Transportation devices, including aircrafts, cars, railway locomotives and trains, marine vessels.
Related Machines and Applications.
No related internal combustion engines like the optimal feedback heat energy internal combustion engine. No transportation device powered by the optimal feedback heat energy internal combustion engine.
The working processes of conventional internal combustion engines were invented a century ago signified by moving mechanical mechanisms intervention the working processes of conventional internal combustion engines. The moving mechanical mechanisms intervention the working processes for reciprocating engine are in the form of pistons and crankshaft. And for the jet engine for aircrafts, it is in the form of rotor and shaft. It is surprising to note that present conventional internal combustion engines follow the working processes of a century ago without significant changes. The aged old working processes still dominate over the current transportation devices powered by internal combustion engines.
There are two defects inherited from the aged old working processes of conventional internal combustion engines:
The first, under the rational criterion provided by the method developed in this patent, the overall thermo efficiency of conventional internal combustion engines is extremely low. Obviously, the extremely low thermo efficiency means excessive consumption of fuel and introduces more pollution to the environment.
The other defect of conventional internal combustion engines is that the clumsy moving mechanical mechanisms 801,
The defects of conventional internal combustion engines were unperceptive at the beginning of applications of the internal combustion engines on transportation devices but seems eminent and unbearable now. The conventional internal combustion engines have restricted the renovation of transportation devices.
This patent presents the OFHE internal combustion engine operated by working processes which fully develops the capacity of hidden heat energy of fuel flow and bearing effective heat energy of flow on media. The working processes of the OFHE internal combustion engine delete all the inherited defects of conventional internal combustion engines, both reciprocating engines and jet engines for aircrafts.
Reports indicate that attempts have been made to improve the performances of present transportation devices. The efforts are deemed powerless due to the defects of conventional internal combustion engines: extremely low thermo efficiency, high weight versus power output ratio, and the parts of power production and power output are bound together by bulk moving mechanical mechanisms.
The embodiments disclosed herein is the presentation of the OFHE internal combustion engine assembly in a logical scheme of analyses and syntheses.
In the embodiments, the OFHE internal combustion engine assembly is divided into two groups according to the roles of the parts of engine playing in the working processes of the engine assembly: the active group and the passive group. The active group of engine assembly includes parts of engine directly participating the production of the thermo potential heat flow TPHm of media. Media are the products of combustion. The passive group of assembly includes parts of engine that consumes TPHm and transforms TPHm into power output of the OFHE internal combustion engine. TPH is the shortened form of the term thermo potential heat energy flow of fluid. The refractive index m on the TPHm indicates the TPH carried by media. Similarly TPHa represents TPH carried by air.
TPH is a substantial flow of heat energy modulated on the flow of fluid. TPH has three parameters: temperature t, pressure p, and velocity v. These parameters are same in values as that of the flow of fluid on which TPH is modulated. The flow of fluid modulated with TPH has heat power production capability. In the working processes of engine, only combustion processes can produce and elevate the level of TPHm and modulate it on the media, the products of combustion.
In the embodiments of analyses of active group, two methods are developed for the working processes of active group.
In the embodiments, the first method provides TPHmmax. TPHmmax is very important in the development of all internal combustion engines in following aspects:
1) For any specific fuel used in internal combustion engine, there is a TPHmmax which can be determined by testing in laboratory monitoring the working processes of active group.
2) TPHmmax provides a rational criterion for thermo efficiency of all internal combustion engines as the ratio of actual power output of internal combustion engine versus TPHmmax.
3) The first method provides the guidance for the improvement of the OFHE internal combustion engines.
In the embodiments, the second method provides optimal feedback TPHm control system of active group.
In the embodiment, the two methods are the foundation of design and construction of the OFHE internal combustion engine.
In the embodiment, the optimal feedback TPHm control system of active group is developed in details by steps and accompanied with implement of contemporary technologies.
