Absorption-influenced laser damage resistance of Ta205 coatings By Wolf, OPTCA ACTA, 1986, vol. 33, No. 7, 919-924. |
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 55th Edition 1974-1975 (no month). |
Bergmann et al., Lehrbuchder Experimentalphysilew, vol. III, Optic, Ed. B. pp. 43-1 (1987) (no month available). |
Effects of Oxygen Content on the optical Properties of Tantalum Oxide . . . , by Demiryont, Applied Optics/vol. 24, No. 4/15 Feb. 1985. |
Technology and applications of broad-beam ion sources in sputtering Part II. Applications; by Harper, J.Vac.Sci. Technol., 21(3), Sep./Oct. 1982. |
Optische Beschichtungen fur Hochleistungslaser Optical . . . Risiau Jun. 1989. |
The Optical Properties of Thin Films of Tantalum Pentoxide Zirconium Dioxide, Khawaja, Jun. 13, 1975. |
Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Selected Properties of Pyrolytic Ta205 Films, Knausenberger, Jul. 1973. |
Materials for Optical Coatings in the Ultraviolet; by Rainer, Applied Optics/vol. 24, No. 4/15 Feb. 1985. |