Entities like multinational corporations can employ tens if not hundreds of thousands of professionals worldwide, with more workers available to the entities on a contingent and contractual basis. This combined workforce of an entity is among the most valuable resources that the entity has at its disposal, particularly where the entity is concerned with providing services. Such entities align their workforce capacities having different skills, or capabilities, from various sources and geographical locations with their business goals and strategies to maximize revenue.
As noted in the background, an entity aligns its workforce capacity and capability with its business goals and strategies to maximize revenue. Each fiscal year an entity may set target revenues for its different market offerings. Such target revenues often reflect the entity's strategic plan for the following fiscal year. The target revenues have to be allocated properly among various organizations of the entity. If the entity's regular fulltime workforce does not have sufficient capacity or capability to deliver the target revenues, gaps in terms of quantity and skill are identified. These gaps are then satisfied using alternative sources of labor, such as contingent workforce and third-party partners, as well as cross-training existing employees.
Disclosed herein are approaches to address the labor strategy optimization problem that determines both the level, or capacity, and the skill mix, or capability, of the workforce from different sources available to an entity to best support target revenues, so that entity-level gross margin is maximized. These approaches can provide an optimal labor strategy in the form of revenue allocation ratios. These ratios provide the entity with strategic planning decisions regarding how much of its service revenue can be delivered by its internal full-time employees, how many external full-time employees, such as contingent workforce and offshore workforce, should be used, and how much subcontracting to third-party partners and cross-training should be used.
One technique disclosed herein is a deterministic approach for optimizing workforce capacity and capability, using a deterministic workforce capacity and capability model. This deterministic problem can be formulated as a mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model to provide a cost-effective matching of workforce requirements with internal workforce, external workforce, and/or workforce that can be provided through cross-training. Sensitivity analysis can be performed so that the impact of various risks and uncertain factors on the optimal labor strategy and financial performance of the entity are understood.
Another technique disclosed herein is a non-deterministic approach for optimizing workforce capacity and capability, using a non-deterministic workforce capacity and capability model. This non-deterministic problem can be formulated as a stochastic optimization model via a two-stage stochastic program with simple resource. First-stage decision variables involve revenue allocation decisions that have to be made now. Second-stage decision variables involve decision that can then be made after various random parameters are realized. The stochastic model provides decision support under uncertainty, which avoids the need for and is generally more accurate than sensitivity analysis.
The example method 100, as with other example methods disclosed herein, is performed by a processor, such as a processor of a computing device like a general-purpose computer. The method 100 may thus be implemented as a computer program that is stored on a non-transitory computer-readable data storage medium. Execution of the computer program by a processor therefore results in performance of the method 100.
The example method 100 receives values for parameters related to the workforce capacity and capability at the entity (102). The parameter values may be received from a user, via a graphical user interface, or in another manner. The parameters for which values are received by the method 100 can be expressed in terms of a number of sets and indices, as follows.
A set M specifies a set of market offerings by the entity. The market offerings by the entity are the collection of services that the entity offers to clients and customers, in relation to which the entity wishes to optimize its workforce capacity and capability. There is an index m∈M that specifies an index of the market offerings.
At the beginning of a fiscal cycle, the entity may specify forecasted revenue Ym for each market offering, based on confirmed and anticipated orders, and target market share levels. The labor strategy optimization problem is thus to determine a feasible revenue allocation plan for various workforce sources to maximize total gross margin. A solution to the problem provides also recommendations about employees that can be cross-trained to increase regular workforce (i.e., employed by the entity itself) utilization.
A set L specifies a set of workforce sources available to the entity. The workforce sources can differ geographically and also in the nature of the revenue that these sources are able to generate. For instance, some workforce sources that generate revenue are owned by the entity itself, whereas other workforce sources do not generate revenue that is owned by the entity. The set of entity-owned workforce sources is specified by LE, and is a subset of L. That is, LE⊂L. Furthermore, there is an index l∈L that specifies an index of the workforce sources.