In the embodiment, the working processes of active group are analysed. There are no piston and crankshaft that of OTTO and Diesel cycles, nor the rotor and shaft that of jet engine for aircraft. There are three options of power output for the passive group. One option is the jet power output. The three parameters of jet power: p, v, t, are under control by the feedback TPHm control system of active group. The second option of power output of passive group is in the form of electricity. A turbo generator is adopted to the jet power to produce electricity. The third options of power output of passive group is hybrid of both jet power and electricity.
In the embodiment, the working processes of the OFHE internal combustion engine assembly are the syntheses of the working processes of active group and passive group of the engine assembly which have been analysed in [0034]-[0040]. The properties of the engine assembly are the combination of the properties of the two groups.
The design and construction procedures of the OFHE internal combustion engine assembly are the combination of the design and construction procedures of the active group and passive group.
In the embodiment of the OFHE internal combustion engine assembly, the connection between active group and passive group is a flexible duct. There is no moving mechanical mechanisms in it as that of conventional internal combustion engines. This is a favourable feature that relieve the restrictions imposed on the design of transportation devices powered by conventional internal combustion engines. The design and construction of transportation devices powered by the OFHE internal combustion engine will help to advance the transportation devices a big step forward.
In the embodiment, the applications of the OFHE internal combustion engine in the field of transportation devices are described. The applications of the OFHE internal combustion engine in the field of transportation devices are based on the following special features of the OFHE internal combustion engine.
The embodiment provides the renovation of all transportation devices powered by the OFHE internal combustion engine.
The embodiment provides the necessities of reconstruction of infrastructures to adopt the renovated transportation devices powered by the OFHE internal combustion engine to develop its beneficence.
The embodiment provides the emission of less carbon dioxide and other poison gas by the OFHE internal combustion engine than that of any comparable conventional internal combustion engines.
In the following detailed description it will be better understood by reference to the accompanying drawing. These drawings are:
The OFHE internal combustion engine and its applications.
In order to describe the patent in logical scheme of analyses and syntheses, the OFHE internal combustion engine assembly is divided into two groups according to the roles of the parts of engine playing in the working processes of the engine assembly: the active group and passive group. The active group of engine assembly includes parts of engine directly participating the production of the thermo potential heat flow TPHm by combustion of fuel and air and modulated on media. Media are the products of combustion. The passive group of assembly includes parts of engine that consumes TPHm and transforms TPHm into power output of the OFHE internal combustion engine. [0034]-[0038] are the analyses of active groups. [0039] gives the analyses of passive group of the OFHE internal combustion engine. [0040] gives the syntheses of the two groups of the OFHE internal combustion engine assembly.
TPH is the shortened form of the term thermo potential heat energy flow of fluid. The refractive index m on the TPHm indicates the TPH carried by media. Similarly TPHa represents TPH carried by air.
TPH is a substantial flow of heat energy modulated on the flow of fluid. TPH has three parameters: temperature t, pressure p, and velocity v. These parameters are the same in values as that of the flow of fluid on which TPH is modulated and represent the thermo potential of the flow of fluid. In the working processes of engine, only combustion processes can produce and elevate the level of TPHm and modulate it on the media, the products of combustion.
The working processes of the active group.
After fuel flow and air flow induced into the combustion chamber of the active group and ignited, the combustion of fuel and air start, hidden heat energy of fuel released TPHm and modulate on the media, the product of the combustion. The working processes of active group consists of two dynamic systems: the combustion dynamic system and the thermo dynamic system. The combustion dynamic system produces TPHm, and the thermo dynamic system is bearing TPHm, with the product of the combustion.
However, even if the hidden heat energy of fuel participating the combustion process were fully released, the combustion dynamic system of the active group in the open flow of fluid of working processes can not produce the level of TPHm high enough to be transformed by passive group into power output for practical application. Human efforts is needed to elevate the level of TPHm to be transformed into power output for engineering application. Feedback TPHm to flow of air to intensify the combustion dynamic system is the only measure to elevate the level of TPHm of active group.
