Group Velocity Dispersion Optics Communications, vol. 54, #3, Jun. 1, 1985,s. BOR and B. Racz, pp. 165-170. |
Negative Group--Velocity Dispersion J. Opt. Soc. Aw. A, vol. 1, #10, Oct. 1984, O. E. Martinez, J. P. Gordon and R. I. Fork, pp. 1003-1006. |
Generation of Femtosecond Pulses Optics Letters, vol. 14, #5, Mar. 1989, J. Hebling and J. Kuhl, pp. 278-280. |
Picosecond Pulse Shortening Appl. Phys. B. vol. 32, pp. 101-104 (1983), by Zs. BOR, S. Szatmari and Alexander Muller. |
Optical Pulse Compression IEEE J. Quant. Electronics, vol. QE--5, #9, Sep. 1969, by Edmond B. Treacy, pp. 454-458. |
Travelling--Wave Amplified Spontaneous Appl. Phys B, vol. 48, pp. 401-403, (1989), by J. Hebling, J. Klebniczki, P. Heszler, Zs. Bor & B. Racz. |