A bill-of-labor translates, or decomposes, service demand into a hierarchical structure of labor. The entity's bill-of-labor may have a three-level structure. At the first level, the forecasted revenue can be allocated into revenues assigned to different workforce sources. The entity may specify a lower bound ratio θml for this allocation. That is, at least θml of the forecasted or target revenue Ym of marketing offering m is allocated to source l∈L .
At the second level, the entity-owned revenue can be converted to the number of fulltime employees (FTE), which is further divided into revenues to be generated by different types of FTE. A set F specifies a set of FTE types at the entity, where each FTE type is able to perform a different type of workforce role. An index f∈F is an index of the FTE types. Furthermore, F⊃{reg,ctw}, where reg represents regular FTEs at the entity and ctw represents contingent FTEs at the entity.
At the third level, FTE can be decomposed into a set R that specifies a set of workforce roles, or skills. An index r∈R is an index of the workforce roles. The quantity of regular FTE in role r∈R of marketing offering m from an entity-owned source l∈LE cannot exceed an available workforce inventory lmrl.
As noted above, cross-training can occur so that an FTE that performs one workforce role can be trained to perform a different workforce rule. As such, there is a set T⊂(M×R)×(M×R). This nomenclature specifies a set of valid cross-trainings from one pair of a market offering and a role to another pair of a market offering and a role.
In light of the above sets and indices, the parameters for which values are received in part 102 of the example method 100 can include the following. A parameter Ym, as noted above, specifies the target revenue by the entity for marking offering m. A parameter ρml specifies a cost ratio of revenue generated by a non-entity-owned source
to the target revenue in market offering m. A parameter cmlf specifies cost per FTE of type f per day in marketing offering m from source l. A parameter η specifies a number of working days over a planning horizon for which the workforce capacity and capability of the entity is to be optimized.
Another parameter μmrlm′r′ specifies a percentage of utilization that is lost due to lead time spent to cross-train an FTE from source l in role r of market offering m to role r′ of market offering m′. Cross-training may be possible according to entity-specific rules. It is noted that cross-training within the same market offering is typically more flexible than cross-training across market offerings. However, more generally, the entity itself can dictate which cross-training, if any, is possible. A further parameter θml specifies a lower bound on a percentage of revenue in market offering m allocated to source l. A parameter τml specifies an average discounted external rate of an FTE.
Another parameter λml specifies a risk factor for an FTE in marketing offering m from source l. This risk factor thus captures the percentage of time that is not billable to clients or customers due to learning or other potential disruptions of projections. Furthermore, a parameter umlf specifies a percentage of time of an FTE of type f in market offering m from source l that generates revenue. This is a commitment rate, because a regular or a contingent workforce (CTW) FTE may not be 100% committed to a given projected. It is noted that 1−u in this respect represents the percentage of time that does not generate revenue, such as bidding and pre-sale activities. Both the risk factor λ and the commitment rate u may be uncertain.
Another parameter τmrl specifies a percentage of FTE of role r in market offering m from source l. A parameter lmrl specifies an available inventory of FTE of role r in market offering m from source l, as noted above. Another parameter is a large positive number M, such as greater than a threshold, and which is used to control the amount of cross-training that is desired, where the larger the value of the parameter, the less cross-training that is recommended by the example method 100. A final parameter αmlr specifies a cost of the idled regular FTE of role r in market offering m from source l.
Once the values for the parameters have been received in part 102, the example method 100 uses a deterministic workforce capacity and capability model to generate values for decision variables related to the workforce capacity and capability at the entity, based on these parameter values (104). The decision variables can thus be used by the entity to plan its workforce capacity and capability. The decision variable values represent a solution to the labor strategy optimization problem.
A decision variable xml specifies revenue allocated to source l in market offering m. A decision variable yml specifies FTE for market offering m from source l. A decision variable ymlf specifies FTE of type f for market offering m from source l, and a decision variable zmlrf specifies FTE in role r of type f for market offering m from source l.
A decision variable Xmrlm′r′ specifies regular FTE from source l in role r of market offering m trained to role r′ of market offering m′. Another decision variable Emlr specifies idled regular FTE of role r in market offering m from source l. A decision variable δE
specifies whether cross-training from source l in role r of market offering m to role r′ of market offering m′ can be positive.
