The current invention concerns an optical digital transmission device, mono or bi-directional, allowing cross-connection, routing and switching at time, spatial and frequency level, of a certain number of electromagnetic beams carrying data or symbols. Said device uses a certain number of electromagnetic sources such as laser or other low/medium power sources, coupled to a certain number of optical matrix heads and a certain number of specific delay lines based on, for example optical fibers.
The all-optical cross-connection/routing/switching function, based on light beams, enables it to be use in various fields in telecommunications (such as point-to-point transmission, point-to-multipoint, for example in a confined environment such as waveguide or in free-space).
The cross-connection, routing and switching in very high speed telecommunication networks, using the dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) is performed by passive and/or active components, of optical, and/or optoelectronic and/or electronic type, integrating e.g. layers treatment, e.g. physical and/or network, configured/driven by application software. These systems include various devices based on micro-electromechanical mirrors with DMD/MEMS digital command, based on piezoelectric actuators, the latter based on liquid crystal or acoustic-optical crystal. Most of these technologies suffer from the induced latency, linked to electronic processing carried out through multiple components, resulting from the protocol operation obligations at each level performed for example with software, hardware or a combination of both. The challenge is to achieve an all-optical digital cross-connection/routing/switching component.
The principle of the invention relates to a device allowing the cross-connection/routing/switching in optical telecommunication networks, based on multi-sections optical rotating discs, single or double-sided, and a combination of specific geometry mirror/filters elements to permit a spatial/angular particular addressing, which depend on the desired effect: cross-connection/routing/switching level, cavity leap, sector leap, section leap, optical rotating disc leap, insertion into a delay line and recovery of the beam at the delay line output.
According to the different possible configurations, this digital optical transmission device can be completed at the input and/or output stage, e.g. with a certain number of optical matrix heads of crown/pyramid type, or block of mirrors/filters, and/or with a certain number of optical deviation periscopes. This device of matrix head is in charge of spatially and/or frequency addressing of the payload to the right conduit, materialized by the “spatial” and “time” collimation through a series of reflections/transmissions between different virtual conduits/pipes, coupled, for example, at a specific moment, to ensure the gaussian beams effective propagation. This device is supplemented by a certain number of delay lines to reprocess, through a number of multi-frames, the resynchronization of different signals. A certain number of simultaneous streams, e.g. two, three or more, with the same payload, will power the said device, ensuring flow continuity and information integrity. The use of passive elements such as mirror/filter allows input/output reversibility of the device (bidirectional simultaneous transmission).
The digital optical transmission device is intended for cross-connection/routing/switching applications in the optical telecommunications networks.
The invention is illustrated by the following figures:
FIG. 1 illustrates, in perspective, the digital optical transmission composed of a certain number of optical rotating discs, a certain number of delay lines, and a certain number of sources organized or not, e.g. as a matrix, e.g. with an optical matrix head of a crown/pyramid or block of mirrors/filters type.
FIG. 2 illustrates, in a sectional view and a front view, a possible architecture of an optical rotating disc, part of the digital optical transmission.
FIG. 3 illustrates, in a front view, a certain number of possible light beams paths on one side of an optical rotating disc.
FIG. 4 illustrates, in a sectional view, possible cavities variants allowing the flow of a certain number of beams on both sides of an optical rotating disc.
FIG. 5 illustrates, in a sectional view, a digital optical transmission variant achieved through a certain number of optical rotating discs with different heights of sectors.
FIG. 6 illustrates, in an above and front view, a one axis structure of the digital optical transmission consisting of a certain number of optical rotating discs.
FIG. 7 illustrates, in an above and front view, a two axes structure variant of the digital optical transmission.
FIG. 8 illustrates, in an above and front view, a three axes structure variant of the digital optical transmission.
FIG. 9 illustrates, in an above view, another three axes structure variant of the digital optical transmission.
FIG. 10 illustrates, in an above view, another three axes structure variant of the digital optical transmission.
