A package for a confectionery item, said package comprising a film or wrap which encases the confectionery item and wherein opening means are provided in said package, the opening means comprising at least one transverse and one substantially perpendicular score lines defining a removable portion or releasable flap, and wherein the opening means are positioned such that opening thereof exposes a bite size portion of the confectionery item. Methods for constructing the packaging and products incorporating it form further aspects of the invention.

The present invention relates to a novel packaging for confectionery products as well as to packaged items and to methods for manufacture of the packaging.


A wide variety of confectionery products are available to suit varied consumer tastes. Frequently, these products are composite products, comprising a variety of confectionery ingredients, including for example nougats, caramels including aerated caramels, toffees, fudges, nuts, wafers, biscuits, gels, flavoured creams or pralines. Often these are encased in chocolate and thus form the fillings of a confectionery product. In these cases, the chocolate adds significantly to the taste experience, but also acts to keep the other components isolated from the air, and thus prevents oxidation and spoilage.

Confectionery products comprising thin elongate bars or fingers are also well known. In particular, the Kit Kat® bar from Nestlé, is a chocolate-covered wafer biscuit bar confection, in which either two or four wafer fingers are conjoined in a chocolate coating. The finger shape provides for an easy eating experience, and individual fingers may be readily separated from each other by snapping the chocolate between the individual fingers.

A further confectionery product comprising two or more finger-like components, intended to be eaten together or separately in the applicants co-pending International Patent application which is of even date and which claims priority from British Patent Application No. 1410384.0.

Individual fingers in confectionery products of this type may be segmented or castellated along their length to allow individual portions or small sections to be broken off cleanly. In this case, the castellation or segmentation in adjacent fingers is suitably aligned so that breaking along the segment lines results in a portion comprising small segments of both fingers. This facilitates simultaneous consumption of sections of both fingers together if required.

Confectionery items as described above may be produced on a manufacturing scale. A variety of manufacturing techniques may be employed.

The applicants have developed a range of packaging, which whilst being particularly suited for the novel confectionery product described above, may also be used more widely to provide access to a wide range of items and in particular confectionery items.


According to the present invention there is provided a package for a confectionery item, said package comprising a film or wrap which encases the confectionery item and opening means, arranged to allow removal of a portion of the package or opening of a flap in the package, the opening means being positioned such that opening thereof exposes a bite size portion of the confectionery item. The opening means comprises two score lines, one transverse and one substantially perpendicular to the transverse score line and are arranged to allow removal of a portion of the packing in a single easy operation as explained further below.

In another aspect, a method for packaging a confectionery item is provided. The method comprises wrapping a film to form a package around multiple confectionery items, sealing the film to form a package around individual confectionery items, and cutting or crimping the packages to separate the packaged confectionery items. The film is pre-scored with score lines that define a removable portion once the film is formed into a package, the score lines comprising a first transverse score line extending transversely around the package, and a second score line extending substantially perpendicularly from the transverse score line to an end of the package in the area of a seam of the package.


Embodiments of the invention may be further understood with reference to the accompanying drawings in which:

FIGS. 1A-1B are schematic representations of an orthogonal view of one embodiment of a package;

FIGS. 2A-2C are schematic representations of a confectionery within (FIG. 5A), being withdrawn from (5B) and the remaining portion stored within (5C) the package shown in FIGS. 1A-1B; and

FIGS. 3A-3C are photographs illustrating the opening of a package according to one embodiment to access the confectionery therein (FIGS. 3A and 3B) and the replacement of the removable portion to enclose the remaining confectionery within the package.


Before opening the package is suitably sealed so as to isolate the confectionery item from the environment.

The opening means in the package provides a clean and convenient means of accessing a bite-size portion of the confectionery item whilst the residual portion of the package acts as a convenient container for holding the confectionery item in the hand for consumption.

What constitutes a ‘bite size portion’ of the confectionery item will depend upon particular nature of the confectionery item. However, generally confectionery items take the form of an elongate bar of varying thickness. In such cases, the opening means are suitably provided from 2.5-6 cm from an end of the package, for example about 4 cm from the end, taking account of any seal at the end of the package.

In particular, the opening means provides a detachable portion or releasable flap extending across the end region of a confectionery item.

Where the confectionery item is castellated or segmented to allow for easy breakage, the opening means is suitably arranged directly opposite or just above any first castellation or segmentation from one end of the confectionery item. In this way, removal of the portion or release of the flap will expose an appropriate segment of the confectionery item to allow the consumer to remove or eat a single segment.

