Packaged mirror including mirror travel stops

An integrated optical module for an optical scanner has a lens spaced from a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) by a spacer of defined dimensions. The module, in an alternative embodiment, includes a wafer frame, a suspended mirror mounted for oscillation on the frame, a wafer substrate bonded beneath the frame and a wafer cover bonded above the frame. The cover includes a mirror travel stop to protect the mirror against shocks. A VCSEL mounted to the wafer cover produces a beam which is shaped and deflected by a diffractive optical element onto the oscillating mirror. The reflected beam passes out of the module toward an indicia to be read. Large numbers of such devices may be fabricated relatively cheaply using wafer-scale processing and assembly technology. Three large wafers are fabricated corresponding respectively to arrays of substrates, frames and covers. The large wafers are bonded together in a sandwich arrangement, and are then diced to produce the individual scan modules. The modules may provide either one-dimensional or two-dimensional scanning.


1. Field of the Invention

The invention relates to optical scanners and in particular to a novel miniature scan engine/module for such scanners, preferably but not necessarily using wafer technology and incorporating a vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode (VCSEL). The invention further extends, more generally to an integrated optical module using VCSEL technology.

2. Description of the related art

Various optical readers and optical scanning systems have been developed heretofore for reading indicia such as bar code symbols appearing on a label or on the surface of an article. The bar code symbol itself is a coded pattern of indicia comprised of a series of bars of various widths spaced apart from one another to bound spaces of various widths, the bars and spaces having different light reflecting characteristics. The readers in scanning systems electro-optically transform the graphic indicia into electrical signals, which are decoded into alphanumeric characters that are intended to be descriptive of the article or some characteristic thereof. Such characteristics are typically represented in digital form and utilized as an input to a data processing system for applications in point-of-sale processing, inventory control and the like. Scanning systems of this general type have been disclosed, for example, in U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,251,798; 4,369,361; 4,387,297; 4,409,410; 4,760,428; and 4,896,026, all of which have been assigned to the same assignee as the instant application. As disclosed in some of the above patents, one embodiment of such a scanning system resides, inter alia, in a hand held, portable laser scanning device supported by a user, which is configured to allow the user to aim the scanning head of the device, and more particularly, a light beam, at a targeted symbol to be read.

The light source in a laser scanner bar code reader is typically a gas laser or semiconductor laser. The use of semiconductor devices as the light source is especially desirable because of their small size, low cost and low voltage requirements. The laser beam is optically modified, typically by an optical assembly, to form a beam spot of a certain size at the target distance. It is preferred that the cross section of the beam spot at the target distance be approximately the same as the minimum width between regions of different light reflectivity, i.e., the bars and spaces of the symbol. At least one bar code reader has been proposed with two light sources to produce two light beams of different frequency.

One laser-based bar code scanner relevant to the present invention is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,144,120 to Krichever et al. which employs laser, optical and sensor components in conjunction with a so-called “mirrorless” scanner arrangement. One or more of these components are mounted on a drive for repetitive reciprocating motion either about an axis or in a plane to effect scanning.

Another proposed bar code scanner employs electronic means for causing the light beam to scan a bar code symbol, rather than using a mechanical device. A linear array of light sources activated one at a time in a regular sequence may be imaged upon the bar code symbol to simulate a scanned beam. Instead of a single linear array of light sources, a multiple-line array may be employed, producing multiple scan lines. Such a scanner is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,258,605 to Metlitsky et al.

Typically, the semiconductor lasers used in such bar code scanners is an edge-emitting injection laser in which the laser beam is emitted from the p-n junction region on a polished end face of the device.

By their physical nature, these known edge-emitting injection lasers emit a beam from a thin region at the p-n junction. A laser beam emanating from a thin source has a large beam divergence which makes focusing difficult and results in a wide range of variability in performance from laser to laser.

A more recently developed form of semiconductor laser is the vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser diode (VCSEL), such as described in “Efficient Room-Temperature Continuous-Wave AlGaInP/AlGaAs Visible (670 nm) Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Diodes” by R P Schneider et al. published in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol.


, No. 3, March 1994. Reference is also made to U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,283,447; 5,285,455; 5,266,794; 5,319,496; and 5,326,386, which are hereby incorporated by reference, for background information.

The VCSEL has a substantial surface area from which the laser beam is emitted; this area may be patterned. Thus, the beam produced is less divergent in one dimension than with known edge-emitting type semiconductor laser diodes. The output beam is round, and is virtually not astigmatic. Furthermore, VCSELs typically operate at significantly lower currents than edge-emitting laser diodes. Therefore, it also generates less heat.

In the laser beam scanning systems known in the art, a single laser light beam is directed by a lens or other optical components along the light path toward a target that includes a bar code symbol on the surface. The moving-beam scanner operates by repetitively scanning the light beam in a line or series of lines across the symbol by means of motion or a scanning component, such as the light source itself or a mirror disposed in the path of the light beam. The scanning component may either sweep the beam spot across the symbol and trace a scan line across the pattern of the symbol, or scan the field of view of the scanner, or do both.

Bar code reading systems also include a sensor or photodetector which detects light reflected or scattered from the symbol. The photodetector or sensor is positioned in the scanner in an optical path so that it has a field of view which ensures the capture of a portion of the light which is reflected or scattered off the symbol, detected, and converted into an electrical signal. Electronic circuitry and software decode the electrical signal into a digital representation of the data represented by the symbol that has been scanned. For example, the analog electrical signal generated by the photodetector is converted by a digitizer into a pulse or modulated digitized signal, with the widths corresponding to the physical widths of the bars and spaces. Such a digitized signal is then decoded, based on the specific symbology used by the symbol, into a binary representation of the data encoded in the symbol, and subsequently to the alpha numeric characters so represented.

The decoding process of known bar code reading system usually works in the following way. The decoder receives the pulse width modulated digitized signal from the digitizer, and an algorithm. implemented in the software, attempts to decode the scan. If the start and stop characters and the characters between them in the scan were decoded successfully and completely, the decoding process terminates and an indicator of a successful read (such as a green light and/or an audible beep) is provided to the user. Otherwise, the decoder receives the next scan. performs another decode attempt on that scan, and so on, until a completely decoded scan is achieved or no more scans are available.

Such a signal is then decoded according to the specific symbology into a binary representation of the data encoded in the symbol, and to the alphanumeric characters so represented.

