Novel ortho-terphenyl inhibitors of p38 kinase and methods of treating inflammatory disorders

The present invention relates to compounds and methods useful as inhibitors of p38 kinase for the treatment or prevention and treatment of diseases such as inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, destructive bone disorders, proliferative disorders, angiogenic disorders, infectious diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and viral diseases.

The present invention is directed to new ortho-terphenyl compounds and compositions and their application as pharmaceuticals for the treatment of disease. Methods of inhibition of p38 kinase activity in a human or animal subject are also provided for the treatment diseases such as inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, destructive bone disorders, proliferative disorders, angiogenic disorders, infectious diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and viral diseases.


The present invention relates to inhibitors of p38, a mammalian protein kinase involved in cell proliferation, cell death and response to extracellular stimuli. The invention also relates to methods for producing these inhibitors. The invention also provides pharmaceutical compositions comprising the inhibitors of the present invention and methods of utilizing those compositions in the treatment and prevention of various disorders. The compounds are potent inhibitors of p38 kinase and are useful in the prophylaxis or treatment of p38 kinase mediated diseases or disorders, such as inflammatory diseases, autoimmune diseases, destructive bone disorders, proliferative disorders, angiogenic disorders, infectious diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and viral diseases.

Four isoforms of p38 have been described (p38α/β/γ/δ). The human p38α enzyme was initially identified as a target of cytokine-suppressive anti-inflammatory drugs (CSAIDs) and the two isoenzymes found were initially termed CSAID binding protein-1 (CSBP-1) and CSBP-2 [Lee, J. C. et al, Nature (London) 1994, 372, 739-46]. CSBP-2 is now widely referred to as p38α and differs from CSBP-1 in an internal sequence of 25 amino acids as a result of differential splicing of two exons that are conserved in both mouse and human [McDonnell, P. C. et al, Genomics 1995, 29, 301-2]. CSBP-1 and p38α are expressed ubiquitously and there is no difference between the two isoforms with respect to tissue distribution, activation profile, substrate preference or CSAID binding. A second isoform is p38β which has 70% identity with p38α. A second form of p380, termed p38β2, is also known, and of the two this is believed to be the major form. P38α and p38β2 are expressed in many different tissues. However in monocytes and macrophages p38α is the predominant kinase activity [Lee, J. C., ibid; Jing, Y. et al, J. Biol. Chem. 1996, 271, 10531-34; Hale, K. K. et al, J. Immun. 1999, 162, 4246-52]. P38γ and p38δ (also termed SAP kinase-3 and SAP kinase-4 respectively) have .about.63% and .about.61% homology to p38α respectively. P38δ is predominantly expressed in skeletal muscle whilst p38δ is found in testes, pancreas, prostate, small intestine and in certain endocrine tissues.

All p38 homologues and splice variants contain a 12 amino acid activation loop that includes a Thr-Gly-Tyr motif. Dual phosphorylation of both Thr-1180 and Tyr-1182 in the TGY motif by a dual specificity upstream kinase is essential for the activation of p38 and results in a >11000-fold increase in specific activity of these enzymes [Doza, Y. N. et al FEBS Lett., 1995, 364, 7095-8012]. This dual phosphorylation is effected by MKK6 and under certain conditions the related enzyme MKK3 (see FIG. 1) [Enslen, H. et al J. Biol. Chem., 1998, 273, 1741-48]. MKK3 and MKK6 belong to a family of enzymes termed MAPKK (mitogen activating protein kinase kinase) which are in turn activated by MAPKKK (mitogen activating protein kinase kinase kinase) otherwise known as MAP3K.

Several MAP3Ks have been identified that are activated by a wide variety of stimuli including environmental stress, inflammatory cytokines and other factors. MEKK4/MTK1 (MAP or ERK kinase kinase/MAP three kinase-1), ASK1 (apoptosis stimulated kinase) and TAK1 (TGF-β-activated kinase) are some of the enzymes identified as upstream activators of for MAPKKs. MEKK4/MTK1 is thought to be activated by several GADD-45-like genes that are induced in response to environmental stimuli and which eventually lead to p38 activation [Takekawa, M. and Saito, H. Cell, 1998, 95, 521-30]. TAK1 has been shown to activate MKK6 in response to transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). TNF-stimulated activation of p38 is believed to be mediated by the recruitment of TRAF2 [TNF receptor associated factor] and the Fas adaptor protein, Daxx, which results in the activation of ASK1 and subsequently p38.

Several substrates of p38 have been identified including other kinases [e.g. MAPK activated protein kinase 2/3/5 (MAPKAP 2/3/5), p38 regulated/activated protein kinase (PRAK), MAP kinase-interacting kinase 1/2 (MNK1/2), mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinase 1 (MSK1/RLPK) and ribosomal S6 kinase-B (RSK-B)], transcription factors [e.g. activating transcription factor 2/6 (ATF2/6), monocyte-enhancer factor-2A/C (MEF2A/C), C/EBP homologous protein (CHOP), Elk1 and Sap-1a1] and others substrates [e.g. cPLA2, p47phox].

MAPKAP K2 is activated by p38 in response to environmental stress. Mice engineered to lack MAPKAP K2 do not produce TNF in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Production of several other cytokines such as IL-1, IL-6, IFN-g and IL-10 is also partially inhibited [Kotlyarov, A. et al Nature Cell Biol. 1999, 1, 94-7]. Further, MAPKAP K2 from embryonic stem cells from p38α null mice was not activated in response to stress and these cells did not produce IL-6 in response to IL-1 [Allen, M. et al, J. Exp. Med. 2000, 191, 859-69]. These results indicate that MAPKAP K2 is not only essential for TNF and IL-1 production but also for signaling induced by cytokines. In addition, MAPKAP K2 and K3 phosphorylate and thus regulate heat shock proteins HSP 25 and HSP 27, which are involved in cytoskeletal reorganization.

Several small molecule inhibitors of p38 have been reported which inhibit IL-1 and TNF synthesis in human monocytes at concentrations in the low μM range [Lee, J. C. et al, Int. J. Immunopharm. 1988, 10, 835] and exhibit activity in animal models which are refractory to cyclooxygenase inhibitors [Lee, J. C. et al, Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1993, 696, 149]. In addition, these small molecule inhibitors are known to also decrease the synthesis of a wide variety of pro-inflammatory proteins including IL-6, IL-8, granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2). TNF-induced phosphorylation and activation of cytosolic PLA2, TNF-induced expression of VCAM-1 on endothelial cells, and IL-1-stimulated synthesis of collagenase and stromelysin are also inhibited by such small molecule inhibitors of p38 [Cohen, P. Trends Cell Biol. 1997, 7, 353-61].

A variety of cells including monocytes and macrophages produce TNF and IL-1. Excessive or unregulated TNF production is implicated in a number of disease states including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, pyresis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid spondylitis, osteoarthritis, gouty arthritis and other arthritic conditions, toxic shock syndrome, endotoxic shock, sepsis, septic shock, gram negative sepsis, bone resorption diseases, reperfusion injury, graft vs. host reaction, allograft rejection, adult respiratory distress syndrome, chronic pulmonary inflammatory disease, silicosis, pulmonary sarcoidosis, cerebral malaria, scar tissue formation, keloid formation, fever and myalgias due to infection such as influenza, cachexia secondary to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), cachexia secondary to infection or malignancy, AIDS or AIDS-related complex.

The central position that p38 occupies within the cascade of signaling molecules mediating extracellular-to-intracellular signaling, and its influence over not only IL-1, TNF and IL-8 production but also the synthesis and/or action of other pro-inflammatory proteins (e.g. IL-6, GM-CSF, COX-2, collagenase and stromelysin), make it an attractive target for inhibition by small molecule inhibitors with the expectation that such inhibition would be a highly effective mechanism for regulating the excessive and destructive activation of the immune system. Such an expectation is supported by the potent and diverse anti-inflammatory activities described for p38 kinase inhibitors [Adams, ibid; Badger, et al, J. Pham. Exp. Ther. 1996, 279, 1453-61; Griswold, et al, Pharmacol. Comm., 1996, 7, 323-29].


Novel compounds and pharmaceutical compositions that ameliorate imflammatory and immune disorders by inhibiting p38 kinase and the isoforms and splice variants thereof, especially p38α and p38β have been found, together with methods of synthesizing and using the compounds, including methods for inhibiting p38 kinase in a patient by administering the compounds.

The present invention discloses a class of compounds, useful in treating p38 kinase mediated disorders and conditions, defined by structural Formula I:
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or a salt, ester, tautomer or prodrug thereof, wherein:

L, M, T, X and Y are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

Q, U, V and W are each independently selected from the group consisting of N and C;

Z is selected from the group consisting of N, C(O), C, O and S;

R1 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, lower alkyl, lower alkylacyl, lower alkylalkoxy, lower alkylether, amide, amino, lower aminoalkyl, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R2 is selected from the group consisting of —C(O)R9, —C(S)(NR10R11), —C[N(OR12)]R13, —C(NR14)(NR10R11) and —S(O)nR15;

n is 0, 1 or 2;

R3 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, lower alkyl, lower alkylether, amino, lower aminoalkyl, halo, haloalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R4 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, halo, haloalkyl, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R5 and R6 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, alkoxyaryl, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, aryl, aralkyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, S-sulfonamido, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R5 and R6 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R7 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkylacyl, lower alkyl, lower alkylether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, lower hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R8 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R9 is selected from the group consisting of NR16R17, OR18, SR19, lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, aralkyl, aryl, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylthio, arylsulfonyl, carbonylalkyl, carboxy, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl and N-carbamoyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R10, R11, R14, R16 and R17 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, lower alkenyl, alkynyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkoxyalkyl, lower alkyl, alkylthio, amino, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, aralkyl, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, carboxy, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or either pair of R10 and R11 or R16 and R17 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted;

R12 and R13 are each independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R15 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkoxyalkyl, lower alkyl, lower alkylamino, alkynyl, amino, aminocarbonylalkyl, aralkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyl, hydroxyalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydrogen, thio and lower thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted; and

R18 and R19 are each independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention further provides compounds of the Formula II:
embedded image


R1 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower acylalkyl, lower alkoxy, amide, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkylether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R2 is selected from the group consisting of —C(O)R9, —C[N(OR12)]R13 and —S(O)nR15;

n is 0, 1 or 2;

R3 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower aminoalkyl, halo, lower haloalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R4 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, halo, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R5 and R6 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, alkoxyaryl, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, aryl, aralkyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, S-sulfonamido, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R5 and R6 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R7 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, lower alkyl, lower alkylether, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R8 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R9 is selected from the group consisting of NR16R17, OR18, SR19, lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, lower aminoalkyl, aralkyl, aryl, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, lower carbonylalkyl, heteroaralkyl, hydrogen and thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R10, R11, R14, R16 and R17 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, lower alkenyl, alkynyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkoxyalkyl, lower alkyl, alkylthio, amino, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, aralkyl, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, carboxy, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or either pair of R10 and R11 or R16 and R17 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted;

R12 and R13 are each independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R15 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkoxyalkyl, lower alkyl, lower alkylamino, alkynyl, amino, aminocarbonylalkyl, aralkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyl, hydroxyalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydrogen, thio and lower thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted; and

R18 and R19 are each independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention further provides compounds of the Formula III:
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R1 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkoxy, lower alkyl, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R2 is selected from the group consisting of —C(O)R9 and —S(O)nR15;

n is 0, 1 or 2;

R3 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkoxy, lower alkyl, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R4 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, halo, haloalkyl, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R5 and R6 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, alkoxyaryl, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, aryl, aralkyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, nitro, null. O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, S-sulfonamido, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R5 and R6 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R7 is selected from the group consisting of lower acyl, lower alkyl, halo, hydrogen, hydroxyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R8 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R9 is selected from the group consisting of NR16R17, OR18, SR19, lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, aralkyl, aryl, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylthio, arylsulfonyl, carbonylalkyl, carboxy, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl and N-carbamoyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R10, R11, R114, R16 and R17 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, lower alkenyl, alkynyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkoxyalkyl, lower alkyl, alkylthio, amino, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, aralkyl, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, carboxy, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or either pair of R10 and R11 or R16 and R17 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted;

R12 and R13 are each independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R15 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkoxyalkyl, lower alkyl, lower alkylamino, alkynyl, amino, aminocarbonylalkyl, aralkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyl, hydroxyalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydrogen, thio and lower thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted; and

R18 and R19 are each independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention further provides compounds of the Formula IV:
embedded image

or a salt, ester, tautomer or prodrug thereof, wherein:

R1 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower alkylacyl, amide, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null;

R2 may be selected from the group consisting of —C(O)R8, —C(S)NR9R10, —C[N(OR11)]R8, C(NR12)(NR9R10) and —S(O)nR8;

n is 0, 1, or 2;

R3 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower alkyl ether, amino, lower aminoalkyl, halo, lower haloalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null;

R4 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, halo, lower haloalkyl, hydrogen and null;

R5 and R6 are independently selected from the group consisting of amino, lower aminoalkyl, carbamoyl, carboxy, cyano, formyl, guanidino, halo, hydroxy, hydrogen, nitro, null, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, ureido, C1-8 alkyl, C1-8 alkoxy, C3-8 cycloalkoxyl, C4-8 alkylcycloalkoxy, C1-8 alkylcarbonyl, C1-8 alkoxycarbonyl, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl, hydroxyamino, C4 alkoxyamino, C2-4 alkanoyloxyamino, C1-4 alkylamino, di[C1-4 alkyl]amino, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C1-4 alkylene-(C1-4 alkyl)amino, C1-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkylene-(C1-4 alkyl)amino, hydroxy-C1-4 alkylene-(C1-4 alkyl)amino, phenyl, phenoxy, 4-pyridon-1-yl, pyrrolidin-1-yl, imidazol-1-yl, piperidino, morpholino, thiomorpholino, thiomorpholino-1-oxide, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide, piperazin-1-yl, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl, dioxolanyl, C1-8 alkylthio, arylthio, C1-4 alkylsulphinyl, C1-4 alkylsulphonyl, arylsulphonyl, arylsulphonyl, halogen O—C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C1-4 alkyl, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, carboxy-C1-4 alkyl, formyl-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4-alkyl, carbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, amino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C1-4 alkyl, phenyl-C1-4 alkyl, 4-pyridon-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, imidazol-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, piperidino-C1-4 alkyl, morpholino-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C1-4 alkyl, piperazin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylsulphinyl-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylsulphonyl-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, phenoxy-C1-4 alkyl, anilino-C1-4 alkyl, phenylthio-C1-4 alkyl, cyano-C1-4 alkyl, halogen O—C2-4 alkoxy, hydroxy-C2-4 alkoxy, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C2-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkoxy, carboxy-C1-4 alkoxy, formyl-C1-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4 alkoxy, carbamoyl-C1-4 alkoxy, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkoxy, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkoxy, amino-C2-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkoxy, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkoxy, di-[C1-4 alkyl-C2-4 alkoxy]amino-C2-4 alkoxy, C2-4 alkanoyloxy, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoyloxy, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkanoyloxy, phenyl-C1-4 alkoxy, phenoxy-C2-4 alkoxy, anilino-C2-4 alkoxy, phenylthio-C2-4 alkoxy, 4-pyridin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, piperidino-C2-4 alkoxy, morpholino-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C2-4 alkoxy, piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, imidazol-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, halogeno-C2-4 alkylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylamino, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C2-4 alkylamino, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylamino, carboxy-C1-4 alkylamino, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4 alkylamino, carbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, amino-C2-4 alkylamino, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkylamino, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkylamino, phenyl-C1-4 alkylamino, phenoxy-C2-4 alkylamino, anilino-C2-4 alkylamino, 4-pyridon-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, imidazol-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, piperidino-C2-4 alkylamino, morpholino-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C2-4 alkylamino, piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, 4-(C1-4 alkyl)piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, phenylthio-C2-4 alkylamino, C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkoxycarbonylamino, C1-4 alkylsulphonylamino, C1-4 alkylsulphinylamino, benzamido, benzenesulphonamido, 3-phenylureido, 2-oxopyrrolidin-1-yl, 2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl, halogeno-C2-4 alkanoylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoyl-(C1-4 alkyl)-amino, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, carboxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, carbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, amino-C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkanoylamino and di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkanoylamino; and any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from lower acylalkyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkyl, lower alkylacyl, lower aminoalkyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy, lower hydroxyalkyl and nitro, or R5 and R6 may combine to form an optionally substituted heterocycloalkyl or heteroaryl;

R7 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower alkylacyl, lower alkyl ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxyl, lower hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkyl, lower alkylacyl, amino, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro;

R8 is selected from the group consisting of NR9R10, OR9, SR9, alkoxyalkyl, lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, lower aminoalkyl, arylaminocarbonylalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonylalkyl, arylcarbonylalkyl, alkylthioalkyl, cycloalkylthioalkyl, arylsulfonylaminoalkyl, carbonylalkyl, carbonylheterocyclylcarbonylalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and heterocycloalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkyl, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro;

R9 and R10 are independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, arylsulfonylaminoalkyl, alkoxyalkyl, lower aminoalkyl, arylaminocarbonylalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonylalkyl, arylcarbonylalkyl, alkylthioalkyl, carbonylalkyl, carbonylheterocyclylcarbonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, cycloalkylthioalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocyclylalkyl, heterocyclylalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro; or R9 and R10 may combine to form an optionally substituted heterocycloalkyl or heteroaryl;

R11 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocyloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro;

R12 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, heterocyloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro;

Ar is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, each optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, lower alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl and aminocarbonyl, lower alkylacyl, lower alkyl, lower alkyl amide, carboxy, halo, lower haloalkyl, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro;

L, M, T, X and Y are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

Q, U, V and W are each independently selected from the group consisting of N or C;

Z is selected from the group consisting of N, C(O), C, O and S;

wherein V, W, X, Y and Z taken together form an unsaturated ring containing at least one carbon atom;

with the proviso that when V and W are carbon, then X, Y, and Z are not all nitrogen;

with the proviso that when VWXZY does not form an aromatic ring, then Z must be C(O); with the proviso that when Y is oxygen then R7 is null and Ar is not an unsubstituted phenyl or a chloro-monosubstituted phenyl; and

with the proviso that when Z is C, then R7 is not hydrogen.

The invention further provides compounds of the Formula V:
embedded image

or a salt, ester, tautomer or prodrug thereof, wherein:

R1 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower alkylacyl, amide, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null;

R2 may be selected from the group consisting of —C(O)R8, —C[N(OR11)]R8 and —S(O)nR8;

n is 0, 1, or 2;

R3 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, halo, lower haloalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null;

R4 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, chlorine, fluorine, hydrogen and null;

R5 and R6 are independently selected from the group consisting of amino, lower aminoalkyl, carbamoyl, carboxy, cyano, formyl, guanidino, halo, hydroxy, hydrogen, nitro, null, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, ureido, C1-8 alkyl, C1-8 alkoxy, C3-8 cycloalkoxyl, C4-8 alkylcycloalkoxy, C1-8 alkylcarbonyl, C1-8 alkoxycarbonyl, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl, hydroxyamino, C1-4 alkoxyamino, C2-4 alkanoyloxyamino, C1-4 alkylamino, di[C1-4 alkyl]amino, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C1-4 alkylene-(C1-4 alkyl)amino, C1-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkylene-(C1-4 alkyl)amino, hydroxy-C1-4 alkylene-(C1-4 alkyl)amino, phenyl, phenoxy, 4-pyridon-1-yl, pyrrolidin-1-yl, imidazol-1-yl, piperidino, morpholino, thiomorpholino, thiomorpholino-1-oxide, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide, piperazin-1-yl, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl, dioxolanyl, C1-8 alkylthio, arylthio, C1-4 alkylsulphinyl, C1-4 alkylsulphonyl, arylsulphonyl, arylsulphonyl, halogen O—C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C1-4 alkyl, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, carboxy-C1-4 alkyl, formyl-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4-alkyl, carbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, amino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C1-4 alkyl, phenyl-C1-4 alkyl, 4-pyridon-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, imidazol-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, piperidino-C1-4 alkyl, morpholino-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C1-4 alkyl, piperazin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylsulphinyl-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylsulphonyl-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, phenoxy-C1-4 alkyl, anilino-C1-4 alkyl, phenylthio-C1-4 alkyl, cyano-C1-4 alkyl, halogen O—C2-4 alkoxy, hydroxy-C2-4 alkoxy, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C2-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkoxy, carboxy-C1-4 alkoxy, formyl-C1-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4 alkoxy, carbamoyl-C4 alkoxy, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkoxy, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkoxy, amino-C2-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkoxy, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkoxy, di-[C1-4 alkyl-C2-4 alkoxy]amino-C2-4 alkoxy, C2-4 alkanoyloxy, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoyloxy, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkanoyloxy, phenyl-C1-4 alkoxy, phenoxy-C2-4 alkoxy, anilino-C2-4 alkoxy, phenylthio-C2-4 alkoxy, 4-pyridin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, piperidino-C2-4 alkoxy, morpholino-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C2-4 alkoxy, piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, imidazol-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, halogeno-C2-4 alkylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylamino, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C2-4 alkylamino, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylamino, carboxy-C1-4 alkylamino, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4 alkylamino, carbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, amino-C2-4 alkylamino, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkylamino, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkylamino, phenyl-C1-4 alkylamino, phenoxy-C2-4 alkylamino, anilino-C2-4 alkylamino, 4-pyridon-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, imidazol-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, piperidino-C2-4 alkylamino, morpholino-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C2-4 alkylamino, piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, 4-(C1-4 alkyl)piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, phenylthio-C2-4 alkylamino, C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkoxycarbonylamino, C1-4 alkylsulphonylamino, C1-4 alkylsulphinylamino, benzamido, benzenesulphonamido, 3-phenylureido, 2-oxopyrrolidin-1-yl, 2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl, halogeno-C2-4 alkanoylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoyl-(C1-4 alkyl)-amino, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, carboxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, carbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, amino-C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkanoylamino and di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkanoylamino; any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro, or R5 and R6 may combine to form an optionally substituted heterocycloalkyl or heteroaryl;

R7 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl ether, hydroxy, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from lower alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, lower alkyl, lower acylalkyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower aminoalkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy, lower hydroxyalkyl and nitro;

R8 is selected from the group consisting of NR9R10, OR9, SR9, lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, lower aminoalkyl, arylaminocarbonylalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonylalkyl, arylcarbonylalkyl, carbonylalkyl and haloalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro;

R9 and R10 are independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, alkoxyalkyl, arylsulfonylaminoalkyl, lower aminoalkyl, arylaminocarbonylalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonylalkyl, arylcarbonylalkyl, alkylthioalkyl, carbonylalkyl, carbonylheterocyclylcarbonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, cycloalkylthioalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl, heterocyclylalkyl, heterocyclylalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro; or R9 and R10 may combine to form an optionally substituted heterocycloalkyl or heteroaryl;

R11 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, alkyl, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro;

R12 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocyloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkyl, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro;

Ar is selected from the group consisting of phenyl and 5 or 6-membered heteroaryl, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, lower alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkylaminocarbonyl, lower alkylcarbonylamino, lower alkylacyl, lower alkyl, carboxy, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro;

L, T, X and Y are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

M is selected from the group consisting of N, C and S;

Q, U, V and W are each independently selected from the group consisting of N or C;

Z is selected from the group consisting of N, C(O), C and O;

wherein V, W, X, Y and Z taken together form an unsaturated ring containing at least one carbon atom;

with the proviso that when V and W are carbon, then X, Y, and Z are not all nitrogen;

with the proviso that when VWXZY does not form an aromatic ring, then Z must be C(O);

with the proviso that when Y is oxygen, then R7 is null and Ar is not an unsubstituted phenyl or a chloro-monosubstituted phenyl; and

with the proviso that when Z is C, then R7 is not hydrogen.

The invention further provides compounds of the Formula VI:
embedded image

or a salt, ester, tautomer or prodrug thereof, wherein:

R1 is selected from the group consisting of halo, hydrogen, hydroxy and null;

R2 is selected from the group consisting of —C(O)R8 or —S(O)nR8;

n is 0, 1, or 2;

R3 is selected from the group consisting of hydrogen or null;

R4 is selected from the group consisting of fluorine, hydrogen and null;

R5 is selected from the group consisting of amino, lower aminoalkyl, cyano, halogen, hydroxy, hydrogen, null, trifluoromethoxy, C1-8 alkyl, C1-8 alkoxy, C3-8 cycloalkoxyl, C4-8 alkylcycloalkoxy, hydroxyamino, C1-4 alkoxyamino, C2-4 alkanoyloxyamino, C1-4 alkylamino, imidazol-1-yl, piperidino, morpholino, thiomorpholino, thiomorpholino-1-oxide, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide, piperazin-1-yl, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl, dioxolanyl, C1-8 alkylthio, arylthio, C1-4 alkylsulphinyl, halogen O—C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C1-4 alkyl, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, carboxy-C1-4 alkyl, formyl-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4-alkyl, carbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, amino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C1-4 alkyl, phenyl-C1-4 alkyl, 4-pyridon-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, imidazol-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, piperidino-C1-4 alkyl, morpholino-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C1-4 alkyl, piperazin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylsulphinyl-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylsulphonyl-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, phenoxy-C1-4 alkyl, anilino-C1-4 alkyl, phenylthio-C1-4 alkyl, cyano-C1-4 alkyl, halogen O—C2-4 alkoxy, hydroxy-C2-4 alkoxy, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C2-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkoxy, carboxy-C1-4 alkoxy, formyl-C1-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4 alkoxy, carbamoyl-C1-4 alkoxy, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkoxy, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkoxy, amino-C2-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkoxy, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkoxy, di-[C1-4 alkyl-C2-4 alkoxy]amino-C2-4 alkoxy, C2-4 alkanoyloxy, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoyloxy, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkanoyloxy, phenyl-C1-4 alkoxy, phenoxy-C2-4 alkoxy, anilino-C2-4 alkoxy, phenylthio-C2-4 alkoxy, 4-pyridin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, piperidino-C2-4 alkoxy, morpholino-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C2-4 alkoxy, piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, imidazol-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, halogeno-C2-4 alkylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylamino, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C2-4 alkylamino, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylamino, carboxy-C1-4 alkylamino, C4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4 alkylamino, carbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, amino-C2-4 alkylamino, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkylamino, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkylamino, phenyl-C1-4 alkylamino, phenoxy-C2-4 alkylamino, anilino-C2-4 alkylamino, 4-pyridon-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, imidazol-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, piperidino-C2-4 alkylamino, morpholino-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C2-4 alkylamino, piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, 4-(C4 alkyl)piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, phenylthio-C2-4 alkylamino, C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkoxycarbonylamino, C1-4 alkylsulphonylamino, C1-4 alkylsulphinylamino, benzamido, benzenesulphonamido, halogeno-C2-4 alkanoylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoyl-(C1-4 alkyl)-amino, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, carboxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, carbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, amino-C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkanoylamino and di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkanoylamino; and any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro;

R6 is selected from the group consisting of amino, lower aminoalkyl, carbamoyl, carboxy, cyano, formyl, guanidino, halogen, hydroxy, hydrogen, nitro, null, trifluoromethyl, trifluoromethoxy, ureido, C1-8 alkyl, C1-8 alkoxy, C3-8 cycloalkoxyl, C4-8 alkylcycloalkoxy, C1-8 alkylcarbonyl, C1-8 alkoxycarbonyl, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl, N,N-di-[C4 alkyl]carbamoyl, hydroxyamino, C1-4 alkoxyamino, C2-4 alkanoyloxyamino, C1-4 alkylamino, di[C1-4 alkyl]amino, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C1-4 alkylene-(C1-4 alkyl)amino, C1-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkylene-(C1-4 alkyl)amino, hydroxy-C1-4 alkylene-(C1-4 alkyl)amino, phenyl, phenoxy, 4-pyridon-1-yl, pyrrolidin-1-yl, imidazol-1-yl, piperidino, morpholino, thiomorpholino, thiomorpholino-1-oxide, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide, piperazin-1-yl, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl, dioxolanyl, C1-8 alkylthio, arylthio, C1-4 alkylsulphinyl, C1-4 alkylsulphonyl, arylsulphonyl, arylsulphonyl, halogen O—C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C1-4 alkyl, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, carboxy-C1-4 alkyl, formyl-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4-alkyl, carbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkyl, amino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C1-4 alkyl, phenyl-C1-4 alkyl, 4-pyridon-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, imidazol-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, piperidino-C1-4 alkyl, morpholino-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C1-4 alkyl, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C1-4 alkyl, piperazin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkoxy-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylamino-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylsulphinyl-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkylsulphonyl-C1-4 alkyl, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylthio-C1-4 alkyl, phenoxy-C1-4 alkyl, anilino-C1-4 alkyl, phenylthio-C1-4 alkyl, cyano-C1-4 alkyl, halogen O—C2-4 alkoxy, hydroxy-C2-4 alkoxy, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C2-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkoxy, carboxy-C1-4 alkoxy, formyl-C1-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4 alkoxy, carbamoyl-C1-4 alkoxy, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkoxy, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkoxy, amino-C2-4 alkoxy, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkoxy, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkoxy, di-[C1-4 alkyl-C2-4 alkoxy]amino-C2-4 alkoxy, C2-4 alkanoyloxy, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoyloxy, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkanoyloxy, phenyl-C1-4 alkoxy, phenoxy-C2-4 alkoxy, anilino-C2-4 alkoxy, phenylthio-C2-4 alkoxy, 4-pyridin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, piperidino-C2-4 alkoxy, morpholino-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C2-4 alkoxy, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C2-4 alkoxy, piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, 4-C1-4 alkylpiperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, imidazol-1-yl-C2-4 alkoxy, halogeno-C2-4 alkylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkylamino, C2-4 alkanoyloxy-C2-4 alkylamino, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkylamino, carboxy-C1-4 alkylamino, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C1-4 alkylamino, carbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C1-4 alkylamino, amino-C2-4 alkylamino, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkylamino, di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkylamino, phenyl-C1-4 alkylamino, phenoxy-C2-4 alkylamino, anilino-C2-4 alkylamino, 4-pyridon-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, pyrrolidin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, imidazol-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, piperidino-C2-4 alkylamino, morpholino-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-1-oxide-C2-4 alkylamino, thiomorpholino-1,1-dioxide-C2-4 alkylamino, piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, 4-(C1-4 alkyl)piperazin-1-yl-C2-4 alkylamino, phenylthio-C2-4 alkylamino, C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkoxycarbonylamino, C1-4 alkylsulphonylamino, C1-4 alkylsulphinylamino, benzamido, benzenesulphonamido, 3-phenylureido, 2-oxopyrrolidin-1-yl, 2,5-dioxopyrrolidin-1-yl, halogeno-C2-4 alkanoylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, hydroxy-C2-4 alkanoyl-(C1-4 alkyl)-amino, C1-4 alkoxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, carboxy-C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkoxycarbonyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, carbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, N—C1-4 alkylcarbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, N,N-di-[C1-4 alkyl]carbamoyl-C2-4 alkanoylamino, amino-C2-4 alkanoylamino, C1-4 alkylamino-C2-4 alkanoylamino and di-[C1-4 alkyl]amino-C2-4 alkanoylamino; and any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from lower alkyl, alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro; or R5 and R6 may combine to form an optionally substituted heterocycloalkyl or heteroaryl;

R7 is selected from the group consisting of hydroxy, hydrogen or null;

R8 is selected from the group consisting of NR9R10, SR9, lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, lower aminoalkyl, carbonylalkyl and haloalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxyl and nitro;

R9 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, alkoxyalkyl, lower aminoalkyl, arylaminocarbonylalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonylalkyl, arylcarbonylalkyl, alkylthioalkyl, arylsulfonylaminoalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkenylalkyl, cycloalkylthioalkyl, carbonylalkyl, carbonylheterocyclylcarbonylalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydroxyalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxy and nitro;

R10 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl and hydrogen, or R9 and R10 may combine to form an optionally substituted heterocycloalkyl or heteroaryl;

Ar is selected from the group consisting of phenyl, 2-pyridyl, or 2,6 pyrimidinyl, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from lower alkylacyl, lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, lower alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkylaminocarbonyl, lower alkylcarbonylamino, carboxy, halo, lower haloalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl and hydroxy, any of which may be optionally substituted with one or more radicals independently selected from lower alkyl, alkoxy, lower alkylacyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, cyano, halo, haloalkyl, hydroxyl and nitro;

L, T, X and Y are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

M is selected from the group consisting of N, C and S;

Q, U, V, W are each independently selected from the group consisting of N and C;

Z is selected from the group consisting of N, C(O), C and O;

wherein V, W, X, Y and Z taken together form an unsaturated ring containing at least one carbon atom;

with the proviso that when V and W are carbon, then X, Y, and Z are not all nitrogen;

with the proviso that when VWXZY does not form an aromatic ring, then Z must be C(O);

with the proviso that when Y is oxygen, then R7 is null and Ar is not an un-substituted phenyl or a chloro monosubstituted phenyl; and

With the proviso that when Z is C, then R7 is not hydrogen.

In a broad aspect, the subject invention provides for novel compounds, pharmaceutical compositions and methods of making and using the compounds and compositions. These compounds possess useful p38 kinase inhibiting or modulating activity, and may be used in the treatment or prophylaxis of a disease or condition in which the activity or hyperactivity of p38 kinase forms a contributory part. These compounds can inhibit and/or modulate the activity of p38 kinase.


In certain embodiments, the compounds of the present invention have structural Formula II:
embedded image


R1 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower acylalkyl, lower alkoxy, amide, amino, lower aminoalkyl, lower alkylether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R2 is selected from the group consisting of —C(O)R9, —C[N(OR12)]R13 and —S(O)nR15;

n is 0, 1 or 2:

R3 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, lower aminoalkyl, halo, lower haloalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R4 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, halo, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R5 and R6 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, alkoxyaryl, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, aryl, aralkyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, S-sulfonamido, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R5 and R6 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R7 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, lower alkyl, lower alkylether, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R8 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R9 is selected from the group consisting of NR16R17, OR18, SR19, lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, lower aminoalkyl, aralkyl, aryl, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, lower carbonylalkyl, heteroaralkyl, hydrogen and thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R10, R11, R14, R16 and R17 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, lower alkenyl, alkynyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkoxyalkyl, lower alkyl, alkylthio, amino, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, aralkyl, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, carboxy, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or either pair of R10 and R11 or R16 and R17 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted;

R12 and R13 are each independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R15 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkoxyalkyl, lower alkyl, lower alkylamino, alkynyl, amino, aminocarbonylalkyl, aralkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyl, hydroxyalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydrogen, thio and lower thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted; and

R18 and R19 are each independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention further provides for compounds of Formula III wherein:
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R1 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkoxy, lower alkyl, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R2 is selected from the group consisting of —C(O)R9 and —S(O)nR15;

n is 0, 1 or 2;

R3 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkoxy, lower alkyl, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R4 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkyl, halo, haloalkyl, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R5 and R6 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, alkoxyaryl, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, aryl, aralkyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, S-sulfonamido, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R5 and R6 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R7 is selected from the group consisting of lower acyl, lower alkyl, halo, hydrogen, hydroxyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R8 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R9 is selected from the group consisting of NR16R17, OR18, SR19, lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, lower aminoalkyl, aralkyl, aryl, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylthio, arylsulfonyl, carbonylalkyl, carboxy, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl and N-carbamoyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R10, R11, R14, R16 and R17 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, lower alkenyl, alkynyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkoxyalkyl, lower alkyl, alkylthio, amino, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonyl, aralkyl, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, carboxy, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl, heteroaryl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or either pair of R10 and R11 or R16 and R17 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted,

R12 and R13 are each independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R15 is selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkoxy, lower alkoxyalkyl, lower alkyl, lower alkylamino, alkynyl, amino, aminocarbonylalkyl, aralkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyl, hydroxyalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydrogen, thio and lower thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted; and

R18 and R19 are each independently selected from the group consisting of lower alkenyl, lower alkyl, lower alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

In further embodiments the invention provides for compounds of Formula VII:
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K is selected from the group consisting of O, S and NR27;

L is selected from the group consisting of CR28, NR29, S and O;

Y and X are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

M is selected from the group consisting of C, O and S;

Q is selected from the group consisting of C, N and S;

R20 is selected from the group consisting of NR30R31, OR32, SR33, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, heterocycloalkylamino, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, null and thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R21 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, acylalkyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, amide, amino, aminoalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R22 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, ether, halo, lower haloalkyl, amino, hydroxyl, lower aminoalkyl, halo, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R23 and R24 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, annulenyl, anthracenyl, arylalkoxy, azulenyl, benzyl, biphenyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, indanyl, indenyl, naphthyl, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, phenanthryl, tetrahydronaphthyl, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R23 and R24 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R25 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkyl, carboxyalkyl, ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R26 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R27 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, halo and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R28 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkoxy, alkynyl, halo, haloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R29 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, amino, hydrogen and hydroxy, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R30 is selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkoxy, alkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and heterocycloalkyl and thioalkyl any of which may be optionally substituted;

R31 is selected from the the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, alkylthio, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R30 and R31 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted; and

R32 and R33 are each independently selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention further provides for compounds having structural Formula VIII:
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K is selected from the group consisting of O, S and NR27:

L is selected from the group consisting of CR28, NR29, S and O;

Y and X are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

M is selected from the group consisting of C, O and S;

Q is selected from the group consisting of C, N and S;

R20 is selected from the group consisting of NR30R31, OR32, SR33, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, heterocycloalkylamino, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, null and thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R21 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, acylalkyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, amide, amino, aminoalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R22 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, ether, halo, lower haloalkyl, amino, hydroxyl, lower aminoalkyl, halo, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R23 and R24 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, annulenyl, anthracenyl, arylalkoxy, azulenyl, benzyl, biphenyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, indanyl, indenyl, naphthyl, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, phenanthryl, tetrahydronaphthyl, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R23 and R24 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R25 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkyl, carboxyalkyl, ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R26 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R27 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, halo and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R28 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkoxy, alkynyl, halo, haloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R29 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, amino, hydrogen and hydroxy, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R30 is selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkoxy, alkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and heterocycloalkyl and thioalkyl any of which may be optionally substituted;

R31 is selected from the the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, alkylthio, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R30 and R31 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted; and

R32 and R33 are each independently selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention provides for compounds having structural Formula IX:
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K is selected from the group consisting of O, S and NR27;

L is selected from the group consisting of CR28, NR29, S and O;

Y and X are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

M is selected from the group consisting of C, O and S;

Q is selected from the group consisting of C, N and S;

R20 is selected from the group consisting of NR30R31, OR32, SR33, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, heterocycloalkylamino, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, null and thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R21 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, acylalkyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, amide, amino, aminoalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R22 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, ether, halo, lower haloalkyl, amino, hydroxyl, lower aminoalkyl, halo, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R23 and R24 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, annulenyl, anthracenyl, arylalkoxy, azulenyl, benzyl, biphenyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, indanyl, indenyl, naphthyl, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, phenanthryl, tetrahydronaphthyl, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R23 and R24 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R25 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkyl, carboxyalkyl, ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R26 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R27 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, halo and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R28 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkoxy, alkynyl, halo, haloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R29 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, amino, hydrogen and hydroxy, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R30 is selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkoxy, alkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and heterocycloalkyl and thioalkyl any of which may be optionally substituted;

R31 is selected from the the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, alkylthio, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R30 and R31 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted; and

R32 and R33 are each independently selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention provides for compounds having structural Formula X:
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K is selected from the group consisting of O, S and NR27;

L is selected from the group consisting of CR28, NR29, S and O;

Y and X are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

M is selected from the group consisting of C, O and S;

Q is selected from the group consisting of C, N and S;

R20 is selected from the group consisting of NR30R31, OR32, SR33, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, heterocycloalkylamino, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, null and thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R21 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, acylalkyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, amide, amino, aminoalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R22 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, ether, halo, lower haloalkyl, amino, hydroxyl, lower aminoalkyl, halo, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted:

R23 and R24 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, annulenyl, anthracenyl, arylalkoxy, azulenyl, benzyl, biphenyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, indanyl, indenyl, naphthyl, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, phenanthryl, tetrahydronaphthyl, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R23 and R24 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R25 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkyl, carboxyalkyl, ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R26 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R27 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, halo and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R28 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkoxy, alkynyl, halo, haloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R29 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, amino, hydrogen and hydroxy, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R30 is selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkoxy, alkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and heterocycloalkyl and thioalkyl any of which may be optionally substituted;

R31 is selected from the the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, alkylthio, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R30 and R31 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted; and

R32 and R33 are each independently selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention provides for compounds having structural Formula XI:
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K is selected from the group consisting of O, S and NR27;

L is selected from the group consisting of CR28, NR29, S and O;

Y and X are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

M is selected from the group consisting of C, O and S;

Q is selected from the group consisting of C, N and S;

R20 is selected from the group consisting of NR30R31, OR32, SR33, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, heterocycloalkylamino, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, null and thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R21 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, acylalkyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, amide, amino, aminoalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R22 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, ether, halo, lower haloalkyl, amino, hydroxyl, lower aminoalkyl, halo, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R23 and R24 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, annulenyl, anthracenyl, arylalkoxy, azulenyl, benzyl, biphenyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, indanyl, indenyl, naphthyl, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, phenanthryl, tetrahydronaphthyl, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R23 and R24 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R25 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkyl, carboxyalkyl, ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R26 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R27 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, halo and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R28 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkoxy, alkynyl, halo, haloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R29 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, amino, hydrogen and hydroxy, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R30 is selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkoxy, alkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and heterocycloalkyl and thioalkyl any of which may be optionally substituted;

R31 is selected from the the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, alkylthio, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R30 and R31 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted; and

R32 and R33 are each independently selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention provides for compounds of Formula XI wherein R26 is optionally substituted phenyl.

The invention provides for compounds of Formula XI wherein R23 or R24 is optionally substituted alkyl, alkoxyalkyl, aminoalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydrogen or null.

The invention provides for compounds of Formula XI wherein R20 is optionally substituted amine, alkylamine, heteroarylalkyl or OR32.

The invention yet further provides for compounds having structural Formula XII:
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K is selected from the group consisting of O, S and NR27;

L is selected from the group consisting of CR28, NR29, S and O;

Y and X are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

M is selected from the group consisting of C, O and S;

Q is selected from the group consisting of C, N and S;

R20 is selected from the group consisting of NR30R31, OR32, SR33, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, heterocycloalkylamino, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, null and thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R21 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, acylalkyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, amide, amino, aminoalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R22 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, ether, halo, lower haloalkyl, amino, hydroxyl, lower aminoalkyl, halo, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R23 and R24 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, annulenyl, anthracenyl, arylalkoxy, azulenyl, benzyl, biphenyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, indanyl, indenyl, naphthyl, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, phenanthryl, tetrahydronaphthyl, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R23 and R21 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R25 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkyl, carboxyalkyl, ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R26 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R27 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, halo and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R28 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkoxy, alkynyl, halo, haloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R29 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, amino, hydrogen and hydroxy, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R30 is selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkoxy, alkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and heterocycloalkyl and thioalkyl any of which may be optionally substituted;

R31 is selected from the the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, alkylthio, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R30 and R31 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted; and

R32 and R33 are each independently selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

In further embodiments the invention provides for compounds having structural Formula XIII:
embedded image


K is selected from the group consisting of O, S and NR27;

L is selected from the group consisting of CR28, NR29, S and O;

Y and X are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

M is selected from the group consisting of C, O and S;

Q is selected from the group consisting of C, N and S;

R20 is selected from the group consisting of NR30R31, OR32, SR33, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, heterocycloalkylamino, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, null and thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R21 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, acylalkyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, amide, amino, aminoalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R22 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, ether, halo, lower haloalkyl, amino, hydroxyl, lower aminoalkyl, halo, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R23 and R24 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, annulenyl, anthracenyl, arylalkoxy, azulenyl, benzyl, biphenyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, indanyl, indenyl, naphthyl, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, phenanthryl, tetrahydronaphthyl, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R23 and R24 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R25 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkyl, carboxyalkyl, ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R26 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R27 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, halo and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R28 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkoxy, alkynyl, halo, haloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R29 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, amino, hydrogen and hydroxy, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R30 is selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkoxy, alkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and heterocycloalkyl and thioalkyl any of which may be optionally substituted;

R31 is selected from the the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, alkylthio, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R30 and R31 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted; and

R32 and R33 are each independently selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention further provides for compounds having structural Formula XIV:
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K is selected from the group consisting of O, S and NR27;

L is selected from the group consisting of CR28, NR29, S and N;

Y and X are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

M is selected from the group consisting of C, O and S;

Q is selected from the group consisting of C, N and S;

R20 is selected from the group consisting of NR30R31, OR32, SR33, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, heterocycloalkylamino, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, null and thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R21 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, acylalkyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, amide, amino, aminoalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R22 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, ether, halo, lower haloalkyl, amino, hydroxyl, lower aminoalkyl, halo, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R23 and R24 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, annulenyl, anthracenyl, arylalkoxy, azulenyl, benzyl, biphenyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, indanyl, indenyl, naphthyl, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, phenanthryl, tetrahydronaphthyl, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R23 and R24 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R25 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkyl, carboxyalkyl, ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R26 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R27 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, halo and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R28 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkoxy, alkynyl, halo, haloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R29 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, amino, hydrogen and hydroxy, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R30 is selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkoxy, alkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and heterocycloalkyl and thioalkyl any of which may be optionally substituted;

R31 is selected from the the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, alkylthio, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R30 and R31 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted; and

R32 and R33 are each independently selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention provides for compounds having structural Formula XV:
embedded image


K is selected from the group consisting of O, S and NR27;

L is selected from the group consisting of CR28, NR29, S and O;

Y and X are each independently selected from the group consisting of N, C, O and S;

M is selected from the group consisting of C, O and S;

Q is selected from the group consisting of C, N and S;

R20 is selected from the group consisting of NR30R31, OR32, SR33, alkoxy, alkyl, alkenyl, alkynyl, amino, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkylamino, arylamino, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, heterocycloalkylamino, hydrogen, hydroxyalkyl, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, null and thioalkyl, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R21 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, acylalkyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, amide, amino, aminoalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R22 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, ether, halo, lower haloalkyl, amino, hydroxyl, lower aminoalkyl, halo, hydrogen and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R23 and R24 are each independently selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkanoyl, alkoxy, lower alkyl, alkylene, amido, amino, aminoalkyl, annulenyl, anthracenyl, arylalkoxy, azulenyl, benzyl, biphenyl, carboxy, cyano, cycloalkyl, cycloalkyloxy, ester, guanidino, halo, haloalkoxy, haloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycloalkyl, heterocycloalkylalkyl, hydrogen, hydroxy, imino, iminohydroxy, indanyl, indenyl, naphthyl, nitro, null, O-carbamoyl, N-carbamoyl, phenanthryl, tetrahydronaphthyl, thio and ureido, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R23 and R24 may combine to form heteroaryl or heterocycloalkyl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R25 is selected from the group consisting of acyl, alkyl, carboxyalkyl, ether, halo, hydrogen, hydroxy, hydroxyalkyl and null, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R26 is selected from the group consisting of aryl and heteroaryl, either of which may be optionally substituted;

R27 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, halo and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R28 is selected from the group consisting of alkyl, alkoxy, alkynyl, halo, haloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R29 is selected from the group consisting of alkoxy, alkyl, amino, hydrogen and hydroxy, any of which may be optionally substituted;

R30 is selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkoxy, alkyl, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and heterocycloalkyl and thioalkyl any of which may be optionally substituted;

R31 is selected from the the group consisting of alkyl, alkenyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkyl, alkylthio, aminoalkyl, aminocarbonylalkyl, arylaminocarbonyl, arylcarbonyl, arylsulfonyl, cycloalkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, carbonylalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydroxyalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted, or R30 and R31 may combine to form heterocycloalkyl, which may be optionally substituted; and

R32 and R33 are each independently selected from the group consisting of alkenyl, alkyl, alkynyl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkyl, heteroaralkyl, heterocycloalkyl and hydrogen, any of which may be optionally substituted.

