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The present invention relates to a method for providing admission control to a wireless network system.
The following references are cited in the specification. Disclosures of these references are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
IEEE 802.11 standard [1] has become the dominating solution for wireless “hot-spot” networks [2][3][4][5] at many public places, such as hotels, airports, restaurants, and malls. The salient features of “hot-spot” networks include (i) nodes frequently join and leave, and (ii) traffic is very diverse and heterogeneous. For example, in “hot-spot” networks, inelastic applications (such as video, audio) and elastic applications (such as reading Web pages, e-mail) coexist, and saturated (where a node always has packets to transmit) and non-saturated flows coexist.
However, current 802.11 networks have the following drawbacks: (i) the network capacity is not fully exploited since the protocol parameters such as contention window (CW) is statically configured, failing to adapt to the change in the node number and the packet size, (ii) the system performance (such as throughput and delay) deteriorates significantly if the offered load slightly exceeds a critical value [6], (iii) there is not an admission control unit that limits the admitted traffic loads. These drawbacks naturally lead to a very bad user experience in such dynamic and diverse “hot-spot” networks if traffic becomes congested.
In related works, [8][9], respectively, analyzed the saturated and non-saturation performance of 802.11 networks. [10] proposed a scheme to maximize the channel utilization of saturated 802.11 networks. [11] developed a performance model to analyze the 802.11 performance when non-saturated and saturated flows coexist. However, none of these works consider the objectives: designing a distributed scheme for maximizing the channel utilization and providing satisfactory QoS when inelastic and elastic flows coexist.
In this invention, one targets to devise a contention-on-demand (CoD) MAC scheme for fully utilizing the available system bandwidth and providing satisfactory user experiences, in wireless “hot-spot” networks. The CoD scheme consists of two distributed algorithms (i.e., a fixed-CW algorithm and a dynamic-CW algorithm) and an admission control unit. The fixed-CW algorithm is a variant of the 802.11 inherent binary-exponential-backoff (BEB) algorithm; this algorithm limits the use of the system bandwidth and is adopted by each elastic flow. The dynamic-CW algorithm is built on the famous additive-increase-multiplicative-decrease (AIMD) rule [7]; this algorithm will enable each inelastic flow to contend for neither more nor less than its required bandwidth, quickly adapt to the change of network states, as well as maximize the channel utilization. The admission control unit limits the admitted traffic load for providing satisfactory user experiences. One then performs an asymptotic analysis on the system throughput of the inelastic flows. On this basis, one develops a simple but efficient admission control rule. Finally, extensive simulations verify that the CoD scheme is very effective and the theoretical result is very accurate.
An aspect of the present invention is to provide methods for providing admission control to a wireless network system are set forth as preferred examples.
According to an embodiment of the present invention, a computer-implemented method for providing admission control to a wireless network system, the system having one or more high-priority (HP) nodes, one or more low-priority (LP) nodes, contending for access to an access point, the method comprises:
Preferably, the total delay of the flow is related to the determined numerical values of λ1.
Preferably, the total traffic load of all of the HP ACs is just slightly below the optimal asymptotic HP throughput.
According to another embodiment of the present invention, a computer-implemented method for providing admission control to a wireless network system, the system having one or more high-priority (HP) nodes, one or more low-priority (LP) nodes, contending for access to an access point, the method comprises:
Preferably, the total delay of the flow is related to the determined numerical values of λi.
Preferably, the total traffic load of all of the HP ACs is just slightly below the maximum HP throughput.
Embodiments of the present invention are described in more detail hereinafter with reference to the drawings, in which:
In the following description, methods for providing admission control to a wireless network system are set forth as preferred examples. It will be apparent to those skilled in the art that modifications, including additions and/or substitutions may be made without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention. Specific details may be omitted so as not to obscure the invention; however, the disclosure is written to enable one skilled in the art to practice the teachings herein without undue experimentation.
The present invention is devoted to designing a novel scheme for maximizing channel utilization and providing satisfactory QoS in wireless “hot-spot” networks. Then a theoretical model is developed to analyze the proposed scheme. Extensive simulations verify that the scheme is very effective and the theoretical result is very accurate.
