This Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes (PASI) award, jointly supported by the NSF and Department of Energy (DOE), will take place in the seaside city of Mar del Plata, Argentina in April 2006 on the topic of Complex Systems. Organized by Dr. Gabriel Cwilich, Dr. Sergey Buldyrev, and Dr. Fredy R. Zypman, all of Yeshiva University, the institute will focus on the traditional physics of disorder in its many manifestations and its relation to the new emerging field of complex system and networks. The subject will be approached through a hands-on component that involves small group discussions and tutorials. Particular emphasis will be given to the interdisciplinary nature of the subject and an attempt will be made to reach out to scientists in the diverse fields into which this subject branches. The PASI will feature a hands-on component, small discussion groups, and tutorials that will accompany the main scientific presentations and discussions.<br/><br/>The PASI aims to attract a diverse population of U.S. applicants as well as the participation of students from Latin American countries. A web page will be used as a mechanism to coordinate and disseminate the results of this PASI.