Penicillium funiculosum strain useful for the production of enzymes

The present invention relates to novel micro-organism, Penicillium funiculosum, to new enzymes mixture obtained from it and nucleic acid sequences thereto.


[0001] The present invention relates to a novel micro-organism, new enzymes and new enzymes mixture. In addition, the present invention relates to the composition of the enzymes mixture. its preparation and its use in feed, food and other industries including but not limited to the paper industry and the textile industry.


[0002] Enzymes have been used for a long time for a variety of different industrial applications. Examples are known in the baking industry, in the wine and fruit juices industry (where enzymes are used to breakdown pectins and β-glucans), in the textile industry (where cellulases are used to obtain soft and smooth cellulosic fabrics) and also, which is not the least application, for animal feed. In this case the enzymes improve the digestibility of vegetable sources.

[0003] This last use enables the livestock to digest feed more efficiently. The value of a feed can be measured by the FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio), a nutritive ratio of the amount of feed consumed relative to the weight gain of the animal. A decrease in FCR, for a feed. indicates the animal gains proportionately more weight for a given quantity of feed; i.e. the animal is able to utilize the feed more efficiently.

[0004] Poor digestibility of the feed components (starch, fat, protein/amino acids) is a noted feature of cereal-based feeds and, for example, particularly those containing a high barley or wheat content. In these cases it may be necessary to formulate the feed to contain higher levels of energy from other sources and other supplements such as amino acids. These enzymes increase the Apparent Metabolizable Energy value of the cereals incorporated into the Feed.

[0005] Another approach to resolve this problem has been to add enzyme supplements, cellulases. endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanases (β-glucanases), endo-1,4-β-xylanases (xylanases) etc., or mixtures of enzyme activities, to these cereal-based feeds. Enzyme supplements may have a specific use to hydrolyze the β-glucans, or to hydrolyze the arabinoxylans, found in the cereals (typically barley and wheat). The addition of enzymes has differents goals. One advantage which clearly proves the efficacy of feed enzyme supplements is the reduction in viscosity of materials in the gut of the animals which receive cereal-based feed containing the appropriate enzyme supplement. The higher viscosity is due, in part, to β-glucans and arabinoxylans found in barley and wheat. The lower viscosity, resulting from enzyme action, permits an easier absorption of nutritional components in the animal's gut. The other advantage is the release of nutrients entrapped by the cell walls of the cereals decreasing the requirement for other costly teed supplements. Overall the result is a significant reduction in the cost of the feed with a similar or beneficial effect as measured by the FCR.

[0006] Enzymes preparations originating from a range of different micro-organisms have been described to improve feed digestibility.

[0007] If we consider prior art related to the use of enzymes in the animal feed we can mention the European Patent No 0.699.762 which describes use of a phytase issued from Schwanniomyces occidentalis. This phytase is a phytase obtained from genetically modified organism obtained by including cloned gene that we would like to avoid in the present invention.

[0008] It we consider the WO 95/26398 patent application, again a modified cellulase is obtained by inclusion of foreign DNA sequence in an host cell which modifies the nature of the original strain which is chosen in the following list of micro-organisms : Bacillus, Streptomyces, Saccharomyces, Schizosaccharomyces, Aspergillus. In the present invention our main aim was to avoid foreign gene inclusion in the micro-organism which is the producer of the enzyme.

[0009] In the WO 96/05739 patent application, a mixture of enzymes (xylanase, protease and, optionally, β-glucanase) is obtained from different micro-organisms. The authors give example (page 5) of enzymes mixture with a ratio of xylanase activity to β-glucanase activity of the order of 1:5. It has been found that when a xylanase is included in a cereal-based diet at or around its optimum dosage level, the co-presence of enzymes possessing β-glucanase activity increase the FCR of the feed which is of course disadvantageous. Consequently the authors advise against the presence of β-glucanase, they recommend a maximum ratio of xylanase activity to β-glucanase activity of 1:0 -0.25.

[0010] In some cases, in order to ensure all the enzyme activities relevant to the feed application are present, preparations are made up from preparations from more than one micro-organism. In a number of cases the enzyme preparations have been obtained from microorganisms subjected to genetic modification using recombinant DNA techniques.

[0011] We have discovered and developed a new micro-organism belonging to the class of Penicillium funiculosum, that contains new enzymes and a mixture of enzyme activities which can be used successfully to increase mainly the digestibility of cereal-based animal feeds.


