 M NaCl. The system for measuring pH comprises a pH sensor placed between the columns of the tandem columns which senses a change of pH and a tube connected to it from which a concentrated Tris buffer solution flows into it.

[0026] The highly purified collagen prepared in the above process was applied to the collagenase immobilized vertical tandem columns to perform enzymolysis by a column method. The flow rate was kept at 50-80 mL/minute and the column temperature was maintained at 39±1° C. at the while. The liquid after the end of enzyme reaction which flew out from the last (second) column was fractionated and filtered with a 0.45 μm filter.

[0027] The filtrate was powdered by a spray dryer, then purified by gel filtration using a gel filtration system (trade name: Superdex G-30; Pharmacia) or by reversed phase chromatography using an ODS column (produced by YMC) to obtain peptide composites respectively with not more than 1,000 or not more than about 20,000 of molecular weight. The peptide composites respectively with not more than 1,000 or not more than about 20,000 of molecular weight is the nonantigenic stabilizer in the example of the present invention.

[0028] The molecular weight distribution of the respective peptide composites was measured by high performance liquid chromatography: HPLC (LC-10A from Shimazu Seisakusho Ltd.; column: Superdex peptide). The respective samples were filtered by a 0.2 μm membrane filter before injecting to the HPLC column. Table 1 summarizes the mean molecular weight, range of molecular weight and population of peptides with molecular weight of 500 or below for the fraction of peptides with not more than 1,000 of molecular weight and the fraction of peptides with not more than about 20,000 of molecular weight. The results indicate that the manufacture of the peptides with not more than about 20,000 of molecular weight provides a higher yield than that of the peptides with not more than 1,000 of molecular weight.
1TABLE 1PeptideMean molecularPeptide ofPeptide ofcompositeeight (M. W.)≦1.000 (%)≦500 (%)≦20,0003,20015.25.61,00053099.852.2

[0029] After freeze-drying the respective peptide composites, i.e. the peptide composite with not more than 1,000 of molecular weight and the peptide composite with not more than about 20,000 of molecular weight, respective NH2 erminal amino acids and the second amino acid from the NH2 terminus were tested by the Edman decomposition method. As a result, it was revealed that respectively 95.7% and 97.5% of the amino acids on the NH2 side of the both were glycine, demonstrating that they have a (Gly-X-T)n structure which is characteristic of the nonantigenic stabilizer of the present invention. A test method for elimination of the antigenicity/allergenicity of the peptide composites obtained in the example and the results are shown below.

[0030] [Preparation of Zelatin Antiserum (IgG Type)]

[0031] Zelatin derived from bovine skin and pig skin was dissolved in PBS to adjust the concentration to 2 mg/mL and the solution was filtered with a 0.22 μm filter. An emulsion was prepared by mixing the same volumes of the filtrate and the Freund's complete adjuvant and injected to three rabbits, 1 mL each. After three weeks, an emulsion was prepared by mixing the same volumes of the solution of same peptide composite and the Freund's complete adjuvant and similarly injected to the rabbits. The procedure was repeated three times, and antisera were obtained on the seventh day after the last immunization.

[0032] [Preparation of Zelatin Antiserum (IgE Type)]

[0033] Zelatin derived from bovine skin and pig skin was dissolved in PBS to adjust the concentration to 2 mg/mL and the solution was sterilized by filtration with a 0.22 μm filter. Aluminum hydroxide (Alum) was added to the iltrate as precipitant, and the precipitate was washed and dissolved to prepare a 100 μg/mL solution, and the solution was subjected to intracutaneous injection to three guinea pigs, 1 mL each. After 4 weeks, additional immunization was similarly performed, and antisera were obtained after further 3-5 days.

[0034] [Preparation of Zelatin Sensitized Immuno Ball]

[0035] A zelatin sensitized immuno ball in which zelatin derived from bovine skin or pig skin was immobilized on an aminated polystyrene ball (produced by Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd.) activated by two crosslinking agents and blocked by bovine serum albumin or a surface active agent.

