Optical layer survivability and security system

An optical signaling header technique applicable to optical networks wherein packet routing information is embedded in the same channel or wavelength as the data payload so that both the header and data payload propagate through network elements with the same path and the associated delays. The technique effects survivability and security of the optical networks by encompassing conventional electronic security with an optical security layer by generating replicated versions of the input data payload at the input node, and the transmission of each of the replicated versions over a corresponding one of the plurality of links. Moreover, each of the links is composed of multiple wavelengths to propagate optical signals or optical packets, and each of the replicated versions of the data payload may be propagated over a selected one of the wavelengths in each corresponding one of the plurality of links.


1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates generally to optical communication systems and, more particularly, to a secure and survivable optical system, characterized by high throughput and low latency network traffic, which deploys an optical signaling header propagating with the data payload to convey security and survival information.

2. Description of the Background

Recent research advances in optical Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology have fostered the development of networks that are orders of magnitude higher in transmission bandwidth and lower in latency than existing commercial networks. While the increase in throughput and the decrease in latency are impressive, it is also necessary to ensure secure and survivable propagation in order to realize the Next Generation Internet (NGI) vision of providing the next generation of ultra-high speed networks that can meet the requirements for supporting new applications, including national initiatives. Towards this end, current research efforts have focused on developing an ultra-low latency Internet Protocol (IP) over WDM optical packet switching technology that promises to deliver the three-fold goal of high throughput, low latency, as well as secure and survivable networks. Such efforts, while promising, have yet to fully realize this three-fold goal. The problems to be mitigated with a secure and survivable network are set forth in the following description.

A. Possible “Attack” Methods

New forms of Optical Layer Survivability and Security (OLSAS) are essential to counter signal misdirection, eavesdropping (signal interception), and denial of service (including jamming) attacks that can be applied to currently deployed and future optical networks. The signal misdirection scenario can be thought of as a consequence of an enemy taking control of a network element or a signaling (control) channel. Possible optical eavesdropping (signal interception) methods can include (i) non-destructive fiber tapping, (ii) client layer tapping, and (iii) non-linear mixing. (Destructive fiber tapping is also a possibility, but this scheme is readily detectable by monitoring power on individual channels.) A description of each of these methods is now summarized:

(i) Non-destructive fiber tapping can be the result of: (a) fiber bending resulting in 1-10% of the optical signal (all wavelengths if a WDM system are used) being emitted out of the fiber cladding and being gathered and amplified by an eavesdropper; (b) fiber-side fusion involving stripping the fiber cladding and fusing two fiber cores together as another way to perform signal interception (note that this is an extremely difficult technique to implement); (c) acousto-optic diffraction involving placing acousto-optic devices on the fiber, which results in the leakage of 1-10% of the optical signal (all wavelengths) outside the fiber cladding. There are three examples of non-destructive fiber tapping, as follows:

(ii) Client layer tapping is the result of measuring the non-zero residuals of other channels by the switches of the multiplexers/demultiplexers. When the signal goes through the optical switches, part of the optical signal that is not dropped at the client layer will appear at the client interface. Even though this signal will have very low power levels, in many instances it can result in recognizable information.

(iii) Non-linear mixing involves sending a high-power pump wave to achieve, for example, four-wave-mixing and in turn map all channels to different wavelengths that are monitored by a malicious user. This technique requires phase matching at dispersion zero wavelength on the fiber.

Finally, denial of service can be the result of a variety of attacks. Some of these attacks include using a high-intensity saturating source, a UV bleach, or a frequency chirped source to jam the optical signal.

B. Comparison With Other Approaches

The three approaches that are currently used to perform encryption of the electronic data in the optical layer are the following: (i) chaotic optical encryption; (ii) quantum optical encryption; and (iii) optical spread spectrum encryption. All three schemes can be used underneath the electronic encryption layer to protect the information from possible attacks.

(i) Chaotic Optical Encryption

The chaotic optical encryption technique uses what is called “chaotic systems” as the optical encryption method. These are single wavelength chaotic synchronous fiber lasing systems that use amplitude or frequency modulation to introduce a “chaotic state” in the network. The information transmitted through the network is encoded onto chaos at the transmitter side and decoded at the receiver side. This is accomplished by using a synchronized “chaotic state” at the receiving end in order to “deencrypt” the original optical signal. Communications method using chaotic lasers have been demonstrated, with representative references being: (1) C. Lee, J. Lee, D. Williams, “Secure Communications Using Chaos”, Globecom 1995; and (2) D. Drake, D. Williams, “Pseudo-chaos for Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum Communications”, SPIE, Photonics East, Philadelphia, 1995. The schemes utilized a relatively small message embedded in the larger chaotic carrier that is transmitted to a receiver system where the message is recovered from the chaos. The chaotic optical source and receiver are nearly identical, so that the two chaotic behaviors can synchronize. There are a number of shortcomings for this method, which the technique in accordance with the present invention overcomes.

First, the chaotic behaviors are highly susceptible to changes in the initial conditions. The probability for the receiving end chaotic laser to synchronize its chaotic behavior gets much smaller as the initial conditions wander. For instance, if the two chaotic lasers drift in their relative cavity length due to changes in the ambient, the probability of synchronization drops very rapidly. Hence, multiple receiving users must all synchronize the path length of their lasers. The situation becomes more complex for WDM networks deployed in the field, since cross-modulations in polarization, phase, and amplitude between multiple channels are bound to alter the initial conditions seen by the receiving users. In fact, nonlinear optical effects such as self-phase-modulation will even alter the spectrum of the chaotic carrier. It is difficult to expect such synchronization to be successful for every packet in multiwavelength optical networks. Previously it has been shown with optical network elements equipped with clamped erbium-doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) and Channel Power Equalizers (CPEs), lasing in the closed cycles does affect transport characteristics of other wavelength channels, even if it does not saturate the EDFAs. Chaotic oscillations in a transparent optical network due to lasing effect in a closed cycle have been observed. They are attributed to the operation of multiple channel power equalizers within the optical ring. The presence of unstable ring lasers can cause power penalties to other wavelength channels through EDFA gain fluctuation, even though these EDFAs are gain clamped. It has also been found that the closed cycle lasing does not saturate the gain clamped EDFAs in the cycle because the lasing power is regulated by the CPEs. This observation and analysis have significant impacts on the design and operation of network elements in transparent WDM networks.

Second, the noise and the chaotic behaviors are highly frequency dependent. Such a chaotic method, even if it works well for one particular data format, cannot work well for a wide range of data formats.

Third, the accommodation of chaotic optical carrier is made at the expense of useful signal bandwidth, network coverage, and network capacity. To enhance the probability of synchronization, the chaotic optical carrier must possess reasonably high optical power and consequently sacrifices the power available for the data. A simple signal-to-noise argument leads us to the conclusion that the network capacity and network reach will significantly drop due to excessive power in the chaotic carrier.

Fourth, the network must agree on a fixed configuration of the chaotic lasers for both transmitters and receivers. Once the eavesdropper acquires or learns this information, the entire network will be open to this eavesdropper. The method in accordance with the present invention, on the other hand, can vary the security coding from packet to packet for every wavelength channel.

(ii) Quantum Optical Encryption

The second method applies optical encryption at the quantum level by using the state of photons (e.g., polarization of the photons) to detect a security breach. The main idea behind this approach is the encoding of the information in a string of randomly chosen states of single photons. Anyone trying to eavesdrop by tapping part of the light must perform a measurement on the quantum state, thus modifying the state of the light. This modification of the state of the photons can then be used to detect a security breach. Representative references pertaining to this subject matter are: (1) C. Bennett, G. Brassard, A. Ekert, “Quantum Cryptography”, Scientific American, 1992; and (2) C. Bennett, F. Bessette, G. Brassard, L. Salvail, J. Smolin, “Experimental Quantum Cryptography”, Journal of Cryptology, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1992. One of the fundamental problems of this technique is that it is slow (data rates of only a few Mb/sec can be accommodated) and it can only be applied to communications that span short distances (a few Km). Furthermore, when the optical signal travels relatively long distances, the polarization of the photons may change (even if polarization dispersion fiber is used). This will generate a false alarm. Finally, another problem that arises is whether an attack (security breach) may be carried out that will be undetectable to the parties involved in the secure communication (i.e., the polarization of the photons does not change when an eavesdropper taps part of the light).

(iii) Spread Spectrum Techniques in Optical Domain

The third approach uses the spread spectrum technique to distribute the information packets to a number of different wavelengths. The section that follows tries to identify how this new technique compares to the classical spread spectrum techniques that are currently being used to provide security in mobile systems. Spread spectrum communication was originated


years ago; the main purpose then was to protect military communication signals against jamming. In that scheme, frequency hopping and frequency agile multiple access (FDMA) techniques were employed. Later on, CDMA (code-division multiple access) and SDMA (space-division multiple access) were developed to enhance the communication channel capacity and performance.

The CDMA method can increase the channel capacity by almost 10-fold over other access methods, but it is sensitive to both terrestrial signal interference and the noise added in-band by the simultaneous presence of multiple users. Thus, transmitter power control and forward error control (FEC) adjustment is very crucial to the performance of CDMA systems. These systems operate with low bit error rate (BER) (10


is a typical number) and low data rates (on the order of Kbps).

The inventive OLSAS mechanism combines all three approaches employed in the RF domain, namely, frequency hopping and frequency division multiple access (FDMA), CDMA, and SDMA. Rather than increasing the system access capacity at the expense of adding noise in the signal band, a different view of the performance and bandwidth/capacity management in dense WDM optical networks is taken. The abundant bandwidth provided by the WDM optical cross-connects with more wavelengths (e.g., 128) at higher bit rates (10 Gb/s) is traded for each fiber port.


These and other shortcomings and limitations of the prior art are obviated, in accordance with the present invention, by a methodology and concomitant circuitry for propagating an input data payload received from a source over an optical network to effect survivability and security, the optical network including optical nodes and optical links interconnecting the nodes, one of the nodes serving as an input node with the input node being coupled to a plurality of the links for propagation, wherein the methodology broadly includes (a) the generation and storage of replicated versions of the input data payload at the input node; and (b) the optical transmission of each of the replicated versions over a corresponding one of the plurality of links. Moreover, each of the links is composed of multiple wavelengths to propagate optical signals or optical packets, and each of the replicated versions of the data payload may be propagated over a selected one of the wavelengths in each corresponding one of the plurality of links.

In addition, a sequence of related data payloads may be partitioned to form data subsets. Once partitioned, the each of the subsets may be propagated over a selected one of the wavelengths composing the corresponding one of the links.

