1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to power generation facilities, and particularly to a particle swarm optimization system and method for microgrids.
2. Description of the Related Art
Power system construction has changed in the last two decades due to a lot of challenges, such as load growth, new environmental policy with a demand to reduce CO2 emissions, and marketplace economic stresses. This has led to increased interest in local connection of renewable energy sources at the distribution level. Microgrids are small electrical distribution systems that connect multiple customers to multiple distributed sources of generation and storage through power electronic inverters, which provide the necessary interface. Microgrids can be operated in both autonomous and grid-connected modes. There exists a requirement to control the microgrid in both autonomous and grid-connected mode. Thus, microgrid control in both modes has been investigated recently. Control issues include keeping bus voltages within specified limits; controlling transformer, line and feeder loading; minimizing active power losses; managing reactive power sources; and controlling the power factor.
A microgrid power system is a local scale power system that uses microsource generation scaled either by electrical or thermal output to the local system demand. It can serve a customer with multiple load locations, an industrial park, or a campus. It is designed to transfer seamlessly between connection with the local utility and isolated operation. It provides power reliability and power quality benefits not available from the conventional utility grid system. Moreover, it incorporates communication/aggregation features to allow organization and control of the microgrid power system as a single entity.
The dynamic nature of the distribution network of a microgrid challenges the stability and control effectiveness of the microgrids in both grid-connected and autonomous modes. In the grid-connected mode, control of the inverter is required to make the microgrid capable of regulating the active and reactive output currents, ensuring high power quality levels, and achieving relative immunity to grid perturbations. In the autonomous mode, the inverter is controlled to feed the load with the pre-defined voltage and frequency values according to a specific control strategy.
Generally, two control loops are used in the autonomous mode. The inner loop includes voltage and current PI controllers, which are designed to reject high frequency disturbances and damp the output filter to avoid resonance with the external network. The outer power loop is based on well-known droop control to share the fundamental real and reactive powers with other microgrid sources. In droop control, the inverter emulates the behavior of a synchronous machine. The power angled δ depends mainly on real power P, while the voltage depends mainly on reactive power Q. In other words, the angle δ can be controlled by regulating P, while the output inverter voltage can be controlled through Q. Control of frequency dynamically controls the power angle, and thus the real power flow.
Therefore, by adjusting P and Q independently, frequency and voltage amplitude of the microgrid can be determined. The stability of the microgrids operating in either mode is quite essential, and is affected by different parameters. In the autonomous mode, stability can be affected by controller parameters, as well as by power sharing coefficients. In the grid-connected mode, controller parameters and filter parameters are the key factors of microgrid stability.
Generally, careful selection of the controller, filter, and power sharing parameters maintains power quality within the regulated range and enhances system performance against load changes and disturbances. Different approaches to select the controller parameters and control strategies have been reported in the literature, where a trial and error approach has been adopted. This approach is time-consuming, and there is no guarantee that the adopted settings are the optimal ones. In addition, it does not provide a systematic procedure to solve the controller design problem.
Recently, computational intelligence algorithms, such as the genetic algorithm (GA) and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm have been applied to different power system problems with impressive success. However, some deficiencies in GA performance, such as premature convergence, have been recorded. On the other hand, PSO has been widely implemented and stamped as one of the promising optimization techniques due its simplicity, computational efficiency, and robustness. Generally, PSO has been motivated by the behavior of organisms, such as fish schools and bird flocks. It combines social psychology principles in socio-cognition human agents and evolutionary computations. Unlike the other heuristic techniques, PSO has a flexible and well-balanced mechanism to enhance global and local exploration abilities.
Although microgrid planning and operation have several challenging problems, such as size, location, and optimal design of different controllers, the application of PSO to solve these problems is still in its early stage. Optimal size and location problem of the distributed generation unit (DG) has been addressed for maximizing the economic benefits and minimizing the line loss. PSO has also been also employed to obtain controller parameters and power sharing coefficients in both modes. However, the LC filter design and coupling inductance have not been taken into consideration. It is worth mentioning that microgrid stability is strongly affected also by the filter parameters. While a PSO algorithm has been applied directly to a power-electronic-switch-level microgrid simulation model instead of small-signal models, the aforementioned method needs external software to simulate the system and calculate the objective function.
Thus, a particle swarm optimization system and method for microgrids solving the aforementioned problems is desired.