Accordingly, Section A presents the proposed CoD scheme. Section B performs an asymptotic analysis for admission control. Section E validates the effectiveness of the proposed scheme and the accuracy of the theoretical result.
In this section, one presents the proposed contention-on-demand (CoD) MAC scheme.
CoD is a parameterized quality-of-service (QoS)-oriented scheme. CoD employs the CSMA feature in IEEE 802.11 DCF, but replaces the BEB algorithm by one fixed-CW algorithm and one dynamic-CW algorithm. In the fixed-CW algorithm, the CW keeps unchanged for all flows that adopt this algorithm. The fixed-CW algorithm provides best-effort service for low-priority (LP) flows or elastic flows. In the dynamic-CW algorithm, the CW is dynamically adjusted by the AIMD algorithm, so as to adapt to QoS requirements of each flow that adopts this algorithm. The dynamic-CW algorithm provides QoS service for high-priority (HP) flows or inelastic flows. Once the CW is determined, each node chooses a backoff count that is uniformly distributed in the CW, and then performs backoff like 802.11 DCF.
In addition, CoD also employs an admission control unit to limit the total traffic load of HP flows. When the system resource is available, AIMD has the property of converging to equal values of the control variable [7]. The admission control is used to ensure that the system resource is available.
Let CWD denote current CW size. Below, one first presents the fixed-CW and dynamic-CW algorithms, and then present the admission control.
The fixed-CW algorithm requires a pre-configured CW size denoted by CW0. In the algorithm, CWD=CW0=400.
The dynamic-CW algorithm adjusts the CW size according to the well-known AIMD algorithm. This algorithm requires five pre-configured parameters: CWinit (the initial CW size), CWmin (the minimum CW size), CWmax (the maximum CW size), fai (the additive-increase factor), and fmd (the multiplicative-decrease factor).
Algorithm 1 presents an example making the total delay converge to the packet arrival interval of a flow. In this way, one desires to guarantee the throughput stability (namely, the throughput of a flow is equal to its offered load). In this algorithm, one has two inputs: delay, denoting the total delay of the i-th acknowledged packet of a flow, and pktIntval denoting the average packet arrival interval of the flow. When a flow is admitted to transmit its packets, CWD is set to CWinit for its first packet transmission and is set to CWa for the subsequent transmissions. CWa is set by the AIMD algorithm, in order to ensure that the total average delay, delayAVG, converges to pktIntval. To this end, one first calculates delayAVG (in line 6 of Algorithm 1), and then compare delayAVG with pktIntval. If delayAVG<pktIntval, one increases CWa (in line 8) and decrease CWa (in line 10) otherwise.
One now explains the calculation of delayAVG (in line 6). Let delayAVG denote the average of first n total delays, namely
Then, one has
Eq. (1) manifests that one only needs to store delayAVGn (instead of delay1, . . . , delayn), so that one can calculate delayAVGn+1 by delayn+1. The expression of delayAVG (in line 6) illustrates the computational form of (1) in programming.
In general, Algorithm 1 can make the total delay converge to the delay target of a flow. Therefore, one may replace the second input parameter in Algorithm 1, pktIntval, by delayTarget denoting the total delay requirement of a flow. When delayTarget is set to pktIntval, Algorithm 1 guarantees the throughput stability of a flow.
To ensure that the dynamic-CW algorithm can provide satisfactory QoS service for HP flows, one requires that the total traffic load, Σi=11niλiLi, should be below a upper bound Λ, namely,
where one assumes that HP traffic is classified into I access categories (ACs), ni, λi, and Li, respectively, represent the node number, the packet arrival rate, and the packet size of AC i.
In the following sections, one seeks the optimal upper bound Λ.
In this section, one performs an asymptotic analysis to derive the optimal upper bound A mentioned in Section A.3.
One assumes that the system, running the CoD schemes, consists of one LP AC and I HP ACs. All data packets from HP and LP nodes are transmitted to the AP, and the AP acts purely as the receiver of data packets.