To effect added security to the transmission of the data payload(s), the replicated data payloads can be interleaved to form interleaved subsets, and these subsets can be propagated over a selected one of the wavelengths composing the corresponding one of the links.

To accomplish propagation through the optical network, a header is added to each of the replicated versions of the data payload(s), and the header with its associated payload is propagated as a combined optical signal through the optical network. The optical links/wavelengths are advantageously selected using a time-dependent assignment algorithm. The header information may include information about the assignment of links/wavelengths so the receiving node can appropriately re-assemble/re-sequence the plurality of incoming optical signals to arrive at the original replicated versions. One of the replicated versions is selected as being representative of the original sequence of data payloads.

The security and survivability aspects of the present invention are further implemented with an optical-label switching methodology to effect propagation of the data payload over the optical network. Broadly, with this method aspect of the invention, the following steps are carried out to propagate a data payload from an input network element to an output network element over a wavelength division multiplexing network composed of a plurality of network elements and links interconnecting the network elements, the data payload having a given format and protocol: (a) generating and storing a local routing table in each of the network elements, each local routing table determining alternative local routes through the associated one of the network elements and the corresponding links; (b) generating and storing replicated versions of the data payload in the input network element; (c) adding an optical header to each of the replicated versions of the data payload to produce a plurality of corresponding packets, the header having a format and protocol and being indicative of the local route through each of the network elements for each of the packets, the format and protocol of the data payload being independent of the format and protocol of the header; (d) transmitting each of the packets over a corresponding one of the links; (e) detecting the header of each of the packets at the network elements as each of the packets propagates through the WDM network; (f) selecting one of the local routes for routing each of the packets through each of the network elements by looking up the header in the corresponding local routing table; and (g) routing each of the packets to the output network element through the network elements in correspondence to the selected route.

To further effect optical-label switching, each header is composed of one or more header signals each being conveyed by a distinct sub-carrier frequency and arranged so that the highest detectable sub-carrier frequency corresponds to an active header signal, the plurality of sub-carrier frequencies occupying a frequency band above the input data payload. Then, in the label-switching approach, the step of detecting includes the steps of (i) concurrently measuring the header signals to produce a header selection signal, (ii) selecting the active header signal as conveyed by the highest detectable sub-carrier frequency under control of the header selection signal, and (iii) processing the active header signal to obtain the switch control signal for routing the optical signal.

Finally, whenever it is necessary to swap or replace the label as the optical signal traverses the links because of, for example, a link outage, illustratively the method above can be further by the completing the steps of, prior to the step of routing: (1) determining a new active header signal, and (2) inserting into the corresponding one of the optical signals the new active header signal as conveyed by a next highest sub-carrier frequency exceeding the highest detectable sub-carrier frequency.

Features of the inventive subject matter in accordance with the present invention are now elucidated.

The optical-label (or optical-tag) switched packet has a header and a data payload, and the inventive OLSAS method writes optical layer security features to the header of each packet. Thus, eavesdroppers must attempt to break into the encryption for each and every packet independently. The optical header holds the security features such as the “key” information for decrypting the spectrum spread and packet sequencing numbers. It is difficult to break into this underlying scheme on a packet by packet basis. In addition, the code-division-multiple access nature of this security measure also makes this method relatively immune to the jamming attempt by the enemy—the wavelength jamming will affect packet survivability scheme only if such jamming signals fortuitously match the layers of security coding. The inventive encryption method is practically guaranteed to work so long as the optical label-switched packets are transported with required integrity. The authorized network users can decrypt each packet with the authorized network access key and a synchronized Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator (SPRNG) workstation in both transmitter and receiver pair.

The OLSAS mechanism based on Dense WDM (DWDM) optical-label switching offers a number of advantages over other methods such as conventional security measures and methods using synchronized chaotic links. The conventional encryption method implemented on a single (wavelength) channel is susceptible to an eavesdropper who has acquired the decryption key. In such cases, the eavesdropper can continue to decrypt all incoming data until caught or the key is changed. Changing keys dynamically is even more difficult, since the sender must announce such changes by a different, secure means. However, by adding secure key distribution and synchronization, significant advantages are obtained. First, it is possible to integrate strong cryptographic authentication along with key distribution as a basis for data integrity. Second, the chosen secret-sharing mechanisms can be varied rapidly and unpredictably in ways that make the adversary's task more complex. Because a single fiber may carry 128 different wavelengths, and a message may be split across an arbitrary number of these wavelengths, there exists a combinatorial explosion of keys indicating how a message is being transmitted and protected at any time, even if only a single fiber is considered. The inventive method can achieve secure communications by assigning packets onto randomly selected different wavelengths on packet-by-packet bases.

Authorized network users possess the network access key, which allows them to decrypt the signaling header for the packets coming in from the authorized sender. The decrypted signaling header possesses the information on the key for decrypting the data payload of the packet. This takes place for every packet with the information on the key varying from packet to packet.

Another difference lies in the fact that conventional security schemes, in practice, work only for fixed data formats and protocols. The inventive OLSAS method is based on the optical label switching, whereby the optical header and the data payload can have completely different formats and protocols. Hence it is possible to vary the data format and protocol, thus making the task more difficult for eavesdroppers or intruders.


The teachings of the present invention can be readily understood by considering the following detailed description in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1

depicts a high-level block diagram of the location of optical link security devices in the backbone network in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 2

shows an illustrative embodiment for transmitting packets over disjoint paths and over a subset of wavelengths;

FIGS. 3A and 3B

show illustrative embodiments for transmitting a subset of packets over disjoint paths without submitting all the packets of a session over a single path;

FIG. 4

is a pictorial representation of a general network illustrating the coupling between the optical and network layers of the network;

FIG. 5

illustrates the optical layer of

FIG. 4

showing the relationship between the optical signal header and data payload, and the use of the header/payload in network setup;

FIG. 6

depicts a high-level block diagram of an input node which effects header encoding and removing;

FIG. 7

depicts a high-level block diagram of control applied to an optical switch as engendered by label switching;

FIG. 8

is illustrative an a WDM circuit-switched backbone network;

FIG. 9

depicts a block diagram of an illustrative embodiment of a header detector circuit, an optical switch, and the forwarding table residing in the label switch controller;

FIG. 10

is a high-level block diagram of the transmit optical network module in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 11

illustrates the manner of transmitting and receiving packet streams from multiple optical links using the optical switch fabric;

FIG. 12

is a high-level block diagram of the receive optical network module in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 13

is a high-level block diagram flow chart for the operation of the OLSAS system;

FIG. 14

depicts the arrangement of the security features information in a traditional use and as deployed in the WDM sub-carrier label-switching arrangement in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 15

depicts a high-level block diagram of the optical network, the SOLC module, and the way the SOLC module sends synchronizing information to the secure optical network modules;

FIG. 16

is a block diagram of circuitry for detecting the active header signal and for inserting a new active header signal without local injection of light;

FIG. 17

is a block diagram of re-set circuitry for deleting all incoming header signals, and for inserting a new original header signal;

FIG. 18

is a block diagram of circuitry for detecting the active header signal and for inserting a new active header signal using the local injection of light; and

FIG. 19

is a block diagram of circuitry for removing a single header signal and replacing the removed header signal with a new header signal.

To facilitate understanding, identical reference numerals have been used, where possible, to designate identical elements that are common to the figures.


Overview of Optical Layer Survivability and Security (OLSAS) System

The techniques in accordance with the illustrative embodiments set forth in detail below provide various levels of protection against all three of the optical “attack” schemes described in the Background Section, as well as against other attack scenarios. By taking advantage of the existence of (a) multiple optical wavelengths and (b) diverse network paths, it is possible to transmit information in a manner that both increases network survivability and bolsters information integrity while mitigating the effects of eavesdropping, misdirection, and denial of service attacks. For instance, distributing information from a particular session across a (randomly selected) set of wavelengths (i.e., a subset of all possible wavelengths available on a link or in the network) can defend against non-destructive fiber tapping by an adversary or signal misdirection due to enemy takeover of a network node or a control channel. Furthermore, multiple paths allow for greater tolerance against denial of service attacks, such as jamming.

Also, it is important to note that the OLSAS techniques are complementary to existing or future security and survivability mechanisms within the electronic domain. These OLSAS techniques are not intended as a substitute for the vast array of security and encryption mechanisms currently available. Rather, they seek to enhance the electronic security mechanisms by offering an extra level of security within the optical (physical) layer using the strength of optical switching and multiplexing techniques.

A pictorial view of this two-tier security approach is shown in

FIG. 1

wherein system


in high-level block diagram form includes: (a) optical network backbone “cloud”


having WDM nodes


, . . . ,


coupled by optical paths


, . . . ,


, as depicted; (b) IP routers




, and


served by network backbone


; (c) end-to-end electronic security devices




, and


, each coupled to a respective IP router at its output; and (d) optical link security devices






, each respectively interposed between a corresponding electronic security device and network backbone


. The view of

FIG. 1

clearly illustrates the complementary nature of the electronic and optical security devices.

The OLSAS system has been devised to carry out information flow protection based on network and security features in the optical header, which is carried in-band within an individual wavelength and modulated out-of-band in the frequency domain. IP packets contained in each information flow are transported over at least two copies of several randomly selected wavelength channels via choices of multiple disjoint paths. Thus, “flows” or “streams” of data can be survivable based on these OLSAS techniques.

FIG. 2

below illustrates one embodiment of the OLSAS technique. IP packets from source IP Network #1


enter WDM backbone network


via IP router


and are destined for IP Network #2


via IP router


. WDM network


is composed of WDM nodes


, . . . ,


coupled by the links/edges as shown, namely, nodes




are coupled by link


, node


and node


are coupled by link


, and so forth. The packets emitted by router


are processed in the Transmit Optical Network Module (ONM)


interposed between router


and network


; in ONM


the electronic packets are converted to equivalent optical IP packets with an associated optical header. In addition, the ONM


applies the OLSAS technique (using, for example, a secure pseudo-random number generator (SPRNG) as discussed in more detail later) to choose multiple paths through the WDM network, each of which


carries a cryptographic share of the packets in a particular IP session. In the example of

FIG. 2

, there are two disjoint paths, Path 1 (composed of, in series, node


, link


, node


, link


, and node


), and Path 2 (composed of, in series, node


, link


, node


, link


, and node


). For each of Path 1 and Path 2, ONM


assigns a (same or different) pseudo-random subset of available wavelengths on which to transmit the “shares”, that is, a collection of packets, from a particular session. In

FIG. 2

, wavelengths λ


, . . . , λ


having reference numerals


, . . . ,


define a first subset of wavelengths for propagation over Path 1, whereas wavelengths λ


, . . . , λ


having reference numerals


, . . . ,


define a second subset of wavelengths for propagation over Path 2. One possible arrangement is to propagate packet 1 using λ


and packet N using λ


of Path 1; concurrently, packet 1 is transmitted using λ


and packet N using λ


of Path 2. The selection of multiple paths and wavelengths is varied at regular time intervals at a rate depending on the desired levels of survivability and security. The IP packet shares conveying the data payload are never examined or modified, thus preserving transparency and independence of the higher levels of the protocol stack.