The exposed portion of the fingers may then be consumed, but the remainder of the bar remains within an open ‘container’ made up of the packaging remaining after removal of the flap. Further sections may be exposed for consumption by simply propelling the bar up through the residual container from the base.

If the bar is not to be consumed immediately, this propulsion operation will not be performed and the bar will be retained within the residual container, ensuring that it has no direct contact with surfaces on which it may be placed for storage. Similarly, if the bar has been propelled some way out of the residual packaging but not entirely consumed, it may be allowed to drop back into the residual container and will be kept isolated from direct contact with the environment.

Suitable packages comprise films or wraps, in particular, polymer films such as polypropylene including orientated polypropylene, polyethylene or nylon films which may monolayer films or they may be metalized or 2 ply films including a metal layer. Typically, such films will be from 20-70 μm thick, for example from 20-40 μm thick.

In a particular embodiment, the package is used to contain a confectionery item as described above, which comprises two adjacent fingers, as this packaging encourages biting both fingers simultaneously.

Detachable portions or flaps may be created by scoring the packaging film, for example with a laser, at the appropriate position. The use of a laminated metalized material, such as a 3-ply or 2-ply metalized film, and in particular a 2-ply metalized film as the packaging material is particularly useful in this context, as the laser is then able to cut into or through one or more layers, in particular the top layer, but reflects off the metalized layer, forming a line of weakness which can be readily torn off

A score line extends transversely around the packaging, and is long enough to allow it to be used to facilitate opening of the package. In an embodiment where the packaging comprises a detachable portion, generally, this means that it will extend substantially around the entire package although it may stop just short of the edges of the film edge so as to minimise the risk of the film snapping.

The applicants have found that a particularly suitable packaging arrangement further includes additional score line extending substantially perpendicularly from the transverse score line to or close to an end region of the detachable portion. Generally the additional score line will be arranged longitudinally along the package. This further facilitates easy opening, in particular when in the region of a longitudinal seam of the packaging. Seams are generally formed by sealing, for example cold sealing, overlapping edges of the packaging material and typically extend across the entire width or length of the package. In particular, the additional score line is positioned directly adjacent the inner edge of the appropriate seam such as a longitudinal seam, extending from the transverse score line to or close to an end or the region of the packaging. In this instance, the seam can effectively act as a pull tag, and the transverse and additional (longitudinal) scoring act together to allow the detachable portion to be removed in a single clean operation.

Tearing along the score line may be facilitated by provision of a tear initiation feature such as a tear nick, or a pair of closely arranged tear nicks, or a strip which is suitably provided with a pull tag initiate tearing. In particular the tear initiation feature is a tear nick or strip. The initiation feature, such as the nick or strip, is conveniently provided at an edge region of the packaging which is present in an appropriate seam, in particular a longitudinal seam. It is arranged so that it can initiate a tear towards to the transverse score line.

The flap may be totally removable from the remainder of the packaging so as to expose an end portion of the fingers for consumption.

Alternatively, the flap may be designed so that it remains attached to the container, for example at one side. In this embodiment, the problem of disposal of two items of packaging is avoided. Furthermore, the remaining flap may be folded over the exposed or open end of the container to further isolate the confectionery item for storage, if not consumed in a single event. The folding may be facilitated by the selection of the particular materials that have ‘dead-fold’ characteristics such as aluminium foil. Alternatively or additionally a reseal label may be provided to temporarily fix the folder section to the container.

In a particular embodiment, the end surface of the packaging is serrated, which facilitate downward tearing of the packaging, if required by a consumer who prefers not to utilise the opening means provided.

In a further aspect, the invention provides a method for packaging a confectionery item, said method comprising applying to the confectionery item a package as described above.

Packaging is suitably prepared from films which have been preprinted with the desired information and marketing material. These films are also scored as described above to generate the desired final package.

These may be applied around the confectionery item using conventional techniques such as flow wrapping. Films may be heat or cold sealed to form a complete package around the item, and cut or crimped to separate individual products. In a particular embodiment, the packaging is prepared by a cold sealing process in which adhesive, which may be pressure sensitive, is applied to the films in the areas required to be sealed, and these areas are brought together to form a seam that closes the packaging around the final bar.

In a further aspect, the invention provides a confectionery product comprising a confectionery item contained within a package as described above.


Packaging of Confectionery Item

An example of packaging that may be suitable for use in products in accordance with the invention is shown in FIG. 1. The package comprises a 2-ply metalized film (14) which has been cut and formed, using a cold sealing process, into a rectangular package (15), having a longitudinal seam (16) and lateral seams (17, 18) at either end around a product as illustrated in FIG. 2.