The LP AC 0 has n0 nodes. Each LP node has the same packet size L0 and always generates a random backoff count uniformly distributed in [0,CW0] for each new transmission or retransmission, where CW0>1. one assumes that each LP node is in saturation operation (i.e., the node always has packets to transmit) because here one studies the maximum stable throughput that HP ACs can achieve, regardless of how the LP offered loads vary.
Each HP AC i , 1≦i≦I, has ni nodes, where n1+L+n1=n. Each HP i node has the same packet size Li and packet arrival rate λi, and always generates a random backoff count uniformly distributed in [0,CWD] for each new transmission or retransmission, where CWD is dynamically set by the dynamic-CW algorithm.
Let β0 be the average attempt rate per slot for each LP AC node on the condition that the buffer is not empty. From [12], one has β0=2/(CW0+1).
Let βi, i=1,L, I, be the average attempt rate per slot for each HP AC i node on the condition that all LP AC nodes will not transmit.
Let Ω be the mean time that elapses for one decrement of the backoff counter. The generic slot Ω takes different values depending on whether the slot is idle, interrupted by a successful transmission, or a collision. In terms of β0,β1,L,β1, one has
In (2), σ is the length of one MAC slot, i.e., σ=1 slot, Ts
Exact HP Throughput: Let Γi(n,β1,L,β1) be the HP AC i throughput, which is defined to be the number of bits transmitted successfully by all HP AC i nodes in the time interval of Ω. Let Γ(n,β1,L ,β1) be the total HP throughput. one has
One starts with the asymptotic assumption below.
Asymptotic assumption: To perform asymptotic analysis, one assumes that
n→∞ and β
iβi≦0 (4)
where βi+ is called the asymptotic attempt rate of HP AC i nodes.
Let us define
where β+ is called the total asymptotic HP attempt rate. Then, under assumption (4), applying Poisson approximation to (2), one has
Asymptotic HP throughput: Let
be the total asymptotic HP throughput. From (5) and (3), Γ(β1+,L,β1+), is given by
where Li is the packet size for AC i node.
In this section, one focuses on homogeneous traffic, where all nodes have the same packet size L, namely L0=L1= . . . =L1≡L. Below, one first optimizes the total asymptotic HP attempt rate β+, and then specify the admission control rule.
For homogeneous traffic, one can further assume Tc=Ts
in (5) reduce to
Therefore, Γ(β1+,L,β1+) in (6) can be expressed in terms of β+. Let Γ1(β+)Γ(β1+,L,β1+). one has
Let βopt+ represent the optimal β+ that maximizes the asymptotic total HP throughput (9). Theorem 1 explicitly expresses βopt+.
Theorem 1. Under assumption (4), if Tc=Ts, βopt+ is
where W0(·) is one branch of the Lambert W(z) function [15], W(z)eW(z)=z, for any complex number z.
Proof To maximize Γ1(β+), one sets the first derivative of Γ1(β+) in (9) with respect to β+ to zero. This leads to
Then β+−1=W0(C0(σ−Tc)/e−1/Tc) or W−1(C0(σ−Tc)e−1/Tc). one has βopt+=W0(C0(σ−Tc)e−1/Tc)+1≧0, since only W0(C0(σ−Tc)e−1/Tc)>−1 for C0(σ−Tc)e−1/Tc∈(−1/e, 0).
When n0=0 and I=1 (i.e., the system has 1 HP AC and has not LP nodes), βopt+ reduces to the solution to (10) in [10].
To provide satisfactory QoS, the total traffic load of all HP ACs, Σi=1IniλiL, should be below the optimal asymptotic HP throughput Γ1(βopt+), namely,
βi=1IniλiL<Γ1(βopt+), (11)
where Γ1(·) is given in (9).
From (9)-(10), one knows that for homogeneous traffic, the maximum total HP throughput keeps unchanged, regardless of how the node number and the packet arrival rate of HP nodes vary; therefore, one only needs to compute the total offered load for admission control, as shown in (11).
In this section, one focuses on heterogeneous traffic, where different ACs have different packet sizes. Below, one first optimizes the total asymptotic HP attempt rate β+, and then specify the admission control rule.
Let βopt+ represent the optimal β+ that maximizes the asymptotic total HP throughput (6). Theorem 2 explicitly expresses βopt+.