At the far end, the IP packet shares are received by Receiver ONM


, converted back to electronic packets, and handed over to IP router


associated with IP Network #2.





are synchronized and, as alluded to, use any robust Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator (SPRNG) to coordinate the pseudo-random assignment of paths and wavelengths for a particular IP session. Cryptographically SPRNGs are necessary to construct the shares of the secrets and check the vectors described above. These generators produce output bits indistinguishable from truly random sources to any resource-bounded adversary. This implies that if one is presented with an output bit string from which any single bit is deleted, one cannot guess the missing bit with measurably better probability than 0.5. Since integrity or secrecy is based upon splitting a message among the wavelengths on a fiber, it may be necessary for maximum security to disguise the contents of the remaining unused wavelengths to make them indistinguishable from the live data. This will require a rather large supply of cryptographically strong pseudo-random bits. All of the coordination between source ONM


and destination ONM


is through the optical headers of the packets and does not rely on the underlying IP session, packets, applications, or particular data items.

The approach of

FIG. 2

is representative of one exemplary approach to effect secure transmissions which deploys two or more disjoint paths to carry information between different end systems. Another variation on the general approach is to not duplicate the information on the number of disjointed paths, but rather only a portion of the information is sent on each path. Even if the information on one path is tapped, and even if it is possible to calculate the subset of wavelengths used to carry that information, it is impossible to capture all the information being sent. The advantage of this variation is that an adversary needs to tap multiple paths and calculate the different subset of wavelengths in each such path in order to obtain the information being sent. Clearly, this variation becomes more effective when the number of disjoint optical paths increase. At the receiver side in this arrangement a number of paths are combined to obtain the original information being sent.

The method of securing a message by splitting it into shares or components is called secret sharing, that is, sharing splits information into multiple parts or shares. Some subsets of the shares are sufficient to reconstruct the secret information, but smaller subsets are insufficient. The so-called threshold schemes have the desirable property that insufficient subsets reveal no partial information about what is being protected, so they are called perfect. Perfect secret sharing of messages can provide secrecy with respect to passive adversaries and survivability with respect to network failures.

Typically with secret sharing, if one of the shares is corrupted, the wrong value will be reconstructed. Therefore, verifiable secret sharing has become an important extension of secret sharing providing integrity with respect to active adversaries capable of tampering. Verifiable secret sharing allows corrupted shares to be identified and removed. To accomplish this, simple checksums of all the shares can be distributed with each of the shares so any “honest majority” can always pinpoint the corrupted shares.

The block diagram of


illustrates this mechanism. In this example, message


is split into Share 1, Share 2, . . . , Share 5 (reference numerals




, respectively) whereby any three of which may be used to reconstruct message


. Shares 1, 3, and 5 are received intact, which is sufficient to reconstruct message


. An eavesdropper (reference numeral


) may get shares 1 and 3, but two shares alone reveal nothing about message


. Share 2, impacted by active wiretap


, produces Share 2* which is identified as an imposter and rejected by the majority (Shares 1, 3, and 5), whereas Share 4 never arrives at all due to a cable break shown by reference numeral




shows in pictorial fashion another example using three disjoint paths, namely, paths




, and


. On each path, two-thirds of the information is being sent (two out of three packets), a first packet on a first wavelength and a second packet on a second wavelength. If an adversary taps one path, and is able to calculate the appropriate subset of wavelengths being used, the adversary can only obtain two-thirds of the information being sent. At the receiver side, two paths are sufficient to obtain all the information.

Illustrative Embodiments

Illustrative Network for Deploying OLSAS Techniques

The OLSAS methodology is engendered by a technique called WDM optical label-switching—defined as the dynamic generation and determination of a routing path for a burst duration by an in-band optical signaling header. Data packets are routed through the WDM network using an in-band WDM signaling header for each packet. At a switching node, the signaling header is processed and the header and the data payload (1) may be immediately forwarded through an already existing flow state connection (to be discussed), or (2) a path can be setup for a burst duration to handle the header and the data payload. WDM label-switching enables highly efficient routing and throughput, and reduces the number of IP-level hops required by keeping the packets routing at the optical level to one hop as managed by the Network Control and Management (NC&M) which creates and maintains routing information.

It is instructive then to first discuss the general WDM network upon which the OLSAS technique is overlaid, before discussing the details of OLSAS method. This approach serves to introduce terminology useful for the description of the OLSAS overlay, as well as providing a heuristic motivation as to the purpose of the OLSAS techniques.

The depiction of

FIG. 4

shows the inter-relation between optical layer


and electrical layer


of generic network


as provided by intermediate layer


coupling the optical layer and the electrical layer. Electrical layer


is shown, for simplicity, as being composed of two conventional IP routers




. Optical layer


is shown as being composed of network elements or nodes




. Intermediate layer


depicts conventional ATM/SONET system


coupling IP router


to network element


. Also shown as part of layer


is header routing network


(the function of which is to be discussed in connection with the present invention) which couples IP router


to network element



FIG. 4

pictorially illustrates the location of network


on a national-scale, transparent WDM-based backbone network with full interoperability and reconfigurability. It is important to emphasize at this point that the elements of

FIG. 4

are illustrative of one embodiment; thus, for example, element


may, in another embodiment, be an ATM router or even a switch.

Now with reference to

FIG. 5

, optical layer



FIG. 4

is shown in more detail including the basic technique for setting up a fast connection in optical network


, composed of network elements




; the setup uses optical signaling header


for the accompanying data payload


. This technique combines the advantages of circuit-switched based WDM and packet-switched based IP technologies. New signaling information is added in the form of an optical signal header


, which is carried in-band within each wavelength in the multi-wavelength transport environment. Optical signaling header


is a label containing routing and control information such as the source, destination, priority, and the length of the packet, and propagates through optical network


preceding data payload


. Each WDM network element




senses optical signaling header


, looks-up a connection table (discussed later), and takes necessary steps such as cross-connections, add, drop, or drop-and-continue. The connection table is constantly updated by continuous communication between NC&M


and WDM network elements




through logical connections, such as channel


. Data payload


, which follows optical signaling header


, is routed through a path in each network element (discussed later) as established by the connection. With the arrangement of

FIG. 5

, there is no need to manage the time delay between optical signaling header


and data payload


, shown by T in

FIG. 5

, because each network element provides the optical delay needed for the short time required for connection set-up within each network element via delay of an interposed fiber. Moreover, the format and protocol of the data payload is independent of that of the header, that is, for a given network whereas the format and protocol of the header are pre-determined, the format and the protocol of the data payload can be the same as or different from those of the header.

Each destination is associated with a preferred path which minimizes ‘the cost’—in

FIG. 5

, the overall preferred path from source


to destination


includes paths




in cascade, both utilizing wavelength Wp. This cost is computed based on the total propagation distance, the number of hops, and the traffic load. The preferred wavelength is defaulted to the original wavelength. For example, the preferred wavelength on path


is Wp. If this preferred path at the default wavelength is already occupied by another packet, then network element


quickly decides if there is an available alternate wavelength Wa through the same preferred path. This alternate wavelength must be one of the choices offered by the limited wavelength conversion in network element


. If there is no choice of wavelengths which allows transport of the packet through the most preferred path, the next preferred path is selected (path deflection). For example, in

FIG. 5

, paths




in cascade may represent the alternative path. At this point, the preferred wavelength will default back to the original wavelength Wp. The identical process of looking for an alternate wavelength can proceed if this default wavelength is again already occupied. In

FIG. 5

, path


is an alternative path with the same wavelength Wp, and path


is an alternate path using alternate wavelength Wa. In an unlikely case where there is no combination of path and wavelength deflection that can offer transport of the packet, network element


will decide to drop the packet of lower priority. In other words, the new packet transport through the preferred path at the originating wavelength takes place by dropping the other packet of the lower priority which is already occupying the preferred path.

Network elements




are augmented with two types of so-called ‘Plug-and-Play’ modules to efficiently handle bursty traffic by providing packet switching capabilities to conventional circuit-switched WDM network elements




whereby signaling headers are encoded onto IP packets and are removed when necessary.

The first type of ‘Plug-and-Play’ module, represented by electro-optical element



FIG. 4

, is now shown in block diagram form in FIG.


. Whereas conceptually module


is a stand-alone element, in practice, module


is integrated with network element


as is shown in

FIG. 6

; module


is interposed between compliant client interface (CCI)


of network element


and IP router


to encode optical signaling header


onto the packets added into the network via header encoder


, and to remove optical signaling header


from the packets dropping out of the network via header remover



Generally, encoding/removing module


is placed where the IP traffic is interfaced into and out of the WDM network, which is between the client interface of the network element and the IP routers. The client interfaces can be either a CCI-type or a non-compliant client interface (NCI)-type. At these interfaces, header encoder


puts optical header


carrying the destination and other information in front of data payload


as the IP signal is transported into network


. Optical header


is based on the IP signal's original IP address, which is obtained from IP router


through interface


, and is encoded in the optical domain by an optical modulator. Signaling header remover


deletes header


from the optical signal dropped via a client interface, and provides an electrical IP packet to IP router



More specifically, module


accepts the electrical signal from IP router


, converts the electrical signal to a desired compliant wavelength optical signal, and places optical header


in front of the entire packet. Module


communicates with NC&M


and buffers the data before optically converting the data if requested by NC&M


. Module


employs an optical transmitter with the wavelength matched to the client interface wavelength.