The deterministic workforce capacity and capability model can be expressed as a MILP problem that is solved to maximize an expression specified by the deterministic model, given constraints specified by this model (106). The MILP problem can be solved using existing mathematical tools. One example of such a mathematical tool is the Gurobi™ Optimizer software package, available from Gurobi Optimization, of Houston, Tex.
The objective function can be generally expressed as A−B−C−D−E. In this expression, A specifies total revenue allocated, B specifies a cost of service delivery from non-entity-owned sources, and C specifies a total entity-owned workforce cost. Furthermore, D specifies a total cross-training cost, and E specifies a penalty of idled regular workforce.
The constraints can generally include the following. A first constraint is to ensure that total revenue allocated to workforce sources equals a forecasted revenue target in each of a plurality of market offerings. A second constraint is to impose a lower bound on the total revenue as allocated to the workforce sources, which can be relaxed if the entity does not have a lower bound to allocate its target revenue to different sources. A third constraint is to convert revenues in currency amounts into a number of FTEs needed while considering one or more risk factors. A fourth constraint is to enforce a sum of different types of FTE equals a total number of the FTEs needed. A fifth constraint specifies FTEs needed per FTE role.
A sixth constraint specifies a composition of FTE in terms of FTE roles, which can be relaxed if the entity has flexibility in the workforce's composition of roles. A seventh constraint is to balance an initial inventory, a reduced regular FTE used for cross-training, an increased regular FTE trained from other roles, and an idled regular FTE. An eighth constraint is to ensure that FTEs used for cross-training cannot exceed an available inventory. A ninth constraint is to ensure that cross-trained FTEs cannot exceed a final regular FTE number, where as a tenth constraint to forbid cross-training where impermissible. One or more eleventh constraints are to prevent cross-training idled regular FTEs. A twelfth constraint is to define decision variable domains.
More specifically, the objective function that is maximized to solve the MILP problem can be expressed as ΣmΣlxml−ΣmΣl∈L/LEρmlxml−ηΣmΣl∈LEΣfcmlf−ηΣmΣl∈LEΣrcmlregμmrlm′r′Xmrlm′r′−ηΣmΣl∈LEΣrαmlrEmlr. The twelve constraints noted above can be more specifically expressed as follows. The first constraint is expressed as Σlxml=Ym,∀m∈M. The second constraint is expressed as xml≧θmlYm,∀m∈M,l∈L. The third constraint is expressed as τmlη[Σfumlfymlf−λmlyml]=xml,∀m∈M,l∈LE. The fourth constraint is expressed as Σfymlf=yml,∀m∈M,l∈LE. The fifth constraint is expressed as Σrzmlrf=ymlf,∀m∈M,l∈LE,f∈F. The sixth constraint is expressed as Σfzmlrf=πmrlyml,∀m∈M,l∈LE,r∈R.
The seventh constraint is expressed as zmlrreg=lmrl−Σm′Σr′Xmrlm′r′+Σm′Σr′(1−μm′r′lmr)Xm′r′lmr−Emlr, ∀m∈M,l∈LE,r∈R. The eighth constraint is expressed as Σm′Σr′Xmrlm′r′≦lmrl,∀m∈M,l∈LE,r∈R. The ninth constraint is expressed as Σm′Σr′(1−μm′r′lmr)Xm′r′lmr≦zmlrreg,∀m∈M,l∈LE,r∈R. The tenth constraint is expressed as Xmrlm′r′=0,∀(mr,m′r′)∉T,l∈LE. The eleventh constraints are expressed as MgδE
The twelfth constraint is expressed as xml,yml,ymlf,zmlrf,Xmrlm′r′≧0.
Solving the MILP problem to maximize the expression noted above, given the constraints noted above, provides values for the decision variables that have been described. As such, the decision variable values can be output by the example method 100 (108), so that a user is able to employ these values in optimizing the workforce capacity and capability at the entity. Such output can include displaying the values on a graphical-user interface provided on a display device, as well as outputting the values on a printed medium, and storing the values on a non-transitory computer-readable data storage medium for later analysis.
