This award supported the travel of 15 students to the 2022 Association for the ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks Systems (WUWNet) conference. The WUWNet conference has established itself as one of the premier technical venues in the field of underwater wireless networks and serves as a meeting point for researchers from academia and industry as well as practitioners in diverse fields of underwater communications and networking systems. The goal of WUWNet is to bring together leading contributors from academia and industry working in diverse areas of underwater systems engineering for connecting the “Blue Economies.” The conference regularly attracts world-leading researchers and practitioners to attend and present their work and attend panels and keynote sessions. The focus of WUWNet’22 is threefold: (i) Networking the Blue Economy; (ii) Systems Research, Experimentation, Hands-on Evaluations; (iii) Cross-disciplinary Wireless Research. The conference will have special plenary sessions for papers that fall under these broad categories, along with other regular sessions that encompass many other exciting developments in the Blue Tech domain.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.