FIG. 7

depicts a second type of ‘Plug-and-Play’ module, optical element


, which is associated with each WDM network element




, say element


for discussion purposes. Module


is interposed between conventional network element circuit switch controller


and conventional switching device


. Module


detects information from each signaling header


propagating over any fiber




, as provided to module


by tapped fiber paths




. Module


functions to achieve very rapid table look-up and fast signaling to switching device


. Switch controller


is functionally equivalent to the conventional “craft interface” used for controlling the network elements; however, in this case, the purpose of this switch controller


is to accept the circuit-switched signaling from NC&M


and determine which control commands are to be sent to label switch controller


based on the priority. Thus, label switch controller


receives circuit-switched control signals from network element circuit switch controller


, as well as information as derived from each signaling header


, and intelligently chooses between the circuit-switched and the label-switched control schemes. The switches comprising switching device


also achieve rapid switching. The delay imposed by fibers




, or


, which are placed in input paths




to switching device


, are such that the delay is larger than the total time it takes to read signaling header


, to complete a table look-up, and to effect switching. Approximately, a 2 km fiber provides 10 microsecond processing time. The types of WDM network elements represented by elements




and which encompass switching device


include: Wavelength Add-Drop Multiplexers (WADMs); Wavelength Selective Crossconnects (WSXCs); and Wavelength Interchanging Crossconnects (WIXCs) with wavelength conversion capabilities.

In operation, module


taps a small fraction of the optical signals appearing on paths




in order to detect information in each signaling header


, and determine the appropriate commands for switching device


after looking up the connection table stored in module


. The fiber delay is placed in paths




so that the packet having header


and payload


reaches switching device


only after the actual switching occurs. This fiber delay is specific to the delay associated with header detection, table look-up, and switching, and can typically be accomplished in about 10 microseconds with about 2 km fiber delay in fibers





Packets are routed through network


using the information in signaling header


of each packet. When a packet arrives at a network element, signaling header


is read and either the packet (a) is routed to a new appropriate outbound port chosen according to the label routing look-up table, or (b) is immediately forwarded through an already existing label-switching originated connection within the network element. The latter case is referred to as “flow switching” and is supported as part of optical label-switching; flow switching is used for large volume bursty mode traffic.

Label-switched routing look-up tables are included in network elements




in order to rapidly route the optical packet through the network element whenever a flow switching state is not set-up. The connection set-up request conveyed by optical signaling header


is rapidly compared against the label-switch routing lookup table within each network element. In some cases, the optimal connections for the most efficient signal routing may already be occupied. The possible connection look up table is also configured to already provide an alternate wavelength assignment or an alternate path to route the signal. Providing at least one alternative wavelength significantly reduces the blocking probability. The alternative wavelength routing also achieves the same propagation delay and number of hops as the optimal case, and eliminates the difficulties in sequencing multiple packets. The alternate path routing can potentially increase the delay and the number of hops, and the signal-to noise-ratio of the packets are optically monitored to eliminate any possibility of packets being routed through a large number of hops. In the case where a second path or wavelength is not available, contention at an outbound link can be settled on a first-come, first-serve basis or on a priority basis. The information is presented to a regular IP router and then is reviewed by higher layer protocols, using retransmission when necessary.

Routing Example

An illustrative WDM circuit-switched backbone network


for communicating packets among end-users in certain large cities in the United States is shown in pictorial form in FIG.




is first discussed in terms of its conventional operation, that is, before the overlay the elements and methodology in accordance with the present invention is presented.

With reference to

FIG. 8

, it is supposed that New York City is served by network element


, Chicago is served by network element


, . . . , Los Angeles is served by network element


, . . . , and Minneapolis by network element


. (Network elements may also be referred to as nodes in the sequel.) Moreover, NC&M


has logical connections (shown by dashed lines, such as channel


to network element


and channel


to network element


) to all network elements




via physical layer optical supervisory channels; there is continuous communication among NC&M


and network elements




. NC&M


periodically requests and receives information about: (a) the general state of each network element (e.g., whether it is operational or shut down for an emergency); (b) the optical wavelengths provided by each network element (e.g., network element


is shown as being served by optical fiber medium


having wavelength W1 and optical fiber medium


having wavelength W2 which connect to network elements


(Chicago) and


(Boston), respectively); and (c) the ports which are served by the wavelengths (e.g., port


of element


is associated with an incoming client interface conveying packet


, port


is associated with W1 and port


is associated with W2, whereas port


of element


is associated with W1).

Thus, NC&M


has stored at any instant the global information necessary to formulate routes to carry the incoming packet traffic by the network elements. Accordingly, periodically NC&M


determines the routing information in the form of, for example, global routing tables, and downloads the global routing tables to each of the elements using supervisory channels




, . . . . The global routing tables configure the ports of the network elements to create certain communication links. For example, NC&M


may determine, based upon traffic demand and statistics, that a fiber optic link from New York City to Los Angeles (network elements




, respectively) is presently required, and the link will be composed, in series, of: W1 coupling port


of element


to port


in network element


; W1 coupling port


of element


to port


of element


; and W2 coupling port


of element


to port


of element


. Then, input packet


incoming to network element


(New York City) and having a destination of network element


(Los Angeles) is immediately routed over this established link. At network element


, the propagated packet is delivered as output packet


via client interface port



In a similar manner, a dedicated path between elements




(St. Louis and Minneapolis, respectively) is shown as established using W3 between network elements




, and W2 between elements





Links generated in this manner—as based upon the global routing tables—are characterized by their rigidity, that is, it takes several seconds for NC&M


to determine the connections to establish the links, to download the connectivity information for the links, and establish the input and output ports for each network element. Each link has characteristics of a circuit-switched connection, that is, it is basically a permanent connection or a dedicated path or “pipe” for long intervals, and only NC&M


can tear down and re-establish a link in normal operation. The benefit of such a dedicated path is that traffic having an origin and a destination, which maps into an already-established dedicated path, can be immediately routed without the need for any set-up. On the other hand, the dedicated path can be, and most often is, inefficient in the sense that the dedicated path may be only used a small percentage of the time (e.g., 20%-50% over the set-up period). Moreover, switching device


(see FIG.


), embedded in each network element that interconnects input and output ports, has only a finite number of input/output ports. If the above scenario is changed so that link from St. Louis to Minneapolis is required and a port already assigned to the New York to Los Angeles link is to be used (e.g., port


of network element


), then there is a time delay until NC&M


can respond and alter the global routing tables accordingly.

Now the example is expanded so that “label-switching” is overlaid on the above description. First, a parameter called the “label-switched state” is introduced and its use in routing is discussed; then, in the next paragraph, the manner of generating the label-switch state is elucidated. The label-switch state engenders optical label switching.



is further arranged so that it may assign the label-switch state to each packet incoming to a network element from a client interface—the label-switch state is appended by Plug & Play module


and, for the purposes of the present discussion, the label-switch state is commensurate with header


(see FIG.


). The label-switch state is computed by NC&M


and downloaded to each network element




in the form of a local routing table. With reference to

FIG. 9

, there is shown network element


and its embedded switch


in pictorial form. Also shown is incoming optical fiber


, with delay loop


, carrying packet


composed of header


and payload




in this case is packet


from FIG.


. Fiber


delivers a delayed version of packet


to network element


. Also, a portion of the light energy appearing on fiber


is tapped via fiber


and inputted to optical module


which processes the incoming packet


to detect header




for packet


is shown as being composed of the label-switch state ‘11101011000’, identified by reference numeral


. Also shown in

FIG. 9

is local look-up table


, being composed of three columns, namely, “Label-switch State” (column


), “Local Address” (column


), and “Priority Level” (column


). The particular label-switch state for packet


is cross-referenced in look-up table


to determine the routing of the incoming packet. In this case, the label-switch state for packet


is the entry in the fourth row of look-up table


. The local switch address (“Local Address of column


) corresponding to this label-switch state is “0111”, which is interpreted as follows: the first two binary digits indicate the incoming port, and the second two binary digits indicate the output port. In this case, for the exemplary four-input, four-output switch, the incoming packet is to be routed from input port “011” to output port “11”, so switch


is switched accordingly (as shown). After the delay provided by fiber delay


, the incoming packet on fiber


is propagated onto fiber


via switch



The foregoing description of label-switch state indicates how it is used. The manner of generating the label-switch state is now considered. NC&M


, again on a periodic basis, compiles a set of local look-up tables for routing/switching the packet through each corresponding network element (such as table


for network element


), and each look-up table is then downloaded to the corresponding network element. The generation of each look-up table takes into account NC&M


's global knowledge of the network


. For instance, if incoming packet


to network element


is destined for network element


(again, New York to Los Angeles), if port


is associated with incoming port “01” and serves fiber


, and if outgoing port


is associated with outgoing port “11” and serves fiber


, then NC&M


is able to generate the appropriate entry in look-up table


(namely, the fourth row) and download table


to network element


. Now, when packet


is processed by electro-optical module


so as to add header


to packet


to create augmented packet


, NC&M


's knowledge of the downloaded local routing tables as well as the knowledge of the destination address embedded in packet


as obtained via module


enables NC&M


to instruct module


to add the appropriate label-switch state as header


—in this case ‘11101011000’.

It can be readily appreciated that processing a packet using the label-switch state parameter is bursty in nature, that is, after switch


is set-up to handle the incoming label-switch state, switch


may be returned to its state prior to process the flow state. For example, switch


may have interconnected input port ‘01’ to output port ‘10’ prior to the arrival of packet


, and it may be returned to the ‘0110’ state after processing (as determined, for example, by a packet trailer). Of course, it may be that the circuit-switched path is identical to the label-switch state path, in which case there is no need to even modify the local route through switch


for processing the label-switch state. However, if it is necessary to temporarily alter switch


, the underlying circuit-switched traffic, if any, can be re-routed or re-sent.

As discussed so far, label switching allows destination oriented routing of packets without a need for the network elements to examine the entire data packets. New signaling information—the label—is added in the form of optical signal header


which is carried in-band within each wavelength in the multi-wavelength transport environment. This label switching normally occurs on a packet-by-packet basis.

Typically, however, a large number of packets will be sequentially transported towards the same destination. This is especially true for bursty data where a large block of data is segmented in many packets for transport. In such cases, it is inefficient for each particular network element to carefully examine each label and decide on the routing path. Rather, it is more effective to set up a “virtual circuit” from the source to the destination. Header


of each packet will only inform continuation or ending of the virtual circuit, referred to as a flow state connection. Such an end-to-end flow state path is established, and the plug-and-play modules in the network elements will not disrupt such flow state connections until disconnection is needed. The disconnection will take place if such a sequence of packets have come to an end or another packet of much higher priority requests disruption of this flow state connection.

The priority aspect of the packet is also shown with respect to FIG.


. The local look-up table has a “priority level” (column


) which sets forth the priority assigned to the label-switching state. Also, header


has appended priority data shown as the number ‘2’ (reference numeral


). Both the fourth and fifth row in the “label-switch state” column


of table


have a local address of ‘0111.’ If an earlier data packet used the entry in the fifth row to establish, for example, a virtual circuit or flow switching state, and the now another packet is processed as per the fourth row of column


, the higher priority data (‘2’ versus ‘4’, with ‘1’ being the highest) has precedent, and the virtual circuit would be terminated.