The example method 100 can further determine performance measures from the decision variable values to assist the entity in evaluating its labor strategy (112). For the first level of the bill-of-labor, the percentage of target revenue allocated to each workforce source may be determined. The percentage of revenue in market offering m allocated to source l, for instance, is
This performance measure captures the entity's strategic staffing plan in each market offering. That is, this measure captures how much revenue in a particular market offering m will be delivered by internal FTE, as well as by CTW, and by third-party partners.
At the second level of the bill-of-labor, the percentage of services delivered by different entity-owned workforce f can be determined as
This performance measure provides information about the optimal composition of the entity-owned FTE. For instance, the entity-owned FTE composition may be compared using this performance measure to external CTW FTE.
The labor productivity measuring the efficiency of service delivery can be determined as
where D1=Σl∈L/LEρmlxml, D2=ηΣmΣl∈LEΣfcmlfymlf, D3=ηΣmΣl∈LEΣrcmlregμmrlm′r′, and D4=ηΣmΣl∈LEΣrαmlrEmlr. In this performance measure, the numerator is the total revenue to be generated by the workforce at location (i.e., source) l for the market offerings. The denominator includes four cost components D1,D2,D3, and D4. The cost component D1 is the cost of non-entity-owned service, and the cost component D2 is the cost of entity-owned service. The cost component D3 is the cost of cross-training, and the cost component D4 is the penalty cost of idled regular workforce.
The overall utilization of the regular workforce from source l is another performance measure. This performance measure can be determined as the ratio between utilized workforce capacity and available inventory. More specifically, this measure is
Because the workforce capacity and capability model of the example method 100 is a deterministic model, the decision variable values are generated using the model based on specified values for the parameters that have been received. However, a complete set of the parameters may not all be known, and therefore have to be estimated. Depending on these estimates, the resulting values for the decision variables may vary immensely. To determine the impact of such parameter estimation, then, sensitivity analysis can be performed on the parameters to determine the effects of parameter change on the values for the decision variables (112).
More specifically, if a particular parameter has to be estimated, different values for the parameter may be input into the deterministic workforce capability and capability model, to assess how much different decision variables change in value in accordance with changes in the values for the parameter in question. As such, the sensitivity of each decision variable to a parameter can be determined. Knowing this sensitivity can assist the entity in determining how accurate the decision variable values are, in light of uncertainty in one or more of the parameters. For example, sensitivity analysis may show that if a particular parameter varies by X1 percent from its estimated value, then a given decision variable may correspondingly vary by X2 percent from its determined value.
However, another approach to overcoming this uncertainty is to employ a non-deterministic model in lieu of a deterministic model.
Whereas the example deterministic method 100 employs point estimates of parameters that are effectively random, such as commitment rate u and risk factor λ, the example non-deterministic method 100 more accurately treats them as random parameters. The example method 100′ receives values for first parameters related to the workforce capacity and capability at the entity (102′). The first parameters are non-random parameters, which the entity can provide with a relatively high degree of certainty. These first parameters can be the same as the parameters that the example deterministic method 100 receives in part 102, except that the commitment rate u and risk factor A are not part of the first parameters for which values are received in part 102′, because these parameters are treated as random parameters.
Therefore, in addition to the first parameters for which values are received in part 102′, the example method 100′ considers at least two second parameters that are random. One random parameter is θmlf
Once the values for the first parameters have been received in part 102′, the example method 100′ uses a non-deterministic workforce capacity and capability model to generate values for decision variables related to the workforce capacity and capability at the entity, based on these first non-random parameter values, as well as based on the second random parameters (104′). As in the method 100, the decision variables in the method 100′ can thus be used by the entity to plan its workforce capacity and capability. The decision variable values represent a solution to the labor strategy optimization problem.