Moving-beam laser scanners are not the only type of optical instruments capable of reading bar code symbols. Another type of bar code reader is one which incorporates detectors based on solid state imaging arrays or charge coupled device (CCD) technology. In such prior art readers the sides of the detector are typically smaller than the symbol to be read because of the image reduction by the objective lens in front of the array or CCD. The entire symbol is flooded with light from a light source such as lighting light emitting diodes (LED) in the scanning device, and each cell in the array is sequentially read out to determine the presence of a bar or a space in the field of view of that cell.

The working range of CCD bar code scanners is rather limited as compared to laser-based scanners and is especially low for CCD based scanners with an LED illumination source. Other features of CCD based bar code scanners are set forth in U.S. Pat. No. 5,396,054 which is hereby incorporated by reference, and in U.S. Pat. No. 5,210,398. These references are illustrative of the certain technological techniques proposed for use in CCD type scanners to acquire and read indicia in which information is arranged in a two dimensional pattern.


It is an object of the present invention to provide an integrated optical module, preferably although not necessarily for use within an optical scanner, which is not only robust in use but which can be manufactured in large quantities relatively inexpensively.

In accordance with this object, the invention extends to an integrated optical module having a VCSEL which is spaced from an MOE or a refractive or diffractive lens by a spacer of predetermined dimensions. During manufacture, the dimensions of the spacer may be chosen so that the laser beam is appropriately focused by the optics according to the desired application.

Such modules may conveniently be manufactured using wafer-scale processing and assembly technology. Using this approach, a wafer array of spacers is bonded within a sandwich formed by a wafer array of MOEs on one side and a wafer array of VCSELs on a substrate on the other. Once the sandwich has been bonded or otherwise secured together, it may be cut up or diced into the required modules. Prior to dicing, the VCSELs making up the array on the substrate may be individually tested. Another approach is to dice the VCSELs initially, and then flip-chip mount them on the optical substrate. Electrical contacts can be established via solder bumps.

The sandwich may be diced into individual modules, each containing exactly one VCSEL, or it may be diced into larger units, each including a plurality of VCSELs in an array, for example for redundancy, multiple-ranging, time multiplexing, additional power or beam shaping.

It is a further object of the invention to provide a miniaturized scan engine or module for an optical scanner that is small, robust, and relatively inexpensive. It is a further object to provide a scan engine in which the current required for operation is reduced.

The general concept of the present invention, in one arrangement, comprises a scan engine, module or micro-mirror package in a sandwich structure consisting of a top cap, a bottom substrate, and a mirror in between. The scan engine may be manufactured in a batch process, for instance by micro-machining. The top cap and bottom substrate contain features to limit mirror travel so that the mirror hinges are protected against impact, and one of the wafers may include or comprise an MOE, thereby defining an optics layer. To facilitate assembly, the sandwich may be laminated on the wafer scale, and then diced into individual cells. Electrodes and access means are provided both to actuate the mirror and to sense the mirror position. In addition, in some embodiments a transparent cover is provided to protect the mirror, with clear electrodes either for electrostatic actuation of the mirror or for use in detecting mirror position. To minimise overall package height, thin wafers are used.

Each of the wafers is made of an appropriate material, such as plastics or silicon for the upper and lower wafers and silicon for the central wafer. Metal portions are added by printing, coating, or any other convenient means. For large scale manufacture, micromachining, micro-injection molding, compression-injection molding and stamping are likely to be the most cost effective processes. The general approach described in Borgesen et al, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings.

Vol. 323,1994, may be used.

The optics layer may be omitted, in some embodiments with focusing of the VCSELs being provided by a suitable shaping (for example by etching or electron beam writing) of the VCSEL aperture itself, or of the mirror surface.

The invention also relates to a scan engine in which the mirror is actuated using the shape memory effect, for example in TiNi hinges. The amount of current needed to heat the hinges is reduced by providing an electrically conductive coating on those portions of the hinges which do not substantially contribute to the movement. Typically, this means coating a central portion of each hinge with a conductive coating, and leaving the end portions uncoated. The mirror may also be actuated (particularly but not exclusively in a cantilever arrangement) by applying heat to a bi-metallic beam, or by electrostatic control. Piezo-electric control is also a possibility.

Preferred embodiments of the invention may include a micro-optical element to condition the laser beam. “Micro-optical elements” (MOEs) in the context of this patent application refer to a single or an array of optical elements that rely on micro fabrication techniques, based on refraction, reflection, diffraction or a combination of the above effects, to modify, direct or transform the laser beam; and the substrate is not limited to glass. Examples of MOEs include: micro-refractive optics generated thermally, photolytically, stamping, molding, etching; diffractive optics generated by diamond turning, stamping, embossing, directed ion or electron beam writing, photolithography, molding; computer or optically generated holographic optics. These elements can be transmissive or reflective.


The foregoing objects and advantages of the present invention may be more readily understood by one skilled in the art with reference to the following detailed description of referred embodiments, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:

FIG. 1

shows a two-dimensional scanner according to an embodiment of the invention using two micromachined mirrors;

FIG. 2

shows another embodiment using only one micromachined mirror but with an array of VCSELs that are turned on and off in a time-multiplexed manner;

FIG. 3

shows another embodiment including an array of individual small mirrors;


shows vet another embodiment using two mirrors which are mounted on the same substrate but which scan in orthogonal directions;


shows yet another embodiment;

FIG. 5

shows an exemplary micro-optics array;

FIG. 6

shows another exemplary micro-optics array;

FIG. 7

shows another exemplary micro-optics array;


is a schematic section through yet another exemplary micro-optics array;


is a top view of the micro-optics array of



FIG. 9

is a cutaway perspective view of a miniature scan engine in accordance with another embodiment of the present invention;

FIG. 10

is a longitudinal section through the miniature scan engine of

FIG. 9

, showing the electronics components in more detail;

FIG. 11

illustrates the layered construction of the scan engine in one preferred form;

FIGS. 12A and 12B

show alternative mirror stop arrangements;

FIG. 13

illustrates a wafer bonding technique for manufacturing miniature scan engine packages;

FIG. 14

shows details of an alternative embodiment having a travel stop with teeth to prevent unwanted movement of the mirror;

FIG. 15

shows a further embodiment for reducing the current required for shape memory actuated scan engines;

FIG. 16

shows an alternative method of mounting the mirror;

FIG. 17

shows yet another embodiment for two-dimensional scanning;

FIG. 18

illustrates a hand held bar code reader suitable for incorporating any one of the described embodiments of the present invention;

FIGS. 19A and 19B

show alternative micro-optics arrays to those shown in





FIG. 20

shows two alternative perspective views of the arrangement of

FIG. 19B


FIG. 21

is a schematic section through a VCSEL;

FIG. 22

is a more detailed section of the arrangement of

FIG. 19B

; and

FIG. 23

is a schematic view from the rear of the arrangement of FIGS.