[0036] [Test 1]

[0037] [Enzyme Immunoassay (Antigenicity Test-1)]

[0038] (Test for Antigenicity by Inhibitory Reaction)

[0039] Respectively 200 μm of i) The peptide composite with not more than about 20,000 of molecular weight obtained in the example (the nonantigenic stabilizer of the example), ii) the peptide with not more than 1,000 of molecular weight obtained in the example (the nonantigenic stabilizer of the example), iii) partially decomposed zelatin with molecular weight ranging from 200 to 7,000 obtained by thermolysis (comparative example), iv) enzymolytic zelatin with molecular weight ranging from 500 to 12,000 prepared by enzymolysis with trypsin and pepsin (comparative example) and v) zelatin (comparative example) were added to a zelatin sensitized immuno ball, then 200 μL of either said rabbit zelatin antiserum of IgG type or said guinea pig zelatin antiserum of IgE type was added and the mixture was allowed to react at 37° C. for 30 minutes to perform competitive reactions of the respective components of i) to v) in the reaction system of antiserum and zelatin antigen. Then the reaction product was washed and submitted to a secondary reaction with a horseradish root peroxidase (HRP) labeled goat anti-rabbit-IgG antiserum complex (Cosmo Bio) or horseradish root peroxidase (HRP) labeled goat anti-guinea-pig-IgE antiserum complex (Cosmo Bio). After a reaction at 37° C. for 1 hour, the remaining activity of the HRP labeled complex bonded to the immuno ball was measured.

[0040] The activity of the HRP labeled complex was measured by allowing the complex to react with a “substrate solution” for measuring activity containing 0.2% o-phenylenediamine hydrochloride (OPD) and 0.02% hydrogen peroxide at 37° C. for 20 minutes, then the reaction was stopped with a dilute sulfuric acid solution and by measuring the absorbance at 492 nm of wavelength with a spectrophotometer (V-550; JASCO). The antigenicity and allergenicity of respective components in i) to v) were studied from the degree of competitive reactions by measuring the activity of the HRP labeled complex. Table 2 shows the results. From the results in Table 2, the nonantigenic stabilizer of the example in i) and ii) has 0% of inhibition rate, indicating that they have no antigenicity while those of the comparative examples in iii) to v) have some.
2TABLE 2MolecularInhibitionSample (treating method)weightrate (%){circle over (1)}Stabilizer of example≦20,0000{circle over (2)}Stabilizer of example≦1,0000{circle over (3)}Thermolytic zelatin200-7,000 8.1{circle over (4)}Trypsin/pepsin enzymolytic500-12,0000.6zelatin{circle over (5)}Zelatin(−)100

[0041] [Test 2]

[0042] [Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis (PCA) (Antigenicity Test-2)]

[0043] Using a sterilized physiological saline, a {fraction (1/2)} serial dilution ({fraction (1/10)}, {fraction (1/20)}, {fraction (1/40)}, {fraction (1/80)} and {fraction (1/160)}) of guinea pig anti-bovine-zelatin antiserum was prepared and 50 μL of respective diluted serum solutions were intracutaneously injected to the back of two SD rats each (male, 8 weeks of age; four rats in total) whose back hair was clipped. After 24 hours, 1.0 mL of a 0.6% Evans blue solution containing 1 mg of the peptide composite with not more than about 20,000 of molecular weight obtained in the example (the nonantigenic stabilizer of the example) was injected to the caudal vein of one of the rats. Similarly, 1.0 mL of a 0.6% Evans blue solution containing 1 mg of bovine zelatin was injected to the caudal vein of the second SD rat as a positive control for the peptide composite in ii). After 60 minutes, all the four rats were sacrificed and the back skin was peeled to observe purpura and measure the size. When the size equaled to, or more than 10 mm, its judgment was (++) or (+++). When the size ranged from 9 mm to 5 mm or 4 mm to 1 mm, the judgments were respectively (+) and (±). When no purpura appeared, the judgment was (−). The results are shown in Table 3. From the results in Table 3, no purpura appears even with {fraction (1/10)} serial dilution of the peptide composite with not more than about 20,000 of molecular weight obtained in i) the example, showing that the composite has no antigenicity, while ii) bovine zelatin causes purpura even with the {fraction (1/160)} serial dilution.
3TABLE 3AntiserumJudgment of resultsSampleserial dilutionof PCA reactionBovine1/10(++ − +++)zelatin1/20(++)1/40(+)1/80(+) 1/160(±)Stabilizer1/10(−)of example1/20(−)1/40(−)1/80(−) 1/160(−)

