The annual IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) has established itself as world’s premier research conference in data mining. The 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (IEEE ICDM 2022) will continue the success of the previous ICDM conferences and provides a leading forum for disseminating the latest research and education in data mining, machine learning, and provides an international forum for presentation of original research results, as well as exchange and dissemination of innovative and practical development experiences. This project sponsors students, including earlier career researchers, to attend the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (IEEE ICDM 2022), which will be organized in Orlando, FL, from November 30 to December 2 2022. The scientific program will cover synergistic themes on foundations, algorithms, models and theory of data mining, including big data mining, deep learning and statistical methods for data mining, as well as applications of data mining in social sciences, physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, web, marketing, finance, precision medicine, health informatics, and other domains.<br/><br/>ICDM encourages submissions in emerging topics of high importance such as ethical data analytics, automated data analytics, data-driven reasoning, interpretable modeling, modeling with evolving environment, cyber-physical systems, multi-modality data mining, and heterogeneous data integration and mining. In addition to the main conference presentations, the conference also features tutorials, an applied track, PhD forums, open-source project forum, women in science research form, and workshops. This year, there are 27 workshops, which will be hosted on the first day of the ICDM 2022 conference.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.