B and







show, in highly simplified and schematic form, some embodiments of scan engines/modules in accordance with the present invention. The modules shown are general purpose optical scanning modules which are suitable for a number of applications including, for example, bar code readers.


FIG. 1

, light from a VCSEL (vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode)


is shaped and deflected by a micro-optical element (MOE). As previously mentioned, “micro-optical elements” (MOEs) in the context of this patent application refer to a single or an array of optical elements that rely on micro fabrication techniques, based on refraction, reflection. diffraction or a combination of the above effects, to modify, direct, or transform the laser beam: and the substrate is not limited to glass. Examples of MOEs include: micro-refractive optics generated thermally, photolytically, stamping, molding, etching, diffractive optics generated by diamond turning, stamping, embossing, directed ion or electron beam writing, photolithography, molding; computer or optically generated holographic optics. These elements can be transmissive or reflective. The MOE combines the functions of focusing, beam direction bending and some aberration or scan beam quality correction. The beam is then directed to a first mirror


, scanning in the y direction, and then a second mirror


, scanning in the x direction, to produce a two-dimensional scanning beam


which is directed via a window


in a housing


to an indicia (not shown) to be read. Reflected light from the indicia is detected by a photodetector (not shown) and digitized/decoded to interpret the indicia.

The order of the mirrors can be reversed, i.e. the first may scan in the x-direction and the second in the y-direction. Alteratively, a single 2D mirror can be used; 2D scanning may also be accomplished by a single cantilever structure.

FIG. 2

shows a VCSEL array


and, in front of it, a MOE array


. The VCSELs are turned on and off in a time multiplexed manner, thereby creating a beam


(or more properly a series of beams) which scans in the y direction. These beams are then incident upon an oscillating mirror


, scanning in the x direction, to provide a two-dimensional scanning beam


. This leaves a scanner housing


via a window


in a direction towards an indicia (not shown) to be scanned. Alternatively, reference numeral


may represent a laser array, and


an optical element and switching array. In this alternative, the laser array


is left on at all times, with the switching array


determining which beam or parts of the beam are allowed to pass. The switching array is sequentially actuated so that each optical element in the array in turn bends and/or focuses the beam. Since each optical element bends and/or focuses to a different extent, the resultant composite effect is of a single beam which scans in one direction.

FIG. 3

corresponds generally to

FIG. 1

, except that the second oscillating mirror


is replaced by an array


of smaller mirrors or “micro-mirrorlets”. These smaller mirrorlets each scan in the same x direction, but are timed to be synchronous with the y scanning direction provided by the mirror


. The advantage of smaller mirrors is higher frequency, lower cost and possibly lower drive power. Again, the result is a beam


which scans in two dimensions. As before, the beam


leaves a scanner housing


via a window


towards an indicia (not shown) to be scanned.


shows yet another embodiment using two mirrors




mounted on a common substrate


, but scanning in orthogonal directions. Light from a VCSEL


passes through a MOE


and is incident upon the first mirror


. It is then reflected to a folding mirror


and back to the second mirror


to provide a two-dimensionally scanning outgoing beam


. By mounting both mirrors




onto a common substrate, alignment problems may be reduced.


shows a practical embodiment of some of the ideas previously mentioned in connection with




A. The scanner assembly shown in


has ceramic or plastic lower and upper substrates




, the distance between them being defined by spacers


. Mounted on the lower substrate


is a VCSEL


with leads


, a detector


with leads


, a lower mirror


, and interconnect pads


. The upper substrate


includes collector optics


, an upper downwardly-directed mirror


and a window


through which the outgoing scan beam passes. The electrical interconnect pads


provide electrical connections through the leads


to the VCSEL and through the leads


to the detector. Electrical control leads (not shown) are also provided to the lower mirror


and to the upper mirror



In operation, the VCSEL


produces a laser beam (not shown) which is directed onto the upper mirror


. This is mounted for oscillation as discussed in




so that the reflected beam scans in the X direction. The reflected scanning beam then impinges upon the lower mirror


, which is mounted for scanning motion in the Y direction. The resulting beam, scanning in both directions, passes out of the module through the window


towards an indicia (not shown) to be scanned. Light reflected from the indicia is collected by the collector optics


and is detected by the detector


. The electrical output produced by the detector passes through the lines


to the interconnect pads


from which the signal may be passed on to a digitiser and if necessary to a decoder.

The embodiments of




include, in each case, a VCSEL with an optical element positioned in front of it.




show some exemplary embodiments showing how such VCSELs and optical arrangements may be fabricated using wafer-scale fabrication techniques and MOEs.. It will be understood, of course, that the embodiments described in




are suitable for, but are not restricted to use with,




. The

FIG. 5



embodiments emerge from a recognition of the overall desirability of VCSELs in this application due to low operating power, aperture control, and the potential of wafer-scale fabrication. In addition, the applicants have discovered that if the VCSELs are appropriately positioned within a suitable optical arrangement, active focusing may in some circumstances be dispensed with.

Turning first to

FIG. 5

, there is shown an upper wafer


, a central wafer


and a lower wafer


. Each wafer may be manufactured using conventional wafer scale fabrication technology. To understand the typical size and shape of such wafer, reference should be made to

FIG. 13

which shows the overall configuration, although in connection with some other specific wafers to be described later.

The upper wafer


comprises a two-dimensional micro-lens array or MOE array having a large number of individual lenses


. The lenses may be either refractive lenses, diffractive lenses or both. The wafer may be formed by any convenient technique such as silicon micromachining, injection molding, stamping, casting, extruding, electrostatic discharge or computer numerical control machining and so on. The material of which it is formed is not critical, but the lenses


of course have to be of a material which can pass a visible VCSEL light beam. The central wafer


acts as a spacer, and is conveniently fabricated from a semiconductor material such as silicon. The silicon is cut to the desired thickness and then etched with a two-dimensional array of apertures separated by spacing columns


. The apertures may be cut, punched or preferably etched through the wafer. The lower wafer


is formed with a two-dimensional array of VCSELs


to each of which wire bonds


are attached.

Once the three wafers have been fabricated, they are aligned (for example using pins passing through alignment holes like the holes


shown in

FIG. 13

) and then bonded together. The bonding may be carried out in any convenient manner including the use of precut or preformed adhesive films, liquid adhesives, solder bumping or anodic bonding. The bonded wafers are then diced into individual VCSEL/optics packages. For use in the embodiments of






, each individual package will contain a single VCSEL and a single lens


, suitably spaced from the VCSEL by the spacers


. The height of the spacer


is chosen according to the application to provide suitable focusing by the lens


. For the embodiment of

FIG. 2

, the bonded wafers will be diced into larger blocks, each including within it a one or two-dimensional array of VCSELs and a two-dimensional array of lenses.

