The broader impact/commercial potential of this I-Corps Hubs project is the development of infrastructure needed for entrepreneurial training for academic science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) researchers and high potential community teams. This training will accelerate the commercialization of cutting-edge technologies and enhance regional innovation. It will also support workforce readiness in a region that is rapidly changing as the result of post-pandemic, economic and geographic dynamics of “meta cities,” and net in and out migration to and from rural and underserved areas throughout the region. In addition, Hub activities will provide the training needed to power other NSF initiatives promoting commercialization and innovation. Developing these entrepreneurial skills for both academic researchers and throughout the region’s workforce amplifies the economic and societal impact of NSF and other-funded basic research while accelerating the growth of startups, providing economic benefit to the region and beyond. This will be accomplished in an inclusive way to multiply opportunities, increases national competitiveness, and secures an economic future for all.<br/> <br/>This I-Corps Hubs project is based on the aim to advance the translation of deep technologies into societal and economic impact. This collaboration covers a large geographic area, inclusive of both urban and rural locations throughout Alaska, California, Oregon, and Washington. The region shares distinct commonalities between the proposed Partners and synergies that may be leveraged to serve a uniquely diverse population and maximize economic impact throughout the region. The proposed Hub activities will be designed to support regional and national I-Corps training through team expansion, fuel regional and national economic growth, produce actionable entrepreneurial research, and broaden participation among underrepresented areas and populations. The Hub Partners share a mission to reduce time and risk associated with translating top research from lab-to-market, while expanding educational and economic opportunity throughout the region. Through education, evidence, and experience, the Hub will drive creation of sustainable, scalable technology-based startups with both regional and national impacts. The Hub will strive to raise awareness of the value of entrepreneurship among science and engineering faculty and students, using a variety of programs designed for inclusivity and meeting scientists and engineers at their knowledge and skill level, whether they are curious about the fit of their technology to solve an industry problem or are committed company founders.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.