The particle swarm optimization system and method for microgrids optimizes microgrids operating in different modes utilizing linear and nonlinear models. The method utilizes a single code for modeling, optimization, linearization, and nonlinear time domain simulation. Utilizing a novel technique for stability enhancement of a microgrid operating in both autonomous and grid-connected modes, voltage source inverter (VSI), LC filter, coupling inductance, phase-locked loop (PLL), lines, loads, and power, current, and voltage controllers are modeled. The design problem of different microgrid components and controller parameters is formulated as an optimization problem where particle swarm optimization (PSO) is employed to solve the design problem. Eigenvalue-based and nonlinear time domain simulation-based objective functions are considered with the aim of microgrid stability enhancement in the grid-connected mode, where the controller parameters, LC filter components, and damping resistance are optimized. On the other hand, nonlinear time domain simulation-based objective functions are considered with the aim of autonomous microgrid stability enhancement, where the controller parameters and the power sharing coefficients are optimized. The performance of the microgrid with the controllers and optimal settings under different disturbances has been examined through eigenvalue analysis and nonlinear time domain simulations. The results show the effectiveness of the method to enhance the stability of the microgrid being considered. Moreover, the robustness of the PSO method has been demonstrated.
These and other features of the present invention will become readily apparent upon further review of the following specification and drawings.
Similar reference characters denote corresponding features consistently throughout the attached drawings.
The particle swarm optimization method for microgrids, described generally in the steps of the flowchart 1300 of
Referring to
The rotational frame angle, θ, is used to transfer the voltage and currents from the abc reference frame to the dq frame and vice versa. The state-space model of different microgrid components can be written as follows:
{dot over (x)}=Ax+R(x,u) (2)
The phase-locked loop (PLL) 215, as shown in
ω=kPPLLvoq+kIPLL∫voqdt (3)
Thus, the PLL states are XPLL=[θΦPLL] where ΦPLL=∫voqdt, and the PLL model can be written as:
The short form of which can be written as:
{dot over (x)}PLL=APLLxPLL+RPLL(x,u) (5b)
The PLL output is yPLL=[θ vod voq].
The power controller 205, shown in
The reference coupling inductance currents idΣ and iqΣ can be expressed as follows:
idΣ=iod*+iod=iod*+(iLd−iod) (8)
iqΣ=ioq*+ioq=ioq*+(iLq−ioq) (9)
A low-pass filter is used to remove the harmonics and noises, which may result from the distortion of the voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC). The current controller references iLd* and iLq* after filtering are given as:
where ωc is the cut-off frequency of the low-pass filter.
These two equations can be rewritten as follows:
Equations (12) and (13) can be rewritten as follows.
where q3d=∫(idΣ−iLd*)dt and q3q=∫(iqΣ−iLq*)dt, and the state-space model of the power controller will be as follows:
The short form is written as:
{dot over (x)}P
In grid connection mode, the current controller is essential for power quality improvement. The exemplary PI current controller 210 is shown in
vld*=vod−ωLfiLd+kPdiLdd err+kId∫iLderrdt (17)
vlq*=voq+ωLfiLq+kPdiLqq err+kIq∫iLqerrdt (18)
and the state-space model of the current controller is given as follows:
The short form being:
{dot over (x)}C
where qlderr=iLderrdt; qlqerr=∫iLqerrdt
The output equation can be written as follows:
A passive low-pass filter is used to attenuate switching frequency ripple. The filter has important dynamic effects on the system stability. To avoid the resonance that may arise with coupling or grid inductance, a passive damping circuit is added to the filter, such as damping resistors. Assuming that the inverter input and output voltage are equal, i.e., v1=v1*, the small signal model of the output LC filter and coupling inductance can be represented as:
In the dq frame, equations (21)-(23) can be rewritten as:
where Lf is the filter inductance, Cf is the filter capacitance, Rf is the filter resistance, Rd is the damping resistance, Lc is the coupling inductance, and Rc is the coupling resistance. The state-space model of the LC filter and coupling inductance can be given as:
The short form of equation (30) is:
{dot over (x)}filter=Afilterxfilter+Bfilterufilter+Rfilter(x,u)
xfilter=[iLd iLq vcd vcq iod ioq]T is the state vector,
ufilter=[vld vlq vod voq ω]T is the input vector,
Rfilter(x,u)=[ωiLq −ωiLd ωvcq −ωvcd ωioq −ωiod]T, and
yfilter=[iLd iLq iod ioq ω]T is the output vector.