An advantage of wafer-scale fabrication, as described, is that the individual VCSELs


in the lower wafer


may be tested separately before dicing. A record is kept of the position of any VCSELs which do not operate correctly, and the corresponding packages including those VCSELs are discarded at the end of the procedure.

In a variant of the embodiment of

FIG. 5

, the upper and central wafers could be combined into a single wafer which includes both the lenses


and the spacers


. This could be achieved, for example, by the use of a precision glass or high temperature molded plastics wafer having an array of through holes.

FIG. 6

shows another possibility in which the central wafer


is replaced with miniature glass beads


which act as the spacer between the lens wafer


and the VCSEL wafer


. Selected areas


of the lens wafer are chemically etched into small cups or depressions into which the beads


sit. The glass beads and the lens wafer


are then fused, and the assembly is then bonded as described above to the wire bonded VCSEL wafer




FIG. 7

, a modified VCSEL wafer


is used, this being upside down as shown in the drawing when compared with the corresponding VCSEL wafers



FIGS. 5 and 6

. The surface


of the wafer which is now at the bottom (that is the junction side) is first bonded to a silicon detector wafer


, or to any other suitable substrate. Selected areas on which is now the upper surface


of the VCSEL wafer are now thinned or etched down so that the laser energy emitted in the upper direction will no longer be absorbed by the substrate. The areas


that are not thinned down become the spacers for the lens wafer


. The detector wafer


comprises a two-dimensional array of individual detectors


, each detector being associated with one of the VCSELs on the VCSEL wafer. Once the sandwich has been bonded and diced into individual packages, the detectors


provide feedback on the output intensity of its corresponding VCSEL. Wires


provide the respective feedback signal for each of the individual detectors.

Yet another alternative is shown in

FIGS. 8A and 8B

, the former being a schematic section through another exemplary array, and the latter being a top view. In this embodiment, the upper wafer


is formed on its upper surface with a macro-lens


and on its lower surface with an array of micro-lenses


. These lenses


correspond with an array of VCSELs


on the lower wafer


. In operation, each of the micro-lenses expands the laser beam from its corresponding VCSEL, while the macro-lens


then acts to collimate the beam. Such an arrangement offers significant flexibility, in that altering the micro-lens power can vary the beam focus profile, while appropriately shaping the micro and/or macro lenses allows the designer to achieve oval beam profiles which may be optimised for particular applications. Typically in this arrangement the macro-lens may be around 0.5 mm in diameter, with the micro-lenses around 50 μm in diameter. The upper wafer


may be fabricated as a MOE.

A further alternative embodiment will now be described with reference to

FIGS. 19 and 20


FIG. 19A

shows the VCSELs


secured on the substrate


and, between the VCSELs wire bonding pads


. Above the substrate


is a lens wafer or MOE


. This layer may be fabricated in a manner similar to that disclosed for the fabrication of refractive microlenses in “Photolytic technique for producing microlenses in photosensitive glass”, Borrelli et al, Applied Optics, Vol. 24. No. 16, 15 August 1985, or “Technique for monolithic fabrication of microlens arrays”, Popovic, Applied Optics, Vol. 27, No. 7, 1 April 1988. However, instead of being manufactured as a monolithic lens wafer, the microlens material is first patterned or alternatively precisely dispensed to cover only the VCSELs


but not the wire bonding pads


. This is the state of manufacture shown in FIG.


A. The entire VCSEL wafer with the lensing material on it is then processed by heating or exposure to light. This process causes the lensing material to take up the form of individual lenses


′, as shown in FIG.


B. It also causes the lensing material to harden in that configuration, with the lenses over the apertures of the VCSELs


, while leaving space between the VCSELs for the wire bonding pads



FIG. 20

shows, very schematically, two possibilities for the array shown in FIG.


B. The first possibility, indicated generally by the numeral


, has the lenses


′ and the wire bonding pads


alternately spaced across the array in both directions. In an alternative arrangement, shown generally by the numeral


, the lenses


′ and the wire bonding pads


alternate in one direction but not in the other. In this last arrangement, the wire bonding pads form individual rows


, while the microlenses form their own series of individual rows



It will be understood that the types of two dimensional array shown in

FIG. 20

may be equally applicable for any of the arrays described, and in particular for the embodiments of









Yet another embodiment is shown in

FIG. 21

which shows, in more detail, a section through a VCSEL and its associated wafer. The VCSEL


includes a mirror stack


and, in front of that, a patterned diffractive focusing lens


. The lasing (active) region is shown at


. The diffractive lens may be produced directly on the aperture of the VCSEL by electron beam writing or by other ion milling methods after the VCSELs are fabricated. Alternatively, a MOE may be provided. The same diffraction pattern may alternatively be generated by an extra masking step in the VCSEL fabrication process. The VCSEL itself is located within the wafer substrate


, the confinement region being indicated by the hashed area


. Adjacent the VCSEL aperture are wire bonding pads


to which electrical connections


may be bonded. In operation, lasing commences on receipt of a signal via the wire bond


, with the refractive lens


creating a focused outgoing laser beam



FIGS. 22 and 23

show a further alternative arrangement. Here, a microlens wafer array or MOE


consists of an array of individual lenses


connected by a flat lens substrate


. The rear of the lens array is patterned with the desired electrical interconnections


, allowing for bonding of wire bonds




are positioned behind the lenses


, and are secured to the electrical interconnections


by flip-chip bonding



FIG. 23

shows the view from the rear, immediately behind one of the VCSELs



The manufacture of the embodiment of

FIGS. 22 and 23

is quite straightforward. First, a VCSEL wafer is tested and defective devices are marked to be discarded later. The wafer is then diced into individual VCSELs or into small arrays of VCSELs. The microlens (optics) wafer


is fabricated with the lenses


being appropriately spaced to accommodate the VCSELs and the wire bonding pads. The lower surface of the wafer


is then patterned with the desired electrical interconnections


. Next, the VCSELs


are robotically picked and placed onto the lens wafer, in the appropriate position, and flip-chip bonded


. The optics wafer is then diced into individual pieces, and wire bonding


or soldering to the pads on the optics wafer is then performed to provide electrical access to the VCSELs.

FIGS. 9 and 10

show, also in highly simplified and schematic form, a scan engine/module in accordance with a further embodiment of the present invention. It is to be understood that the purpose of these Figures is merely to illustrate one possible arrangement of the features; further details of the individual features will be discussed below in connection with the other drawings.