The invention provides for compounds of Formula XV wherein R26 is optionally substituted phenyl.

The invention provides for compounds of Formula XV wherein R23 or R24 is optionally substituted alkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydrogen or null.

The invention provides for compounds of Formula XV wherein R20 is optionally substituted alkyl, alkylamine, cycloalkylalkyl, heteroarylalkyl or arylamine.

The invention provides for compounds of Formula I-XV for use in the inhibition of p38 kinase for the treatment of disease.

The invention provides for compounds of Formula I-XV administered in combination with another therapeutic agent.

The term “acyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a carbonyl attached to an alkenyl, alkyl, aryl, cycloalkyl, heteroaryl, heterocycle, or any other moiety were the atom attached to the carbonyl is carbon. An “acetyl” group refers to a —C(O)CH3 group. Examples of acyl groups include formyl, alkanoyl and aroyl radicals.

The term “acylamino” embraces an amino radical substituted with an acyl group. An example of an “acylamino” radical is acetylamino (CH3C(O)NH—).

The term “alkenyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a straight-chain or branched-chain hydrocarbon radical having one or more double bonds and containing from 2 to 20, preferably 2 to 6, carbon atoms. Alkenylene refers to a carbon-carbon double bond system attached at two or more positions such as ethenylene [(—CH═CH—),(—C::C—)]. Examples of suitable alkenyl radicals include ethenyl, propenyl, 2-methylpropenyl, 1,4-butadienyl and the like.

The term “alkoxy,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkyl ether radical, wherein the term alkyl is as defined below. Examples of suitable alkyl ether radicals include methoxy, ethoxy, n-propoxy, isopropoxy, n-butoxy, iso-butoxy, sec-butoxy, tert-butoxy, and the like.

The term “alkoxyalkoxy,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to one or more alkoxy groups attached to the parent molecular moiety through another alkoxy group. Examples include ethoxyethoxy, methoxypropoxyethoxy, ethoxypentoxyethoxyethoxy and the like.

The term “alkoxyalkyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkoxy group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkyl group. The term “alkoxyalkyl” also embraces alkoxyalkyl groups having one or more alkoxy groups attached to the alkyl group, that is, to form monoalkoxyalkyl and dialkoxyalkyl groups.

The term “alkoxycarbonyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkoxy group attached to the parent molecular moiety through a carbonyl group. Examples of such “alkoxycarbonyl” groups include methoxycarbonyl, ethoxycarbonyl, propoxycarbonyl, butoxycarbonyl and hexyloxycarbonyl.

The term “alkoxycarbonylalkyl” embraces radicals having “alkoxycarbonyl”, as defined above substituted to an alkyl radical. More preferred alkoxycarbonylalkyl radicals are “lower alkoxycarbonylalkyl” having lower alkoxycarbonyl radicals as defined above attached to one to six carbon atoms. Examples of such lower alkoxycarbonylalkyl radicals include methoxycarbonylmethyl.

The term “alkyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a straight-chain or branched-chain alkyl radical containing from 1 to and including 20, preferably 1 to 10, and more preferably 1 to 6, carbon atoms. Alkyl groups may be optionally substituted as defined herein. Examples of alkyl radicals include methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl, isobutyl, sec-butyl, tert-butyl, pentyl, iso-amyl, hexyl, octyl, noyl and the like. The term “alkylene,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a saturated aliphatic group derived from a straight or branched chain saturated hydrocarbon attached at two or more positions, such as methylene (—CH2—).

The term “alkylamino,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an amino group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkyl group.

The term “alkylaminocarbonyl” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkylamino group attached to the parent molecular moiety through a carbonyl group. Examples of such radicals include N-methylaminocarbonyl and N,N-dimethylcarbonyl.

The term “alkylcarbonyl” and “alkanoyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkyl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through a carbonyl group. Examples of such groups include methylcarbonyl and ethylcarbonyl.

The term “alkylidene,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkenyl group in which one carbon atom of the carbon-carbon double bond belongs to the moiety to which the alkenyl group is attached.

The term “alkylsulfinyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkyl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through a sulfinyl group. Examples of alkylsulfinyl groups include methylsulfinyl, ethylsulfinyl, butylsulfinyl and hexylsulfinyl.

The term “alkylsulfonyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkyl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through a sulfonyl group. Examples of alkylsulfinyl groups include methanesulfonyl, ethanesulfonyl, tert-butanesulfonyl, and the like.

The term “alkylthio,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkyl thioether (R—S—) radical wherein the term alkyl is as defined above. Examples of suitable alkyl thioether radicals include methylthio, ethylthio, n-propylthio, isopropylthio, n-butylthio, iso-butylthio, sec-butylthio, tert-butylthio, ethoxyethylthio, methoxypropoxyethylthio, ethoxypentoxyethoxyethylthio and the like.

The term “alkylthioalkyl” embraces alkylthio radicals attached to an alkyl radical. Alkylthioalkyl radicals include “lower alkylthioalkyl” radicals having alkyl radicals of one to six carbon atoms and an alkylthio radical as described above. Examples of such radicals include methylthiomethyl.

The term “alkynyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a straight-chain or branched chain hydrocarbon radical having one or more triple bonds and containing from 2 to 20, preferably from 2 to 6, more preferably from 2 to 4, carbon atoms. “Alkynylene” refers to a carbon-carbon triple bond attached at two positions such as ethynylene (—C:::C—, —C≡C—). Examples of alkynyl radicals include ethynyl, propynyl, hydroxypropynyl, butyn-1-yl, butyn-2-yl, pentyn-1-yl, pentyn-2-yl, 4-methoxypentyn-2-yl, 3-methylbutyn-1-yl, hexyn-1-yl, hexyn-2-yl, hexyn-3-yl, 3,3-dimethylbutyn-1-yl, and the like.

The term “amido,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an amino group as described below attached to the parent molecular moiety through a carbonyl group. The term “C-amido” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a —C(═O)—NR2 group with R as defined herein. The term “N-amido” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a RC(═O)NH— group, with R as defined herein.

The term “amino,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to —NRR′, wherein R and R′ are independently selected from the group consisting of hydrogen, alkenyl, alkoxy, alkoxyalkyl, alkoxycarbonyl, alkyl, alkylcarbonyl, aryl, arylalkenyl, arylalkyl, cycloalkyl, haloalkylcarbonyl, heteroaryl, heteroarylalkenyl, heteroarylalkyl, heterocycle, heterocycloalkenyl, and heterocycloalkyl, wherein the aryl, the aryl part of the arylalkenyl, the arylalkyl, the heteroaryl, the heteroaryl part of the heteroarylalkenyl and the heteroarylalkyl, the heterocycle, and the heterocycle part of the heterocycloalkenyl and the heterocycloalkyl can be optionally substituted as defined herein with one, two, three, four, or five substituents.

The term “aminoalkyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an amino group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkyl group. Examples include aminomethyl, aminoethyl and aminobutyl. The term “alkylamino” denotes amino groups which have been substituted with one or two alkyl radicals. Suitable “alkylamino” groups may be mono- or dialkylated, forming groups such as, for example, N-methylamino, N-ethylamino, N,N-dimethylamino, N,N-diethylamino and the like.

The terms “aminocarbonyl” and “carbamoyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refer to an amino-substituted carbonyl group, wherein the amino group can be a primary or secondary amino group containing substituents selected from alkyl, aryl, aralkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl radicals and the like.

The term “aminocarbonylalkyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an aminocarbonyl radical attached to an alkyl radical, as described above. An example of such radicals is aminocarbonylmethyl. The term “amidino” denotes an —C(NH)NH2 radical. The term “cyanoamidino” denotes an —C(N—CN)NH2 radical.

The term “aralkenyl” or “arylalkenyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an aryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkenyl group.

The term “aralkoxy” or “arylalkoxy,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an aryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkoxy group.

The term “aralkyl” or “arylalkyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an aryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkyl group.

The term “aralkylamino” or “arylalkylamino,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an arylalkyl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through a nitrogen atom, wherein the nitrogen atom is substituted with hydrogen.

The term “aralkylidene” or “arylalkylidene,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an aryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkylidene group

The term “aralkylthio” or “arylalkylthio,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an arylalkyl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through a sulfur atom.

The term “aralkynyl” or “arylalkynyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an aryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkynyl group.

The term “aralkoxycarbonyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a radical of the formula aralkyl-O—C(O)— in which the term “aralkyl,” has the significance given above. Examples of an aralkoxycarbonyl radical are benzyloxycarbonyl (Z or Cbz) and 4-methoxyphenylmethoxycarbonyl (MOS).

The term “aralkanoyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an acyl radical derived from an aryl-substituted alkanecarboxylic acid such as benzoyl, phenylacetyl, 3-phenylpropionyl (hydrocinnamoyl), 4-phenylbutyryl, (2-naphthyl)acetyl, 4-chlorohydrocinnamoyl, 4-aminohydrocinnamoyl, 4-methoxyhydrocinnamoyl, and the like. The term “aroyl” refers to an acyl radical derived from an arylcarboxylic acid, “aryl” having the meaning given below. Examples of such aroyl radicals include substituted and unsubstituted benzoyl or napthoyl such as benzoyl, 4-chlorobenzoyl, 4-carboxybenzoyl, 4-(benzyloxycarbonyl)benzoyl, 1-naphthoyl, 2-naphthoyl, 6-carboxy-2-naphthoyl, 6-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-2-naphthoyl, 3-benzyloxy-2-naphthoyl, 3-hydroxy-2-naphthoyl, 3-(benzyloxyformamido)-2-naphthoyl, and the like.

The term “aryl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, means a carbocyclic aromatic system containing one, two or three rings wherein such rings may be attached together in a pendent manner or may be fused. The term “aryl” embraces aromatic radicals such as benzyl, phenyl, naphthyl, anthracenyl, phenanthryl, indanyl, indenyl, annulenyl, azulenyl, tetrahydronaphthyl, and biphenyl.

The term “arylamino” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an aryl group attached to the parent moiety through an amino group, such as methylamino, N-phenylamino, and the like.

The terms “arylcarbonyl” and “aroyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refer to an aryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through a carbonyl group.

The term “aryloxy,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an aryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an oxygen atom.

The term “arylsulfonyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an aryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through a sulfonyl group.

The term “arylthio,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an aryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through a sulfur atom.

The terms “carboxy” or “carboxyl”, whether used alone or with other terms, such as “carboxyalkyl”, denotes —CO2H.

The terms “benzo” and “benz,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refer to the divalent radical C6H4═ derived from benzene. Examples include benzothiophene and benzimidazole.

The term “O-carbamyl” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a —OC(O)NR, group-with R as defined herein.

The term “N-carbamyl” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a ROC(O)NH— group, with R as defined herein.

The term “carbonyl,” as used herein, when alone includes formyl [—C(O)H] and in combination is a —C(O)— group.

The term “carboxy,” as used herein, refers to —C(O)OH or the corresponding “carboxylate” anion, such as is in a carboxylic acid salt. An “O-carboxy” group refers to a RC(O)O— group, where R is as defined herein. A “C-carboxy” group refers to a —C(O)OR groups where R is as defined herein.

The term “cyano,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to —CN.

The term “cycloalkyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a saturated or partially saturated monocyclic, bicyclic or tricyclic alkyl radical wherein each cyclic moiety contains from 3 to 12, preferably five to seven, carbon atom ring members and which may optionally be a benzo fused ring system which is optionally substituted as defined herein. Examples of such cycloalkyl radicals include cyclopropyl, cyclobutyl, cyclopentyl, cyclohexyl, cycloheptyl, octahydronaphthyl, 2,3-dihydro-1H-indenyl, adamantyl and the like. “Bicyclic” and “tricyclic” as used herein are intended to include both fused ring systems, such as decahydonapthalene, octahydronapthalene as well as the multicyclic (multicentered) saturated or partially unsaturated type. The latter type of isomer is exemplified in general by bicyclo[2,2,2]octane, bicyclo[2,2,2]octane, bicyclo[1,1,1]pentane, camphor and bicyclo[3,2,1]octane.

The term “ester,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a carbonyl group bridging two moieties linked at carbon atoms.

The term “ether,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an oxy group bridging two moieties linked at carbon atoms.

The term “halo,” or “halogen,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to fluorine, chlorine, bromine, or iodine.

The term “haloalkoxy,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a haloalkyl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an oxygen atom.

The term “haloalkyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkyl radical having the meaning as defined above wherein one or more hydrogens are replaced with a halogen. Specifically embraced are monohaloalkyl, dihaloalkyl and polyhaloalkyl radicals. A monohaloalkyl radical, for one example, may have either an iodo, bromo, chloro or fluoro atom within the radical. Dihalo and polyhaloalkyl radicals may have two or more of the same halo atoms or a combination of different halo radicals. Examples of haloalkyl radicals include fluoromethyl, difluoromethyl, trifluoromethyl, chloromethyl, dichloromethyl, trichloromethyl, trichloromethyl, pentafluoroethyl, heptafluoropropyl, difluorochloromethyl, dichlorofluoromethyl, difluoroethyl, difluoropropyl, dichloroethyl and dichloropropyl. “Haloalkylene” refers to a halohydrocarbyl group attached at two or more positions. Examples include fluoromethylene (—CFH—), difluoromethylene (—CF2—), chloromethylene (—CHCl—) and the like. Examples of such haloalkyl radicals include chloromethyl, 1-bromoethyl, fluoromethyl, difluoromethyl, trifluoromethyl, 1,1,1-trifluoroethyl, perfluorodecyl and the like.

The term “heteroalkyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a stable straight or branched chain, or cyclic hydrocarbon radical, or combinations thereof, fully saturated or containing from 1 to 3 degrees of unsaturation, consisting of the stated number of carbon atoms and from one to three heteroatoms selected from the group consisting of O, N, and S, and wherein the nitrogen and sulfur atoms may optionally be oxidized and the nitrogen heteroatom may optionally be quaternized. The heteroatom(s) O, N and S may be placed at any interior position of the heteroalkyl group. Up to two heteroatoms may be consecutive, such as, for example, —CH2-NH—OCH3.

The term “heteroaryl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to 3 to 7 membered, preferably 5 to 7 membered, unsaturated heterocyclic rings wherein at least one atom is selected from the group consisting of O, S, and N. Heteroaryl groups are exemplified by: unsaturated 3 to 7 membered heteromonocyclic groups containing 1 to 4 nitrogen atoms, for example, pyrrolyl, pyrrolinyl, imidazolyl, pyrazolyl, pyridyl, pyrimidinyl, pyrazinyl, pyridazinyl, triazolyl [e.g., 4H-1,2,4-triazolyl, 1H-1,2,3-triazolyl, 2H-1,2,3-triazolyl, etc.]tetrazolyl [e.g. 1H-tetrazolyl, 2H-tetrazolyl, etc.], etc.; unsaturated condensed heterocyclic group containing 1 to 5 nitrogen atoms, for example, indolyl, isoindolyl, indolizinyl, benzimidazolyl, quinolyl, isoquinolyl, indazolyl, benzotriazolyl, tetrazolopyridazinyl [e.g., tetrazolo[1,5-b]pyridazinyl, etc.], etc.; unsaturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing an oxygen atom, for example, pyranyl, furyl, etc.; unsaturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing a sulfur atom, for example, thienyl, etc.; unsaturated 3- to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing 1 to 2 oxygen atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms, for example, oxazolyl, isoxazolyl, oxadiazolyl [e.g., 1,2,4-oxadiazolyl, 1,3,4-oxadiazolyl, 1,2,5-oxadiazolyl, etc.]etc.; unsaturated condensed heterocyclic groups containing 1 to 2 oxygen atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms [e.g. benzoxazolyl, benzoxadiazolyl, etc.]; unsaturated 3 to 6-membered heteromonocyclic groups containing 1 to 2 sulfur atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms, for example, thiazolyl, thiadiazolyl [e.g., 1,2,4-thiadiazolyl, 1,3,4-thiadiazolyl, 1,2,5-thiadiazolyl, etc.]and isothiazolyl; unsaturated condensed heterocyclic groups containing 1 to 2 sulfur atoms and 1 to 3 nitrogen atoms [e.g., benzothiazolyl, benzothiadiazolyl, etc.]and the like. The term also embraces radicals where heterocyclic radicals are fused with aryl radicals. Examples of such fused bicyclic radicals include benzofuryl, benzothienyl, and the like.

The term “heteroaralkenyl” or “heteroarylalkenyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a heteroaryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkenyl group.

The term “heteroaralkoxy” or “heteroarylaIkoxy,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a heteroaryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkoxy group.

The term “heteroaralkyl” or “heteroarylalkyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a heteroaryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkyl group.

The term “heteroaralkylidene” or “heteroarylalkylidene,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a heteroaryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkylidene group.

The term “heteroaryloxy,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a heteroaryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an oxygen atom.

The term “heteroarylsulfonyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a heteroaryl group attached to the parent molecular moiety through a sulfonyl group.

The terms “heterocycloalkyl” and, interchangeably, “heterocycle,” as used herein, alone or in combination, each refer to a saturated, partially unsaturated, or fully unsaturated monocyclic, bicyclic, or tricyclic heterocyclic radical containing at least one, preferably 1 to 4, and more preferably 1 to 2 heteroatoms as ring members, wherein each said heteroatom may be independently selected from the group consisting of nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur, and wherein there are preferably 3 to 8 ring members in each ring, more preferably 3 to 7 ring members in each ring, and most preferably 5 to 6 ring members in each ring. “Heterocycloalkyl” and “heterocycle” are intended to include sulfones, sulfoxides. N-oxides of tertiary nitrogen ring members, and carbocyclic fused and benzo fused ring systems; additionally, both terms also include systems where a heterocycle ring is fused to an aryl group, as defined herein, or an additional heterocycle group. Heterocycle groups of the invention are exemplified by aziridinyl, azetidinyl, 1,3-benzodioxolyl, dihydroisoindolyl, dihydroisoquinolinyl, dihydrocinnolinyl, dihydrobenzodioxinyl, dihydro[1,3]oxazolo[4,5-b]pyridinyl, benzothiazolyl, dihydroindolyl, dihydropyridinyl, 1,3-dioxanyl, 1,4-dioxanyl, 1,3-dioxolanyl, isoindolinyl, morpholinyl, piperazinyl, pyrrolidinyl, tetrahydropyridinyl, piperidinyl, thiomorpholinyl, and the like. The heterocycle groups may be optionally substituted unless specifically prohibited.

The term “heterocycloalkenyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a heterocycle group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkenyl group.

The term “heterocycloalkoxy,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a heterocycle group attached to the parent molecular group through an oxygen atom.

The term “heterocycloalkyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkyl radical as defined above in which at least one hydrogen atom is replaced by a heterocyclo radical as defined above, such as pyrrolidinylmethyl, tetrahydrothienylmethyl, pyridylmethyl and the like.

The term “heterocycloalkylidene,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a heterocycle group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkylidene group.

The term “hydrazinyl” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to two amino groups joined by a single bond, i.e., —N—N—.

The term “hydroxy,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to —OH.

The term “hydroxyalkyl” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a linear or branched alkyl group having one to about ten carbon atoms any one of which may be substituted with one or more hydroxyl radicals. Examples of such radicals include hydroxymethyl, hydroxyethyl, hydroxypropyl, hydroxybutyl and hydroxyhexyl.

The term “hydroxyalkyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a hydroxy group attached to the parent molecular moiety through an alkyl group.

The term “imino,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to ═N—.

The term “iminohydroxy,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to ═N(OH) and ═N—O—.

The phrase “in the main chain” refers to the longest contiguous or adjacent chain of carbon atoms starting at the point of attachment of a group to the compounds of this invention.

The term “isocyanato” refers to a —NCO group.

The term “isothiocyanato” refers to a —NCS group.

The phrase “linear chain of atoms” refers to the longest straight chain of atoms independently selected from carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur.

The term “lower,” as used herein, alone or in combination, means containing from 1 to and including 6 carbon atoms.

The term “mercaptoalkyl” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an R′SR— group, where R and R′ are as defined herein.

The term “mercaptomercaptyl” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a RSR′S— group, where R is as defined herein.

The term “mercaptyl” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an RS— group, where R is as defined herein.

The term “null” refers to a lone electron pair.

The term “nitro,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to —NO2.

The terms “oxy” or “oxa,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refer to —O—.

The term “oxo,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to ═O.

The term “perhaloalkoxy” refers to an alkoxy group where all of the hydrogen atoms are replaced by halogen atoms.

The term “perhaloalkyl” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an alkyl group where all of the hydrogen atoms are replaced by halogen atoms.

The term “oxo” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a doubly bonded oxygen.

The terms “sulfonate,” “sulfonic acid,” and “sulfonic,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refer the —SO3H group and its anion as the sulfonic acid is used in salt formation.

The term “sulfanyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to —S and —S—.

The term “sulfinyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to —S(O)—.

The term “sulfonyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to —SO2—.

The term “N-sulfonamido” refers to a RS(═O)2NH— group with R as defined herein.

The term “S-sulfonamido” refers to a —S(═O)2NR2, group, with R as defined herein.

The terms “thia” and “thio,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refer to a —S— group or an ether wherein the oxygen is replaced with sulfur. The oxidized derivatives of the thio group, namely sulfinyl and sulfonyl, are included in the definition of thia and thio.

The term “thioether,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a thio group bridging two moieties linked at carbon atoms.

The term “thiol,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to an —SH group.

The term “thiocarbonyl,” as used herein, when alone includes thioformyl —C(S)H and in combination is a —C(S) group.

The term “N-thiocarbamyl” refers to an ROC(S)NH— group, with R as defined herein.

The term “O-thiocarbamyl” refers to a —OC(S)NR, group with R as defined herein.

The term “thiocyanato” refers to a —CNS group.

The term “trihalomethanesulfonamido” refers to a X3CS(O)2NR— group with X is a halogen and R as defined herein.

The term “trihalomethanesulfonyl” refers to a X3CS(O)2— group where X is a halogen.

The term “trihalomethoxy” refers to a X3CO— group where X is a halogen.

The term “trisubstituted silyl,” as used herein, alone or in combination, refers to a silicone group substituted at its three free valences with groups as listed herein under the definition of substituted amino. Examples include trimethysilyl, tert-butyldimethylsilyl, triphenylsilyl and the like.

The term “optionally substituted” means the anteceding group may be substituted or unsubstituted. When substituted, the substituents of an “optionally substituted” group may include, without limitation, one or more substituents independently selected from the following groups or a particular designated set of groups, alone or in combination: lower alkyl, lower alkenyl, lower alkynyl, lower alkanoyl, lower heteroalkyl, lower heterocycloalkyl, lower haloalkyl, lower haloalkenyl, lower haloalkynyl, lower perhaloalkyl, lower perhaloalkoxy, lower cycloalkyl, phenyl, aryl, aryloxy, lower alkoxy, lower haloalkoxy, oxo, lower acyloxy, carbonyl, carboxyl, lower alkylcarbonyl, lower carboxyester, lower carboxamido, cyano, hydrogen, halogen, hydroxy, amino, lower alkylamino, arylamino, amido, nitro, thiol, lower alkylthio, arylthio, lower alkylsulfinyl, lower alkylsulfonyl, arylsulfinyl, arylsulfonyl, arylthio, sulfonate, sulfonic acid, trisubstituted silyl, N3, NHCH3, N(CH3)2, SH, SCH3, C(O)CH3, CO2CH3, CO2H, C(O)NH2, pyridinyl, thiophene, furanyl, lower carbamate, and lower urea. Two substituents may be joined together to form a fused five-, six-, or seven-membered carbocyclic or heterocyclic ring consisting of zero to three heteroatoms, for example forming methylenedioxy or ethylenedioxy. An optionally substituted group may be unsubstituted (e.g., —CH2CH3), fully substituted (e.g., —CF2CF3), monosubstituted (e.g., —CH2CH2F) or substituted at a level anywhere in-between fully substituted and monosubstituted (e.g., —CH2CF3). Where substituents are recited without qualification as to substitution, both substituted and unsubstituted forms are encompassed. Where a substituent is qualified as “substituted,” the substituted form is specifically intended. Additionally, different sets of optional substituents to a particuar moiety may be defined as needed; in these cases, the optional substitution will be as defined, often immediately following the phrase, “optionally substituted with.”

The term R or the term R′, appearing by itself and without a number designation, unless otherwise defined, refers to a moiety selected from the group consisting of alkyl, cycloalkyl, heteroalkyl, aryl, heteroaryl and heterocycloalkyl. Such R and R′ groups should be understood to be optionally substituted as defined herein. Whether an R group has a number designation or not, every R group, including R, R′ and R″ where n=(1, 2, 3, . . . n), every substituent, and every term should be understood to be independent of every other in terms of selection from a group. Should any variable, substituent, or term (e.g. aryl, heterocycle, R, etc.) occur more than one time in a formula or generic structure, its definition at each occurrence is independent of the definition at every other occurrence.

The term “bond” refers to a covalent linkage between two atoms, or two moieties when the atoms joined by the bond are considered to be part of larger substructure. A bond may be single, double, or triple unless otherwise specified.

The term “combination therapy” means the administration of two or more therapeutic agents to treat a therapeutic condition or disorder described in the present disclosure. Such administration encompasses co-administration of these therapeutic agents in a substantially simultaneous manner, such as in a single capsule having a fixed ratio of active ingredients or in multiple, separate capsules for each active ingredient. In addition, such administration also encompasses use of each type of therapeutic agent in a sequential manner. In either case, the treatment regimen will provide beneficial effects of the drug combination in treating the conditions or disorders described herein.

“p38 kinase inhibitor” is used herein to refer to a compound that exhibits an IC50 with respect to p38 kinase activity of no more than about 100 μM and more typically not more than about 50 μM, as measured in the p38α Assay described generally hereinbelow. “IC50” is that concentration of inhibitor which reduces the activity of an enzyme (e.g., p38 kinase) to half-maximal level. Representative compounds of the present invention have been discovered to exhibit inhibitory activity against p38 kinase. Compounds of the present invention preferably exhibit an IC50 with respect to p38 kinase of no more than about 10 μM, more preferably, no more than about 5 μM, even more preferably not more than about 1 μM, and most preferably, not more than about 200 nM, as measured in the p38 kinase assay(s) described herein.

The phrase “therapeutically effective” is intended to qualify the amount of active ingredients used in the treatment of a disease or disorder. This amount will achieve the goal of reducing or eliminating the said disease or disorder.

The term “prodrug” refers to a compound that is made more active in vivo. The present compounds can also exist as prodrugs, as described in Hydrolysis in Drug and Prodrug Metabolism: Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Enzymology (Testa, Bernard and Mayer, Joachim M. Wiley-VHCA, Zurich, Switzerland 2003). Prodrugs of the compounds described herein are structurally modified forms of the compound that readily undergo chemical changes under physiological conditions to provide the compound. Additionally, prodrugs can be converted to the compound by chemical or biochemical methods in an ex vivo environment. For example, prodrugs can be slowly converted to a compound when placed in a transdermal patch reservoir with a suitable enzyme or chemical reagent. Prodrugs are often useful because, in some situations, they may be easier to administer than the compound, or parent drug. They may, for instance, be bioavailable by oral administration whereas the parent drug is not. The prodrug may also have improved solubility in pharmaceutical compositions over the parent drug. A wide variety of prodrug derivatives are known in the art, such as those that rely on hydrolytic cleavage or oxidative activation of the prodrug. An example, without limitation, of a prodrug would be a compound which is administered as an ester (the “prodrug”), but then is metabolically hydrolyzed to the carboxylic acid, the active entity. Additional examples include peptidyl derivatives of a compound. The term “therapeutically acceptable prodrug,” refers to those prodrugs or zwitterions which are suitable for use in contact with the tissues of patients without undue toxicity, irritation, and allergic response, are commensurate with a reasonable benefit/risk ratio, and are effective for their intended uses.

As used herein, reference to “treatment” of a patient is intended to include prophylaxis. The term “patient” means all mammals including humans. Examples of patients include humans, cows, dogs, cats, goats, sheep, pigs, and rabbits. Preferably, the patient is a human.

The term “therapeutically acceptable salt,” as used herein, represents salts or zwitterionic forms of the compounds of the present invention which are water or oil-soluble or dispersible; which are suitable for treatment of diseases without undue toxicity, irritation, and allergic-response; which are commensurate with a reasonable benefit/risk ratio; and which are effective for their intended use. The salts can be prepared during the final isolation and purification of the compounds or separately by reacting the appropriate compound in the form of the free base with a suitable acid. Representative acid addition salts include acetate, adipate, alginate, L-ascorbate, aspartate, benzoate, benzenesulfonate (besylate), bisulfate, butyrate, camphorate, camphorsulfonate, citrate, digluconate, formate, fumarate, gentisate, glutarate, glycerophosphate, glycolate, hemisulfate, heptanoate, hexanoate, hippurate, hydrochloride, hydrobromide, hydroiodide, 2-hydroxyethansulfonate (isethionate), lactate, maleate, malonate, DL-mandelate, mesitylenesulfonate, methanesulfonate, naphthylenesulfonate, nicotinate, 2-naphthalenesulfonate, oxalate, pamoate, pectinate, persulfate, 3-phenylproprionate, phosphonate, picrate, pivalate, propionate, pyroglutamate, succinate, sulfonate, tartrate, L-tartrate, trichloroacetate, trifluoroacetate, phosphate, glutamate, bicarbonate, para-toluenesulfonate (p-tosylate), and undecanoate. Also, basic groups in the compounds of the present invention can be quaternized with methyl, ethyl, propyl, and butyl chlorides, bromides, and iodides; dimethyl, diethyl, dibutyl, and diamyl sulfates; decyl, lauryl, myristyl, and steryl chlorides, bromides, and iodides; and benzyl and phenethyl bromides. Examples of acids which can be employed to form therapeutically acceptable addition salts include inorganic acids such as hydrochloric, hydrobromic, sulfuric, and phosphoric, and organic acids such as oxalic, maleic, succinic, and citric. Salts can also be formed by coordination of the compounds with an alkali metal or alkaline earth ion. Hence, the present invention contemplates sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium salts of the compounds of the compounds of the present invention and the like.

Basic addition salts can be prepared during the final isolation and purification of the compounds by reacting a carboxy group with a suitable base such as the hydroxide, carbonate, or bicarbonate of a metal cation or with ammonia or an organic primary, secondary, or tertiary amine. The cations of therapeutically acceptable salts include lithium, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and aluminum, as well as nontoxic quaternary amine cations such as ammonium, tetramethylammonium, tetraethylammonium, methylamine, dimethylamine, trimethylamine, triethylamine, diethylamine, ethylamine, tributylamine, pyridine, N,N-dimethylaniline, N-methylpiperidine, N-methylmorpholine, dicyclohexylamine, procaine, dibenzylamine, N,N-dibenzylphenethylamine, 1-ephenamine, and N,N′-dibenzylethylenediamine. Other representative organic amines useful for the formation of base addition salts include ethylenediamine, ethanolamine, diethanolamine, piperidine, and piperazine.

The compounds of the present invention can exist as therapeutically acceptable salts. The present invention includes compounds listed above in the form of salts, in particular acid addition salts. Suitable salts include those formed with both organic and inorganic acids. Such acid addition salts will normally be pharmaceutically acceptable. However, salts of non-pharmaceutically acceptable salts may be of utility in the preparation and purification of the compound in question. For a more complete discussion of the preparation and selection of salts, refer to Pharmaceutical Salts: Properties, Selection, and Use (Stahl, P. Heinrich. Wiley-VCHA, Zurich, Switzerland, 2002).

While it may be possible for the compounds of the subject invention to be administered as the raw chemical, it is also possible to present them as a pharmaceutical formulation. Accordingly, the subject invention provides a pharmaceutical formulation comprising a compound or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, ester, prodrug or solvate thereof, together with one or more pharmaceutically acceptable carriers thereof and optionally one or more other therapeutic ingredients. The carrier(s) must be “acceptable” in the sense of being compatible with the other ingredients of the formulation and not deleterious to the recipient thereof. Proper formulation is dependent upon the route of administration chosen. Any of the well-known techniques, carriers, and excipients may be used as suitable and as understood in the art; e.g., in Remington's Pharmaceutical Sciences. The pharmaceutical compositions of the present invention may be manufactured in a manner that is itself known, e.g., by means of conventional mixing, dissolving, milling, neutralization, granulating, dragee-making, levigating, emulsifying, encapsulating, entrapping or compression processes.

The formulations include those suitable for oral, parenteral (including subcutaneous, intradermal, intramuscular, intravenous, intraarticular, and intramedullary), intraperitoneal, transmucosal, transdermal, rectal and topical (including dermal, buccal, sublingual and intraocular) administration although the most suitable route may depend upon for example the condition and disorder of the recipient. The formulations may conveniently be presented in unit dosage form and may be prepared by any of the methods well known in the art of pharmacy. All methods include the step of bringing into association a compound of the subject invention or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, ester, prodrug or solvate thereof (“active ingredient”) with the carrier which constitutes one or more accessory ingredients. In general, the formulations are prepared by uniformly and intimately bringing into association the active ingredient with liquid carriers or finely divided solid carriers or both and then, if necessary, shaping the product into the desired formulation. The formulation may have ingredients, such as lubricants that facilitate how it operates within a dispensing device.

Formulations of the present invention suitable for oral administration may be presented as discrete units such as capsules, cachets or tablets each containing a predetermined amount of the active ingredient; as a powder or granules; as a solution or a suspension in an aqueous liquid or a non-aqueous liquid; or as an oil-in-water liquid emulsion or a water-in-oil liquid emulsion. The active ingredient may also be presented as a bolus, electuary or paste.

Pharmaceutical preparations which can be used orally include tablets, push-fit capsules made of gelatin, as well as soft, sealed capsules made of gelatin and a plasticizer, such as glycerol or sorbitol. Tablets may be made by compression or molding, optionally with one or more accessory ingredients. Compressed tablets may be prepared by compressing in a suitable machine the active ingredient in a free-flowing form such as a powder or granules, optionally mixed with binders, inert diluents, or lubricating, surface active or dispersing agents. Molded tablets may be made by molding in a suitable machine a mixture of the powdered compound moistened with an inert liquid diluent. The tablets may optionally be coated or scored and may be formulated so as to provide slow or controlled release of the active ingredient therein. All formulations for oral administration should be in dosages suitable for such administration. The push-fit capsules can contain the active ingredients in admixture with filler such as lactose, binders such as starches, and/or lubricants such as talc or magnesium stearate and, optionally, stabilizers. In soft capsules, the active compounds may be dissolved or suspended in suitable liquids, such as fatty oils, liquid paraffin, or liquid polyethylene glycols. In addition, stabilizers may be added. Dragee cores are provided with suitable coatings. For this purpose, concentrated sugar solutions may be used, which may optionally contain gum arabic, talc, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, carbopol gel, polyethylene glycol, and/or titanium dioxide, lacquer solutions, and suitable organic solvents or solvent mixtures. Dyestuffs or pigments may be added to the tablets or dragee coatings for identification or to characterize different combinations of active compound doses.

The compounds may be formulated for parenteral administration by injection, e.g., by bolus injection or continuous infusion. Formulations for injection may be presented in unit dosage form, e.g., in ampoules or in multi-dose containers, with an added preservative. The compositions may take such forms as suspensions, solutions or emulsions in oily or aqueous vehicles, and may contain formulatory agents such as suspending, stabilizing and/or dispersing agents. The formulations may be presented in unit-dose or multi-dose containers, for example sealed ampoules and vials, and may be stored in powder form or in a freeze-dried (lyophilized) condition requiring only the addition of the sterile liquid carrier, for example, saline or sterile pyrogen-free water, immediately prior to use. Extemporaneous injection solutions and suspensions may be prepared from sterile powders, granules and tablets of the kind previously described. The formulation may also be presented as a frozen bag or in a ready to use admixture.

Formulations for parenteral or ophthalmic administration include aqueous and non-aqueous (oily) sterile injection solutions of the active compounds which may contain antioxidants, buffers, bacteriostats and solutes which render the formulation isotonic with the blood of the intended recipient; and aqueous and non-aqueous sterile suspensions which may include suspending agents and thickening agents. Suitable lipophilic solvents or vehicles include fatty oils such as sesame oil, or synthetic fatty acid esters, such as ethyl oleate or triglycerides, or liposomes. Aqueous injection suspensions may contain substances which increase the viscosity of the suspension, such as sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, sorbitol, or dextran. Optionally, the suspension may also contain suitable stabilizers or agents which increase the solubility of the compounds to allow for the preparation of highly concentrated solutions.

In addition to the formulations described previously, the compounds may also be formulated as a depot preparation including coatings that may be applied to an implantable device such as a stent. Such long acting formulations may be administered by implantation (for example subcutaneously or intramuscularly) or by intramuscular injection. Thus, for example, the compounds may be formulated with suitable polymeric or hydrophobic materials (for example as an emulsion in an acceptable oil) or ion exchange resins, or as sparingly soluble derivatives, for example, as a sparingly soluble salt.

For buccal or sublingual administration, the compositions may take the form of tablets, lozenges, pastilles, or gels formulated in conventional manner. Such compositions may comprise the active ingredient in a flavored basis such as sucrose and acacia or tragacanth.

The compounds may also be formulated in rectal compositions such as suppositories or retention enemas, e.g., containing conventional suppository bases such as cocoa butter, polyethylene glycol, or other glycerides.

Compounds of the present invention may be administered topically, that is by non-systemic administration. This includes the application of a compound of the present invention externally to the epidermis or the buccal cavity and the instillation of such a compound into the ear, eye and nose, such that the compound does not significantly enter the blood stream. In contrast, systemic administration refers to oral, intravenous, intraperitoneal and intramuscular administration.

Formulations suitable for topical administration include liquid or semi-liquid preparations suitable for penetration through the skin to the site of inflammation such as gels, liniments, lotions, creams, ointments, sprays or pastes, and drops suitable for administration to the eye, ear or nose. The active ingredient may comprise, for topical administration, from 0.001% to 10% w/w, for instance from 1% to 2% by weight of the formulation. It may however comprise as much as 10% w/w but preferably will comprise less than 5% w/w, more preferably from 0.1% to 1% w/w of the formulation.

Gels for topical or transdermal administration of compounds of the subject invention may comprise, generally, a mixture of volatile solvents, nonvolatile solvents, and water. The volatile solvent component of the buffered solvent system may preferably include lower (C1-C6) alkyl alcohols, lower alkyl glycols and lower glycol polymers. More preferably, the volatile solvent is ethanol. The volatile solvent component is thought to act as a penetration enhancer, while also producing a cooling effect on the skin as it evaporates. The nonvolatile solvent portion of the buffered solvent system is selected from lower alkylene glycols and lower glycol polymers. Preferably, propylene glycol is used. The nonvolatile solvent slows the evaporation of the volatile solvent and reduces the vapor pressure of the buffered solvent system. The amount of this nonvolatile solvent component, as with the volatile solvent, is determined by the pharmaceutical compound or drug being used. When too little of the nonvolatile solvent is in the system, the pharmaceutical compound may crystallize due to evaporation of volatile solvent, while an excess will result in a lack of bioavailability due to poor release of drug from solvent mixture. The buffer component of the buffered solvent system may be selected from any buffer commonly used in the art; preferably, water is used. The preferred ratio of ingredients is about 20% of the nonvolatile solvent, about 40% of the volatile solvent, and about 40% water. There are several optional ingredients which can be added to the topical composition. These include, but are not limited to, chelators and gelling agents. Appropriate gelling agents can include, but are not limited to, semisynthetic cellulose derivatives (such as hydroxypropylmethylcellulose) and synthetic polymers, and cosmetic agents.

Lotions according to the present invention include those suitable for application to the skin or eye. An eye lotion may comprise a sterile aqueous solution optionally containing a bactericide and may be prepared by methods similar to those for the preparation of drops. Lotions or liniments for application to the skin may also include an agent to hasten drying and to cool the skin, such as an alcohol or acetone, and/or a moisturizer such as glycerol or an oil such as castor oil or arachis oil.

Creams, ointments or pastes according to the present invention are semi-solid formulations of the active ingredient for external application. They may be made by mixing the active ingredient in finely-divided or powdered form, alone or in solution or suspension in an aqueous or non-aqueous fluid, with the aid of suitable machinery, with a greasy or non-greasy base. The base may comprise hydrocarbons such as hard, soft or liquid paraffin, glycerol, beeswax, a metallic soap; a mucilage; an oil of natural origin such as almond, corn, arachis, castor or olive oil; wool fat or its derivatives or a fatty acid such as steric or oleic acid together with an alcohol such as propylene glycol or a macrogel. The formulation may incorporate any suitable surface active agent such as an anionic, cationic or non-ionic surfactant such as a sorbitan ester or a polyoxyethylene derivative thereof. Suspending agents such as natural gums, cellulose derivatives or inorganic materials such as silicaceous silicas, and other ingredients such as lanolin, may also be included.

Drops according to the present invention may comprise sterile aqueous or oily solutions or suspensions and may be prepared by dissolving the active ingredient in a suitable aqueous solution of a bactericidal and/or fungicidal agent and/or any other suitable preservative, and preferably including a surface active agent. The resulting solution may then be clarified by filtration, transferred to a suitable container which is then sealed and sterilized by autoclaving or maintaining at 98-100° C. for half an hour. Alternatively, the solution may be sterilized by filtration and transferred to the container by an aseptic technique. Examples of bactericidal and fungicidal agents suitable for inclusion in the drops are phenylmercuric nitrate or acetate (0.002%), benzalkonium chloride (0.01%) and chlorhexidine acetate (0.01%). Suitable solvents for the preparation of an oily solution include glycerol, diluted alcohol and propylene glycol.

Formulations for topical administration in the mouth, for example buccally or sublingually, include lozenges comprising the active ingredient in a flavored basis such as sucrose and acacia or tragacanth, and pastilles comprising the active ingredient in a basis such as gelatin and glycerin or sucrose and acacia.

For administration by inhalation the compounds according to the invention are conveniently delivered from an insufflator, nebulizer pressurized packs or other convenient means of delivering an aerosol spray. Pressurized packs may comprise a suitable propellant such as dichlorodifluoromethane, trichlorofluoromethane, dichlorotetrafluoroethane, carbon dioxide or other suitable gas. In the case of a pressurized aerosol, the dosage unit may be determined by providing a valve to deliver a metered amount. Alternatively, for administration by inhalation or insufflation, the compounds according to the invention may take the form of a dry powder composition, for example a powder mix of the compound and a suitable powder base such as lactose or starch. The powder composition may be presented in unit dosage form, in for example, capsules, cartridges, gelatin or blister packs from which the powder may be administered with the aid of an inhalator or insufflator.

Preferred unit dosage formulations are those containing an effective dose, as herein below recited, or an appropriate fraction thereof, of the active ingredient.

It should be understood that in addition to the ingredients particularly mentioned above, the formulations of this invention may include other agents conventional in the art having regard to the type of formulation in question, for example those suitable for oral administration may include flavoring agents.

The compounds of the invention may be administered orally or via injection at a dose of from 0.1 to 500 mg/kg per day. The dose range for adult humans is generally from 5 mg to 2 g/day. Tablets or other forms of presentation provided in discrete units may conveniently contain an amount of compound of the invention which is effective at such dosage or as a multiple of the same, for instance, units containing 5 mg to 500 mg, usually around 10 mg to 200 mg.

The amount of active ingredient that may be combined with the carrier materials to produce a single dosage form will vary depending upon the host treated and the particular mode of administration.

The compounds of the subject invention can be administered in various modes, e.g. orally, topically, or by injection. The precise amount of compound administered to a patient will be the responsibility of the attendant physician. The specific dose level for any particular patient will depend upon a variety of factors including the activity of the specific compound employed, the age, body weight, general health, sex, diets, time of administration, route of administration, rate of excretion, drug combination, the precise disorder being treated, and the severity of the indication or condition being treated. Also, the route of administration may vary depending on the condition and its severity.

In certain instances, it may be appropriate to administer at least one of the compounds described herein (or a pharmaceutically acceptable salt, ester, or prodrug thereof) in combination with another therapeutic agent. By way of example only, if one of the side effects experienced by a patient upon receiving one of the compounds herein is hypertension, then it may be appropriate to administer an anti-hypertensive agent in combination with the initial therapeutic agent. Or, by way of example only, the therapeutic effectiveness of one of the compounds described herein may be enhanced by administration of an adjuvant (i.e., by itself the adjuvant may only have minimal therapeutic benefit, but in combination with another therapeutic agent, the overall therapeutic benefit to the patient is enhanced). Or, by way of example only, the benefit of experienced by a patient may be increased by administering one of the compounds described herein with another therapeutic agent (which also includes a therapeutic regimen) that also has therapeutic benefit. By way of example only, in a treatment for diabetes involving administration of one of the compounds described herein, increased therapeutic benefit may result by also providing the patient with another therapeutic agent for diabetes. In any case, regardless of the disease, disorder or condition being treated, the overall benefit experienced by the patient may simply be additive of the two therapeutic agents or the patient may experience a synergistic benefit.