[0012] Accordingly, the present invention relates to a new micro-organism derived from Penicillium funiculosum and a method for cultivating this micro-organism and for recovering the enzymes produced by this micro-organism.

[0013] In addition, in accordance with this invention, there are provided new enzymes issued from this micro-organism, nucleic acid sequences therefrom and new compositions containing those enzymes.

[0014] Further, in accordance with this invention, there is provided a method for improving the digestibility of aminoacids and cereal-based animal feeds and amino acids.

[0015] Another subject of the present invention is the reduction of phosphorus excretion and ammonia excretion from the battery where animals are fed.


[0016] A. The New Strain Penicillium funiculosum

[0017] This new strain of the fungus Penicillium funiculosum is deposited under the number IMI 378536 in a recognized International Depositary Authority under the Budapest Treaty (1977), the International Mycological Institute (IMI), Bakeham Lane, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, TW20 9TY, UK.

[0018] Filiation

[0019] The new strain has been obtained from Penicillium funiculosum IMI 134756 after successive UV and β-irradiations treatment of spores, including screening on selective medium. No genetic modification has been obtained by recombinant DNA techniques using inclusion of foreign DNA or RNA.

[0020] Identification and Typing


Penicillium funiculosum
IMI 378536 has been characterised by growth on Czapek Dox agar at 25 ° C. Colony characteristics and micro-morphology are typical for Penicillium funiculosum. The identification of the micro-organism as a Penicillium funiculosum has been confirmed at the International Mycological Institute, Bakeham Lane, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey, TW20 9TY, UK. Growth is as a tough basal felt, with aerial growth, as ropes or bundles of hyphae (funiculose), mycelium is white with underlying red colouration in the substrate, margins are reverse pale but coloured red towards centres and may become deep red. This penicillium is typical, it shows conidiophores short mostly arising from funicles, biverticillate, acerose conidiogenous cells, conidia are elliptical and smooth.

[0022] The micro-organism used for the production of the enzyme preparation of this invention is grown under aerobic conditions in a medium which contains cellulose, corn steep liquor, calcium carbonate and ammonium sulphate.

[0023] B. Process of Fermentation

[0024] This new fungus is manufactured by fermentation of the deposited strain first on a seed medium preferably constituted of (in weight):
1corn steep liquor1% to 4%antifoamjust to avoid foamwaterto 100%NaOHenough to adjust the pH to about pH 3.0 to6.0 before sterilisation of the medium;Temperature of incubation 27° C. to 36° C.

[0025] The production medium has preferably the following constitution (in weight):
2corn steep liquor0 to 4.0%batched and fed cellulose0.8 to 14%Ca salt,0 to 0.8%Ammonium sulfate0 to 1.0%Antifoamjust to avoid foamwaterenough to obtain 100%NaOHenough to adjust the pH to about pH 3.0 to6.0 before sterilisation of the medium;H2SO4enough to maintain the pH to about 3.0 to6.0;Ammonia as gas or liquidenough to maintain the pH to about pH 3.0to 6.0;Temperature of incubation 27° C. to 36° C.

[0026] For the fermentation, charge the fermenter with sufficient water, add the ingredients to water in suitable agitated container, stir until the ingredients have dissolved. Sterilise by sealing the fermentor and raising the content to typically 121° C. The fermentation vessel is inoculated with the seed fermenter.

[0027] The main source of carbon which is added during the process of fermentation is cellulose; amongst different cellulose sources we prefer to use ARBOCEL, SOLKAFLOC, CLAROCEL, ALPHACEL, FIBRACEL with different grades.

[0028] The pH during the fermentation is preferably controlled by the addititon of sulphuric acid, or another acid, and ammonia in gas or liquid form, or another base.

[0029] At the end of the fermentation time, eliminate solids by solid-liquid separation such as filtration or centrifugation, collect the liquid phase and concentrate for example by ultrafiltration on organic or mineral membrane.

[0030] These enzymes may also be manufactured from means of recombinant DNA technology and thus be produced by recombinant homologous species or heterologous species. The host for the transfer of the gene coding for the enzyme may be selected from a fungal species, a bacterial cell or a plant cell. Any conventional technique may be used to insert the gene encoding the enzyme of interest in the host cell such as plasmids (integrative or not), phage vectors and viral vectors. The Penicillium funiculosum comprising heterologous genes inclusion or modification of the genome with homologous genes by inclusion, deletion or modification of said homologous gene are also part of this invention.

[0031] In accordance with the invention the enzyme may be provided as an isolated pure enzyme preparation or as a crude preparation such as the cultivation medium in which Penicillium funiculosum has been grown.