Optical Networking Modules (ONMs) in Accordance With the OLSAS Method

Three optical networking modules are used to implement the Optical Layer Survivability And Security system. The first of the OLSAS modules is deployed at each of the multi-wavelength transport interfaces (e.g. at the multi-transport interfaces of node


of FIG.


), the second OLSAS module (e.g., ONM



FIG. 2

) is deployed at the transmitter end of each single wavelength client interface (e.g. at the transmitter end of each single-client interface of node


of FIG.


), and the third module (e.g., ONM



FIG. 2

) is deployed at the receiver side of each single wavelength client interface (e.g., a the receiver side of each single-client interface of node


of FIG.


). Transport Interface Optical Network Module The first of the optical networking modules as located at the transport interfaces is, structurally, basically the same as the second type Plug-and-Play module discussed earlier—especially with respect to FIG.


. It is recalled from the discussion of

FIG. 9

that the second type of Plug-and-Play module is responsible for the optical-label switching function. When the header and the data payload (e.g.,





FIG. 9

) reaches a transport node (e.g., node


of FIG.


), a small percentage (e.g., 10 percent) of the optical signal is tapped off (via optical line


) while the remaining portion of the signal is delayed in an optical delay line (e.g., line


). For the part of the signal that is tapped off, the optical header is stripped from the optical signal in header detector (e.g.



FIG. 9

) and detected via conventional electrical circuitry composing the header detector. The optical header carries the optical label (e.g.,


), which in turn enables the packet to be routed appropriately through the switch (e.g.,



The variation of the methodology in accordance with the present invention is such that header/payload combination arriving over each wavelength in a subset of wavelengths at the second type of Plug-and-Play module may not necessarily be independent and distinct. As discussed with respect to

FIG. 2

, for example, wavelengths λ


and λ


arriving on link


to node


carry packets from a given IP session. However, the second type of Plug-and-Play module does not concern itself with this relation and therefore processes each incoming packet independently of any other packet, that is, the operation of the Plug-and-Play module is unaffected by the relation among packets.

Optical Network Module


The transmitter side of the single wavelength client interface deploys the second type of module—Optical Network Module


. Module


, in effect, either replaces or is arranged to augment the first type of Pug-and-Play module


to effect, broadly, the following procedure: (a) generate and store multiple optical copies of the input packets in an input transport node; and (b) optically transmit each of the multiple optical copies over a corresponding one of the links attached to the input transport node. In an illustrative embodiment, such steps may be further characterized by the steps of (i) generating multiple copies (at least 2) of the data packets so as to send the information destined for downstream transmission via at least two link-and-node disjoint paths—multiple copies can be achieved by using an IP packet multiplier known in the art; (ii) buffering the IP packets and using a SPRNG subsystem to “scramble” the packets and emit the scrambled packets from the buffer using M multiple output ports; and (iii) randomly assigning each of the output ports a wavelength again using a SPRGN subsystem. With this procedure, each path is assigned a different subset of M wavelengths out of the total number of existing wavelengths in the network.

With reference to

FIG. 10

, there is shown illustrative arrangement


which is one embodiment of ONM


. Packet source


(such as IP element



FIG. 4

) provides a packet stream depicted by A,B,C, . . . ,H to IP packet multiplier


. The outputs of packet multiplier


are two identical streams denoted A,B,C, . . . ,H and A′, B′, C′, . . . H′. The first stream serves as an input to packet buffer


, whereas the second stream is an input to buffer


. Secure pseudo-random number generator


provides “scrambling” information to each packet buffer to produce, in this example, four output streams per packet buffer. In particular, packet buffer


outputs (ordered in time) a first stream B,C,G, a second stream A,D,E, a third stream F,H,J, and a fourth stream I,K,L. Similarly, packet buffer


outputs four scrambled streams distinct from the output streams from buffer


. This aspect of scrambling ensures that all the packet information will not be duplicated on an individual optical wavelength at the output of arrangement





operates to re-arrange the packet streams so that the streams from packet buffers




may be spread, in this case, across two optical links. In particular, SPRNG


controls electronic cross-connect


to produce four output streams, namely: B′,G′,J′; D′,E′,K′; I,K,L; and C′,F′, H′ at the Link 1 output of cross-connect


. Similarly, four re-arranged streams are assembled for transmission over Link 2 emanating from cross-connect


. Each set of four streams serves as input to Optical Label Switching Transmitter (OLS/TX)


which optically modulates packet stream B′, G′, J′, along with the appropriate header, onto wavelength λ


on Link 1; similarly, stream D′, E′, K′ along with its header is optically modulated for propagation by wavelength λ


on Link 1; and so forth for Link 1. Concurrently, stream B,C,G with its header is optically modulated onto wavelength λ


of Link 2 by optical transmitter


, and similarly for the remaining header/packet streams of Link 2. Finally, optical switch


serves to connect the optical streams to the corresponding links, as described with respect to FIG.


. OLSAS system controller


controls the operation of transmitter


and switch


as coordinated with SPRNG device



When the optical packets reach the optical switch



FIG. 10

, the switching fabric is set in such a way that all packets used in one disjoint path (e.g., Link 1) leave the switch using the same output fiber, as now described with reference to FIG.



FIG. 11

depicts the manner by which optical packets for two disjoint paths use two different output fibers to enter the WDM network from client interface


via IP router


and Optical Network Module transmitter (ONM-Tx)


which, with reference to

FIG. 10

, encompasses IP packet multiplier


, packet buffers




, cross-connect


, and SPRNG


. Optical switch


is composed of a right-hand part for emitting optical signals, and a left-hand part for receiving optical signals. The right-hand part has been depicted by optical switch


shown in

FIG. 10

(the left-hand part is optical switch


discussed shortly with respect to FIG.


). Focusing on the right-hand part used for transmitting optical signals, switch


is composed of switching points to switch the incoming optical signals propagated by client interface


under control of signals arriving over path


(from controller


of FIG.


); one such switching point is shown by reference numeral


. Using the optical signal conveyed by wavelength λ


as exemplary, switch


closes switching point


to couple the incoming optical signal to multiplexer


which provides the multiplexed signals to optical Link 1. Similar comments applying with respect to each incoming optical signal which may be directed to either multiplexer




. Thus, for the case of K=8 in

FIG. 10


, λ


, . . . λ


), the optical signals with wavelengths λ


, λ


, λ


, and λ


are switched by switch


to multiplexer


for propagation over Link 1. Similarly, the optical signals with wavelengths λ


, λ


, λ


, and λ


are switched by switch


to multiplexer


for propagation over Link 2.



is essentially responsible for distributing the data packets for one session through a number of different wavelengths and disjoint paths. This set of wavelengths is a subset of the total number of wavelengths available in the network. The optical header carries encoded information that is then used at the receiver-side ONM to choose the subset of wavelengths used for the communication between a given source and destination, as now discussed.

Optical Network Module


At the receiver node of the optical transport network, the third type of module is deployed which is responsible for essentially the reverse functionality of the module located at the transmitter side, as shown in arrangement


of FIG.


. All the packets in a packet share are received over optical Links 1 and 2 at optical switch


, and the optical header of each packet is read. The security information included in each header, such as encoding key, is then forwarded to the OLSAS system controller


, which in turn passes this information to SPRNG device


. This information is subsequently used to retrieve the packets correctly at the appropriate wavelengths. Moreover, each wavelength is processed by Optical Label Switching Receiver


to detect the packets. For example, receiver


effects optical-to-electrical conversion of the packets arriving on wavelength λ


and produces electronic packets J′, G′, B′. The packets are then processed by cross-connect device


in preparation for re-sequencing of the packets in buffer/resequencer


. As depicted, device


receives its input from SPRNG element


to re-associate the packets from the first stream (all of the “unprimed” packets A,B,C . . . , H) and the second stream (all the “primed” packets). Resequencer


converts the buffered packet shares to the single stream A,B.C, . . . H, and similarly converts “primed” packet shares to the corresponding single stream. Finally, IP selector


is used to choose one of the multiple disjoint paths that carry the information of a single communication session, and delivers this selected stream to the IP destination depicted by element



Again with reference to

FIG. 11

, the manner by which optical packets for two disjoint paths use two different output fibers to exit the WDM network through client interface


via IP router


and Optical Network Module receiver (ONM-Rx)


which, with reference to

FIG. 12

, encompasses cross-connect


, buffer and resequencer


, IP selector


, and SPRNG


. The left-hand part of optical switch


has been depicted by optical switch


shown in FIG.


. Focusing on the left-hand part used for receiving optical signals, switch


is composed of switching points to switch the incoming optical signals propagated by the WDM network under control of signals arriving over path


(from controller


of FIG.


); one such switching point is shown by reference numeral


. Using the optical signal conveyed by wavelength λ


as exemplary, switch


closes switching point


to couple the incoming optical signal from multiplexer


to client interface


and, in turn, to ONM-Rx


and IP router


. Similar comments applying with respect to each incoming optical signal which may be directed from either multiplexer




. Thus, for the case of K=8 in

FIG. 12


, λ


, . . . λ


), the optical signals with wavelengths λ


, λ


, λ


, and λ


are switched by switch


as received from multiplexer


. Similarly, the optical signals with wavelengths λ


, λ


, λ


, and λ


are switched by switch


as received from multiplexer



FIG. 13

summarizes the electronic and optical level security method with the help of high-level flowchart


. Initially, processing block


operates to produce electronic packets. Next, the electronic packets are processed, to encapsulate the electronic packets with electronic security via block


, and then via block


, to add optical security information via the header, which also includes information to effect label switching at intermediate nodes. Processing block


is invoked to generate a subset of wavelengths and links to carry the combined header/payload information. The header/payload information is propagated over the optical network (shown, for example, by “cloud”


of FIG.


), as carried out by processing block


. As the header/payload packets propagate through the network, optical label switching is deployed to route the optical packets, as denoted by processing block


. In turn, as evidenced by processing block


, the packets are received via the original subset of wavelengths and corresponding links, and the optical security information on label is used to convert the packets to electronic form, and then re-assemble and re-sequenced to produce the received electronic packets which correspond to the input source packets. Block


depicts processing wherein one stream from the plurality of detected streams is selected from delivery to the destination. Next, processing by block


is invoked to decrypt the electronic message. Finally, as depicted by block


, a reproduced version of the original message is received at the destination.

(It is apparent that the level of security provided by this OLSAS technique depends on the number of wavelengths chosen over which to send the information, the total number of wavelengths available, and the frequency with which these (pseudo-random) subsets are changed, and also the number of paths over which the packets are spread (assuming that not all of the packets are sent via each disjoint path as per FIGS.