Aggregating the models of all microgrid components, the input vector (ucci) is given by:
ucci=[VDCVoaVobVocP*Q*]T (31)
The state variables are given by:
xcci=[θφPLLiLd*iLqq3dq3qqLderrqLqerriLdiLqvvdvcqiodioq]T (32)
The state matrix of the whole system ACCI can be given as:
The particle swarm optimization system and method for microgrids utilizes the mathematical model of the autonomous microgrid comprising a VSI controller connected to the loads through an LC filter and coupling inductance 220. Referring to the circuit 700 of
Regarding the power controller 800, as shown by the equations in
Pm=vodiod+voqioq,Qm=vodioq−voqiod (35)
and the real and reactive powers Pc and Qc corresponding to the fundamental components are obtained after passing these power components through the low pass filter, as follows:
Finally, the frequency ω and the output d-axis voltage magnitude reference vod* can be determined as:
ω=ωn−mpPc,{dot over (θ)}=ω (37)
vod*=Vn−nqQc,voq*=0 (38)
where mp and nq are the real and reactive power sharing coefficients. The different droop characteristics show that, e.g., three inverters can share the total real and reactive power, as shown in the active power droop plot 902 of
δ=∫ω−ωcom (39)
The system diagram 1100 of the PI voltage controller is shown in
φd*=vod*−vod,φq*=voq*−voq (40)
along with the algebraic equations:
ilq*=Fioq+ωnCfvod+kpv(voq*−voq)+kivφq (41)
where F is the feed forward voltage controller gain and kpv and kiv are the PI voltage controller parameters.
The system diagram 1200 of the PI current controller is shown in
γd*=ild*−ild,γq*=ilq*−ilq (42)
vlq*=ωnLfild+kpc(ilq*−ilq)+kicγq (43)
where kpc and kic are the PI current controller parameters.
The LC filter and the coupling inductance model can be described with the following state equations, assuming that inverter produces the demanded voltage v1=v1*.:
To build the whole model of the system, the output variables of each inverter should be converted to the common reference frame using the following transformation:
The state equations of the RL load connected at ith node are given as follows:
The load voltages are also given as follows:
The sign in equations (56) and (57) depends on the current direction in the line.
For microgrid stability enhancement, settings of the controller parameters, the filter components, and the power sharing coefficients must be optimized. The design problem is formulated as follows.
In grid-connected mode, the optimized parameters are: kpd, kid, kpq, kiq, Lf, Cf, and Rd. Eigenvalue-based and nonlinear time domain simulation-based objective functions are proposed as follows:
In autonomous mode, the optimized parameters are kpv, kiv, kpc, kic, mp, and nq. The nonlinear time domain simulation-based objective function given in equation (59) is used.
Here, Real (λi) is the real part of the ith mode eigenvalue. In the optimization process, the goal is to minimize Jlinear
In grid-connected mode, the problem constraints are the optimized parameter bounds, as follows:
kpd min≦kpd≦kpd max (60)
kid min≦kid≦kid max (61)
kpq min≦kpq≦kpq max (62)
kiq min≦kiq≦kiq max (63)
Lfmin≦Lf≦Lfmax (64)
Cfmin≦Cf≦Cfmax (65)
Rdmin≦Rd≦Rdmax (66)
In autonomous mode, the problem constraints are as follows:
kpvmin≦kpv≦kpvmax (67)
kivmin≦kiv≦kivmax (68)
kpcmin≦kpc≦kpcmax (69)
kicmin≦kic≦kicmax (70)
mpmin≦mp≦mpmax (71)
nqmin≦nq≦nqmax (72)
The overall optimization problem can be formulated as:
subject to the constraints associated with the operation mode as given in equations (60)-(72).
Given the formulation of the overall optimization problem, a particle swarm optimization (PSO) method is utilized to solve equation (73).
Particle swarm optimization (PSO) is a population-based stochastic optimization technique developed by Eberhart and Kennedy in 1995, and was inspired by the social behavior of bird flocking or fish schooling. The particle motion is affected by the inertia, the personal best and the group best. The inertia is the particles' tendency to move in the direction of the original movement. The personal best is the best estimate of the objective function for that particle. The group best position is the best solution represented by the swarm in any given time step. An interaction of these components generates a direction of movement corresponding to each particle for the next time step.
The advantages of PSO over other traditional optimization techniques include the fact that PSO is a population-based search algorithm, so it is less susceptible to getting trapped on local minima. It uses payoff (objective function) information to guide the search in the problem space. It is more flexible and robust than conventional methods because it uses probabilistic transition rules. It can overcome the premature convergence problem and enhances the search capability. The solution quality of the proposed approach does not rely on the initial population. The algorithm ensures the convergence to the optimal solution starting anywhere in the search space.
In a PSO algorithm, the population has particles that represent candidate solutions. Each particle is an n-dimensional, real-valued vector, where n is the number of optimized parameters. Therefore, each optimized parameter represents a dimension of the problem space. The PSO technique can be described in the following steps.
