Systems for High Performance Computing (HPC) have been providing rapidly increasing computing power. However, this growth has also led to systems where the memory and data movement bandwidth is relatively lower. This makes analyzing the data from scientific simulations very challenging. A paradigm called in-situ analytics has emerged in response. This project is further improving this paradigm, by using what can be referred to as homomorphic compressions. The idea of homomorphic compression is to compress the data in a way that queries can be directly executed on the compressed data (without need for decompression). This project is developing such compression methods, developing techniques to perform such compression efficiently on Graphic Processing Units (GPUs), techniques for query processing using such compressed representations, and finally, an overall system that will simplify development of in-situ analytics implementations. Overall, this project will be making analysis of data from simulations more effective on the upcoming systems for HPC. This project will seek to broaden participation in computing through direct participation in the project development teams by undergraduate and graduate students from under-represented groups. <br/><br/>Systems for High Performance Computing (HPC) have been providing rapidly increasing computing power. However, this growth has also led to systems where the memory and data movement bandwidth is relatively lower. This makes analyzing the data from scientific simulations very challenging. A paradigm called in-situ analytics has emerged in response. This project is further improving this paradigm, by using what can be referred to as homomorphic compressions. The idea of homomorphic compression is to compress the data in a way that queries can be directly executed on the compressed data (without need for decompression). The resulting framework, ICURE, can facilitate in situ analytics on accelerators themselves, reduce overall memory requirements for the analytics, reduce total data movements costs, and even reduce the time cost of performing the analytics. Achieving the goals of ICURE involves many open challenges. The first is the choice of summarization structure and its constructions. This project experiments with two different summary or concise representations: bitmap indices and an integrated value index. The second issue is analyses methods using summary and compressed representations, where the focus is on the use of these representations for a variety of analyses tasks: computing aggregations, correlations, value-based joins, time-step selection, and interesting subregions analysis. The third issue is automating placement and quality. Driven by the consideration of providing the lowest interference between the simulation and analytics, this project automates decisions on placement of specific analytics operations and data within the node of HPC system. Similarly, automatic selection of sampling level driven by desired accuracy and overheads of the analyses is performed. This project will seek to broaden participation in computing through direct participation in the project development teams by undergraduate and graduate students from under-represented groups.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.