A and


B). Obviously, using just 16 out of 128 wavelengths (commercial systems provide 128 or more wavelengths) to carry the information yields an effective key size of more than 100 bits.)

The optical header that carries additional security information may be implemented in the subcarrier domain, for which an illustrative embodiment is now described.

FIG. 14

shows the optical packet including the subcarrier header, and contrasts the traditional “tag” approach (

FIG. 14A

) with the WDM subcarrier optical-label approach (FIG.


B). In the traditional approach, the network features (


) and the secure features (


) are contiguous in time with the IP header (


) and IP data payload


). With “subcarrier optical labeling”, as depicted in

FIG. 14B

, the network features and the secure features are propagated on a given wavelength concurrently with the IP header and IP data payload, but are displaced in frequency.

So-called optical-label swapping is required in the IP routers attached to the transmit module of the OLSAS system so as to perform packet forwarding in this multiple-path approach. Optical-label swapping can be achieved with either a header insertion technique (a new label is introduced by adding a new subcarrier frequency without removing the old one) or a header replacement technique (a new label is introduced by replacing the old subcarrier information with a new one). These techniques are now described shortly.

Secure Optical Layer Control Module (SOLCM)

With reference to

FIG. 15

, secure optical layer control module


creates and distributes messages to ONMs




using the Secure Optical Layer Control Protocol (SOLCP) on links






couples secure data network


to public optical network


, and ONM


couples secure data network


to public network


. Module


has the important function of maintaining information on the status of the network as a whole, that is, public optical network


, and module


communicates with ONMs




via a set of SOLCP messages. Such messages may require ONM




to perform a specific task, or the messages may be queries for alarms, alerts, link status, available wavelengths, and so forth. This control operation can process data on link status within network


. For example, module


can use statistical information about packet loss, throughput, and delay to develop a database of links that are the “best” links to use for any given transmission application. Module


can also periodically send explicitly routed, time-stamped packets into the network to generate network status data. Module


can be merged or integrated with NC&M


to create a “secure NC&M” module, that is, the functionality required of the SOLCM can be effected by the NC&M as well.

Optical Header Processing

The foregoing description focused on optical header processing at a level commensurate with the description of the overall NGI system configured with the overlaid security/survivability network modules. Discussion of header processing at a more detailed level is now appropriate so as to exemplify how survivability and security can be achieved at the circuit-detail level. To this end, the arrangement of

FIG. 16

is considered. As seen in

FIG. 16

, optical header processor


has as its input an optical signal via demux


. In particular, optical header processor


includes in this embodiment: (a) dispersion compensator


for correcting dispersion in the optical signal at optical wavelength λ


emanating from demux


; (b) optical-electrical converter


(e.g., a photodetector) for producing electrical output signal


from the optical signal departing compensator


; (c) a bank of local oscillators having frequencies ƒ


, ƒ


, . . . , ƒ


feeding multipliers




, . . . ,


, respectively, for frequency-shifting the frequency components of electrical signal


to intermediate frequencies (IFs); (d) a bank of IF band-pass-filters (IF-BPF)




, . . . ,


responsive to multipliers




, . . . ,


, respectively, to filter the frequency domain energy in header signals


, . . . ,


shown at the top left-hand of

FIG. 16

; (e) a cascade of envelope detector/decision circuit pairs








, . . . ,




wherein the presence of frequency domain energy in any of the frequency bands centered at ƒ


, ƒ


, . . . , ƒ


is denoted as a logic ‘1’ at the output of the decision circuits




, . . . ,


, whereas the absence of frequency domain energy at ƒ


, ƒ


, . . . , ƒ


is denoted as a logic ‘0’; (f) logic circuit


which provides a switch selection signal on selection lead


, the function of which being discussed in more detail in the operational description below; (g) delay circuits




, . . . ,


coupled to the BPF filters


, . . . ,


; (h) switches




, . . . ,


, coupled to delay circuits


, . . . ,


as inputs, and being controlled by the signal on lead


; (g) input lead


, connected to switches


, . . . ,


, which serve as an input to demodulator


; (h) detector


responsive to demodulator


; and (i) read circuit


which outputs signal


—this signal is processed by optical switch


to control operation of switching action.

The operation of header detector



FIG. 16

is as follows. It is assumed that the optical signal from the optical network (e.g., as received from optical network module



FIG. 4

) propagates a 2.5 Gbps IP data packet (e.g., with QPSK/QAM modulation) which is sub-carrier multiplexed with a 155 Mbps header packet (e.g., with QAM modulation) at a center frequency ƒ


; as before, the header precedes the data payload in time and both are carried by the optical wavelength λ


. In each network node which receives the combined header and payload at wavelength λ


, the sub-carrier header at ƒ


is detected by envelope detector


. Because there is energy present in the frequency band centered at ƒ


due to the existence of the header signal, decision circuit


detects a logic ‘1’, whereas all other decision circuits detect a logic ‘0’. This combination of logic signals (‘


. . .


’) in parallel at the input to logic circuit


generates the selection signal


which effects the closure of only switch


. (It is important to emphasize that the input logic signals are generated concurrently and in parallel, rather than in series, thereby significantly speeding up the header detection process.) The actual header signal provided at the output of IF-BPF


serves, after the delay imposed by delay circuit


, as the input to demodulator


via lead


. The delay of circuit


is not critical, other than the delay is greater than the time required to derive the logic signal via envelope detector


and decision circuit


, plus the time required to compute the control signal on selection signal lead


in logic circuit


and to close switch


. (The delay can be implemented digitally, e.g., by replacing each analog delay in

FIG. 16

by a cascade of a demodulator and a digital delay.) Therefore, the header signal at ƒ


is the only header signal that will be demodulated by demodulator


(e.g., a QAM demodulator), and the demodulated baseband data burst is then detected by detector


(e.g., a 155 Mbps burst-mode receiver), and read by circuit


(e.g., a microprocessor).

This foregoing operational description has focused only on the detection of the optical header to control the routing path through switching device


of FIG.


. As alluded to above, header replacement is now considered important to present-day NGI technology so as to accomplish high-throughput operation in a packet switched network in which data paths change due to, for example, link outages and variable traffic patterns. Moreover, header replacement is useful to maintain protocol compatibility. The components of

FIG. 16

which have heretofore not been described play a central role in header replacement. Actually, the notion of header replacement has a broader connotation in that the header may be composed of various fields, such as a “label” field and a “time-to-leave” field. The description to this point has used the header and label interchangeably; however, it is now clear that the header may actually have a plurality of fields, and as such any or all may be replaced at any node.

Now continuing with the description of

FIG. 16

, it is shown that logic circuit


also provides a second selection signal on selection lead


; this lead control switches




, . . . ,


which are all connected to lead


. Interposed between lead


and header output lead


is write circuit


in cascade with modulator


. Write circuit


is responsible for providing a new header signal. The header signal that arrives at the input to demux


is referred to as the active header signal—in the first node to process the header signal, the active header signal and the original header signal coalesce. The new header signal, rather than actually overwriting the active header signal, is placed in a frequency band above the frequency band of the active header signal, that is, the next highest available center frequency from the set θ


, ƒ


, . . . , ƒ


is utilized to propagate the new header signal. To select the next highest available center frequency, logic circuit


is arranged so that if decision circuits




, . . . ,


yield an active center frequency ƒ


, then selection signal


will close only the switch from the set




, . . . ,


which connects lead


to center frequency ƒ


. That is, lead


will be connected to the multiplier from the set




, . . . ,


which corresponds to frequency ƒ


. The outputs of multipliers




, . . . ,


are connected to lead


, which serves as a second input to optical switch/add-drop multiplexer


; the other input is provided by the header signal on lead


. Circuit


now has a dual functionality, namely, it operates as switching device



FIG. 7

, but is also arranged to convert an input electrical signal, such as on lead


, to an optical signal for propagation by the same optical wavelength present at the input to circuit


(in this case, wavelength λ


). Accordingly, the new header signal on lead


is frequency shifted above the data payload as well as all other existing headers arriving on lead


; this is shown in frequency domain visualization in the top right-hand comer of

FIG. 16

, which is counterpart of the visualization in the top left-hand comer. So that the new header signal is placed ahead of the data payload in time, delay is introduced by fiber loop



The operation of the arrangement of

FIG. 16

for header replacement is as follows. Again, the same example is used so that an optical header plus a data payload is incoming to the network node immediately following the node that injected the packet. It is desired to write a new header signal, and in the embodiment of

FIG. 16

, the output of read circuit


serves as an input to write circuit


; in this manner, the active header signal may serve as an aid in computing the new header signal. The new header signal is conveyed by center frequency ƒ


since the incoming active header signal is centered about ƒ


. In effect, the new header signal is written on the original light which contains both the data packet and the old sub-carrier header or active header signal at ƒ


. Therefore, the modulated light which leaves the given node contains the data packet and two sub-carrier header signals. (Two illustrative writing techniques, both of which use a high-speed (˜10 GHz) LiNbO


-based modulator/switch, will be explained later.) The carrier frequency ƒ


is higher than ƒ


by about 200 MHz for the 155 Mbps data, but the frequency difference between ƒ


and ƒ


can be smaller if a more spectral efficient modulation method such as M-QAM is adopted. Note that this node has the intelligence via logic circuit


to know that the active header signal uses sub-carrier ƒ


and the new header signal is written onto sub-carrier ƒ



In a similar manner, the third network node along the route will read the active header signal on sub-carrier ƒ


and write a new header information onto sub carrier ƒ


, and the process continues until the modulation bandwidth of optical switch/ADM


is exhausted. For example, a typical 10 GHz external LiNbO


-based modulator/switch can write about 40 ((10−2)/0.2) new sub-carrier headers signals, where it has been assumed that the 2.5 Gbps data occupies a bandwidth of 2 Ghz.