The decision variables can include first-stage decision variables and second-stage decision variables. The first-stage decision variables include allocation of target revenues into different workforce sources that corresponds to a first-level decomposition of the labor strategy optimization problem. Such decision can be made immediately so that budget policies can be determined for each market offering and workforce source for the entity to start or continue operation. For instance, revenue allocated to offshore workforce needs should be known immediately for coordinating such operations. Revenue allocation to third-party partners likewise can be specified immediately, for negotiations to proceed with these partners.
However, due to the uncertain nature of various risks, such as the commitment rate u and the risk factor λ involved in a second-level decomposition, the number of FTEs to support the allocated revenue is uncertain. As such, the second-stage decision variables specify these and other values that cannot be, and do not have to be, determined right away. Rather, such second-stage decision-variables do not have to be determined until the random parameters have been realized.
The decision variables in the example method 100′ can be expressed in terms of a number of sets and indices, in addition to the sets and indices specified above in relation to the example method 100, as follows. A set Ω specifies a set of scenarios. An index ω∈Ω specifies a scenario representing a realization of the second parameters. A probability pω specifying a probability that scenario ω occurs, A scenario is one instantiation realizable by the random parameters. That is, when the random parameters take on a particular value, such a unique tuple or pair of values is considered a scenario.
The first-stage decision variables thus include a first-stage decision variable xml, which specifies revenue allocated to source l in market offering m, as noted above. The second-stage decision variables include a second-stage decision variable ymlω specifying FTE for market offering m from source l in scenario ω. Another second-stage decision variable is ymlfω, which FTE of type f for market offering m from source l in scenario ω. The second-stage decision variables include zmlrfω specifying FTE in role r of type f for market offering m from source l in scenario ω. A further second-stage decision variable Xmrωlm′r′ specifies regular FTE from source l in role r of market offering m trained to role r′ of market offering m′ in scenario ω.
A second-stage decision variable Emlrω specifies idled regular FTE of role r in market offering m from source l in scenario ω. A second-stage decision variable δE
specifies whether cross-training from source l in role r of market offering m to role r′ of market offering m′ can be positive in scenario ω. Finally, a second-stage decision variable αmlrω specifies a cost of the idled regular FTE of role r in market offering m from source l in scenario ω.
The non-deterministic workforce capacity and capability problem can be modeled as a two-stage stochastic program (SP) with simple recourse. The deterministic equivalent formulation of the SP model can be specified (106′), and can be solved using existing mathematical tools, such as the Gurobi Optimization software package noted above.
The objective function can be generally expressed as A−B−C−D−E. In this expression, A specifies total revenue allocated, B specifies a cost of service delivery from non-entity-owned sources, and C specifies a total entity-owned workforce cost weighted over a plurality of probabilistic scenarios. Furthermore, D specifies a total cross-training cost weighted over the probabilistic scenarios, and E specifies a penalty of idled regular workforce weighted over the probabilistic scenarios.
The constraints can generally include the following. A first constraint is to ensure that total revenue allocated to workforce sources equals a forecasted revenue target in each of a plurality of market offerings. A second constraint is to impose a lower bound on the total revenue as allocated to the workforce sources. A third constraint is to convert revenues in currency amounts into a number of FTEs needed while considering one or more risk factors, and as associated with a particular probabilistic scenario. A fourth constraint is to enforce a sum of different types of FTE equals a total number of the FTEs needed, as associated with the particular probabilistic scenario. A fifth constraint is to specify FTEs needed per FTE role, as associated with the particular probabilistic scenario. A sixth constraint specifies a composition of FTE in terms of FTE roles, as associated with the particular probabilistic scenario.
A seventh constraint is to balance an initial inventory, a reduced regular FTE used for cross-training, an increased regular FTE trained from other roles, and an idled regular FTE, as associated with the particular probabilistic scenario. An eighth constraint is to ensure that FTEs used for cross-training cannot exceed an available inventory, as associated with the particular probabilistic scenario. A ninth constraint is to ensure that that cross-trained FTEs cannot exceed a final regular FTE number, as associated with the particular probabilistic scenario. A tenth constraint is to forbid cross-training where impermissible, as associated with the particular probabilistic scenario. One or more eleventh constraints are to prevent cross-training idled regular FTEs, as associated with the particular probabilistic scenario. A twelfth constraint is to define decision variable domains, as associated with the particular probabilistic scenario.