Theorem 2. Under assumption (4), if
where W0(·) is one branch of the Lambert W(z) function [15], W(z)eW(z)=z, for any complex number z.
(i) Theorem 2 manifests that the optimal asymptotic HP attempt rate is independent of the HP traffic characteristics, because βopt+ in (12) only depends on the LP transmission time Ts
In this section, for heterogeneous traffic, one develops an admission control rule. Before this, one first calculates the maximum system throughput.
From (6) and Theorem 2, the maximum system throughput depends on not only the optimal total HP attempt rate but also the HP packet size. To express the maximum system throughput in terms of βopt+, one adopts a key approximation, βi<<1, which is widely used in the related literatures such as [16][17]. The approximation holds true since βi represents the per-node attempt rate in a very short slot (e.g., 1 slot=20 μs in 802.11b) and therefore it is generally much less than 1.
be the ratio between HP AC i and AC 1 throughput. With the approximation βi<<1, and the assumption (4), one has
Then, one has
Hence, βi+ can be expressed in terms of β+.
Let us define D0(r1,L, r1) and D1(r1,L,r1) as follows.
Substituting (13) and (14) into (6), one has Γ(β1+,L,β1+)≈Γ2(⊕+,{ri}), where
CAC rule: Let Λi=niλiLi denote the total traffic load of HP AC i. For admission control, one will ensure that the system throughput Γi of HP AC i is equal to its total offered load Λi, namely, Γi=Λi. Then, one can approximately calculate ri as follows.
To provide satisfactory QoS, given Ci, Li, and Di, the total traffic load of all HP ACs, Σi=1IniλiL, should be below the maximum HP throughput Γ2(βopt+,r1,L,r1), namely,
Σi=1IniλiLi<Γ2(βopt+,r1,L,r1). (17)
From the CAC rule, one has the following observations.
1 From (15), one knows that for heterogeneous traffic, the maximum total HP throughput varies as the ratio ri between offered loads varies; therefore, one needs to compute both the total offered load and the maximum total HP throughput for admission control, as shown in (17). This is a striking difference from the case of homogeneous traffic.
[18][6]; (15) reduces to (22) in [6]; and the CAC rule (17) becomes the CAC rule in DCF (i.e., Table II in [6]).
In this section, one demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed CAC scheme. one uses the 802.11 simulator in ns2 version 2.28 [13] as a validation tool, and set the protocol parameters to the default values for 802.11b, as listed in Table 1, where a slot is equal to 20 μs and δ denotes the propagation delay. In the simulation, one uses the Dumb Agent routing protocol. Each simulation value is an average over 5 simulation runs, where each run was for 100 seconds. A buffer size of 1000 packets is used in the simulation to mimic an infinite buffer.
In the experiment, one considers 4 ACs: AC 0, AC 1, AC 2, AC 3. one runs simulations for homogeneous traffic (where [L0, L1, L2, L3]=[500,500,500,500]) and heterogeneous traffic (where [L0, L1, L2, L3]=[500,80,400,800]). The other parameter settings are as follows: [n0,n1,n2,n3]=[10,*,*, 5] and [λ0,λ1,λ2,λ3]=[*,40,20,10] (unit: packets per second), where * represents the adjustable parameter value. In simulation, one considers two cases. In the first case, AC 0 nodes are in saturation operation while other nodes are in non-saturation operations, where one sets λ0=400 to mimic the saturation operation and label the simulation results with “sim_AC0_sat”. In the second case, all nodes are in non-saturation operation, where one sets λ0=40 for the non-saturation operation and label the simulation results with “sim_AC0_nsat”.
In this section, one considers homogeneous traffic.
When AC 0 is in saturation operation, the theoretical results slightly overestimate the corresponding simulation results. Concretely speaking, each simulation result is less than 1 than the corresponding theoretical result for n2=4, 16, 22, 28, and the former is less than 2 than the latter for n2=10.
When AC 0 is in non-saturation operation, the theoretical results slightly underestimate the corresponding simulation results. Concretely speaking, each simulation result is more than 1 than the corresponding theoretical result for n2=4, 10, 16, 22, and the two results are equal for n2=28.