The miniature scan engine shown in

FIGS. 9 and 10

has a base or substrate


to which is bonded a generally rectangular mirror frame


for supporting a mirror


. The mirror


size may typically be between 1 and 3 mm. The mirror is suspended between opposite edges





of the frame by TiNi (or silicon) hinges





Because the hinges are slightly flexible in torsion, the mirror is free to make slight oscillations about the hinge axis, in the directions indicated by the arrows



Supported on a subsidiary frame


above the mirror


is a micro-optical element (MOE)


or a glass substrate


. Supported on an upper frame


is an upwardly-facing photodetector


and a downwardly-facing laser


. The photodetector


is provided with a cut-out portion


in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the hinges





Alternatively, there may be two separate detectors with a gap in between; or the beam may be deflected past one side of a single detector.

In operation, the laser


produces a light beam


which is conditioned and deflected towards the mirror


. A mirror driver



FIG. 10

) causes the mirror rapidly to oscillate in the direction of the arrows


, so producing a reflected scanning beam


. This again passes through the MOE


(or the substrate


) and out of the scan engine via the cut-out portion or slot


. The resultant scanning beam


is directed to an indicia (not shown) to be read. Light


reflected from the indicia is detected by the photodetector


, and a corresponding signal is sent to the digitizing and decoding electronics


, these electronics including a microprocessor or CPU


. The microprocessor provides an output signal on a line


representative of the characters or other information which are encoded by the indicia being read. A signal is also provided on a line


to mirror control electronics


, the mirror control electronics controlling the mirror driver


. A further signal on a line


allows the microprocessor to control operation of the laser



Sensing electrodes


may detect the position of the mirror and provide a feedback signal to associated electronics


. These may provide feedback control signals to laser control electronics


. It will be understood, of course, that the electronics may be positioned anywhere convenient on the module, and not just in the positions shown.

We now turn to a more detailed description of the various components illustrated in

FIGS. 9 and 10

. The laser


will normally be a laser diode, and is preferably a vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode (VCSEL). The packaging advantage of using a VCSEL instead of a more conventional edge-emitting visible laser diode (VLD) is that VCSELs can naturally be placed on a flat surface emitting the beam from their opposite surface as shown in the drawings.

There are various possibilities for providing accurate laser power control, in addition to or instead of the feedback loop




shown in FIG.


. Alternatively, the MOE


may incorporate a beam splitter to direct a small proportion of the output beam towards a detector


on the mirror frame


. Finally, another laser on the VCSEL chip (covered by a detector) could be used to monitor the change in power output of the VCSEL with temperature, and used to adjust the drive current. The VCSEL can in principle be designed to be self-compensating of temperature change.

The VCSEL chip may contain several independently operable lasers. Each laser may have active areas of a different size so that a single focusing lens such as the MOE


can provide beams with different working ranges. Alternatively, a miniature lenslet array can be placed on top of the VCSEL chip, changing the divergence of each laser slightly so that a common focusing lens


can generate beams with different working lenses. The lasers may be operated sequentially, thereby obtaining dynamic focusing.

The VCSEL chip may be secured to the upper frame


, as shown in the drawings, or alternatively it could be secured directly to the underside of the photodiode


. Provided that the spacing within the scan engine can be well defined, and the MOE


suitably chosen, there may be no need to dynamically focus the laser. To that end, a spacer


positioned between the laser and the lens


may locate the laser to an accuracy of better than


micrometers, thereby achieving repeatable and accurate focusing without the need for adjustment. Another spacer


defines the spacing between the MOE and the mirror. The laser beam


is deflected and focused towards the mirror


. In an alternative embodiment (not shown) one or both of these may be replaced by a conventional lens. In addition, in other embodiments it may or may not be useful for the scanning beam


from the mirror to pass back through the MOE


. Alternatively, or in addition a diffractive optical element may be etched onto the mirror surface, or separately attached to the mirror surface, thereby eliminating the need for the MOE


, and the support


. A yet further possibility is to mount a separate refractive lens or MOE


onto the mirror surface. By mounting the focusing lens


directly onto the scanning surface, it is ensured that the light has to travel through the lens twice; accordingly, the focusing effect of the lens is effectively doubled, so reducing the power of the lens that is needed. A negative lens will increase the scan angle, if desired. Additional optics may be provided, as necessary, to correct the geometrical “smiley” effect. Another grating or MOE could also be provided to straighten out the deflection effect.

If it is thought desirable to shape the beam profile, additional apertures (not shown) may be provided. Where an elliptical beam is required, either the VCSEL aperture may be made elliptical, or the MOE could instead be used to obtain the appropriate shape. Alternatively, an aperture (not shown) could be used to shape the outgoing beam. Two lasers may be located one above the other on the same chip to provide an elliptical beam; this approach can also increase the laser power.

The cutout portion or slot


through which the outgoing beam


leaves the scan engine may be etched out from the photodiode


. Alternatively, two photodiodes may be used leaving the necessary aperture between them for the beam to leave the module; or there could be one photodiode placed to one side of the beam.

While the photodiode


is shown as part of the scan engine in

FIGS. 9 and 10

, this is not essential and the photodiode can, if desired, be housed independently in a separate receiver front end. The receiver front end (not shown) consists of the photodiode, an optical filter, an optical apparatus to limit the field of view of the receiver, and the necessary electronics. The optical filter may be coated directly onto the photodiode surface. The field of view of the detector needs to be limited in order to reduce the ambient light reaching the photodiode, and this may be achieved in several ways. Firstly, a focusing lens may be placed in front of the receiver, which collects the scattered light over a well defined solid angle. Baffles around the photodiode may also be used to limit the detector's field of view. Alternatively, a miniature louver filter may be employed to limit the numerical aperture of the receiver. The use of a louver filter greatly reduces the size of the device, since it may be thinner than 1 mm, and may be directly mounted onto to the diode-filter assembly. The receiver electronics may be placed on the rear side of the photodiode, or may be placed in an electronics package



FIG. 1

) on the side of the scan engine.

It will be recalled that

FIGS. 9 and 10

are purely schematic.

FIGS. 11



show in more detail how a practical embodiment of the invention may be constructed in its preferred form. As

FIG. 11

shows, the scan engine package is preferably built up as a sandwich using wafer technology. The package includes, in order, a wafer substrate


, a wafer mirror frame


, and a wafer cover


. The wafer cover


may include or may have attached to it a transparent cover sheet



The wafer substrate


includes a substrate frame


within which there is a roof-like stop member


, the purpose of which is to prevent excess movement of the mirror, for example when the package is dropped. The stop member also includes control electrodes


and position detecting electrodes


for controlling and detecting movement of the mirror. The electrodes are preferably through-wafer coated electrodes, but could instead be pins inserted into the wafer. Alternatively, the electrodes may be printed on the upper surface of the stop member


, with appropriate electrical connections (not shown) to the control electronics. In the recess (not shown) beneath the stop member there may be contained the necessary control electronics and/or printed circuit boards.

