Orthopaedic instrumentation assembly and method of using same

An orthopaedic instrumentation assembly for preparing a bone to receive an orthopaedic implant includes a rasp which is insertable within an opening in the bone and has an attachment end with a projection extending therefrom. A handle is attached to the projection. A cutting guide has a first leg and an adjoining second leg. The first leg is attached to the rasp and/or handle adjacent to the attachment end. The second leg is disposed at an obtuse angle relative to the first leg to thereby lie adjacent to the bone. The second leg includes at least one visual indicia thereon for marking the bone


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates to an orthopaedic instrumentation assembly, and, more particularly, to an orthopaedic instrumentation assembly used to prepare a proximal femur for a calcar replacement stem.

2. Description of the Related Art

In orthopaedic hip surgery, the femoral head and neck bone is removed and a femoral stem implant is inserted into the proximal femur. In the process of removing the proximal bone, an osteotomy guide is typically used to mark the location for making the bone cuts. U.S. Pat. No. 4,959,066 teaches such an osteotomy guide. A cylindrical reamer is used to ream along the intramedullary canal of the femur and establish an axial reference. The osteotomy guide is attached to the reamer such that the guide lies along the outside of the femur. Indicia on the osteotomy guide are used to locate the guide relative to landmarks on the femur such as the femoral head center, greater trochanter and lesser trochanter. A slot in the guide is then used to mark the location of the bone cut corresponding to a desired implant position. The guide is removed and the femoral bone is cut and removed. Once the head and neck bone are removed, the intramedullary canal is rasped to seat the implant at the desired position. A calcar planer is often attached to the final rasp and rotated back and forth to precisely trim the bone cut made during the osteotomy step.

During an orthopaedic revision surgery, a primary orthopaedic implant which was placed within the bone during a previous primary surgery is removed and a revision orthopaedic implant is implanted within the bone. In the case of a revision surgery on a proximal femur, a femoral orthopaedic implant is removed from the bone and a revision femoral implant is placed within the proximal femur. When the primary femoral implant is removed, the proximal femur is prepared to receive the revision implant. It is often times desirable or necessary to remove a portion of the bone which was lying immediately adjacent to the primary implant. Additionally, it is usually necessary to further prepare and shape the intramedullary canal in which the implant is disposed. Depending upon the condition of the bone, more or less bone may be removed to receive the revision implant. It is desirable to leave as much bone as possible, while still ensuring that the revision implant seats against good bone with properly shaped complimentary mating surfaces.

If an appreciable amount of calcar bone must be removed from the proximal end of the femur during a revision surgery, it is known to use a calcar replacement stem which is specially configured to occupy the removed portion of the calcar such that the calcar replacement stem and proximal femur properly conform to and mate with each other. More particularly, a calcar replacement stem includes a block with a distal ledge extending generally transverse to the anatomical axis of the intramedullary canal in which the calcar replacement stem is disposed. Depending upon the amount of calcar bone removed, the surgeon may select a calcar replacement stem with a distal ledge which is disposed at a corresponding axial distance from the proximal end of the femur (i.e., at a selected location along the anatomical axis of the proximal femur).

To prepare a proximal femur for a calcar replacement stem as described above, a surgeon typically approximates the amount of bone to be cut or measures the bone with calipers. This process may be relatively time consuming and may require that the proximal femur be re-cut to properly mate with the calcar replacement stem. A typical prior art surgical technique for a calcar stem is shown in the Echelon Revision System brochure, published by Smith+Nephew. In this technique an osteotomy guide, similar to those used in primary surgeries, is held adjacent the femur and indicia are used to position it relative to the greater trochanter. Horizontal slots in the guide correspond to the calcar stems and the slots are used to mark the bone for cutting. After the bone is cut to the desired level, a cylindrical reamer is used to ream the intramedullary canal. A mark on the reamer is aligned with the bone cut to establish the reaming depth. After reaming, a series of broaches are impacted into the canal to broach the canal to the shape of the implant. A line on the broach is aligned with the bone cut to establish the broaching depth relative to the bone cut.

One shortcoming of the prior techniques is the reliance on landmarks which in a revision case may be significantly deteriorated or missing entirely. Another shortcoming is that the bone resection level is first determined and then the rasps, and ultimately the implant, are referenced to this predetermined level. In a revision case, the bone is deficient and implant stability may not be obtainable at a predetermined resection level.

What is needed in the art is an orthopaedic instrumentation assembly and method of using the same which provides fast and accurate locating, measuring and cutting of a proximal femur for receiving a calcar replacement stem. Further, what is needed is instrumentation and a technique that ensures both that the implant is stable and that the calcar stem seats on the bone.


The present invention provides an orthopaedic instrumentation assembly for a proximal femur including a cutting guide which is attached to a handle and/or rasp and has a plurality of visual indicia such as notches for marking and cutting the bone to receive a calcar replacement stem.

