Any garment related to and not limited to wetsuits, swimwear, sportswear, bikini, and two pieces swear wear that will embed an insulated water tight pocket. The receptacle will be stitched with a waterproof seam sealing tape to cover the needle holes and keep moisture out.
480 swimwear, Krystal Tabor is the inventor of the swimsuit that has a water tight pocket, at which she now resides in Apache Junction AZ 85119. She came up with a solution for every women who wants to have a functioning suit while doing anything that includes water sports. She was planning on going to the Salt River with friends and family, and as she was preparing for the trip, she needed to purchase a waterproof bag for her phone to wear around her neck. She also noticed all the baggage she would have to bring in order to make sure that she had all her essentials.
Instead, she grabbed one of her own one piece swimsuits, and cut an incision across the side of garment, and inserted the water proof bag into the incision. It wasn't the prettiest, and not fashionable, however it held the Iphone12, with currency and at least 2 debit cards with my drivers license in it. I sewed the bag in place, and jumped up and down to see if any movement would occur, it stayed in place with a slight movement. The date was Feb. 5, 2021 at 7:23 PM.
The purpose of this invention is to eliminate clutter, or loosing personal items such as keys, currency, and your phone. I hope to see the swimwear being used for the mothers who only need to worry about their children. Lifeguards who will only have to worry about saving people but also having any identification on hand, and for enjoyment such as myself who wanted to enjoy the Salt River without having to worry about loosing my phone, or dropping my belongings in the river.