Bonded to the upper surface of the frame


is the frame


of the wafer mirror frame


. This carries the mirror


on hinges





as previously discussed. Bonded to the frame


is the wafer cover


which includes cantilevered spring-board like mirror stops


. These stops extend inwardly from opposing edges of the wafer cover and are positioned immediately above the hinges





so as to extend out over parts of the mirror. It should be noted that these stops are not shown in

FIGS. 9 and 10

. If the device is dropped, the stops


along with the stop member


prevent breakage by limiting mirror travel and the amount of stretching of the hinges





Above the wafer cover


is the transparent cover sheet, to which is mounted the VCSEL


. The electrical connections to the VCSEL are provided by wire bonds to miniature pads (not shown) on the cover sheet, immediately beneath the VCSEL. These in turn are connected to pads


at the edge of the cover sheet by transparent conductors




. It will be appreciated, of course, that the scanning beam



FIG. 9

) passes out through the transparent cover sheet and will accordingly be partially intercepted by the VCSEL chip


. However, in view of the chip's very small size (approximately 50 micrometers square) it will have minimal practical effect on the beam quality. Indeed, the very slight discontinuity in the beam may be detected within the incoming reflected light


, and may be used to provide a feedback signal which tracks the beam movement.

The transparent electrodes may in some embodiments be used instead of or together with the electrodes


for driving the mirror. Alternatively, they may be used instead of the electrodes


for sensing mirror position.

In an alternative embodiment (not shown) the VCSEL may be placed off-center on the cover sheet


, thereby reducing its effect on the outgoing beam. However, if the chip were to form a large incident angle with the outgoing beam it would tend to cause a “smiling” effect in the beam, which is undesirable.

In operation, power and/control signals are transmitted through the sandwich by means of appropriate through-wafer electrodes shown schematically at





FIGS. 12A and 12B

show two preferred alternatives for the configuration of the wafer substrate


. The arrangement in

FIG. 12A

corresponds generally although not precisely to that shown in

FIG. 11

, in that it incorporates a roofed stop member


′ for limiting the extent of travel of the mirror


. Electrodes are positioned on the slanted floor. In the alternative arrangement of

FIG. 12B

, the stop is replaced merely by an upstanding rib


″, with the electrodes




being coated onto the flat surface of the substrate on either side of the rib. While the embodiment of

FIG. 12A

is somewhat more efficient in use, the embodiment of

FIG. 12B

is cheaper to manufacture.

The sandwich structure best illustrated in

FIG. 11

may be put together individually for each new scan engine being manufactured. However, this is a rather costly process and

FIG. 13

illustrates an alternative approach in which three large scale wafer arrays are first fabricated, then bonded together, and finally diced or cut up into a plurality of individual packages. In

FIG. 13

, the upper wafer


represents a repeating array of wafer covers


, the middle wafer


a repeating array of mirror frame wafers


and the lower wafer


a repeating array of wafer substrates


. Prior to bonding and dicing, the wafers are aligned by means of pins (not shown) which pass through respective alignment holes


in each of the wafer arrays. Alternatively, infra-red alignment marks may be incorporated on the wafers, in which case the pins may be eliminated.

The wafer arrays may be fabricated by a variety of techniques, such as silicon micromachining, injection molding, stamping, casting, extruding, electrostatic discharge or computer numerical controlled machining, etch-form-and-coining, and so on. The bonding may be realised using a variety of techniques including precut or preformed adhesive films, liquid adhesives, solder bumping, thermal or anodic bonding, or any other technique commonly used in the industry.

For the lower stop wafer array


, which could also become in the preferred embodiment the wafer substrate, micromachining, micro-injection molding, and a combination of etching and metal forming are the preferred technologies, although stamping is another possibility. The substrate is preferably of an appropriate resin material, such as polyetherimide, polycarbonate, polyester or styrene based resins. In order to prevent the accumulation of static charges on the plastics, impregnated electrically conductive particles may be used. The electrodes on the lower array


may be coated or printed. Electrical access to the electrodes may be provided by through-wafer vias, with the electrode patterns imaged on both sides of the substrates. Alternatively, rectangular pins may be inserted through-wafer during or after the plastic molding process. These pins become the electrodes themselves. If the electrodes are printed only on one side of the wafer, then wire bonds may be routed through to exposed frame areas where external electrical contacts can be provided. The mirror stops on the wafer substrate may be provided by an etched BeCu plate, the raised mirror stop portions being created by coining. This plate then can be laminated onto a PC board with actuation and pick-up electrodes. Alternatively, the plate may be laminated with an etched Kapton spacer disk. The electrodes need not be on the bottom stop; they may instead or in addition be on a separate substrate where the mirror stop assembly is mounted.

The central wafer array


is preferably of silicon with TiNi hinges





The top wafer array


is preferably of a plastics material, and may be formed in the same way as the bottom wafer array



In addition to the upper array


, a transparent top sheet (not shown) may be provided which will eventually form the transparent cover sheets




). A transparent top sheet not only protects the mirror from foreign objects in use, it also provides protection from debris and molten resin or silicon during wafer dicing. As already discussed in conjunction with

FIG. 11

, transparent electrodes may be deposited on this cover sheet.

Turning now to

FIG. 14

there is shown an alternative stop arrangement that may be used in substitution for the stops






″ of

FIGS. 11 and 12

. In this variation, a stop member


is formed with a plurality of teeth


. If the scan engine is dropped, the hinges





are likely to stretch until the mirror


hits the stop


. This in itself may be enough to prevent the hinges being damaged, but if the mirror hits the stop at an oblique angle it may continue to slip and slide across the stop until the hinges become damaged. In this variant, the teeth


prevent this slippage from occurring.

The teeth


could in some configurations be replaced by elongate ridges or indentations in the stop, and they may be provided on all of the stops or only on some of them, as required. The stops with teeth, ridges or indentations may be realised by micro-machining, etching, machining, grinding, molding, stamping, sanding, plating, electro-forming or any other appropriate process. The mirror stops could also, in an alternative embodiment, be integral with the mirror itself or with the moving mirror assembly.

It will be understood that the mirror


may be oscillated using any appropriate type of driver




). Suitable drivers include electromagnetic and electrostatic drivers, along with drivers which use the shape memory properties of the TiNi hinges





. This last approach will now be described in more detail with reference to FIG.