FIG. 11 illustrates, in a front view, another three axes structure variant of the digital optical transmission, where two of the three optical rotating discs are partially overlapped.
FIG. 12 illustrates, in a front view, another three axes structure variant of the digital optical transmission where the three optical rotating discs are partially overlapped.
FIG. 13 illustrates, in perspective, a variant of the digital optical transmission composed of MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) mirror elements.
As a reference to the drawings, the digital optical transmission device, represented in perspective (FIG. 1), consist of:
- an input stage, e.g. of a certain number of optical matrix heads, e.g. (1), (2) and (3) composed of a certain number of rings and a certain number of central pyramid-shaped elements, and/or, e.g. (4), (5) and (6) of a certain number of structured mirrors/filters stages, e.g. of matrix structure;
- a stage of a digital optical transmission composed of a certain number of optical rotating discs, e.g. (7), (8), (9), (10) and (11), parallel or not, aligned or not, shared out onto a certain number of rotation axes in the same plane or not, each with a specific rotation speed, on which are arranged, according to a specific organization, a certain number of mirrors/filters e.g. (12), (13), (14), (15) and (16);
- a certain number of delay lines, e.g. (17), (18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23) and (24) addressed or not through a certain number of complementary mirror/filters e.g. (25) and (26);
- and an output stage, e.g. a certain number of optical matrix heads, e.g. (27), (28) and (29) composed of a certain number of rings and a certain number of central pyramid-shaped elements, and/or e.g. (30), (31), and (32) of a certain number of structured mirrors/filters stages, e.g. matrix structure.
According to the achievement variants, the input stage and the output stage may be identical or not. By means of a digitally lock of the specific rotating speeds of the different optical rotating discs, and to a fast steering electronic, the device performs,—with a specific combination of cavities/mirrors/ filters/delay line at any given moment—a particular angular addressing of the output stage resulting of the different successive transmissions reflections done simultaneously by a certain number of beams during the crossing of the device and by the incidence angle of a certain number of beams of the input stage.
According to the possible achievement variant (FIG. 2), an optical rotating disc (33) for digital optical transmission is made of a certain number of mirrors/filters (34) put into the device or at the surface, with a specific geometry, and/or made of a certain number of cavities (35), with or without bottom. All these cavities and mirrors/filters are spread over both sides of the optical rotating discs, according to a certain number of sectors, sections, quadrants. These are superposed or not, removable or not.
On one side (FIG. 3) of an optical rotating disc (33), the organization and specific orientation of the mirrors/filters on the different sectors allow a certain number of incident beams to follow a certain number of possible paths, e.g. axial translation (36), cavity/mirror/filter leap (37), section leap (38), sector leap (39), quadrant leap (40) or any combination (41). Similarly (FIG. 4), the cavities organization with or without bottom, supplemented by a certain number of mirrors/filters having themselves a specific orientation, on both sides of optical rotating discs, e.g. (33) and (42), constituting the digital optical transmission device, allows a certain number of beams, side leap, e.g. (43) and (44), optical rotating disc leap and/or crossing, e.g. (45), (46) and (47), the integration and/or extraction (48) in a delay line. Thus, at any given moment, each beam coming from the input stage is guided by a specific combination of successive reflections/transmissions through the digital optical transmission device to finish with a specific incidence angle on the output stage.
Another alternative of the optical rotating discs (FIG. 5) is to achieve a certain number of sectors with different heights. The optical rotating disc, used on the external (49) or internal side (50), allows then the incident or emerging beams treatment on the edge of each stacked track.
Depending on the obstruction constraints and/or on the desired cross-connection/routing/switching combinations number, a certain number of optical rotating discs, e.g. (FIG. 6) may be arranged along an axis (51). This figure (FIG. 6) illustrates e.g. a possible distribution along an axis of a certain number of optical rotating discs, e.g. (52), (53), (54), (55) and (56).
