This invention relates to a transient current calculation as part of the study of the response time and peak transient current in the design of nano-chips in nano electronics.
At the heart of growing demands for nanotechnology is the need of ultrafast transistors whose response time is one of the key performance indicators. The response of a general quantum open system can be probed by sending a step-like pulse across the system and monitoring its transient current over time, thus making transient dynamics a very important consideration. Many experimental data show that most molecular device characteristics are closely related to the material and chemical details of the device structure. Therefore, first principles analysis, which involves quantitative and predictive analysis of device characteristics, especially their dynamic properties, without relying on any phenomenological parameter, becomes a central interest in the design of nanoelectronics.
The theoretical study of transient current dates back twenty years to when the exact solution in the wideband limit (“WBL”) was obtained by Wingreen et al. See, N. S. Wingreen et al., Phys. Rev. B 48, 8487(R) (1993), which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. Since then transient current has been studied extensively using various methods, including the scattering wave function, non-equilibrium Green's function (“NEGF”) approach, and density matrix method. See, J. Wang, J. Comput. Electron. 12, 343-355 (2013); S. Kurth et al., Phys. Rev. B 72, 035308 (2005)(hereinafter “Kurth”); G. Stefanucci et al, Phys. Rev. B 77, 075339 (2008)(hereinafter “Stefanucci”); Y. Zhu et al., Phys. Rev. B 71, 075317 (2005); J. Maciejko et al., Phys. Rev. B 74, 085324 (2006)(hereinafter “Maciejko”); R. Tuovinen et al., Phys. Rev. B 89, 085131 (2014)(herein after “Tuovinen”); R. Seoane Souto et al., Phys. Rev. B 92, 125435 (2015) and X. Zheng et al., Phys. Rev. B 75, 195127 (2007), all of which are incorporated herein by reference. The major obstacle to the theoretical investigation of transient current is its computational complexity. Many attempts have been made trying to speed up the calculation See Kurth and Tuovinen, as well as L. Zhang et al., Phys. Rev. B 86, 155438 (2012); B. Gaury et al., Phys. Rep. 534, 1-37 (2014); M. Ridley et al., J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 696, 012017 (2016)(hereinafter “Ridley”); H A. Croy et al., Phys. Rev. B 80, 245311 (2009) and F J. Weston et al., Phys. Rev. B 93, 134506 (2016), all of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
Despite these efforts, the best algorithm for calculating the transient current from first principles going beyond WBL limit scales like TN3 using a complex absorbing potential (“CAP”), where T and N are the number of time steps and the size of the system, respectively. See, L. Zhang et al, Phys. Rev. B 87, 205401 (2013) (hereinafter “Zhang”), which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. It should be noted that if WBL is used, the scaling is reduced. See, the Ridley article. However, to capture the feature of the band structure of the lead and the interaction between the lead and the scattering region, WBL is not a good approximation in the first principles calculation. As a result, most of the first principles investigations of transient dynamics were limited to small and simple one-dimensional systems.
There are a number of problems, such as with magnetic tunneling junctions (MTJ) and ferroelectric tunneling junctions, where the system is two dimensional or even three dimensional in nature. See, Z. Y. Ning et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 056803 (2008) and J. D. Burton et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 157203 (2011), which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. For these systems, a large number of k points Nk have to be sampled in the first Brillouin to capture accurately the band structure of the system. For MTJ structures like Fe—MgO—Fe, at least Nk=104 k points must be used to give a converged transmission coefficient. See, D. Waldron et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 226802 (2006), which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. This makes the time consuming transient calculation Nk times longer, which is an almost impossible task even with high performance supercomputers. Clearly it is urgent to develop better algorithms to reduce the computational complexity.
