The present invention relates to components for use in optical systems such as optical waveguides for communication devices and to components that control light propagation through optical guides and provides selectivity in regard to spatial and directional distribution of electromagnetic field of light in the guide cross-section.
Light has several basic properties such as brightness, wavelength (or color), and polarization. In optical devices we would like to control all of them and by modulation of these properties to signal something meaningful to a recipient on another end of a waveguide.
Polarization maintenance (or mode selectivity) is an important feature in light transmitting devices because of requirements imposed by coherent detection systems like homodynes and heterodynes (J. M. Senior, Optics Fiber Communications, N.Y., 1992, 908p).
In other terms, we can say that the combination of optical parameters in non-uniform planar waveguides or fibers imposes restrictions on the existence or energy-occupation level of certain modes, and creates useful properties of the guide or fiber. Industry has gone a long way at substantial expense in its efforts to create selective fibers with a certain configuration of birefringence in the fiber core. These fibers are named Polarization Maintaining Fibers (Ivan. P. Kaminow, “Polarization in Optical Fibers”, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. QE-17, No. 1, January 1981, 15-221). The fibers maintain certain transmission modes or combinations of modes that have specific spatial and field vector distribution of electromagnetic fields inside a guide or fiber. We will use in this application the terminology that is accepted in papers and patents describing mode structures of light transmission (J. D. Dai, C. K. Jen, Analysis of cladded uniaxial single-crystal fibers. J. Optical Soc. Am. A. 2022-2026; A. Tonning, Circularly symmetrical optical waveguide with strong anisotropy. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Technol. MTT-30, 790-794, 1982 John A. Buck, “Fundamentals of Optical Fibers”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, p. 259) is the most appropriate from our perspective for a description of our invention. Another two publications that are highly relevant to this invention are Sorin, et al. U.S. Pat. No. 4,721,352, and R. A. Bergh, H. C. Lefevre, H. J. Shaw, “Single-mode fiber-optic polarizer”, Optics Letters, 1880, vol. 5, No. 11, 479-481.
The definition of light-transmitting devices or waveguides in the present invention is very broad. It encompasses everything that transmits light between a polarized light source and a detector such as a heterodyne or a homodyne. A polarized light source is understood as a laser or un-polarized light source with a polarization controller. An un-polarized light source is any source of light, for example a light-emitting diode, a lamp, sun light, or day light.
In conventional optical systems, polarization is maintained by introducing birefringent elements in the system such as an asymmetrical core in Polarization Maintaining Fibers. However, it creates another problem, namely polarization dispersion of the signal. The present invention provides polarization maintenance in an optical system without the intrinsic problem of polarization dispersion. The present invention inhibits transmission of one of the modes (TE or TM) in optical guides, and provides components that transmit a polarized signal of one polarization while eliminating light of another polarization. These components might be used as polarization controllers, polarizersii and polarization-maintaining transmissive guides such as plane flat guides and fibers.
It is known from literature (R. A. Bergh, et. al. “Single-mode fiber optic polarizers”, Optics Letters, vol. 5, No. 11, 1980, pp. 479-481) that crystalline material can create certain polarization specificity in waveguides such as fiber, for example. The similar specificity is provided by core and cladding asymmetry that is created by the design of the fiber itself as is shown by photonic crystals and “polarization maintaining fibers” (A. Ferrando et al., “Vector description of higher-order modes in photonic crystal fibers”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A/Vol. 17, No. 7, July 2000, 1333-1340). It is also known (P. Yeh and C. Gu, “Optics of Liquid Crystal Displays”, N.Y., 1999, 427) that some crystals have polarizing capability and maintain polarization of the light.
The present invention employs material of the type disclosed in I. G. Khan et al. U.S. Pat. No. 5,739,296, and I. G. Khan et al. U.S. Pat. No. 6,049,428, that provides anisotropic crystalline coatings, or coatings such as described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,400,877, 2,481,830 and 2,524,286, with easy control over crystallographic axis direction.