[0032] It may be also possible to include this or those enzymes in compositions containing one further enzyme, the type of which depending on the intended use of the composition. The added enzymes may be selected from for example carbohydrases, lipases and proteases.

[0033] C. Compositions of the <<Mixture of Enzyme Activities>>

[0034] 1. Liquid Composition

[0035] For liquid composition, after addition of antimicrobial agents measurement of the concentration of enzymes and correct dilution to product strength is carried out.

[0036] The preferred composition of the liquid solution by weight is the following:
3Microbial products as total organic solids 4%-10%antimicrobial agent0.005%-0.35% preferentially0.01%-0.25%sorbitol20%-50%eventually antifreezing agents  0-40%more preferably15%-40%Concentrated filtered fermentation broth0.3 to 76%Buffered and adjusted to pH 3 to 5

[0037] Antimicrobial are chosen from products such as sorbic acid and salts, benzoic acid and salts, methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate and n-propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, fumaric acid, salts and esters. Salts such as sodium chloride or potassium chloride could also be used.

[0038] The most preferred anti-freezing agents are 1,2-propandiol, ethylene glycol, glycerol.

[0039] 2. Powder Composition

[0040] For powder preparations, the concentrated solution obtained is dried with eventually the presence of a carrier. The powder obtained after drying of the concentrated solution in absence of a carrier can be further mixed with a suitable carrier.

[0041] The preferred composition of the powder form is the following:
4Microbial products as total organic solids16%-40%Carrier59%-83%other dried fermentation broth components1%

[0042] Preferred carriers are chosen from wheat flour, starch, gypsum, maltodextrin, corn solids, by-products from cereal processing such as maize grits, wheat middlings, wheat bran, rye tailings, minerals mixture.

[0043] We obtain a new enzymes mixture produced by Penicillium funiculosum. This enzymes mixture contains new enzymes such as cellulases, β-glucanases, xylanases, xylanase accessory enzymes such as arabinofuranosidase and feruloyl esterases.

[0044] 1. Procedure

[0045] The enzyme preparations is characterised by assays that include assays for cellulase, cellobiohydrolase, β-glucosidase, endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase, laminarinase endo-1,4-β-xylanase (using different substrates), β-xylosidase, arabinofuranosidase and feruloyl esterase (using different substrates) activities.

[0046] 1.1. Cellulase by DNS CMC Method

[0047] The assay for cellulase activity is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of the glycosidic bonds in carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), a β-1,4 glucan. The products of the reaction, β-1,4 glucan oligosacchandes, are determined by the resulting increase in reducing value (as glucose).

[0048] A solution containing 1 ml of a 1% (w/v) CMC solution in 0.1M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0 (or at different pH values); 1 ml of appropriately diluted enzyme solution was incubated at 50° C. for 10 minutes. The enzyme reaction is stopped by the addition of 2 ml of a DNS solution (1% (w/v) 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, 1.6% (w/v) sodium hydroxide, 30% (w/v) potassium sodium (+)-tartrate in distilled water). The solution is mixed and placed into a boiling water bath, 95° C. minimum, for 5 minutes then cooled to 25° C. 10 ml distilled water is added to the solution and the absorbance is measured at 540 nm using a 2 cm path length glass cell.

[0049] The result is converted to μmoles reducing sugar (as glucose) by comparison with a standard curve for 2 ml of 0.00-0.04% (w/v) glucose solutions treated with DNS solution in an equivalent manner.

[0050] The observed enzyme reaction absorbance is corrected for non-specific absorbance by carrying out a reaction in which the DNS solution is added to the mixture before the enzyme solution. One unit of cellulase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which produces 1 μmole glucose equivalents.min−1 under the conditions of the assay (50° C. and pH 5.0 or other pH).

[0051] 1.2 Cellobiohydrolase by the p-nitrophenyl β-D-cellobiopyranoside Method

[0052] The assay of cellobiohydrolase is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl β-D-cellobiopyranoside. A product of the reaction, p-nitrophenol is determined calorimetrically.

[0053] A solution containing 1 ml of a 0.1% (w/v) p-nitrophenyl β-D-cellobiopyranoside in distilled water; 1 ml distilled water; 1 ml 0.2M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0; 1 ml of appropriately diluted enzyme solution was incubated at 50° C. for 30 minutes. The enzyme reaction is stopped by the addition of 4 ml of 0.4M glycine solution. The solution is mixed and cooled to 20° C. The absorbance is measured at 400 nm using a 1 cm path length glass cell.