According to the present invention a novel algorithm based on NEGF-CAP formalism is used to calculate transient current as a function of time step T. The computational time of this algorithm is independent of T as long as T<N2 where N is the system size. Hence the algorithm is order O(1) as long as T<N2. Four important factors are essential to achieve this result: (1) the availability of an exact solution of transient current based on a non-equilibrium Green's function (NEGF) that goes beyond the wideband limit (WBL); (2) the use of complex absorbing potential (CAP) so that the transient current can be expressed in terms of poles of Green's function; (3) within the NEGF-CAP formalism the transient current can be calculated separately in the space and time domains making the O(1) algorithm possible so that at this point the computational complexity reduces to 50N3+TN2 (algorithm I); and (4) the exploitation of a Vandermonde matrix enables the use of the fast multipole method (FMM) and fast Fourier transform (FFT) to further reduce the scaling to 50N3+2N2 log2 N for T<N2 and large N, which is therefore completely independent of T (algorithm II). See V. Rokhlin, J. Comput. Phys., 60, 187-207 (1985)(hereinafter “Rokhlin”) and J. Song et al., IEEE trans. Antennas Propagat. 45, 1488-1493 (1997)(hereinafter “Song”), which are both incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. It is possible with this new algorithm to calculate, and thus predict, the actual response of a nano-device theoretically without experimental data. Thus, the algorithm is useful in the design of a nano-device before actual production.
Everything is made of atoms. In theory, every physical phenomena in a real device can be accurately calculated and predicted once its composition is known, e.g., how many atoms, which types of atoms, etc. From the Hamiltonian (a quantity that stores the physical information of the system based on the particular electrons of particular elements present in the devices), it is possible to use the algorithm of the present invention to calculate and predict the actual response of a nano-device. To verify the computational complexity, benchmark calculations were carried out on graphene nanoribbons using the tight-binding model. A speed up factor of 1000 T was gained for a system size of N=2400. A calculation was also done for the same system with N=10,200 and T=108 confirming the O(1) scaling. This fast algorithm makes the computational complexity of transient current calculation comparable to that of a static calculation. Thus, the huge speed gain enables the performance of first principles transient calculations and nano-device design on a modest computer workstation.
For a general open quantum system with multiple leads under a step-like bias pulse, the Hamiltonian (the operator corresponding to the total energy of the system in most of the cases) is given by
where c† (c) denotes the electron creation (annihilation) operator in the lead region. The first term in this equation corresponds to the Hamiltonian of leads with εk
The upward step-like bias pulse the Aα(ε,t) is found in the Maciejko article to be
Despite the simplification from the conventional double time G<(t,t′) to single time G<(t,t) used in Eq. (1Error! Reference source not found.), the computational cost to obtain G< remains very demanding for the following reasons:
(1) Consider Aα(ε,t) with a matrix size of N, matrix multiplications
(2) Double integrations in energy space are required for G<. The presence of numerous quasi-resonant states whose energies are close to the real energy axis makes the energy integration in Aα extremely difficult to converge.
This problem can be overcome using the CAP method as described in the article J. Driscoll and K. Varga, Phys. Rev. B 78, 245118 (2008), which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The essence of the CAP method is to replace each semi-infinite lead by a finite region of CAP while keeping the transmission coefficient of the system unchanged. In addition, it is demonstrated in the Zhang article that the first principles result of transient current for molecular junctions obtained from the exact numerical method (non-WBL) and the CAP method are exactly the same. Using the CAP method, the poles of Green's function can be obtained easily and the spectral function can be calculated analytically using the residue theorem. Expanding the Fermi function using the Pade spectrum decomposition (PSD), as explained more fully in the detailed description of the invention below, further allows for the calculation of the transient current separately in space and time domain making the O(T0N3) algorithm possible. See, J. Hu et al., J. Chem. Phys. 133, 101106 (2010), which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
Achieving the algorithm of the present invention for the transient current calculation can now be demonstrated, i.e., Iα(tj) for j=1,2, . . . ,T. First Eq. (3) is substituted into Eq.(2), and G<(t,t) can be written as
B1=∫dεf(ε)ΣαA1αWαA1α†, B2(ω,ωt)=∫dεf(ε)ΣαA2α(ω,ε)WαA2α†(ωt,ε), and Wα is the CAP matrix. In terms of the poles of Green's function and the Fermi distribution function, which are explained more fully in the detailed description of the invention below, we have:
where εn and εm (n=1,2, . . . N) is the complex energy spectrum of
in the lower half plane, while {tilde over (ε)}l are the poles of f(E) using PSD with l=1, . . . Nf: and Nf is the total number of those poles for the adopted Pade approximant.