The active group releases the hidden heat energy of flow of fuel participating the combustion processes of the engine into the flow of effective heat energy TPHm 105. The effectiveness of active group 101 depends on the mutually cooperation of the combustion dynamic system 201 and thermo dynamic system 202. The combustion dynamic system 201 produces TPHm 105 modulated on the media, the products of combustion processes. And the thermo dynamic system 202 manoeuvres the media bearing with TPHm 105 and conveys TPHm 105 to the passive group 102 which transforms TPHm 105 into power output 106.
The level of thermo potential heat flow TPHm 105 produced by combustion processes 201 of engine depends on the intensity of combustion, or rate of release of hidden heat energy, not on the fullness of releasing the hidden heat energy of fuel. Feedback TPHm 105 to the combustion process is to intensify the combustion processes, increasing the rate of releasing the hidden heat energy thereby elevates the level of TPHm 105. Two methods are developed as foundation for the design and construction of the OFHE internal combustion engine.
The First Method
The first method provides TPHmmax as follows:
The maximum thermo potential heat energy flow 301, TPHmmax, is produced in combustion dynamic system 201 only when feedback TPHm 105 by thermo dynamic system 202 to combustion dynamic system 201 is without loss of TPHm 105.
The method can be explained as follows:
Feedback TPHm 105 by thermo dynamic system will intensify the combustion processes up to the limit of intensity of combustion for the specific fuel participating the combustion. Any further increasing the intensity of combustion is impossible by thermo dynamic system to feedback TPHm 105 to combustion dynamic system. This is the states of combustion dynamic system 201 to produce TPHmmax 301.
On the other hand, the thermo dynamic system 202 can not carry TPHm 105 greater than that produced by combustion dynamic system and feedback TPHm 105 to the combustion dynamic system 201. Both dynamic systems 201 and 202 can maintain on TPHmmax 301 only when feedback TPHm 105 by thermo dynamic system 202 to combustion dynamic system 201 is without loss of TPHm 105 as stated by the method.
The method can also be verified by testing.
The method of provides TPHmmax 301 is important in the development of OFHE internal combustion engines in following aspects:
1) The method implies that with right fuel/air ratio, TPHmmax produced by combustion dynamic system depends on the fuel used in the OFHE internal combustion engine. For any specific fuel used for the OFHE engine, TPHmmax can be determined by testing in laboratory monitoring the working processes of active group.
2) The method provides a rational criterion for thermo efficiency of internal combustion engines as
This is the main guide for the design of the OFHE internal combustion engine.
So far the thermo-efficiency of internal combustion in text books is overestimated. The thermo-efficiency of conventional internal combustion engines according to the rational criterion is extremely low.
3) The method pointed out that the intervention of moving mechanical mechanisms in the working processes of conventional internal combustion engines is the main cause of lower the thermo efficiency of conventional internal combustion engines:
These defects of conventional internal combustion engines can not be rectified within the frame of conventional internal combustion engine.
Standard text books about internal combustion engines are the exposition of conventional internal combustion engines. It includes no idea of TPHmmax. The inventors of internal conventional engines a century ago probably were unaware the necessity of feedback control TPHm in the engine working processes. Yet the inventors had unconsciously involved mechanical mechanism in their engines to provide feedback TPHm processes. However, the moving mechanical mechanisms intervening the feedback processes of TPHm are against the method of provides TPHmmax stated above. It consume TPHm produced by combustion, and suppress the combustion processes to produce TPHm to its maximum extent. This is the origin of serious drawback of conventional internal combustion engines. Further discussion of the defects of conventional engines will be given in [0041].
In practice, there are some losses of TPHm in the feedback TPHm control cycles of the OFHE internal combustion engine. The feedback TPHm control system of the OFHE internal combustion engine ensures the optimal TPHm in all internal combustion engines. The method of optimum of feedback TPHm control system of the OFHE internal combustion engine and technologies implementing the method will be developed in [0037].
The Second Method
Feedback TPHm Control System of Active Group and the Optimal Feedback TPHm of Active Group.
One of the most important contributions of the OFHE internal combustion engine is the development of the method of optimal feedback TPHm control system of the active group and its implementation with the contemporary technologies.