An optical waveguide is provided in which polarization of light transmitted through the waveguide is maintained or polarized. The optical waveguide can be planar or cylindrical. The guide comprises a core, a cladding and a film or coating of highly biaxial or uniaxial crystalline material which has different refraction indices in different directions. The material is deposited in such a manner that the film has different optical properties along different axes. In one embodiment, the film material consists of a modified organic compound of flat molecules that possess a liquid-crystal phase structure formed in water and based upon hydrophobic-hydrophilic interaction. The lyotropic liquid crystal material may be coated on the cladding under shear force as a molecularly-oriented thin film. Material of this type is described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,739,926 and 6,049,428. Other polarizing films such as described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,400,877, 2,481,830 and 2,524,286 may also be employed in the present invention.
The invention will understood from the following description when read in connection with the accompanying drawings, in which:
The present invention is directed to new polarization-maintaining and polarizing optical waveguides that are, for example, flat planar guides or cylindrical guides or fibers. Also described is a method of manufacturing mode-selective optical guides such as planar multilayer waveguides or cylindrical guides or fibers. The design of the waveguides has a major distinction: one of the layers is made from a highly anisotropic crystalline material coating with refraction indices that are different in different directions. By the deposition technique employed we can control the direction of the crystallographic axis of the crystals in the final film. Optical properties of crystalline film are different along a crystallographic axis and that is the major benefit that allows for influencing properties of optical waveguides by selecting material and direction or pattern of deposition.
Planar guides,
A light wave electric field vector is
E exp[i(ωt−k·r)]
and a magnetic field vector is
H exp[i(ωt−k·r)],
E=(E1, E2, E3) and H=(H1, H2, H3) are some constant vectors; r=(x, y, z); k=(k, 0, β)−wavevectors.
Let us consider the interaction between two anisotropic layers 13 and the cladding layers 12 having the interface boundary x=a, such that the layer of uniaxial media is located at x>a and the cladding layers 12 are located at x<a. Their common surface is at x=a. The wave propagation direction is z.
We consider first that the extraordinary direction of uniaxial media is the z-axes. The principal coordinate system of the dielectric tensor ∈ coincides with the courtesan one (x, y, z). For uniaxially anisotropic media, ∈x=∈y=∈0no2, ∈z=∈0ne2 where no is the ordinary index of refraction, and ne is the extraordinary index or refraction of the layers 13.
Maxwell's equations are satisfied if
There are two solutions for this system.
The first solution is:
E=(0, 1, 0); k2=((ω/c)2no2−β2).
The second solution is:
E=α(β, 0, −(1/k)((ω/c)2no2−β2)); α2=1/((no/ne)4k2+β2), α>0; k2=(ne/no)2((ω/c)2no2−β2).
It is clear that these two solutions are the orthogonal vectors. Thus the general form of the solution in the arbitrary layer x>a is:
Ex=αβ(C1 Exp[−ix(ne/no)k−izβ+iωt]+C2 Exp[ix(ne/no)k−izβ+iωt]);
Ey=D1 Exp[−ixk−izβ+iωt]+D2 Exp[ixk−izβ+iωt];
Ez=−α(no/ne)k(C1 Exp[−ix(ne/no)k−izβ+iωt]−C2 Exp[ix(ne/no)k−izβ+iωt]).
Here C1, C2, D1, D2 are arbitrary constant and
Now the magnetic field vector components are:
Hx=−(1/ωμ)β(D1 Exp[−ixk−izβ+iωt]+D2 Exp[ixk−izβ+iωt]);
Hy=(1/ωμ)(ω2no2/c2)α(C1 Exp[−ix(ne/no)k−izβ+iωt]+C2 Exp[ix(ne/no)k−izβ+iωt]);
Hz=(1/ωμ)k(D1 Exp[−ixk−izβ+iωt]−D2 Exp[ixk−izβ+iωt]).
In the case of isotropic media (layer 12) the solution for the arbitrary layer is given by:
Ex=αβ(N1 Exp[−ixk−izβ+iωt]+N2 Exp[ixk−izβ+iωt]);
Ey=M1 Exp[−ixk−izβ+iωt]+M2 Exp[ixk−izβ+iωt];
Ez=−αk(N1 Exp[−ixk−izβ+iωt]−N2 Exp[ixk−izβ+iωt]);
Hx=−(1/ωμ)β(M1 Exp[−ixk−izβ+iωt]+M2 Exp[ixk−izβ+iωt]);
Hy=(1/ωμ)(ωn/c)(N1 Exp[−ixk−izβ+iωt]+N2 Exp[ixk−izβ+iωt]);
Hz=(1/ωμ)k(M1 Exp[−ixk−izβ+iωt]−M2 Exp[ixk−izβ+iωt]),
and n is the index of refraction for isotropic cladding media (layer 12).