[0044] [Test 3]

[0045] [Fluorescent Enzyme Immunoassay (Antigenicity Test-3)]

[0046] (Test for Allergenicity by Inhibitory Reaction)

[0047] Using sera (containing zelatin specific IgE) collected from six patients showing allergy against zelatin (Patient A to F in Table 4) and the zelatin sensitized immuno ball shown in example 7, the degree of inhibition of the titer of zelatin specific IgE antibody by the nonantigenic stabilizer of the example by measuring the fluorescence of fluorescent substrate decomposed by the labeled enzyme on performing the fluorescent enzyme immunoassay to measure the zelatin specific IgE antibody that of a patient who was found positive by fluorescent enzyme immunoassay. The fluorescence intensity was measured at 495 nm of excitation wavelength and 520 nm of fluorescence wavelength using a fluorophotometer (FP777; JASCO). A β-galactosidase labeled mouse anti-human-IgE antibody was used as the second antibody to detect the zelatin specific IgE antibody, and the enzyme activity was assayed using a fluorescent substrate. The results are shown in Table 4.
4TABLE 4Titer of antibody fromSamplerespective patients of allergyMolecular(fluorescence intensity: F.I.)Sample nameweightABCDEFControl group(−)8,8901,5429,0046,6331,0348,226: no sampleStabilizer of Ex-≦20,0008,7781,6088,9056,5601,0298,007ampleStabilizer of Ex-≦1,0008,9951,6219,5506,6961,1508,544ampleZelatin(−)267598228541307Thermolytic 200-5941159781,601(−)(−)zelatin7,000 Trypsin/pepsin 500-1,0071058551,025(−)(−)enzymolytic12,000  zelatin

[0048] As shown in Table 4, no reduction of the titer (fluorescence intensity) of antibody by inhibitory reaction was observed with the peptide with not more than about 20,000 of molecular weight and the peptide with not more than about 20,000 of molecular weight obtained in the example (the nonantigenic stabilizers of the example), revealing that the peptides have no reactivity with a zelatin specific IgE antibody. On the contrary, it was shown that a strong inhibition was caused by the original raw material zelatin, thermolytic zelatin or zelatin decomposed by a non-specific protease and they reacts well with a zelatin specific IgE antibody, revealing one of the cause for anaphylaxis. Performing the test by the example may inform you whether respective peptide composites have reactivity with the zelatin specific IgE which induces type I allergy or not.

[0049] [Test 4]

[0050] [Stabilization for Urokinase Preparation]

[0051] An urokinase preparation was prepared by adding the peptide with not more than 20,000 of molecular weight obtained in the example (the nonantigenic stabilizer of the example) or mannitol to urokinase and freeze-drying following the recipe below:

[0052] [Recipe] Urokinase: 160,000 IU; Peptide obtained in the example (nonantigenic stabilizer of the example): 0 or 0.8 g; and Mannitol: 0 g or 0.2 g. Dilute with distilled water for injection to 100 mL of total volume.

[0053] The stability test for the prepared urokinase preparation was performed by dissolving the freeze-dried urokinase preparation with a physiological saline, allowing the solution to stand at 30° C. for 0, 4, 24 and 48 hours, then measuring the percentage of residual activity with a urokinase measurement two-step method [see Drug Research 5, 295, 1974, Titration of urokinase]. The results are shown in Table 5. It is known from the results in Table 5 that the stability of a urokinase preparation is more increased by addition of the peptide obtained in the example (nonantigenic stabilizer of the example) than by no addition or addition of mannitol.
5TABLE 5InitialAdditiveurokinasePercentage of urokinaseStabilizeractivityresidual activity (%)of ExampleMannitol(KU)0 hr4 hrs24 hrs48 hrs(+)(+)1,600100100100100 (+)(−)1,60010010010099(−)(+)1,500100 96 9082(−)(−)1,500100 95 8978

[0054] [Test 5]

[0055] [Stabilization of Freeze-dry Urokinase Preparation]