FIG. 16

actually illustrates the implementation details of the fourth network node along the route over which a packet travels. The three sub-carrier headers on λ


are simultaneously down-converted to IF band, and due to their existence, decision circuits




, . . . ,


generate a logic ‘1’ signal to logic circuit


in the pattern “111000 . . . 000’. Note that if there are 40 down-converters in this example, 37 decision circuits will generate logic ‘0’s because there are no sub-carriers on ƒ


, ƒ


, . . . ƒ


. Logic circuit


uses the output “1110000 . . . 0” (three ones and thirty-seven zeros) to control the 40 microwave switches




, . . . ,


such that only the third microwave switch is closed and all other 39 switches are open. Therefore, the header information on ƒ


becomes the active header signal that is then demodulated by demodulator


. Immediately after the “read” process, the new header signal is generated by write circuit


and then applied to modulator


at IF. As depicted in

FIG. 16

, the new header signal is launched to the fourth microwave switch which is turned on by selection signal


. The new header signal is then up-converted by ƒ


, and is used to modulate the delayed main-path signal on optical path


(which originally contains only three sub-carrier headers). The resultant modulated light therefore contains four sub-carrier headers as depicted in the frequency domain visualization in the top right-hand corner of

FIG. 16

with the new header signal represented as header



It is noted that, in terms of presently available components, the processing time of the envelope detectors (


, . . . ), the decision circuits (


, . . . ), the logic circuit (


), and the turning-on of a particular microwave switch (


, . . . ) should take less than 30 ns. On the other hand, if it is assumed that there are 15 bits in each packet header signal, then the time to read 15 bits, write 15 bits, and add 10 preamble bits can take about 260 ns for a 155 Mbps burst. Therefore, allowing for some variations, each header signal is about 300 ns. This means that the length of delay line


in main optical path


should be around 60 meters.

There exist some upper bounds on the proposed sub-carrier header insertion technique of FIG.


: (a) the sub-carriers at carrier frequencies as high as 10 GHz can become severely attenuated due to fiber dispersion after a certain transmission distance (usually tens of kilometers). Fortunately, this problem can be solved by repeatedly using dispersion compensation fibers (such as compensator


) or chirped fiber gratings at every network node; (b) at each intermediate network node, its modulator


(e.g., a LiNbO


-based modulator) modulates the incoming “modulated” light by a new sub-carrier header signal, and this can cause new intermodulation distortion products. However, the present technology is such that the nonlinear distortion penalty after 40 times of writing consecutive sub-carrier header signals is not large enough to degrade the bit-error-ratio (BER) of both the data payload and the sub-carrier header signal up to a distance of 2000 km; and (c) since the maximum number of insertable subcarrier header signals are about 40 using a 10 GHz modulator, at some point in the network the entire sub-carrier header signals will have to be erased so that a new set of sub-carrier header signals can be written onto the received light all over again. Being conservative, it is determined that the maximum transmission distance using the arrangement of

FIG. 16

is about 2000 km. Therefore, it is feasible that several “reset” network nodes are implemented, configured as in

FIG. 17

, which are sparsely located across the nation, to guarantee that the 40 times-writing limit is never exceeded. It is noted, however, that not every node will insert a new header signal (recall the new header signal is typically inserted due to slowly varying network outages or for protocol compatibility). If this is indeed the case, then it is anticipated that 40 header signal insertions are more than enough to cover any cross-nation transport of an optical packet.

However, to be sure that a new header signal can be inserted when needed, preferably some or even all of the network nodes are arranged with the circuitry


of FIG.


. The primary difference between

FIGS. 16 and 17

is in the upper path of

FIG. 16

wherein the main-path optical signal appearing at the output of compensator


is converted back to electrical domain via opto-electrical converter


, with all of its old sub-carrier header signals being erased by using low-pass filter (LPF)


. A new, single sub-carrier header signal centered at frequency ƒ


is added to the regenerated data payload in electrical adder


; the data payload is regenerated in the conventional electrical manner by timing recovery-and-decision circuitry


. Together the data payload and new header signal modulate electrical-optical transmitter


having the same wavelength λ


. Therefore, from this reset node on, another 40 sub-carrier header signals can be written before there is the (unlikely) need to reset again.

Another Illustrative Embodiment of a Header Insertion Technique

The circuit arrangements of

FIGS. 16 and 17

were realized without the need for local light injection. In order to increase the transmission distance beyond the anticipated 2000 km limit, another node header processing arrangement is required, as now depicted in

FIG. 18

; this arrangement deploys the injection of local light at wavelength λ


. The main difference between FIG.



FIG. 18

is shown the processing path composed of the following components: (a) opto-electrical converter


; (b) decision circuit


responsive to converter


; (c) the series arrangement of delay line


and optical gate


, with delay line


being responsive to the output of compensator


; (d) coupler


responsive to gate


; (e) light feedback path


for feeding output light from coupler


to its input, path


being composed of erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA)


and optical switch


; (f) light modulator


responsive to the electrical signal appearing on path


, as before; and (g) optical adder


responsive to both light modulator


and optical switch/ADM


. An augmented optical packet


, with the form shown in the lower left comer of

FIG. 18

, now arrives at the network node of

FIG. 18

via the optical input path. Preamble


in optical packet header


, after optical-to-electrical conversion in opto-electrical converter


, directs detection circuit


to turn on optical gate


and let short CW light burst


(about 30 ns in duration) at AI pass through to coupler


. CW light burst


then loops several times via feedback path


to lengthen the CW light duration to about 300 ns; this extended duration CW burst serves as an input to light modulator


via output path


from coupler


. The new sub-carrier header signal appearing on lead


then modulates this locally regenerated CW light burst on lead


via light modulator


(e.g., via a LiNbO


modulator). The modulated light which appears on output lead


of light modulator


, containing only the new, active sub-carrier header signal, is then combined in optical adder


along with the main-path light which contains the data payload and the old sub-carrier header signals as emitted by switch


. The time of occurrence of the new sub-carrier header signal arrives essentially concurrently with original optical packet


at optical adder


. (In an intermediate network node, it is important for the node to re-modulate the new header onto the original wavelength in the same time frame as the payload data.) Thus the light pulse conveying the new active header signal occupies the same time interval as the incoming header signals


, with the difference being that the old header signals and the new active header signal are separated in the frequency domain by their corresponding sub-carrier frequencies. That is, each time a new header signal is added, the light conveying the new header signal at the given wavelength λ


is overlaid on the incoming light signal conveying the old header signals, but being such that the frequency domain characteristics are determined by the sub-carrier frequencies.

With this technique, no additional nonlinear distortions are generated due to the modulation of an already modulated light. As long as the optical power ratio between the main-path light from switch


and the locally-injected light from light modulator


is optimized, and the modulation depths of the sub-carrier headers and data payload are optimized, transmission can be beyond 2000 km is effected.

An Alternative Header Replacement Technique

It is also possible to use an optical notch filter which has a very high finesse to notch out the old sub-carrier header signal. The network node configuration


is shown in

FIG. 19

; it is readily appreciated that node configuration


is greatly simplified relative to the implementation of FIG.


. The sub-carrier header signal centered at ƒ


is purposely allocated at high-frequency carrier (e.g., 9 GHz) so that the header signal conveyed ƒ


will not affect the data payload in the low frequency region. The output of compensator


feeds optical circulator


, which is coupled to fiber Fabry-Perot (FFP) notch filter


and attenuator


in series. The combined effect of these components is to notch out the header signal centered at ƒ


; the spectrum of the input to optical circulator


is shown in the top left corner, whereas the spectrum of the output of circulator


is shown in the top center. The newly inserted header signal is provided by the series combination: write circuit


; modulator


; up-converter


being driven by sub-carrier ƒ


, in a much simplified manner as that of FIG.



Optical Technology

Optical technologies span a number of important aspects realizing the present invention. These include optical header technology, optical multiplexing technology, optical switching technology, and wavelength conversion technology.

(a) Optical Header Technology

Optical header technology includes optical header encoding and optical header removal as discussed with respect to

FIGS. 6 and 7

. In effect, optical header


serves as a signaling messenger to the network elements informing the network elements of the destination, the source, and the length of the packet. Header


is displaced in time compared to the actual data payload. This allows the data payload to have any data rates/protocols or formats.

(b) Optical Multiplexing Technology

Optical multiplexing may illustratively be implemented using the known silica arrayed waveguide grating structure. This waveguide grating structure has a number of unique advantages including: low cost, scalability, low loss, uniformity, and compactness.

(c) Optical Switching Technology

Fast optical switches are essential to achieving packet routing without requiring excessively long fiber delay as a buffer.

Micromachined Electro Mechanical Switches offer the best combination of the desirable characteristics: scalability, low loss, polarization insensitivity, fast switching, and robust operation. Recently reported result on the MEM based Optical Add-Drop Switch achieved


microsecond switching time

(d) Wavelength Conversion Technology

Wavelength conversion resolves packet contention without requiring path deflection or packet buffering. Both path deflection and packet buffering cast the danger of skewing the sequences of a series of packets. In addition, the packet buffering is limited in duration as well as in capacity, and often requires non-transparent methods. Wavelength conversion, on the other hand, resolves the blocking by transmitting at an alternate wavelength through the same path, resulting in the identical delay. Illustratively, a WSXC with a limited wavelength conversion capability is deployed.

Although various embodiments which incorporate the teachings of the present invention have been shown and described in detail herein, those skilled in the art can readily devise many other varied embodiments that still incorporate these teachings.