General automatic feedback control systems are controlling the parametric objective of dynamic system beyond the energy sources of the systems. The tasks of feedback control of the OFHE internal combustion engine are to control the energy source of combustion dynamic system as well as the parameters of thermo dynamic system of the OFHE internal combustion engine.
Feedback TPHm control system of the active group 101 is optimized by demodulation TPHm from media, products of combustion, and modulated TPH on the fresh air participating the combustion dynamic system. The optimum feedback TPHm processes elevate the level of
TPHm produced by combustion dynamic system approaching TPHmmax. The feedback TPHm processes are of self sufficiency, it needs no assistance of foreign moving mechanical mechanisms 801 of
The demodulation from media and modulated TPH on fresh air are carried out by conducting shock wave between media and fresh air participating the combustion dynamic system.
1) In the active group, the flow of fuel 103 and flow of air 104 are independently driven by pumps 401 and 402 from fuel source 403 and air source 404 respectively into the combustion chamber 405. The intake fuel and air are regulated separately.
2) After flow of fuel 103 and flow of air 104 are conducted into combined combustion chamber 405, spark plug 415 sends a spark to start the combustion, since the working processes of active group are uniflow, once the combustion process started, no spark is needed till next starting operation.
3) The combustion dynamic system 201 produces TPHm 506 and modulated on media, the products of combustion, and sends to passive group for power output, through duct 406, which is engraved in stationary stand 407 of active group 101.
4) Valve v1 408 is provided to guide part of TPHm 506 modulated on media feedback to a media pulses formate duct 409 through feedback duct 410. Both feedback media pluses formate duct 409 and feedback duct 410 are engraved in the interior of the stationary stand 407 of active group 101 structure.
The number of corrugated media pulse formate and shape of corrugation depend on the volume of media produced in combustion chamber.
5) The shape of feedback media pulses are therefore fixed.
6) Valve v2 411 is provided to guide part of TPHm 506 in the feedback duct 410 and injected at the last valley of the pulse formate duct 409. The jet of TPHm 506 is used to regulated p2 of the front of last media pulse.
7) Similar formate air pulse duct 412 is placed at opposite side of the TPHm modem
8) Independent and regulated air is supplied to the formate air pulse duct 412 as step 6) to produce fixed air pulse in the formate air pulse duct 412 as step 5) for TPHm 506 media pulses, but no valve as v1 of step 4).
9) Valve v3 413 is provided as that of step 6) to regulate p1 of the front of last air pulse as that for TPHm 506 of step 6).
10) The media pulse front of TPHm 506 of step 6) and the air pulse front 412 are induced to the opposite side of TPII, modem 414 using a synchronizer. The synchronizer senses and controls the parameters p1 and p2 of front of air pulse and media pulse respectively at equal value by valves v3 and v2 and to meet on the opposite side of TPHm modem 414.
11) A shock wave between TPHm in 506 media pulse and air pulse produces at the TPHm modem 414 and TPHm 506 is demodulated from media and modulized on the air.
12) The demodulated media are exit through a valve v4 (not shown in the figure) and the modulized air is passed to the combustion chamber 405 through a valve v5 (not shown in the FIG.
13) One cycle of feedback TPHm control system of active group 101 is completed and continues the cycles successively.
14) The duct 406, 410, 409 and 412 may be made of by other high temperature sustainable rigid materials and inserted in the stationary stand of active group 407.
In the working processes of feedback TPHm, all the valves, synchronizer and the timing of shock wave between media pulse and air pulse occurred at the TPHm modem are coordinated and controlled by computer.
The feedback TPHm processes of the active group are operated by TPHm of the processes itself without piston and crankshaft that of OTTO and Diesel working processes or rotor and shaft that of jet engine for aircraft.
All the above operations are under normal working condition after starting operation. For the starting operation stater should be used.
It is to be note that
The first option is the jet power output 602 as shown in
The second option is shown in
The third option is the hybrid of both jet power output and electrical power output.
The working processes of the OFHE internal combustion engine assembly are the syntheses of the working processes of the active group and the passive group of the engine assembly which have been analysed in previously [0034]-[0039]. The properties of the engine assembly are the combination of the properties of the two groups.