A score line (20) is provided though the non-metal layer of the film (14) extending transversely around the package (15). The score line (20) is arranged towards one end of the package (15), in particular at about 4 cm from the end of the package, so as to provide a clean opening in the region of the first segmentation or castellation point from the end of a confectionery item held within the package (15). The score line (20) extends sufficiently far around the package (15) to allow it to be used to facilitate opening. Generally, this means that score line (20) will extend substantially around the entire package (15) although it may stop just short of the edges of the film edge so as to minimise the risk of the film snapping.

A tear nick (not shown) may be provided at an end of the transverse score line (20) which is located in the longitudinal seam (16). In the illustrated embodiment, a further longitudinal score line (19) extends between the transverse score (20) substantially to an end of a detachable portion (21), closely following the line of the longitudinal seam (16). Again, it may not extend to the end of the packaging so as to maintain some stability and minimise the risk any premature seam failure.

In use, a confectionery item (23) within the package (15) (FIG. 2A) may be accessed by pulling on the longitudinal seam (16) in the region of the score line (20). The pressure causes the transverse score line (20) and also the longitudinal score line (19) to open up in a single smooth operation. Specifically, the pressure opens up first the transverse score line (20) across the width of the seam (16). Once the juncture with the longitudinal score line (19) is met, continued pulling causes both score lines (19, 20) to open allowing the end region of the packaging to be smoothly peeled off

This results in the complete removal of an end portion (21) from the package (15) (FIG. 2B), allowing easy and clean access to an end portion of both fingers of the confectionery item (FIG. 2B). This process is illustrated in FIG. 3A-3B.

The item may then be consumed by eating both fingers together or separately at the taste of the consumer. The residual package section (22) provides a convenient holding container for the confectionery item during consumption and also provides a useful storage container for any product not consumed in one go (FIG. 2C) since it is of a suitable size to hold the residual portion.

Alternatively, the detachable portion (21) may be used as a cover to cap the uneaten product (FIG. 3C).

  • 1. A package for a confectionery item, said package comprising a film or wrap which encases the confectionary item and wherein opening means are provided in said package, the opening means comprising score lines defining a removable portion or releasable flap, and wherein the opening means are positioned such that opening thereof exposes a bite size portion of the confectionery item; wherein the opening means comprises a first transverse score line extending transversely around the package, and a second score line extending substantially perpendicularly from the transverse score line to an end of the package in the area of a seam of the package.
  • 2. The package of claim 1, wherein the package is elongate and the second score line extends longitudinally along the package.
  • 3. The package of claim 1, wherein the opening means are provided from 2.5-6 cm from an end of the package.
  • 4. The package of claim 1, wherein the confectionery item is castellated or segmented, and the transverse score line of the opening means is suitably arranged directly opposite or just above any first castellation or segmentation from one end of the confectionery item.
  • 5. The package of claim 1, comprising a laminated film including a metal layer.
  • 6. The package of claim 5, comprising a 2-ply film including a metal layer.
  • 7. The package of claim 1, wherein a tear initiation feature is provided to facilitate tearing along the transverse score line.
  • 8. The package of claim 7, wherein the tear initiation feature is a tear nick or strip.
  • 9. The package of claim 1, wherein the opening means comprises a removable portion.
  • 10. A method for packaging a confectionery item comprising wrapping a film to forma package around multiple confectionery items, sealing the film to form a package around individual confectionery items, and cutting or crimping the packages to separate the packaged confectionery items wherein the film has been pre-scored with score lines that define a removable portion once the film is formed into a package, the score lines comprising a first transverse score line extending transversely around the package, and a second score line extending substantially perpendicularly from the transverse score line to an end of the package in the area of a seam of the package.
  • 11. The method of claim 10, wherein the package is prepared by a cold sealing process in which adhesive is applied to the film in the areas required to be sealed, and these areas are brought together to form a seam that closes the package around the confectionery item.
  • 12. A confectionery product comprising a confectionery item contained within a package the package comprising a film or wrap which encases the confectionery item and wherein opening means are provided in said package, the opening means comprising score lines defining a removable portion or releasable flap, and wherein the opening means are positioned such that opening thereof exposes a bite size portion of the confectionery item; wherein the opening means comprises a first transverse score line extending transversely around the package, and a second score line extending substantially perpendicularly from the transverse score line to an end of the package in the area of a seam of the package.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
1410386.5 Jun 2014 GB national
PCT Information
Filing Document Filing Date Country Kind
PCT/US2015/035109 6/10/2015 WO 00