In the first step, the time counter is set, n particles are randomly generated, and initial velocities for these particles are also randomly generated. For each particle, the objective function is evaluated. A search is made for the best value of this objective function, and this value is set as a global best function Jbest and global best particle Xbest. The initial value of the inertia weight is set. The inertial weight is a control parameter used to control the impact of the previous velocity on the current velocity, w, as shown below in equation (74).
In the second step, the time counter is updated. In the third step, the inertia weight is updated using w(t)=aw(t−1), where a is the a decrement constant smaller than but close to 1. In the fourth step, the velocity is updated using the following equation:
vn+1i=wvni+c1r1(pbest−xni)+c2r2(gbest−xni) (74)
where c1 and c2 are positive constants and r1 and r2 are uniformly distributed random numbers in [0,1]. The second term represents the cognitive part of PSO, where the particle changes its velocity based on its own thinking and memory. The third term represents the social part of PSO where the particle changes its velocity based on the social-psychological adaptation of knowledge.
In the fifth step, based on the updated velocities, each particle changes its position according to the following equation:
xn+1i=xni+vn+1i (75)
In the sixth step, each particle is evaluated according to the updated position. If the cost function of this particle at this moment is less than the global best Jj*, then update individual best as a global best and go to step 7; else go to step 7 without performing the update. In the seventh step, search for the minimum value among the global best Jj*, where min is the index of the particle with minimum objective function value, i.e., if Jmin>J**, then update global best as X**=Xmin and J**=Jmin and go to step 8; else go to step 8 without performing the global best updating.
In step 8, the search process will be terminated if one of the following conditions is met: either the number of iterations since the last change of the best solution is greater than a pre-specified number; or, the number of iterations reaches the maximum allowable. If one of the stopping criteria is satisfied, then stop, or else go to step 2.
Referring to
The computational flowchart 1300 of the PSO-based optimal design procedure 1300 is as follows. The initial conditions are set at step 1302. The microgrid mode is selected at step 1304. The modeling and objective function is defined at step 1306. The PSO algorithm is initialized at step 1308. The objective function is calculated at step 1310. Parameter weights are updated at step 1312. Position and velocity are updated at step 1316. Stopping criteria are checked at step 1318. Once the algorithm has terminated, the microgrid system is tested using the optimized parameters at step 1320. The test results are evaluated at step 1322.
Nonlinear and linear models were developed using MATLAB code to study the stability of an inverter-based microgrid when it is working in both grid-connected and autonomous modes.
The complete layout of an inverter-based Distributed Generation (DG) unit connected in the grid-connected mode is presented. The DG unit in the example is represented by a de voltage source, a VSI, a series LC filter, and coupling inductance Lc. The rating of the test inverter-based DG is IOKVA. The inverter is controlled to inject the real and reactive powers required by the utility.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed controller, nonlinear time domain simulation has been carried out. A step change in the injected active power has been done to check the response of the power exported to the grid using the optimal parameters obtained using PSO. It is introduced at t=0.1 sec from 10 KW to 5 KW. The system response and performance under this disturbance are shown in
Eigenvalue analysis has been carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness of the exemplary controllers and design approach. Without optimization, the eigenvalues of the system are shown in
As shown in
Plots 2400, 2500 and 2600 in
To demonstrate the effectiveness and to assess the robustness of the proposed controller under different conditions, several particle swarm optimization runs have been carried out in both modes with different initial populations. The convergence of the objective function is shown in plots 3100 and 3200 of
Linear and nonlinear models of a microgrid operating in grid-connected and autonomous modes have been presented herein. The design of different controllers, filter, and power sharing coefficients has been formulated as an optimization problem. Two different objective functions to enhance the system stability have been developed. The PSO technique is employed to search for the optimal settings of the optimized parameters. Different disturbances have been applied to demonstrate the effectiveness of the design approach. In the grid-connected mode, the step change in the reference power has been used to test the system capability to follow this reference power. System stability has been analyzed using both nonlinear time domain simulations and eigenvalue analysis. In the autonomous mode, step change and fault disturbances have been used to verify system stability. The results confirm the effectiveness of the particle swarm optimization method for microgrids with respect to optimizing the parameters of PI controllers, filter, and power sharing coefficients, which achieve satisfactory system performance under different disturbances. The robustness of the particle swarm optimization method for microgrids with respect to its initial estimation has been also confirmed.
It is to be understood that the present invention is not limited to the embodiments described above, but encompasses any and all embodiments within the scope of the following claims.
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