FIG. 1. Schematic representation of a glass slide with multiple parallel microarrays.
FIG. 2. Flow diagram of the steps of the method of the invention.
FIGS. 3A-E. Reproducibility of hybridizations. (A-C): typical scatter plots of self-self hybridization of lung cDNAs between two channels within a block (within-block, panel A), two different blocks in one slide (within-slide, panel B), and among slides (among-slide, panel C), respectively. The cDNAs from an identical lung tissue were labeled with Cy3 or Alexa 647, and hybridized to each block of the slides. The numbers on x- and y-axis were background-subtracted fluorescence intensities of each spot with log 2 transformation. (D) A comparison of correlation coefficients from replicated hybridizations. The results were expressed as means±SE. *P<0.01 v.s. among-slide; #P<0.01 v.s. within-slide. (E) Comparison of accumulated errors between within-slide and among-slide groups. For the within-slide group, the log ratios were from parallel hybridization on a single slide. For the among-slides, the log ratios were from different slides. The accumulated errors were calculated as described in Materials and Methods.
FIG. 4. Summary of differentially expressed genes among 6 organs. The number under an organ represents the genes that are expressed significantly higher in the respective organ compared to other organs (p<0.05). Similarly, the number between any two organs represents the genes that are expressed significantly higher in the two organs compared to other organs (p<0.05). Thicker lines highlight a larger number of the genes co-expressed in the respective two organs.
FIGS. 5A and B. Hot maps of Organ-prominent genes. Left (A) and right (B) panels are the relative expression levels of genes differentially expressed in one and two organs, respectively. Each column represents 19 replicated hybridizations of each organ and each row shows the spot signals of the organ-prominent genes. The scale of normalized spot signals was indicated on the top of the graph. (A): lung: 166 genes; (B) heart: 100 genes; (C) kidney: 186 genes; (D) liver: 324 genes; (E) spleen: 88 genes; (F) brain: 225 genes; (G) lung-heart: 47 genes; (H) lung-liver: 33 genes; (I) lung-spleen: 95 genes; (J) kidney-liver: 174 genes; (K) lung-kidney: 21 genes; (E) kidney-brain: 21 genes.
FIG. 6. Relative mRNA abundance of lung-prominent genes determined by relative real-time PCR The mRNAs from six organs were reverse-transcribed to cDNA and quantified by relative real-time PCR. All of the genes were run on the same plate with 18S rRNA as an endogenous reference. The results were expressed as % of lung. Data shown are means±S.E. (n=3 biological replications).The mRNA expression level of all the genes in the lung was significantly higher in other organs (P<0.05).
FIG. 7 depicts DNA microarray signal intensities and spot images for 13 verified genes in tabular form.
FIG. 8 is a schematic representation of an alternative embodiment of the invention where identical sets of different microarrays are present on the single glass substrate.