The present invention relates generally to the provision of security (or, more specifically, confidentiality) for ultra high bandwidth optical communications over transparent wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) networks. Specifically, random noise on unused channels and varying the inter-code phases on realistic framing repetition are used to obtain an encryption scheme for adding confidentiality to communication transmitted over spectral-phase encoded optical code division multiplexing (OCDM) networks and for which it is possible to prove desirable security guarantees.
The problem of keeping data transmitted from a sender to a receiver confidential against an adversary acting as an eavesdropper can be solved using encryption schemes. In a nutshell, a (symmetric) encryption scheme is a pair of algorithms: an encryption algorithm, run by the sender, that, on input a secret key and clear data, returns encrypted data; and a decryption algorithm, run by the receiver, that, on input a secret key and encrypted data, returns clear data. (See
Communication over OCDM-based networks allows a receiver to obtain data from multiple senders or from a single sender using multiple parallel data streams. A public encoding algorithm is used by the sender to simultaneously process these data streams, and a public decoding algorithm is used by the receiver to decode any single one of the sender's data streams. The optical fiber physical conditions induce inter-code phase shifts on the data encoded by the sender, but such shifts are not changing the receiver's ability to obtain the sender's data. (See
Prior techniques for providing security for ultra high bandwidth optical communications over WDM networks includes the use of conventional electronic digital encryption which is not readily scalable to very high data rates and is not robust to archival attack and spoofing. Another prior technique is the use of Essex's phase scrambling of a single modulation broadened laser line which is not robust to known plain text (KPT) attack.
Optical code division multiplexing (OCDM)-based security by obscurity has been promoted as a scalable “security” solution for spectral-phase encoded OCDM systems operating at aggregate data rates of 100 Gb/s and beyond that can be realized with available technology through inverse multiplexing of 10 Gb/s tributaries, each carried on a OCDM code. Such a scheme is described in S. Etemad et. al., “OCDM-Based Photonic Layer “Security” Scalable to 100 Gb/s for Existing WDM Networks”, invited paper in the Journal of Optical Networking volume 6, issue 7, pages 948-976, July 2007. The approach is based on the early proposal that scrambling of the phase of the combined aggregate of OCDM codes in use increases the search space beyond the reach of an exhaustive search attack. See, R. Menendez et al., “Network Applications of Cascaded Passive Code Translation for WDM-Compatible Spectrally Phase Encoded Optical CDMA,” IEEE J. of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 23, pp.3219-3231, 2005. The earlier solution has been demonstrated in the laboratory for an aggregate 40 Gb/s over 400 km transmission distance. See, P. Toliver et al., “40 Gb/s OCDM-based Signal Transmission over 400 km Using Integrated Micro-Ring Resonator-based Spectral Phase Encoding and Quaternary Code Scrambling for Enhanced Data Confidentiality”, ECOC2007, Post Deadline Paper 33. However, robustness against known plain text (KPT) attacks was questioned by showing with some idealized assumptions that the search space is dramatically reduced from pn to p(n-m), where n is the number of phase-locked wavelengths and also the maximum number codes available, (n-m) is the actual number of codes in use and p is the number phase states supported by the scrambler. See, S. Goldberg, et. al. “Towards a Cryptanalysis of Spectral-Phase Encoded OCDMA with Phase-Scrambling”, OFC 2007, OTH-J7.
The present invention overcomes the limitations of the prior art by applying two coupled realistic and practical means ensuring robustness of OCDM-based security by obscurity against KPT attack, as defined for electronic encryption in the book by B. Schneier, entitled “Applied Cryptography”, John Wiley and Sons, 1996. First is introduction of the concept of “entropy” infusion by using random noise on some of the non-data carrying codes whose exact code assignments are shared but whose contents are not shared with or relevant to the receiving end. At the expense of reducing spectral efficiency, using other codes for random frameless noise decreases the ability to decipher the phase scrambler key. However, a compromise can be achieved in order not to reduce the spectral efficiency below a useful transmission rate by introducing a parallel process: changing the inter-code phase at a rate comparable to the KPT rate.