Specific, non-limiting examples of possible combination therapies include use of the compounds of the invention with agents found in the following pharmacotherapeutic classifications as indicated below. These lists should not be construed to be closed, but should instead serve as illustrative examples common to the relevant therapeutic area at present. Moreover, combination regimens may include a variety of routes of administration and should include intravenous, intraocular, subcutaneous, dermal, inhaled topical, oral.

For the treatment of inflammatory pain, compounds according to the present invention may be administered with an agent selected from the group comprising: a) corticosteroids including betamethasone dipropionate (augmented and nonaugemnted), betamethasone valerate, clobetasol propionate, prednisone, methyl prednisolone, diflorasone diacetate, halobetasol propionate, anicinonide, dexamethasone, dexosimethasone, fluocinolone acetononide, fluocinonide, halocinonide, clocortalone pivalate, dexosimetasone, and flurandrenalide; b) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs including salicylates, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, etodolac, diclofenac, meclofenamate sodium, naproxen, piroxicam, and celecoxib; c) muscle relaxants and combinations thereof with other agents, including cyclobenzaprine, baclofen, cyclobenzaprine/lidocaine, baclofen/cyclobenzaprine, and cyclobenzaprine/lidocaine/ketoprofen; d) anaesthetics and combinations thereof with other agents, including lidocaine, lidocaine/deoxy-D-glucose (an antiviral), prilocalne, and EMLA Cream [Eutectic Mixture of Local Anesthetics (lidocaine 2.5% and prilocalne 2.5%; an emulsion in which the oil phase is a eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocalne in a ratio of 1:1 by weight. This eutectic mixture has a melting point below room temperature and therefore both local anesthetics exist as a liquid oil rather then as crystals)]; i) opioids including codeine, loperamide, tramadol, morphine, fentanyl, oxycodone, hydrocodone, levorphanol, and butorphanol; j) topical counter-irritants including menthol, oil of wintergreen, camphor, eucalyptus oil and turpentine oil; k) topical cannabinoids including selective and non-selective CB1/CB2 ligands; 1) agents with analgesic and antipyretic properties including acetaminophen; m) agents that modify inflammatory mediators including infliximab; n) nitric oxide synthase inhibitors, particularly inhibitors of inducible nitric oxide stnthase; and other agents, such as capsaicin.

For the treatment of autoimmune disorders, compounds according to the present invention may be administered with an agent selected from the group comprising: corticosteroids including dexamethasome, prednisone, and methylprednisolone; immunosuppressant agents including azathioprine, cyclosporine, and immunoglobulins; and prostaglandin analogs including latanoprost, travoprost, bimatoprost, and unoprostone; prostaglandin analogs that modify inflammatory mediators including infliximab and rutuximab; and antimetabolites including methotrexate.

For the treatment of respiratory disorders, compounds according to the present invention may be administered with an agent selected from the group comprising: sympathomimetic agents including salmeterol, albuterol, terbutaline, metaproterenol, and ipratropium bromide; and mast cell stabilizers including cromolyn.

For the treatment of endocrine disorders, compounds according to the present invention may be administered with an agent selected from the group comprising: insulin and insulin derivatives: sulfonylureas agents including glimepiride and glipizide; biguanide agents including metformin; and PPAR modulators such as thiazolidnedione agents including pioglitazone and rosigliatzone.

For the treatment of oncologic diseases, proliferative disorders, and cancers, compounds according to the present invention may be administered with an agent selected from the group comprising: aromatase inhibitors, antiestrogen, anti-androgen, or gonadorelin agonists, topoisomerase 1 and 2 inhibitors, microtubule active agents, alkylating agents, antineoplastic antimetabolites, or platin containing compounds, lipid or protein kinase targeting agents, protein or lipid phosphatase targeting agents, anti-angiogentic agents, agents that induce cell differentiation, bradykinin I receptor antagonists, angiotensin II antagonists, cyclooxygenase inhibitors, heparanase inhibitors, lymphokines or cytokine inhibitors, bisphosphanates, rapamycin derivatives, anti-apoptotic pathway inhibitors, apoptotic pathway agonists, inhibitors of Ras isoforms, telomerase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, metalloproteinase inhibitors, and aminopeptidase inhibitors.

For the treatment of ophthalmologic disorders and diseases of the eye, compounds according to the present invention may be administered with an agent selected from the group comprising: beta-blockers including timolol, betaxolol, levobetaxolol, carteolol, levobunolol, and propranolol; carbonic anhydrase inhibitors including brinzolamide and dorzolamide; α- and β-adrenergic antagonists including α1-adrenergic antagonists such as nipradilol and α2 agonists such as iopidine and brimonidine; miotics including pilocarpine and epinephrine; prostaglandin analogs including latanoprost, travoprost, bimatoprost, and unoprostone; corticosteroids including dexamethasone, prednisone, and methylprednisolone; and immunosuppressant agents including azathioprine, cyclosporine, and immunoglobulins.

In any case, the multiple therapeutic agents (at least one of which is a compound of the present invention) may be administered in any order or even simultaneously. If simultaneously, the multiple therapeutic agents may be provided in a single, unified form, or in multiple forms (by way of example only, either as a single pill or as two separate pills). One of the therapeutic agents may be given in multiple doses, or both may be given as multiple doses. If not simultaneous, the timing between the multiple doses may be any duration of time ranging from a few minutes to four weeks.

Thus, in another aspect, the present invention provides methods for treating p38 kinase mediated disorders in a human or animal subject in need of such treatment comprising administering to said subject an amount of a compound of the present invention effective to reduce or prevent said disorder in the subject in combination with at least one additional agent for the treatment of said disorder that is known in the art. In a related aspect, the present invention provides therapeutic compositions comprising at least one compound of the present invention in combination with one or more additional agents for the treatment of p38 kinase mediated disorders.

Diseases or disorders in which p38 kinase plays a role, either directly or via pro-inflammatory cytokines including the cytokines TNF, IL-1, IL-6 and IL-8, include, without limitation: neurological diseases, autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases, bone-destructive disorders, proliferative disorders, neurodegenerative disorders, viral diseases, allergies, infectious diseases, heart attacks and other cardiovascular conditions, angiogenic disorders, reperfusion/ischemia in stroke, vascular hyperplasia, organ hypoxia, cardiac hypertrophy, thrombin-induced platelet aggregation, and conditions associated with prostaglandin endoperoxidase synthetase-2 (COX-2). The invention further extends to the particular disease of inflammatory pain.

Neurological diseases that may be prevented or treated to include, without limitation: Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), neuropathic pain including lower back pain, peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, and multiple sclerosis.

Autoimmune diseases which may be prevented or treated include, without limitation: osteoarthritis, spondyloarthropathies, systemic lupus nephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, chronic thyroiditis, Grave's disease, hemolytic anemia, autoimmune gastritis, autoimmune neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, chronic active hepatitis, myasthenia gravis, atopic dermatitis, graft vs. host disease, or psoriasis. The invention further extends to the particular autoimmune disease rheumatoid arthritis.

Inflammatory diseases which may be prevented or treated include, without limitation: asthma, allergies, respiratory distress syndrome or acute or chronic pancreatitis. Furthermore, respiratory system diseases may be prevented or treated including but not limited to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pulmonary fibrosis.

In addition, p38 inhibitors of this invention also exhibit inhibition of expression of inducible pro-inflammatory proteins such as prostaglandin endoperoxidase synthetase-2, otherwise known as cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and are therefore of use in therapy. Pro-inflammatory mediators of the cyclooxygenase pathway derived from arachidonic acid, such as prostaglandins, are produced by inducible COX-2 enzyme. Regulation of COX-2 would regulate these pro-inflammatory mediators, which affect a wide variety of cells and are important and critical inflammatory mediators of a wide variety of disease states and conditions. In particular, these inflammatory mediators have been implicated in pain, such as in the sensitization of pain receptors, and edema. Accordingly, additional p38 mediated conditions which may be prevented or treated include edema, analgesia, fever and pain such as neuromuscular pain, headache, dental pain, arthritis pain and pain caused by cancer.

Metabolic diseases which may be treated or prevented include, without limitation, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, and Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Dermatologic diseases including, without limitation, psoriasis and persistent itch, and other diseases related to skin and skin structure, may be treated or prevented with p38 inhibitors of this invention.

Ophthalmologic dieases which may be treated or prevented include, without limitation, dry eye (including Sjögren's syndrome), macular degeneration, closed and wide angle glaucoma, inflammation, and pain of the eye.

Hematological and non-hematological malignancies which may be treated or prevented include but are not limited to multiple myeloma, acute and chronic leukemias including Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL), Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL), and Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CLL), lymphomas, including Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (low, intermediate, and high grade), malignancies of the brain, head and neck, breast, lung, reproductive tract, upper digestive tract, pancreas, liver, renal, bladder, prostate and colorectal.

As a result of their p38 inhibitory activity, compounds of the invention have utility in the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with cytokine production including but not limited to those diseases associated with TNF, IL-1, IL-6 and IL-8 production.

The present invention includes compounds listed above in the form of salts, in particular acid addition salts. Suitable salts include those formed with both organic and inorganic acids. Such acid addition salts will normally be pharmaceutically acceptable. However, salts of non-pharmaceutically acceptable salts may be of utility in the preparation and purification of the compound in question.

Asymmetric centers exist in the compounds of the present invention. These centers are designated by the symbols “R” or “S,” depending on the configuration of substituents around the chiral carbon atom. It should be understood that the invention encompasses all stereochemical isomeric forms, including diastereomeric, enantiomeric, and epimeric forms, as well as d-isomers and l-isomers, and mixtures thereof. Individual stereoisomers of compounds can be prepared synthetically from commercially available starting materials which contain chiral centers or by preparation of mixtures of enantiomeric products followed by separation such as conversion to a mixture of diastereomers followed by separation or recrystallization, chromatographic techniques, direct separation of enantiomers on chiral chromatographic columns, or any other appropriate method known in the art. Starting compounds of particular stereochemistry are either commercially available or can be made and resolved by techniques known in the art. Additionally, the compounds of the present invention may exist as geometric isomers. The present invention includes all cis, trans, syn, anti, entgegen (E), and zusammen (Z) isomers as well as the appropriate mixtures thereof. Additionally, compounds may exist as tautomers; all tautomeric isomers are provided by this invention. Additionally, the compounds of the present invention can exist in unsolvated as well as solvated forms with pharmaceutically acceptable solvents such as water, ethanol, and the like. In general, the solvated forms are considered equivalent to the unsolvated forms for the purposes of the present invention.

Besides being useful for human treatment, the compounds and formulations of the present invention are also useful for veterinary treatment of companion animals, exotic animals and farm animals, including mammals, rodents, and the like. More preferred animals include horses, dogs, and cats.

All references, patents or applications, U.S. or foreign, cited in the application are hereby incorporated by reference as if written herein. The contents of United States prov appl'n No. 60/674,047 filed on Apr. 22, 2005 are hereby incorp'd by ref in their entirety.

General Synthetic Methods for Preparing Compounds

Molecular embodiments of the present invention can be synthesized using standard synthetic techniques known to those of skill in the art. Schemes I-IV illustrate the general synthesis of intermediates of the present invention.
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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a-chlorobenzoyl oxime (15.5g, 0.1 mol, prepared as described in Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry (2000), 37(6), 1505-1510) was dissolved in absolute EtOH (50 mL). Then acetylacetone (15 g, 0.15 mol) and triethylamine (15.2 g, 0.15 mol) were added. The resulting mixture was stirred overnight at 50° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:5). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in EtOAc, washed with brine, dried with Na2SO4, and concentrated to an oil. The oil was further purified by column chromatography on silica gel (EtOAc/Petroleum ether 1:50) to give a colorless crystal (13 g, 65%).

Step 2
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A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with 1-(5-Methyl-3-phenyl-isoxazol-4-yl)-ethanone (4.02 g, 0.02 mol), and DMF-DMA (20 mL). The resulting mixture was refluxed overnight. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1/1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated and purified by column chromatography (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1/10) to afford a light yellow solid (3.4 g, 66%).

Step 3
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A 100 mL round bottom flask charged with hydrazine hydrate (6.3 g, 0.1 mol) at −20° C., treated with 3-Dimethylamino-1-(5-methyl-3-phenyl-isoxazol-4-yl)-propenone in EtOH (20 mL). The resulting mixture was stirred for 2 hours at this temperature, then warned to room temperature overnight, and stirred overnight. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=2:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated and crystallized, giving a yellow solid (2.15 g, 96%).

Step 4
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3-(5-Methyl-3-phenyl-isoxazol-4-yl)pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with 5-methyl-3-phenyl-4-(pyrazolyl-5-)isoxazole (1.1 g, 5.0 mmol), DCM (10 mL), and isopropyl isocyanate (10 mmol). The mixture was stirred for 48 h at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1/1). Work-up: the reaction mixture was concentrated and purified by column chromatography (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1/10), to afford the product as white crystals (66.8% yield). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.19 (s, 1H), 7.56 (m, 2H), 7.45 (m, 3H), 6.15 (s, 1H), 4.15 (m, 1H), 2.66 (s, 3H), 1.33 (s, 3H), 1.28 (s, 3H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-(5-Methyl-3-phenyl-isoxazol-4-yl)-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (Example 1), where a-chloro-4-chlorobenzoyl oxine was substituted for a-chlorobenzoyl oxime in step 1 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.20 (s, 1H), 7.50 (m, 2H), 7.38 (m, 2H), 6.76 (m, 1H), 6.17 (s, 1H), 4.12 (septet, 1H), 2.62 (s, 3H), 1.28 (d, 6H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid methylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (Example 1), where methyl isocyanate was substituted for isopropyl isocyanate in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.21 (s, 1H), 7.47 (d, 2H), 7.37 (d, 2H), 6.97 (bs, 1H), 6.13 (s, 1H), 3.03 (d, 3H), 2.60 (s, 3H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide

A 25 mL round bottom flask was charged with 5-Methyl-3-(4-chlorophenyl)-4-(1H-pyrazol-3-yl)-isoxazole (0.5 g, 1.93 mmol, prepared analogously to 5-Methyl-3-phenyl-4-(1H-pyrazol-3-yl)-isoxazole, described in step 3 of Example 1), Et3N (0.3 g, 2.97 mmol), and DCM (10 mL). The resulting solution was treated with triphosgene in DCM (0.3 g, 11.0 mL), while at 0° C., then stirred for 3 hours at room temperature. This solution was treated with isobutylamine in DCM (0.44 g, 6 mmol in 6 mL) at 0° C., then stirred for 2 h at room temperature. Work-up: the mixture washed with brine, dried with MgSO4, and concentrated. The crude material was purified by column chromatography (60% Ethyl Acetate/Petroleum ether) giving the product as a white solid (350 mg, 51%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.19 (d, 1H), 7.49 (d, 2H), 7.38 (d, 2H), 6.75 (m, 1H), 6.17 (d, 1H), 3.91 (m, 1H), 2.62 (s, 3H), 1.59 (m, 3H), 1.25 (d, 3H), 0.95 (t, 3H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid (2-hydroxy-ethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide (Example 4), where EtOH amine was substituted for sec-butylamine in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.21 (s, 1H), 7.50 (d, 2H), 7.41 (d, 2H), 6.16 (s, 1H), 3.86 (t, 2H), 3.61 (m, 2H), 2.63 (s, 3H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid (2-hydroxy-1-methyl-ethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide (Example 4), where 2-amino-propan-1-ol was substituted for sec-butylamine in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.19 (d, 1H), 7.50 (d, 2H), 7.40 (d, 2H), 7.21 (m, 1H), 6.18 (d, 1H), 3.44 (m, 2H), 2.62 (s, 3H), 1.32 (d, 3H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid cyclopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide (Example 4), where cyclopropyl amine was substituted for sec-butylamine in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.21 (d, 1H), 7.49 (d, 2H), 7.38 (d, 2H), 7.02 (m, 1H), 6.15 (d, 1H), 2.80 (m, 1H), 2.60 (s, 3H), 0.90 (m, 2H), 0.68 (m, 2H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid cyclohexylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide (Example 4), where cyclohexyl amine was substituted for sec-butylamine in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.20 (m, 1H), 7.49 (d, 2H), 7.38 (d, 2H), 6.82 (m, 1H), 6.18 (s, 1H), 2.61 (s, 3H), 1.99 (m, 2H), 1.74 (m, 2H), 1.62 (m, 2H), 1.43 (m, 2H), 1.26 (m, 2H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid cyclopentylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide (Example 4), where cyclopentyl amine was substituted for sec-butylamine in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.20 (d, 1H), 7.47 (d, 2H), 7.38 (d, 2H), 6.83 (m, 1H), 6.17 (s, 1H), 4.24 (septet, 1H), 2.59 (s, 3H), 2.06 (m, 2H), 1.69 (m, 5H), 1.54 (m, 2H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid indan-2-ylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide (Example 4), where 2-indanamine was substituted for sec-butylamine in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.24 (d, 1H), 7.49 (d, 2H), 7.35 (d, 2H), 7.22-7.30 (m, 4H), 7.14 (m, 1H), 6.20 (d, 1H), 4.81 (m, 1H), 3.45 (m, 2H), 2.96 (m, 2H), 2.58 (s, 3H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid (furan-2-ylmethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide (Example 4), where C-Furan-2-yl-methylamine was substituted for sec-butylamine in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.23 (s, 1H), 7.49 (d, 2H), 7.42 (s, 1H), 7.37 (d, 2H), 6.37 (d, 1H), 6.32 (d, 1H), 4.62 (d, 2H), 2.62 (s, 3H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid (tetrahydro-furan-2-ylmethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide (Example 4), where C-(Tetrahydro-furan-2-yl)-methylamine was substituted for sec-butylamine in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.19 (d, 1H), 7.50 (d, 2H), 7.39 (d, 2H), 7.28 (m, 1H), 6.15 (s, 1H), 4.09 (m, 1H), 3.87 (m, 1H), 3.79 (m, 1H), 3.64 (m, 1H), 3.40 (m, 1H), 2.63 (s, 3H), 2.04 (m, 1H), 1.93 (m, 2H), 1.61 (m, 2H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropyl-methyl-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide (Example 4), where isopropyl-methyl-amine was substituted for sec-butylamine in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.12 (s, 1H), 7.47 (d, 2H), 7.38 (d, 2H), 6.12 (s, 1H), 4.65 (septet, 1H), 2.99 (s, 3H), 2.60 (s, 3H), 1.21 (d, 6H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid (2-hydroxy-1-hydroxymethyl-ethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide (Example 4), where 2-Amino-propane-1,3-diol was substituted for sec-butylamine in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.19 (s, 1H), 7.61 (d, 1H), 7.50 (d, 2H), 7.39 (d, 2H), 6.16 (s, 1H), 4.00 (m, 5H), 2.63 (s, 3H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isobutyl-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 3-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid sec-butylamide (Example 4), where isobutylamine was substituted for sec-butylamine in the final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.21 (s, 1H), 7.51 (d, 1H), 7.38 (d, 2H), 7.03 (m, 1H), 6.18 (s, 1H), 3.26 (t, 2H), 2.62 (s, 3H), 1.90 (m, 1H), 0.98 (d, 6H).
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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The title compound was prepared analogously to 1-(5-Methyl-3-phenyl-isoxazol-4-yl)-ethanone (described in step 1 of Example 1), where a-chloro-4-chlorobenzoyl oxime was substituted for a-chlorobenzoyl oxime in step 1 of that sequence.

Step 2
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A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with 1-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl]-ethanone (2.21 g, 10 mmol), NaH (253 mg, 11 mmol) and THF. The resulting mixture was stirred for 30 min at room temperature, under nitrogen. This mixture was treated with EtOAc (1.95 mL, 20 mmol), and stirred for 3 hr at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (10% EtOAc/Petroleum ether). Work-up: the mixture was diluted with EtOAc, washed with 1N HCL, NaHCO3 (aq), brine, dried with MgSO4, concentrated and chromatographed (10% EtOAc/Petroleum ether) to give yellow solid (2.28 g, 87%).

Step 3
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3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-4-(5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)-isoxazole: A round bottom flask was charged with 1-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl]-butane-1,3-dione (0.8 g, 2.88 mmol) and EtOH (10 mL). To this solution was added a solution of hydrazine hydrate and EtOH (5 mL). The resulting solution stirred for 4 hours at room temperature. Work-up: the reaction was concentrated, dissolved in chloroform, washed with 1N HCl, NaHCO3 (aq), brine, dried with MgSO4, concentrated, chromatographed (25% AcOEt/Petroleum ether) to give the product (0.7 g, 2.56 mmol, 88% yield).

Step 4
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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-5-methyl-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide: The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 1 where 3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methyl-4-(5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl)-isoxazole was substituted for 5-Methyl-3-phenyl-4-(1H-pyrazol-3-yl)-isoxazole in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.50 (s, 1H), 7.38 (d, 2H), 7.28 (d, 2H), 6.82 (m, 1H), 3.77 (m, 1H), 2.58 (s, 3H), 1.25 (d, 6H), 1.15 (s, 3H).


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3-|3-(2,4-Difluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 1, where 2,4-difluoro-benzaldehyde was substituted for benzaldehyde in step 1 of that sequence. 2,4-difluoro-benzaldehyde was prepared as shown below. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.15 (s, 1H), 7.50 (m, 1H), 7.00 (m, 1H), 6.89 (m, 1H), 6.62 (m, 1H), 6.14 (s, 1H), 4.07 (septet, 1H), 2.69 (s, 3H), 1.25 (d, 6H).
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A 1 L round bottom flask was charged with bromo-2,4-difluorobenzene (60.8 g, 0.315 mol), and anhydrous ethyl ether (400 mL), under a nitrogen atmosphere. The mixture was cooled to −78° C., where BuLi (2.87M, 0.315 mol) in hexane (110 mL) was added drop wise, maintain the internal temperature below −65° C. After addition of BuLi DMF (145 g, 1.987 mol) was added drop wise, followed by stirring for 30 min at this temperature. The temperature was allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred overnight. Work-up: the reaction was adjusted to pH=7 with 5% HCl, separated, dried over Na2SO4, concentrated, and distilled under reduced pressure (2 mm Hg). The fraction boiling between 82-88° C. was collected, giving the product as an oil (30.7 g, 68.7%).


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3-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 1, where 4-fluoro-benzaldehyde was substituted for benzaldehyde in step 1 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.22 (s, 1H), 7.56 (m, 2H), 7.13 (t, 2H), 6.81 (m, 1H), 4.16 (septet, 1H), 2.65 (s, 3H), 1.32 (d, 6H).


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3-|5-Methyl-3-(3-trifluoromethyl-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 1, where 3-trifluormethyl-benzaldehyde was substituted for benzaldehyde in step 1 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.23 (s, 1H), 7.96 (s, 1H), 7.76 (m, 1H), 7.71 (m, 1H), 7.54 (m, 1H), 6.72 (m, 1H), 6.20 (s, 1H), 4.13 (septet, 1H), 2.63 (s, 3H), 1.27 (d, 6H).


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The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 2, where 3-methyl-butyryl chloride was substituted for isopropyl isocyanate in final step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.24 (s, 1H), 7.53 (d, 2H), 7.41 (d, 2H), 6.19 (s, 1H), 2.98 (d, 2H), 2.68 (s, 3H), 2.26 (d, 1H), 1.20 (m, 1H), 1.05 (d, 6H).


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3-|3-(2-Chloro-4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 1, where 2-chloro-4-fluoro-benzaldehyde was substituted for benzaldehyde in first step of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.46 (m, 1H), 7.24 (m, 1H), 7.13 (m, 1H), 6.59 (m, 1H), 6.06 (s, 1H), 4.08 (septet, 1H), 2.73 (s, 3H), 1.26 (d, 6H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 1, where 1-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-ethanone was substituted for 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide in step 1 of that sequence. 1-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-ethanone was prepared as described below. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.17 (s, 1H), 7.47 (d, 2H), 7.36 (d, 2H), 6.69 (d, 1H), 6.25 (d, 1H), 4.67 (s, 2H), 4.07 (septet, 1H), 3.45 (s, 3H), 1.24 (d, 6H).

Step 1
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3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazole-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester

A round bottom flask was charged with 4-methoxy-3-oxo-butyric acid methyl ester (0.4 g, 2.74 mmol, prepared as described in Tetrahedron (1986), 42(14), 3767-74), triethylamine (0.60 mL), and EtOH (20 mL). The mixture was cooled to 0° C., and treated with a-chloro-4-chlorobenzoyl oxime (0.51 g, 2.74 mmol) as a solution in EtOH (5 mL). The resulting solution was warmed to the room temperature and stirred overnight. Work-up: the solution was concentrated, dissolved in DCM washed with water, brine, dried Na2SO4, and concentrated. The crude material was purified by column chromatography on silica gel (EA: Petroleum ether=1:10) giving the product as a light yellow oil (0.2 g, 26%).

Step 2
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A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazole-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester (2.2 g, 7.20 mmol), and anhydrous ethyl ether (30 mL). The solution was cooled to 0° C., where LiAlH4 (0.56 g, 1.44 mmol) was added carefully. The reaction was stirred at this temperature for two hours. Work-up: the reaction was quenched with water (2 mL), diluted with EtOAc, washed with 1N HCl, NaHCO3 (aq.), brine, dried with MgSO4, filtered, and concentrated to give the product as a yellow oil (1.2 g, 61%).

Step 3
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3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazole-4-carbaldehyde: A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with [3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-mEtOH (0.166 g, 0.64 mmol), DCM (50 mL), and PCC (0.14 g, 9.69 mmol). The resulting mixture was stirred for 3 hours at the room temperature. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated and purified by column chromatography, eluting with DCM, to give the product as a white solid (0.12 g, 80%).

Step 4
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1-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-EtOH: A round bottom flask was charged with Mg powder (0.15 g, 6.02 mmol), and anhydrous ethyl ether (3 mL). To this solution was added a solution CH3I (1.3 g) and anhydrous ethyl ether (3 mL). After stirring until most Mg had dissolved, the resulting solution was added dropwise to a 100 mL three-necked round bottom flask containing 3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazole-4-carbaldehyde (0.7 g, 3.01 mmol) and ethyl ether (6 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 3 hours at room temperature. Work-up: the reaction was diluted ether, washed with 5% HCl (aq.), saturated brine, dried over Na2SO4, filtered, and concentrated to give yellow oil (0.7 g, 94.6%).

Step 5
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1-|3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-ethanone: A round bottom flask was charged with 1-[3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-EtOH (0.7 g), DCM (8 mL), and PCC (0.18 g, 5.38 mmol). The resulting mixture was stirred for 3 hours at the room temperature. The reaction was concentrated, and purified by column chromatography on silica gel (DCM eluent) giving the product as a yellow oil (0.44 g, 63.8%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.52 (d, 2H), 7.37 (d, 2H), 6.79 (m, 1H), 6.25 (s, 1H), 4.85 (s, 1H), 4.04 (m, 1H), 3.47 (s, 3H), 2.61 (s, 3H), 1.24 (d, 6H).


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3-|3-(3-Chloro-4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 1, where 4-fluoro-3-chloro-benzaldehyde was substituted for benzaldehyde in step 1 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.23 (s, 1H), 7.73 (m, 1H), 7.45 (m, 1H), 7.17 (t, 1H), 6.76 (m, 1H), 6.21 (s, 1H), 4.13 (septet, 1H), 2.61 (s, 3H), 1.28 (d, 6H).


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3-|3-(4-Chloro-2-methyl-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 1, where 4-chloro-2-methyl-benzaldehyde was substituted for benzaldehyde in step 1 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ8.09 (d, 1H), 7.25 (m, 3H), 6.56 (m, 1H), 5.96 (d, 1H), 4.05 (m, 1H), 2.73 (s, 3H), 3.15 (s, 3H), 1.25 (d, 6H).


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3-|5-Dimethylaminomethyl-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 1, where 1-[5-Dimethylaminomethyl-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl]-ethanone was substituted for 1-(5-Methyl-3-phenyl-isoxazol-4-yl)-ethanone in step 1 of that sequence. 1-[5-Dimethylaminomethyl-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl]-ethanone was prepared as described below. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.23 (s, 1H), 7.57 (m, 2H), 7.15 (m, 2H), 6.95 (bs, 1H), 6.27 (s, 1H), 4.25 (m, 1H), 3.83 (bs, 2H), 2.47 (bs, 6H), 1.32 (d, 3H).

Step 1
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3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazole-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester

A 1000 mL round bottom flask was charged with 1-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-ethanone (13.0 g, 0.060 mol), carbon tetrachloride (400 mL), AIBN (1.2 g, 7.3 mmol), and NBS (1.0 g, 0.062 mol). The resulting solution stirred overnight at 45° C. with illumination from a mercury vapor lamp. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc:petroleum ether=1:2). Work-up: the mixture was filtered, concentrated to give light red oil (15.0 g, 85.3%), that was used without further purification.

Step 2
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A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 3-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-5-methoxymethyl-isoxazole-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester (10.0 g, 0.033 mmol), EtOH (50 mL) and dimethylamine. The resulting solution was stirred for 30 minutes at the room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (DCM:mEtOH=10:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated and purified by column chromatography (DCM:mEtOH=200:1), giving the product as a light brown oil (5.0 g, 56.8%).


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3-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-pyrazole-1-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 25, where morpholine was substituted for dimethylamine in step 2 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.22 (s, 1H), 7.55 (m, 2H), 7.11 (m, 2H), 6.75 (bs, 1H), 6.27 (s, 1H), 4.13 (m, 1H), 3.88 (bs, 2H), 3.74 (bs, 4H), 2.59 (bs, 4H), 1.43 (d, 6H).
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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4-Fluoro-benzaldehyde oxime

A 500 mL 3-necked round bottom flask was charged with NH2OH—HCl (22.41 g, 322.49 mmol), H2O (50 mL), NaOH (12.9 g, 322.50 mmol) in H2O (50 mL), and 4-fluorobenzaldehyde (20 g, 161.15 mmol), which was added drop-wise as a solution in EtOH (150 mL). The resulting solution stirred for 30 minutes at room temperature. The mixture was concentrated and dissolved in 30 mL of H2O, which precipitates a white solid. The product was isolated by filtration, giving 21.5 g (96%) of 4-fluorobenzaldehyde oxime as a white solid.

Step 2
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4-Fluoro-benzaldehyde chloro-oxime

A 1000 mL 3-necked round bottom flask was charged with 4-fluorobenzaldehyde oxime (134 g, 963.13 mmol), pyridine (9.6 g, 121.52 mmol), and CHCl3 (500 mL). To the resulting solution was added NCS (141 g, 1.06 mol) in several batches. The solution was stirred for 8 hours at room temperature. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:4). Work-up: the resulting mixture was washed 3 times with 120 mL of brine, dried over Na2SO4, and concentrated, giving 160 g (96%) of 4-fluorobenzoyl chloride oxime as a white solid.

Step 3
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3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester

A 1000 mL round bottom flask was charged with methyl 3-oxobutanoate (93.7 g, 799.68 mmol), triethylamine (81.8 g, 801.80 mmol), and EtOH (500 mL). To the above was added 4-fluorobenzoyl chloride oxime (100 g, 518.73 mmol) in several batches, while maintaining a temperature of 5-10° C. The resulting solution was stirred for 3 hours at 50° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:4). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 500 mL of EtOAc, washed 3 times with 500 mL of saturated NaCl, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated. The crude material was further purified by column chromatography with a 1:50 EtOAc/hexane, giving 25 g (19.5%) of product as white crystals.

Step 4
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3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-carboxylic acid

A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with methyl 3-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-methylisoxazole-4-carboxylate (10 g, 41.70 mmol), potassium hydroxide (7.1 g, 126.79 mmol), H2O (50 mL), and EtOH (120 mL). The resulting solution was stirred overnight at reflux. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1, Rf=0.2). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 30 mL of water, adjusted pH to 2 with HCl (10%). The resulting white solid was isolated by filtration, and dried in an oven under reduced pressure, resulting in 8.2 g (87%) of product as a white solid.

Step 5
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3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-carboxylic acid amide

A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-carboxylic acid (5 g, 22.60 mmol) and CHCl3 (100 mL). To this solution was added oxalyl chloride (8.61 g, 67.85 mmol), and DMF (3 drops). The resulting solution was stirred for 1 hour at room temperature and concentrated to an oil. The oil was dissolved in 100 mL of DCM, and treated with NH3 (gas) for 2 hours at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1). Work-up: product was isolated by filtration. The filter cake was washed 3 times with 20 mL of H2O, and air dried, giving 4.54 g (90.8%) of product as a white solid.

Step 7
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3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-carbothioic acid amide

A 250 mL 3-necked round bottom flask was charged with 3-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-methylisoxazole-4-carboxamide (4.5 g, 20.44 mmol), Lawesson's reagent (8.27 g, 20.45 mmol), and DME (100 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 3 hours at 60° C. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated and purified by column chromatography with a 1:20 EtOAc/Petroleum ether, giving 5 g (97%) of product as a yellow solid.

Step 8
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester: A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-carbothioic acid amide (5 g, 21.16 mmol) in EtOH (150 mL). To this was added ethyl 3-bromo-2-oxopropanoate (12.40 g, 63.59 mmol), and triethylamine (2.14 g, 21.19 mmol). The resulting solution stirred for 3 hours at 50° C. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in DCM (50 mL), washed 3 times with 30 mL of H2O, dried over Na2SO4, concentrated, and purified by column chromatography with a 1:20 EtOAc/Petroleum ether. This resulted in 5.5 g (78.6%) of product as an orange solid.

Step 9
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 200 mL sealed tube was charged with ethyl 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (4.5 g, 13.54 mmol), and propan-2-amine (40 mL). The resulting solution was stirred overnight at 50° C. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, purified by column chromatography with a 1:2 EtOAc/Petroleum ether. This gave 4.0 g (85.5%) of product as a white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 7.61 (t, 2H), 7.14 (t, 2H), 3.79 (s, 3H), 2.75 (s, 3H).
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperazin-1-ylmethyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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2-|5-Bromomethyl-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with ethyl 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (1.27 g, 3.82 mmol, prepared as described in Step 9, of Example 27, NBS (950 mg, 5.34 mmol), AIBN (100 mg, 0.61 mmol), in CCl4 (50 mL). The resulting solution was stirred overnight at reflux. Reaction progress was monitored by reverse phase HPLC. Work-up: the resulting mixture was diluted with EtOAc (30 mL), washed 2 times with 30 mL of H2O, dried over Na2SO4, filtered, and concentrated. This resulted in 1.67 g of crude product as a red-black solid, which was used in the next step without further purification.

Step 2
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2-|5-Bromomethyl-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-[5-Bromomethyl-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (822 mg, 2.0 mmol), MeAlCl(NH-ispropyl) (6.0 mL of 0.67 M solution, 4.0 mmol, prepared as described in Synthetic Communications, 12 (13), 989-993 (1982)), and toluene (6.0 mL). The resulting solution stirred for 1.5 hours at 80° C. Reaction progress was monitored by HPLC. Work-up: the reaction was diluted with DCM (20 mL), and stirred with Na2SO410H2O (10 g) for 1 hr, then filtered, and concentrated to a yellow oil (815 mg, 96%), which was used in the next step without further purification. LCMS (M+1+: M+2+): 425.74, 427.26

Step 3
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperazin-1-ylmethyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-[5-Bromomethyl-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (170 mg, 0.4 mmol), N-Boc-piperizine (90 mg, 0.48 mmol), Et3N (278 μL, 0.8 mmol) and DMF (1.6 mL). The resulting solution stirred for 1 hour at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (1:1 EtOAc/Hex, Rf=0.4). The resulting solution was stripped of DMF under high vacuum, dissolved 1:1 TFA/DCM (5 mL), and stirred for 30 minutes at room temperature. Work-up: the reaction was diluted with toluene (5 mL), concentrated to an oil, and purified by C18 reverse phase HPLC, giving the product as a colorless foam (211 mg, 80%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.26 (m, 2H), 8.20 (s, 1H), 7.21 (t, 2H), 4.29 (septet, 1H), 3.83 (bs, 4H), 2.78 (bs, 1H), 3.03 (bs, 2H), 1.59 (s, 4H), 1.31 (d, 6H).


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2-|5-Dimethylaminomethyl-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 28, where dimethylamine was substituted for N-Boc-piperizine in step 3 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.00 (s, 1H), 7.04-7.49 (m, 4H), 6.94 (d, 1H), 4.10-4.17 (m, 1H), 3.85 (m, 2H), 2.36 (s, 6H), 1.13 (bs, 6H).


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-1-ylmethyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-[5-Bromomethyl-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (150 mg, 0.354 mmol), (preparation described in step 2 of Example 28), piperidine (42 μL, 0.424 mmol), Et3N (100 μL, 0.71 mmol), and DMF (1.44 mL). The reaction stirred for 1 hour at room temperature, and progress was monitored by TLC (1:1 EtOAc/Hex). Workup: The reaction was neutralized with 1 M HCl (aq); diluted with toluene; concentrated to an oil; and purified via reverse phase HPLC, giving a colorless foam (78 mg, 52%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.06 (s, 1H), 8.01 (s, 1H), 7.82 (d, 1H)), 7.45 (m, 2H), 7.15 (m, 3H), 5.39 (s, 1H), 4.89 (s, 1H), 4.25 (m, 1H), 3.77 (bs, 1H), 3.38 (m, 2H), 2.81 (bs, 1H), 2.23 (bs, 1H)), 1.9 (bs, 1H), 1.59 (s, 3H), 1.21 (d, 6H). LCMS: 429.46 (M+1)+.


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4-{|3-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-ylmethyl|-amino}-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 30, (2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-1-ylmethyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide)). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.07 (s, 2H), 7.97 (s, 1H), 7.80 (d, 1H)), 7.41 (m, 3H), 7.15 (m, 3H), 5.37 (s, 1H), 4.89 (s, 1H), 4.61 (s, 2H), 4.23 (m, 3H), 4.09 (m, 2H), 3.42 (s, 1H), 3.38 (m, 2H), 3.15 (m, 1H), 2.71 (bs, 1H), 2.01 (d, 2H), 1.70 (m, 2H), 1.38 (s, 3H), 1.19 (d, 6H). LCMS: 515.74 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|(2-hydroxy-ethylamino)-methyl|-isoxazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 30, (2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-1-ylmethyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.00 (s, 1H), 7.52 (d, 1H), 7.43 (d, 2H), 7.12 (triplet, 2H), 4.64 (s, 2H), 4.23 (m, 1H), 3.92 (triplet, 2H), 3.27 (triplet, 2H), 1.18 (d, 6H). LCMS: 405.53 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|(2-methoxy-ethylamino)-methyl|-isoxazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 30, (2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-1-ylmethyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.09 (s, 1H), 7.54 (m, 1H), 7.24 (m, 2H), 4.75 (s, 2H), 4.35 (m, 1H), 3.73 (triplet, 2H), 3.31 (s, 4H), 3.25 (triplet, 3H), 1.27 (d, 6H). LCMS: 420.54 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with 1-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-ethanone (1.5 g, 5.02 mmol, prepared as described in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (1991), 34(2), 600-5), and EtOH (15 mL). The mixture was heated to reflux, where ethyl-2-amino-2-thioxoacetate (2.00 g, 15.0 mmol) was added. The resulting solution was stirred for 3 h at reflux. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:4). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated to give 2.0 g yellow solid, that was purified by column chromatography (1:30 EtOAc/Petroleum ether), giving the product (1.38 g, 82.7%) as a white solid.

Step 2
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4-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-2-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A sealed tube was charged with 2-Bromo-1-[3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-ethanone (0.4 g, 1.2 mmol), and isopropylamine (4 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 3 hours at 40° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:4). Work-up: the resulting solution was concentrated, and purified by column chromatography (1:10 EtOAc/Petroleum ether), giving the product (0.27 g, 65.8%) as a yellow solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 7.63 (t, 2H), 7.13 (m, 2H), 4.24 (septet, 1H), 2.73 (s, 3H), 1.27 (d, 6H).
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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4-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-prop-1-ynyl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with ethyl 4-ethynyl-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (3.3 g, 15.8 mmol, prepared as described in J. Med. Chem. 2004, 47, 3111-3130 B. C. Raimundo et. al.), TEA (32 mL), PdCl2(PPh3)2 (0.22 g, 0.32 mmol), and CuI (0.150 g, 0.79 mmol). This mixture was degassed and purged with N2, then 4-Fluoro-benzoyl chloride (3.21 g, 20.5 mmol) was added dropwise at room temperature and allowed to stir at this temperature for 16 h. Conversion was monitored by TLC. The reaction was quenched with water, extracted with EtOAc (3×50 mL), washed with water (1×50 mL), brine (1×50 mL), dried over Na2SO4, filtered, and concentrated to give the product (5.2 g, 100%) as brown oil that was taken to next step without further purification. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.20-8.13 (m, 2H), 7.23-7.14 (m, 2H), 3.82-3.76 (m, 2H), 3.27-3.15 (m, 2H), 2.92-2.86 (m, 1H), 1.79-1.73 (m, 2H), 1.62-1.55 (m, 2H), 1.47 (s, 9H).

Step 2
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4-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-methoxyimino-prop-1-ynyl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with ethyl 4-[3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-prop-1-ynyl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (5.2 g, 15.8 mmol), MeOH (31 mL), methoxyamine hydrochloride (1.8 g, 21.55 mmol), Na2SO4 (4.4 g, 31.6 mmol) and pyridine (3 mL), then stirred at room temperature for 7 h. Conversion was monitored by TLC. The reaction was quenched with water, extracted with EtOAc (3×100 mL), washed with water (1×50 mL), brine (1×50 mL), dried over Na2SO4 filtered, and concentrated in vacuo. The crude product was purified by silica gel (˜200 g) column chromatography with 0-20% EtOAc/Hexanes to afford the product (3.9 g, 69%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.24-8.10 (m, 2H), 7.16-7.12 (m, 2H), 4.06 (s, 3H), 3.78-3.70 (m, 2H), 3.31-3.26 (m, 2H), 2.96-2.91 (m, 1H), 1.77-1.69 (m, 2H), 1.62-1.57 (m, 2H), 1.47 (s, 9H); LCMS (M+1)+: 261.46

Step 3
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4-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-iodo-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with 4-[3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-methoxyimino-prop-1-ynyl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (1 g, 2.77 mmol), and DCM (28 mL). To this solution was added dropwise iodine monochloride (0.54 mmol, 3.33 mL of 1 M solution in DCM). The resulting mixture was allowed to stir at room temperature for 3.5 h. Conversion was monitored by TLC. The reaction mixture was quenched with saturated aqueous solution of Na2S2O3, extracted with EtOAc (3×100 mL), washed with water (1×50 mL), brine (1×50 mL), dried over Na2SO4, filtered, and concentrated. The resulting crude material was purified by silica gel (˜200 g) column chromatography with 0-20% EtOAc/Hexanes, giving the product as an off-white solid (0.8 g, 82%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 7.78-7.75 (m, 2H), 7.20-7.16 (m, 2H), 4.30-4.18 (m, 2H), 3.13-3.07 (m, 1H), 2.93-2.80 (m, 2H), 1.92-1.86 (m, 4H), 1.49 (s, 9H); LCMS (M+1-tBu)+: 417.23

Step 4
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4-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-tributylstannanyl-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with 4-[3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-4-iodo-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (1.8 g, 3.8 mmol), and 19 mL anhydrous THF, then cooled to −78° C., where n-BuLi (5.7 mmol, 3.5 mL of 1.6 M solution in hexanes) was added dropwise. The resulting mixture was stirred at this temperature for 30 min, then (Bu)3SnCl (1.8 g, 5.7 mmol) was added dropwise via a syringe, and stirred for an 1 h at this temperature. Conversion was monitored by TLC. The reaction mixture was quenched with saturated aqueous Na2S2O3, extracted with EtOAc (3×100 mL), washed with water (1×50 mL), brine (1×50 mL), dried over Na2SO4, filtered, and concentrated. The crude material was purified by silica gel (˜50 g) column chromatography with 0-10% EtOAc/Hexanes, giving the product as an off-white solid (0.95 g, 38%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 7.45-7.43 (m, 2H), 7.15-7.10 (m, 2H), 4.30-4.18 (m, 2H), 2.87-2.78 (m, 3H), 2.00-1.89 (m, 2H), 1.80-1.77 (m, 2H), 1.49 (s, 9H), 1.40-1.18 (m, 12H), 0.94-0.82 (m, 15H).

Step 5
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4-|4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

An 8 mL vial was charged with 2-bromothiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (0.036 g, 0.15 mmol), 4-[3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-4-tributyl-stannanyl-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (0.1 g, 0.15 mmol), PdCl2(PPh3)2 (0.011 g, 0.015 mmol), and anhydrous dioxane. The resulting mixture was heated to 110° C. and allowed to stir overnight. Conversion was monitored by TLC. The reaction mixture was concentrated in vacuo and purified by silica gel (˜50 g) column chromatography with 0-50% EtOAc/Hexanes, giving the product as off-white solid (0.070 g, 91%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 7.52-7.49 (m, 2H), 7.15-7.11, 4.42 (q, 2H), 4.28-4.18 (m, 2H), 3.55-3.53 (m, 1H), 2.90-2.80 (m, 2H), 2.10-1.84 (m, 4H), 1.48 (s, 9H), 1.41 (t, 3H); LCMS (M+1)+: 502.46.

Step 6
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4-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

An 8 mL vial was charged with 4-[4-(4-ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (0.07 g, 0.14 mmol), 0.5 mL anhydrous toluene, and MeAlCl(—NHiPr) (0.28 mmol, 0.42 mL of 0.67 M solution, prepared as described in Synthetic Communications, 1982, 12 (13), 989-993). The resulting solution was stirred for 1.5 hours at 80° C. The conversion was monitored by TLC. Work-up: the reaction was cooled, diluted with DCM (10 mL), and stirred with Na2SO4-10H2O (1 g) for 1 hr, filtered, and concentrated to a yellow oil (0.06 g, 96%), which was used in the next step without further purification.

