Oncolytic poliovirus for human tumors

Human clinical use of a chimeric poliovirus construct has demonstrated excellent anti-tumor effect. The mechanism of action is believed to involve both viral oncolysis as well as immune recruitment, both of which lead to necrosis in the area of the tumor. No adverse effects have been observed.

This invention is related to the area of anti-tumor therapy. In particular, it relates to oncolytic virus anti-tumor therapy.


PVS-RIPO is an oncolytic poliovirus (PV) recombinant. It consists of the live attenuated type 1 (Sabin) PV vaccine containing a foreign internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) of human rhinovirus type 2 (HRV2). The IRES is a cis-acting genetic element located in the 5′ untranslated region of the PV genome, mediating viral, m7G-cap-independent translation.

PVS-RIPO oncolytic therapy has been reported in tissue culture assays (6, 7, 10, 15-17) and in animal tumor models, but not in clinical trials in humans. Because of the differences between tissue culture, animal models, and humans, efficacy is unpredictable. Moreover, viral preparations used in pre-clinical studies are often impure, so that any activity cannot be attributed to the agent under investigation.

The art provides no examples of oncolytic viral agents in which biological activity in tumor models correctly predicted efficacy in patients. The reason for this is that oncolytic viral therapy is the result of a complex, triangular relationship between (a) the infected malignant cells, (b) the non-malignant tumor microenvironment, and (c) the host immune system. A system of such complexity and intricacy has not been recreated in any animal model.

There is a continuing need in the art to identify and develop effective anti-cancer treatments for humans, particularly for patients with brain tumors.


According to one aspect of the invention a method is provided for treating a human harboring a solid tumor which expresses NECL5 (CD155, HVED, Necl-5, PVS, TAGE4; nectin-like 5; nectin-like protein 5). A chimeric poliovirus construct is administered directly to the tumor in the human. The chimeric poliovirus comprises a Sabin type I strain of poliovirus with a human rhinovirus 2 (HRV2) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in said poliovirus' 5′ untranslated region between said poliovirus' cloverleaf and said poliovirus' open reading frame.

These and other embodiments, which will be apparent to those of skill in the art upon reading the specification, provide the art with methods of treating tumors, including brain tumors.


FIG. 1A-1B (formerly FIG. 8.) Intratumoral PVS-RIPO infusion induces gradual tumor regress. FIG. 1A. Tumor volumes upon mock (□) or PVS-RIPO (▪) treatment. FIG. 1B. Average virus recovery from tumors at the indicated intervals.

FIG. 2 (formerly FIG. 12). MRI from Apr. 16, 2012. Axial, postcontrast, T1-weighted MRI showing disease progression.

FIG. 3 (formerly FIG. 13). MRI from May 9, 2012. Axial, postcontrast, T1-weighted MRI obtained pre-infusion of PVS-RIPO.

FIG. 4 (formerly FIG. 14). MRI from May 11, 2012. Axial, postcontrast, T1-weighted MRI showing distribution of Gd-DTPA contrast and—presumably—PVS-RIPO within the brain.

FIG. 5 (formerly FIG. 15). MRI from Jun. 6, 2012. Axial, postcontrast, T1-weighted MRI showing disease stability.

FIG. 6 (formerly FIG. 16). MRI from Jul. 9, 2012. Axial, postcontrast, T1-weighted MRI revealed concerns for disease progression.

FIG. 7 (formerly FIG. 17). 18-FDG PET scan from Jul. 11, 2012. The results suggest the absence of hypermetabolic activity in the area of concern on MRI.


The inventors have developed a viral construct for use in humans. Previously, laboratory grade preparations of the viral construct have been tested in cell culture and in animal models. But these tests are not sufficient to attribute any effect to the viral construct itself, rather than other elements in the crude, laboratory grade preparations. Moreover, as is well known in the art, cell culture and animal models are not predictive of efficacy in humans.

Because the poliovirus is a potential disease agent, extra precautions must be taken to ensure that disease-causing agents are not introduced to the subjects. Using good manufacturing procedures and purifications, a preparation was made that was sufficiently pure to permit introduction into humans in a trial.

Any technique for directly administering the preparation to the tumor may be used. Direct administration does not rely on the blood vasculature to access the tumor. The preparation may be painted on the surface of the tumor, injected into the tumor, instilled in or at the tumor site during surgery, infused into the tumor via a catheter, etc. One particular technique which may be used is convection enhanced delivery.