FIG. 15

is a top view of the mirror frame wafer


showing the mirror


suspended on the frame


by means of TiNi hinges





. The shape memory effect relies on the fact that shape memory alloys such as TiNi return to their high temperature (austenite) shape when heated above a critical temperature, usually 60° to 70° centigrade; this can be changed by altering the stoichiometry of the Ti and Ni composition. In order to obtain two-way shape memory, which is necessary for the mirror


to oscillate between two different positions, the shape memory alloy needs to be “trained” to have a cold (martensite) shape as well.

The mirror is actuated by applying a sine wave, square wave or other periodic signal through the hinges. The hinges become resistively heated when the current is on, and lose heat when the current is off. When the square wave is applied at the device's resonant frequency, the mirror oscillates back and forth about its torsional axis as the hinges are changing shape between their austenite and martensite states.

It is believed that most of the shape change occurs at the ends of the hinges, where they meet the frame and the mirror, and where large stress concentrations build up. However, the hinges become heated uniformly along their length which is inefficient since most of the heat generated in the central portion of each hinge is not instrumental in the shape change. Accordingly, to improve efficiency, each hinge has its central portion




coated with a thin layer of an electrically conductive material. This avoids heating that portion of the hinge, and concentrates heating at the hinge ends where most of the shape change is taking place. In

FIG. 15

, the end portions of the hinges




, which are left uncoated, are shown in grey. The hinges may be rounded at the comers to reduce stress concentration and improve life.

Even where electrostatic actuation of the mirror is preferred, the shape memory property of the TiNi hinges may also be used. When the device is dropped, the TiNi hinges may stretch (strain) by about 3% to 4%, but their original shape can be recovered by passing through the hinges a short pulse of electric current. This heats up the hinges, and as they return to their austenite state, they reshape themselves back to their original form. The current pulse may, in the preferred embodiment, last for about 50 milliseconds and be of around 100 mA.

It is not essential for the mirror to be suspended between torsional hinges, as previously described. Other modes of mounting the mirror for oscillation may be equally useful, and all are intended to be encompassed within the scope of the present invention. One preferred alternative mirror mounting arrangement is shown in FIG.



In the cantilever-type arrangement of

FIG. 16

, the mirror


′ is mounted for oscillation on the frame


by two cantilever beams


. The mirror is formed with an extension


within which is etched or otherwise formed an elliptical hole


. A pin


is received within the hole and served to limit mirror travel, in the event that the device is dropped, both in the x and y directions. It also limits twisting movement of the mirror about the x axis. Finally, the pin also serves as an over-travel stop in the up and down (z) direction, the desired motion of the mirror as the beams


flex slightly in normal operation.

The pin


is desirably fabricated by the LIGA micromachine process. This process is very well known to those familiar with micromachining technology, and will accordingly not be described here. The mirror may be oscillated by any convenient means, including electromagnetically, electrostatically, bimetallically, or by means of the shape memory process. The mirror


″ (and indeed the mirror


shown in

FIG. 9

) is desirably rectangular, but could also be square, circular or elliptical. Laser speckle may be reduced by the use of several lasers.

The present invention relates not only to one-dimensional but also to two-dimensional scanners, and there is shown in

FIG. 17

a schematic sectional representation of such a scanner.

In the embodiment of

FIG. 17

, the reflected beam


from the mirror


is incident upon a second mirror


which is scanning in a direction orthogonal to that of the mirror


. Accordingly, the outgoing beam


scans in two separate directions. The mirrors




have different resonant frequencies, and the frequency of the second mirror


may be greater or less than the frequency of the other mirror



It will be noted in the

FIG. 17

embodiment that the reflected beam


entirely misses the MOE


. In an alternative arrangement (not shown) either or both of the beams




could be shaped and/or deflected by the MOE


or another MOE (not shown).

The scan engine of the present invention may be incorporated into any desired portable or fixed scanning system, such as a bar code scanner.

FIG. 18

illustrates a highly simplified embodiment of one type of bar code reader that may utilise any of the scan engines described. In one hand-held embodiment, shown in

FIG. 18

, a housing


includes an exit port


through which an outgoing laser light beam


is directed to impinge upon, and to be scanned across, symbols


located exteriorly of the housing The device may also find application in pen-scanners, mice, telephone scanners, PC-cards and so on.

The hand-held device of

FIG. 18

is generally of the style disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,760,248 issued by Swartz et al., or in U.S. Pat. No. 4,896,026 assigned to Symbol Technologies, Inc. and also similar to the configuration of a bar code reader commercially available as part number LS 8100, LS 2000 or LS 3000 from Symbol Technologies, Inc. Alternatively, or in addition, features of U.S. Pat. No. 4,387,297 issued to Swartz et al. or U.S. Pat. No. 4,409,470 issued to Shepard et al., both patents assigned to Symbol Technologies, Inc., may be employed in constructing the bar code reader unit of FIG.


. These U.S. Pat. Nos. 4,760,248, 4,896,026, and 4,409,470 are incorporated herein by reference, but the general design of such devices will briefly be described here for reference.

Referring to

FIG. 18

in more detail, an outgoing light beam


is generated in the reader, usually by an electro-optic device of the present invention, and directed to impinge upon a bar code symbol disposed on a target a few centimetres or inches from the front of the reader unit. The outgoing beam


is scanned in a scan pattern, and the user positions the hand-held unit so this scan pattern traverses the symbol to be read. Reflected and/or scattered light


from the symbol is detected by a light-responsive device


in the reader unit, producing serial electrical signals to be processed and decoded for reproducing the data represented by the bar code. As used hereinafter, the term “reflected light” means reflected and/or scattered light.

In a preferred embodiment, the reader unit is a gun shaped device having a pistol-grip type of handle


. A movable trigger


is employed to allow the user to activate the light beam


and detector circuitry when the user has positioned the device to point at the symbol to be read. A lightweight plastic housing


contains the laser light source


, the detector


, the optics






, and signal processing circuitry including a CPU


as well as power source of battery


. A light-transmissive window


in the front end of the housing


allows the outgoing light beam


to exit and the incoming reflected light


to enter. The reader is designed to be aimed at a bar code symbol spaced from the symbol, i.e., not touching the symbol or moving across the symbol.

The reader may also function as a portable computer terminal, and include a keyboard


and a display


, such as described in the previously noted U.S. Pat. No. 4,409,470.