Step 7
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 20 mL vial was charged with 4-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (0.06 g, 0.12 mmol), and dissolved in DCM (10 mL). To this solution was added 1 mL 1:1 mixture of TFA/DCM at room temperature. The resulting solution was stirred for 2 h at this temperature. Conversion was monitored by TLC. Work-up: the reaction concentrated and purified by C18 reverse phase column chromatography (10-60% MeCN/water with 0.1% TFA) to afford the product as white solid (32 mg, 67%). LCMS (M+1)+: 415.57


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(2-hydroxy-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-isoxazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 20 mL vial was charged with 2-[3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (50 mg, 0.095 mmol), DCM (1.9 mL), TEA (96 mg, 0.95 mmol), and acetoxyacetylchloride (20 mg, 0.14 mmol). The resulting solution was stirred at room temperature for 1 h. Conversion was monitored by TLC and LCMS. The reaction concentrated, dissolved in 1:1 THF/MeOH (1.8 mL), and stirred for 5 h at room temperature. Conversion was monitored by LCMS. Work-up: the reaction was quenched by Dowex acidic resin, stirred for 10 min and filtered. The filtrate was concentrated in vacuo and purified by C18 reverse phase column chromatography (20-60% MeCN/water with 0.1% TFA), giving the product as white solid (20 mg, 45%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ: 8.21 (s, 1H), 7.56-7.53 (m, 2H), 7.25-7.20, 4.61 (d, 1H), 4.34-4.14 (m, 3H), 3.90 (d, 1H), 3.76-3.68 (m, 1H), 3.20 (t, 1H), 2.88 (t, 1H), 2.10 (d, 2H), 1.99-1.83 (m, 2H), 1.25 (d, 6H); LCMS (M+1)+: 473.31.
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl|-oxazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-oxazol-2-ylethynyl)-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester: A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-Chloro-oxazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (1.75 g, 10.0 mmol, prepared as described in Organic Letters (2002), 4(17), 2905-2907), 4-Ethynyl-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (2.07 g, 10.0 mmol, prepared as described in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2004), 14(4), 947-952.), Pd(PPH3)2Cl2 (350 mg, 0.50 mmol), CuI (190 mg, 1.00 mmol), Et3N (5.0 mL), and DMF (15 mL). The resulting solution was vacuum-flushed with N2, and then stirred for 2.0 hours at 110° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (40% EtOAc/Hexane, Rf=0.4). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, purified by column chromatography with 40% EtOAc/Hexane, resulting in 2.09 g (60%) of product as a brown oil.

Step 2
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4-|4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-oxazol-2-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 25 mL round bottom flask charged with methyl 4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-oxazol-2-ylethynyl)-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (174.0 mg, 1.0 mmol), 4-Fluoro-benzaldehyde chloro-oxime (347.4 mg, 1.0 mmol), and 25% Et3N/Et2O (5 mL). The resulting solution was stirred at 50° C. for 2 days. Reaction progress was monitored by LCMS. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, purified by C18 reverse phase HPLC, giving 29 mg (6%) of product as a white solid. LCMS (M+1+): 486.49

Step 3
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4-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-oxazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A round bottom flask was charged with 4-[4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-oxazol-2-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (70 mg, 0.144 mmol), MeAlCl(NH-ispropyl) (430 μl of 0.67 M solution, 0.288 mmol, prepared as described in Synthetic Communications, 12 (13), 989-993 (1982)), and toluene (430 μl). The resulting solution stirred for 2.5 hours at 75° C. Reaction progress was monitored by LCMS. Work-up: the reaction was diluted with DCM (10 mL), and stirred with Na2SO4-10H2O (10 g) for 1 hr, then filtered, and concentrated to a light yellow solid, which was used in the next step without further purification. LCMS (M+1+): 499.53

Step 4
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl|-oxazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A round bottom flask was charged with 4-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-oxazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (0.144 mmol crude from previous step) in 300% TFA/DCM (3 mL). The resulting solution stirred for 1 hour at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by LCMS. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, purified by C18 reverse phase HPLC, giving 38 mg (52% for two steps, based on mass with 1 equivalent of TFA) of product as a white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.27 (s, 1H), 7.58 (dd, 2H), 7.18 (t, 2H), 6.65 (d, 1H), 6.10 (bs, 2H), 4.21 (septet, 1H), 3.75 (m, 1H), 3.65 (m, 2H), 3.23 (bs, 2H), 2.38 (bs, 4H), 1.25 (d, 6H). LCMS (M+1+): 399.86
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazole-5-carboxylic acid methyl ester: A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-acetoxy-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-propionic acid methyl ester (25 g, 78.74 mmol, prepared as described in step 3 of Example 27), ammonium acetate (18.2 g, 234.00 mmol), and HOAc (30 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 3.5 hours at 100° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:4, Rf=0.4). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 300 mL of EtOAc, washed 3 times with 200 mL of NaHCO3 (10%), dried over Na2SO4, and concentrated. The resulting residue was purified by column chromatography with 1:20 EtOAc/Petroleum ether, resulting in 3.2 g (9%) of product as a yellow solid.

Step 2
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4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazole-5-carboxylic acid: A 250 mL round bottom flask charged with methyl 4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazole-5-carboxylic acid methyl ester (3.5 g, 14.60 mmol), potassium hydroxide (4.2 g, 75.0 mmol), H2O (10 mL), and EtOH (30 mL). The resulting solution was refluxed for 40 minutes. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, and dissolved in 20 mL of H2O, and adjusted to pH to 2 with HCl (10%). Product was isolated by filtration, resulting in 3.2 g (94%) of product as a white solid.

Step 3
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4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazole-5-carbonyl chloride: A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazole-5-carboxylic acid (4.5 g, 19.95 mmol), oxalyl chloride (25.8 g, 203.26 mmol), and DCM (50 mL). To this was added N,N-dimethylformamide (catalytic amount). The resulting solution stirred for 4 hours at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated resulting in 4 g (67%) product as a yellow solid that was used without further purification.

Step 4
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4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazole-5-carboxylic acid amide: Into a 250 mL round bottom flask, was placed a solution of 4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-methyloxazole-5-carbonyl chloride (4 g, 13.39 mmol) in DCM (50 mL). To the mixture was added ammonia gas (30 g, 1.76 mol). The resulting solution stirred for 3 hours at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1). Work-up: solid product was filtered from the reaction and washed 2 times with 20 mL of H2O, resulting in 3.4 g (92%) of product as a pale yellow solid.

Step 5
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4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazole-5-carbothioic acid amide: A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazole-5-carboxylic acid amide (3.4 g, 14.2 mmol), Lawesson's reagent (7.5 g, 18.56 mmol), and 1,2-dimethoxyethane (30 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 10 at 60° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1). Work-up: the reaction was filtered. The filtrate was concentrated and purified by column chromatography with a 200:1 DCM/MeOH, giving 1.8 g (48%) of product as a yellow solid.

Step 6
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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester: A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazole-5-carbothioic acid amide (1.8 g, 7.25 mmol), 3-bromo-2-oxopropanoate (7.4 g, 37.95 mmol), and EtOH (20 mL). The resulting solution stirred for 40 minutes at 60° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:2). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 100 mL of Et2O, washed 2 times with 50 mL of H2O, dried over Na2SO4, and concentrated to a yellow solid 1.0 g (39%).

Step 7
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5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazole-4-carboxylic acid amide: A 100 mL sealed tube was charged with 2-[4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazol-5-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (1.5 g, 4.43 mmol), and propan-2-amine (5.3 g, 89.8 mmol). The resulting solution stirred for 6 hours at 50° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:2). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 100 mL of EtOAc, washed 2 times with 50 mL of H2O, and dried over Na2SO4. The crude residue was purified by column chromatography with 1:10 EtOAc/Petroleum ether, resulting in 1.0 g (64%) of product as a white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.17 (m, 2H), 8.10 (s, 1H), 7.13 (t, 2H), 7.00 (m, 1H), 4.23 (septet, 1H), 2.62 (s, 3H), 1.27 (d, 6H).


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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid amide

A 10 mL seal tube was charged with 2-[4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazol-5-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (25 mg, 0.075 mmol), ammonium hydroxide (2.5 mL), EtOH (1.5 mL), and DMSO (1.0 mL). The resulting solution stirred for 2 h at 120° C. Reaction progress was monitored by LCMS. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, and purified by C18 semi-preparative HPLC, giving the product as a white solid 6 mg (26%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 8.41 (m, 2H), 8.23 (s, 1H), 7.28 (t, 2H), 6.91 (bs, 2H), 2.60 (s, 3H).


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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-hydroxymethyl-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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2-|2-Bromomethyl-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester: A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-[4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazol-5-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (200 mg, 0.59 mmol, described in Step 6 of Example 38), NBS (120 mg, 0.67 mmol), AIBN (a catalytic amount), and CCl4 (10 mL). The resulting solution stirred for 3 hours under light from a Hg vapor lamp at reflux. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:4). Work-up: the resulting mixture was washed 2 times with 10 mL of H2O, dried over Na2SO4, and purified by column chromatography with a 1:20 EtOAc/Petroleum ether. This gave 0.1 g (40%) of product as a pale yellow solid.

Step 2
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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-hydroxymethyl-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester: A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with ethyl 2-[2-Bromomethyl-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-oxazol-5-yl]-5 thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (500 mg, 0.61 mmol), DMSO (5 mL), and H2O (2 mL). The resulting solution stirred overnight at 80° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1). Work-up: the reaction mixture diluted 10 mL of H2O/ice, extracted two times with 50 mL of Et2O, dried over Na2SO4, concentrated, and purified by column chromatography with 1:10 EtOAc/Petroleum ether. This gave 0.12 g (56%) of product as a pale yellow solid.

Step 3
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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-hydroxymethyl-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 10 mL sealed tube was charged with ethyl 2-[4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-hydroxymethyl-oxazol-5-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (100 mg, 0.28 mmol), and propan-2-amine (170 mg, 2.88 mmol). The resulting solution stirred overnight at 50° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:2). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated and purified by column chromatography with a 1:1 EtOAc/Petroleum ether. This gave 30 mg (29%) of the title compound as a pale yellow solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.17 (m, 2H), 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.13 (t, 2H), 6.98 (m, 2H), 4.87 (s, 2H), 4.24 (septet, 1H), 1.26 (d, 6H).


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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with ethyl 2-(2-(bromomethyl)-4-(4-fluorophenyl)oxazol-5-yl)thiazole-4-carboxylate (200 mg, 0.49 mmol), morpholine (52 mg, 0.60 mmol), triethylamine (61 mg, 0.60 mmol), and EtOH (20 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 1.5 hours at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:2). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 30 mL of EtOAc, washed 3 times with 20 mL of brine, dried over Na2SO4 concentrated, resulting in 170 mg (84%) of product as yellow-red oil.

Step 2
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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide: A 10 mL sealed tube was charged with 2-[4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-oxazol-5-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (170 mg, 0.41 mmol), and propan-2-amine (3 mL). The resulting solution was stirred overnight at 60° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1). Work-up: the reaction mixture was concentrated, and purified by column chromatography with a 1:50 EtOAc/Petroleum ether, giving 30 mg (17%) of product as a yellow solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.55 (bs, 2H), 8.34 (s, 1H), 7.63 (m, 2H), 7.18 (t, 2H), 4.15 (s, 2H), 4.09 (septet, 1H), 3.03 (bs, 4H), 2.71 (bs, 4H), 1.06 (d, 6H). LCMS (M+1+): 429.72


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2-|2-Dimethylaminomethyl-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 41, where dimethylamine was substituted for morpholine in step 2 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.18 (m, 2H), 8.15 (s, 1H), 7.15 (t, 2H), 6.99 (m, 1H), 4.24 (m, 1H), 2.60 (bm, 2H), 1.54 (s, 6H), 1.27 (d, 6H).


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|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-oxazol-2-ylmethyl|-carbamic acid tert-butyl ester

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 41, where sodium azide was substituted for morpholine in step 2 of that sequence. The resulting azide was reduced (RaNi/i-PrOH) and Boc protected. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.17 (m, 2H), 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.14 (t, 2H), 7.00 (m, 1H), 5.22 (s, 1H), 4.56 (s, 2H), 4.24 (septet, 1H), 1.50 (s, 9H), 1.27 (d, 6H).


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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-piperazin-1-ylmethyl-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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2-|2-Bromomethyl-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A round bottom flask was charged with 2-[2-bromomethyl-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-oxazol-5-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (300 mg, 0.73 mmol, prepared as described in Step 1 of Example 40), toluene (2 mL), and 2 mL of MeAlCl(NHiPr) (0.67 M solution in toluene, 1.46 mmol, prepared as described in Synth. Comm., 12 (13) 989-993.). The resulting mixture was warmed to 80° C. and left to stir for 2 hrs, then cooled to room temperature and poured in to a vigorously stirred slurry of sodium sulfate decahydrate (25 g) in DCM (100 mL). After 1 hr, the mixture was filtered, and the resulting filtrate was dried over MgSO4, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo to afford the title compound (289 mg, 93% yield) as a tan solid that was determined to be sufficiently pure by available analytical methods to carry on to the next step. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.16 (m, 3H), 7.14 (m, 2H), 6.98 (m, 1H) 4.55 (s, 2H), 4.23 (m, 1H), 1.27 (d, 6H). LCMS: 423.7 (M+1)+.

Step 2
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4-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-oxazol-2-ylmethyl|-piperazine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

Cs2CO3 (861 mg, 2.65 mmol) was added to a stirred solution of 2-[2-bromomethyl-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-oxazol-5-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (450 mg, 1.06 mmol), and tert-butyl 1-piperazinecarboxylate, (237 mg, 1.27 mmol) in DMF (22 mL) at room temperature. The resulting mixture was warmed to 80° C. and left to stir for 10 minutes, then cooled to room temperature and poured in to a separatory funnel containing 1:1 EtOAc:hexanes (200 mL) and 5% brine (100 mL). The organic layer was washed with an additional 3 portions of 5% brine (50 mL each), then dried over MgSO4, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting crude residue was purified by SiO2 flash chromatography, eluting with 3:1 EtOAc:hexanes to afford the title compound (459 mg, 82%) as a white powder. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.16 (m, 2H), 8.12 (s, 1H), 7.12 (m, 2H), 6.98 (d, 1H), 4.22 (m, 1H), 3.83 (s, 2H), 3.49 (m, 4H), 2.61 (m, 4H), 1.44 (s, 9H), 1.26 (d, 6H). LCMS: 530.0 (M+1)+.

Step 3
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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-piperazin-1-ylmethyl-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

To a solution of 4-[4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-oxazol-2-ylmethyl]-piperazine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (350 mg, 0.66 mmol) in DCM (1 mL), was added 20% TFA in DCM (5 mL). After 1.25 hrs of stirring at room temperature, TLC analysis (70% EtOAc in hexanes) showed the disappearance of the Boc protected starting material. The resulting mixture was diluted with DCM (20 mL) and toluene (20 mL), and concentrated to dryness in vacuo. The crude residue was purified by automated C18 reverse phase semi-preparative HPLC to afford the title compound (220 mg, 61%, mono TFA salt) as an off white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.28 (s, 1H), 8.19 (m, 2H), 7.70 (m, 1H), 7.23 (m, 2H), 4.17 (m, 1H), 3.99 (s, 2H), 3.28 (m, 4H), 2.94 (m, 4H), 1.26 (d, 6H). LCMS: 430.5 (M+1)+.
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl|-oxazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-oxazol-2-ylethynyl)-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-Chloro-oxazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (1.75 g, 10.0 mmol, prepared as described in Organic Letters (2002), 4(17), 2905-2907), 4-Ethynyl-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (2.07 g, 10.0 mmol, prepared as described in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters (2004), 14(4), 947-952.), Pd(PPH3)2Cl2 (350 mg, 0.50 mmol), CuI (190 mg, 1.00 mmol), Et3N (5.0 mL), and DMF (15 mL). The resulting solution was vacuum-flushed with N2, and then stirred for 2.0 hours at 110° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (40% EtOAc/Hexane, Rf=0.4). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, purified by column chromatography with 40% EtOAc/Hexane, resulting in 2.09 g (60%) of product as a brown oil.

Step 2
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4-|4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-oxazol-2-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 25 mL round bottom flask charged with methyl 4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-oxazol-2-ylethynyl)-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (174.0 mg, 1.0 mmol), 4-Fluoro-benzaldehyde chloro-oxime (347.4 mg, 1.0 mmol), and 25% Et3N/Et2O (5 mL). The resulting solution was stirred at 50° C. for 2 days. Reaction progress was monitored by LCMS. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, purified by C18 reverse phase HPLC, giving 29 mg (6%)of product as a white solid. LCMS (M+1+): 486.49

Step 3
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4-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-oxazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A round bottom flask was charged with 4-[4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-oxazol-2-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (70 mg, 0.144 mmol), MeAlCl(NH-ispropyl) (430 μl of 0.67 M solution, 0.288 mmol, prepared as described in Synthetic Communications, 12 (13), 989-993 (1982)), and toluene (430 μl). The resulting solution stirred for 2.5 hours at 75° C. Reaction progress was monitored by LCMS. Work-up: the reaction was diluted with DCM (10 mL), and stirred with Na2SO4-10H2O (10 g) for 1 hr, then filtered, and concentrated to a light yellow solid, which was used in the next step without further purification. LCMS (M+1+): 499.53

Step 4
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl|-oxazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A round bottom flask was charged with 4-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-oxazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (0.144 mmol crude from previous step) in 30% TFA/DCM (3 mL). The resulting solution stirred for 1 hour at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by LCMS. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, purified by C18 reverse phase HPLC, giving 38 mg (52% for two steps, based on mass with 1 equivalent of TFA) of product as a white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.27 (s, 1H), 7.58 (dd, 2H), 7.18 (t, 2H), 6.65 (d, 1H), 6.10 (bs, 2H), 4.21 (septet, 1H), 3.75 (m, 1H), 3.65 (m, 2H), 3.23 (bs, 2H), 2.38 (bs, 4H), 1.25 (d, 6H). LCMS (M+1+): 399.86
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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-thiazole-5-carboxylic acid methyl ester

A 500 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-Chloro-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-propionic acid methyl ester (10 g, 0.043 mol, described in Step 2 of Example 27), and thioacetamide (5 g, 0.067 mol) and EtOH (250 mL). The resulting solution stirred overnight at reflux. Reaction progress %% as monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:10). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 100 mL of DCM, washed 2 times with 50 mL of water, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated giving 8 g (73.4%) of product as a red solid.

Step 2
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4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-thiazole-5-carboxylic acid

A 500 mL round bottom flask was charged with 4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-thiazole-5-carboxylic acid methyl ester (8 g, 0.032 mol), potassium hydroxide (5.35 g, 0.096 mol), H2O (20 mL), and EtOH (100 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 4 hours at reflux. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (AcOEt/Petroleum ether=1:10). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 100 mL of H2O, washed 2 times with 50 mL of DCM, and adjusted to pH=2 with HCl (6N), which caused formation of a white precipitate. The precipitate was filtrated and dried to give 6.38 g (85%) of product as a white solid.

Step 3
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4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-thiazole-5-carboxylic acid amide

A 250 mL single-necked flask was charged with 4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-thiazole-5-carboxylic acid (3 g, 0.013 mol), oxalyl chloride (16.1 g, 0.13 mol), DMF (two drops), and DCM (100 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 2 hours at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1) after a MeOH quench. The crude acid chloride was concentrated, dissolved in 100 mL of DCM, and reacted with NH3(g) for 2 hours. Work-up: product was isolated by filtration. The filter cake was washed with water and dried to give 2.2 g (81%) of product as a red solid.

Step 4
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4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-thiazole-5-carbothioic acid amide

A 250 mL 3-necked flask was charged 4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-thiazole-5-carboxylic acid amide (2.2 g, 0.09 mol), DME (100 mL), and Lawesson's reagent (4.45 g, 0.011 mol). The resulting solution was stirred for 40 minutes at 60° C. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated to give yellow sticky solid, which was purified by column chromatography with a 1:50 EtOAc/Petroleum ether. This gave 1.7 g (72.3%) of product as a light yellow solid.

Step 5
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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with 4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-thiazole-5-carbothioic acid amide (1.5 g, 0.006 mmol), 3-bromo-3-oxopropanoate (5.71 g, 0.03 mol), and DCM (50 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 5 hours at reflux. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:2). Work-up: the reaction mixture was concentrated, and purified by column chromatography with 20:1 EtOAc/Petroleum ether, giving 1.2 g (59%) of product as a yellow solid.

Step 6
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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide: A 10 mL sealed tube was charged with ethyl 4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (400 mg, 1.15 mmol), and isopropyl amine (7 mL). The resulting solution was stirred overnight at 50° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:2). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, and purified by column chromatography with a 1:5 EtOAc/Petroleum ether, giving 0.23 (55%) of the title compound as a white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 7.92 (s, 1H), 7.57 (m, 2H), 7.16 (t, 3H), 7.00 (d, 1H), 4.24 (septet, 1H), 2.80 (s, 3H), 1.27 (d, 6H).


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide

Step 1
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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid

To a stirred solution of 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (1.95 g, 5.6 mmol) in MeOH (20 mL) at room temperature was added LiOH (7.3 mL of a 1N aqueous solution, 7.3 mmol). The resulting mixture was warmed to 45° C. and left to stir for 2 hrs, at which time TLC analysis (1:1 EtOAc:hexanes) revealed the disappearance of the ester starting material. The reaction was cooled to room temperature and made acidic with the addition of HCl (10 mL of 1N aqueous solution) and further diluted with H2O (200 mL). The resulting heterogeneous mixture %% as washed with EtOAc (6×100 mL portions) and the combined organic extracts were dried (MgSO4), filtered, and concentrated in vacuo to obtain the title compound (1.68 g, 5.3 mmol, 95% yield) as a white powder. LCMS: 320.7 (M+1)+, 319.1 (M−1).

Step 2
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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid pentafluorophenyl ester

To a stirred solution of 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid (1.68 g, 5.3 mmol), and pyridine (466 μL, 5.8 mmol) in DMF (50 mL), at room temperature, was added pentafluorophenyl trifluoroacetate (1.1 mL, 6.3 mmol). After 1 hr, the reaction was determined to be complete by TLC analysis (3:1 hexanes:EtOAc). The mixture was then poured in to a separatory funnel containing 1:1 hexanes:EtOAc (300 mL) and washed with aqueous HCl (50 mL, 0.1 N), 5% brine (4×50 mL), 5% NaHCO3 (50 mL), and H2O (100 mL). The organic layer was dried over MgSO4, filtered, and concentrated to dryness in vacuo to afford the title compound (2.54 g, 99% yield) as a pale yellow solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.27 (s, 1H), 7.55 (m, 2H), 7.17 (m, 2H), 2.78 (s, 3H). LCMS: 486.7 (M+1)+.

Step 3
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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide

Methylamine (150 μL of a 2.0 M solution in THF, 0.3 mmol) was added to a stirred solution of 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid pentafluorophenyl ester (97 mg, 0.2 mmol), and DIEA (70 μL, 0.4 mmol) in DMF (1 mL), at room temperature. After 2 hrs the reaction was determined to be complete by HPLC analysis. The resulting crude mixture was purified by automated C18 reverse phase semi-preparative HPLC to afford the title compound (69 mg, 78% yield, mono TFA salt) as a tan solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.91 (s, 1H), 7.54 (m, 2H), 7.24 (m, 1H), 7.16 (m, 2H), 3.01 (d, 3H), 2.76 (s, 3H). LCMS: 333.7 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid ethylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where ethylamine was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.91 (s, 1H), 7.54 (m, 2H), 7.22 (m, 1H), 7.16 (m, 2H), 3.49 (m, 2H), 2.77 (s, 1H), 1.26 (t, 3H). LCMS: 347.7 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid (2-hydroxy-ethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide where ethanolamine was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.93 (s, 1H), 7.63 (m, 1H), 7.54 (m, 2H), 7.16 (m, 2H), 3.84 (m, 2H), 3.63 (m, 2H), 2.76 (s, 3H). LCMS: 364.1 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid cyclobutylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where cyclobutylamine was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.91 (s, 1H), 7.54 (m, 2H), 7.31 (m, 1H), 7.16 (m, 2H), 4.56 (m, 1H), 2.77 (s, 3H), 2.41 (m, 2H), 1.99 (m, 2H), 1.78 (m, 2H). LCMS: 373.6 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid cyclopropylmethyl-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where (aminomethyl)cyclopropane was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.93 (s, 1H), 7.54 (m, 2H), 7.31 (m, 1H), 7.15 (m, 2H), 3.31 (m, 2H), 2.77 (s, 3H), 1.06 (m, 1H), 0.57 (m, 2H), 0.30 (m, 2H). LCMS: 373.7 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid (3-hydroxy-propyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where 3-amino-1-propanol was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ7.93 (s, 1H), 7.54 (m, 3H), 7.15 (m, 2H), 3.68 (m, 2H), 3.62 (m, 2H), 2.76 (s, 3H), 1.81 (m, 2H). LCMS: 377.8 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid (2-methoxy-ethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where 2-methoxyethanamine was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.93 (s, 1H), 7.54 (m, 3H), 7.15 (m, 2H), 3.64 (m, 2H), 3.56 (m, 2H), 3.41 (s, 3H), 2.77 (s, 3H). LCMS: 377.7 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid (1-hydroxymethyl-propyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where 2-amino-1-butanol was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.95 (s, 1H), 7.54 (m, 2H), 7.35 (m, 1H), 7.15 (m, 2H), 4.02 (m, 1H), 3.82 (m, 1H), 3.71 (m, 1H), 2.76 (s, 3H), 1.73 (m, 1H), 1.64 (m, 1H), 1.01 (t, 3H). LCMS: 391.7 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid (pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where 3-pyridinylmethanamine was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.90 (m, 1H), 8.73 (m, 1H), 8.36 (d, 1H), 8.03 (dd, 1H), 7.96 (s, 1H), 7.79 (m, 1H), 7.52 (m, 2H), 7.15 (m, 2H), 4.78 (d, 2H), 2.75 (s, 3H). LCMS: 411.5 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid (pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where 2-pyridinylmethanamine was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.94 (m, 1H), 8.74 (m, 1H), 8.20 (dd, 1H), 7.94 (d, 1H), 7.87 (s, 1H), 7.68 (m, 1H), 7.52 (m, 2H), 7.15 (m, 2H), 4.96 (d, 2H), 2.77 (s, 3H). LCMS: 411.5 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid (pyridin-4-ylmethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where 4-pyridinylmethanamine was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 9.15 (m, 1H), 8.74 (d, 2H), 8.20 (s, 1H), 7.73 (d, 2H), 7.63 (m, 2H), 7.35 (m, 2H), 4.63 (d, 2H), 2.73 (d, 3H). LCMS: 410.9 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid (3-morpholin-4-yl-propyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where 3-(4-morpholinyl)-1-propanamine was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.89 (s, 1H), 7.63 (m, 1H), 7.53 (m, 2H), 7.16 (m, 2H), 3.98 (m, 4H), 3.54 (m, 4H), 3.14 (m, 2H), 2.88 (m, 2H), 2.77 (s, 3H), 2.15 (m, 2H). LCMS: 447.5 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid (benzo|1,3|dioxol-5-ylmethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where 1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylmethananimine was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.96 (s, 1H), 7.53 (m, 3H), 7.12 (m, 2H), 6.85 (m, 1H), 6.80 (m, 2H), 5.95 (s, 2H), 4.55 (m, 2H), 2.74 (s, 3H). LCMS: 453.9 (M+1)+.


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4′-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-|2,5′|bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid 3,4-dimethoxy-benzylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4′-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2′-methyl-[2,5′]bithiazolyl-4-carboxylic acid methylamide, where (3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)methanamine was substituted for methylamine in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.96 (s, 1H), 7.53 (m, 3H), 7.12 (m, 2H), 6.85 (m, 3H), 4.57 (d, 2H), 3.88 (s, 6H), 2.75 (s, 3H). LCMS: 469.9 (M+1)+.
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1:
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A 500 mL 3-neck flask was charged with diisopropylamine (15.5 mL, 110 mmol) and THF (0.300 mL). The resultant solution was cooled to −78° C., where butyllithium (62.5 mL, 100 mmol) was added. After 10 minutes, a solution of acetonitrile (5.2 mL, 100 mmol) in THF (10 mL) was added and the reaction was stirred for 15 minutes at −78° C. Next, a solution of -fluoro-benzoic acid ethyl ester (13.2 mL, 90 mmol) in THF (26 mL) was added to the flask, and the reaction stirred at room temperature for 30 minutes. Work-up: the reaction mixture was concentrated, diluted in EtOAc (150 mL), and washed with H2O (150 mL). The aqueous layer was acidified with 4N HCl to pH=6, extracted twice with EtOAc. The organics were dried with MgSO4, concentrated, triturated with Et2O, sonicated, and filtered, giving a white crystalline product (72% yield).

Step 2:
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A 300 mL round bottom flask was charged with 3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-propionitrile (10 g, 61.0 mmol), isopropanol (123 mL) and dithiophosphoric acid 0,0-diethyl ester (31 mL, 183.0 mmol). The reaction was stirred for 4 hours at 58° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (100% DCM). Work-up: the crude reaction was concentrated, triturated with DCM, sonicated, and filtered, giving 7.6 g (56% yield) of a tan solid. LCMS: 198.20 (M+1)+.

Step 3:
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2-|2-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-oxo-ethyl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-thiopropionamide (5 g, 25.4 mmol), EtOH (75 mL), and ethyl bromopyruvate (3.83 mL, 30.5 mmol). The resulting mixture was stirred for 2 hours at 60° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (100% DCM). Work-up: the crude reaction was diluted with water and extracted with EtOAc (3×100 mL). The resulting organics were washed with brine, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated to a solid. The solid was suspended in ether, sonicated, and filtered; resulting in 6.3 g of bright yellow solid product (83% yield). LCMS: 293.93 (M+1)+.

Step 4:
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Piperidine-1,4-dicarboxylic acid 1-benzyl ester 4-|2-(4-ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-1-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-vinyl|ester

A 250 mL flask was charged with 2-[2-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-oxo-ethyl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (4 g, 13.6 mmol); DCM (50 mL), and Et3N (5.3 mL, 38.1 mmol). 4-chlorocarbonyl-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid benzyl ester (5.1 g, 18.3 mmol) was added to the solution, and the reaction was stirred for 30 minutes at room temperature, where it was monitored by LCMS and TLC (EtOAc/Hex=1:1). The crude reaction was diluted with EtOAc (200 mL), washed with water, dried over MgSO4, concentrated to a solid; giving 35.9 g of product (100% yield). LCMS: 539.03 (M+1)+.

Step 5
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4-|2-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-propionyl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid benzyl ester

A 500 mL round bottom flask was charged with Piperidine-1,4-dicarboxylic acid 1-benzyl ester 4-[2-(4-ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-1-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-vinyl]ester (35.9 g, 67 mmol), DCM (200 mL), and DMAP (16.3 g, 134 mmol). The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 4 hours. Reaction progress was monitored by LC/MS and TLC (EtOAc/Hex=1:1). Workup: reaction mixture was diluted DCM, washed with 1 M HCl (100 mL), dried over MgSO4; and concentrated. The crude material was purified via flash chromatography, eluted with 100% DCM to 50% EtOAc/DCM, giving 25 g (70% yield) of product, as a yellow oil. LCMS: 539.44 (M+1)+.

Step 6:
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4-|4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid benzyl ester

A 50 mL flask was charged with 4-[2-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-propionyl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid benzyl ester (535 mg, 1.0 mmol), acetic acid (4.0 mL), and hydrazine (0.157 mL, 5.0 mmol). The reaction was stirred for 2 hours at 115° C. Reaction progress was monitored by LC/MS and TLC (EtOAc/Hex=1:1). Workup: the reaction was concentrated, diluted with EtOAc, washed with sodium bicarbonate(aq.), brine, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated to a brown oil. The oil was purified via flash chromatography (15% ACN/DCM-40% ACN/DCM), giving 480 mg (90% yield) of a yellow solid. LCMS: 535.21 (M+1)+.

Step 7
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 500 mL Teflon capped sealed tube was charged with 4-[4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid benzyl ester (12 g, 22.5 mmol), and 4 M HCl in dioxane (225 mL). The reaction was stirred for 1 hour at 100° C. Reaction progress was monitored by LC/MS. Work-up: reaction was cooled to room temperature, and concentrated to a yellow solid; (9 g, 92% yield). LCMS: 402.92 (M+1)+.

Step 8:
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4-|4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl|piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 500 mL flask was charged with the 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester HCl-salt (9 g, 21 mmol), Et3N (15.6 mL, 113.0 mmol), and mEtOH (75 mL). Di-t-Butyl Dicarbonate (5.87 g, 27 mmol) was added to the solution, and the reaction was stirred at room temperature for 1 hour. Reaction progress was monitored by LC/MS and TLC (EtOAc/Hex=1:1). The mixture was diluted in EtOAc (300 mL), washed with water, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated to a white solid (9 g, 87% yield). LCMS: 501.61 (M+1)+.

Step 9:
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4-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 4-[4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (5.0 g, 10 mmol), toluene (50.0 mL), and MeAlCl(NH-isopropyl) (30 mL, 0.67M, prepared as described in Synthetic Communications, 12 (13), 989-993 (1982)). The resulting solution was stirred at 80° C. for 1 hr. Reaction progress was monitored by LC/MS. Work-up: the reaction was diluted with DCM (800 mL), poured over Na2SO4-10H2O (210 g), and stirred at room temperature for 1 hr. The crude solution was dried with MgSO4, filtered, and concentrated to a solid. The solid was triturated with EtOAc, sonicated, and filtered; giving 5.05 g of product (98% yield). LCMS: 514.48 (M+1)+.

Step 10:
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A Teflon capped sealed tube was charged with 4-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropyl-carbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (2.5 μg, 4.9 mmol), MeOH (6 mL), and 4M HCL in dioxane (14 mL). The mixture was stirred for 1 hour at 50° C. Reaction progress was monitored by LC/MS. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated to a solid to yield 2.06 g (94% yield) and was taken to the next step without further purification. 50 mg of the crude product was purified via reverse phase HPLC, and yielded 27% (calculated as 2×TFA-salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 10.05 (bs, 1H), 9.12 (bs, 1H), 7.99 (s, 1H), 7.35 (m, 2H), 7.17 (m, 2H), 7.02 (t, 2H), 6.88 (d, 1H), 4.18 (m, 1H), 3.59 (d, 2H), 3.41 (m, 2H), 3.08 (m, 5H), 2.23 (m, 4H), 2.19 (m, 2H), 1.18 (d, 6H). LCMS: 414.97 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(2-hydroxy-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 100 mL flask was charged with 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (80 mg, 0.2 mmol, prepared as described in step 10 of Example 61), DCM (0.7 mL), Et3N (0.140 mL, 1.0 mmol), and acetoxy acetyl hydrochloride (33.0 μL, 0.30 mmol). The reaction was stirred for 15 minutes at room temperature, and reaction progress was monitored by LC/MS. Work-up: the crude mixture was diluted with EtOAc, washed with water, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated to yield a solid. The solid was dissolved in a 1:1 solution of THF/MeOH (0.30 mL), and treated with LiOH (0.60 mL, 0.6 mmol). The solution was stirred at 50° C. for 30 minutes. Workup: the reaction was diluted in EtOAc, washed with water, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated to a solid. The material was purified via HPLC to yield 41.8 mg of product (59% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): δ 8.87 (bs, 1H), 7.99 (s, 1H), 7.35 (m, 2H), 7.17 (m, 2H), 7.02 (t, 2H), 6.88 (d, 1H), 4.18 (m, 1H), 3.59 (d, 2H), 3.41 (m, 3H), 3.08 (m, 2H), 2.23 (m, 4H), 2.19 (m, 2H), 1.18 (d, 6H). LCMS: 472.23 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethylamide

Step 1:
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4-|4-(4-Carboxy-thiazol-2-yl)-5-(4-fluorophenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl|-piperidine-1 carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 4-[4-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (2.6 g, 5.2 mmol, prepared as described in step 8 of Example 61), and a 1:1 solution of THF/MeOH (20.0 mL). An aqueous solution of LiOH, 1 M (12.0 mL, 12.0 mmol) was added, and the reaction was stirred at 50° C. for 1 hour. The progress was monitored by LC/MS. Work-up: the reaction was diluted with EtOAc, washed with water, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated to a solid (2.58 g, 100%). LCMS: 473.46 (M+1)+.

Step 2:
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4-|4-(4-Ethylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 100 mL flask was charged with 2M ethylamine in dioxane (0.465 mL, 0.8 mmol), DMF (1.76 mL), Et3N (0.143 mL; 1.06 mmol), and 4-[4-(4-Carboxy-thiazol-2-yl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]-piperidine-1 carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (250 mg, 0.53 mmol). The solution was stirred for a few minutes, and HATU was added (201 mg, 0.53 mmol) to the flask. The reaction was stirred 1 hour at room temperature, and the progress was monitored by LC/MS. Work-up: the crude mixture was the reaction was diluted with EtOAc; washed with 1 M HCl (aq), water, and brine. The solution was dried over MgSO4, and concentrated to a solid (2.58 g, 100% yield). LCMS: 500.50 (M+1)+.

Step 3:
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethylamide

A flask was charged with 4-[4-(4-Ethylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (258 mg, 0.516 mmol), and a solution of 30% TFA/DCM (6 mL). The reaction was stirred for 20 minutes at room temperature, and the progress was monitored by TLC. Work-up: the solution was diluted with toluene (20 mL), and concentrated to dryness. The resultant material was purified via reverse phase HPLC, and yielded 133 mg of transparent, tan crystals (63%, calculated as bis-TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.00 (s, 1H), 7.36 (m, 2H), 7.17 (m, 2H), 7.02 (t, 2H), 6.92 (s, 1H), 3.59 (m, 2H), 3.43 (m, 2H), 3.08 (m, 2H), 2.24 (m, 1H), 1.73 (m, 2H), 1.18 (t, 3H), 0.80 (bs, 1H). LCMS: 400.75 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(2-hydroxy-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 7.96 (s, 1H), 7.35 (m, 2H), 7.19 (m, 2H), 7.07 (m, 2H), 4.62 (m, 1H), 4.15 (d, 2H), 3.59 (m, 1H), 3.39 (m, 4H), 3.04 (m, 2H), 2.76 (m, 3H), 2.06 (m, 2H), 1.78 (m, 2H), 1.18 (t, 3H), 0.80 (bs, 1H). LCMS: 458.32 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 63, (2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethylamide). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.04 (s, 1H), 7.51 (m, 2H), 7.24 (m, 1H), 7.14 (m, 2H), 4.26 (t, 2H), 3.68 (m, 4H), 3.21 (m, 2H), 2.51 (d, 1H), 2.37 (m, 2H), 1.74 (m, 1H), 1.25 (s, 1H), 0.88 (bs, 1H). LCMS: 410.65 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(2-hydroxy-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, ((2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-[1-(2-hydroxy-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl]-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.04 (s, 1H), 7.44 (m, 3H), 7.24 (m, 1H), 7.15 (t, 3H), 4.74 (d, 1H), 4.25 (d, 2H), 4.21 (d, 3H), 3.68 (d, 1H), 3.49 (s, 1H), 3.47 (m, 1H), 3.13 (m, 2H), 2.89 (m, 2H), 2.32 (m, 2H), 2.14 (m, 3H), 1.85 (m, 2H), 0.80 (bs, 1H)). LCMS: 468.31 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 63, (2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethylamide). 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 8.89 (m, 1H), 8.6 (dd, 2H)), 8.34 (m, 1H), 7.45 (m, 2H), 7.35 (m, 1H), 4.45 (d, 2H), 3.59 (m, 2H), 3.43 (m, 4H), 2.98 (m, 2H), 2.87 (bs, 1H), 2.14 (m, 2H), 1.89 (m, 2H). LCMS: 463.35 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(2-hydroxy-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, ((2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-[1-(2-hydroxy-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl]-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide). 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 8.82 (m, 1H), 8.62 (s, 1H)), 8.55 (d, 1H), 8.28 (s, 1H), 7.94 (d, 1H), 7.51 (m, 3H), 7.23 (m, 1H), 4.55 (d, 2H), 4.11 (d, 2H), 3.43 (m, 4H), 2.96 (m, 2H), 2.62 (m, 1H), 1.89 (m, 2H). LCMS: 521.53 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid cyclopropylmethyl-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 63, (2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethylamide). 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 13.38 (bs, 1H) 8.84 (bs, 1H), 8.58 (s, 1H)), 8.38 (m, 1H), 8.14 (s, 1H), 7.54 (d, 2H), 7.36 (d, 2H), 7.23, 5.76 (s, 1H), 3.53 (m, 1H), 3.12 (m, 6H), 2.12 (d, 2H), 1.89 (d, 2H), 1.14 (m, 5H), (0.3 (dd, 4). LCMS: 426.48 (M+1)+.


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2-(3-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-(piperidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (DS308-030)

A 50 mL flask was charged with 2-(5-(1-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)piperidin-4-yl)-3-(4-fluorophenyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (47.3 mg, 0.1 mmol, described in Example 63), and a solution of 30% TFA-DCM (0.30 mL). The reaction was stirred for 20 minutes at room temperature; and was monitored by LC/MS. Work-up: the solution was diluted with toluene (20 mL), and concentrated to dryness. The resulting material was purified via reverse phase HPLC, and yielded 39.2 mg of transparent, tan crystals (100%, calculated as bis-TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 13.34 (bs, 1H), 13.01 (bs, 1H), 8.52 (bs, 1H), 8.32 (s, 1H), 7.50 (m, 2H), 7.32 (d, 2H), 5.74 (s, 3H), 4.18 (bs, 1H), 3.36 (d, 2H), 3.18 (bs, 1H), 2.98 (bs, 3H), 2.10 (d, 2H), 1.95 (m, 3H), 1.1 (bs, 1H). LCMS: 373.17 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid methoxy-amide

Step 1:
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4-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-pentafluorophenyloxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 100 mL flask was charged with 2-(5-(1-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)piperidin-4-yl)-3-(4-fluorophenyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (1.0 g, 2.1 mmol), pyridine (0.20 mL, 2.54 mmol), DMF (7.0 mL), and trifluoro-acetic acid pentafluorophenyl ester (0.472 mL, 2.75 mmol). The reaction was stirred at room temperature for 20 minutes, and the progress was monitored by LC/MS. Work-up: the crude reaction was concentrated and purified via chromatography (0-40% ACN/DCM) to give 0.89 g of a white solid (67% yield). LCMS: 639.42 (M+1)+.

Step 2:
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4-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-methoxycarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 50 mL flask was charged with 4-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-pentafluoro-phenyloxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (100 mg, 0.156 mmol), Et3N (87.2 ul, 0.624 mmol), DCM (0.52 mL), and methoxyamine HCl (20 mg, 0.234 mmol). The reaction was stirred at room 55 degC. for 20 minutes, and the progress was monitored by LC/MS. Work-up: the crude mixture was the reaction was diluted with EtOAc; washed with 1 M HCl (aq), water, and brine. The solution was dried over MgSO4, and concentrated to a solid. The crude solid was taken to the next step without purification to give 78 mg of product (100% yield). However, for Examples where this was a final step in a sequence (no further deprotection), the crude material was purified via reverse phase HPLC, and isolated as a bis-TFA salt). LCMS: 502.45 (M+1)+.

Step 3:
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid methoxy-amide

A flask was charged with 4-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-methoxycarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (78.0 mg, 0.156 mmol), and a solution of 30% TFA/DCM (1.52 mL). The reaction was stirred for 20 minutes at room temperature, and the progress was monitored by TLC. Work-up: the solution was diluted with toluene (20 mL), and concentrated to dryness. The resulting material was purified via reverse phase HPLC, giving 51.1 mg of transparent tan crystals (81.0% yield, calculated as a Bis-TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 13.34 (bs, 1H), 11.53 (s, 1H), 8.52 (bs, 1H), 8.32 (bs, 1H), 8.21 (m, 1H), 7.51 (m, 2H), 7.34 (d, 2H), 7.25 (bs, 1H), 3.71 (s, 3H), 3.55 (bs, 1H), 2.04 (d, 2H), 1.87 (m, 3H), LCMS: 402.459 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 71, where 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid pentafluorophenyl ester, was substituted for 4-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4 pentafluorophenyloxy-carbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester, and ethylamine was substituted for methoxyamine HCl in the final step of that example. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 13.18 (s, 1H), 8.10 (bs, 1H), 7.50 (m, 2H), 7.22 (m, 2H), 3.31 (s, 3H), 3.28 (m, 2H), 2.42 (bs, 1H), 1.08 (m, 3H). LCMS: 330.96 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid cyclopropylmethyl-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 72. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 13.20 (s, 1H), 8.12 (s, 1H), 8.08 (bs, 1H), 7.53 (m, 2H), 7.24 (m, 2H), 3.32 (s, 3H), 3.14 (m, 2H), 2.44 (s, 1H), 1.08 (m, 3H), 0.41 (d, 1H)). LCMS: 357.0 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (benzo|1,3|dioxol-5-yl methyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 72. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 13.19 (s, 1H), 8.61 (bs, 1H), 8.15 (s, 1H), 7.53 (m, 2H), 7.20 (m, 2H), 6.88 (dd, 2H), 6.79 (d, 1H), 6.02 (s, 2H), 4.37 (d, 2H), 3.32 (s, 3H), 2.50 (bs, 1H). LCMS: 437.4 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (pyridin-2-ylmethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 72. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 13.22 (s, 1H), 8.79 (bs, 1H), 8.51 (s, 1H), 8.16 (s, 1H), 7.76 (m, 1H), 7.55 (m, 2H), 7.29 (m, 4H), 4.59 (d, 2H), 3.59 (bs, 1H), 3.32 (s, 3H), 2.53 (s, 1H), 1.78 (bs, 1H). LCMS: 394.46 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 72. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 13.22 (bs, 1H), 8.83 (t, 1H), 8.61 (bs, 1H), 8.54 (m, 1H), 8.45 (m, 1H), 8.17 (m, 1H), 7.84 (m, 1H), 7.71 (m, H), 7.53 (m, 2H), 7.42 (m, 1H), 7.36 (m, 1H), 7.24 (m, 2H), 4.49 (d, 2H), 3.98 (d, 1H), 3.59 (bs, 1H), 3.37 (bs, 3H), 2.51 (s, 1H), 1.76 (bs, 1H). LCMS: 394.42 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (pyridin-4-ylmethyl)-amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 72. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 13.20 (s, 1H), 8.84 (bs, 1H), 8.50 (d, 2H), 8.18 (s, 1H), 7.54 (bs, 2H), 7.29 (m, 4H), 4.51 (d, 2H), 3.33 (bs, 1H), 2.47 (s, 1H), 1.10 (bs, 1H). LCMS: 394.7 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 72. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 13.20 (s, 1H), 8.56 (bs, 1H), 8.16 (s, 1H), 7.51 (bs, 2H), 7.32 (m, 2H), 4.04 (d, 2H), 3.33 (s, 3H), 3.11 (s, 1H), 2.45 (bs, 1H), 1.78 (bs, 1H), 1.14 (bs, 1H). LCMS: 341.40 (M+1)+.
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Example 79 was intentionally skipped
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-propionic acid methyl ester

A 500 mL 3-necked round bottom flask, was charged with a solution of dimethyl carbonate (88.7 g, 975.70 mmol) and THF (300 mL). To the solution was added sodium hydride (37 g, 925.00 mmol). To the above was added 1-(4-fluorophenyl)ethanone (80 g, 573.91 mmol) dropwise with stirring, while warming to 60° C. over 30 minutes. The resulting solution was allowed to react for 2 hours while the temperature was maintained at 60° C. Work-up: pH was adjusted to −6 by the addition of HCl (18%). The resulting solution was extracted four times with 200 mL of diethylether and the organic layers combined. The resulting mixture was washed 2 times with 100 mL of brine, dried over Na2SO4 and concentrated by rotary evaporator. The final product was purified by distillation under reduced pressure (0.05 mm Hg). Product was collected at 100° C., resulting in 85 g (73%) of product as a light-yellow oil.