Any human tumor can be treated, including both pediatric and adult tumors. The tumor may be in any organ, for example, brain, prostate, breast, lung, colon, and rectum, Various types of tumors may be treated, including, for example, glioblastoma, medulloblastomas, carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, etc. Other examples of tumors include, adrenocortical carcinoma, anal cancer, appendix cancer, grade I (anaplastic) astrocytoma, grade II astrocytoma, grade III astrocytoma, grade IV astrocytoma, atypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor of the central nervous system, basal cell carcinoma, bladder cancer, breast sarcoma, bronchial cancer, bronchoalveolar carcinoma, cervical cancer, craniopharyngioma, endometrial cancer, endometrial uterine cancer, ependymoblastoma, ependymoma, esophageal cancer, esthesioneuroblastoma, Ewing's sarcoma, extracranial germ cell tumor, extragonadal germ cell tumor, extrahepatic bile duct cancer, fibrous histiocytoma, gall bladder cancer, gastric cancer, gastrointestinal carcinoid tumor, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, gestational trophoblastic tumor, gestational trophoblastic tumor, glioma, head and neck cancer, hepatocellular cancer, Hilar cholangiocarcinoma, hypopharyngeal cancer, intraocular melanoma, islet cell tumor, Kaposi sarcoma, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, large-cell undifferentiated lung carcinoma, laryngeal cancer, lip cancer, lung adenocarcinoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, medulloepithelioma, melanoma, Merkel cell carcinoma, mesothelioma, endocrine neoplasia, nasal cavity cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, neuroblastoma, oral cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, osteosarcoma, ovarian clear cell carcinoma, ovarian epithelial cancer, ovarian germ cell tumor, pancreatic cancer, papillomatosis, paranasal sinus cancer, parathyroid cancer, penile cancer, pharyngeal cancer, pineal parenchymal tumor, pineoblastoma, pituitary tumor, pleuropulmonary blastoma, renal cell cancer, respiratory tract cancer with chromosome 15 changes, retinoblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, salivary gland cancer, small cell lung cancer, small intestine cancer, soft tissue sarcoma, squamous cell carcinoma, squamous non-small cell lung cancer, squamous neck cancer, supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor, supratentorial primitive neuroectodermal tumor, testicular cancer, throat cancer, thymic carcinoma, thymoma, thyroid cancer, cancer of the renal pelvis, urethral cancer, uterine sarcoma, vaginal cancer, vulvar cancer, and Wilms tumor.

Optionally, patients may be stratified on the basis of NECL5 expression. This can be assayed at the RNA or protein level, using probes, primers, or antibodies, for example. The NECL5 expression may guide the decision to treat or not treat with the chimeric poliovirus of the present invention. The NECL5 expression may also be used to guide the aggressiveness of the treatment, including the dose, frequency, and duration of treatments.

Treatment regimens may include, in addition to delivery of the chimeric poliovirus construct, surgical removal of the tumor, surgical reduction of the tumor, chemotherapy, biological therapy, radiotherapy. These modalities are standard of care in many disease states, and the patient need not be denied the standard of care. The chimeric poliovirus may be administered before, during, or after the standard of care. The chimeric poliovirus may be administered after failure of the standard of care.

Applicants have found that the clinical pharmaceutical preparation of the chimeric poliovirus has admirable genetic stability and homogeneity. This is particularly advantageous as the poliovirus is known to be highly mutable both in culture and in natural biological reservoirs. Any suitable assay for genetic stability and homogeneity can be used. One assay for stability involves testing for the inability to grow at 39.5 degrees C. Another assay involves bulk sequencing. Yet another assay involves testing for primate neurovirulence.

While applicants do not wish to be bound by any particular mechanism of action, it is believed that multiple mechanisms may contribute to its efficacy. These include lysis of cancer cells, recruitment of immune cells, and specificity for cancer cells. Moreover, the virus is neuro-attenuated.

The above disclosure generally describes the present invention. All references disclosed herein are expressly incorporated by reference. A more complete understanding can be obtained by reference to the following specific examples which are provided herein for purposes of illustration only, and are not intended to limit the scope of the invention.