Within the CAP framework, G< in Eq. (1) is the lesser Green's function of the central scattering region excluding the CAP regions. Substituting the second term of Eq. (4) into the first term in Eq. (1), its contribution to current (denoted as I1) is
where the matrix M does not depend on time. Thus, the space and time domains have been separated.
Denoting a Vandermonde matrix Vjk=exp(iεktj) with k=1,2, . . . ,N, tj=jdt, j=1,2, . . . ,T where dt is the time interval and I1(tj)=[Vt(M+M†)V*]jj. Using this approach, IL is finally obtained. This calculation is more fully explained in the detailed description below.
where {circumflex over (V)}αjk=exp(i({circumflex over (ε)}k+Δα)tj) is a T×Nf matrix, M1 is a N×N matrix while M2 is a N×Nf matrix. Since εk is the complex energy in the lower half plane, Vjk goes to zero at large j. Hence I0L is the long time limit of the transient current which can be calculated using the Landauer Buttiker formula. The time dependent part of the transient current can be separated into a real space calculation (calculation of M1 and M2α) and then a matrix multiplication involving time. At room temperatures the Fermi function can be accurately approximated by 15 or 20 Pade approximants. Hence the calculation of (VtM1V*|ff+(Σα|VtM2α{tilde over (V)}α*|ff+α,α) can be combined to give TN2 computational complexity.
The computational complexity of this algorithm (denoted as algorithm I) can now be examined By counting the number of matrix multiplication, the computational complexity of the real space calculations can be estimated to be 50N3. Therefore the total computational complexity is 50N3+TN2. At this stage, the algorithm is not O(1) yet. In the detailed description below it is shown that matrix multiplication VtM, where M is M1 or M2α, can be done using the FMM and FFT (denoted as algorithm II). This reduces the computational complexity of VtM from TN2 to T log2N. Hence for T<N2, the computational complexity is 50N3+N2 log2N. For T>N2, the scaling is 50N3+T log2N. However, for large T, the physics comes into play. Since εj is the complex energy of the resonant state, VjT=exp(−iεjdtT) decays quickly to zero before T=N2. For a graphene nanoribbon with N=104 (see details below), the maximum value of VjT=exp(−iεjdtT) is 10−3 when T=N and dt=1 fs. Consequently all of the matrix elements are zero for T=10N. Hence for large systems, the chance to go beyond T=N2 is small. In this sense, algorithm II is an order O(1) algorithm.
The foregoing and other objects and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent when considered in connection with the following detailed description and appended drawings in which like designations denote like elements in the various views, and wherein:
First principles transient current calculation is essential to the study of the response time and to capture the peak transient current for preventing the melt down of nano-chips in nano-electronics. For a period of time T, its calculation is known to be extremely time consuming with the best scaling being TN3 where N is the dimension of the device. The dynamical response of the system is usually probed by sending a step-like pulse and monitoring its transient behavior.
The present invention is directed to a new algorithm for calculating the transient current of a system, which requires much less computational time than the prior art.
Generally speaking, the algorithm provides an O(1) computational method for obtaining the transient response of current I(t) over the entire user-defined time period under suitable conditions. The input parameters for this algorithm include Hamiltonians of the open quantum system before and after the transient process denoted as Heq and Hneq. These Hamiltonians, whether based on atomistic first-principle density functional theory (DFT) or tight-binding methods, can be adopted at will for the system of interest. Nonetheless, complex absorbing potential (CAP) is required to represent the self-energy of the leads of the device. Subsequently, corresponding eigenstate and energy can be generated and fed into the algorithm. Additionally, Fermi function is expanded using Pade spectrum decomposition (PSD).