  • 1. A method for propagating a data payload from an input network element to an output network element over a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network composed of a plurality of network elements and links interconnecting the network elements, the data payload having a given format and protocol to provide security and survivability, the method comprising the steps ofgenerating and storing a local routing table in each of the network elements, each local routing table determining alternative local routes through the associated one of the network elements and the corresponding links, generating and storing replicated versions of the data payload in the input network element, adding an optical header to each of the replicated versions of the data payload to produce a plurality of corresponding packets, the header having a format and protocol and being indicative of the local route through each of the network elements for each of the packets, the format and protocol of the data payload being independent of the format and protocol of the header, optically transmitting each of the packets over a corresponding one of the links, detecting the header of each of the packets at the network elements as each of the packets propagates through the WDM network, selecting one of the local routes for routing each of the packets through each of the network elements by looking up the header in the corresponding local routing table, and routing each of the packets to the output network element through the network elements in correspondence to the selected route.
  • 2. The method as recited in claim 1 wherein the optical header includes a label-switch state for routing the corresponding packet through the network elements, and the step of adding an optical header includes the steps of determining and inserting in the optical header an appropriate label-switch state for routing the corresponding packet from the input network element to the output network element through the network elements.
  • 3. The method as recited in 1 wherein each of the links includes multiple optical wavelengths and wherein the step of optically transmitting includes the step of propagating each of the packets over a selected one of the wavelengths composing said one of the corresponding links.
  • 4. The method as recited in claim 3 wherein the step of generating includes the step of electronically replicating the data payload.
  • 5. The method as recited in claim 4 wherein the step of storing includes the step of storing each electronically replicated data payload.
  • 6. The method as recited in claim 1 wherein the step of adding the optical header includes the step of assigning the local route for each of the packets through the network based upon a time-dependent assignment algorithm.
  • 7. The method as recited in claim 6 wherein the time-dependent assignment algorithm is based upon generating secure pseudo-random numbers.
  • 8. The method as recited in claim 6 wherein the step of adding the header includes the step of adding information to the header representative of the time-dependent assignment algorithm.
  • 9. A method for propagating a sequence of related data payloads from an input network element to an output network element over a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network composed of a plurality of network elements and links interconnecting the network elements, each of the related data payloads having a given format and protocol, the method comprising the steps ofgenerating and storing a local routing table in each of the network elements, each local routing table determining alternative local routes through the associated one of the network elements and the corresponding links, generating and storing replicated versions of each of the related data payloads in the input network element, adding an optical header to each of the replicated versions of the related data payloads to produce a plurality of corresponding packets, the header having a format and protocol and being indicative of the local route through each of the network elements for each of the packets, the format and protocol of the related data payloads being independent of the format and protocol of the header, optically transmitting each of the packets over a corresponding one of the links, detecting header information in the header for each of the packets at the network elements as each of the packets propagates through the WDM network, selecting one of the local routes for routing each of the packets through each of the network elements by looking-up the header information in the corresponding local routing table, and routing each of the packets to the output network element through the network elements in correspondence to the selected route.
  • 10. The method as recited in claim 9 wherein the optical header includes a label-switch state for routing the corresponding packet through the network elements, and the step of adding an optical header includes the steps of determining and inserting in the optical header an appropriate label-switch state for routing the corresponding packet from the input network element to the output network element through the network elements.
  • 11. The method as recited in claim 9 wherein each of the links includes multiple optical wavelengths and wherein the step of optically transmitting includes the step of propagating each of the packets over a selected one of the wavelengths composing said one of the corresponding links.
  • 12. The method as recited in claim 11 wherein the step of generating includes the step of electronically replicating each of the related data payloads.
  • 13. The method as recited in claim 12 wherein the step of storing includes the step of storing each electronically replicated related data payloads.
  • 14. The method as recited in claim 9 wherein the step of adding the optical header includes the step of assigning the local route for each the packets through the network based upon a time-dependent assignment algorithm.
  • 15. The method as recited in claim 9 wherein the step of generating includes the steps of grouping a plurality of incoming data payloads to produce the related data payloads and partitioning the related data payloads into disjoint subsets, and the step of storing further includes the step of storing the disjoint subsets.
  • 16. The method as recited in claim 15 wherein each of the links includes multiple optical wavelengths and wherein the step of optically transmitting includes the step of propagating each of the subsets over a selected one of the wavelengths composing said one of the corresponding links.
  • 17. The method as recited in claim 16 wherein the step of optically transmitting over one of the corresponding links includes the step of assigning said selected one of the wavelengths based upon a time-dependent assignment algorithm.
  • 18. The method as recited in claim 17 wherein the time-dependent assignment algorithm is based upon generating secure pseudo-random numbers.
  • 19. A method for propagating a data payload arriving at an input network element onto a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network composed of a plurality of network elements interconnected by links, the data payload having a given format and protocol, the method comprising the steps ofgenerating and storing replicated versions of the data payload in the input network element, generating a header associated with each replicated data payload, the header having a format and protocol and being indicative of a local route through each of the network elements for the header and its associated data payload, the format and protocol of the data payload being independent of the format and protocol of the header, optically adding the header to its associated data payload to produce a plurality of corresponding packets, and optically transmitting each of the packets over a corresponding one of the links.
  • 20. The method as recited in claim 19 wherein the optical header includes a label-switch state for routing the corresponding packet through the network elements, and the step of adding an optical header includes the steps of determining and inserting in the optical header an appropriate label-switch state for routing the corresponding packet through the network elements.
  • 21. The method as recited in 19 wherein each of the links includes multiple optical wavelengths and wherein the step of optically transmitting includes the step of propagating each of the packets over a selected one of the wavelengths composing said one of the corresponding links.
  • 22. The method as recited in claim 21 wherein the step of generating includes the step of electronically replicating the data payload.
  • 23. The method as recited in claim 22 wherein the step of storing includes the step of storing each electronically replicated data payload.
  • 24. The method as recited in claim 19 wherein the step of optically adding the header includes the step of assigning the local route for each the packets through the network based upon a time-dependent assignment algorithm.
  • 25. The method as recited in claim 24 wherein the time-dependent assignment algorithm is based upon generating secure pseudo-random numbers.
  • 26. The method as recited in claim 25 wherein the step of adding the header includes the step of adding information to the header representative of the time-dependent assignment algorithm.
  • 27. A method for transferring a header and a replicated data payload from the input to the output of each particular network element in a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network composed of a plurality of network elements, the data payload having a given format and protocol independent of those of the header, the method comprising the steps ofgenerating and storing a local routing table in the particular network element, the local routing table determining a local route through the particular network element, determining the header, as the replicated data payload and header arrive at the input to the particular network element, selecting the local route for the replicated data payload and the header through the particular network element as determined by looking up the header in the local routing table, and routing the replicated data payload and the header through the particular network element in correspondence to the selected route.
  • 28. A system, in combination with (a) an electrical layer; and (b) an optical layer composed of a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network including a plurality of network elements, for propagating a data payload generated by a source device in the electrical layer and destined for a destination device in the electrical layer, the data payload having a given format and protocol, the system comprisinga first module, coupling the source device and the WDM network, for generating and storing replicated versions of the data payload in the input network element, for adding an optical header to each of the replicated versions of the data payload to produce a plurality of corresponding packets, the header having a format and protocol and being indicative of the local route through each of the network elements for each of the packets, the format and protocol of the data payload being independent of the format and protocol of the header, and for optically transmitting each of the packets over a corresponding one of the links, a second module, associated with each of the network elements, for storing a local routing table in a corresponding one of the network elements, each local routing table determining a routing path through the corresponding one of the network elements, for determining the header of a given packet transmitted by said first module at the corresponding one of the network elements as said packet propagates over the WDM network, for selecting the local route for said packet through the corresponding one of the network elements as determined by looking up the header in the corresponding local routing table, and for routing said packet through the corresponding one of the network elements in correspondence to the selected route, and a third module, coupling the WDM network and the destination device, for receiving each of the packets from the network elements, for removing the optical header from each of the packets leaving the associated replicated versions of the data payload, for electro-optically converting the each of the replicated versions of the data payload, and for selecting one of the converted, replicated versions of the data payload for delivery to the destination device.
  • 29. The system as recited in claim 28 wherein each of the links includes multiple optical wavelengths and wherein first module includes means for optically propagating each of the packets over a selected one of the wavelengths composing said one of the corresponding links.
  • 30. The system as recited in claim 28 wherein the first module includes means for assigning the local route for each of the packets through the network based upon a time-dependent assignment algorithm.
  • 31. The system as recited in claim 30 wherein the time-dependent assignment algorithm is based upon generating secure pseudo-random numbers.
  • 32. The system as recited in claim 30 wherein the first module includes means for adding information to the header representative of the time-dependent assignment algorithm.
  • 33. An optical header module, in combination with (a) an electrical layer; and (b) an optical layer composed of a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network including a plurality of network elements, for propagating a data payload generated by a source device in the electrical layer and destined for a destination device in the electrical layer, the data payload having a given format and protocol, the optical header module, coupling the source device and the WDM network, including means for generating replicated versions of the data payload, means for generating an optical header associated with each of the replicated versions of the data payload, the header having a format and protocol and being indicative of a local route through each of the network elements for each header and its associated data payload, the format and protocol of the data payload being independent of the format and protocol of the header, means for adding each header to the data payload prior to inputting the data payload to the input network element, and means for optically transmitting each of the replicated versions of the data payload and its associated header over a corresponding one of the links.
  • 34. The system as recited in claim 33 wherein the optical header includes a label-switch state for routing the each optical header and its associated data payload through the network elements, and the means for adding an optical header includes the means for determining and for inserting in the optical header an appropriate label-switch state to route the optical header and the data payload through the network elements.
  • 35. An optical header processor, in combination with (a) an electrical layer; and (b) an optical layer composed of a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network including a plurality of network elements, for propagating a replicated data payload generated by a source device in the electrical layer and being destined for a destination device in the electrical layer, the replicated data payload having a given format and protocol, the optical header processor module, associated with each of the network elements, comprisingmeans for storing a local routing look-up table in each corresponding one of the network elements, each local routing table determining a routing path through the corresponding one of the network elements, means for determining the header at the corresponding one of the network elements as the replicated data payload and header propagate over the WDM network, means for selecting the local route for the replicated data payload and the header through the corresponding one of the network elements as determined by looking up the header in the corresponding local routing table, and means for routing the replicated data payload and the header through the corresponding one of the network elements in correspondence to the selected route.
  • 36. A system, in combination with (a) an electrical layer; and (b) an optical layer composed of a wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network including a plurality of network elements, for propagating a data payload generated by a source device in the electrical layer and being destined for a destination device in the electrical layer, the data payload having a given format and protocol, the network further including a network manager coupled to the network elements for determining circuit-switched routes through the network, with each of the network elements including (i) a switching device, and (ii) a circuit-switched controller, responsive to the network manager, for controlling the switching device based upon inputs from the network manager to established circuit-switched routing paths through the WDM network, the system comprisinga first module, coupling the source device and the WDM network, for generating replicated versions of the data payload, for adding an optical header ahead of each replicated data payload prior to inputting the replicated data payload to the WDM network, the header being indicative of a local route through the network elements for each replicated data payload and the header, the format and protocol of the replicated data payload being independent of those of the header, a second module, responsive to the network manager and the circuit-switched controller and coupled to the switching device, including means for storing a local routing table in each network element as provided by the network manager, each local routing table determining a routing path through each network element, means for determining the header at each network element as each replicated data payload and header input by said first module propagate over the WDM network, means for selecting the local route for each replicated data payload and the header through each network element as determined by looking up the header in the corresponding local routing table, and means for routing each replicated data payload and header through each network element in correspondence to the selected route by processing inputs from the circuit-switched controller and the local routing table to control the switching device, and a third module, coupling the WDM network and the destination device, for receiving each replicated data payload and header, for removing the optical header from each replicated data payload, for electro-optically converting the each of the replicated versions of the data payload, and for selecting one of the converted, replicated versions of the data payload for delivery to the destination device.

This application is a non-provisional application of provisional application Ser. No. 60/117,074 filed Jan. 25, 1999.

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4797879 Habbab et al. Jan 1989
4831616 Huber May 1989
5101290 Eng et al. Mar 1992
5550818 Brackett et al. Aug 1996
5589967 Auffret Dec 1996
5734486 Guillemot et al. Mar 1998
5912753 Cotter et al. Jun 1999
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