More specifically, the expression that is maximized to solve the SP problem can be expressed as
The twelve constraints noted above can be more specifically expressed as follows. The first constraint is expressed as Σlxml=Ym,∀m∈M. The second constraint is expressed as xml≧θmlYm,∀m∈M,l∈L. The third constraint is expressed as τmlη[Σfumlfωymlfω−λmlωymlω]=xml,∀m∈M,l∈LE,ω∈Ω. The fourth constraint is expressed as Σfymlfω=ymlω,∀m∈M,l∈LE,ω∈Ω. The fifth constraint is expressed as Σrzmlrfω=ymlfω,∀m∈M,l∈LE,f∈F,ω∈Ω. The sixth constraint is expressed as Σfzmlrfω=πmrlymlω,∀m∈M,l∈LE,r∈R,ω∈Ω.
The seventh constraint is expressed as zmlrreg,ω=lmrl−Σm′Σr′Xmrωlm′r′+Σm′Σr′(1−μm′r′lmr)Xm′r′ωlmr−Emlrω, ∀m∈M,l∈LE,r∈R,ω∈Ω. The eighth constraint is expressed as Σm′Σr′Xmrωlm′r′≦lmrl,∀m∈M,l∈LE,r∈R,ω∈Ω. The ninth constraint is expressed as Σm′Σr′(1−μm′r′lmr)Xm′r′ωlmr≦zmlrreg,ω,∀m∈M,l∈LE,r∈R,ω∈Ω. The tenth constraint is expressed as Xmrωlm′r′=0,∀(mr,m′r′)∉T,l∈LE,ω∈Ω. The eleventh constraints are expressed as
The twelfth constraint is expressed as xml,ymlω,ymlfω,zmlrfω,Xmrωlm′r′≧0.
The SP problem can be solved in two different stages. At a first stage, the example method 100′ solves the SP problem to generate values for the first-stage decision variables to provide an estimated solution to the SP problem (202). The first stage can be performed immediately—i.e., “right now”—because the first stage does not involve random parameters. By comparison, the method 100′ solves the SP problem in the second stage (204), by realizing the random parameters for a particular scenario. That is, the second stage is associated with particular scenarios of realization of the random parameters. The second-stage decision variable may thus be referred to as recourse variables. The first-stage decision variables can correspond to first-level budget allocation decisions that are to be made among different market offerings and locations. Based on a realized scenario of commitment rate and risk factor, for instance, second-stage, or recourse, decision variables are then solved for, and which correspond to lower-level staffing decisions regarding FTE, cross-training, and so on.
Solving the SP problem at either stage to maximize the expression noted above, given the constraints noted above, provides values for the corresponding stage of decision variables that have been described. As such, the decision variable values in question can be output by the example method 100′ (108), in the same manner as described above in relation to the example method 100. The method 100′ can further determine performance measures from the decision variable values to assist the entity in evaluating its labor strategy (112), also in the same manner as described above in relation to the method 100.
Because the workforce capacity and capability model of the example method 100′ is a non-deterministic model, the decision variable values are generated using the model based on random parameters that assume probabilistic distributions. Sensitivity analysis does not have to be performed in the non-deterministic method 100′ as it is in the deterministic method 100. This is because solving the SP problem itself provides for decision support under uncertain conditions.
As such, the computer program 306 implements or otherwise uses a workforce capacity and capability model 308, such as a deterministic model or a non-deterministic model. Parameter values 310 are input into the model 308, and the computer program uses the model 308 to generate decision variable values 312. The parameter values 310 can be those input in part 102 of the deterministic method 100, or those input in part 102′ of the non-deterministic method 100. Likewise, the decision variable values 312 may be the decision variable values output in part 108 of the deterministic method 100, or the first-stage and/or second-stage decision variable values output in part 108 of the non-deterministic method 100′.