It is only possible to construct the particular exact equation of transient current which can be calculated separated in space and time domains by using the mentioned form of input ingredients. Once such an equation is constructed, whether for the case for step-up, step-down bias or other similar classes of transient response, so that I(t) is a function of Io, Vm(t) and Mn for some m and n where Vm(t) are Vandemonde matrices and Io and Mn are time independent matrices. Once the required Vandemonde matrices and Mn are constructed, fast multi pole method (FMM) and fast Fourier transform (FFT) are used to calculate the matrix multiplication between them. Eventually, I(t) can be obtained by summing up the contribution due to Io, Vm(t) and Mn.
In step 901 of
The results of step 902 are then reviewed in step 904 to see if they contain time dependent components. If the answer is NO, the process moves to step 905. In step 905 the process computes and constructs space dependent matrices by an optimized matrix multiplication process. From step 905 the process goes to step 906 where the FMM and FFT methods are used for computing the multiplication of Vm and Mn.
If the result of step 904 is YES, the process moves to step 907 where Vandermonde matrices are prepared before moving to step 906. The results in both step 905 and 906 are summed in Step 908. The summed results are directed to output step 909, where the complete transient response I(t) over the user-defined time period is generated.
To demonstrate the power of the algorithm according to the present invention, the transient current in a graphene nanoribbon is calculated. Graphene is a well-known intrinsic 2D material with many exotic properties. See, A. H. Castro Neto et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 81, 109 (2009) and Y. Zhang et al., Nature, 438, 201-204 (2005), which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. Studies of its transient behavior in response to a step-like pulse have been reported in the literature. See the Stefanucci article and E. Perfetto et al., Phys. Rev. B 82, 035446 (2010) and Y. O. Klymenko et al., Eur. Phys. J. B 69, 383-388 (2009), which are both incorporated herein by reference in their entirety.
The algorithm of the present invention was tested on a gated graphene nanoribbon at room temperature using the tight-binding (TB) Hamiltonian given by
where ĉi†(ĉi) is the creation (annihilation) operator at site i and h0=2.7 eV being the nearest hopping constant. Here V(x)=VL+(VR−VL)×/L is the potential landscape due to the external bias with VR=−VL=0.54V and Vg1 and Vg2 being the gate voltages in regions S1 and S2, respectively.
First it is confirmed that the transient current calculated using the new method is the same as that of the Zhang reference. Using 30 layers of CAP, the transmission coefficient versus the energy was calculated and it showed good agreement with the exact solution.
Now testing of the scaling of the algorithm of the present invention can be achieved by calculating the transient current for nanoribbons with different system sizes ranging from 600 to 10,200 atoms. The first test is with algorithm I. The computational time for the transient current for 3 time steps compared against system sizes N is shown in
Now algorithm II, which reduces the scaling TN2 further, can be examined Notice that the scaling TN2 comes from matrix multiplication involving Vandermonde matrix VtM1. The fast algorithm is available to speed up the calculation involving a structured matrix, such as the Vandermonde matrix. As discussed in detail below the FMM as in the Rokhlin and Song articles and FFT can be used to carry out the same matrix multiplication using only c3N2 log2N operations provided that T<N2. Here the coefficient c3 is a large constant that depends only on the tolerance of the calculation τ and the setup of FMM. The theoretical estimate of this coefficient is about 40 log2(1/τ) where τ is the tolerance in the FMM calculation, which used τ=10−4. See N. Yarvin et al., Anal. 36, 629 (1999), which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. When implementing FMM, this coefficient is in general larger than the theoretical one.