Step 2
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2-Chloro-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-propionic acid methyl ester

A 500 mL round bottom flask, was charged with 3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-propionic acid methyl ester (66 g, 323.27 mmol), and CCl4 (200 mL). To the above was added sulfuryl dichloride (45.0 g, 330.00 mmol) dropwise with stirring, while maintaining the reaction at room temperature over a time period of 30 minutes. The resulting solution was allowed to react, for 4 hours at room temperature. The mixture was concentrated via rotary evaporator, resulting in 75 g (96%) of product as a light yellow oil.

Step 3
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2-Acetoxy-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-propionic acid methyl ester

A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-Chloro-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-propionic acid methyl ester (25 g, 97.83 mmol), DMF (80 mL), and potassium acetate (21.3 g, 215.17 mmol). The resulting mixture was stirred overnight at room temperature. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:4). Work-up: the mixture was poured into ice water (100 mL), and extracted three times with 300 mL of EtOAc. The resulting organics were washed 2 times with 100 mL of brine, dried over Na2SO4 and concentrated via rotary evaporator, resulting in 25 g (80%) of product as an orange oil.

Step 4
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5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazole-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester

A 250 mL round bottom flask, was charged with methyl 2-Acetoxy-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-propionic acid methyl ester (5 g, 19.67 mmol), ammonium acetate (15.2 g, 196.7 mmol), and Acetic acid (30 mL). The resulting solution was allowed to reflux overnight, monitoring by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:2). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 100 mL of EtOAc, washed 3 times with 30 mL of NaHCO3 (10%), dried over Na2SO4, and purified via column chromatography with a 1:10 EtOAc/Petroleum ether. This resulted in 2.8 g (60%) of product as a yellow solid.

Step 5
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5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazole-4-carboxylic acid

A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazole-4-carboxylic acid methyl ester (10 g, 42.74 mmol) and EtOH (100 mL). To the solution was added a solution of KOH (7.2 g, 128.57 mmol) in H2O (40 mL). The resulting solution was refluxed overnight. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1). Work-up: the reaction pH was adjusted to 6-7 with 1N HCl. The resulting mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 200 mL of EtOH, and filtered. The filtrate was concentrated resulting in 7 g (74%) of carboxylic acid product as a white solid.

Step 6
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5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazole-4-carbonyl chloride

A 250 mL round bottom flask charged with 5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazole-4-carboxylic acid (4.8 g, 21.82 mmol), DCM (150 mL), (COCl)2 (27.7 g, 218.23 mmol), and DMF (1 mL). The resulting solution was stirred overnight at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (DCM/MeOH=10:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated and taken-on to the next step without further purification.

Step 7
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5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazole-4-carboxylic acid amide

A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazole-4-carbonyl chloride (5.2 g, 21.85 mmol), DCM (150 mL), and NH3 (gas, 18.6 g). The resulting solution was stirred for 2 hours at room temperature. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (DCM/MeOH=10:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated to a solid that was washed with 20 mL of H2O, and dried in an oven under reduced pressure, resulting in 2.6 g (54%) of product as a yellow solid.

Step 8
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5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazole-4-carbothioic acid amide

A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with 4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-methyl-1H-imidazole-5-carboxamide (4.60 g, 21.00 mmol), DME (100 mL) and Lawesson's reagent (12.74 g, 31.53 mmol). The resulting solution stirred overnight in a 60° C. oil bath. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (DCM/MeOH=10:1). The resulting mixture was concentrated and purified by chromatography through a neutral aluminum oxide eluted with a 1:10 EtOAc/Petroleum ether solvent system. This resulted in 3.1 g (63%) of product as a yellow solid.

Step 9
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 250 mL round bottom flask, was charged with 5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazole-4-carbothioic acid amide (4.6 g, 19.57 mmol), ethyl 3-bromo-2-oxopropanoate (5.73 g, 29.38 mmol), and EtOH (150 mL), then stirred at reflux for 3 h with heating from an oil bath. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated and recrystallization from EtOAc, giving 4.7 g (72%) of product as a white solid.

Step 10
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2-|3-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with ethyl 2-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (200 mg, 0.60 mmol), THF (30 mL), and NaH (40 mg, 1.67 mmol), then stirred at room temperature for 1 h. This mixture treated with di-tert-butyl dicarbonate (158 mg, 0.72 mmol), and stirred for an additional 2 h at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:1; Rf=0.4). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 100 mL of diethyl ether, washed 2 times with 30 mL of water, dried over Na2SO4, filtered, and concentrated, giving 0.3 g of crude product a as yellow oil.

Step 11
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2-|2-Bromomethyl-3-tert-butoxycarbonyl-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-[3-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (300 mg, 0.70 mmol), NBS (120 mg, 0.67 mmol), AIBN (20 mg, 0.12 mmol), and CCl4 (40 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 3 hours at reflux, while monitoring by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:3, Rf=0.3). The residue was dissolved in 50 mL of DCM, washed 3 times with 30 mL of water, dried over Na2SO4, filtered, and concentrated, giving in 0.3 g (crude) of product as a yellow oil. This material was used in the next step without further purification.

Step 12
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2-|3-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-[2-Bromomethyl-3-tert-butoxycarbonyl-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (300 mg, 0.59 mmol), triethylamine (300 mg, 2.96 mmol), morpholine (160 mg, 1.84 mmol), and EtOH (50 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 2 hours at room temperature, and monitored by TLC (EtOAc/Petroleum ether=1:2, Rf=0.1). The mixture was then dissolved in 100 mL of AcOEt, and washed 3 times with 20 mL of water. The resulting solution was dried over Na2SO4, filtered, concentrated, and purified by column chromatography eluting with a 1:5 EtOAc/Petroleum ether, giving 100 mg (33%) of product as a yellow solid.

Step 13
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 10 mL sealed tube was charged with 2-[3-tert-Butoxycarbonyl-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (100 mg, 0.19 mmol), and propan-2-amine (5 mL), then stirred for 48 hours at 65° C. with heating from an oil bath. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (DCM/MeOH=10:1, Rf=0.3). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, and purified by column chromatography, eluting with a 1:5 EtOAc/Petroleum ether, giving 60 mg (72%) of product as a white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 7.92 (s, 1H), 7.70 (m, 2H), 7.19 (m, 2H), 4.22 (m, 1H), 2.55 (s, 4H), 1.50-1.70 (m, 6H), 1.22 (d, 6H).


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2-|2-Dimethylaminomethyl-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide, where dimethylamine hydrochloride was substituted for morpholine in step 12 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 9.50-10.50 (bs, 1H), 7.85 (m, 2H), 7.14 (t, 2H), 7.19 (m, 2H), 6.95 (s, 1H), 4.19 (s, 1H), 3.75 (s, 2H), 2.38 (s, 6H), 1.23 (s, 6H).


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-piperazin-1-ylmethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide

Step 1
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-hydroxymethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with tert-butyl 2-[2-Bromomethyl-3-tert-butoxycarbonyl-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (150 mg, 0.29 mmol, prepared as described in Step 11 of Example 80), DMSO (20 mL), and H2O (5 mL). The resulting solution stirred for 3 hours at 80° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (DCM/MeOH=10:1). Work-up: the reaction was concentrated, dissolved in 100 mL of EtOAc, washed 3 times with 20 mL of H2O, dried over Na2SO4 and concentrated. This gave 100 mg (98%) of ethyl 2-(4-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-(hydroxymethyl)-1H-imidazol-5-yl)thiazole-4-carboxylate as a white solid.

Step 2
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-formyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 25 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-hydroxymethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (160 mg, 0.461 mmol), Dess-Martin periodinane (235 mg, 0.553 mmol), and DCM (3 mL). The resulting solution was stirred at room temperature for 1 hr. Work-up: mixture was filtered to remove insoluble IBX, concentrated, and used in the next step without further purification. (M+1+): 345.73

Step 3
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4-|5-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-1H-imidazol-2-ylmethyl|-piperazine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 25 mL round bottom flask was charged with crude 2-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-formyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (0.461 mmol), piperazine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (103 mg, 0.553 mmol), sodium triacetoxy borohydride (136 mg, 0.645 mmol), and DCM (3.0 mL). The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 1 hr, at which time LCMS indicated complete conversion. Work-up: the reaction was filtered through celite, and concentrated to an oil (442 mg, theoretical=237 mg), and used in the next step without further purification. LCMS (M+1+): 516.01

Step 4
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4-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-prop-2-ynylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-1H-imidazol-2-ylmethyl|-piperazine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A 25 mL round bottom flask was charged with crude 4-[5-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-1H-imidazol-2-ylmethyl]-piperazine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (0.46 mmol), MeAlCl(NH-propargyl) (1.37 mL of 0.67 M solution prepared as described in Synthetic Communications, 12 (13), 989-993 (1982)), and toluene (1.4 mL). The resulting solution was heated in a 80° C. in a heating block until all starting material was consumed (1 hr), as indicated by LCMS. Work-up: the reaction was diluted with DCM (20 mL), and stirred with Na2SO4-10H2O (5 g) for 1 hr, then filtered, concentrated to an oil, and used in the next step without further purification. LCMS (M+1+): 525.04

Step 5
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-piperazin-1-ylmethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide

A 25 mL round bottom flask was charged with crude 4-[4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-prop-2-ynylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-1H-imidazol-2-ylmethyl]-piperazine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (0.46 mmol), and 1:1 TFA/DCM (10 mL). The resulting solution was stirred at room temperature for 20 min. diluted with toluene (10 mL), concentrated to an oil. The crude product was purified by C18 reverse phase semi-preparative HPLC, giving the product as white solid (mono TFA salt, 48.1 mg, 24% for four steps). 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 8.68 (bs, 2H), 8.23 (s, 1H), 8.05 (m, 3H), 7.33 (t, 2H), 4.10 (m, 2H), 4.60-5.40 (bm, 4H), 3.82 (s, 2H), 3.20 (s, 1H), 2.84 (bs, 4H). LCMS (M+1+): 426.28.


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-piperazin-1-ylmethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-piperazin-1-ylmethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide where MeAlCl(NH-isopropyl), was substituted for MeAlCl(NH-propargyl) in step 4 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ: 8.65 (bs, 2H), 8.10 (s, 1H), 7.92 (m, 2H), 3.96 (m, 1H), 3.75 (s, 2H), 3.13 (m, 4H), 2.74 (m, 4H), 1.06 (d, 6H). LCMS (M+1+): 428.83


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-hydroxymethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared by amidation (iPrNH2, sealed tube) of 2-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-hydroxymethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (described in step 1 of Example 82).


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2-|2-(Acetylamino-methyl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared from 2-[2-Bromomethyl-3-tert-butoxycarbonyl-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (described in step 11 of Example 80. The bromide was displaced with sodium azide, reduced with catalytic hydrogenation, and acylated with actetic anhydride.
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1:
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

To a stirred solution of 2-formyl-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (100 mg, 0.54 mmol, prepared analogously to the literature method described in J. Org. Chem. 1997, 62, 3804, but using Swern oxidation methodology to form the aldehyde instead of PCC), and AcOH (10 μL) in EtOH (4 mL) at room temperature was added methylamine (2.0 mmol, 1 mL of a 2 M solution in THF). The reaction mixture was warmed to 60° C. and left to stir for 10 min, after which time TLC analysis (30% EtOAc in hexanes, triethylamine-pretreated plate) revealed disappearance of starting aldehyde. The reaction was cooled to room temperature and evaporated to dryness in vacuo. The crude mixture of isomeric imine products was then redissolved in DMF (4 mL), treated with [(4-fluoro-phenyl)-(toluene-4-sulfonyl)-methyl]-isocyanide (218 mg, 0.75 mmol, prepared analogously to the literature method described in J. Org. Chem. 1998, 63, 4529) and K2CO3 (372 mg, 2.7 mmol) and left to stir at room temperature for 18 hrs, after which time LC/MS analysis of the mixture revealed significant conversion of reactants to the title compound. The resulting crude reaction was poured in to 1:1 EtOAc:hexanes (100 mL), extracted with 5% NaCl (4×50 mL), dried over MgSO4, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo. The crude residue was then purified by SiO2 flash chromatography, eluting with EtOAc to afford the title compound (178 mg, 100% yield) as an off white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.60 (s, 1H), 7.47 (m, 2H), 7.05 (m, 2H), 4.44 (q, 2H), 3.89 (s, 3H), 1.43 (t, 3H). LCMS: 331.7 (M+1)+.

Step 2
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

To a stirred solution of 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (50 mg, 0.15 mmol) in toluene (2 mL), was added MeAlCl(NH-iPr) (450 μL of a 0.67 M solution in toluene, 0.30 mmol, prepared as described in Synth. Comm. 12, 13, 989.) dropwise via syringe. The resulting mixture was warmed to 80° C. and left to stir for 2 hrs, then cooled to room temperature and poured on to a vigorously stirred slurry of sodium sulfate decahydrate (5 g) in DCM (40 mL). After 1 hr. the mixture was filtered, and the resulting filtrate was dried over MgSO4, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo to afford the title compound (45 mg, 87% yield), as a tan solid that was determined to be sufficiently pure by available analytical methods. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.09 (s, 1H), 7.62 (s, 1H), 7.48 (m, 2H), 7.05 (m, 3H), 4.28 (m, 1H), 3.85 (s, 3H), 1.28 (d, 6H). LCMS: 345.2 (M+1)+.


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide, where MeAlCl(NH-Propargyl) was substituted for MeAlCl(NH-iPr) in step 2 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.86 (s, 1H), 8.34 (s, 1H), 7.56 (m, 2H), 7.26 (m, 2H), 4.20 (d, 2H), 4.14 (s, 3H). LCMS: 341.0 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(1-Benzyl-piperidin-4-yl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide, where 4-Amino-1-benzylpiperidine was substituted for methylamine in step 1 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.10 (s, 1H), 7.81 (s, 1H), 7.45 (m, 2H), 7.26-7.37 (m, 5H), 7.03 (m, 3H), 4.40 (m, 1H), 4.24 (m, 1H), 3.58 (s, 2H), 3.09 (m, 2H), 2.0-2.22 (m, 6H), 1.23 (d, 6H). LCMS: 504.6 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(1-Benzyl-piperidin-4-yl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide, where 4-Amino-1-benzylpiperidine was substituted for methylamine in step 1 of that sequence, and (propargyl-NH)AlMeCl was substituted for MeAlCl(NH-iPr) in step 2 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.29 (s, 1H), 8.10 (s, 1H), 7.43 (m, 2H), 7.25-7.35 (m, 5H), 7.10 (m, 3H), 4.60 (m, 1H), 4.21 (d, 2H), 3.58 (s, 2H), 3.05 (m, 2H), 2.67 (m, 1H), 2.0-2.22 (m, 6H). LCMS: 500.6 (M+1)+.


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4-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-imidazol-1-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide, where tert-butyl 4-amino-1-piperidinecarboxylate was substituted for methylamine in step 1 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.76 (s, 1H), 7.44 (m, 2H), 7.04 (m, 3H), 4.48 (m, 1H), 4.25-4.38 (m, 3H), 2.75 (m, 2H), 2.18 (m, 2H), 1.90 (m, 2H), 1.48 (s, 9H), 1.28 (d, 6H). LCMS: 514.6 (M+1)+.


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

To a stirred solution of 4-[4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-imidazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (51 mg, 0.10 mmol) in DCM (10 mL), at room temperature, was added trifluoroacetic acid (2 mL). After 30 minutes, TLC analysis revealed the disappearance of the BOC starting material. The reaction was diluted with DCM (100 mL) and toluene (50 mL), and then concentrated to dryness in vacuo. The crude residue was purified by automated C18 reverse phase semi-preparative HPLC to afford the title compound (47 mg, mono-TFA salt) as a pale yellow semi-solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 9.22 (s, 1H), 8.36 (s, 1H), 7.54 (m, 2H), 7.26 (m, 2H), 5.18 (m, 1H), 4.22 (m, 1H), 3.62 (d, 2H), 3.21 (m, 2H), 2.58 (d, 2H), 2.35 (m, 2H), 1.29 (d, 6H). LCMS: 414.6 (M+1)+.


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide

Step 1
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4-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-prop-2-ynylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-imidazol-1-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide, where tert-butyl 4-amino-1-piperidinecarboxylate was substituted for methylamine in step 1 of that sequence, and (propargyl-NH)AlMeCl was substituted for MeAlCl(NH-iPr) in step 2 of that sequence. LCMS: 510.8 (M+1)+.

Step 2
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide

To a stirred solution of 4-[4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-prop-2-ynylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-imidazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (56 mg, 0.11 mmol) in DCM (10 mL) at room temperature was added trifluoroacetic acid (2 mL). After 1 hr, TLC analysis revealed the disappearance of the BOC starting material. The reaction was diluted with DCM (100 mL) and toluene (50 mL) and concentrated to dryness in vacuo. The crude residue was purified by automated C18 reverse phase semi-preparative HPLC to afford the title compound (50 mg, mono-TFA salt) as a tan semi-solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.53 (s, 1H), 8.33 (s, 1H), 7.47 (m, 2H), 7.21 (m, 2H), 5.07 (m, 1H), 4.21 (d, 2H), 3.59 (d, 2H), 3.21 (m, 2H), 2.65 (m, 1H), 2.52 (d, 2H), 2.25 (m, 2H). LCMS: 410.6 (M+1)+.


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2-{5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-|1-(2-hydroxy-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-3H-imidazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

To a stirred solution of 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (43 mg, 0.10 mmol) and glycolic acid (33 mg, 0.45 mmol) in DCM (2 mL), at room temperature, was added N-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)-N′-ethylcarbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC, 93 mg, 0.50 mmol). After 1 hour, LC/MS analysis revealed the disappearance of starting material. The crude mixture was concentrated in vacuo, redissolved in MeOH (3 mL) and LiOH (1 mL of a 1N aqueous solution), and stirred for an additional 30 min. The pH was adjusted to pH-6 via the addition of 1N HCl, and the resulting mixture was concentrated to dryness in vacuo and purified by automated C18 reverse phase semi-preparative HPLC to afford the title compound (38 mg, 81%) as an off white solid. LCMS: 472.1 (M+1)+.


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2-{5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-|1-(2-hydroxy-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-3H-imidazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-{5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-[1-(2-hydroxy-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl]-3H-imidazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide, where 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid prop-2-ynylamide was substituted for 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide in that reaction. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.96 (s, 1H), 8.39 (s, 1H), 7.51 (m, 2H), 7.24 (m, 2H), 5.07 (m, 1H), 4.70 (d, 1H), 4.27 (d, 2H), 4.21 (d, 2H), 3.92 (d, 1H), 3.19 (m, 1H), 2.83 (m, 1H), 2.66 (m, 1H), 2.40 (m, 2H), 2.00 (m, 2H). LCMS: 468.3 (M+1)+.


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid

Step 1
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4-|5-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-imidazol-1-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester, prepared as described in step 1 of Example 86, where tert-butyl 4-amino-1-piperidinecarboxylate was substituted for methylamine in that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 8.12 (s, 1H), 7.75 (s, 1H), 7.46 (m, 2H), 7.08 (m, 2H), 4.85 (m, 1H), 4.44 (q, 2H), 4.30 (m, 2H), 2.83 (m, 2H), 2.20 (m, 2H), 1.83 (m, 2H), 1.49 (s, 9H), 1.43 (t, 3H). LCMS: 501.3 (M+1)+.

Step 2
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4-|5-(4-Carboxy-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-imidazol-1-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

To a stirred solution of 4-[5-(4-ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-imidazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (112 mg, 0.22 mmol) in MeOH (1 mL), at room temperature was added LiOH (330 μL of a 1N aqueous solution, 0.33 mmol). The reaction was stirred at room temperature and monitored by TLC for the disappearance of starting material. Upon completion, the reaction was neutralized with HCl (330 μL of a 1N aqueous solution, 0.33 mmol) and concentrated to dryness in vacuo to afford the title compound (100 mg, 97%) as a tan solid that was determined to be suitably pure by LCMS to carry on to the next step. LCMS: 473.2 (M+1)+.

Step 3
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid

To a stirred solution of 4-[5-(4-carboxy-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-imidazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (100 mg, 0.21 mmol) in DCM (1.0 mL) was added trifluoroacetic acid (2.0 mL of a 25% solution in DCM). After 45 min, LCMS analysis of the reaction mixture revealed disappearance of starting material, and significant conversion to the title compound. The reaction was diluted with DCM (100 mL) and toluene (50 mL) and concentrated to dryness in vacuo. The crude residue was then purified by automated C18 reverse phase semi-preparative HPLC to afford the title compound (78 mg, 76%, mono TFA salt) as a colorless solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 9.12 (s, 1H), 8.47 (s, 1H), 7.58 (m, 2H), 7.28 (m, 2H), 5.28 (m, 1H), 3.59 (d, 2H), 3.29 (m, 2H), 2.61 (d, 2H), 2.35 (m, 2H). LCMS: 373.4 (M+1)+.
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2-|2-Amino-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1:
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A 500 ml round bottom flask was charged with ethyl 2-(2-(4-fluorophenyl)-2-oxoethyl)thiazole-4-carboxylate (14 g, 43.0 mmol) (prepared as described in step 3 of Example 61), CCl4 (200 ml), NBS (7.65 g, 43.0 mmol), and AIBN (0.8 g, 4.87 mmol). The resulting solution was refluxed under light from a mercury vapor lamp for 2 hours. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/PE=1:2). Work-up: the mixture was washed with water (4×100 ml), dried over Na2SO4 and concentrated to a red oil; giving 16.46 g of product (91% yield).

Step 2:
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A 250 ml round bottom flask was charged with 2-(4-Acetyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2-bromo-1-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-ethanone (5 g, 12.1 mmol), EtOH (120 ml), and pyrimidin-2-ylamine (3.45 g, 36.3 mmol). The solution was stirred overnight at room temperature. The reaction temperature was then raised to 40° C., where it stirred for an additional 24 hours. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (1:10=MeOH/DCM). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in water (30 ml), extracted with Et2O, dried over Na2SO4, and concentrated. The crude material was purified via column chromatography (1:50, 1:20, and 1:5=EtOAc/PE), giving yellow solid (1 g, 22% yield).

Step 3:
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2-|2-Amino-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 10 ml sealed tube was charged with 1-{2-[2-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidin-3-yl]-thiazol-4-yl}-ethanone (200 mg, 0.53 mmol) and isopropylamine (5 ml). The solution was stirred at 60° C., overnight. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (1:10=MeOH/DCM). Workup: the mixture was concentrated purified by column chromatography (1:50-1:40=MeOH/DCM), giving a yellow solid (30 mg, 16% yield) 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-d6) δ 7.95 (m, 3H), 7.23 (m, 2H), 3.97 (m, 1H), 1.15 (d, 6H).


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2-|2-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-imidazo|1,2-a|pyrimidin-3-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1:
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2-|2-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-imidazol|1,2-a|pyrimidin-3-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid

A 50 ml round bottom flask, was charged with 1-{2-[2-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidin-3-yl]-thiazol-4-yl}-ethanone (480 mg, 1.27 mmol), (prepared as described in step 2, of Example 96), ethanol (30 ml), and a solution of potassium hydroxide (210 mg, 3.75 mmol) dissolved in H2O (10 ml). The solution was refluxed for 20 minutes, and the reaction progress was monitored by TLC (1:10=MeOH/DCM). The mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 30 ml of water, and acidified to pH=6 with 3M HCl (aq). A yellow solid crashed out of solution and was isolated via filtration (0.4 g, 84% yield).

Step 2:
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2-|2-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-imidazo|1,2-a|pyrimidin-3-yl|-thiazole-4-carbonyl chloride

A 50 ml round bottom flask was charged with 2-[2-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidin-3-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (400 mg, 1.06 mmol), DCM (30 ml), and oxalyl chloride (1.34 g, 10.5 mmol). To this solution, DMF (two drops) was added. The reaction stirred for 2.5 hours at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (1:10=MeOH/DCM). The mixture was concentrated giving 0.3 g of product (71% yield), as a red solid.

Step 3:
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2-|2-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-imidazo|1,2-a|pyrimidin-3-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 50 ml round-bottom flask was charged with 2-[2-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidin-3-yl]-thiazole-4-carbonyl chloride (300 mg, 0.75 mmol), DCM (30 ml), and isopropylamine (2 ml). The reaction stirred at room temperature for 0.5 hours, and the progress was monitored by TLC (1:10=MeOH/DCM). The mixture was washed with water; extracted with DCM dried over MgSO4, and concentrated. The crude material was purified via column chromatography (1:100, 1:200=MeOH/DCM), giving-120 mg of a yellow solid (38% yield). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 9.52 (bs, 1H), 8.78 (bs, 1H), 8.10 (s, 1H), 7.75 (m, 2H), 7.16 (s, 4H), 6.98 (bs, 1H), 4.35 (m, 1H), 3.84 (m, 1H), 11.35 (d, 6H), 1H) (d,3H), 1.20 (d, 3H), 0.88 (m, 1H).


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 10 ml sealed tube was charged with 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (600 mg, 1.02 mmol, described in step 9 of example 80) and isopropylamine (5 ml). The resulting solution was stirred for 6 hours at 50° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH=10:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated and purified by column chromatography with a 40:1 CH2Cl2/MeOH, yielding 80 mg (21%) of product as a light yellow solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 7.96 (s, 1H), 7.70 (m, 2H), 7.17 (m, 2H), 4.25 (m, 1H), 2.74 (s, 3H), 1.19 (d, 6H).


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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-oxazol-5-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-morpholin-4-ylmethyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (example 38), where ammonium hydroxide was substituted for isopropylamine in step 7 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, Acetone d6) δ: 8.42 (m, 2H), 8.32 (s, 1H), 7.27 (m, 2H), 2.59 (s, 3H).


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl|-oxazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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4-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-oxazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A flask equipped with a reflux condensor was charged with ethyl 4-ethynyl-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (174 mg, 1.0 mmol, prepared as described in J. Med. Chem. 2004, 47, 3111-3130), 4-Fluoro-benzaldehyde chloro-oxime (347 mg, 1.0 mmol, prepared as described in step 2 of example 27), and Et3N/Et2O (1:3 v/v, 5 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 24 hours at 50° C. Reaction progress was monitored by LCMS. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in DMF, and purified by RPHPLC, giving 70 mg of the title compound, 6% yield.

Step 2
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4-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-oxazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A vial was charged with 4-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-oxazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (70 mg, 0.144 mmol), MeAlCl(NH-ispropyl) (430 μL of 0.67 M solution, prepared as described in Synthetic Communications, 12 (13), 989-993 (1982)), and toluene (430 μL). The resulting solution stirred for 1.5 hours at 80° C. Reaction progress was monitored by HPLC. Work-up: the reaction was diluted with DCM (20 mL), and stirred with Na2SO4-10H2O (1 g) for 1 hr, then filtered, and concentrated to give 66 mg of crude product, which was used in the next step without further purification.

Step 3
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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl|-oxazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A flask was charged with 4-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-oxazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (66 mg, 0.132 mmol), and 30% TFA/CH2Cl2 (3 mL). The resulting solution was stirred for 1 hour at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by LCMS. Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in DMF, and purified by RPHPLC, giving 30 mg of the title compound as a pale yellow oil, 52% yield for two steps. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 9.28 (bs, 1H), 8.96 (bs, 1H), 8.27 (s, 1H), 7.59 (m, 2H), 7.18 (m, 2H), 6.65 (d, 2H), 6.09 (bs, 2H), 4.21 (m, 1H), 3.75 (bm, 1H), 3.65 (bm, 2H), 3.23 (bm, 2H), 2.32 (bm, 4H), 1.25 (d, 6H).


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Step 1
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A 100 ml roundbottom flask was charged with 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-1-(2-methoxy-ethoxymethyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (10.3 g, 24.6 mmol, prepared as described in step 8 of example 79) and THF (80 ml). The resulting solution was cooled to 0° C., and LiAlH4 (1.87 g, 49.2 mmol) was added in several batches. The resulting solution was stirred for 1 hour d at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH=15:1). Work-up: the reaction mixture was diluted with 50 ml of H2O/ice, extracted with 100 ml of EtOAc, dried over Na2SO4, concentrated to a yellow oil (9.28 g), and used without further purification.

Step 2
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A round bottom flask was charged with {2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-1-(2-methoxy-ethoxymethyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazol-4-yl}-methanol (9.28 g, 24.62 mmol), CHCl3 (100 ml), and PCC (10.61 g, 49.22 mmol) in several batches. The resulting solution was stirred overnight at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH=15:1). The residue was purified by column chromatography with a 1000:1 CH2Cl2/MeOH solvent system, resulting in 4.2 g (45.7%) of the title compound as yellow-green oil. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 10.03 (s, 1H), 7.93 (s, 1H), 7.18 (m, 3H), 5.28 (s, 2H), 3.94 (s, 2H), 3.50 (s, 2H), 3.33 (s, 3H), 2.63 (s, 3H).


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2-|5-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide, example 91. 1H NMR (400 MHz, d4-Methanol) δ: 8.41 (s, 1H), 8.31 (s, 1H), 7.43 (s, 4H), 4.87 (s, 2H), 4.24 (m, 1H), 3.58 (d, 2H), 3.33 (d, 2H), 3.18 (t, 2H), 2.50 (d, 2H), 2.24 (m, 2H), 1.24 (d, 6H).


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2-|5-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A round bottom flask was charged with 2-[5-(4-Chloro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (43 mg, 0.065 mmol), DMF (0.5 mL), acetic anhydride (12.3 μL, 0.13 mmol) and Et3N (36 μL, 0.26 mmol). The resulting solution was stirred overnight at room temperature. Work-up: the crude reaction was purified by RPHPLC, giving the title compound as a white solid (30 mg, 84%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d4-Methanol) δ: 8.70 (s, 1H), 8.34 (s, 1H), 7.44 (s, 4H), 4.88 (s, 2H), 4.70 (m, 1H), 4.23 (m, 1H), 4.07 (m, 1H), 3.25 (m, 1H), 2.70 (m, 1H), 2.27 (m, 2H), 2.14 (s, 1H), 1.96 (bm, 2H), 1.20 (d, 6H).


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-(1-methanesulfonyl-piperidin-4-yl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A round bottom flask was charged with 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (67.5 mg, 0.15 mmol, described in example 61), NMP (0.5 mL), MeSO2Cl (17.5 μL, 0.23 mmol) and N-methylmorpholine (49.5 μL, 0.45 mmol). The resulting solution was at room temperature. LCMS after 30 min showed bis acylation. The reaction was treated with NaOH (aqueous syrup, 250 μL). LCMS after 30 min shows mainly product. Work-up: the reaction was acidified with 1N HCl, extracted with CH2Cl2 (10×5 mL), concentrated, and purified by RPHPLC, giving the title compound (30 mg, 39%). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d4-Methanol) δ: 8.70 (s, 1H), 8.34 (s, 1H), 7.44 (s, 4H), 4.88 (s, 2H), 4.70 (m, 1H), 4.23 (m, 1H), 4.07 (m, 1H), 3.25 (m, 1H), 2.70 (m, 1H), 2.27 (m, 2H), 2.14 (s, 1H), 1.96 (bm, 2H), 1.20 (d, 6H).


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(2-hydroxy-propionyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, where (s)-(−)acetic acid-1-chlorocarbonyl-ethyl ester (42.0 μL) was substituted for acetoxy acetyl hydrochloride. (98 mg, 67% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.62 (d, 1H), 7.51 (m, 2H), 7.28 (m, 2H), 4.53 (m, 3H), 4.06 (m, 4H), 3.40 (m, 1H), 3.07 (m, 1H), 2.66 (m, 1H), 2.49 (m, 1H), 1.93 (m, 3H), 1.65 (m, 3H), 1.20 (m, 3H), 1.15 (d, 6H). LCMS: 487.05 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(2-hydroxy-2-methyl-propionyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, where acetic acid-1-chlorocarbonyl-1-methyl-ethyl ester (48.0 μL) was substituted for acetoxy acetyl hydrochloride. (94.7 mg, 65% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.61 (d, 1H), 7.48 (m, 2H), 7.26 (m, 2H), 4.81 (m, 1H), 4.45 (m, 1H), 4.03 (m, 2H), 3.37 (m, 2H), 2.95 (m, 1H), 2.42 (m, 1H), 1.92 (m, 3H), 1.64 (m, 3H), 1.31 (d, 6H), 1.15 (d, 6H). LCMS: 500.71 (M+1)+.


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2-|5-(1-Acetyl-piperidin-4-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 100 mL flask was charged with 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (100.0 mg, 0.24 mmol, prepared as described in step 10 of Example 47), DCM (0.8 mL), Et3N (0.17 mL, 1.2 mmol), and acetic anhydride (22.7 μL). The solution was stirred for 15 minutes at room temperature, and reaction progress was monitored by LC/MS. Work-up: the crude mixture was diluted with EtOAc, washed with water, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated to yield a solid. This material was purified via HPLC to yield 55.0 mg of product (50% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.61 (m, 2H), 7.50 (m, 2H), 7.26 (d, 3H), 4.48 (m, 1H), 3.87 (m, 1H), 3.36 (m, 2H), 2.42 (m, 1H), 2.01 (s, 3H), 1.90 (m, 2H), 1.15 (d, 6H). LCMS: 457.13 (M+1)+.


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2-(3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-{1-|2-(2-methoxy-ethoxy)-acetyl|-piperidin-4-yl}-1H-pyrazol-4-yl)-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, where (2-Methoxy-ethoxy)-acetyl chloride (36.7 μL) was substituted for acetic anhydride, yielding 55.7 mg of product (53% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.68 (m, 2H), 7.49 (m, 2H), 7.26 (m, 3H), 4.18 (m, 2H), 4.12 (m, 4H), 3.58 (m, 1H), 3.48(m, 2H), 3.24 (s, 3H), 2.67 (m, 2H), 2.37 (m, 2H), 1.91 (m, 4H), 1.78 (m, 1H), 1.18 (d, 6H). LCMS: 531.79 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(pyridine-2-carbonyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62 where pyridine-2-carbonyl chloride HCl salt (43.0 mg) was substituted for acetic anhydride, yielding 38.0 mg of product (34% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.58 (d, 1H), 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.92 (m, 1H), 7.61 (m, 1H), 7.54 (d, 2H), 7.47 (m, 2H), 7.25 (m, 2H), 4.63 (m, 1H), 4.03 (m, 2H), 3.72 (m, 2H), 3.13 (m, 1H), 2.89 (m, 1H), 2.76 (m, 1H), 2.12 (m, 1H), 1.85 (m, 1H), 1.77 (m, 1H), 1.15 (d, 6H). LCMS: 520.85 (M+1)+.


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2-|5-(1-Benzoyl-piperidin-4-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62 where benzoyl chloride (26 μL) was substituted for acetic anhydride, yielding 60.0 mg of product (59% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.14 (s, 1H), 7.62 (m, 1H), 7.49 (m, 3H), 7.43 (d, 4H), 7.39 (m, 3H), 7.23 (m, 2H), 4.03 (m, 1H), 3.67 (m, 1H), 3.37 (s, 1H), 2.37 (m, 1H), 2.05 (m, 1H) 1.78 (m, 1H), 1.15 (d, 6H). LCMS: 518.87 (M+1)+.


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2-|5-|1-(4-Cyano-benzoyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62 where 4-cyano benzoyl chloride (44.0 mg) was substituted for acetic anhydride, yielding 72.6 mg of product (55% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.14 (s, 1H), 7.93 (d, 2H), 7.63 (d, 1H), 7.58 (d, 2H), 7.50 (d, 2H), 7.26 (m, 2H), 4.57 (m, 1H), 4.03 (m, 1H), 3.52 (m, 1H), 3.44 (m, 1H), 3.32 (m, 1H), 2.92 (m, 1H), 2.03 (m, 1H), 1.83 (m, 1H), 1.76 (m, 1H), 1.15 (d, 6H). LCMS: 543.44 (M+1)+.


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4-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropyl-carbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2H-pyrazol-3-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid methyl ester

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, where methyl chloroformate (17.6 μL, 0.24 mmol) was substituted for acetic anhydride (60 mg, 59% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.60 (d, 1H), 7.49 (m, 2H), 7.23 (m, 2H), 4.04 (m, 3H), 3.60 (s, 3H), 3.31 (m, 1H), 2.87 (m, 2H), 1.89 (m, 2H), 1.66 (m, 2H), 1.15 (d, 6H). LCMS: 472.07 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(2-methoxy-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, where methoxy-acetyl chloride (20.0 μL) was substituted for acetic anhydride, yielding 50.3 mg of product (51% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.61 (m, 2H), 7.50 (m, 4H), 7.25 (d, 3H), 4.43 (m,2H), 4.11 (m, 2H), 4.03 (m, 4H), 3.84 (m, 2H), 3.27 (s, 3H), 3.06 (m, 2H), 2.64 (m, 2H), 2.39 (m, 1H), 1.91 (m, 4H), 1.60 (m, 3H), 1.16 (d, 6H). LCMS: 487.11 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(2,2,2-trifluoro-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, where TFA anhydride (31.0 μL) was substituted for acetic anhydride, yielding 60 mg of product. (59% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.62 (m, 2H), 7.49 (m, 2H), 7.28 (d, 3H), 4.48 (m, 1H), 3.87 (m, 1H), 3.36 (m, 2H), 2.42 (m, 1H), 1.91 (m, 2H), 1.16 (d, 6H). LCMS: 511.07 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(1H-imidazole-2-carbonyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

An 8 ml vial was charged with 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (82.6 mg, 0.20 mmol), DCM (0.8 ml), DIEA (0.17 ml, 1.0 mmol), EDC (46 mg, 0.24 mmol), and 1-imidizole-2-carboxylic acid. The solution was stirred at room temperature for 3 days, and was monitored by LC/MS. Workup: the crude mixture was diluted with EtOAc, and was washed once with 1 M HCL (50 ml). The aqueous phase was washed twice with ethyl acetate, and the organics were combined, dried over MgSO4, and concentrated. The title compound was purified via reverse phase HPLC to yield 24.3 mg of product (24%, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.30 (s, 1H), 8.15 (s, 1H), 7.62 (m, 2H), 7.50 (m, 2H), 7.25 (m, 2H), 7.20 (m, 1H), 4.03 (m, 1H), 3.67 (m, 2H), 2.48 (m, 1H), 2.01 (m, 1H), 1.15 (d, 6H). LCMS: 518.87 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(2-oxo-propionyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, where 2-oxo-propionic acid (16.7 μL) was substituted for 1H-imidizole-2-carboxylic acid. The compound was purified via reverse phase HPLC to yield 20.1 mg of product (22%, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.14 (s, 1H), 7.65 (m, 2H), 7.50 (m, 3H), 7.26 (m, 3H), 4.32 (m, 2H), 4.03 (m, 2H), 3.66 (m, 2H), 2.80 (m, 2H), 2.37 (s, 3H), 1.94 (m, 3H), 1.78 (m, 1H), 1.67 (m, 2H), 1.15 (d, 6H). LCMS: 484.45 (M+1)+.


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2-|5-|1-(2-Acetylamino-acetyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, where acetylamino-acetic acid (28.1 mg) was substituted for 1H-imidizole-2-carboxylic acid. The title compound was purified via reverse phase HPLC to yield 56.5 mg of product (58% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.95 (t, 1H), 7.61 (d, 1H), 7.51 (m, 2H), 7.26 (m, 2H), 4.46 (d, 1H), 4.07 (m, 1H), 3.93 (m, 2H), 3.88 (m, 1H), 3.37 (m, 1H), 3.09 (m, 1H), 2.66 (m, 1H), 1.94 (d, 1H), 1.86 (s, 3H), 1.74 (m, 1H), 1.60 (m, 1H), 1.15 (d, 6H). LCMS: 513.65 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(pyridine-4-carbonyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, where isonicotinic acid (14.8 mg) was substituted for 1H-imidizole-2-carboxylic acid. The title compound was purified via reverse phase HPLC to yield 34.8 mg of product (% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 8.76 (m, 3H), 8.13 (s, 1H), 7.64 (d, 1H), 7.57 (m, 3H), 7.49 (m, 3H), 7.25 (m, 3H), 4.56 (d, 2H), 4.04 (m, 2H), 3.46 (m, 3H), 3.19 (m, 1H), 2.91 (m, 1H), 2.36 (m, 1H), 2.05 (m, 1H), 1.84 (m, 1H), 1.76 (m, 2H), 1.15 (d, 6H). LCMS: 520.85 (M+1)+.


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2-{3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|1-(pyridine-3-carbonyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-1H-pyrazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to Example 62, where nicotinic acid (123 mg) was substituted for 1H-imidazole-2-carboxylic acid. The compound was purified via reverse phase HPLC to yield 64 mg of product (58% yield, calculated as TFA salt). 1H NMR (400 MHz, d6-dmso): δ 9.47 (m, 2H), 8.95 (s, 1H), 8.70 (d, 1H), 8.44 (d, 1H), 8.35 (m, 1H), 8.31 (m, 2H), 8.07 (m, 2H), 5.39 (m,2H), 4.82 (m, 1H), 4.44 (m, 2H), 4.24(m, 1H), 4.03 (m, 1H), 3.67 (m, 1H), 3.33 (s, 1H), 2.86 (m, 1H), 2.68 (m, 1H), 2.57 (m, 2H), 1.96 (d, 6H). LCMS: 520.89 (M+1)+.


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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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A 1000 mL 3-necked round bottom flask was charged with hydroxy-acetonitrile (100 g, 964.91 mmol). To this was added H2S (32.8 g, 964.71 mmol). The resulting mixture was allowed to stir at room temperature overnight. The mixture was then concentrated in vacuo to afford 84 g (96%) of 2-hydroxythioacetamide as yellow solid. This product was used without further purification.

Step 2
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2-Hydroxymethylthiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 500 mL round bottom flask was charged with a solution of 2-hydroxythioacetamide (30 g 263.74 mmol) in EtOH (150 mL). To this mixture was added 3-bromo-2-oxopropionic acid ethyl ester (96 g, 492.31 mmol). The resulting solution was allowed to reflux for 1.5 h. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2:MeOH=10:1). The mixture was the concentrated in vacuo to give a residue that was purified by a column chromatography eluted with a 100:1 CH2Cl2/MeOH affording 35 g (64%) of 2-hydroxymethyl thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester a pale yellow solid. MS: 188 [M+H]+

Step 3
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Thiazole-2,4-dicarboxylic acid 4-ethyl ester

A 250 ml round bottom flask was charged with a solution of 2-hydroxymethyl thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (5 g, 26.74 mmol) in water (20 mL) followed by the addition 150 mL aqueous solution of KMnO4 (7.0 g, 44.30 mmol) drop wise at room temperature over 4 hours. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2:CH3OH=8:1). The pH was adjusted to 8-9 by the addition of K2CO3. The mixture was filtered off and washed with water (2×20 mL). The filtrate was extracted with CHCl3 (5×30 mL). The combined aqueous layers was added conc. HCl to adjust the pH to 2-3. The resulting solution was extracted with CHCl3 (5×30 mL), the combined organic layers were concentrated in vacuo to afford 3.6 g (67%) of thiazole-2,4-dicarboxylic acid 4-ethyl ester as a white solid. This was used without further purification.

Step 4
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2-|2-Ethoxycarbonyl-2-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-acetyl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 250 mL round bottom flask was charged with a solution of thiazole-2,4-dicarboxylic acid 4-ethyl ester (2.01 g, 10.00 mmol) in DMF (40 mL). To this was added carbonyldiimidazole (1.8 g, 11.25 mmol). The mixture was heated to 80-90° C. The disappearance of starting material was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2:CH3OH=10:1). Then, the flask was cooled down to room temperature. To this was added ethyl 2-(4-fluorophenyl)acetate (2.0 g, 10.99 mmol) followed by addition of NaH (1.4 g, 35.00 mmol) at −25° C. The resulting solution was allowed stir at this temperature for 15 min. Then, the flask was warned up to room temperature and allowed stir for 2 hours. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc:PE=1:4). The mixture was quenched by 100 mL ice water. The pH was adjusted to 5-6 with conc. HCl. The mixture was then rinsed into a separatory funnel and extracted with EtOAc (3×100 mL) and dried over Na2SO4. The combined organic layers were concentrated in vacuo to afford a residue that was purified by a column chromatography eluted with EtOAc/PE=1:20. This resulted in 2.1 g (57%) of 2-[2-ethoxycarbonyl-2-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-acetyl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester as a white solid. This was used without further purification. MS: 366 [M+H]+

Step 5
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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with solution of 2-[2-ethoxycarbonyl-2-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-acetyl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (100 mg, 0.27 mmol) in AcOH (10 mL). To the mixture was added hydrazine hydrate (40 mg, 0.64 mmol). The resulting solution was allowed to reflux until the progress of the reaction was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2:CH3OH=15:1). The mixture was concentrated in vacuo. The final product was purified by recrystallized from EtOAc to afford 60 mg (66%) of 2-[4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester as a white solid. This was used without further purification.