The invention will be more clearly understood when the following description is read in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
As modern techniques guaranteeing data confidentiality are today regularly deployed in various real-life applications, an immediate approach for data confidentiality over OCDM-based networks would be to directly deploy these encryption techniques on top of the OCDM-based communication model, as shown in
An architecture model that can be used as a starting reference model to achieve this goal is depicted in
In practice, the scheduling algorithm is required to be as simple as possible. In this model, the basic correctness requirement is a natural adaptation of the correctness requirement in the model in
Referring to the figures and to
The KPT attack described in Goldberg supra posits an eavesdropper making n simultaneous noise-free analog measurements of the optical electric field at each of the n wavelengths comprising the OCDM signal and further assumes the eavesdropper has complete knowledge of the set of the orthogonal codes in use and the data impressed on each of those codes (KPT) at the precise moment of the field measurement. The eavesdropper is only unaware of the n scrambler phases (assumed binary and fixed) or the (n−1) inter-code phase differences (assuming the inter-code phasing change completely between successive parallel measurements). With repeated measurements, the eavesdropper can accumulate sufficient information about the system to determine the values of the scrambler phase settings, the key. In the following, a threefold approach (1) prevents full knowledge of the plain text in use: phase scrambling based on random diagonal and monomial matrices to preclude the eavesdropper from knowing the set of codes in use, (2) random changes to the inter-code phasing, and, importantly, (3) the addition of random data streams on the unused codes.
The system design is based on the following two techniques that add unshared entropy to the system. First, out of a total of n streams entering into the n:1 combiner 408 in
In a main embodiment of this invention, we define an optical (symmetric) encryption scheme as a triple (Schedule, OpEncrypt, OpDecrypt) with the following syntax and properties. Let t denote time, let k denote the (fixed-length) key that is shared by both sender and receiver, and let r(t) denote the (frameless noise) random stream that is used by the sender and not shared with the receiver. The details of how k is shared by sender and receiver are left arbitrary and are up to the encryption scheme's application scenario; we only assume that all bits in k are uniformly and independently distributed. Also, let n denote the number of pseudo-data streams, w denote the number of wavelengths (typically, we set w=n), d denote the update rate of the intercede phase shifts, and m denote the number of pseudo-data streams that will carry random bits. On input a plaintext data stream m(t), the key k, and the random stream r(t), the optical scheduling function Schedule returns n pseudo-data streams de0 (t), . . . , den-1(t). On input n time-dependent streams de0 (t), . . . , den-1(t), the key k and the random stream r(t), the optical encrypting function OpEncrypt returns a ciphertext signal s(t). On input the optical ciphertext signal s(t) and the key k, the optical decrypting function OpDecrypt returns a stream m′(t), or a special symbol, indicating failure in decoding.
We say that the optical scheme (Schedule, OpEncrypt, OpDecrypt) is correct if for any time t, it holds that with probability 1 the stream m′(t) decrypted by the receiver is equal to the plaintext stream m(t), where stream m′(t) is obtained as in the following steps, associated with the functioning of the optical communication scheme:
We first describe how this scheme achieves reliable optical communication; i.e., how it chooses orthogonal codewords to allow encoding and reliable decoding of multiple data streams of elements in {0,1}. One popular choice for an orthogonal matrix is the 2u*2u Hadamard matrix H[2u], defined for all positive integers u>=1, with the following recursion:
As an example, rows of matrix H[2u] can be used as orthogonal codewords in the following way: if the j-th row is used as a codeword to transmit one pseudo-data stream, wavelength i is being sent with phase (1−hi,j)π/2, where hij denotes the entry in the j-th row and i-th column of the (symmetric) matrix H[2u]. Then this scheme uses the j-th row (resp., (u+j)-th row) of H[2u] as a codeword to transmit the next element from the j-th pseudo-data stream if this element =0 (resp., is=1).
We now formally specify three optical functions Schedule, OpEncrypt, and OpDecrypt.
On input as parameters the number of pseudo-data streams n, the number of wavelengths w (where w=n), shared random key k, random stream r(t) and plaintext data stream m(t), such that n=4q, for some integer q>=1, this function simply splits m(t) equally into pseudo-data streams de0(t), . . . , de
Here note that when t is even, steps 1 to 4 are executed with the only difference that all indices j of quantities dej(t) are shifted by n/2 (modulo n), and step 5 is executed by setting (phi1(t), . . . , phin(t))=(phi1(t−1), . . . , phin(t−1)).