The condition of continuity at the interface x=a between cladding media and uniaxial media leads to
Ey=M1 Exp[−iak1]+M2 Exp[iak1]=D1 Exp[−iak2]+D2 Exp[iak2];
Ez=−α1k1(N1 Exp[−iak1]−N2 Exp[iak1])=−α2(no/ne)k2(C1 Exp[−ia(ne/no)k2]−C2 Exp[ia(ne/no)k2]);
Hy=(1/ωμ)(ωn/c)(N1 Exp[−iak1]+N2 Exp[iak1])=(1/ωμ)(ω2no2/c2)α2(C1 Exp[−ia(ne/no)k2]+C2 Exp[ia(ne/no)k2]);
Hz=(1/ωμ)k1(M1 Exp[−iak1]−M2 Exp[iak1])=(1/ωμ)k2(D1 Exp[−iak2]−D2 Exp[iak2]).
Here, k2 and α2 are the constants k and α for uniaxial media; k1 and α1 are the constants k and α for isotropic media.
Note, that so-called TE mode corresponds to {M1, M2, N1=0, N2=0} and TM mode corresponds to {M1=0, M2=0, N1, N2}. We see that TE mode of isotropic media is coupled with TE mode of uniaxial media only and TM mode of isotropic media is coupled with TM mode of uniaxial media only. These two modes do not interact with each other for the ideal interface.
Thus for TE mode we have:
Ey=M1 Exp[−iak1]+M2 Exp[iak1]=D1 Exp[−iak2]+D2 Exp[iak2];
Hz=k1(M1 Exp[−iak1]−M2 Exp[iak1])=k2(D1 Exp[−iak2]−D2 Exp[iak2]).
For TM mode we have:
Ez=−α1k1(N1 Exp[−iak1]−N2 Exp[iak1])=−α2(no/ne)k2(C1 Exp[−ia(ne/no)k2]−C2 Exp[ia(ne/no)k2]);
Hy=(ωn/c)(N1 Exp[−iak1]+N2 Exp[iak1])=(ω2no2/c2)α2(C1 Exp[−ia(ne/no)k2]+C2 Exp[ia(ne/no)k2]).
It is seen that TE mode depends only of the ordinary refractive index although TM mode depends on extraordinary and ordinary ones.
Conclusion 1. If we assume that coated direction of uniaxial material is the z axes and that the uniaxial material has the high absorption coefficient for ordinary directions x and y, then TE mode will be an extinguished wave and any wave accidentally appearing in the isotropic media TE mode will decay because of the interaction with the uniaxial material. The extinction rate of TM mode depends of β and ratio ne/no.
Now we consider another design where the extraordinary direction of uniaxial media is the y-axes. The principal coordinate system of the dielectric tensor ∈ coincides with the courtesan one (x, y, z). For uniaxially anisotropic media, ∈x=∈z=∈0no2, ∈y=∈0ne2, the Maxwell's equations are satisfied if
There are two solutions for this system.
The first solution is:
E=(0, 1, 0); ke2=((ω/c)2ne2−β2).
The second solution is:
E=α(β, 0, −ko); α=c/ωno; ko2=((ω/c)2no2−β2).
It is clear that these two solutions are the orthogonal vectors. Thus the general form of the solution in the arbitrary layer x>a is:
Ex=αβ(C1 Exp[−ixko−izβ+iωt]+C2 Exp[ixko−izβ+iωt]);
Ey=D1 Exp[−ixke−izβ+iωt]+D2 Exp[ixke−izβ+iωt];
Ez=−αko(C1 Exp[−ixko−izβ+iωt]−C2 Exp[ixko−izβ+iωt]).