Animal tumor models. An IND-directed efficacy trial of PVS-RIPO was conducted in the HTB-15 GBM xenograft model in athymic mice. PVS-RIPO (from the clinical lot) was administered at the ‘mouse-adjusted’, FDA-approved max. starting dose [the FDA-approved max. starting dose (10e8 TCID) was adjusted for the reduced tumor size in mice (to 6.7×10e6 TCID)]. Delivery mimicked the intended clinical route, i.e., slow intratumoral infusion. Under these conditions, PVS-RIPO induced complete tumor regress in all animals after 15 days (FIG. 8A). While virus was recovered from treated tumors until day 10, the levels were modest at best, indicating that direct viral tumor cell killing alone cannot account for the treatment effect (FIG. 8B)

Evidence from animal tumor models suggests that intratumoral inoculation of PVS-RIPO causes direct virus-induced tumor cell killing and elicits a powerful host immunologic response against the infected/killed tumor (3, 7, 10). The response to virus infusion is characterized by a strong, local inflammatory response, leading to immune infiltration of the tumor. Eventually the slow tissue response to PVS-RIPO infusion leads to the demise of the tumor mass and its replacement by a scar.


Clinical trials. IND no. 14,735 ‘Dose-finding and Safety Study of PVSRIPO Against Recurrent Glioblastoma’ was FDA-approved on Jun. 19, 2011 and IRB-approved on Oct. 27th, 2011. A phase I/II clinical trial in patients with recurrent glioblastoma (GBM) (NCT01491893) is currently enrolling patients.

Two human subjects have so far been treated with PVS-RIPO per IRB-approved protocol. Preliminary findings from the first subject are described in Example 3.


Preliminary findings with first human subject. The patient is a 21-year-old female nursing student diagnosed with a right frontal GBM (WHO grade IV). She was first diagnosed in 06/2011, at the age of 20 years, following a history of severe headaches and unsuccessful treatment for a suspected sinus infection. Brain imaging was obtained on Jun. 17, 2011 and showed a large right frontal mass, measuring ˜5×6 cm. She underwent a subtotal resection of the right frontal mass on Jun. 22, 2011, with pathology confirming GBM (WHO grade IV). Given the young age of the patient, her excellent performance status and the subtotal tumor resection, it was decided to treat her aggressively with a combination of six weeks of radiation therapy with concurrent Temodar chemotherapy at 75 mg/m2 by mouth daily and bevacizumab (antiangiogenic agent) administered every 2 weeks. The patient completed six weeks of treatment on Sep. 18, 2011. On Oct. 3, 2011, the patient initiated adjuvant therapy with monthly, five-day Temodar chemotherapy in addition to bevacizumab 10 mg/kg every two weeks.

On Apr. 16, 2012, the patient presented to clinic after having experienced her first generalized seizure, which occurred in her sleep. By that time, she had completed six months of the combination of Temodar and bevacizumab. She had attributed the seizure to increased stress at school, as she was completing a degree to become a pediatric oncology nurse, despite her diagnosis of GBM and ongoing chemotherapy treatment. The brain MRI obtained on that day showed tumor recurrence, with a new nodular enhancement along the medial aspect of the resection cavity (FIG. 12).

The patient was offered multiple treatment options, but elected to pursue the PVS-RIPO clinical trial. Following her first generalized seizure, she was initiated on Keppra, but forgot to take it on occasion and because of this and the known tumor recurrence, the patient experienced a second generalized seizure in her sleep on May 6, 2012. She went back to her baseline neurologic condition and was worked up to enroll on protocol.

A follow-up MRI was obtained on May 9, 2012 (FIG. 13), before the patient underwent infusion of PVS-RIPO on May 11, 2012 with the FDA-approved max. starting dose (10e8) by the intended clinical delivery method (convection-enhanced, intratumoral infusion of 3 mL of virus suspension containing the contrast Gd-DTPA over 6 hrs; see Example 4) and experienced no neurologic or other complications related to this.

An MRI obtained immediately after completion of the infusion documents the distribution of the infusate (FIG. 14).

Our research team followed up on the patient on a weekly basis and she was seen in clinic two weeks post infusion, at which time she denied any new neurologic symptoms, seizure recurrence, fatigue, shortness of breath or weakness. She again was evaluated in clinic on Jun. 7, 2012 and her physical and neurological conditions remained normal. The brain MRI obtained at that visit showed stability of the disease (FIG. 15).