To test algorithm II, the transient current is calculated for N=104 and T=108 as explained in detail below, using FMM and FFT. Denote t1 the CPU time needed for the spacial calculation (50N3), t2 is the time needed for the temporal part (matrix multiplication in Eq. (7)) using, e.g., a Xeon X5650 workstation with 12 cores and a frequency of 2.67 GHz. The result t1=3500 s is obtained using 12 cores and t1=33800 s using a single core so the efficiency of multithreading is about 80%. For an FMM calculation, multithreading could be very inefficient so a single core has been used to perform the calculation. It was found t2=3400 s for T=108 using a single core, as shown below in the detailed computational analysis and numerical calculation. It was found that for T=108 the time spent in the time dependent part is about one tenth of the time of the independent calculation. This confirms that the method of the present invention uses an algorithm of order O(1) as long as T<N2. It should be pointed out that algorithm II is directed to the calculation of the transient current l(t) with time steps T=N2 at one shot with scaling N2 log2N. This scaling remains if l(t) with the number of time step less than N2 is desired.
Since the algorithm of the present invention is based on the NEGF-CAP formalism, it can be extended to the NEGF-DFT-CAP formalism which performs the first principles calculation. In fact, the NEGF-DFT-CAP method has already been successfully implemented in the first principles transient current calculation as shown in the Zhang reference, which gives exactly the same result as that of NEGF-DFT. With the fast algorithm at hand, many applications can be envisaged. For instance, the transient spin current (related to spin transfer torque) using the NEGF-DFT-CAP formalism has been carried out for planar structures where k-sampling in the first Brillouin zone is needed. It is straightforward to include k-sampling in the method of the present invention. It is also possible to extend this method to the case where electron-phonon interaction in the Born approximation as well as other dephasing mechanisms are present. Finally, first principles transient photo-induced current on two dimensional layered materials can be calculated using the method of the present invention.
Some of the details of the calculations presented above are given here.
Brute force integration over the Fermi function along the real energy axis to obtain G<(t,t) may need thousands of energy points to converge, which is very inefficient. To obtain an accurate result while reducing the cost, fast converging Pade spectrum decomposition (PSD) is used for the Fermi function f in Eq. (4) above, so that the residue theorem can be applied. Using [n−1/n] PSD scheme with the Pade approximant accurate up to O((ε/kT)4n−1), Fermi function f can be expressed as
where and ζj and nj are two set of constants that can be calculated easily. Using the PSD scheme analytic form of G< in Eq. (4) can be obtained using the residue theorem. See J. Hu et al., J. Chem. Phys. 133, 101106 (2010), which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
The terms and Ĝr(ε) and
Green's functions, respectively, can be expressed in terms of their eigen-functions by solving the following eigen-equations for Heq and Hneq, i.e.,
(Heq+iW†)φn0=εn0φn0, (10)
and similar equations can be defined for Hneq. See the Zhang reference. Using the eigen-functions of Heq−iW and Hneq−iW, we have
Performing an integral over ω using the residue theorem, the analytic solution of Aα is obtained
where Δ=Hneq−Heq.
In Eq. (5) using residue theorem the involved terms are defined as
Starting from Eq. (1) and in analogue to Eq. (6), the expressions of the current in Eq. (7) can be obtained as follows:
The expression of transient current IR(t) is similar to Eq. (7).
A calculation was performed on transient current through a zigzag graphene nanoribbon of 10,000 atoms with T=20,000 time steps (each time step is 1 fs). The width of the system is two unit cells (16 atoms) while the length of the system is 625 unit cells. Two gate voltages of 2.2V were applied so that the system is in the tunneling regime. The bias voltage is vL=−vR=0.5 V. From
The fast multipole method has been widely used and has been ranked top 10 best algorithms in 20th Century. See, V. Rokhlin, J. Comput. Phys. 60, 187-207 (1985); J. Song, C. C. Lu, and W. C. Chew, IEEE trans. Antennas Propagat. 45, 1488-1493 (1997); and B. A. Cipra, SIAM News, 33(4), 2 (2000), which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. It is extremely efficient for large N. The following quantity is then calculated:
where the matrix M can be expressed in terms of vectors as M=(c0,c1, . . . ,cN−1) and Vnj=exp(−iεntj) is a Vandermonde matrix with tj=jdt and j=1,2, . . . T. Eq. (14) is of the form VtMV* where t stands for transpose. In the following, an outline of how to calculate Vtc where c is a vector of N components is given.