The above observations imply that the maximum allowable node number is sensitive to the traffic regime (i.e., saturation or non-saturation). One explanation is: one uses the basic mode to resolve collision for homogeneous traffic, so that collisions occur during packet transmission and therefore the overhead is large if the packet size is long; as a result, the overall overhead when the offered load approaches the capacity of the system but the system is still in non-saturation, might be obviously less than that when the system is in saturation operation.
When AC 0 is in saturation operation, the maximum allowable traffic loads are slightly less than the corresponding theoretical result, because the maximum allowable n1 is less than the corresponding theoretical result (as shown in
When AC 0 is in non-saturation operation, the maximum allowable traffic loads slightly fluctuate around the corresponding theoretical result, because the maximum allowable n1 is slightly larger than or equal to the corresponding theoretical result (as shown in
In this section, one considers heterogeneous traffic.
Whether AC 0 is in saturation operation or in non-saturation operation, both simulation results are the same for each value of n2; and the theoretical results slightly underestimate the corresponding simulation results. It implies that the maximum allowable node number is insensitive to the traffic regime (i.e., saturation or non-saturation). This is a distinct difference from the case of homogeneous traffic. One explanation is: one uses the RTS/CTS mechanism to resolve collision for heterogeneous traffic, and hence the RTS/CTS overhead is fixed regardless of the packet size; as a result, the overall overhead when the offered load approaches the capacity of the system but the system is still in non-saturation, is almost the same as that when the system is in saturation operation.
In this section, one demonstrates the convergence speed of the CoD scheme. One considers heterogeneous traffic, when n2=10, n1=7, and all other parameter settings are the same as those in
According to an embodiment of the present invention, an FPGA-based implementation is specified for CoD. 802.11 MAC protocol consists of (a) CSMA/CA and (b) the binary exponential algorithm. The MAC design keeps (a) unchanged but replaces (b) by CoD.
As illustrated below, one finishes the proof of Theorem 2.
Proof of Theorem 2: one first defines four types of virtual slots: (i) an idle MAC slot with probability 1−Pb, (ii) one successful transmission time of an LP node with probability Ps
Let To denote the interval between when one successful transmission from HP nodes ends and when the next successful transmission from HP nodes begins, as shown in
Below, one first expresses
Let Xo denote the number of the virtual slots during To. Since a virtual slot during To appears with probability 1−Ps
Let Ωo be a random variable representing the length of a virtual slot during To. Ωo takes three types of values depending on the thee types of virtual slots during To. In terms of Pb, Ps
where Ts
Define limn→∞
To minimize
Then β+−1=W0(C0C2e−1/Tc) or W−1(C0C2e−1/Tc). One has βopt+=W0(C0C2e−1/Tc)+1≧0, since only W0(C0C2e−1/Tc)>−1 for C0C2e−1/Tc∈(−1/e, 0).
As a result, one obtains (12) since
The embodiments disclosed herein may be implemented using general purpose or specialized computing devices, computer processors, or electronic circuitries including but not limited to digital signal processors (DSP), application specific integrated circuits (ASIC), field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), and other programmable logic devices configured or programmed according to the teachings of the present disclosure. Computer instructions or software codes running in the general purpose or specialized computing devices, computer processors, or programmable logic devices can readily be prepared by practitioners skilled in the software or electronic art based on the teachings of the present disclosure.
In some embodiments, the present invention includes computer storage media having computer instructions or software codes stored therein which can be used to program computers or microprocessors to perform any of the processes of the present invention. The storage media can include, but is not limited to, floppy disks, optical discs, Blu-ray Disc, DVD, CD-ROMs, and magneto-optical disks, ROMs, RAMs, flash memory devices, or any type of media or devices suitable for storing instructions, codes, and/or data.
The present invention may be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or essential characteristics thereof. The present embodiment is therefore to be considered in all respects as illustrative and not restrictive. The scope of the invention is indicated by the appended claims rather than by the foregoing description, and all changes that come within the meaning and range of equivalency of the claims are therefore intended to be embraced therein.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/243,004, filed on Oct. 17, 2015, which is incorporated by reference herein in its entirety.
Number | Date | Country | |
62243004 | Oct 2015 | US |