Step 6
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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropyl amide

A 10 mL sealed tube was charged with 2-[4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (160 mg, 0.48 mmol). To this was added propan-2-amine (6 mL). The resulting solution was allowed to reflux for 48 h. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2:CH3OH=10:1). The mixture was concentrated in vacuo to afford a residue that was purified by column chromatography eluted with a 99:1 CH2Cl2/MeOH. This resulted in 42.4 mg (26%) of 2-[4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropyl amide as a white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO) δ: 12.70 (s, 1H), 8.12 (s, 1H), 7.46 (d, 2H), 7.22 (d, 2H), 6.89 (d, 1H,), 4.01 (1H,s), 3.96 (q, 1H), 1.11 (d, 6H). MS: 347.0 [M+H]+.


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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-isoxazol-3-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropyl amide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide, Example 2180, where hydroxylamine hydrochloride was substituted for hydrazine in step 4 of that example. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO) δ: 10.94 (s, 1H), 8.08 (s, 1H), 7.50-7.46 (m, 2H), 7.22-7.16 (m, 2H), 6.81 (d, 1H,), 3.94-3.87 (m, 1H), 3.66 (s, 3H), 3.31 (br, s, 1H), 1.06 (d, 6H). MS: 359.10 [M+H]+.


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2-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropyl amide

Step 1
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2-|4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl

A 50 ml 3-necked round bottom flask was charged with a solution of 2-[2-ethoxycarbonyl-2-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-acetyl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (250 mg, 0.65 mmol, described in step 4 of Example 2180 in EtOH (15 ml) followed by the addition of CH3NHNHBoc (200 mg, 1.38 mmol) in EtOH (5 ml) drop wise at −20° C. The resulting solution was allowed to stir at room temperature for 5 hours. To the mixture was added 4-methylbenzenesulfonic acid (50 mg, 0.29 mmol) and allowed to reflux for overnight. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH=15:1). The mixture was concentrated in vacuo to afford 60 mg (25%) of the title compound as a yellow solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO) δ: 8.39 (s, H), 7.59 (t, 2H), 7.13 (t, 2H), 4.23 (q, 2H), 3.66 (s, 3H), 1.26 (t, 3H).

Step 2
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2-|4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropyl amide

A 10 mL sealed tube was charged with 2-[4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-2-methyl-5-oxo-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-3-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl (60 mg, 0.16 mmol) and isopropylamine (3 mL). The resulting solution was stirred at 65° C. for 20 hours. The reaction was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH=15:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated in vacuo to afford a residue that was purified by column chromatography eluted with 200:1 to 100:1 CH2Cl2/MeOH gradient solvent system to give 23 mg (39%) of title compound as a yellow solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, DMSO) δ: 10.95 (s, 1H), 8.07 (s, 1H), 7.49 (t, 2H), 7.19 (t, 2H), 6.81 (d, 1H), 3.91 (q, 1H), 3.66 (s, 3H), 1.06 (d, 6H); MS: 360 [M+H]+.


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4-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-3-oxo-2,3-dihydro-pyrazol-1-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid benzyl ester

Step 1
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4-|5-(4-Ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-2,3-dihydro-pyrazol-1-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid benzyl ester

A 50 mL round bottom flask was charged with 2-[2-Ethoxycarbonyl-2-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-acetyl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (320 mg, 0.88 mmol, described in step 4 of Example 2180, and acetic acid (20 mL). To this solution was added 4-(N′-tert-butoxycarbonyl-hydrazino)-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid benzyl ester (920 mg, 2.64 mmol, prepared as described in Tetrahedron Letters 2005, 46(46), 7993-7996, J. Deng et. al). The resulting solution was stirred in a 120° C. in a bath of oil overnight. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH=15:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated in vacuo to afford a residue that was dissolved in 20 mL of H2O, extracted with CHCl3 (3×50 mL), washed with 50 mL of saturated solution of NaHCO3, dried over Na2SO4, then purified by column chromatography eluted with 500:1 to 150:1 CH2Cl2/MeOH. This resulted in 200 mg (38%) of title compound as a yellow oil. MS: 551 [M+H]+.

Step 2
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4-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-3-oxo-2,3-dihydro-pyrazol-1-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid benzyl ester

A 10 mL sealed tube was charged with a solution of 4-[5-(4-ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-oxo-2,3-dihydro-pyrazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid benzyl ester (200 mg, 0.33 mmol) and isoproyl amine (6 mL). The resulting solution was allowed to stir at 65° C. for 48 hours. The mixture was then cooled to room temperature and concentrated in vacuo to afford a residue that was purified by silica gel column chromatography eluted with 150:1 CH2Cl2/MeOH. This gave 70 mg (37%) of the title compound as white solid. 1HNMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ: 8.58 (m, 1H), 7.76 (s, 1H), 7.37 (s, 7H), 7.00 (t, 2H), 6.72 (d, 1H), 5.09 (d, 2H), 4.46 (s, 1H), 4.32 (m, 2H), 3.94 (d, 1H), 2.97 (m, 2H), 2.19 (q, 2H), 2.01 (q, 2H), 1.09 (d, 6H); MS: 562[M−H]+.


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2-|5-(1-Acetyl-piperidin-4-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

A 8 mL vial with a pearcable cap was charged with 2-[3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide (80 mg, 0.19 mmol) from step 7 of example 13 and dissolved in DCM (1.5 mL). To this solution was added TEA (0.195 mg, 1.9 mmol) followed by acetic anhydride (29 mg, 0.28 mmol) at room temperature. This mixture was allowed to stir at this temperature for 2 h. The conversion was monitored by TLC and/or LCMS. The reaction mixture %% as then concentrated down to dryness, redissolved in a 1:1 mixture of MeOH/DMSO (1 mL) and purified by RP C18 column eluted with 20-60% MeCN in water in the presence of 0.1% TFA to afford the product as white solid (28 mg). 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ: 8.21 (s, 1H), 7.57-7.54 (m, 2H), 7.25-7.21 (m, 2H), 4.65-4.62 (m, 1H), 4.21-4.15 (m, 1H), 4.09-4.06 (m, 1H), 3.74-3.68 (m, 1H), 3.30-3.26 (m, 1H), 2.82 (t, 1H), 2.15 (s, 3H), 2.01-2.04 (m, 1H), 2.00-1.79 (m, 2H) 1.25 (d, 6H); LCMS (M+1)+: 457.85.


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (2,2,2-trifluoro-ethyl)-amide

Step 1
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4-{4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-|4-(2,2,2-trifluoro-ethylcarbamoyl)-thiazol-2-yl|-imidazol-1-yl}-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

To a stirred solution of 4-[5-(4-carboxy-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-imidazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (65 mg, 0.14 mmol, prepared as described in step 2 of example 95) in DCM (2 mL) at room temperature was added 2,2,2-trifluoroethylamine, 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC, 32 mg, 0.17 mmol), and DIEA (61 μL, 0.35 mmol). After 1 hour, the mixture was poured on to a silica gel column, eluting with 70% EtOAc in hexanes to afford the title compound as a colorless solid. LCMS: 554.4 (M+1)+.

Step 2
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid (2,2,2-trifluoro-ethyl)-amide

To a stirred solution of 4-{4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-[4-(2,2,2-trifluoro-ethylcarbamoyl)-thiazol-2-yl]-imidazol-1-yl}-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (6 mg, 0.01 mmol) in DCM (200 μL) at room temperature was added 20% TFA in DCM (1 mL). After 30 min, the reaction was diluted with toluene (10 mL) and concentrated to dryness in vacuo to afford the title compound as a colorless solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.79 (s, 1H), 8.42 (s, 1H), 7.51 (m, 2H), 7.22 (m, 2H), 7.15 (m, 1H), 5.12 (m, 1H), 4.15 (m, 2H), 3.60 (m, 2H), 3.17 (t, 2H), 2.52 (d, 2H), 2.30 (m, 2H). LCMS: 454.4 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-1-(2-methoxy-ethoxymethyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carbaldehyde O-methyl-oxime

To a stirred solution of 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-1-(2-methoxy-ethoxymethyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carbaldehyde (120 mg, 0.32 mmol, described in Example 2161 in MeOH (0.5 mL) at room temperature was added O-methyl-hydroxylamine hydrochloride (54 mg, 0.64 mmol), sodium sulfate (91 mg, 0.64 mmol) and pyridine (100 μL). After 18 hours, TLC analysis revealed disappearance of starting material. LC/MS analysis confirmed the presence of 2 separable oxime isomers. The mixture was purified via C18 reverse-phase preparatory HPLC (15 min gradient of 30% to 60% ACN in H2O mobile phase with 0.1% TFA), collecting 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-1-(2-methoxy-ethoxymethyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carbaldehyde O-methyl-oxime as the first-eluting peak off of the column. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.12 (s, 1H), 7.59 (s, 1H), 7.51 (m, 2H), 7.24 (m, 2H), 5.27 (s, 2H), 3.91 (s, 3H), 3.65 (m, 2H), 3.47 (m, 2H), 3.29 (s, 3H), 2.52 (s, 3H). LCMS: 405.2 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-1-(2-methoxy-ethoxymethyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carbaldehyde O-methyl-oxime

To a stirred solution of 2-[3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-1-(2-methoxy-ethoxymethyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carbaldehyde (120 mg, 0.32 mmol, described in Example 2161 in MeOH (0.5 mL) at room temperature was added O-methyl-hydroxylamine hydrochloride (54 mg, 0.64 mmol), sodium sulfate (91 mg, 0.64 mmol) and pyridine (100 μL). After 18 hours, TLC analysis revealed disappearance of starting material. LC/MS analysis confirmed the presence of 2 separable oxime isomers. The mixture was purified via C18 reverse-phase preparatory HPLC (15 min gradient of 30% to 60% ACN in H2O mobile phase with 0.1% TFA), collecting 2-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-1-(2-methoxy-ethoxymethyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carbaldehyde O-methyl-oxime as the second-eluting peak off of the column. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.20 (s, 1H), 7.61 (s, 1H), 7.51 (m, 2H), 7.23 (m, 2H), 5.27 (s, 2H), 4.03 (s, 3H), 3.67 (m, 2H), 3.47 (m, 2H), 3.28 (s, 3H), 2.52 (s, 3H). LCMS: 405.2 (M+1)+.


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1-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl|-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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4-|4-(3-Ethoxycarbonyl-pyrazol-1-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

A nitrogen-flushed 100 mL round bottom flask was charged with ethyl-pyrazole-3-carboxylate (420 mg, 3.0 mmol, prepared as described in J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2000, 122, 10810), 4-[3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-4-iodo-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (1.7 g, 3.6 mmol, prepared as described in Step 3 of Example 35), CuI (28 mg, 0.15 mmol), (1R,2R)-diaminomethylcyclohexane (85 mg, 0.6 mmol), and potassium carbonate (869 mg, 6.3 mmol). The solid mixture was evacuated and back-filled with nitrogen 3 times, then dry toluene (2 mL) was added via syringe. The resulting slurry was capped with a reflux condenser and heated for 3 days in a 110° C. oil bath. The crude mixture was then rinsed in to a separatory funnel containing EtOAc (200 mL) and water (50 mL). The organic layer was washed with an additional portion of water (50 mL), then dried over MgSO4 and concentrated. The crude residue was purified by reverse-phase preparative HPLC to afford the title compound (140 mg) as an off-white solid. LCMS: 485.4 (M+1)+.

Step 2
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4-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-4-(3-isopropylcarbamoyl-pyrazol-1-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

The title compound was prepared analogously to 4-[3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-4-(4-isopropylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (Step 6 of Example 35) by substituting 4-[4-(3-ethoxycarbonyl-pyrazol-1-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester for 4-[4-(4-ethoxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester in that step. LCMS: 498.5 (M+1)+.

Step 3
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1-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-piperidin-4-yl-isoxazol-4-yl|-1H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

To a stirred solution of 4-[3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-4-(3-isopropylcarbamoyl-pyrazol-1-yl)-isoxazol-5-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (120 mg, 0.24 mmol) in DCM (1 mL) was added 25% TFA in DCM (2 mL). The reaction was stirred for 1 hr, then diluted with toluene (30 ml) and concentrated to dryness in vacuo. The crude residue was purified by reverse-phase preparative HPLC to afford the title compound as a white powder. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.28 (d, 1H), 8.08 (m, 2H), 7.79 (m, 1H), 7.28 (m, 2H), 6.97 (d, 1H), 4.23 (m, 1H), 3.95 (m, 1H), 3.53 (d, 2H), 3.22 (m, 2H), 2.20 (m, 4H), 1.28 (d, 6H). LCMS: 405.2 (M+1)+.


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidin-4-yl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidin-4-yl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (Step 1, Example 86), where 4-amino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine was substituted for methylamine in that step. LCMS: 457.6 (M+1)+.

Step 2
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-(2,2,6,6-tetra methyl-piperidin-4-yl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide in step 2 of example 86 by substituting 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-methyl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester with 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidin-4-yl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid ethyl ester. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.43 (m, 1H), 8.34 (s, 1H), 8.28 (s, 1H), 7.46 (m, 2H), 7.17 (m, 1H), 5.48 (m, 1H), 4.24 (m, 1H), 2.33 (m, 2H), 2.07 (m, 2H), 1.50 (s, 12H), 1.25 (d, 6H). LCMS: 470.7 (M+1)+.


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid cyclopentylamide

Step 1
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4-|4-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-pentafluorophenyloxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-imidazol-1-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

To a solution of 4-[5-(4-carboxy-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-imidazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (188 mg, 0.4 mmol, prepared as described in step 2 of example 95) in DMF (5 mL) at room temperature was added pyridine (35 μL, 0.44 mmol), followed by pentafluorophenyl trifluoroacetate (82 μL, 0.48 mmol). The mixture was stirred for 10 min, at which time LCMS analysis revealed full conversion to title compound. Following aqueous extraction, the product 4-[4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-pentafluorophenyloxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-imidazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester determined to be of sufficient purity to carry on to the next step. LCMS: 639.7 (M+1)+.

Step 2
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4-|5-(4-Cyclopentylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-imidazol-1-yl|-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester

To a stirred solution of 4-[4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-(4-pentafluorophenyloxycarbonyl-thiazol-2-yl)-imidazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (127 mg, 0.2 mmol) in DMF (2 mL) at room temperature was added cyclopentylamine (100 μL, 1.0 mmol). After 20 min, the reaction was determined to be complete by LCMS analysis. The mixture was rinsed in to a separatory funnel containing 1:1 hexanes:EtOAc (50 mL). The resulting solution was washed with HCl (30 mL, 1N aqueous), NaOH (30 mL, 1N aqueous), and brine (50 mL), then dried, filtered, and concentrated to dryness in vacuo to afford the title compound as a tan solid that was determined to be sufficiently by LCMS to carry on to the next step. LCMS: 540.8 (M+1)+.

Step 3
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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid cyclopentylamide

To a stirred mixture of 4-[5-(4-cyclopentylcarbamoyl-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-imidazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (102 mg, 0.19 mmol) in DCM (8 mL) was added trifluoroacetic acid (2 mL). After 30 min. full conversion to the title compound was observed by LCMS. The mixture was diluted with toluene (30 mL), concentrated to dryness in vacuo, and purified by reverse phase preparatory HPLC, to afford the title compound as a white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.39 (s, 1H), 8.24 (s, 1H), 7.46 (m, 2H), 7.17 (m, 2H), 4.98 (m, 1H), 4.35 (m, 1H), 3.59 (m, 2H), 3.18 (m, 2H), 2.50 (m, 2H), 2.23 (m, 2H), 2.06 (m, 2H), 1.77 (m, 2H), 1.56-1.85 (m, 4H) LCMS: 440.8 (M+1)+.


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2-|5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid cyclohexylamide

The title compound was prepared analogously to 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid cyclopentylamide Example 2190, where cyclohexylamine was substituted for cyclopentylamine in step 2 of that sequence. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.53 (s, 1H), 8.29 (s, 1H), 7.47 (m, 2H), 7.19 (m, 2H), 5.02 (m, 1H), 3.89 (m, 1H), 3.60 (d, 2H), 3.17 (t, 2H), 2.52 (d, 2H), 2.25 (m, 2H), 1.97 (m, 2H), 1.80 (m, 2H), 1.69 (m, 1H), 1.35-1.48 (m, 4H), 1.26 (m, 1H). LCMS: 454.8 (M+1)+.


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Step 1
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To a solution of 4-[5-(4-carboxy-thiazol-2-yl)-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-imidazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (94 mg, 0.2 mmol, prepared as described in step 2 of example 95) in DCM (20 mL) at room temperature was added 1-ethyl-3-[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]-carbodiimide hydrochloride (EDC, 46 mg, 0.24 mmol), DIEA (105 μL, 0.6 mmol), and cyclohexylamine (34 μL, 0.3 mmol). After 18 hours, the reaction was poured in to a separatory funnel containing DCM (50 mL) and washed with HCl (30 mL, 1N aqueous), NaHCO3 (30 mL, sat. aqueous), and brine (30 mL). The organic layer was dried over MgSO4, filtered, and concentrated to dryness in vacuo to afford the title compound as a tan solid that was carried on to the next step without further purification. LCMS: 628.6 (M+1)+.

Step 2
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To a solution of 4-[5-{4-[3-(3-dimethylamino-propyl)-1-ethyl-ureidocarbonyl]-thiazol-2-yl}-4-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-imidazol-1-yl]-piperidine-1-carboxylic acid tert-butyl ester (60 mg, 0.1 mmol) in DCM (1 mL) at room temperature was added trifluoroacetic acid (250 μL). After 1 hr, LCMS analysis revealed full conversion to the title compound. The mixture was diluted with toluene (20 mL), concentrated to dryness in vacuo, and purified via reverse phase preparatory HPLC to afford the title compound as a white solid. LCMS: 528.5 (M+1)+.


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2-{5-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-3-|1-(2-hydroxy-ethyl)-piperidin-4-yl|-3H-imidazol-4-yl}-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

To a stirred solution of 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide, (30 mg, 0.06 mmol, prepared as described in example 91) in DMF at room temperature was added diisopropylethylamine (50 μL, 0.29 mmol), followed by 2-bromoethanol (15 μL, 0.22 mmol). The mixture was warmed to 50° C. and left to stir for 2.5 hr. at which time LCMS analysis revealed full conversion to title compound. The mixture was then purified by direct injection on to a reverse phase preparatory HPLC, to afford the title compound as a white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CD3OD) δ 8.56 (s, 1H), 8.31 (s, 1H), 7.47 (m, 2H), 7.18 (m, 2H), 4.23 (m, 1H), 3.90 (t, 2H), 3.81 (m, 2H), 3.60 (m, 1H), 3.15-3.35 (m, 4H), 2.56 (m, 2H), 2.42 (m, 2H), 1.28 (d, 6H). LCMS: 458.4 (M+1)+.


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2-|3-(1-Acetyl-piperidin-4-yl)-5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3H-imidazol-4-yl|-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

To a stirred solution of 2-[5-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-3-piperidin-4-yl-3H-imidazol-4-yl]-thiazole-4-carboxylic acid isopropylamide, (52 mg, 0.10 mmol, prepared as described in example 91) in dry DCM (2 mL) at room temperature was added diisopropylethylamine (86 μL, 0.5 mmol), followed by acetyl chloride (8 μL, 0.12 mmol). After stirring for 5 minutes, LCMS analysis revealed full conversion to title compound. The reaction was quenched via the addition of EtOH (1 mL), then concentrated to dryness in vacuo. The crude residue was then purified by reverse phase preparatory HPLC, to afford the title compound as a white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 9.19 (s, 1H), 8.38 (s, 1H), 7.43 (m, 2H), 7.15 (m, 2H), 7.04 (d, 1H), 4.89 (m, 1H), 4.70 (m, 1H), 4.28 (m, 1H), 4.08 (m, 1H), 3.18 (m, 1H), 2.61 (m, 1H), 2.20-2.40 (m, 3H), 2.19 (s, 3H), 2.01 (m, 1H), 1.30 (d, 6H). LCMS: 456.1 (M+1)+.


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5-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-|1,2,4|thiadiazole-3-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

Step 1
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3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carbothioic acid amide

A 500 ml roundbottom flask was charged with 3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-1-(2-methoxy-ethoxymethyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carboxylic acid amide (32.2 g, 105 mmol, described in step 6 of example 79), 1,2-dimethoxyethane (400 ml) and phosphorus pentasulfide (23.3 g) in several batches, while maintaining the contents at room temperature. The resulting solution was stirred for 3 hours at 30° C. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH=15:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated and purified by column chromatography with a 100:1 CH2Cl2/MeOH, yielding 5.7 g of 3-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carbothioamide as a white solid, and 15.7 g of 3-(4-fluorophenyl)-1-((2-methoxyethoxy)methyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carbothioamide as a yellow solid.

Step 2
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Dimethylamino-|3-(4-fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carbothioylimino|-acetic acid ethyl ester

A 500 ml round bottom flask was charged with 3-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carbothioamide (600 mg, 2.55 mmol), ethyl 2-(dimethylamino)-2,2-diethoxyacetate (2 g, 9.12 mmol), and THF (20 ml). The resulting solution stirred for 26 hours at 60 degrees C. The reaction progress was monitored by TLC (CH2Cl2/MeOH=15:1). The mixture was concentrated by evaporation under vacuum using a rotary evaporator. The residue was purified by eluting through a column with a 1:3 EtOAc/PE solvent system. This resulted in 0.58 g (45%) of ethyl 2-(dimethylamino)-2-(3-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carbothioamido)acetate as orange oil.

Step 3
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5-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-|1,2,4|thiadiazole-3-carboxylic acid ethyl ester

A 100 ml round bottom flask was purged with nitrogen, then charged with (E)-ethyl 2-(dimethylamino)-2-(3-(4-fluorophenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazole-4-carbothioamido)acetate (780 mg, 2.15 mmol), absolute ethanol (20 ml), pyridine (850 mg, 10.75 mmol), and hydroxylamine-O-sulfonic acid (500 mg, 4.42 mmol) in methanol (20 ml). The resulting solution was stirred for 2 hours at room temperature. Reaction progress was monitored by TLC (EtOAc/PE=1:1). Work-up: the mixture was concentrated, dissolved in 150 ml of AcOEt, washed with K2CO3 (aq.), brine, dried over Na2SO4, concentrated, and purified by column chromatography (1:30 EtOAc/PE solvent system). This gave 350 mg (50%) of the title compound mixed with the analogous oxadiazole. These compounds were purified by RPHPLC, and then recrystallized from EtOAc/PE=1:1.

Step 4
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5-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-|1,2,4|thiadiazole-3-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

To a stirred solution of 5-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-[1,2,4]thiadiazole-3-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (120 mg, 0.36 mmol) in toluene (5 mL), was added MeAlCl(NH-iPr) (1.1 mL of a 0.67 M solution in toluene, 0.72 mmol, prepared as described in Synth. Comm. 12, 13, 989.) dropwise via syringe. The resulting mixture was warmed to 80° C. and left to stir for 2 hrs, then cooled to room temperature and poured on to a vigorously stirred slurry of sodium sulfate decahydrate (25 g) in DCM (100 mL). After 1 hr. the mixture was filtered, and the resulting filtrate was dried over MgSO4, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo to afford the title compound (99 mg, 80% yield) as a white solid. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.59 (m, 2H), 7.13 (m, 2H), 6.73 (d, 1H), 4.28 (m, 1H), 2.65 (s, 3H), 1.26 (d, 6H). LCMS: 346.2 (M+1)+.


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5-|3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl|-|1,2,4|oxadiazole-3-carboxylic acid isopropylamide

To a stirred solution of 5-[3-(4-Fluoro-phenyl)-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]-[1,2,4]oxadiazole-3-carboxylic acid ethyl ester (68 mg, 0.22 mmol, described in step 3 of Example 2196) in toluene (3 mL), was added dropwise MeAlCl(NH-iPr) (800 μL of a 0.67 M solution in toluene, 0.55 mmol, prepared as described in Synth. Comm. 12, 13, 989). The resulting mixture was warmed to 80° C. and left to stir for 2 hrs, then cooled to room temperature and poured on to a vigorously stirred slurry of sodium sulfate decahydrate (25 g) in DCM (100 mL). After 1 hr, the mixture was filtered, and the resulting filtrate was dried over MgSO4, filtered, and concentrated in vacuo to afford the title compound (57 mg, 80% yield), that was determined to be sufficiently pure by available analytical methods. 1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3) δ 7.56 (m, 2H), 7.08 (m, 2H), 6.75 (d, 1H), 4.26 (m, 1H), 2.54 (s, 3H), 1.25 (d, 6H). LCMS: 330.7 (M+1)+.

The following Compounds are represented herein using the Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System, or SMILES. SMILES is a modern chemical notation system, developed by David Weininger and Daylight Chemical Information Systems, Inc., that is built into all major commercial chemical structure drawing software packages. Software is not needed to interpret SMILES text strings, and an explanation of how to translate SMILES into structures can be found in Weininger, D., J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 1988, 28, 31-36.

Examples 98-2157 Prepared by Parallel Synthesis

embedded image

Starting amino methyl oxazole was prepared as described in Example 43, but omitting the Boc protection step. Where R—COOH is a carboxylic acid selected to afford Examples 98-334, which were prepared by General Procedure 1.

Example 98FC═3C═CC(C1═C(OC(═N1)CN)C2═NC(═CS2)C(NC(C)C)═O)═CC═3Example 99O═C(C═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 100O═C(CC#N)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 101OC(C)C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 102O═C(CC)C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 103O═C(C(C)(C)C)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 104O═C(CC(C)C)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 105[H]N4C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CN═C4Example 106[H]N1C(═NC═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 107C1CC(═CC1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 108FC(F)(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)FExample 109C4CCOC4C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 110O═C(C)NCC(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 111C═4C═CC═CC═4C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 112C═4C═CN═CC═4C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 113C1═CC(═CC═N1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 114C1═NC(═CC═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 115OC(CCl)C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 116[H]N1N═C(C═C1C)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 117O═C(C═1N═CN(C═1)C)NC C3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 118C1CC(CCC1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 119N4═CSC═C4C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 120O═C(OCC)CC(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 121CC4═CC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═C4Example 122O═C(C1═CC═CC═C1C)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 123O═C(C1═CC═C(C)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 124OC═1C═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 125OC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═CC═4Example 126C═1C═C(C═CC═1F)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 127C1═CC═C(C═C1F)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 128CCCCCCCC(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 129O═C(C1═CC═C(C#N)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 130O═C(C1═CC═CC(C#N)═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 131C═4C═CC═CC═4/C═C/C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 132O═C(C1═CC═CC═C1C═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 133O═C(C1═CC═C(C═O)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 134CC1═CC(C)═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 135C═1C═CC═C(C═1C)CC(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 136C═4C═CC(═C(C═4C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C)CExample 137CC1═C(C═C(C)C═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 138CC1═CC(═CC(C)═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 139CC═4C(═CC═C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═4)CExample 140C═1C═C(C═CC═1CC)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 141COC4═CC═C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═C4Example 142CC1═CC═CC(═C1O)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 143OC═1C═CC═CC═1CC(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 144C1═CC═C(C═C1O)CC(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 145C1═CC(═C(C═C1C)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OExample 146OC1═CC═C(O)C═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 147OC1═C(O)C═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 148OC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═C(C═4)OExample 149FC═1C(C)═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 150CC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC(═CC═4)FExample 151ClC1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 152O═C(C1═CN═C(Cl)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 153ClC═1N═CC═CC═1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 154ClC1═NC═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 155O═C(C1═NC═CC(═C1)Cl)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 156O═C(C1═C(C═NC═C1)Cl)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 157FC═1C═CC═C(F)C═1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 158O═C(C1═CC═CC(F)═C1F)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 159O═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1F)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 160FC═1C═C(F)C═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 161O═C(C1═CC═C(F)C(═C1)F)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 162O═C(CC(CC(C)(C)C)C)NC C2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 163C═4C5═CC═CC═C5OC═4C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 164O═C(C2CCC1═CC═CC═C12)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 165ClC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)(Cl)ClExample 166O═C(/C═C/C═1C(O)═CC═CC═1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 167O═C(C1═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 168O═C(/C═C/C1═CC(O)═CC═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 169CC(═O)C1═CC═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 170CC(═O)C1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 171C4═CC(═CC═C4C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C(C)CExample 172CC═1C═CC═CC═1CCC(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 173O═C(CCC═1C═C(C)C═CC═1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 174O═C(C(CC)C1═CC═CC═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 175CC═1C═C(C)C═C(C═1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CExample 176C1═CC(═CC═C1CCC)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 177O═C(C═1C═CC═2OCOC═2C═1)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 178O═C(/C═C/C═1C(F)═CC═CC═1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 179C═1C═CC═C(C═1OCC)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 180CC═1C═CC═CC═1OCC(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 181O═C(CCC1═CC═CC═C1O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 182O═C(CC1═C(OC)C═CC═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 183O═C(C(C═1C═CC(O)═CC═1)C)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 184O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 185O═[N+]([O−])C═1C═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 186COC1═C(C(O)═CC═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 187OC1═C(C═C(OC)C═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 188OC═1C═C(OC)C═CC═1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 189O═C(C1═CC(O)═C(OC)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 190OC═1C(O)═C(C═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OExample 191FC4═CC(CC(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═C4OExample 192O═C(C═1C═C(N═C(C═1)Cl)C)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 193FC═1C═CC═C(C═1CC(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)FExample 194O═C(C2═CC═CC1═CC═CC═C12)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 195O═C(C1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 196OC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC(═CC═4)ClExample 197O═C(C1═CC═2C═CC═NC═2C═C1)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 198OC4═NC═C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═C4ClExample 199O═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1Cl)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 200FC═1C═CC═C(C═1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 201CC(C)(OC(NCC(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═O)CExample 202O═C(C═1OC2═CC═CC═C2C═1C)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 203C═1C2═C(C═CC═1)CC(C2)CC(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 204C4CC5═C(CC4C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═CC═C5Example 205O═C(/C═C/C═1C═CC═CC═1OC)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 206O═C(C1═CSC2═C1C═CC═C2)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 207C═1C═C2C═C(SC2═CC═1)C(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 208O═C(C1═CC═C(CCCC)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 209O═C(C1═CC═C(C(C)(C)C)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 210O═C(C1═CC═C(N(C═O)C)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 211O═C(C═1C═C(NC(C)═O)C═CC═1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 212O═C(COC═1C(C═O)═CC═CC═1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 213CC(═O)OC1═CC═C(C═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 214O═C(OC)O4═CC═O(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═C4Example 215C4═C(C═CC═C4C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)OC(═O)CExample 216CC(═O)OC1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 217O1C═2C═CC(═CC═2OC1)CC(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 218C1═CC(═CC═C1OCCC)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 219O═C(C1═CC═C(OC(C)C)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 220[O−][N+](═O)C1═C(C(═CC═C1)C)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 221O═[N+]([O−])C1═C(C═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CExample 222[O−][N+](═O)C1═CC═C(C═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CExample 223CC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═CC═4[N+]([O−])═OExample 224C1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OCExample 225COC1═CC(OC)═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 226COC═1C(═C(OC)C═CC═1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 227C═1C(═CC(═CC═1OC)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OCExample 228C═1C═CC(═C(C═1OC)OC)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 229CC4═CC═C(SCC(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═C4Example 230O═C(/C═C/C═1C═CC(Cl)═CC═1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 231O═C(/C═C/C═1C(Cl)═CC═CC═1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 232[O−][N+](C1═CC═C(C═C1O)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)═OExample 233O═C(C1═CC(O)═CC═C1[N+]([O−])═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 234OC4═CC═C(C═C4C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)[N+](═O)[O−]Example 235O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═C(C(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═O4)FExample 236O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═C(C═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)FExample 237O═[N+]([O−])C═1C(═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)FExample 238COC1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 239ClC═1C═C(OC)C(═CC═1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 240O═C(CC1═CC(═C(O)C═C1)Cl)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 241O═C(C═1C═C(N═C(C═1)Cl)OC)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 242OC5═CC═C1C(C═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)═C5Example 243O═C(C═1C2═CC═CC═C2C═CC═1O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 244O═C(C1═CC2═CC═CC═C2C═C1O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 245C1═CC═2C(C═C1)═CC═C(C═2O)C(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 246OC1═CC═CC2═CC═C(N═C12)C(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 247CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C)═O)CExample 248CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C)═O)CExample 249O═C(C═1C(═CC═CC═1)C(F)(F)F)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 250[H]N2C1═CC═CC═C1N═C2CCC(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 251ClC1═C(Cl)C═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 252ClC1═CC(Cl)═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 253ClC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC(═CC═4)ClExample 254O═C(C1═C(C(═C(C(═C1)F)F)O)F)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 255O1C═2C═CC(═CC═2OC1)/ C═C/C(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 256C1═CC(═CC═C1C)C(CCC(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)═OExample 257O═C(C1═CC═C(CCCCC)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 258O═C(C1═CC(═C(F)C═C1Cl)F)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 259FC1═CC(Cl)═C(C═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)FExample 260O═C(C1═CC═C(N(CC)CC)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 261COC4═CC(/C═C/C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═C4OExample 262O═C(/C═C/C1═CC(O)═C(OC)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 263O═C(C1═CC═C(OCCCC)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 264O═C(C═2OC1═C(C═C(Cl)C═C1)C═2)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 265C1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)[N+]([O−])═OExample 266O═C(C1═CC(OC)═C(O)C(OC)═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 267C5═CC═CC═C5C═4C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═CC═4Example 268BrC1═CC═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 269C═1C═C(C═CC═1Br)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 270[O−][N+](═O)C1═C(C═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 271O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═C(C(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 272O═C(C1═C(C═C([N+]([O−])═O)C═C1)Cl)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 273O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC(═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 274O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC(═CC═C1Cl)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 275O═C(C1═CC(Cl)═CC═C1[N+](═O)[O−])NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 276C═4C═CC(═NC═4C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)BrExample 277O═C(C═1C═NC═C(Br)C═1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 278[O−][N+](═O)C═4C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC(F)═C(F)C═4Example 279FC(F)(C═1C═CC(═CC═1)CC(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)FExample 280CC(C)CC4═CC═C(C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C)C═C4Example 281ClC1═C(O)C(═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 282FC═1C(F)═C(C(═C(C═1F)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)F)FExample 283O═C(C1═C(OC)C═C(C═C1OC)OC)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 284COC1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)OC)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 285COC1═C(OC)C(═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OCExample 286COC1═C(OC)C═CC(═C1OC)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 287C═1C═C(C═CC═1)CC5═C(C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C═CC═C5Example 288O═C(C2═CC═CC(OC1═CC═CC═C1)═C2)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 289C1═CC(═CC═C1)OC5═C(C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C═CC═C5Example 290O═C(C2═CC═C(OC1═CC═CC═C1)C═C2)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 291C1═CC(═CC═C1O)C2═CC═C(C═C2)C(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 292BrC═1C═CC(═CC═1C)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 293BrC1═C(C)C═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 294O═C(CC1═CC═C(Br)C═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 295CC(OC(═O)N1C(CCC1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)(C)CExample 296O═C(/C═C/C1═C(C(F)(F)F)C═CC═C1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 297O═C(C1═C(OCC)C═CC2═C1C═CC═C2)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 298CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C(C)C)═O)CExample 299CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C(C)C)═O)CExample 300O═C(CCC═1C═C(C═CC═1)C(F)(F)F)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 301O═C(C═2C═CC(N1N═C(C)CC1═O)═CC═2)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 302CC4═C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)SC(═N4)BrExample 303C1═CC2═C(C═C1)C═C6C(═C2C(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)C═CC═C6Example 304CC(C)C4═CC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═C(C(═C4)C(C)C)OExample 305CC(═O)NC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4═CC═C(C═C4)OExample 306ClC1═CC(Cl)═CC(═C1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 307COC1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)[N+](═O)[O−])C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 308O═C(C2═CC═C(OCC1═CC═CC═C1)C═C2)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 309BrC═4C═CC═CC═4CCC(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 310O═C(CCC═1C═C(Br)C═CC═1)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 311CC(OC(N4C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CCCC4)═O)(C)CExample 312C5═CC═C(C═C5OC═1C═CC(═CC═1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OExample 313CC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═5C═CC4═CC(═CC═C4C═5)OCExample 314CC(C)(OC(N1CC(NCC1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)═O)CExample 315CC(C)(OC(N1CC(NCC1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)═O)CExample 316COC1═CC(═C(C═C1)Br)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 317CC(OC(═O)N1CC(CC1C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)O)(C)CExample 318CC(C)C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)N(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)CExample 319FC(F)(C4═CC([N+]([O−])═O)═C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═C4)FExample 320BrC1═CC═C(Cl)C(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 321O═C(C═1C═C(Br)C(═CC═1)Cl)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 322C═1C═C(C═CC═1O)C(═O)C2═CC═CC═C2C(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 323C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C(═O)C5═C(C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C═CC═C5Example 324O═C(C(C2═CC(═C(C1═CC═CC═C1)C═C2)F)C)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 325C═1C═C(C═CC═1l)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 326lC1═CC═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 327O═C(OCC1═CC═CC═C1)N2C(CCC2)C(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 328CC(CC)C(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)NC(OC(C)(C)C)═OExample 329CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC(C)C)═O)CExample 330O═C(C1═CC═CC═C1)C═2C═C(C═CC═2)C(C)C(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 331CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4═CC═CC═C4)═O)CExample 332CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═NC(═C(C1═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS1)O2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4═NC═CC═C4)═O)CExample 333CC(OC(═O)N2CC═1C═CC═CC═1CC2C(═O)NCC4═NC(═C(C3═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS3)O4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)(C)CExample 334C1═CC(═CC═C1O)CC(C(═O)NCC3═NC(═C(C2═NC(C(═O)NC(C)C)═CS2)O3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O

EXAMPLES 335-572

embedded image

Starting amino methyl oxazole was prepared as described in Example 44. Where R—COOH is a carboxylic acid selected to afford Examples 335-572, which were prepared by General Procedure 1.

Example 335CC(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 336O═C(C═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 337O═C(CC#N)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 338OC(C)C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 339O═C(CC)C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 340O═C(C(C)(C)C)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 341O═C(CC(C)C)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 342[H]N5C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CN═C5Example 343[H]N1C(═NC═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 344C1CC(═CC1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 345FC(F)(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)FExample 346C5CCOC5C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 347O═C(C)NCC(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 348C═5C═CC═CC═5C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 349C═5C═CN═CC═5C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 350C1═CC(═CC═N1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 351C1═NC(═CC═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 352OC(CCl)C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 353[H]N1N═C(C═C1C)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 354O═C(C═1N═CN(C═1)C)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 355C1CC(CCC1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 356N5═CSC═C5C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 357O═C(OCC)CC(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 358CC5═CC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CC═C5Example 359O═C(C1═CC═CC═C1C)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 360O═C(C1═CC═C(C)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 361OC═1C═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 362OC═5C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CC═CC═5Example 363C═1C═C(C═CC═1F)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 364C1═CC═C(C═C1F)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 365CCCCCCCC(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 366O═C(C1═CC═C(C#N)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 367O═C(C1═CC═CC(C#N)═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 368C═5C═CC═CC═5/C═C/C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 369O═C(C1═CC═CC═C1C═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 370O═C(C1═CC═C(C═O)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 371CC1═CC(C)═CC═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 372C═1C═CC═C(C═1C)CC(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 373C═5C═CC(═C(C═5C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C)CExample 374CC1═C(C═C(C)C═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 375CC1═CC(═CC(C)═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 376CC═5C(═CC═C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C═5)CExample 377C═1C═C(C═CC═1CC)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 378COC5═CC═C(C(═O)N4 CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C═C5Example 379CC1═CC═CC(═C1O)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 380OC═1C═CC═CC═1CC(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 381C1═CC═C(C═C1O)CC(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 382C1═CC(═C(C═C1C)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)OExample 383OC1═CC═C(O)C═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 384OC1═C(O)C═CC═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 385OC═5C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CC═C(C═5)OExample 386FC═1C(C)═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 387CC═5C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CC(═CC═5)FExample 388ClC1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 389O═C(C1═CN═C(Cl)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 390ClC═1N═CC═CC═1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 391ClC1═NC═CC(═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 392O═C(C1═NC═CC(═C1)Cl)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 393O═C(C1═C(C═NC═C1)Cl)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 394FC═1C═CC═C(F)C═1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 395O═C(C1═CC═CC(F)═C1F)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 396O═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1F)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 397FC═1C═C(F)C═C(C═1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 398O═C(C1═CC═C(F)C(═C1)F)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 399O═C(CC(CC(C)(C)C)C)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)Example 400C═5C6═CC═CC═C6OC═5C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 401O═C(C2CCC1═CC═CC═C12)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 402ClC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)(Cl)ClExample 403O═C(/C═C/C═1C(O)═CC═CC═1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 404O═C(C1═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 405O═C(/C═C/C1═CC(O)═CC═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 406CC(═O)C1═CC═CC(═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 407CC(═O)C1═CC═CC═C1 C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 408C5═CC(═CC═C5C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C(C)CExample 409CC═1C═CC═CC═1CCC(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 410O═C(CCC═1C═C(C)C═CC═1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 411O═C(C(CC)C1═CC═CC═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 412CC═1C═C(C)C═C(C═1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)CExample 413C1═CC(═CC═C1CCC)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 414O═C(C═1C═CC═2OCOC═2C═1)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 415O═C(/C═C/C═1C(F)═CC═CC═1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 416C═1C═CC═C(C═1OCC)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 417CC═1C═CC═CC═1OCC(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 418O═C(CCC1═CC═CC═C1O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 419O═C(CC1═C(OC)C═CC═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 420O═C(C(C═1C═CC(O)═CC═1)C)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 421O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 422O═[N+]([O−])C═1C═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 423COC1═C(C(O)═CC═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 424OC1═C(C═C(OC)C═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 425OC═1C═C(OC)C═CC═1 C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 426O═C(C1═CC)(O)═C(OC)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 427OC═1C(O)═C(C═C(C═1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)OExample 428FC5═CC(CC(═O)N4CC N(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CC═C5OExample 429O═C(C═1C═C(N═C(C═1)Cl)C)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C═C4)CC5Example 430FC═1C═CC═C(C═1CC(═O)N5CCN(CC═30C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C═C4)CC5)FExample 431O═C(C2═CC═CC1═CC═CC)═C12)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6)Example 432O═C(C1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 433OC═5C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CC(═CC═5)ClExample 434O═C(C1═CC═2C═CC═NC═2C═C1)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 435OC5═NC═C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C═C5ClExample 436O═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1Cl)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 437FC═1C═CC═C(C═1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)ClExample 438CC(C)(OC(NCC(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═O)CExample 439O═C(C═1OC2═CC═CC═C2C═1C)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 440C═1C2═C(C═CC═1)CC(C2)CC(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 441C5CC6═C(CC5C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C═CC═C6Example 442O═C(/C═C/C═1C═CC═CC═1OC)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 443O═C(C1═CSC2═C1C═CC═C2)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 444C═1C═C2C═C(SC2═CC═1)C(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 445O═C(C1═CC═C(CCCC)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 446O═C(C1═CC═C(C(C)(C)C)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 447O═C(C1═CC═C(N(C═O)C)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 448O═C(C═1C═C(NC(C)═O)C═CC═1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 449O═C(COC═1C(C═O)═CC═CC═1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 450CC(═O)OC1═CC═C(C═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 451O═C(OC)C5═CC═C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C═C5Example 452C5═C(C═CC═C5C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)OC(═O)CExample 453CC(═O)OC1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 454O1C═2C═CC(═CC═2OC1)CC(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 455C1═CC(═CC═C1OCCC)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 456O═C(C1═CC═C(OC(C)C)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 457[O−][N+](═O)C1═C(C(═CC═C1)C)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 458O═[N+]([O−])C1═C(C═CC═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)CExample 459[O−][N+](═O)C1═CC═C(C═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)CExample 460CC═5C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CC═CC═5[N+]([O−])═OExample 461C1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)OCExample 462COC1═CC(OC)═CC═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 463COC═1C(═C(OC)C═CC═1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 464C═1C(═CC(═CC═1OC)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)OCExample 465C═1C═CC(═C(C═1OC)OC)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 466CC5═CC═C(SCC(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C═C5Example 467O═C(/C═C/C═1C═CC(Cl)═CC═1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 468O═C(/C═C/C═1C(Cl)═CC═CC═1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 469[O−][N+](C1═CC═C(C═C1O)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)═OExample 470O═C(C1═CC(O)═CC═C1 [N+]([O−])═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 471OC5═CC═C(C═C5C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)[N+](═O)[O−]Example 472O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═C(C(═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)FExample 473O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═C(C═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)FExample 474O═[N+]([O−])C═1C(═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)FExample 475COC1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 476ClC═1C═C(OC)C(═CC═1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 477O═C(CC1═CC(═C(O)C═C1)Cl)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 478O═C(C═1C═C(N═C(C═1)Cl)OC)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 479OC6═CC═C1C(C═CC(═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)═C6Example 480O═C(C═1C2═CC═CC═C2C═CC═1O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 481O═C(C1═CC2═CC═CC═C2C═C1O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 482C1═CC═2C(C═C1)═CC═C(C═2O)C(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 483OC1═CC═CC2═CC═C(N═C12)C(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 484CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C)═O)CExample 485CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C)═O)CExample 486O═C(C═1C(═CC═CC═1)C(F)(F)F)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 487[H]N2C1═CC═CC═C1N═C2CCC(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 488ClC1═C(Cl)C═CC═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 489ClC1═CC(Cl)═CC═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 490ClC═5C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CC(═CC═5)ClExample 491O═C(C1═C(C(═C(C(═C1)F)F)O)F)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 492O1C═2C═CC(═CC═2OC1)/ C═C/C(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 493C1═CC(═CC═C1C)C(CCC(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)═OExample 494O═C(C1═CC═C(CCCCC)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 495O═C(C1═CC(═C(F)C═C1Cl)F)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 496FC1═CC(Cl)═C(C═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)FExample 497O═C(C1═CC═C(N(CC)CC)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 498COC5═CC(/C═C/C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CC═C5OExample 499O═C(/C═C/C1═CC(O)═C(OC)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 500O═C(C1═CC═C(OCCCC)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═C)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 501O═C(C═2OC1═C(C═C(Cl)C═C1)C═2)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 502C1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)[N+]([O−])═OExample 503O═C(C1═CC(OC)═C(O)C(OC)═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 504C6═CC═CC═C6C═5C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CC═CC═5Example 505BrC1═CC═CC(═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 506C═1C═C(C═CC═1Br)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 507[O−][N+](═O)C1═C(C═CC═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)ClExample 508O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═C(C(N═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)ClExample 509O═C(C1═C(C═C([N+]([O−])═O)C═C1)Cl)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 510O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC(═CC═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)ClExample 511O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC(═CC═C1Cl)C(═C)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 512O═C(C1═CC(Cl)═CC═C1 [N+](═O([O−])N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 513C═5C═CC(═NC═5C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)BRExample 514O═C(C═1C═NC═C(Br)C═1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 515[O−][N+](═O)C═5C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═CC(F)═C(F)C═5Example 516FC(F)(C═1C═CC(═CC═1)CC(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)FExample 517CC(C)CC5═CC═C(C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C)C═C5Example 518ClC1═C(O)C(═CC(═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)ClExample 519FC═1C(F)═C(C(═C(C═1 F)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)F)FExample 520O═C(C1═C(OC)C═C(C═C1OC)OC)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 521COC1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)OC)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 522COC1═C(OC)C(═CC(═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)OCExample 523COC1═C(OC)C═CC(═C1OC)(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 524C═1C═C(C═CC═1)CC6═C(C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)C═CC═C6Example 525O═C(C2═CC═CC(OC1═CC═CC═C1)═C2)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 526C1═CC(═CC═C1)OC6═C(C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)C═CC═C6Example 527O═C(C2═CC═C(OC1═CC═CC═C1)C═C2)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 528C1═CC(═CC═C1O)C2═CC═C(C═C2)C(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 529BrC═1C═CC(═CC═1C)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 530BrC1═C(C)C═CC(═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 531O═C(CC1═CC═C(Br)C═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 532CC(OC(═O)N1C(CCC1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)(C)CExample 533O═C(/C═C/C1═C(C(F)(F)F)C═CC═C1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 534O═C(C1═C(OCC)C═CC2═C1C═CC═C2)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 535CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C(C)C)═O)CExample 536CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C(C)C)═O)CExample 537O═C(CCC═1C═C(C═CC═1)C(F)(F)F)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 538O═C(C═2C═CC(N1N═C(C)CC1═O)═CC═2)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 539CC5═C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)SC(═N5)BrExample 540C1═CC2═C(C═C1)C═C7C(═C2C(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6)C═CC═C7Example 541CC(C)C5═CC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)═C(C(═C5)C(C)C)OExample 542CC(═O)NC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)CC5═CC═C(C═C5)OExample 543ClC1═CC(Cl)═CC(═C1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)ClExample 544COC1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)[N+](═O)[O−])C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 545O═C(C2═CC═C(OCC1═CC═CC═C1)C═C2)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 546BrC═5C═CC═CC═5CCC(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4Example 547O═C(CCC═1C═C(Br)C═CC═1)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 548CC(OC(N5C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)CCCC5)═O)(C)CExample 549C6═CC═C(C═C6OC═1C═CC(═CC═1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)OExample 550CC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C═6C═CC5═CC(═CC═C5C═6)OCExample 551CC(C)(OC(N1CC(NCC1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)═O)CExample 552CC(C)(OC(N1CC(NCC1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)═O)CExample 553COC1═CC(═C(C═C1)Br)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 554CC(OC(═O)N1CC(CC1C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)O)(C)CExample 555CC(C)C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)N(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)CExample 556FC(F)(C5═CC([N+]([O−])═O)═C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)C═C5)FExample 557BrC1═CC═C(Cl)C(═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 558O═C(C═1C═C(Br)C(═CC═1)Cl)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 559C═1C═C(C═CC═1O)C(═O)C2═CC═CC═C2C(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 560C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C(═O)C6═C(C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)C═CC═C6Example 561O═C(C(C2═CC(═C(C1═CC═CC═C1)C═C2)F)C)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 562C═1C═C(C═CC═1l)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 563lC1═CC═CC(═C1)C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5Example 564O═C(OCC1═CC═CC═C1)N2C(CCC2)C(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 565CC(CC)C(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)NC(OC(C)(C)C)═OExample 566CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)CC(C)C)═O)CExample 567O═C(C1═CC═CC═C1)C═2C═C(C═CC═2)C(C)C(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6Example 568CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)CC5═CC═CC═C5)═O)CExample 569CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)N4CCN(CC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4)CC5═NC═CC═C5)═O)CExample 570CC(OC(═O)N2CC═1C═CC═CC═1CC2C(═O)N6CCN(CC═4OC(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)═C(N═4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)CC6)(C)CExample 571C1═CC(═CC═C1O)CC(C(═O)N5CCN(CC═3OC(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)═C(N═3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CC5)NC(OC(C)(C)C)═OExample 572N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCNCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4

EXAMPLES 573-810

embedded image

Utilizing the corresponding bromomethyl isoxazole prepared as described in Step 2 of Example 28, the starting amino methyl isoxazole shown in this example was prepared as described in Example 43, but omitting the Boc protection step. Where R—COOH is a carboxylic acid selected to afford Examples 573-810 were by General Procedure 1.