This function takes as input the number of pseudo-data streams n, the number of wavelengths w (where w=n), the parameter m=n/2, the shared random key k, random stream r(t) and pseudo-data streams de1(t), . . . , den(t), each having symbols from {0,1}. The function updates the random intercede phase shifts at a rate of d=½. Given these inputs, this function returns, for i=1 . . . , w and j=1, . . . , n, the value ci,j(t)=k
This function takes as input as input the number of pseudo-data streams n, the number of wavelengths w (where w=n), the parameter m=n/2, the shared random key k, and the signal stream
s(t)=Σ[j=1, . . . , n]Σ[i=1, . . . w] cos(fi*t+cij(t)+phij(t)).
Given these inputs, this function returns data stream m′(t), computed as follows. First, this function computes s1(t), . . . , sw(t), where, for i=1, . . . , w,
i(t)=Σ[j=1, . . . , n] cos(cij(t)+phij(t)).
Then, the contribution from the key is removed by computing, for i=1, . . . , w,
i(t)*cos (ki)=Σ[j=1, . . . ,n] cos(deij(t)+phij(t)).
Finally, the next bit on the j-th pseudo-data stream, for j=1, . . . , n/4 (assuming t is odd for simplicity, the other case being similar), will be =0 (resp., =1) if the quantity
Σ[i=1, . . . , w](hij(t)*(si(t)*cos(ki)))
is (significantly) different from 0 (resp., close to 0).
The correctness of the scheme (Schedule, OpEncrypt, OpDecrypt) follows from the orthogonality of matrix K·H[n], where K is a diagonal matrix with key values (k1, . . . , kn) as diagonal elements and H[n] is the n*n Hadamard matrix defined above, which implies that, for j=1, . . . , n/4, (assuming t is odd for simplicity, the other case being similar), the value
Σ[i=1, . . . w](hij(t)*(si(t)*cos(ki)))
is nonzero if deij(t)=1 or 0 otherwise. In particular, note that this holds regardless of the value of phij(t).
When eavesdropping the ciphertext signal s(t), an adversary can apply optical ‘beat detection’ techniques to recover a per-wavelength decomposition of the ciphertext signal. Formally, an adversary can (deterministically) recover, for any time t, and any i=1, . . . , w, the quantity
si(t)=Σ[j=1, . . . ,n] cos(cij(t)+phij(t)).
After applying the mapping {0, π} to {−1, 1}, this equality can be rewritten in matrix notation as
where y is an n-length vector measured via beat-detection, K is an n-by-n random scrambling diagonal (or monomial) matrix, v is an n-length vector containing the inter-code phase shifts, and H′ is an n-by-n matrix whose rows are chosen from the Hadamard matrix according to the values of the bits in the n pseudo-data streams (as specified in optical function OpEncrypt). Specifically, the bit at (odd) time t in the j-th pseudo-data stream is either equal to an actual data bit (for j=1, . . . , n/4), or to 0 (for j=n/2+1, . . . , n/2+n/4), or to a random bit from the random stream r(t) for the remaining j values. A first important observation here is that the inter-code phase shifts are assumed to be random, and if certain conditions (which we discuss later) between the parameters d,n,m, hold (as they do in the above description), their sign is random too, and then the above equality implies a group operation between the vector of signs of the inter-code phase shifts and the vector of actual data bits, thus resulting in a perfect randomization of the data bits, in correspondence of the values j=1, . . . , n/4. A second important observation here is that the signs of the inter-code phase shifts that are not used to encrypt actual data bits at a given time t but are used for this purpose at the time t+1 still remain random at time t+1 after being used at time t to encrypt random bits. This follows precisely from the randomness of such bits on the pseudo-data streams, which implies a similar group operation between the vector of signs of the inter-code phase shifts and the vector of random pseudo-data bits.
As a consequence of these observations, the eavesdropper's task is that of solving a linear system with knowns (i.e., the eavesdropped and measured quantities) and unknowns (i.e., all source of entropy in the system, including the random stream, the dynamically changing inter-code phase shifts and the scrambled code matrix). The eavesdropper's goal is that of gradually reducing the amount of entropy in the systems, and thus the number of unknowns, by increasing the measured quantities. If a certain condition holds between parameters m, n, d, the number of unknowns is always greater than the number of knowns in the eavesdropper' linear system by an additive factor due to the full entropy of the scrambling matrix. Examples are shown in
In particular, consider the center panel in
This combination of shared randomness (the scrambling matrix) and unshared randomness (the random streams and the dynamically changing inter-code phase shifts) represent an unusual novel design approach, in that no previous encryption algorithm in the electronic or optical domain shared these features. In addition, the size of the key being only on the order of n, makes key distribution, the expensive part of current digital encryption, quite affordable. As usual, increased security comes with a loss of spectral efficiency. The (expected and acceptable) drawback for the security gain is in the amount of global randomness in the system, that increases to 2 random bits and 2 random elements in [0,2π] per data bit (however, this can be decreased as mentioned in the alternative embodiments and, most importantly, the amount of shared randomness in the system remains fixed and not dependent on the amount of communicated data), and in the communication rate decrease by a factor of 4.
