Funds are being provided via an interagency transfer to provide cost sharing for ongoing and new projects being conducted under the auspices of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP). FY2003 funds are provided for cost sharing the following nine projects: 1) the continuation of NEPTUNE Phase 2; 2) year-two incremental support for a NOPP project entitled "PARADIGM (Partnership for Advancing Interdisciplinary Global Modeling); 3) year-four incremental support for the FY99 NOPP project entitled "A Consortium for Ocean Circulation and Climate Estimation" (ECCO); 4) annual funding of the National Ocean Sciences Bowl; 5) support for the Interagency Integrated Ocean Observatory System Office (Ocean.US); 6) support for Educational programs funded during the FY02 NOPP BAA; 7) funds to help support a Workshop entitled "Next Generation Biological and Chemical Sensors in the Ocean"; 8) Integrated Marine Mammal Protection System (IMAPS) "whale finding" sonar - $50,000; and 9) Sounds of the Sea exhibit.