[0056] The freeze-dry urokinase preparation prepared in Test 4 was stored at 45° C. and the residual urokinase activity after a period (1-3 months) was measured similar to Test 4 to study the stabilization effect of the peptide with not more than 20,000 of molecular weight obtained in the example (nonantigenic stabilizer of the example). The results are shown in Table 6. It is known from the results in Table 6 that the stability of a urokinase preparation is more increased by addition of the peptide with not more than 20,000 of molecular weight obtained in the example (nonantigenic stabilizer of the example) than by no addition or addition of mannitol.
6TABLE 6AdditiveInitialPercentage of urokinaseStabilizerurokinaseresidual activity (%)of Exam-activityAfterAfterAfter 2After 3pleMannitol(KU)0 month1 monthmonthsmonths(+)(+)1,60010099100 100 (+)(−)1,600100100 9899(−)(+)1,500100958983(−)(−)1,500100938880

[0057] [Test 6]

[0058] [Stabilization of Interferon Preparation]

[0059] An interferon-α preparation was prepared by adding the peptide with not more than 20,000 of molecular weight obtained in the example and other stabilizers as controls to interferon-α produced by genetic engineering (produced by Cosmo Bio; specific activity: 107 U/mg) then freeze-drying following the recipe below:

[0060] [Recipe] Interferon-α: 106 U; Peptide with not more than 20,000 of molecular weight obtained in the example (nonantigenic stabilizer of the example): 0% or 0.2%; and Other stabilizers: 0% or 0.2%. Dilute with distilled water for injection to 200 mL of total volume.

[0061] The freeze-dry preparations was stored in a refrigerator (5-10° C.) for about one month, then they were dissolved with physiological saline and the solution was allowed to stand at 30° C. for 30 minutes or 4 hours, then the residual interferon activity was measured. The percentage of residual activity was assayed and the results are shown in Table 7. It is known from the results in Table 7 that the stability of an interferon-a is more increased by addition of the peptide with not more than 20,000 of molecular weight obtained in the example (nonantigenic stabilizer of the example) than by no addition or addition of only other stabilizers except human serum albumin.
7TABLE 7Percentage of residualAdditiveactivity (%)StabilizerOtherAfter 30of ExamplestabilizersminutesAfter 4 hrs(+)(−)9587(−)Human serum albumin9789(−)Phosphate buffered saline00(−)(−)00

[0062] Advantage of the Invention

[0063] According to the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention, no anaphylaxis reactions are induced due to eliminated antigenicity as well as characteristics of amino acid sequence of zelatin or collagen, thereby advantageous for a stabilizer of physiologically active substances for treatment and prevention. According to the nonantigenic stabilizer involved in the present invention, a wider range of molecular weight than that of conventional non-antigenic peptide composites can be provided, and the yield can be increased.

[0064] The present disclosure relates to the subject matter contained in Japanese Patent Application No. 7-352918 (filed on Dec. 27, 1995) which is expressly incorporated also herein by reference in its entirety.

  • 1. A method for producing a nonantigenic stabilizer, comprising: a decomposing step comprising specially decomposing gelatin or collagen using collagenase to form a decomposed gelatin or collagen, and a purifying step comprising purifying the decomposed matter to obtain a nonantigenic stabilizer, wherein said nonantigenic stabilizer has a molecular weight of not more than 20,000 Da and an amino acid sequence of (Gly-X-Y)n, and wherein X and Y are any amino acid residues other than Gly, and n is a natural number.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein said decomposing step is performed by a column process.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1, wherein said purifying step is performed by gel filtration using a gel filtration system.
  • 4. The method according to claim 1, wherein said purifying step is performed by reversed phase chromatography.
  • 5. A nonantigenic stabilizer obtained by purifying by gel filtration using a gel filtration system or by reversed phase chromatography after specifically decomposing gelatin or collagenase, wherein the nonantigenic stabilizer comprises a peptide whose molecular weight is greater than 0 and not more than 20,000 Da and having an amino acid sequence of (Gly-X-Y)n, X and Y being any amino acid residue and n being a natural munber.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
7-352918 Dec 1995 JP
Continuation in Parts (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 08780086 Dec 1996 US
Child 09849395 May 2001 US