Setting aj=exp(−iεjdt) and denoting T the number of time steps. Then b=Vtc is equivalent to
A direct computation shows that the entries of b=Vtc are the first T coefficients of the Taylor expansion of
where bn=Σj=0N−1 cj(aj)n. Denoting S(x)=Σm=0T−1 bnxm and setting x=ωTl with ωT=exp(i2π/T) it can be used to calculate −S(ωTl) which is the Fourier transform of bn,
where ωTT=1 is used. Note that the fast multipole method (FMM) aims to calculate
with O(N) operations instead of N2 operations. Hence S(ωTl) can be obtained using FMM, from which bn can be calculated using FFT.
Now the computational complexity for T≦N can be estimated. For FMM the value κ1max(T,N) operations are needed where κ1 is about 40 log2(1/τ) with τ the tolerance. See N. Yarvin and V. Rokhlin, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 36, 629 (1999), which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. For FFT the computational complexity is at most κ2N log2N, where κ2 is a coefficient for FFT calculation. To compute VtM where M has N vectors, Vtc is calculated N times. Hence the total computational complexity is κ1N2+κ2N2 log2N. This algorithm is denoted as algorithm IIa while the algorithm for T<N2 discussed below is denoted as algorithm IIb.
For very large T up to T=N2 (if N=104 and T=108), it can be shown that the computational complexity is κ1N2+2κ2N2 log2N. In fact, it is easy to see that I(tj) defined in Eq. (6) is the first T coefficients of the Taylor expansion of
where an=exp(−εndt). Now two new vectors u and d can be defined which have N2 components with ut=(c0t,c1t, . . . ,cN−1t) (recall the definition M=(c0,c1, . . . ,cN−1)) and dt=(a0*at,a1*at, . . . ,aN−1*at), where once again t stands for transpose. With the new vectors defined, S(x) in Eq. (16) is expressed as
which is exactly the same form as Eq. (15). The only difference is that c and a in Eq. (15) have N components and S has to be calculated N times while u and d in Eq. (18) have N2 components and S can be calculated according to Eq. (18) just once. Therefore the computational complexity is κ1N2+κ2N2 log2N2. If T=nN with n=1,2, . . . N, it is not difficult to show that the computational complexity is κ1TN/n+κ2T(N/n) log2(nN)=κ1N2+κ2N2 log2(nN).
To summarize, the computational complexity of Eq. (14) is κ1N2+2κ2N2 log2N for T<N2. It is easy to show that for T>N2 the scaling is κ1N2+2κ2T log2N. However, for large T, the physics comes into play. Since aj=exp(−εjdt) with εj the energy of resonant state, ajT quickly decays to zero before T=N2 and hence no need to go up for T>N2.
Algorithm II was tested numerically for a system with N=104 and T=108. The configuration of the system is the same as that which appears in
using FMM and then taking FFT to obtain I(tj) where uj and dj have been defined just before Eq. (18). Note that uj has been obtained in the time independent calculation. If (1/ωT)j and dj in Eq. (19) are uniformly distributed on the complex plane, the FMM can be done much faster. However, as shown in
In summary, the exact solution of the algorithm for the transient current always contains time dependent parts. According to the present invention the expression for the current is separated so that, e.g.: for a function f=f(t,x) that depends on time t and space x, it is separated into two part so that f=g(t)h(x). Thus, h(x) can be calculated first, which is a very complicated function involves many multiplications. Eventually, for any time t, the h(x) only needs to be computed once.
In addition, the major difference between Algorithm I and II is that for the expression f=g(t)h(x), in algorithm I the multiplication is performed directly; but, for algorithm II, FFT and FMM are adopted to further speed up the multiplication between g(t) and h(x).
While the present invention has been particularly shown and described with reference to preferred embodiments thereof; it will be understood by those skilled in the art that various changes in form and details may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/290,717 filed Feb. 3, 2016, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
Number | Date | Country | |
62290717 | Feb 2016 | US |