In a first alternative embodiment of the invention, the random diagonal matrix containing the values for the shared key is further multiplied by a random monomial matrix (i.e., a permutation matrix).
In a second alternative embodiment of the invention, a scheme can be obtained by requiring that there are only two states for the intercode phase shifts, θ and θ+π which are changed at rate d, as opposed to spanning the entire [0,2π] range. For such scheme, the amount of global randomness in the system only increases to 4 random bits per data bit.
In a third alternative embodiment of the invention, a scheme with an arbitrary rate d for update of intercode phase shifts can be achieved by an appropriate generalization of the scheme described in the main embodiment of this invention. This scheme, when combined with the variation in the second embodiment, results in the amount of global randomness in the system increasing to 2+4d random bits per data bit (where again the amount of shared randomness in the system remains fixed and not dependent on the amount of communicated data).
In a fourth alternative embodiment of the invention, the following realistic scenario (e.g. as for ATM networks) is considered where data can be divided into header and payload. The above system is modified by careful scheduling of the 5B header and 48B payload for the ATM format. We analyze the security of the resulting system in this scenario by further assuming that the header is completely known and the payload is completely unknown to the adversary during its attack. This represents a realistic variant of the KPT attack in the case of ATM formats, which are of special interest as they have the shortest data structure of any format in common use. By increasing the amount of plain text data unknown to the attacker, we can even decrease the number of noise carrying channels and the rate of inter-channel phase changes, and we can still increase the crossing point of unknowns and knowns so that transmission of a large number of secure bits is possible. The conclusion here is that even less unshared randomness (up to an order of magnitude) is needed with respect to the more general cases of
In summary, an OCDM-based security solution can be robust to KPT as well as CCT attacks if, in addition to the phase scrambling of the aggregate analogue optical signal, a combination of infusion of entropy using frameless noise streams on unused channels and changing of the inter-channel phases is used. The essence of this robustness lies in the fact that under proper conditions more measurements of the tapped aggregate signal and the knowledge of bits in the plain text used for the attack does not converge and the search space for the setting of the phase scrambler remains very large. These conditions combined with the limited size key and robustness to archival attack makes OCDM-based security an attractive solution scalable to data rates up to 100 Gb/s.
Various aspects of the present disclosure may be embodied as a program, software, or computer instructions embodied in a computer or machine usable or readable medium, which causes the computer or machine to perform the steps of the method when executed on the computer, processor, and/or machine.
The system and method of the present disclosure may be implemented and run on a general-purpose computer or computer system. The computer system may be any type of known or will be known systems and may typically include a processor, memory device, a storage device, input/output devices, internal buses, and/or a communications interface for communicating with other computer systems in conjunction with communication hardware and software, etc. A module may be a component of a device, software, program, or system that implements some “functionality”, which can be embodied as software, hardware, firmware, electronic circuitry, or etc.
The terms “computer system” and “computer network” as may be used in the present application may include a variety of combinations of fixed and/or portable computer hardware, software, peripherals, and storage devices. The computer system may include a plurality of individual components that are networked or otherwise linked to perform collaboratively, or may include one or more stand-alone components. The hardware and software components of the computer system of the present application may include and may be included within fixed and portable devices such as desktop, laptop, server, and/or embedded system.
While there has been described and illustrated an OCDM-based photonic encryption system with provable security, it will be apparent to those skilled in the art that modifications and variations are possible without deviating from the principles and broad teachings of the present invention which shall be limited solely by the scope of the claims appended hereto.
This application claims the benefit of the filing date of U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 61/066,515, filed Feb. 21, 2008, the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated herein by reference.
This invention is based upon work supported in part by U.S. Government DARPA O-CDMA project under contract MDA972-03-C-0078. The U.S. Government has certain rights in the invention.
Number | Date | Country | |
61066515 | Feb 2008 | US |