Two (2) Japanese prior art articles authored by Dr. Murio Kuno (1980). |
Heckbert, "Fundamentals of Texture Mapping and Image Warping", Report No. UCB/CSD 89/516, Jun. 1989. |
Heckbert, "The PMAT and Poly User's Manual", NYIT Document, 1983. |
Transcript of trial testimony of Dr. Ned Greene, Interactive Pictures Corporation, f/k/a Omniview, Inc., v. Infinite Pictures, Inc. and Bill Tillman, Civil Action No. 3-96-849, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Tennessee, Feb. 2, 1998. |
Upstill, Steve, Building Strong Images, UNIX Review, Oct. 1988, pp. 63-73., |
Greene, Ned, A Method of Modeling Sky for Computer Animation, Proceedings for a computer animation conference, 1984. |
Greene, Ned and Heckbert, Mark, Creating Raster Omnimax Images from Multiple Perspective Views Using the Elliptical Weighted Average Filter, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Jun. 1986, pp. 21-27. |
Greene, Ned, Environment Mapping and Other Applications of World Projections, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Nov. 1986, pp. 21-29. |
Color copies of 12 prior art slides (1984-86) shown and described in the Greene trial testimony in Transcript pages identified in captions, Feb. 2, 1998. |
Block diagram of Greene/NYIT system (1986), Greene testimony from Transcript, Feb. 2, 1998, pp. 33-37. |
Diagrams of the geometry employed in the "Fisheye to Box" and "Poly" software used in the DX 280 system, Greene trial testimony from Transcript, Feb. 2, 1998, pp. 43-50. |
Heckbert, Paul, NYIT PMAT and Poly Users Manual, 1983. |
Heckbert, Paul, Fundamentals of Texture Mapping and Image Warping, Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley, Masters Thesis, Jun. 1989. |
Transcript of trial testimony of Steven D. Zimmermann, Interactive Pictures Corporation, f/k/a Omniview, Inc. v. Infinite Pictures, Inc. and Bill Tillman, Civil Action No. 3-96-849, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Tennessee, Jan. 6, 1998, pp. 77-142, 152-156. |
Drawing from Zimmermann testimony, Jan. 6, 1998. |
Zimmermann et al, excerpts from Phase I NASA Test Report, Aug. 1988. |
TMC2302 ASICS Data Sheets, TRW LSI Products, Inc., LaJolla, CA, 1990. |
Transcripts of relevant trial testimony of Dr. Douglas Birdwell: Transcript of Jan. 7, 1998, pp. 61-72, Transcript of Jan. 8, 1998, pp. 27-42, Transcript of Feb. 5, 1998, pp. 65-165. |
Two sketches drawn by Dr. Douglas Birdwell, Transcript, Jan. 8, 1998, pp. 27-41. |
Function, Statistics and Trigonometry, Scott, Foresman & Company, 1992, pp. i-x, 143, 709-720. |
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1395, Map Projections--A Working Manual, 1987, pp. viii-ix, 3-10, 33-35, 90-91, 164-168. |
Plaintiff's exhibits PX 559 and PX560 showing the failure of perspective correction of a fisheye image of Hawthorne Bridge side rail using '667 patent test program (previously submitted) when actual image radius R.about.256 pixels is used and with a reduced radius, R.about.230 pixels, to get a somewhat less distorted output image. (Birdwell Feb. 5, 1998 Transcript at pp. 149-150, line 1). |
Color image of the Hawthorne Bridge showing distortion at different magnification (Birdwell Transcript of Feb. 5, 1998, pp. 149-152). |
TMC2301 ASICS Data Sheet, TRW LSI Products, Inc., LaJolla, CA, 1988. |
DX 402- showing similarity of transforms performed by TRW TMC2302 and TMC 2301 ASICs TRW LSI Products, Inc., LaJolla, CA, 1988. (Birdwell Transcript, Feb. 5, 1998. pp. 157-160). |
G. Wolberg, "Digital Image Warping", IEEE Computer Society Press, 1988. |
F. Kenton Musgrave, "A Panoramic Virtual Screen for Ray Tracing", Graphics Gems, 1992, pp. 288-294. |
J. D. Foley et al., "Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice", 1990, 1996, pp. 229-381. |
Intel Corporation, "Action Media 750 Production Tool Reference", 1988, 1991. |
S. Morris, "Digital Video Interactive--A New Integrated Format for Multi-Media Information", Microcomputer for Information Management, Dec. 1987, 4(4):249-261. |
"Declaration of Scott Gilbert in Support of Defendant Infinite Pictures' Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiff's Motion for Preliminary Injunction", Omniview, Inc. v. Infinite Pictures, Inc., Civ. Action No. 3-96-849 |
G. David Ripley, "DVI--A Digital Multimedia Technology", Communications of the ACM Jul. 1989, vol. 32, No. 7, pp. 811-822. |
M. Onoe et al., "Digital Processing of Images Taken by Fish-Eye Lens", IEEE: Proceedings, New York, 1982, vol. 1, pp. 105-108. |
N. Greene, "Environment Mapping and Other Applications of World Projections", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Nov. 1986, pp. 21-29. |
N. Greene, "A Method of Modeling Sky for Computer Animations", Proc. First Int'l. Conf. Engineering and Computer Graphics, Aug. 1984, pp. 297-300. |
J. Blinn et al., "Texture and Reflection in Computer Generated Images," Comm. ACM, vol. 19, No. 10, 1976, pp. 542-547. |
N. Greene et al., "Creating Raster Omnimax Images from Multiple Perspective Views Using the Elliptical Weighted Average Filter", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Jun. 1986, pp. 21-27. |
R. Kingslake, "Optical System Design", Academic Press, 1983, pp. 86-87. |
S. Ray, "The Lens in Action", Hastings House, 1976, pp. 114-117. |
F. Pearson II, "Map Projections Theory and Applications", CRC Press, Inc., 1990, pp. 215-345. |
A. Paeth, "Digital Cartography for Computer Graphics", Graphics Gems, 1990, pp. 307-320. |