Many current genomics data processing tools rely on string algorithms and related data structures, and therefore 'string analytics' problems relating to the bioinformatics domain have attracted a lot of interest. Focused solely on string algorithms in bioinformatics, the annual String Algorithms in Bioinformatics (StringBio) workshop aims to gather researchers, practitioners, and students with a format that is composed of short tutorials and research talks. This travel award will provide partial support to 10-15 students to participate in this workshop. Preference will be given to students from under-represented groups and females. Encouraging student participation might inspire many participants (especially undergraduates) to pursue higher studies in related areas. <br/><br/>Tutorials are scheduled to be given by experienced researchers on foundations of string processing to cover related algorithms and data structures from standard to advanced levels. These tutorials aim to help students and researchers who would like to make a quick start in bioinformatics challenges by addressing the basic building blocks and current state-of-the-art. Different from standard conference presentations of already achieved progress, the research talks by experts at StringBio will describe current and ongoing research studies to which, the attendees can join by expressing their interests and potentials. The talks are expected to provide an excellent opportunity, particularly for the beginners in the path to their first publications.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.