The invention comprises, in one form thereof, an orthopaedic instrumentation assembly for preparing a bone to receive an orthopaedic implant. A rasp insertable within an opening in the bone includes an attachment end with a projection extending therefrom. A handle is attached to the projection. A cutting guide has a first leg and an adjoining second leg. The first leg is attached to the rasp and/or handle adjacent to the attachment end. The second leg is disposed at an obtuse angle relative to the first leg to thereby lie adjacent to the bone. The second leg includes at least one visual indicia thereon for marking the bone.


The above-mentioned and other features and advantages of this invention, and the manner of attaining them, will become more apparent and the invention will be better understood by reference to the following description of an embodiment of the invention taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, wherein:

FIG. 1

is a side, partial-sectional view of a primary implant disposed within a proximal femur;

FIG. 2

is side view of a rasp being inserted or removed from the proximal femur according to the present invention;

FIG. 3

is a side view illustrating the rasp of

FIG. 2

within the intramedullary canal of the proximal femur and a cutting guide and handle according to the present invention;

FIG. 4

is a side view illustrating the use of the rasp, cutting guide, and handle of

FIG. 3


FIG. 5

is a side view of the proximal femur illustrating a part of the calcar portion being cut away;

FIG. 6

is a side view with a revision implant having a calcar replacement stem inserted within the proximal femur;

FIG. 7

is a perspective view of the cutting guide shown in

FIG. 3


FIG. 8

is a side view of the cutting guide shown in

FIG. 3

; and

FIG. 9

is a top view of the cutting guide shown in FIG.



Corresponding reference characters indicate corresponding parts throughout the several views. The exemplification set out herein illustrates one preferred embodiment of the invention, in one form, and such exemplification is not to be construed as limiting the scope of the invention in any manner.


Referring now to the drawings, a method of preparing a proximal femur


using an embodiment of an orthopaedic instrumentation assembly



FIG. 4

) of the present invention during a revision surgery will be described.

FIG. 1

illustrates a proximal femur


with a primary implant


disposed therein which was previously implanted during a primary orthopaedic surgery. Primary implant


includes a stem


and a head


, in known manner. Primary implant


may be removed from proximal end


of femur


using appropriate instrumentation (not shown). An enlarged opening within intramedullary canal


generally corresponding to the shape and size of stem


remains within proximal end


of femur


when primary implant


is removed therefrom.

After primary implant


is removed from femur


, proximal end


must be properly prepared for receiving a revision implant




). Accordingly, a plurality of sequentially larger rasps with an outside shape corresponding generally to the shape of revision implant


are placed within and impacted into intramedullary canal


within femur


(one of which is shown and referenced


in FIG.


). Each rasp


includes a projection in the form of a trunnion


which extends generally orthogonal from an attachment end


thereof. Trunnion


allows rasp


to be removably attached with a handle


. Handle


is oriented relative to stem


of rasp


such that movement of handle


in a generally longitudinal direction by a surgeon in turn causes stem


to move in a direction generally parallel with a longitudinal axis of intramedullary canal


. Handle


also includes an opposite end which may be impacted with a hammer or the like for impacting rasp


within intramedullary canal


. Thus, axial movement of handle


in turn causes axial movement of stem


without exerting undue torque loads on femur


. Sequential rasping is continued until the desired, stable, bone-to-rasp fit is achieved. Each rasp corresponds to a particular size and shaped implant stem. Thus, when the final rasp is seated in a stable position, it is located where the corresponding implant will rest when it is implanted.

After intramedullary canal


is rasped to a desired size using sequentially larger rasps


, handle


is removed from attachment end


of rasp


. Handle


includes an abutment block


which abuts against attachment end


of rasp


. A cutting guide


includes a first leg


with an opening


formed therein. Opening


has a cross-sectional shape and size which is configured to slide over and matingly conform in a relatively tight manner with abutment block


of handle


. Handle


is then reattached with trunnion


such that handle


, cutting guide


and rasp


are attached to each other in substantially an immovable manner (FIG.



Cutting guide


also includes a second leg


which is attached to and disposed at an obtuse angle relative to first leg


. In the embodiment shown, second leg


is disposed at an angel of approximately 120° relative to first leg


. The obtuse angle between second leg


and first leg


is selected such that second leg


lies substantially adjacent to femur




). Second leg


also includes at least one visual indicia thereon which allows femur


to be marked for cutting using a suitable marking instrument, such as a marking pencil


. Revision implant


includes a calcar replacement stem


with a calcar block


having a distal ledge


. Distal ledge


may be positioned, on alternative blocks


, at one of a plurality of distances from proximal end


, dependent upon the extent of the bone to be removed. If a larger amount of the calcar portion of femur


is to be removed, then distal ledge


is disposed further away from proximal end


; and if a smaller amount of the calcar portion is to be removed, distal ledge


is closer to proximal end


. The visual indicia in the form of notches






correspond to the placement location of distal ledge


, dependent upon the amount of bone to be removed. In the embodiment shown, notch


is used to mark the calcar portion of femur


for subsequent cutting using a suitable marking instrument such as a marking pencil