Example 573CC(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 574O═C(C═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 575O═C(CC#N)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 576OC(C)C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 577O═C(CC)C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 578O═C(C(C)(C)C)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 579O═C(CC(C)C)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 580[H]N4C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CN═C4Example 581[H]N1C(═NC═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 582C1CC(═CC1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 583FC(F)(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)FExample 584C4CCOC4C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 585O═C(C)NCC(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 586C═4C═CC═CC═4C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 587C═4C═CN═CC═4C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 588C1═CC(═CC═N1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 589C1═NC(═CC═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 590OC(CCl)C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 591[H]N1N═C(C═C1C)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 592O═C(C═1N═CN(C═1)C)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 593C1CC(CCC1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 594N4═CSC═C4C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 595O═C(OCC)CC(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 596CC4═CC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═C4Example 597O═C(C1═CC═CC═C1C)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 598O═C(C1═CC═C(C)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 599OC═1C═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 600OC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═CC═4Example 601C═1C═C(C═CC═1F)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 602C1═CC═C(C═C1F)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 603CCCCCCCC(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 604O═C(C1═CC═C(C#N)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 605O═C(C1═CC═CC(C#N)═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 606C═4C═CC═CC═4/C═C/C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 607O═C(C1═CC═CC═C1C═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 608O═C(C1═CC═C(C═O)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 609CC1═CC(C)═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 610C═1C═CC═C(C═1C)CC(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 611C═4C═CC(═C(C═4C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C)CExample 612CC1═C(C═C(C)C═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 613CC1═CC(═CC(C)═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 614CC═4C(═CC═C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═4)CExample 615C═1C═C(C═CC═1CC)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 616COC4═CC═C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═C4Example 617CC1═CC═CC(═C1O)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 618OC═1C═CC═CC═1CC(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 619C1═CC═C(C═C1O)CC(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 620C1═CC(═C(C═C1C)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OExample 621OC1═CC═C(O)C═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 622OC1═C(O)C═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 623OC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═C(C═4)OExample 624FC═1C(C)═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 625CC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC(═CC═4)FExample 626ClC1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 627O═C(C1═CN═C(Cl)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 628ClC═1N═CC═CC═1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 629ClC1═NC═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 630O═C(C1═NC═CC(═C1)Cl)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 631O═C(C1═C(C═NC═C1)Cl)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 632FC═1C═CC═C(F)C═1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 633O═C(C1═CC═CC(F)═C1F)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 634O═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1F)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 635FC═1C═C(F)C═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 636O═C(C1═CC═C(F)C(═C1)F)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 637O═C(CC(CC(C)(C)C)C)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 638C═4C5═CC═CC═C5OC═4C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 639O═C(C2CCC1═CC═CC═C12)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 640ClC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)(Cl)ClExample 641O═C(/C═C/C═1C(O)═CC═CC═1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 642O═C(C1═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 643O═C(/C═C/C1═CC(O)═CC═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 644CC(═O)C1═CC═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 645CC(═O)C1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 646C4═CC(═CC═C4C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C(C)CExample 647CC═1C═CC═CC═1CCC(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 648O═C(CCC═1C═C(C)C═CC═1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 649O═C(C(CC)C1═CC═CC═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 650CC═1C═C(C)C═C(C═1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CExample 651C1═CC(═CC═C1CCC)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 652O═C(C═1C═CC═2OCOC═2C═1)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 653O═C(/C═C/C═1C(F)═CC═CC═1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 654C═1C═CC═C(C═1OCC)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 655CC═1C═CC═CC═1OCC(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 656O═C(CCC1═CC═CC═C1O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 657O═C(CC1═C(OC)C═CC═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 658O═C(C(C═1C═CC(O)═CC═1)C)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 659O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 660O═[N+]([O−])C═1C═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 661COC1═C(C(O)═CC═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 662OC1═C(C═C(OC)C═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 663OC═1C═C(OC)C═CC═1 C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 664O═C(C1═CC(O)═C(OC)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 665OC═1C(O)═C(C═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OExample 666FC4═CC(CC(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═C4OExample 667O═C(C═1C═C(N═C(C═1)Cl)C)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 668FC═1C═CC═C(C═1CC(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)FExample 669O═C(C2═CC═CC1═CC═CC═C12)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 670O═C(C1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 671OC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC(═CC═4)ClExample 672O═C(C1═CC═2C═CC═NC═2C═C1)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 673OC4═NC═C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═C4ClExample 674O═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1Cl)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 675FC═1C═CC═C(C═1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 676CC(C)(OC(NCC(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═O)CExample 677O═C(C═1OC2═CC═CC═C2C═1C)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 678C═1C2═C(C═CC═1)CC(C2)CC(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 679C4CC5═C(CC4C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═CC═C5Example 680O═C(/C═C/C═1C═CC═CC═1OC)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 681O═C(C1═CSC2═C1C═CC═C2)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 682C═1C═C2C═C(SC2═CC═1)C(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 683O═C(C1═CC═C(CCCC)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 684O═C(C1═CC═C(C(C)(C)C)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 685O═C(C1═CC═C(N(C═O)C)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 686O═C(C═1C═C(NC(C)═O)C═CC═1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 687O═C(COC═1C(C═O)═CC═CC═1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 688CC(═O)OC1═CC═C(C═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 689O═C(OC)C4═CC═C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═C4Example 690C4═C(C═CC═C4C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)OC(═O)CExample 691CC(═O)OC1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 692O1C═2C═CC(═CC═2OC1)CC(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 693C1═CC(═CC═C1OCCC)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 694O═C(C1═CC═C(OC(C)C)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 695[O−][N+](═O)C1═C(C(═CC═C1)C)C(O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 696O═[N+]([O−])C1═C(C═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NO(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CExample 697[O−][N+](═O)C1═CC═C(C═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)CExample 698CC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═CC═4 [N+]([O−])═OExample 699C1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OCExample 700COC1═CC(OC)═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 701COC═1C(═C(OC)C═CC═1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 702C═1C(═CC(═CC═1OC)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OCExample 703C═1C═CC(═C(C═1OC)OC)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 704CC4═CC═C(SCC(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═C4Example 705O═C(/C═C/C═1C═CC(Cl)═CC═1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 706O═C(/C═C/C═1C(Cl)═CC═CC═1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 707[O−][N+](C1═CC═C(C═C1O)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)═OExample 708O═C(C1═CC(O)═CC═C1 [N+]([O−])═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 709OC4═CC═C(C═C4C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)[N+](═O)[O−]Example 710O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═C(C(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)FExample 711O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═C(C═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)FExample 712O═[N+]([O−])C═1C(═CC═C(C═1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)FExample 713COC1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 714ClC═1C═C(OC)C(═CC═1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 715O═C(CC1═CC(═C(O)C═C1)Cl)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 716O═C(C═1C═C(N═C(C═1)Cl)OC)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 717OC5═CC═C1C(C═CC(═C1)C(C═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)═C5Example 718O═C(C═1C2═CC═CC═C2C═CC═1O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 719O═C(C1═CC2═CC═CC═C2C═C1O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 720C1═CC═2C(C═C1)═CC═C(C═2O)C(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 721OC1═CC═CC2═CC═C(N═C12)C(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 722CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C)═O)CExample 723CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C)═O)CExample 724O═C(C═1C(═CC═CC═1)C(F)(F)F)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 725[H]N2C1═CC═CC═C1N═C2CCC(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 726ClC1═C(Cl)C═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 727ClC1═CC(Cl)═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 728ClC═4C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC(═CC═4)ClExample 729O═C(C1═C(C(═C(C(═C1)F)F)O)F)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 730O1C═2C═CC(═CC═2OC1)/ C═C/C(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 731C1═CC(═CC═C1C)C(CCC(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)═OExample 732O═C(C1═CC═C(CCCCC)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 733O═C(C1═CC(═C(F)C═C1Cl)F)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 734FC1═CC(Cl)═C(C═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)FExample 735O═C(C1═CC═C(N(CC)CC)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 736COC4═CC(/C═C/C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═C4OExample 737O═C(/C═C/C1═CC(O)═C(OC)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 738O═C(C1═CC═C(OCCCC)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(C═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 739O═C(C═2OC1═C(C═C(Cl)C═C1)C═2)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 740C1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)[N+]([O−])═OExample 741O═C(C1═CC(OC)═C(O)C(OC)═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 742C5═CC═CC═C5C═4C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC═CC═4Example 743BrC1═CC═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 744C═1C═C(C═CC═1Br)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 745[O−][N+](═O)C1═C(C═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 746O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC═C(C(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 747O═C(C1═C(C═C([N+]([O−])═O)C═C1)Cl)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 748O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC(═CC═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 749O═[N+]([O−])C1═CC(═CC═C1Cl)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 750O═C(C1═CC(Cl)═CC═C1 [N+](═O)[O−])NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 751C═4C═CC(═NC═4C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)BrExample 752O═C(C═1C═NC═C(Br)C═1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 753[O−][N+](═O)C═4C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═CC(F)═C(F)C═4Example 754FC(F)(C═1C═CC(═CC═1)CC(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)FExample 755CC(C)CC4═CC═C(C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C)C═C4Example 756ClC1═C(O)C(═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 757FC═1C(F)═C(C(═C(C═1F)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)F)FExample 758O═C(C1═C(OC)C═C(C═C1OC)OC)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 759COC1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)OC)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 760COC1═C(OC)C(═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OCExample 761COC1═C(OC)C═CC(═C1OC)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 762C═1C═C(C═CC═1)CC5═C(C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C═CC═C5Example 763O═C(C2═CC═CC(OC1═CC═CC═C1)═C2)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 764C1═CC(═CC═C1)OC5═C(C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C═CC═C5Example 765O═C(C2═CC═C(OC1═CC═CC═C1)C═C2)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 766C1═CC(═CC═C1O)C2═CC═C(C═C2)C(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 767BrC═1C═CC(═CC═1C)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 768BrC1═C(C)C═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 769O═C(CC1═CC═C(Br)C═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 770CC(OC(═O)N1C(CCC1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)(C)CExample 771O═C(/C═C/C1═C(C(F)(F)F)C═CC═C1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 772O═C(C1═C(OCC)C═CC2═C1C═CC═C2)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 773CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C(C)C)═O)CExample 774CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C(C)C)═O)CExample 775O═C(CCC═1C═C(C═CC═1)C(F)(F)F)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 776O═C(C═2C═CC(N1N═C(C)CC1═O)═CC═2)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 777CC4═C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)SC(═N4)BrExample 778C1═CC2═C(C═C1)C═C6C(═C2C(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)C═CC═C6Example 779CC(C)C4═CC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)═C(C(═C4)C(C)C)OExample 780CC(═O)NC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4═CC═C(C═C4)OExample 781ClC1═CC(Cl)═CC(═C1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)ClExample 782COC1═CC(═C(C═C1OC)[N+](═O)[O−])C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 783O═C(C2═CC═C(OCC1═CC═CC═C1)C═C2)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 784BrC═4C═CC═CC═4CCC(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 785O═C(CCC═1C═C(Br)C═CC═1)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 786CC(OC(N4C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CCCC4)═O)(C)CExample 787C5═CC═C(C═C5OC═1C═CC(═CC═1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)OExample 788CC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1 SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═5C═CC4═CC(═CC═C4C═5)OCExample 789CC(C)(OC(N1CC(NCC1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)═O)CExample 790CC(C)(OC(N1CC(NCC1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)═O)CExample 791COC1═CC(═C(C═C1)Br)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 792CC(OC(═O)N1CC(CC1C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)O)(C)CExample 793CC(C)C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)N(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)CExample 794FC(F)(C4═CC([N+]([O−])═O)═C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═C4)FExample 795BrC1═CC═C(Cl)C(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 796O═C(C═1C═C(Br)C(═CC═1)Cl)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 797C═1C═C(C═CC═1O)C(═O)C2═CC═CC═C2C(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 798C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C(═O)C5═C(C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C═CC═C5Example 799O═C(C(C2═CC(═C(C1═CC═CC═C1)C═C2)F)C)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 800C═1C═C(C═CC═1l)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 801IC1═CC═CC(═C1)C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 802O═C(OCC1═CC═CC═C1)N2C(CCC2)C(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 803CC(CC)C(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)NC(OC(C)(C)C)═OExample 804CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC(C)C)═O)CExample 805O═C(C1═CC═CC═C1)C═2C═C(C═CC═2)C(C)C(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 806CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4═CC═CC═C4)═O)CExample 807CC(C)(OC(NC(C(═O)NCC2═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)C(═NO2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)CC4═NC═CC═C4)═O)CExample 808CC(OC(═O)N2CC═1C═CC═CC═1CC2C(═O)NCC4═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═3)C(═NO4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)(C)CExample 809C1═CC(═CC═C1O)CC(C(═O)NCC3═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═2)C(═NO3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)NC(OC(C)(C)C)═OExample 810N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(C(C)C)[H])C2═C(CN)ON═C2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3

EXAMPLES 811-1048

embedded image

Starting piperidinyl pyrazole was prepared as described in Example 47. Where, R—COOH is a carboxylic acid selected to afford Examples 811-1048, which were prepared by General Procedure 1.

Example 811[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(C═C1)F)C(═C2C3CCNCC3)C4═NC(═CS4)C(NC(C)C)═OExample 812[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 813[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═O)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 814[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC#N)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 815[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(C)O)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 816[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(CC)═O)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 817[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(C)(C)C)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 818[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC(C)C)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 819[H]N5C(C(═O)N4CCC(C═2N(N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C═2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3)[H])CC4)═CN═C5Example 820[H]N1C(═NC═C1)C(═O)N5CCC(C═3N(N═C(C2═CC═C(F)C═C2)C═3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4)[H])CC5Example 821[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CCCC4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 822[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(F)(F)F)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 823[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C4OCCC4)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 824[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CNC(C)═O)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 825[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C═(O)C═4C═CC═CC═4)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 826[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═4C═NC═CC═4)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 827[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═NC═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 828[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC═N4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 829[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(CCl)O)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 830[H]N1N═C(C═C1C)C(═O)N5CCC(C═3N(N═C(C2═CC═C(F)C═C2)C═3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4)[H])CC5Example 831[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4N═CN(C═4)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 832[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4CCCCC4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 833[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C4═CSC═N4)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 834[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC(OCC)═O)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 835[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═4C═C(C═CC═4)C)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 836[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC═C4C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 837[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(C)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 838[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(C═CC═4)O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 839[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═4C(═CC═CC═4)O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 840[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═CC(F)═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 841[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(F)C═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 842[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)CCCCCCC)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 843[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(C#N)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 844[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC(C#N)═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 845[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)/C═C/C═4C═CC═CC═4)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 846[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC═C4C═O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 847[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(C═O)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 848[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═CC(C)═CC═4)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 849[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC═4C(C)═CC═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 850[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═4C(C)═C(C)C═CC═4)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 851[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(C)C═CC═4C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 852[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(C)═CC(═C4)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 853[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C4═CC═C(C)C(═C4)C)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 854[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═CC(CC)═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 855[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C4═CC═C(C═C4)OC)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 856[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C(═CC═C4)C)O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 857[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC4═C(C═CC═C4)O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 858[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC═4C═C(O)C═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 859[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(C)C═CC═4O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 860[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═CC═C(O)C═4)O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 861[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═C(O)C═CC═4)O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 862[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═4C(═CC(═CC═4)O)O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 863[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(C(C)═CC═4)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 864[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═4C(═CC═C(C═4)F)C)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 865[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═CC═CC═4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 866[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CN═C(Cl)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 867[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(N═CC═C4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 868[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(═NC═C4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 869[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═NC═CC(═C4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 870[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C═NC═C4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 871[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C═CC═C4F)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 872[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC(F)═C4F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 873[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(F)C═C4F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 874[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(C═C(F)C═4)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 875[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(F)C(═C4)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 876[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC(CC(C)(C)C)C)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 877[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═5OC4═CC═CC═C4C═5)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 878[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C5CCC4═CC═CC═C45)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 879[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C(Cl)(Cl)Cl)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 880[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(/C═C/C═4C(O)═CC═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 881[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 882[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(/C═C/C4═CC(O)═CC═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 883[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═CC═C(C(═O)C)C═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 884[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC═C4C(═O)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 885[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C4═CC═C(C(C)C)C═C4)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 886[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CCC4═C(C═CC═C4)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 887[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CCC═4C═C(C)C═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 888[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(CC)C4═CC═CC═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 889[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C═C(C)═C4C)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 890[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(CCC)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 891[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═CC═5OCOC═5C═4)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 892[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCCN(CC3)C(/C═C/C═4C(F)═CC═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 893[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(OCC)═CC═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 894[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(COC4═C(C═CC═C4)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 895[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CCC4═CC═CC═C4O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 896[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC4═C(OC)C═CC═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 897[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(C═4C═CC(O)═CC═4)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 898[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC═C4[N+]([O−])═O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 899[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC([N+]([O−])═O)═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 900[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(O)═CC═CC═4OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 901[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C═(OC)C═CC═4O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 902[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C═C(OC)C═C4)O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 903[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(O)═C(OC)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 904[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(C(O)═C(C═4)O)O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 905[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)CC═4C═C(C(═CC═4)O)F)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 906[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(N═C(C═4)Cl)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 907[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC4═C(C═CC═C4F)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 908[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C5═CC═CC4═CC═CC═C45)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 909[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(Cl)C═C4 O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 910[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═4C(═CC═C(C═4)Cl)O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 911[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═5C═CC═NC═5C═C4)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 912[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C4═CN═C(C(═C4)Cl)O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 913[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 914[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C═CC═C4Cl)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 915[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CNC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 916[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4OC5═CC═CC═C5C═4C)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 917[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC5CC4═C(C═CC═C4)C5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 918[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C5CC4═C(C═C C═C4)CC5)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 919[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(/C═C/C═4C═CC═C C═4OC)═O)C5═NC(C(N C(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 920[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CSC5═C4C═CC═C5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 921[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4SC5═CC═CC═C 5C═4)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 922[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(CCCC)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 923[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(C(C)(C)C)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 924[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(N(C═O)C)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 925[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(NC(C)═O)C═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 926[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(COC═4C(C═O)═CC═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(N C(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 927[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(OC(═O)C)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 928[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(C(OC)═O)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 929[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C4═CC═CC(OC(═O)C)═C4)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 930[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC═C4OC(═O)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 931[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC4═CC═5OCOC═5C═C4)═O)C6═NC(C(N C(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 932[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(OCCC)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 933[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(OC(C)C)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 934[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C([N+](═O)[O−])C═CC═C4C)═O)C5═N C(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 935[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC(═C4[N+]([O−])═O)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 936[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(═CC═C4[N+](═O)[O−])C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 934[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═4C(═C(C═CC═4)[N+]([O−])═O)C)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 938[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(OC)C═CC═4OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 939[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═CC(OC)═CC═4)OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 940[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(OC)C═CC═C4OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 941[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(OC)═CC(═C4)OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 942[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C(OC)═CC═C4)OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 943[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)CSC4═CC═C(C═C4)C)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 944[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(/C═C/C═4C═CC(Cl)═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(N C(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 945[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(/C═C/C═4C(Cl)═CC═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(N C(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 946[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(O)C(═CC═4)[N+](═O)[O−])═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 947[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(O)═CC═C4 [N+]([O−])═O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 948[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C4═CC([N+](═O)[O−])═CC═C4O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 949[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═CC═C([N+]([O−])═O)C═4)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 950[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(═CC═C4[N+]([O−])═O)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 951[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(C([N+]([O−])═O)═C4)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 952[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═CC═C(Cl)C═4)OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 953[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(C═C4OC)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 954[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC4═CC(═C(O)C═C4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 955[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(N═C(C═4)Cl)OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 956[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═5C(C═C4)═CC(═CC═5)O)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 957[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C5═CC═CC═C5C═CC═4O)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 958[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC5═CC═CC═C5C═C4O)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 959[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═5C(═C4C(C═CC═C4)═CC═5)O)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 960[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4N═C5C(═CC═CC5═CC═4)O)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 961[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 962[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 963[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═CC═CC═4)C(F)(F)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 964[H]N2C1═CC═CC═C1N═C2CCC(═O)N6CCC(C═4N(N═C(C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C═4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5)[H])CC6Example 965[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═C(Cl)C═CC═4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 966[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═CC(Cl)═CC═4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 967[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═4C(═CC═C(C═4)Cl)Cl)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 968[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C(═C(C(═C4)F)F)O)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 969[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(/C═C/C4═CC═5OCOC═5C═C4)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 970[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CCC(C4═CC═C(C)C═C4)═O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 971[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(CCCCC)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 972[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(═C(F)C═C4Cl)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 973[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═CC(Cl)═C(C═4)F)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 974[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(N(CC)CC)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 975[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)/C═C/C═4C═C(C(═CC═4)O)OC)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 976[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(/C═C/C4═CC(O)═C(OC)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 977[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(OCCCC)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 978[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═5OC4═C(C═C(Cl)C═C4)C═5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 979[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(OC)C═CC═4[N+]([O−])═O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 980[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(OC)═C(O)C(OC)═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 981[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═4C(═CC═CC═4)C5═CC═CC═C5)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 982[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(═CC═C4)Br)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 983[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═CC(Br)═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 984[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC(═C4[N+](═O)[O−])Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 985[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═CC═C([N+]([O−])═O)C═4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 986[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C═C([N+]([O−])═O)C═C4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 987[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═CC(C═C4[N+]([O−])═O)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 988[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C([N+]([O−])═O)C(═CC═4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 989[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(Cl)═CC═C4 [N+](═O)[O−])═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 990[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C═4N═C(Br)C═CC═4)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 991[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═NC═C(Br)C═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 992[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C([N+](═O)[O−])═CC(═C(C═4)F)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 993[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC═4C═CC(C(F)(F)F)═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 994[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(C4═CC═C(CC(C)C)C═C4)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 995[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(═C(O)C(═C4)Cl)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 996[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═C(C(F)═C(C═4F)F)F)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 997[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(OC)C═C(C═C4OC)OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 998[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C═C(C(═C4)OC)OC)OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 999[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(═C(OC)C(═C4)OC)OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1000[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C(═C(OC)C═C4)OC)OC)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1001[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C5═C(CC═4C═CC═CC═4)C═CC═C5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1002[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C5═CC═CC(OC4═CC═CC═C4)═C5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1003[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C5═C(OC4═CC═CC═C4)C═CC═C5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1004[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C5═CC═C(OC4═CC═CC═C4)C═C5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1005[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C5═CC═C(C4═CC═C(O)C═C4)C═C5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1006[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(C)═C(C═C4)Br)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1007[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(═C(C)C═C4)Br)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1008[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CC4═CC═C(Br)C═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1009[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4N(C(═O)OC(C)(C)C)CCC4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1010[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(/C═C/C4═C(C(F)(F)F)C═CC═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1011[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(OCC)C═CC5═C4C═CC═C5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1012[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C(C)C)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1013[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C(C)C)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1014[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CCC═4C═C(C═CC═4)C(F)(F)F)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1015[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═5C═CC(N4N═C(C)CC4═O)═CC═5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1016[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C4═C(N═C(S4)Br)C)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1017[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═5C4═C(C═CC═C4)C═C6C═5C═CC═C6)═O)C7═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS7Example 1018[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(C(C)C)C═C(C═4O)C(C)C)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1019[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(NC(═O)C)CC4═CC═C(C═C4)O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1020[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C(═CC(Cl)═CC═4Cl)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1021[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C═C(C(═C4)OC)OC)[N+](═O)[O−])═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1022[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C5═CC═C(OCC4═CC═CC═C4)C═C5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1023[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)CCC═4C═CC═CC═4Br)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1024[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(CCC═4C═C(Br)C═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1025[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C4N(CCCC4)C(═O)OC(C)(C)C)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1026[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC═C(C═C4)OC5═CC(O)═CC═C5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1027[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(═O)C(C═5C═CC4═CC(═CC═C4C═5)OC)C)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1028[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4CN(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)CCN4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1029[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4CN(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)CCN4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1030[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C═CC(═C4)OC)Br)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1031[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4CC(CN4C(═O)OC(C)(C)C)O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1032[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(C(C)C)N(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1033[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═C(C═C(C(F)(F)F)C═C4)[N+]([O−])═O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1034[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(═CC═C4Cl)Br)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1035[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═C(Br)C(═CC═4)Cl)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1036[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C5═CC═CC═C5C(C═4C═CC(O)═CC═4)═O)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1037[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C5═C(C(C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)═O)C═CC═C5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1038[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(C5═CC(═C(C4═CC═CC═C4)C═C5)F)C)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1039[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C═4C═CC(l)═CC═4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1040[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4═CC(═CC═C4)l)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1041[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C5N(C(OCC4═CC═CC═C4)═O)CCC5)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1042[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(C(CC)C)NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1043[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)CC(C)C)═O)C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1044[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(C5═CC(C(C4═CC═CC═C4)═O)═CC═C5)C)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1045[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)CC4═CC═CC═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1046[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)CC4═NC═CC═C4)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1047[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C4CC═5C═CC═CC═5CN4C(═O)OC(C)(C)C)═O)C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1048[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C(═C2C3CCN(CC3)C(C(CC4═CC═C(O)C═C4)NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)═O)C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5

EXAMPLES 1049-1374

embedded image

Starting bromomethyl oxazole was prepared as described in Step 1 of Example 44. Where, 1° amines, 2° amines, and anilines were selected to afford Examples 1049-1374, which were prepared by General Procedure 2.

Examples Prepared with 1° Amines:

Example 1049N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1050N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCC)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1051N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCC#C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1052N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCC#N)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1053N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1054N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(C)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1055N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCC)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1056N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCN)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1057N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCO)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1058N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCC#N)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1059N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2CCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1060N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1061N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(CC)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1062N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCC(C)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1063N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCCO)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1064N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(C)CO)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1065N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCOC)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1066N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2CCCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1067N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(CCC)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1068N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCC(CC)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1069N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(C(C)C)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1070N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCC(C)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1071N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCN(C)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1072N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(COC)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1073N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(CC)CO)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1074N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(CC)CO)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1075N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCCCO)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1076N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC═2OC═CC═2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1077N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2CCCCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1078N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2CCCO2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1079N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCC(C)(C)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1080N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(CC(C)C)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1081N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2CONC2═O)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1082N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNN2CCOCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1083N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(C(C)C)CO)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1084N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1085N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CN═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1086N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CC═N2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1087N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═NC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1088N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CS2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1089N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2CCC(C)CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1090N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2CCCCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1091N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2CCCCCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1092N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2CCCCC2C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1093N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCN2CCCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1094N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNN2CCN(C)CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1095N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCN(CC)CC)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1096N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC═2C═CC═C(C)C═2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1097N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN[C@@H](C)C2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1098N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN[C@H](C)C2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1099N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1100N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1101N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(C)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1102N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═NC═C(C)N═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1103N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CC(F)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1104N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(F)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1105N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1106N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCCN2C═CN═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1107N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2CCCN2C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1108N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCN2CCCCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1109N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(CCCC(C)C)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1110N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCN2CCOCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1111N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(CC(OCC)═O)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1112N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC2CCC3═CC═CC═C23)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1113N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2CC═C(C)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1114N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC═2C(═CC═C(C)C═2)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1115N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN[C@@H](C)C2═CC═C(C)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1116N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN[C@H](C)C2═CC═C(C)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1117N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC(C)C2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1118N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC(C)C2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1119N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCCC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1120N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(C)C(═C2)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1121N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC(C)CC2═CC═NC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1122N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2═CC═C(O)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1123N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCOC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1124N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2OC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1125N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(OC)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1126N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC═2C═CC═C(OC)C═2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1127N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2═CC═C(F)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1128N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2═CC═CC═C2F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1129N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2═CC═CC(F)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═(F)C═C4Example 1130N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CC(Cl)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1131N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2Cl)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1132N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1133N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCCN2CCCC2═O)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1134N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(F)C═C2F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1135N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(F)C(F)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1136N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC(F)═CC(F)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1137N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCCN2CCOCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1138N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCN(C(C)C)C(C)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1139N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC2CCCC3═CC═CC═C23)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1140N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC(C)CCC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1141N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(C(C)C)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1142N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNCC3═CC═C2OCOC2═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1143N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC═2C═CC═C(OC)C═2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1144N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN[C@H](CO)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1145N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2═CC═C(OC)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1146N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2═CC═CC═C2OC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1147N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2OCC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1148N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(OC)C(═C2)OC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1149N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2═CC═CC═C2Cl)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1150N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1151N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2═CC═CC(Cl)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1152N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2CC(C)(C)NC(C2)(C)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1153N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNC(CCCN(CC)CC)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1154N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(F)C(Cl)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1155N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CCC#N)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1156N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCNC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1157[H]N4C═C(CCNCC═2OC(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)C)N═1)═C(N═2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C5═CC═CC═C45Example 1158N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(C(C)(C)C)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1159N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCCN(C)C2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1160N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2(O)CCCCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1161N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC═2C═C(OC)C═C(C═2)OC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1162N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(OC)C(═C2)OC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1163N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC(═O)C2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1164N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2CCN(C(OCC)═O)CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1165N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CNCCCNC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1166N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(C═C2)C(F)(F)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1167N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CC(═C2)C(F)(F)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1168N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(Cl)C(Cl)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1169N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2Cl)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1170N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC3CCN(CC2═CC═CC═C2)C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1171N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC═2C(═CC═C(OC)C═2)OC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1172N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(N(C)C)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1173N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═C(OC)C(═C2)O)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1174N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC3CCN(CC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1175N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2OC(F)(F)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1176N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCC2═CC═C(C═C2)S(═O)(═O)N)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1177N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCC(C2═CC═C(OC)C═C2)═O)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1178N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNCCC3═CC═C2OCOC2═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1179N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNCCC(C2═CC═CC═C2)C3═CC═CC═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1180N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNCCNS(C2═CC═C(C)C═C2)(═O)═O)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1181N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CBr)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3

Examples Prepared with 20 Amines:

Example 1182CN(CC1═NC(═C(O1)C═2SC═C(N═2)C(═O)N(C(C)C)[H])C3═CC═C(C═C3)F)CExample 1183C4N(CC1═NC(═C(O1)C═2SC═C(N═2)C(═O)N(C(C)C)[H])C3═CC═C(C═C3)F)CCOC4Example 1184N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CCC#N)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1185N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CBr)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1186N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(CC)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1187N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(C)CC#C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1188N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(CC)CC)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1189N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(CCC)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1190N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(C)CCO)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1191N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(C)CCC #N)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1192N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(C)CC(C)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1193N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(CC)C(C)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1194N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(CCCC)C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1195N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(CC)CCO)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1196N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CSCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1197N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCCCC2C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1198N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCC(C)CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1199N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCN(C)CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1200N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCCC2CO)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1201N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCC[C@@H]2CO)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1202N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(CCCC)CC)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1203N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(CCC)CCC)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1204N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCSCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1205N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(CCO)CCO)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1206N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CC(C)CC(C2)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1207N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(C)C2CCCCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1208N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2C(CCCC2C)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1209N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCC(N(C)C)C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1210N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2C[C@@H](C)N[C@H](C2)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1211N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCCC(CO)C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1212N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCC[C@H]2COC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1213N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CC(C)OC(C2)C)═NC═3C4═CC═(F)C═C4Example 1214N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCCCC2CO)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1215N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CN(CC)CCCCO)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1216N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN2CC3═CC═CC═C3C2)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1217N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(C)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1218N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CC)C2CCCCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1219N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCC(C(N)═O)CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1220N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CC[C@H](NC(C)═O)C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1221N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CC[C@H](NC(C)═O)C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1222N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCCC(C(N)═O)C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1223N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCCCC2CCO)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1224N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN2CC3═CC═CC═C3CC2)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1225N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CC)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1226N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CC)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1227N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(C)CCC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1228N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(C)CCC2═CC═CC═N2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1229N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(C)CCC2═CC═CC═N2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1230N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN2C3CCCCC3CCC2)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1231N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CC═C)C2CCCCC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1232N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCC(C(OC)═O)CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1233N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(C(C)C)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1234N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CCO)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1235N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(C)CC(O)C2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1236N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCC(O)(O)CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1237N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCC(C(OCC)═O)CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1238N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCCC(C(OCC)═O)C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1239N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCN(C(OCC)═O)CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1240N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CCC#N)CC2═CC═CN═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1241N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN2CCN(CC2)C3═CC═CC═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1242N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN2CCN(CC2)C3═CC═CC═N3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1243N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CCCC)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1244N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN([C@H](C)C2═CC═CC═C2)CCO)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1245N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CCCO)CC2═CC═CC═N2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1246N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(C)CC(O)C2═CC═C(O)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1247N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2CCCCC2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1248N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCC(CC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1249N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(CC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1250N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCCN(CC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1251N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(O)C═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1252N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CCN(C)C)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1253N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═CC═C2F)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1254N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(F)C═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1255N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(CC2CCCCC2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1256N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(C)C[C@H](O)C2═CC═C(O)C(O)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1257N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2C(CC(OCC)═O)C(NCC2)═O)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1258N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCN(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)CC2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1259N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCC(NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1260N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═CC═C2C#N)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1261N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C#N)C═N2)CC3═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1262N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C═2C═CC═C(C)C═2C)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1263N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C═2C═CC═C(C)C═2C)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1264N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN2CC(C)N(CC2)C3═CC═CC(C)═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1265N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(CCC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1266N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C)C(═C2)C)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1267N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C)C═C2C)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1268N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C═2C(═CC═C(C)C═2)C)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1269N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(OC)C═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1270N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═CC═C2OC)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1271N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C═2C═CC═C(OC)C═2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1272N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(C)CCC2═CC═C(OC)C(OC)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1273N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C═2C═CC═C(Cl)C═2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1274N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1275N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1276N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(F)C═C2F)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1277N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN(CC2═CC═CN═C2)CC3═CC═CN═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1278N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(CCN2CCOCC2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1279N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCC(N(C)C(═O)OC(C)(C)C)C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1280N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1281N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CCN(CC)CC)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1282N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C([N+]([O−]═O)C═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1283N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN(C)CC2═CC═CC3═CC═CC═C23)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1284N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC(═CC═C2C)Cl)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1285N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(C)CC2═CC(OC)═C(OC)C(OC)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1286N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN(CCC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3═CC═CC═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1287N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN(CCC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3═CC═CC═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1288N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN(C)C(CC2═CC═CC═C2)C3═CC═CC═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1289N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN2CCC(O)(CC2)C3═CC═C(Cl)C═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1290N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN(CC2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2Cl)CC#C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1291N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN(CC)C(CC2═CC═CC═C2)C═3OC═CC═3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1292N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CN2CCN(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C[C@H]2CO)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1293N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C(C)(C)C)C═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1294N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═5OC(CN4CCN(CC3═CC═C2OCOC2═C3)CC4)═NC═5C6═CC═C(F)C═C6Example 1295N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN2CCC═3C═C(OC)C(═CC═3C2)OC)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1296N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═C2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1297N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C═2C═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1298N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(Cl)C(═C2)Cl)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1299N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(Cl)C(═C2)Cl)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1300N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═N2)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1301N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═CC═C2Cl)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1302N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(OC)C(═C2)OC)CC3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1303N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CN3CCCC(C2═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═C2)C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5

Examples Prepared with Anilines:

Example 1304N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC2CCCC3═CC═CC═C23)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1305N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(OC)C(═C2)OC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1306N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═2OC(CBr)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1307N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1308N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC═2C═CC═C(C)C═2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1309N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1310N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1311N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C═N2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1312N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC═2C═CC═C(C)N═2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1313N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC═2N═CC═C(C)C═2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1314N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═NC═CC═C2C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1315N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1316N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(F)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1317N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC═2C(═CC═C(C)C═2)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1318N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C(═C2)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1319N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2CC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1320N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2CC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1321N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC═2C═CC═C(C)C═2C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1322N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C═C2C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1323N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC═2C═C(C═C(C)C═2)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1324N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC═2C═CC═C(OC)C═2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1325N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(OC)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1326N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2OC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1327N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CN═CC═C2OC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1328N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C(═C2)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1329N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═C(C)C(═CC═C2)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1330N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC(F)═CC(F)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1331N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(F)C═C2F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1332N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(F)C═C2F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1333N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC3═CC═C2CCCC2═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1334N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2C(C)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1335N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC═2C═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1336N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1337N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═C(C═CC═C2CC)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1338N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═C(C═C(C)C═C2C)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1339N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC3═CC═C2OCOC2═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1340N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(OC)C═C2C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1341N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC═2C═CC═C(OCC)C═2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1342N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2OCC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1343N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2SC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1344N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═C(C)C(═CC═C2)Cl)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1345N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C(═C2)Cl)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1346N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC3═CN═C2C═CC═CC2═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1347N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC(F)═C(F)C═C2F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1348N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2C(C)(C)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1349N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═C(C═CC═C2C(C)C)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1350N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC3═CC═C2N═CSC2═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1351N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(NC(C)═O)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1352N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(NC(C)═O)N═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1353N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC3═CC═C2OCCOC2═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1354N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2N3C═CC═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1355N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(C═C2)C(F)(F)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1356N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═CC(═C2)C(F)(F)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1357N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(Cl)C(Cl)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1358N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═C(C═CC═C2C)C(C)(C)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1359N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(N(C)C)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1360N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2C3═CC═CC═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1361N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(OC(F)(F)F)C═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1362N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═C(C═CC═C2C(C)C)C(C)C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1363N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(F)C═C2C(F)(F)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1364N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC(═CC═C2F)C(F)(F)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1365N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(F)C(═C2)C(F)(F)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1366N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC═2C(═CC═C(OCC)C═2)OCC)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1367N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC(Cl)═C(Cl)C(Cl)═C2)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1368N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2C(═O)C3═CC═CC═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1369N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2COC3═CC═CC═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1370N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC2═CC(═CC═C2OC)C3═CC═CC═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1371N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═4OC(CNC2═NC═CC═C2OCC3═CC═CC═C3)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1372N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC(═CC═C2C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1373N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC(═CC(═C2)C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1374N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)C)C═3OC(CNC2═CC═C(C═C2C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4

EXAMPLES 1375-1700

embedded image

Starting bromomethyl isoxazole was prepared as described in Step 2 of Example 28. Where, 1° amines, 2° amines, and anilines were selected to afford Examples 1374-1700, which were prepared by General Procedure 2.