The patient was seen in clinic on Jul. 9, 2012. Once more, she denied any new neurologic symptoms, including the absence of any recurrent seizure activity since the seizure observed on May 6, 2012, prior to PVS-RIPO infusion. She also reported that her mood was good, that she was content with her progress in nursing school, feeling that she is able to focus in school much better since after her infusion. She was also excited by her move with two roommates and by the fact that she is able to exercise regularly. Her brain MRI obtained on that day showed a slightly increased mass effect and minimal increase in superior linear enhancement, concerning for progression of disease (FIG. 16).

In view of worrisome radiographic changes with no clinical worsening, we decided to obtain an 18-FDG PET scan. The 18-FDG PET scan demonstrated hypometabolic activity in the area of concern on the MRI, suggestive of a necrotic process (treatment response effect; FIG. 17). The PET scan from 07/09 suggests the absence of viable tumor. After discussion with the patient and her mother, it was decided to continue to follow the patient from a clinical and radiographic standpoint.

In check-ups on 8/27 and 10/22 the patient denied any new neurologic symptoms, including the absence of any seizure activity since the seizure on May 6, 2012 (prior to PVS-RIPO infusion). The patient reports improved cognitive/memory function, motor function (exercise). As of 10/26, the patient is neurologically normal.

Because of the favorable radiographic presentation at 08/27, a PET scan was not ordered. The patient was re-scanned on 10/22 and there was a quantifiable radiographic response.

An MRI/PET overlay demonstrates the absence of signal from the general area of the tumor recurrence.


Convection infusion. Preoperatively the BrainLab iPlan Flow system is used to plan catheter trajectories based on predicted distributions using information obtained from a preoperative MRI.

This invention uses one mM of gadolinium, along with 124I-labeled human serum albumin to a surrogate tracer to identify the distribution of the poliovirus. This could be used for other drug infusions as well. The gadolinium and radio-labeled albumin is co-infused with the drug and various MRI sequences and PET imaging are used to quantify the distribution.

The entire volume of the agent to be delivered will be pre-loaded into a syringe by the investigational pharmacist and connected to the catheter under sterile conditions in the operating room or the NICU just prior to beginning of infusion. Due to the complexity of scheduling all of the necessary components for the infusion (operating room time, pharmacy time, and radiology appointments), a +1 day window has been built in to the study for the study drug infusion. This means that the infusion is allowed to start the following day after the biopsy/catheter placement. This will still be considered “day 0” in regards to the protocol and the timing of the subsequent events. At the time of virus injection, emergency drugs, including epinephrine and diphenhydramine will be available and the neurologic status, oxygen saturation, and cardiac rhythm will be monitored. Drug infusion will occur in the Neuro-Surgical Intensive Care Unit (NSCU) so that all other emergency facilities will be available. Patients will be treated with a prophylactic antibiotic such as nafcillin, a second-generation cephalosporin or vancomycin starting with the induction of anesthesia for the catheter placement.

Based on our own experience, previously published reports (19) and IRB- and FDA-approved trials using similar infusion techniques (IRB#4774-03-4R0), patients will be infused at a rate of 500 μL/hr. A Medfusion 3500 infusion pump will be pre-programmed to a delivery rate of 500 μL/hr. The agent (which will be in a total volume of 10 mL to account for ‘dead-space’ of 3.3723 mL in the infusion system) will be loaded in a 20 mL syringe into the syringe pump at the initial onset to avoid any interruptions in the infusion. The total amount of the inoculum delivered to the patient will be 3 mL. The catheter itself (30 cm length, 1 mm interior diameter) cannot be preloaded with virus suspension. Therefore, the initial ˜250 μL of infusion will be preservative-free salinein the ‘dead-space’ of the indwelling catheter. To account for this, the infusion pump will be programmed for delivery of 3.250 mL. The infusion will be performed using a Medfusion 3500 (Medex, Inc., Duluth, Ga.) syringe infusion pump. The virus injection procedure will be completed within 6.5 hrs. The catheter will be removed immediately following the delivery of PVSRIPO.