Although the present invention has been described with respect to reading one or two dimensional bar codes and other indicia, it is not limited to such embodiments, but may also be applicable to more complex indicia scanning applications. It is conceivable that the present invention may also find application for use with various machine vision or optical character recognition applications in which information is derived from other types of indicia such as characters or from the surface characteristics of the article being scanned. It may also find application in pen scanners, telephone scanners, PC-cards and so on.

In all of the various embodiments, the elements of the scan engine may be assembled into a very compact package that allows the entire scanner to be fabricated as a micro-module, possibly including a MOE. Such a module can interchangeably be used as the laser scanning element for a variety of different types of data acquisition systems. For example, the module may be alternately used in a hand-held scanner, a table top scanner attached to a flexible arm or mounting extending over the surface of the table or attached to the underside of the table top, or mounted as a subcomponent or subassembly of a more sophisticated data acquisition system. Control or data lines associated With such components may be connected to an electrical connector mounted on the edge or external surface of the module to enable the module to be electrically connected to a mating connector associated with other elements of data acquisition system.

An individual module may have specific scanning or decoding characteristics associated with it, e.g. operability at a certain working distance, or operability with a specific symbology or printing density. The characteristics may also be defined through the manual setting of control switches associated with the module. The user may also adapt the data acquisition system to scan different types of articles or the system may be adapted for different applications by interchanging modules on the data acquisition system through the use of the simple electrical connector.

The scanning module described above may also be implemented within a self-contained data acquisition system including one or more such components as keyboard, display, printer, data storage, application software, and data bases. Such a system may also include a communications interface to permit the data acquisition system to communicate with other components of a local area network or with the telephone exchange network, either through a modem or an ISDN interface, or by lower power radio broadcast from the portable terminal to a stationary receiver.

It will be understood that each of the features described above, or two or more together, may find a useful application in other types of scanners and bar code readers differing from the types described above. It is specifically contemplated by the applicants that any one or more of the features described or referred to above may form part of the present invention. It is further contemplated that any two or more compatible features, taken together, may also form part of the present invention. Accordingly, it should be understood that, where applicable, features referred to and described in connection with one figure may be used in association with features described in connection with another figure. For example (but without limitation) the micro-optics arrays shown in




could be used either with any of the embodiments of




or alternatively in conjunction with any of the embodiments of




. Likewise, it will be understood that the mirror mounting arrangements shown in

FIGS. 15



could be used with any of the embodiments described, including




, and not only those embodiments which specifically show the mirror being mounted in that particular way.

While the invention has been illustrated and described with reference to various embodiments, it is not intended to be limited to the details shown, since various modifications and structural changes may be made without departing in any way from the spirit of the present invention.

Without further analysis, the foregoing will so fully reveal the gist of the present invention that others can readily adapt it for various applications without omitting features that, from the standpoint of prior art, fairly constitute essential characteristics of the generic or specific aspects of this invention and, therefore, such adaptations should and are intended to be comprehended within the meaning and range of equivalence of the following claims.

  • 1. A mirror subassembly, comprising:a base; electrodes mounted on said base for supplying electrical energy to said mirror subassembly; a support mounted on said base; a mirror mounted on said support, said mirror oscillating in response to the electrical energy supplied by said electrodes; an overlay mounted on said support opposite said base, said overlay including a mirror stop to limit movement of the mirror when the mirror subassembly is subjected to a mechanical shock, said mirror stop being spaced apart from said electrodes; and a transparent cover mounted on said overlay opposite said support.
  • 2. The mirror subassembly according to claim 1, wherein said base includes a mirror stop to limit movement of the mirror.
  • 3. The mirror subassembly according to claim 1, where said base and said support together define a recess, said mirror being suspended across and contained within said recess.
  • 4. The mirror subassembly according to claim 1, wherein at least part of said base comprises a resin.
  • 5. The mirror subassembly according to claim 1, wherein said mirror is suspended by hinges.
  • 6. The mirror subassembly according to claim 5, wherein said mirror stop comprises cantilevered protrusions extending inwardly from edges of said overlay, said protrusions being positioned immediately above each of said hinges.
  • 7. The mirror subassembly according to claim 1, wherein said mirror stop comprises cantilevered protrusions extending inwardly from edges of said overlay.
  • 8. The mirror subassembly according to claim 1, wherein at least part of said support comprises silicon.
  • 9. The mirror subassembly according to claim 1, wherein at least part of said overlay comprises a plastic material.
  • 10. A mirror subassembly, comprising:a base; electrodes mounted on said base for supplying electrical energy to said mirror subassembly; a support mounted on said base; a mirror mounted on said support, said mirror oscillating in response to the electrical energy supplied by said electrodes; an overlay mounted on said support opposite the base, at least one of said base and said overlay including a mirror stop to limit movement of the mirror, said mirror stop having a roughened surface; and a transparent cover mounted on said overlay opposite said support.
  • 11. A mirror subassembly, comprising:a base; electrodes mounted on said base for supplying electrical energy to said mirror subassembly; a support mounted on said base; a mirror mounted on said support, said mirror oscillating in response to the electrical energy supplied by said electrodes; an overlay mounted on said support opposite said base, said overlay including a mirror stop to limit movement of the mirror, said mirror stop comprising cantilevered protrusions extending inwardly from edges of said overlay; and a transparent cover mounted on said overlay opposite said support.
  • 12. The mirror subassembly according to claim 11, wherein said base includes a mirror stop to limit movement of the mirror.
  • 13. The mirror subassembly according to claim 11, wherein said base and said support together define a recess, said mirror being suspended across and contained within said recess.
  • 14. The mirror subassembly according to claim 11, wherein at least part of said base comprises a resin.
  • 15. The mirror subassembly according to claim 11, wherein said mirror is suspended by hinges.
  • 16. The mirror subassembly according to claim 15, wherein said cantilevered protrusions are positioned immediately above each of said hinges.
  • 17. The mirror subassembly according to claim 11, wherein at least part of said support comprises silicon.
  • 18. The mirror subassembly according to claim 11, wherein at least part of said overlay comprises a plastic material.
  • 19. The mirror subassembly according to claim 10, wherein said roughened surface prevents damage to the mirror subassembly by preventing slippage between the mirror stop and the mirror should the mirror contact said mirror stop.
Parent Case Info

This is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/631,364,filed Apr. 12, 1996, which is a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/506,574, filed Jul. 25, 1995, which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/141,342, filed Oct. 25, 1993, and now abandoned. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/631,364 is also a continuation-in-part of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/394,813, filed Feb. 27, 1995, which is now U.S. Pat. No. 6,024,283. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/631,3,64 is related to U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/483,163, filed Jun. 7, 1995, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,966,230, which is a divisional of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/141,342, filed Oct. 25, 1993, and now abandoned all of which are incorporated herein by reference.

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