, as indicated by dash line


. A second cut


extending generally parallel to an anatomical axis of intramedullary canal


is made by the surgeon in a direction generally orthogonal to line


. The ledge


, should fit closely with the calcar bone and at the same time the stem should be stable within the intramedullary canal. With the cutting guide


referenced to the well seated rasp, which in turn corresponds to the implant, the use of this instrument and technique results in a bone resection wherein the calcar is well fitting and the stem is stable.

After femur


is marked using cutting guide


, rasp


is removed from within intramedullary canal




), and a suitable saw


or other cutting instrument is used to cut femur


along lines




. Thus, a predetermined amount of the calcar portion is removed from femur





Revision implant


is then implanted within femur


such that stem


is received within the prepared intramedullary canal


and distal ledge


abut against femur


. Head


of revision implant


engages against an acetabular cup within a prepared acetabulum in known manner.

While this invention has been described as having a preferred design, the present invention can be further modified within the spirit and scope of this disclosure. This application is therefore intended to cover any variations, uses, or adaptations of the invention using its general principles. Further, this application is intended to cover such departures from the present disclosure as come within known or customary practice in the art to which this invention pertains and which fall within the limits of the appended claims.

  • 1. An orthopaedic instrumentation assembly for preparing a bone to receive an orthopaedic implant stem, said orthopaedic assembly comprising:a rasp for insertion into an opening in the bone, said rasp corresponding in size and shape to said orthopaedic implant stem and having an attachment end with a projection extending therefrom; a handle attached to said projection; and a cutting guide having a first leg and an adjoining second leg, said first leg attached to at least one of said rasp and said handle, said second leg disposed at an obtuse angle relative to said first leg to thereby be configured to lie adjacent to the bone, said second leg including at least one visual indicia thereon for marking the bone.
  • 2. The orthopaedic assembly of claim 1, wherein said first leg of said cutting guide includes an opening, and wherein said handle includes an abutment block which abuts against said attachment end of said rasp and is disposed within said opening.
  • 3. The orthopaedic assembly of claim 2, wherein said opening is generally rectangular shaped in cross section.
  • 4. The orthopaedic assembly of claim 2, wherein said opening is configured to prevent relative movement between said cutting guide and said handle.
  • 5. The orthopaedic assembly of claim 1, wherein said at least one visual indicia comprises a plurality of notches.
  • 6. The orthopaedic assembly of claim 5, wherein said second leg includes opposing side edges, and said plurality of notches are disposed in each of said side edges.
  • 7. The orthopaedic assembly of claim 6, wherein three of said notches are disposed in each of said side edges.
  • 8. The orthopaedic assembly of claim 1, wherein said rasp has a longitudinal axis and wherein said second leg is aligned with said longitudinal axis.
  • 9. The orthopaedic assembly of claim 1, wherein said rasp comprises a proximal femoral rasp.
  • 10. A method of preparing a proximal femur during a revision surgery to receive a calcar replacement stem, comprising the steps of:removing a primary orthopaedic implant from an intra-medullary canal within the proximal femur; providing a rasp corresponding in size and shape to said calcar replacement stem; attaching a handle to an attachment end of said rasp; rasping the intramedullary canal using said rasp; seating said rasp in the canal at the desired location of said calcar replacement stem; attaching a first leg of a cutting guide to at least one of said handle and said rasp adjacent said attachment end of said rasp, said cutting guide having a second leg adjoining said first leg, said second leg disposed at an obtuse angle relative to said first leg and having at least one visual indicia; locating said second leg of said cutting guide adjacent a calcar portion of said bone; marking said calcar portion of said bone using said at least one visual indicia; and cutting said calcar portion of said bone at said mark.
  • 11. The method of claim 10, comprising the further step of removing said cut calcar portion of said bone.
  • 12. The method of claim 10, wherein said handle includes an abutment block which abuts against said attachment end of said rasp, and wherein said first leg of said cutting guide includes an opening with a shape corresponding to said abutment block, said attaching step comprising placing said abutment block within said opening.
  • 13. The method of claim 12, wherein said opening is generally rectangular shaped in cross section.
  • 14. The method of claim 10, wherein said calcar replacement stem has a calcar block with a distal ledge, and wherein at least one of said visual indicia corresponds to a seating location of said distal ledge after said femur is prepared.
  • 15. The method of claim 10, wherein said at least one visual indicia comprises a plurality of notches.
  • 16. The method of claim 15, wherein said second leg includes opposing side edges, and said plurality of notches are disposed in each of said side edges.
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