A possible alternative is the creation of a multi-axes digital optical transmission, where a certain number of optical rotating discs are shared out into staggered rows or not, on a certain number of rotation axes. Optical rotating discs may be coplanar or not, overlapped or not.
Among the different possible variants, the digital optical transmission (FIG. 7) has two rotation axes (51) and (57), on which is positioned a certain number of optical rotating discs, e.g. (52), (53), (54), (55) and (56), on the rotation axis (51) and (58), (59), (60), (61) and (62) on the rotation axis (57). Optical rotating discs are partially overlapped, in order to achieve an alignment in a certain number of points of the cavities/mirrors/filters between two optical rotating discs with a different axis, e.g. (56) and (62), or they are on the same plane and specific mirrors/filters realize the leaps of the optical rotating discs. All the optical rotating discs turn at the same speed or not, the latter being constant or not.
Another alternative (FIG. 8) and (FIG. 9) is the creation of a multi-axes digital optical transmission with, e.g. three rotation axes (51), (57) and (63). Several configurations of the rotation axes of the optical rotating discs are then possible, e.g. on the same plane without overlap (FIG. 8) where the optical rotating discs of the same plane, e.g. (56), (62), and (64), include a certain number of mirrors/filters allowing leaps between the different sides of a single optical rotating disc and/or leaps onto optical rotating discs, placed towards each other or not.
Among the other possibilities offered by this multi-axes configuration type, optical rotating discs can be: on the same plane, e.g. (FIG. 8), or partially overlapping, e.g. halfway (FIG. 9) and (FIG. 10). Optical rotating-discs being all on different planes, e.g. in staggered rows (FIG. 10), or (FIG. 9), include a certain number of axes, e.g. (51) and (63), allowing the positioning of a certain number of optical rotating discs on the same plane, e.g. (56) and (64), facing a certain number of other optical rotating discs, e.g. (62).
Similarly, it is possible to achieve a configuration (FIG. 11), where a number of optical rotating discs, e.g. two (56) and (62), are partially overlapped in order to superpose their sectors, completed with a number of other optical rotating discs, e.g. (64), overlapping none of the previous discs.
Another alternative (FIG. 12) is the overlap of a certain number of optical rotating discs, e.g. three (56), (62) and (64), to achieve a certain number of alignment points of the cavities or mirror/filters on the sides of the optical rotating discs, e.g. (65), (66) and (67).
Depending on the availability and performance of the different possible technologies, the cross-connection, routing, switching at a spatial, time and frequency level, achieved by optical rotating discs, can be replaced and/or supplemented by a certain number of micro-electro-mechanical mirrors, liquid crystal, polygonal scanner, etc. The digital optical transmission (FIG. 13) is carried out, e.g. with a certain number of micro-electro-mechanical mirrors matrices, e.g. (68), (69), (70), (71), (72) and (73), which reflect the incident beams coming from the input stage, e.g. an optical matrix head of the crown/pyramid (74) type or block of mirrors/filters (76), to the output stage, e.g. an optical matrix head of the crown/pyramid (75) type or block of mirrors/filters (77), with a certain number of specific angles resulting from a series of reflections on a certain number of matrices with specific guidelines at a given moment. An electronic control permits to select this specific addressing combination allowing a cross-connection/routing/switching of the beams at the output on an optical matrix head or not.
Depending on the alternatives, the digital optical transmissions and/or optical matrix heads, e.g. of the crown/pyramid (75) type or block of mirrors/filters (77), are supplemented or not by a certain number of optical deviation periscopes. The device of digital optical transmission, with a combination of increasing deflection angle on the mirrors/filters of one side, and of increments of that angle between different successive optical rotating discs, e.g. 1 degree for the first optical rotating disc, 5 degrees for the second, 10 degrees for the third . . . , achieves, with a series of specific combinations of successive reflections/transmissions, an angular commutation device of a certain number of beams.