The infusion catheter (PIC 030) and infusion tubing (PIT 400) will be supplied by Sophysa, Inc. (Crown Point, Ind.). The Infusion Catheter Kit is a 30 cm clear, open-ended catheter (1.0 mm ID/2.0 mm OD) with 1 cm markings for 20 cm. The catheter comes with a 30 cm stainless steel stylet, a barbed female luer lock with cap and a stainless steel trocar. The Infusion Tubing Kit consists of a 3-way stopcock connector with air filter, 4 m of microbore tubing with antisiphon valve, a red, vented cap and a white luer lock cap. The catheter products are packaged sterile and non-pyrogenic and are intended for single (one-time) use only. The infusion will be performed using a Medfusion 3500 (Medex, Inc. Duluth, Ga.) syringe infusion pump.


The disclosure of each reference cited is expressly incorporated herein.

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  • 1. A method of treating a human harboring a glioblastoma tumor which expresses NECL5 (nectin- like protein 5), said method comprising the steps of: administering directly to the glioblastoma tumor in the human a chimeric poliovirus construct comprising a Sabin type I strain of poliovirus with a human rhinovirus 2 (HRV2) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in said poliovirus' 5′ untranslated region between said poliovirus' cloverleaf and said poliovirus' open reading frame.
  • 2. The method of claim 1 wherein convection enhanced delivery is used to administer the chimeric poliovirus construct.
  • 3. The method of claim 1 wherein the administering is intracerebral.
  • 4. The method of claim 1 wherein the administering is intracerebral infusion with convection enhanced delivery.
  • 5. The method of claim 4 wherein the administering is stereotactically guided.
  • 6. The method of claim 1 wherein the human is an adult.
  • 7. The method of claim 1 wherein the human is a child.
  • 8. The method of claim 6 wherein concurrent or serial chemotherapy is administered to the human.
  • 9. The method of claim 7 wherein concurrent or serial radiotherapy is administered to the human.
  • 10. The method of claim 1 wherein the glioblastoma tumor is subjected to surgical removal before or after administering the chimeric poliovirus construct.
  • 11. The method of claim 1 wherein prior to the step of administering the glioblastoma tumor is tested for expression of NECL5.
  • 12. A method of treating a human harboring a glioblastoma tumor which expresses NECL5 (nectin- like protein 5), said method comprising the steps of: testing a glioblastoma tumor to ascertain that it expresses NECL5;administering directly to the glioblastoma tumor in the human a chimeric poliovirus construct comprising a Sabin type I strain of poliovirus with a human rhinovirus 2 (HRV2) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in said poliovirus' 5′ untranslated region between said poliovirus' cloverleaf and said poliovirus' open reading frame, wherein the administering is stereotactically guided, intracerebral infusion with convection enhanced delivery.
  • 13. A method of delivering a clinical pharmaceutical preparation to a glioblastoma tumor in a human, comprising: administering via convection enhanced infusion through a single intratumoral catheter, a dose of a poliovirus construct within 6.5 hours, wherein said poliovirus construct is in a clinical pharmaceutical preparation comprising a Sabin type I strain of poliovirus with a human rhinovirus 2 (HRV2) internal ribosome entry site (IRES) in said poliovirus' 5′ untranslated region between said poliovirus' cloverleaf and said poliovirus' open reading frame; and gadolinium.
  • 14. The method of claim 13 wherein the tumor is a brain tumor.
  • 15. The method of claim 13 wherein the dose is delivered over a 6 hour period.
  • 16. The method of claim 13 wherein the tumor expresses NECL5.
  • 17. The method of claim 13 further comprising the step of testing the glioblastoma tumor to ascertain that it expresses NECL5.
  • 18. The method of claim 1 wherein the chimeric poliovirus construct is in a clinical pharmaceutical preparation comprising gadolinium.
  • 19. The method of claim 12 wherein the chimeric poliovirus construct is in a clinical pharmaceutical preparation comprising gadolinium.
  • 20. The method of claim 1 wherein the method further comprises administering a biological therapy.
  • 21. The method of claim 12 wherein the method further comprises administering a biological therapy.
  • 22. The method of claim 13 wherein the method further comprises administering a biological therapy.
Government Interests

This invention was made using funds provided by the United States government. The U.S. government retains certain rights according to the terms of grants from the National Institutes of Health R01 CA87537, P50 NS20023, R01 CA124756, and R01 CA140510.

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