0121889<br/>Auciello<br/><br/><br/>This Pan-American Advanced Studies Institutes (PASI) award, jointly supported by the NSF and the Department of Energy (DOE), will take place in Rosario, Argentina, October, 2002, on the topic of ferroelectric thin film technology. Organized by Dr. Orlando Auciello of the Argonne National Laboratory, the institute will involve approximately 40 students and 17 active researchers in the field from the U.S. and Latin America. The main goal is to facilitate extensive scientific discussions and allow students to specialize in this interdisciplinary activity, which brings together leaders of the ferroelectric materials field. The design of the program should also help to initiate new collaborations between the next generation of scientists and engineers from the region. Lectures and results of the scientific program will be disseminated electronically via a web site to be developed for the Institute.