Examples Prepared with 1° Amines:

Example 1375OCCNCC2═C(C(C1═CC═C(C═C1)F)═NO2)C3═NC(═CS3)C(NC(C)C)═OExample 1376CCOC(N4CCC(NCC2═C(C(C1═CC═C(C═C1)F)═NO2)C3═NC(═CS3)C(NC(C)C)═O)CC4)═OExample 1377COCCNCC2═C(C(C1═CC═C(C═C1)F)═NO2)C3═NC(═CS3)C(NC(C)C)═OExample 1378C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC2CCCC3═CC═CC═C23)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1379C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(OC)C(═C2)OC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1380C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CBr)═C2C3═NC(C(N([H])C(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1381C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CCC#N)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1382C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1383C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCC)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1384C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCC#C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1385C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCC#N)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1386C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1387C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(C)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1388C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCC)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1389C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCN)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1390C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCC#N)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1391C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2CCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1392C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1393C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(CC)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1394C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCC(C)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1395C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCCO)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1396C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(C)CO)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1397C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2CCCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1398C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(CCC)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1399C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCC(CC)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1400C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(C(C)C)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1401C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCC(C)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1402C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCN(C)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1403C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(COC)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1404C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC)(CC)CO)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1405C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(CC)CO)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1406C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCCCO)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1407C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC═2OC═CC═2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1408C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2CCCCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1409C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2CCCO2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1410C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCC(C)(C)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1411C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(CC(C)C)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1412C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2CONC2═O)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1413C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNN2CCOCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1414C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(C(C)C)CO)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1415C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1416C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CN═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1417C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CC═N2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1418C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═NC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1419C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CS2═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1420C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2CCC(C)CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1421C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2CCCCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1422C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2CCCCCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1423C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2CCCCC2C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1424C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCN2CCCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1425C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNN2CCN(C)CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1426C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCN(CC)CC)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1427C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC═2C═CC═C(C)C═2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1428C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN[C@@H](C)C2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1429C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN[C@H](C)C2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1430C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1431C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1432C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(C)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1433C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═NC═C(C)N═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1434C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CC(F)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1435C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(F)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1436C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1437C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCCN2C═CN═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1438C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2CCCN2C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1439C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCN2CCCCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1440C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(CCCC(C)C)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1441C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCN2CCOCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1442C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(CC(OCC)═O)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1443C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC2CCC3═CC═CC═C23)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1444C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═C(C)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1445C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC═2C(═CC═C(C)C═2)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1446C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN[C@@H](C)C2═CC═C(C)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1447C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN[C@H](C)C2═CC═C(C)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1448C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC(C)C2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1449C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC(C)C2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1450C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCCC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1451C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(C)C(═C2)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1452C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC(C)CC2═CC═NC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1453C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═C(O)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1454C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCOC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1455C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2OC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1456C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(OC)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1457C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC═2C═CC═C(OC)C═2)═C3C4═NC(C(NCC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1458C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═C(F)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1459C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═CC═C2F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1460C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═CC(F)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1461C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CC(Cl)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1462C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2Cl)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1463C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1464C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCCN2CCCC2═O)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1465C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(F)C═C2F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1466C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(F)C(F)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1467C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC(F)═CC(F)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1468C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCCN2CCOCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1469C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCN(C(C)C)C(C)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1470C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC(C)CCC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1471C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(C(C)C)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1472C1═CC(═CC═C1 F)C4═NOC(CNCC3═CC═C2OCOC2═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1473C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC═2C═CC═C(OC)C═2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1474C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN[C@H](CO)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1475C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═C(OC)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1476C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═CC═C2OC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1477C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2OCC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1478C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═CC═C2Cl)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1479C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1480C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═CC(Cl)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1481C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2CC(C)(C)NC(C2)(C)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1482C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNC(CCCN(CC)CC)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1483C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(F)C(Cl)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1484C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCNC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1485[H]N4C═C(CCNCC═2ON═C(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C═2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3)C5═CC═CC═C45Example 1486C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(C(C)(C)C)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1487C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCCN(C)C2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1488C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2(O)CCCCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1489C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC═2C═C(OC)C═C(C═2)OC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1490C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(OC)C(═C2)OC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1491C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC(═O)C2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1492C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CNCCCNC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1493C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(C═C2)C(F)(F)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1494C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CC(═C2)C(F)(F)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1495C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(Cl)C(Cl)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1496C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2Cl)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1497C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC3CCN(CC2═CC═CC═C2)C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1498C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC═2C(═CC═C(OC)C═2)OC)═C3C4═NCC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1499C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(N(C)C)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1500C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═C(OC)C(═C2)O)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1501C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC3CCN(CC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1502C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC2═CC═CC═C2OC(F)(F)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1503C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCC2═CC═C(C═C2)S(═O)(═O)N)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1504C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCC(C2═CC═C(OC)C═C2)═O)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1505C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNCCC3═CC═C2OCOC2═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1506C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNCCC(C2═CC═CC═C2)C3═CC═CC═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1507C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNCCNS(C2═CC═C(C)C═C2)(═O)═O)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4

Examples Prepared with 2° Amines:

Example 1508CN(CC═1ON═C(C═1C═2SC═C(N═2)C(N(C(C)C)[H])═O)C═3C═CC(═CC═3)F)CExample 1509O4CCN(CC═1ON═C(C═1C═2SC═C(N═2)C(N(C(C)C)[H])═O)C═3C═CC(═CC═3)F)CC4Example 1510C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CBr)═C2C3═NC(C(N([H])C(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1511C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(CC)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1512C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(C)CC#C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1513C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(CC)CC)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1514C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(CCC)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1515C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(C)CCO)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1516C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(C)CCC#N)C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1517C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(C)CC(C)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1518C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(CC)C(C)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1519C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(CCCC)C)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1520C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(CC)CCO)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1521C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CSCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1522C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCCCC2C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1523C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCC(C)CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1524C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCN(C)CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1525C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCCC2CO)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1526C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCC[C@@H]2CO)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1527C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(CCCC)CC)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1528C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(CCC)CCC)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1529C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCSCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1530C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(CCO)CCO)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1531C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CC(C)CC(C2)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1532C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(C)C2CCCCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1533C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2C(CCCC2C)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1534C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCC(N(C)C)C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1535C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2C[C@@H](C)N[C@H](C2)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1536C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCCC(CO)C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1537C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCC[C@H]2COC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1538C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CC(C)OC(C2)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1539C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCCCC2CO)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1540C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CN(CC)CCCCO)═C2C3═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS3Example 1541C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN2CC3═CC═CC═C3C2)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1542C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(C)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1543C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CC)C2CCCCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1544C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCC(C(N)═O)CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1545C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CC[C@H](NC(C)═O)C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1546C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CC[C@H](NC(C)═O)C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1547C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCCC(C(N)═O)C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1548C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCCCC2CCO)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1549C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN2CC3═CC═CC═C3CC2)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1550C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CC)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1551C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CC)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1552C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(C)CCC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1553C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(C)CCC2═CC═CC═N2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1554C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(C)CCC2═CC═CC═N2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1555C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN2C3CCCCC3CCC2)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1556C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CC═C)C2CCCCC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1557C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCC(C(OC)═O)CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1558C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(C(C)C)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1559C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CCO)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1560C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(C)CC(O)C2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1561C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCC(O)(O)CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1562C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCC(C(OCC)═O)CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1563C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCCC(C(OCC)═O)C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1564C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCN(C(OCC)═O)CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1565C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CCC#N)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1566C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CCC#N)CC2═CC═CN═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1567C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN2CCN(CC2)C3═CC═CC═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1568C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN2CCN(CC2)C3═CC═CC═N3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1569C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CCCC)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1570C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN([C@H](C)C2═CC═CC═C2)CCO)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1571C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CCCO)CC2═CC═CC═N2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1572C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(C)CC(O)C2═CC═C(O)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1573C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2CCCCC2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1574C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCC(CC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1575C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(CC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1576C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCCN(CC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1577C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(O)C═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1578C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CCN(C)C)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1579C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═CC═C2F)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1580C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(F)C═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NCC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1581C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(CC2CCCCC2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1582C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(C)C[C@H](O)C2═CC═C(O)C(O)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1583C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2C(CC(OCC)═O)C(NCC2)═O)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1584C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCN(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)CC2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1585C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCC(NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1586C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═CC═C2C#N)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1587C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C#N)C═N2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1588C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C═2C═CC═C(C)C═2C)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1589C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C═2C═CC═C(C)C═2C)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1590C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN2CC(C)N(CC2)C3═CC═CC(C)═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1591C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(CCC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1592C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C)C(═C2)C)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1593C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C)C═C2C)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1594C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C═2C(═CC═C(C)C═2)C)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1595C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(OC)C═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1596C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═CC═C2OC)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1597C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C═2C═CC═C(OC)C═2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1598C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(C)CCC2═CC═C(OC)C(OC)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1599C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C═2C═CC═C(Cl)C═2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1600C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1601C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1602C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(F)C═C2F)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1603C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN(CC2═CC═CN═C2)CC3═CC═CN═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1604C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(CCN2CCOCC2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1605C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCC(N(C)C(═O)OC(C)(C)C)C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1606C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1607C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CCN(CC)CC)CC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1608C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C([N+]([O−])═O)C═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1609C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN(C)CC2═CC═CC3═CC═CC═C23)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1610C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC(═CC═C2C)Cl)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1611C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(C)CC2═CC(OC)═C(OC)C(OC)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1612C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN(CCC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3═CC═CC═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1613C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN(CCC2═CC═CC═C2)CC3═CC═CC═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1614C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN(C)C(CC2═CC═CC═C2)C3═CC═CC═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1615C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN2CCC(O)(CC2)C3═CC═C(Cl)C═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1616C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN(CC2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2Cl)CC#C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1617C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN(CC)C(CC2═CC═CC═C2)C═3OC═CC═3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1618C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CN2CCN(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C[C@H]2CO)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1619C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C(C)(C)C)C═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1620C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C5═NOC(CN4CCN(CC3═CC═C2OCOC2═C3)CC4)═C5C6═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS6Example 1621C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN2CCC═3C═C(OC)C(═CC═3C2)OC)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1622C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═C2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1623C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C═2C═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1624C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(Cl)C(═C2)Cl)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1625C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(Cl)C(═C2)Cl)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1626C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═N2)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1627C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═CC═C2Cl)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1628C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCN(C2═CC═C(OC)C(═C2)OC)CC3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1629C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CN3CCCC(C2═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═C2)C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5

Examples Prepared with Anilines:

Example 1630C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1631C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC═2C═CC═C(C)C═2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1632C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1633C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1634C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C═N2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1635C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC═2C═CC═C(C)N═2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1636C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC═2N═CC═C(C)C═2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1637C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═NC═CC═C2C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1638C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1639C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(F)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1640C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC═2C(═CC═C(C)C═2)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1641C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C(═C2)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1642C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2CC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1643C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2CC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1644C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC═2C═CC═C(C)C═2C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1645C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C═C2C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1646C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC═2C═C(C═C(C)C═2)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1647C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC═2C═CC═C(OC)C═2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1648C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(OC)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1649C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2OC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1650C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CN═CC═C2OC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1651C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C(═C2)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1652C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═C(C)C(═CC═C2)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1653C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC(F)═CC(F)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1654C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(F)C═C2F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1655C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(F)C═C2F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1656C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC3═CC═C2CCCC2═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1657C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2C(C)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1658C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC═2C═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1659C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1660C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═C(C═CC═C2CC)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1661C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═C(C═C(C)C═C2C)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1662C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC3═CC═C2OCOC2═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1663C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(OC)C═C2C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1664C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC═2C═CC═C(OCC)C═2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1665C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2OCC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1666C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2SC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1667C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═C(C)C(═CC═C2)Cl)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1668C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(C)C(═C2)Cl)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1669C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC3═CN═C2C═CC═CC2═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1670C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC(F)═C(F)C═C2F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1671C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC2CCCC3═CC═CC═C23)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1672C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2C(C)(C)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1673C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═C(C═CC═C2C(C)C)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1674C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC3═CC═C2N═CSC2═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1675C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(NC(C)═O)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1676C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(NC(C)═O)N═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1677C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC3═CC═C2OCCOC2═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1678C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(OC)C(═C2)OC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1679C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2N3C═CC═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1680C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(C═C2)C(F)(F)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1681C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC(═C2)C(F)(F)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1682C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(Cl)C(Cl)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1683C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═C(C═CC═C2C)C(C)(C)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1684C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(N(C)C)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1685C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2C3═CC═CC═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1686C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(OC(F)(F)F)C═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1687C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═C(C═CC═C2C(C)C)C(C)C)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1688C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(F)C═C2C(F)(F)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1689C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC(═CC═C2F)C(F)(F)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1690C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(F)C(═C2)C(F)(F)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1691C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC═2C(═CC═C(OCC)C═2)OCC)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1692C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC(Cl)═C(Cl)C(Cl)═C2)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1693C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2C(═O)C3═CC═CC═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1694C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC2═CC═CC═C2COC3═CC═CC═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1695C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC2═CC(═CC═C2OC)C3═CC═CC═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1696C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C4═NOC(CNC2═NC═CC═C2OCC3═CC═CC═C3)═C4C5═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS5Example 1697C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC(═CC═C2C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1698C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC(═CC(═C2)C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1699C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C3═NOC(CNC2═CC═C(C═C2C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F)═C3C4═NC(C(NC(C)C)═O)═CS4Example 1700C1═CC(═CC═C1F)C2═NOC(CBr)═C2C3═NC(C(N([H])C(C)C)═O)═CS3

EXAMPLES 1701-2025

embedded image

Starting pentafluorophenyl ester was prepared as described in Step 2 of Example 47. Where, 1° amines, 2° amines, and anilines were selected to afford Examples 1698-2025, which were prepared by General Procedure 2.

Examples Prepared with 1° Amines:

Example 1701N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC1CCCC2═CC═CC═C12)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1702N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(OC)C(═C1)OC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1703N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)O)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1704N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CCC#N)CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1705N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1706N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCC)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1707N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCC#C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1708N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCC#N)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1709N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1710N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCC)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1711N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCN)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1712N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCO)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1713N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCC#N)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1714N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1CCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1715N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1716N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(CC)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1717N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCC(C)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1718N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCCO)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1719N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C)CO)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1720N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCOC)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1721N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1CCCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1722N1═C(SC═C1C(═O(NC(CCC)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1723N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCC(CC)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1724N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C(C)C)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1725N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCC(C)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1726N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCC N(C)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1727N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(COC)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1728N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(CC)CO)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1729N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(CC)CO)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1730N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCCCO)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1731N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC═1OC═CC═1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1732N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1CCCCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1733N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1CCCO1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1734N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCC(C)(C)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1735N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(CC(C)C)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1736N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1CONC1═O)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1737N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NN1CCOCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1738N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(C(C)C)CO)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1739N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1740N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CN═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1741N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═N1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1742N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═NC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1743N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CS1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1744N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1CCC(C)CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1745N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1CCCCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1746N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1CCCCCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1747N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1CCCCC1C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1748N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCN1CCCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1749N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NN1 CCN(C)CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1750N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCC N(CC)CC)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1751N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC═1C═CC═C(C)C═1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1752N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N[C@@H](C)C1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1753N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N[C@H](C)C1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1754N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1755N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1756N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(C)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1757N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═NC═C(C)N═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1758N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC(F)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1759N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1760N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1761N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCCN1C═CN═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1762N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1CCCN1C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1763N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCN1CCCCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1764N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(CCCC(C)C)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1765N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCN1CCOCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1766N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(CC(OCC)═O)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1767N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC1CCC2═CC═CC═C12)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1768N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(C)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1769N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC═1C(═CC═C(C)C═1)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1770N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N[C @@H](C)C1═CC═C(C)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1771N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N[C@H](C)C1═CC═C(C)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1772N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC(C)C1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1773N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC(C)C1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1774N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCCC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1775N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(C)C(═C1)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1776N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC(C)CC1═CC═NC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1777N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(O)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1778N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCOC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1779N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1OC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1780N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(OC)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1781N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC═1C═CC═C(OC)C═1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1782N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1783N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC═C1F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1784N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC(F)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1785N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC(Cl)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1786N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1Cl)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1787N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1788N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCCN1CCCC1═O)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1789N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(F)C═C1F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1790N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(F)C(F)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1791N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC(F)═CC(F)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1792N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCCN1CCOCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1793N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCN(C(C)C)C(C)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1794N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC(C)CCC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1795N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(C(C)C)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1796N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NCC2═CC═C1OCOC1═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1797N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC═1C═CC═C(OC)C═1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1798N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N[C@H](CO)CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1799N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(OC)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1800N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC═C1OC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1801N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1OCC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1802N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC═C1Cl)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1803N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1804N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC(Cl)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1805N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1CC(C)(C)NC(C1)(C)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1806N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NC(CCCN(CC)CC)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1807N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(F)C(Cl)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1808N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCNC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1809[H]N4C═C(CCNC(═O)C3═CSC(C═1SC(C)═NC═1C2═CC═C(F)C═C2)═N3)C5═CC═CC═C45Example 1810N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(C(C)(C)C)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1811N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCCN(C)C1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1812N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1(O)CCCCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1813N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC═1C═C(OC)C═C(C═1)OC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1814N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(OC)C(═C1)OC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1815N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC(═O)C1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1816N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1CCN(C(OCC)═O)CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1817N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)NCCCNC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1818N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(C═C1)C(F)(F)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1819N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC(═C1)C(F)(F)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1820N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(Cl)C(Cl)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1821N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1Cl)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1822N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC2CCN(CC1═CC═CC═C1)C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1823N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC═1C(═CC═C(OC)C═1)OC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1824N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(N(C)C)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1825N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(OC)C(═C1)O)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1826N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC2CCN(CC1═CC═CC═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1827N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1OC(F)(F)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1828N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(C═C1)S(═O)(═O)N)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1829N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCC(C1═CC═C(OC)C═C1)═O)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1830N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NCCC2═CC═C1OCOC1═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1831N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NCCC(C1═CC═CC═C1)C2═CC═CC═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1832N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NCCNS(C1═CC═C(C)C═C1)(═O)═O)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4

Examples Prepared with 2° Amines:

Example 1833N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)O)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1834N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(C)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1835N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(CC)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1836N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(C)CC#C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1837N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(CC)CC)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1838N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(CCC)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1839N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(C)CCO)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1840N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(C)CCC#N)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1841N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCOCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1842N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(C)CC(C)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1843N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(CC)C(C)C)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1844N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(CCCC)C)C)═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1845N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(CC)CCO)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1846N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CSCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1847N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCCCC1C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1848N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCC(C)CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1849N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCN(C)CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1850N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCCC1CO)C)═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1851N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCC[C@@H]1CO)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1852N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(CCCC)CC)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1853N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(CCC)CCC)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1854N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCSCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1855N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(CCO)CCO)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1856N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CC(C)CC(C1)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1857N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(C)C1CCCCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1858N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1C(CCCC1C)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1859N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCC(N(C)C)C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1860N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1C[C@@H](C)N[C@H](C1)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1861N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCCC(CO)C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1862N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCC[C@H]1COC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1863N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CC(C)OC(C1)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1864N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCCCC1CO)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1865N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)N(CC)CCCCO)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3Example 1866N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N1CC2═CC═CC═C2C1)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1867N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(C)CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1868N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CC)C1CCCCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1869N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCC(C(N)═O)CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1870N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CC[C@H](NC(C)═O)C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1871N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CC[C@H](NC(C)═O)C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1872N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCCC(C(N)═O)C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1873N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCCCC1CCO)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1874N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N1CC2═CC═CC═C2CC1)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1875N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CC)CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1876N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CC)CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1877N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(C)CCC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1878N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(C)CCC1═CC═CC═N1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1879N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(C)CCC1═CC═CC═N1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1880N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N1C2CCCCC2CCC1)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1881N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CC═C)C1CCCCC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1882N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCC(C(OC)═O)CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1883N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(C(C)C)CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1884N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CCO)CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1885N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(C)CC(O)C1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1886N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCC(O)(O)CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1887N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCC(C(OCC)═O)CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1888N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCCC(C(OCC)═O)C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1889N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCN(C(OCC)═O)CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1890N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CCC#N)CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1891N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CCC#N)CC1═CC═CN═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1892N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N1CCN(CC1)C2═CC═CC═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1893N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N1CCN(CC1)C2═CC═CC═N2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1894N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CCCC)CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1895N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N([C@H](C)C1═CC═CC═C1)CCO)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1896N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CCCO)CC1═CC═CC═N1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1897N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(C)CC(O)C1═CC═C(O)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1898N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1CCCCC1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1899N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCC(CC1═CC═CC═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1900N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(CC1═CC═CC═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1901N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCCN(CC1═CC═CC═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1902N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(O)C═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1903N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CCN(C)C)CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1904N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═CC═C1F)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1905N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1906N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(CC1CCCCC1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1907N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(C)C[C@H](O)C1═CC═C(O)C(O)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1908N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1C(CC(OCC)═O)C(NCC1)═O)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1909N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCN(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)CC1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1910N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCC(NC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1911N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═CC═C1C#N)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1912N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(C#N)C═N1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1913N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C═1C═CC═C(C)C═1C)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1914N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C═1C═CC═C(C)C═1C)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1915N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N1CC(C)N(CC1)C2═CC═CC(C)═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1916N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(CCC1═CC═CC═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1917N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(C)C(═C1)C)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1918N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(C)C═C1C)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1919N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C═1C(═CC═C(C)C═1)C)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1920N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(OC)C═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1921N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═CC═C1OC)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1922N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C═1C═CC═C(OC)C═1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1923N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(C)CCC1═CC═C(OC)C(OC)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1924N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C═1C═CC═C(Cl)C═1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1925N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1926N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1927N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(F)C═C1F)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1928N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N(CC1═CC═CN═C1)CC2═CC═CN═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1929N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(CCN1CCOCC1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1930N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCC(N(C)C(═O)OC(C)(C)C)C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1931N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1932N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CCN(CC)CC)CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1933N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C([N+]([O−])═O)C═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1934N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N(C)CC1═CC═CC2═CC═CC═C12)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1935N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC(═CC═C1C)Cl)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1936N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(C)CC1═CC(OC)═C(OC)C(OC)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1937N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N(CCC1═CC═CC═C1)CC2═CC═CC═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1938N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N(CCC1═CC═CC═C1)CC2═CC═CC═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1939N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N(C)C(CC1═CC═CC═C1)C2═CC═CC═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1940N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N1CCC(O)(CC1)C2═CC═C(Cl)C═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1941N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N(CC1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1Cl)CC #C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1942N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N(CC)C(CC1═CC═CC═C1)C═2OC═CC═2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1943N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)N1CCN(C(OC(C)(C)C)═O)C[C@H]1CO)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1944N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(C(C)(C)C)C═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1945N4═C(SC═C4C(═O)N3CCN(CC2═CC═C1OCOC1═C2)CC3)C═5SC(C)═NC═5C6═CC═C(F)C═C6Example 1946N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N1CCC═2C═C(OC)C(═CC═2C1)OC)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1947N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═C1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1948N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C═1C═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1949N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(Cl)C(═C1)Cl)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1950N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(Cl)C(═C1)Cl)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1951N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═N1)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1952N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═CC═C1Cl)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1953N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCN(C1═CC═C(OC)C(═C1)OC)CC2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1954N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)N2CCCC(C1═CC═C(C(F)(F)F)C═C1)C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5

Examples Prepared with Anilines:

Example 1955N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1956N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC═1C═CC═C(C)C═1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1957N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(C)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1958N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1959N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(C)C═N1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1960N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC═1C═CC═C(C)N═1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1961N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC═1N═CC═C(C)C═1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1962N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═NC═CC═C1C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1963N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1964N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(F)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1965N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC═1C(═CC═C(C)C═1)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1966N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(C)C(═C1)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1967N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1CC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1968N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1CC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1969N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC═1C═CC═(C)C═1C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1970N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(C)C═C1C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1971N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC═1C═C(C═C(C)C═1)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1972N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC═1C═CC═C(OC)C═1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1973N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(OC)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1974N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1OC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1975N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CN═CC═C1OC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1976N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(C)C(═C1)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1977N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═C(C)C(═CC═C1)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1978N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═(F)═CC(F)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1979N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(F)C═C1F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1980N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(F)C═C1F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1981N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC2═CC═C1CCCC1═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1982N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1C(C)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1983N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC═1C═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1984N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(C(C)═O)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1985N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═C(C═CC═C1CC)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1986N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═C(C═C(C)C═C1C)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1987N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC2═CC═C1OCOC1═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1988N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(OC)C═C1C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1989N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC═1C═CC═C(OCC)C═1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1990N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1OCC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1991N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1SC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1992N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═C(C)C(═CC═C1)Cl)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1993N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(C)C(═C1)Cl)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1994N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC2═CN═C1C═CC═CC1═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1995N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC(F)═C(F)C═C1F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1996N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC1CCCC2═CC═CC═C12)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 1997N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1C(C)(C)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1998N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═C(C═CC═C1C(C)C)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 1999N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC2═CC═C1N═CSC1═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 2000N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(NC(C)═O)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2001N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(NC(C)═O)N═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2002N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC2═CC═C1OCCOC1═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 2003N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(OC)C(═C1)OC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2004N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1N2C═CC═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 2005N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(C═C1)C(F)(F)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2006N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═CC(═C1)C(F)(F)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2007N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(Cl)C(Cl)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2008N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═C(C═CC═C1C)C(C)(C)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2009N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(N(C)C)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2010N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1C2═CC═CC═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 2011N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(OC(F)(F)F)C═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2012N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═C(C═CC═C1C(C)C)C(C)C)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2013N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(F)C═C1C(F)(F)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2014N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC(═CC═C1F)C(F)(F)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2015N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(F)C(═C1)C(F)(F)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2016N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC═1C(═CC═C(OCC)C═1)OCC)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2017N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC(Cl)═C(Cl)C(Cl)═C1)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2018N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1C(═O)C2═CC═CC═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 2019N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC1═CC═CC═C1COC2═CC═CC═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 2020N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC1═CC(═CC═C1OC)C2═CC═CC═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 2021N3═C(SC═C3C(═O)NC1═NC═CC═C1OCC2═CC═CC═C2)C═4SC(C)═NC═4C5═CC═C(F)C═C5Example 2022N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC(═CC═C1C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2023N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC(═CC(═C1)C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2024N2═C(SC═C2C(═O)NC1═CC═C(C═C1C(F)(F)F)C(F)(F)F)C═3SC(C)═NC═3C4═CC═C(F)C═C4Example 2025N1═C(SC═C1C(═O)O)C═2SC(C)═NC═2C3═CC═C(F)C═C3

EXAMPLES 2026-2157

embedded image

Starting pentafluorophenyl ester was prepared as described in Step 1 of Example 71. Where, 1° amines were selected to afford Examples 2026-2157, which were prepared by General Condition 2, followed by boc deprotection of the piperidine moiety with 30% TFA in DCM (42 μL per well).

Example 2026[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCC)N═1)C(═N2)C═3C═CC(═CC═3)F)C4CCNCC4Example 2027[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCC#C)N═1)C(═N2)C═3C═CC(═CC═3)F)C4CCNCC4Example 2028[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CN═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C═4C═CC(═CC═4)F)C5CCNCC5Example 2029[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1CC1)N═2)C(═N3)C═4C═CC(═CC═4)F)C5CCNCC5Example 2030[H]N2N═C(C1═CC═C(C═C1)F)C(═C2C3CCNCC3)C4═NC(═CS4)C(O[H])═OExample 2031[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2032[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCC#N)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2033[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC1CC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2034[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCC)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2035[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCN)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2036[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCO)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2037[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCC#N)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2038[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC1CCC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2039[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(CC)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2040[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCC(C)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2041[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCCO)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2042[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)CO)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2043[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCOC)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2044[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC1CCCC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2045[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(CCC)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2046[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCC(CC)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2047[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C(C)C)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2048[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCC(C)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2049[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCN(C)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2050[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(COC)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2051[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(CC)CO)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2052[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(CC)CO)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2053[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCCCO)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2054[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC═1OC═CC═1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2055[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC1CCCCC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2056[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1CCCO1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2057[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCC(C)(C)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2058[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(CC(C)C)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2059[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC1CONC1═O)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2060[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NN1CCOCC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2061[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(C(C)C)CO)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2062[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2063[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═N1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2064[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═NC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2065[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CS1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2066[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC1CCC(C)CC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2067[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1CCCCC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2068[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC1CCCCCC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2069[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC1CCCCC1C)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2070[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCN1CCCC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2071[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NN1CCN(C)CC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2072[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCN(CC)CC)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2073[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC═1C═CC═C(C)C═1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2074[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)N[C@@H](C)C1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2075[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)N[C@H](C)C1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2076[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2077[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1C)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2078[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(C)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2079[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═NC═C(C)N═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2080[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC(F)═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2081[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(F)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2082[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1F)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2083[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCCN1C═CN═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2084[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1CCCN1C)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2085[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCN1CCCCC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2086[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(CCCC(C)C)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2087[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCN1CCOCC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2088[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(CC(OCC)═O)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2089[H]N4C(═(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC1CCC2═CC═CC═C12)N═3)C(═N4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)C6CCNCC6Example 2090[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(C)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2091[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC═1C(═CC═C(C)C═1)C)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2092[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)N[C@@H](C)C1═CC═C(C)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2093[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)N[C@H](C)C1═CC═C(C)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2094[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC(C)C1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2095[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC(C)C1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2096[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCCC1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2097[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(C)C(═C1)C)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2098[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)CC1═CC═NC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2099[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(O)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2100[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCOC1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2101[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1OC)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2102[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(OC)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2103[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC═1C═CC═C(OC)C═1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2104[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(F)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2105[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC═C1F)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2106[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC(F)═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2107[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC(Cl)═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2108[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1Cl)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2109[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2110[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCCN1CCCC1═O)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2111[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(F)C═C1F)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2112[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(F)C(F)═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2113[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC(F)═CC(F)═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2114[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCCN1CCOCC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2115[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCN(C(C)C)C(C)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2116[H]N4C(═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC1CCCC2═CC═CC═C12)N═3)C(═N4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)C6CCNCC6Example 2117[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC(C)CCC1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2118[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(C(C)C)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2119[H]N4C(═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NCC2═CC═C1OCOC1═C2)N═3)C(═N4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)C6CCNCC6Example 2120[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC═1C═CC═C(OC)C═1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2121[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)N[C@H](CO)CC1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2122[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(OC)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2123[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC═C1OC)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2124[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1OCC)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2125[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC1═CC═C(OC)C(═C1)OC)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2126[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC═C1Cl)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2127[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2128[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═CC(Cl)═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2129[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC1CC(C)(C)NC(C1)(C)C)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2130[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NC(CCCN(CC)CC)C)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2131[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(F)C(Cl)═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2132[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)N(CCC#N)CC1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2133[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCNC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2134[H]N4C(═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CN(C2═CC═CC═C12)[H])N═3)C(═N4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)C6CCNCC6Example 2135[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(C(C)(C)C)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2136[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCCN(C)C1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2137[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1(O)CCCCC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2138[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC═1C═C(OC)C═C(C═1)OC)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2139[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(OC)C(═C1)OC)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2140[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC(═O)C1═CC═CC═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2141[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NC1CCN(C(OCC)═O)CC1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2142[H]N2C(═C(C═1SC═C(C(═O)NCCCNC(OC(C)(C)C)═O)N═1)C(═N2)C3═CC═C(F)C═C3)C4CCNCC4Example 2143[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(C═C1)C(F)(F)F)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2144[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC(═C1)C(F)(F)F)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2145[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(Cl)C(Cl)═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2146[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(Cl)C═C1Cl)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2147[H]N4C(═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC2CCN(CC1═CC═CC═C1)C2)N═3)C(═N4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)C6CNCC6Example 2148[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC═1C(═CC═C(OC)C═1)OC)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2149[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(N(C)C)C═C1)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2150[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═C(OC)C(═C1)O)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2151[H]N4C(═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NC2CCN(CC1═CC═CC═C1)CC2)N═3)C(═N4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)C6CCNCC6Example 2152[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC1═CC═CC═C1OC(F)(F)F)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2153[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCC1═CC═C(C═C1)S(═O)(═O)N)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2154[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCC(C1═CC═C(OC)C═C1)═O)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5Example 2155[H]N4C(═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NCCC2═CC═C1OC OC1═C2)N═3)C(═N4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)C6CCNCC6Example 2156[H]N4C(═C(C═3SC═C(C(═O)NCCC(C1═CC═CC═C1)C2═CC═CC═C2)N═3)C(═N4)C5═CC═C(F)C═C5)C6CCNCC6Example 2157[H]N3C(═C(C═2SC═C(C(═O)NCCNS(C1═CC═C(C)C═C1)(═O)═O)N═2)C(═N3)C4═CC═C(F)C═C4)C5CCNCC5

General Procedure 1: 6 μL of each acid monomer (Table 1, 0.5 M each) in DMF was transfered to a single well of a microwell plate. To these were added 4 μL of core scaffold/DIEA solution (0.5 M each) in DMF, followed by 5 μL HATU solution (0.5 M) in DMF. The reaction plate was sealed and shaken at room temperature for 16 hours, solvent was removed, and products were identified and analyzed for purity by LCMS.

General Procedure 2: 8 μL of each amine or aniline monomer (Table 2, 3, or 4, 0.5 M each, 4 mmol) in DMF was transferred to a single well of a microwell plate. To these were added 25 μL of core scaffold/DIEA solution (0.08 M core, 0.16 M DIEA) in DMF. The plate was sealed, mixed, warmed to 40° C. and left static for 16 hours. The solvent was then removed, and products were identified and analyzed for purity by LCMS.

The following compounds can generally be made using the methods described above. It is expected that these compounds when made will have activity similar to those that have been made in the examples above.























































































































COc1cc(F)ccc1c2nnc(N3 CCN(CC3)C(═O)CO)n2c4ccn(n4)C(═O)NC(C)C



























COc1cc(F)ccc1c2nnc(SCCCN(C)C)n2c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NCC(CO)CO









COc1cc(F)ccc1c2nnc(N(C)C)n2c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NC(C)C











COc1cc(F)ccc1c2nncn2c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NCC(C)C










COCC(═O)N1CCC(CC1)N2NC(═O)C(═C2c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NC(C)C)c4ccc(F)cc4











CNC(═O)N1CCN(CCN2OC(═O)C(═C2c3 nc(c[n H]3)C(═O)NCC(C)C)c4ccc(F)cn4)CC1






COc1cc(F)ccc1C2=C(N(NC2=O)N3 CCOCC3)c4occ(n4)C(═O)NC(C)C




















COc1cc(F)ccc1c2c(O)[nH]nc2c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NC(C)C




















COc1cc(F)ccc1c2nc(oc2c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NCC(C)C)C4CCNCC4













COCC(═O)N1CCC(CC1)c2oc(c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NCC(CO)CO)c(n2)c4ccc(F)cn4




COc1cc(F)ccc1c2nc(OCCCN3CCOCC3)oc2n4 ccc(n4)C(═O)NC(C)C































CC(C)CNC(═O)n1ccc(n1)n2nc(NCCN3 CCN(CC3)C(═O)CO)nc2c4ccc(F)cc4


























CNC(═O)N1CCN(CCc2oc(c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NC(C)C)c(n2)c4ccc(F)cc4OC)CC1

CNC(═O)N1CCN(CCc2oc(c3 csc(n3)C(═O)NCC(C)C)c(n2)c4ccc(F)cn4)CC1
























CN═C(S)N1CCN(Cc2oc(c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NCC(C)C)c(n2)c4ccc(F)cn4)CC1







COc1cc(F)ccc1c2nc(nn2c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NC(C)C)N4CCOCC4































CCN1CN(CCc2oc(c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NCC(CO)CO)c(n2)c4ccc(F)cn4)C1



COc1cc(F)ccc1c2nc(nn2c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NC(C)C)C4CCNC4











COc1cc(F)ccc1c2nc(SCCCN(C)C)nn2c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NCC(C)C




COCCCc1oc(c2ccc(F)cc2OC)c(n1)c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NC(C)C









COc1cc(F)ccc1c2nc(nn2c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NCC(CO)CO)N(C)C











COc1cc(F)ccc1c2ncnn2c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NCC(C)C





















COCC(═O)N1CCC(CC1)c2nc(c3ccc(F)cn3)n(n2)c4c[n H]c(n4)C(═O)NCC(C)C



CC(C)NC(═O)c1nc(c[nH]1)c2oc(OCCCN3CCN CC3)nc2c4ccc(F)cc4













CN═C(S)N1CCN(Cn2nc(c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NC(C)C)c(c20)c4ccc(F)cn4)CC1
















COCCCN1SC(═C(C I═O)c2 ccc(F)cc2)n3ccc(n3)C(═O)NCC(CO)CO














OCC(CO)CN C(═O)c1csc(n1)n2c(OCCCN3CCOCC3)nnc2c4ccc(F)cn4






























COCC(═O)N1CCN(CCCOc2oc(c3 csc(n3)C(═O)NC(C)C)c(n2)c4ccc(F)cn4)CC1



CC(C)CNC(═O)c1nc(cs1)c2oc(NCCN3 CCNCC3)nc2c4ccc(F)cc4








COc1cc(F)ccc1c2nc(CCCN3CCN(CC3)C(═O)OC(C)C)oc2n4 ccc(n4)C(═O)NCC(CO)CO



CNC(═S)N1CCN(Cc2oc(c3 ccn(n3)C(═O)NCC(C)C)c(n2)c4ccc(F)cc4OC)CC1












Biological Activity Assay


The activity of the compounds in examples 1-2196 has been shown to be p38 inhibitors by using the following assays. The other compounds listed above, which have not yet been made, are predicted to have activity in these assays as well.

p38α Biochemical Assay

The p38α biochemical assay employed is based on measurement of total ATP turnover following enzyme incubation with substrate in the presence of ATP with the use of a luminescent detection reagent (Cambrex PKlight). The assays were performed in 1536-well white opaque plates.

The final volume was 7.5005 μL as prepared prepared from the addition of 5 ul of kinase reaction (p38 alpah+MapkapK2+ATP) with 0.0005 μL compound dissolved in DMSO, and 2.5 ul of the detection reagent. Assay buffer contains the following reagents to give final concentration in the assay: 200 mM Tris, 100 mM MgCl2, 1.5 mM EGTA, 4 mM CaCl2, 20 mM MOPS, 1 mM EDTA, 1% glycerol, 0.1% B-Mecaptoethanol, and 1 mg/ml BSA. Test compounds are pinned using proprietary pintool technology (Kalypsys, Inc) and delivered as 40 nl amounts into the 5 ul mixture of active p38 alpha enzyme (Upstate Biotechnology) and MapkapK2 (Upstate Biotechnology) whole protein as a substrate for phosphorylation in the presence of 1.4 uM final concentration ATP. Reactions are incubated at 30C for 2 hours and detection reagent is added in 2.5 ul/well amounts. Assay is read using a Perkin Elmer Viewlux. Data is represented as IC50 in uM as determined by GraphPad Prism (GraphPad Software, Inc) as shown in Table 1 below.


IC50 data were obtained for the compounds provided herein. Most of the compounds exhibited p38α kinase IC50 values of less than 10 μM, many less than 1 μM. Data for selected compounds is shown in the Table 1 below.

In the p38 inhibitor assay compounds of the invention generally have IC50 values of around 30 μM and below. The more active compounds have IC50 values of around 500 nM and below. The compounds of the invention are clearly potent inhibitors of p38 kinase, especially p38α kinase. In Table 1 below, (+) indicates that a compound had an IC50 of ≦1 μM, whereas a (−) indicates that a compound had an IC50 of >1 μM (but were not necessarily inactive).

TABLE 1Biological ActivityExampleIC501+2+34+5+6+78+9+101112131415+16+17+18+192021+22+23+2425+26+27+28+29+3031323334+35+36+37+38+3940ND41+42+4344+46+47+48+49+50+51+52+53+54+55+56+57+5859+6061+62+63+64+65+66+67+68+69+7071+72+73+74+75+76+77+78+79+80+81+82+83+84+85+86+87+88899091+92+93+94+9596+979899100+101+102+103+104+105+106+107108+109+110+111112+113+114115+116+117118+119+120+121122123124+125126127128+129+130+131+132133+134135136137138139140141142143+144+145146+147+148+149150+151+152+153+154155156+157+158+159+160161162163164165166+167+168+169170171172173174175176177178+179180181+182+183+184+185186187188189190+191+192193+194+195196197+198+199+200+201202203204205206207+208209210211212213214215216217218219220+221+222+223224225226+227228229230+231232233+234+235236+237+238239240+241242+243244245246+247248249+250+251+252+253+254255256257258+259260+261+262+263264+265+266+267268269270+271+272+273+274275+276277+278+279280281+282+283+284285286287288289290291+292293294295296297298299300+301+302+303+304+305+306+307+308+309310311312+313+314+315+316+317318319+320+321322+323324325326327328329330331+332333334+335+336+337+338339340+341342+343+344345+346347348349350+351352353+354+355+356+357+358359360361362+363364365366367368369+370371+372373374375376377378379+380+381+382+383+384+385+386387388389390391392393394395396397398399+400401+402+403+404405406407+408409+410+411412+413414415416417418+419+420421422423+424+425+426+427+428+429430431+432+433+434+435+436437438439440+441+442+443444445446447+448+449450451452+453454455456+457+458459460461462+463+464465466467468469470471+472473474475476477478479480481482483+484485486487488489490491492493494495496497+498+499+500+501502503+504+505506507+508+509510511512513514515+516+517+518519+520+521+522523+524+525526527+528+529530531+532+533534+535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571+572573574575+576577578579580581582583+584585586587588589590+591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619+620621622623624625626627628629630631+632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653+654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669+670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691+692693694695696697+698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747+748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810+811+812+813+814+815+816817+818819820+821822+823+824+825+826+827+828+829+830831832833+834+835836+837838+839840841842843844845846+847+848849850851852853854855856857+858859860861862863864865866867+868+869+870+871872873874875876877878879880881882883884885886887888889890891892893894895896897898899900901902903904+905906907908+909910911912913914915916+917918919920921922923+924925+926927928929930931932933934935936937938939940941942943944945946947+948949950951952953954955956957958959960961962963964+965966967968969970971972973974975976977+978979980981982983984985986987988+989990991+992993994995996997998999100010011002100310041005100610071008100910101011101210131014101510161017101810191020102110221023102410251026102710281029+10301031+1032+10331034103510361037103810391040104110421043+104410451046104710481049105010511052105310541055105610571058105910601061106210631064+1065+1066106710681069+10701071107210731074+10751076107710781079+1080108110821083108410851086+108710881089109010911092109310941095109610971098109911001101110211031104110511061107110811091110111111121113111411151116111711181119112011211122+112311241125112611271128112911301131113211331134113511361137113811391140114111421143114411451146114711481149115011511152115311541155115611571158115911601161116211631164116511661167116811691170+117111721173+11741175+1176+1177117811791180+11811182+1183+11841185+1186118711881189119011911192119311941195119611971198119912001201120212031204120512061207120812091210121112121213121412151216121712181219122012211222122312241225122612271228122912301231123212331234123512361237123812391240124112421243124412451246124712481249125012511252125312541255125612571258125912601261126212631264126512661267126812691270127112721273127412751276127712781279128012811282128312841285128612871288128912901291129212931294129512961297129812991300130113021303130413051306+1307130813091310131113121313131413151316131713181319132013211322132313241325132613271328132913301331133213331334133513361337133813391340134113421343134413451346134713481349135013511352135313541355135613571358135913601361136213631364136513661367136813691370137113721373137413751376137713781379138013811382138313841385+138613871388138913901391139213931394139513961397139813991400140114021403140414051406140714081409141014111412141314141415141614171418141914201421142214231424+1425142614271428142914301431143214331434143514361437143814391440144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In Vivo Assay

TNF-α Production by LPS-Stimulated Mice

Male Lewis rats (180-200 g) were injected intraperitoneally with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (50 μg/kg of E. coli strain 0111:B4, Sigma) suspended in sterile saline. Ninety minutes later, mice were sedated by CO2:O2 inhalation and a blood sample was obtained. Serum was separated and analyzed for TNF-α concentrations by commercial ELISA assay per the manufacturer's instructions (R&D Bioscience). Test compounds were administered orally at various times before LPS injection. The compounds were dosed either as suspensions or as solutions in various vehicles or solubilizing agents.

Compounds were dosed 0.5 to 3 hours before LPS stimulation. Rats were anaesthetized with Isofluor and injected i.v. with 0.3 mg/kg of LPS* in a volume of 0.3 ml sterile saline. Ninety minutes after the LPS injection, blood samples were collected into heparin tubes for preparation of plasma samples. Repression of TNFα production is assessed by commercial ELISA and reported below in Table 2.

EC50 and percent inhibition data were obtained for the compounds provided herein. The compounds screened afforded inhibition of TNFα production as EC50 values of less than 10 mg/kg in vivo. Percent inhibition data for selected compounds is shown in the Table 2 below.

In Table 2 below, the repective EC50 data (+) indicates that a compound had an EC50 of ≦10 mg/kg, whereas a (−) indicates that a compound had an EC50 of >10 mg/kg (but were not necessarily inactive). Furthermore, % inihibition values were reported as (+) which afforded percent inihibition of >15%, and (−) to give % Inihibition ≦15%. The ND value indicates that the data was not determined for a

TABLE 2In Vivo ActivityLPS Induced TNFLPS Induced TNF alphaalpha (−1 hr) In Vivo(−1 hr) In Vivo(+) = ED50 ≦ 10(+) = >15% InhibitionExampleDose(−) = ED50 > 10(−) = ≦15% Inhibition130 mg/kgND+1730 mg/kgND+1830 mg/kgND+2610 mg/kg++2710 mg/kg+3510 mg/kgND3810 mg/kg++4110 mg/kgND+4410 mg/kgND4630 mg/kgND+6210 mg/kgND+6410 mg/kgND6610 mg/kgND6810 mg/kgND+7110 mg/kgND7310 mg/kgND7810 mg/kgND9110 mg/kgND+9310 mg/kgND+81110 mg/kgND+202610 mg/kgND+202710 mg/kgND+202810 mg/kgND

From the foregoing description, one skilled in the art can easily ascertain the essential characteristics of this invention, and without departing from the spirit and scope thereof, can make various changes and modifications of the invention to adapt it to various usages and conditions.

  • 1. A method of inhibition of p38 kinase comprising contacting P38 with a compound of Formula I:
  • 2. The method as recited in claim 1 wherein, the compound has the Formula II:
  • 3. The method as recited in claim 2 wherein, the compound has the Formula III:
  • 4. The method as recited in claim 3, wherein R2 is selected from the group consisting of —C(O)R9 and —C(O)NR16R17.
  • 5. The method as recited in claim 4, wherein R8 is optionally substituted phenyl.
  • 6. The method as recited in claim 5, wherein R16 is optionally substituted lower alkyl, heteroarylalkyl, cycloalkyl, cycloalkylalkyl, alkynyl or hydrogen.
  • 7. The method as recited in claim 6, wherein R9 is OR18.
  • 8. The method as recited in claim 7, wherein R18 is optionally substituted lower alkyl or hydrogen.
  • 9. The method as recited in claim 8, wherein L is S.
  • 10. The method as recited in claim 8, wherein Q is N.
  • 11. The method as recited in claim 1 selected from the group consisting of Examples 1-2196.
  • 12. A method of treatment of a p38-mediated disease in a patient in need thereof comprising the administration of a therapeutically effective amount of a compound of Formula I:
  • 13. The method as recited in claim 12 wherein said disease is selected from the group consisting of: inflammatory pain, psoriasis, acute dermatitis, arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
  • 14. A compound of Formula VII:
  • 15. The compound as recited in claim 14 having structural Formula VIII:
  • 16. The compound as recited in claim 15 having structural Formula IX:
  • 17. The compound as recited in claim 16 having structural Formula X:
  • 18. The compound as recited in claim 17 having structural Formula XI:
  • 19. The compound as recited in claim 18, wherein R26 is optionally substituted phenyl.
  • 20. The compound as recited in claim 19, wherein R23 or R24 is optionally substituted alkyl, alkoxyalkyl, aminoalkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydrogen or null.
  • 21. The compound as recited in claim 20, wherein R20 is optionally substituted amine, alkylamine, heteroarylalkyl or OR32.
  • 22. The compound as recited in claim 14 having structural Formula XII:
  • 23. The compound as recited in claim 22 having structural Formula XIII:
  • 24. The compound as recited in claim 23 having structural Formula XIV:
  • 25. The compound as recited in claim 24 having structural Formula XV:
  • 26. The compound as recited in claim 25, wherein R26 is optionally substituted phenyl.
  • 27. The compound as recited in claim 26, wherein R23 or R24 is optionally substituted alkyl, heterocycloalkyl, hydrogen or null.
  • 28. The compound as recited in claim 27, wherein R20 is optionally substituted alkyl, alkylamine, cycloalkylalkyl, heteroarylalkyl or arylamine.
  • 29. The compound as recited in claim 14 selected from the group consisting of Examples 1-26, 27-33, 35-36, 38-44, 46-78, 80-97, 98-2159, 2161-2179, 2184-2185 and 2189-2194.
  • 30. A compound as recited in claim 14 for use in the manufacture of a medicament for the prevention or treatment of a disease or condition ameliorated by the inhibition of p38 kinase.
  • 31. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a compound as recited in claim 14 together with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
  • 32. The pharmaceutical composition as recited in claim 31, useful for the treatment or prevention of a p38-mediated disease.
  • 33. The pharmaceutical composition as recited in claim 32, formulated for topical administration.
  • 34. A pharmaceutical composition comprising a) a compound as recited in claim 14, and b) another therapeutic agent, together with a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier.
  • 35. The pharmaceutical composition as recited in claim 34, formulated for topical administration.
  • 36. The pharmaceutical composition as recited in claim 35, for the treatment of inflammatory pain.
Parent Case Info

This application claims the priority of U.S. provisional application 60/674,047, filed Apr. 22, 2005 and U.S. provisional application 60/776,594, filed Feb. 24, 2006.

Provisional Applications (2)
Number Date Country
60674047 Apr 2005 US
60776594 Feb 2006 US