This award will support students from institutions of higher learning in the United States to participate in the Northeastern Systems and Control Workshop (NECSW), to be held at the University of Pennsylvania on May 4, 2024. The workshop aims to provide a forum for systems and control researchers in the Northeastern United States to present their work, and to interact with graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, and faculty in an informal and collaborative setting. This will be the inaugural edition of the workshop. To promote interaction and community building, NESCW will be hosted by a different institution in the Northeast region each year. The workshop will include both oral and poster sessions. Importantly, and keeping in theme of providing visibility to junior researchers, all talks and poster presentations will be by students and postdoctoral scholars. The workshop will conclude with a social event and debate among leading researchers in the field on “hot topics” in systems and control research, that should be of interest to all members of the community. The workshop will help foster new relationships and collaborations across systems and control researchers in the Northeast region. Areas of research represented in confirmed registrants include dynamics, control, optimization, machine learning, robotics, interdisciplinary work at the intersections of these areas, and applications. All of these areas are of critical interest to the nation’s research enterprise.<br/><br/>This workshop will promote inclusion, STEM education, and partnerships. Inclusion is a main focus of the workshop, which is aimed at providing visibility and networking opportunities to junior researchers in the field, with a particular emphasis on women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities in STEM. By providing students and postdoctoral scholars the opportunity to communicate their work through presentations (via poster sessions and talks), the workshop will contribute to strengthening their technical communication and collaboration skills. Finally, through outreach and participation with industry, the workshop will promote building new partnerships between academia, industry, and government laboratories.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.