1) The OFHE internal combustion engine assembly has no mechanical connections between its active group and passive group; each group has its distinctive working processes.
2) The OFHE internal combustion engine is distinguished by its optimal feedback TPHm control system processes in the active group. The processes are completed by its own energy.
3) The overall thermo efficiency of the OFHE internal combustion engine is optimal based on the method of optimal feedback TPHm control system of the active group.
4) Independent power drivers to supply fuel and air to the engine proper.
Defects of the Conventional Internal Combustion Engines.
The nature of the active group and two methods developed in [0036] and [0037] are applicable to all internal combustion engines. The conventional internal combustion engines assembly can also be divided into the active group and the passive group. The working processes of the conventional internal combustion can be analysed in
The working processes of jet engines for aircrafts are the same as that of conventional reciprocating engines. It is shown in the
2) The clumsy moving mechanical mechanisms 801,
3) The fuel and air intake driving mechanism and output power driving mechanism are all shared with the same piston and crankshaft or rotor and shaft. The power production part and all power consumer parts are bound together as shown by the dotted lines 809. It greatly limited the design of transportation devices and its performances.
4) In the manufactory of the conventional internal combustion engines the mechanical works are mostly the said piston and crankshaft or rotor and shaft moving mechanical mechanisms of the engines. Maintenance works of the transportation devices are also the same mechanisms. All the costs are much greater than the counter works of the OFHE internal combustion engine.
Jet power output 601 is mounted on a vertically rotating mechanism and the later is mounted on the stationary stand of passive group 902. The stationary stand of passive group is mounted on favourable position of the transportation devices separately from the stationary stand of active group
The vertically rotating mechanism bearing with the power output jet 601 are operated in coordinating with parts of the transportation devices (such as changing and folding wings of aircraft) by power operated linkage to control the posture of the transportation devices (such as landing and take off operation of aircrafts).
The coordination of posture of transportation device and direction of jet power output are controlled by computer.
The stationary stand of active group and stationary stand of passive group are connected by the duct of TPHm modulated on the media. There are no moving mechanical mechanisms or other rigid material in the duct. Both stationary stands can be fixed on the transportation devices independently.
The design and construction of the active group are the realization of the optimal feedback control system of
The operation of feedback TPHm control system are valves, synchronizers and TPHm modem which may be relocated in detail design. The operation of valves and synchronizer and its peripherals may be mechanical, electrical or fluidic system and devices.
As stated [0037] step 14, all the valves and synchronizer are coordinated and controlled by computer to ensure the shock wave occurs at TPHm modem to transmit TPHm from media to air and participating combustion processes.
TPHm modem subassembly is important part of the OFHE internal combustion engine assembly block. The functions and working principles have been explained in [0037]. The subassembly includes the TPHm modem proper and peripherals. The TPHm modem proper is thin nets fabricated by fine wires. In the working process of the engine, nets are under pressure and high temperature of the shock waves, no tensile stress is induced in the material of the nets. The market available anticorrosion and high temperature sustainable materials can work, probably it doesn't last long time. It is believable that special material for the nets can be developed with the contemporary material technologies. The TPHm modem proper should be easy replaceable in the TPHm modem subassembly like the spark plug of conventional engines. The peripherals are attached to the modem proper to conduct the processes of demodulation of TPHm from media and modulated it on the flows of air participating the combustion as stated in [0037].
Main pieces of the peripherals include synchronizer and fluidic valves. Technologies of fluidic circuit design are applicable to the design of TPHm modem subassembly. All parts of the TPHm modem subassembly and the OFHE internal combustion engine assembly are under higher temperature than that of conventional internal combustion engines, since the combustion temperature and temperature of flow of media are higher than that of the counterparts of conventional internal combustion engines.
Applications of New Engine.
1) The essential features of the OFHE internal combustion engine are
Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2009-229630 | Jan 2009 | JP | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind | 371c Date |
PCT/AU09/01323 | 10/6/2009 | WO | 00 | 3/26/2012 |