Here C1, C2, D1, D2 are arbitrary constant and
Now the magnetic field vector components are:
Hx=−(1/ωμ)β(D1 Exp[−ixke−izβ+iωt]+D2 Exp[ixke−izβ+iωt]);
Hy=(1/ωμ)(ωno/c)(C1 Exp[−ixko−izβ+iωt]+C2 Exp[ixko−izβ+iωt]);
Hz=(1/ωμ)ke(D1 Exp[−ixke−izβ+iωt]−D2 Exp[ixke−izβ+iωt]).
The condition of continuity at the interface x=a between isotropic media and uniaxial media leads to
Ey=M1 Exp[−iak]+M2 Exp[iak]D1 Exp[−iake]+D2 Exp[iake];
Ez=−αk(N1 Exp[−iak]−N2 Exp[iak])=−α2ko(C1 Exp[−iako]−C2 Exp[iako]);
Hy=(1/ωμ)(ωn/c)(N1 Exp[−iak]+N2 Exp[iak])=(1/ωμ)(ωno/c) (C1 Exp[−iako]+C2 Exp[iako]);
Hz=(1/ωμ)k(M1 Exp[−iak]−M2 Exp[iak])=(1/ωμ)ke(D1 Exp[−iake]−D2 Exp[iake]).
Here, α2 is the constant α for uniaxial media; α1 is the constant α for isotropic media.
We see that TE mode of isotropic media is coupled with TE mode of uniaxial media only and TM mode of isotropic media is coupled with TM mode of uniaxial media only. These two modes do not interact with each other for the ideal interface.
Thus for TE mode we have:
Ey=M1 Exp[−iak]+M2 Exp[iak]=D1 Exp[−iake]+D2 Exp[iake];
Hz=k(M1 Exp[−iak]−M2 Exp[iak])=ke(D1 Exp[−iake]−D2 Exp[iake]).
For TM mode we have:
Ez=−α1k(N1 Exp[−iak]−N2Exp[iak])=−α2ko(C1 Exp[−iako]−C2 Exp[iako]);
Hy=(ωn/c)(N1 Exp[−iak1]+N2 Exp[iak1])=(ωno/c)(C1 Exp[−iako]+C2 Exp[iako]).
It is seen that TE mode depends only on the extraordinary refractive index although TM mode depends only on ordinary one.
Conclusion 2. If we assume that coated direction of uniaxial material is the y-axes and that the uniaxial material has the high absorption coefficient for ordinary directions x and z, then TE mode will travel through isotropic media (core) without decay although TM mode will be an extinguished mode. Any accidentally appeared in isotropic media TM mode will decay because of the interaction with the uniaxial material.
Thus, as seen from conclusions 1 and 2, by proper orientation of the uniaxial media, the polarization TM or TE mode can be transmitted while the other mode is extinguished.
In the planar guide according to
Let us consider the waveguide with a cylindrical cross-section such as shown in FIG. 2. For cylindrical symmetry, the simulation of this design is more complicated, however, the final result is close to that of the planar design. The waveguide includes a core 17, cladding 18 and uniaxial or biaxial anisotropic film 19.
According to
The goal is to find the eventual propagating modes, cutoff condition and their dependence upon input parameters. We assume that
{Er(r), E74 (r), Ez(r), Hr(r), Hθ(r), Hz(r)}eiωtei(nθ−βz).
The equation for eigenvalues β has the form
det(M)[β]=0, (1)
where det(M) is the determinant of the matrix M corresponding to this case. This matrix is presented in the form of the Table 1 below. It was determined that the determinant det(M) in dimensionless variables does not depend of c, μ, ∈0. Keeping the notation ak for ak*(ω/c), k=0, 1; and β for βc/ω; pa02=nc2−β2, pa12=no2−β2, pa22=nc12−β2,
The functions I, J, K, and Y in the Table 1 are the Bessel functions.
Each solution β of the equation (1) corresponds to a propagating mode. There are only a finite number of eigenvalues βn, k for each integer n. If β is a real number then such a mode is propagating without an absorption loss. In our case the coating layer has complex refractive therefore each solution β of the equation (1) is the complex number.
If the imaginary part of wave number β is small enough (such that the absorption loss is small enough) then such a mode would be a propagating one.
The magnitude of the imaginary part of the wave number Im[β] depends basically on the cladding layer thickness h and absorption coefficients no2 and ne2. Different modes have the different absorption rates which are the basis for mode selectivity (polarization selectivity). Moreover, the high rate of birefringence Δn=no1−ne1 (about 0.6-0.9) and the high refractive index no1 (about 2.5) ensure high mode selectivity.
If an eigenvalue βn, k is defined from the equation (1) then the electric and magnetic field distributions can be found from Maxwell equations. The fraction of modal power in the core, ηn, k, can be derived from these field distributions
where Er, Eθ, Hr, Hθ are the field distributions correspond to the eigenvalue βn, k.
The fraction of modal power ηn, k substantially depends on refractive indices no=no1−i*no2 and ne=ne1−i*ne2 such that the different modes have the different modal powers and the different distributions in the waveguide cross section. Numerical example of the cutoff condition for a few lowest modes of step-index fiber with additional uniaxial coating layer is presented in FIG. 3.
Thus, the waveguides, planar or cylindrical (fiber), include an isotropic center layer or core and a cladding as in conventional light guides. However, in accordance with the present invention, a polarizing film or coating is applied to the cladding. The film or coating comprises parallel molecules or crystals which are aligned such that they present different indices of refraction to the two orthogonal polarizations of the light being transmitted along the core. The coating acts to pass or absorb light of one polarization and reflect light of the other polarization whereby the light transmitted along the waveguide has a single polarization. That is, its polarization is maintained.
In all of the embodiments, the polarizing film is applied on the cladding with the ordinary and extraordinary indices or refraction located so as to reflect the polarized light of one orientation back into the core and pass or absorb light of the other orientation to thereby maintain the state of polarization of the transmitted light. It is apparent that other film configurations can be used. The important characteristic of the film is that it maintains its orientation of the crystals or molecules in the film, whereby they maintain the direction of the indices of refraction.
Actually, the thin crystal overlay coating induces an exponentially decreasing boundary layer of TM or TE mode. Due to the difference in absorption coefficients, one of the modes will be an extinguished mode. If a birefringent crystal is used as the ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices of the crystal, then by properly orienting the crystal, one of the polarizations would ‘see’ an overlay with an index lower that the effective index and, hence, would be guided. The other polarization would ‘see’ an overlay index greater than the effective index and, hence, would leak away.
The film is applied to the surface of the cladding by applying a thin layer of a liquid solution including molecules. As the layer is applied, the molecules are suitably aligned. The molecules can be mechanically aligned by applying a frictional force along the direction of the desired alignment. Alternatively, the molecules can be aligned by applying an electric or magnetic field. After the molecules are aligned, the film is allowed to dry to form a solid film which maintains the molecules or crystals in alignment to provide the polarizing film. The material may be a film of non-crystalline oriented molecules such as described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,400,877 and 2,481,830, or may be anisotropic crystalline coatings of the type described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,739,296 and 6,049,428.
The coating is formed by applying a liquid solution including the organic compounds which form the molecules or crystals. The molecules or crystals are oriented into the cladding as a thin film while in a liquid state, and then the solution is allowed to dry by evaporation of the liquid leaving a solid film with oriented molecules or crystals which provide different indices of refractions in two directions to form the polarizing film.
Prior to coating, the optical fiber can be processed to thin the cladding such as it is shown at
Polarizing films may be applied to planar waveguides in the manner described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 2,481,830 and 5,739,296.
Thus, there has been described an optical waveguide in which polarization of light transmitted through the waveguide is maintained or polarized. The optical waveguide can be planar or cylindrical. The guide comprises a core, a cladding and a film or coating of material which has different refraction indices in different directions. The material is deposited in such a manner that the film has different optical properties along the different crystallographic or molecular axes. The film material consists of a modified organic compound of molecules that possess a liquid-crystal phase structure. The liquid crystal material is coated on the cladding under shear force and dries as a molecularly oriented thin film. The film acts upon the optical waves which travel through the waveguide to maintain the plane of polarization of the waves.
This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 60/249,034 filed Nov. 14, 2000.
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Number | Date | Country |
0 234 943 | Jun 1983 | EP |
Number | Date | Country | |
20020090188 A1 | Jul 2002 | US |
Number | Date | Country | |
60249034 | Nov 2000 | US |