[0054] The result is converted to μmoles p-nitrophenol by comparison with the molar extenction coefficient of p-nitrophenol under these conditions.

[0055] The observed enzyme reaction absorbance is corrected for non-specific absorbance by carrying out a reaction in which the glycine solution is added to the mixture before the enzyme solution. One unit of cellobiohydrolase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which produces 1 μmole p-nitrophenol from p-nitrophenyl β-D-cellobiopyranoside per minute under the conditions of the assay (50° C. and pH 5.0).

[0056] 1.3 β-Glucosidase by the p-nitrophenyl β-D-glucopyranoside Method

[0057] The assay of β-glucosidase is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl β-D-glucopyranoside. A product of the reaction, p-nitrophenol is determined calorimetrically.

[0058] A solution containing 1 ml of a 0.1% (w/v) p-nitrophenyl β-D-glucopyranoside in distilled water; 1 ml distilled water; 1 ml 0.2M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0; 1 ml of appropriately diluted enzyme solution was incubated at 50° C. for 30 minutes. The enzyme reaction is stopped by the addition of 4 ml of 0.4M glycine solution. The solution is mixed and cooled to 20° C. The absorbance is measured at 400 nm using a 1 cm path length glass cell.

[0059] The result is converted to μmoles p-nitrophenol by comparison with the molar extenction coefficient of p-nitrophenol under these conditions.

[0060] The observed enzyme reaction absorbance is corrected for non-specific absorbance by carrying out a reaction in which the glycine solution is added to the mixture before the enzyme solution. One unit of β-glucosidase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which produces 1 μmole p-nitrophenol from p-nitrophenyl β-D-glucopyranoside per minute under the conditions of the assay (50 ° C. and pH 5.0).

[0061] 1.4. Endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase by the DNS Barley β-glucan Method

[0062] An assay for endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase activity is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of the glycosidic bonds in barley β-glucan, a β-1,3(4)-glucan. The products of the reaction, β-1,3(4)-glucan oligosaccharides, are determined by the resulting increase in reducing value (as glucose).

[0063] A solution containing 1 ml of a 1% (w/v) barley β-glucan solution in 0.1M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0 (or at different pH values); 1 ml of appropriately diluted enzyme solution was incubated at 50° C. for 10 minutes. The enzyme reaction is stopped by the addition of 2 ml of a DNS solution (1% (w/v) 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, 1.6% (w/v) sodium hydroxide, 30% (w/v) potassium sodium (+)-tartrate in distilled water). The solution is mixed and placed into a boiling water bath, 95° C. minimum, for 5 minutes then cooled to 25° C. 10 ml distilled water is added to the solution and the absorbance is measured at 540 nm using a 2 cm path length glass cell.

[0064] The result is converted to μmoles reducing sugar (as glucose) by comparison with a standard curve for 2 ml of 0.00-0.04% (w/v) glucose solutions treated with DNS solution in an equivalent manner.

[0065] The observed enzyme reaction absorbance is corrected for non-specific absorbance by carrying out a reaction in which the DNS solution is added to the mixture before the enzyme solution. One unit of endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which produces 1 μmole glucose equivalents.min−1 under the conditions of the assay (50° C. and pH 5.0 or other pH).

[0066] 1.5. Endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase by the Azo Barley β-glucan Method

[0067] An assay for endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase activity is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of a barley β-glucan which has a bound chromophore (azo-barley β-glucan). The products of the reaction, oligomers that are soluble after ethanol precipitation, are determined by the resulting increase in absorbance at 590 nm.

[0068] A solution containing 0.5 ml of azo barley β-glucan substrate (ready-to-use form) and 0.2 ml of enzyme dilution (containing between 0.15 to 0.60−1 in 0.01M sodium acetate buffer, pH 4.6) was incubated at 30° C. for 20 minutes exactly. The enzyme reaction is stopped by the addition of 2.5 ml of Precipitation Solution (containing 18.1 g sodium acetate and 3.0 g zinc mixed in 300 ml of glass distilled water, pH adjusted to pH 5.0 with hydrochloric acid, transfer contents to a 1 I volumetric flask and make up to volume with 96% v/v ethanol). The solution is mixed and allowed to stand at room temperature for 10 minutes. The solution is transfered in centrifuge tube and centrifuged at 1000 g for 10 minutes in a benchtop centrifuge. The absorbance of the supernatant is measured at 590 nm using a 1 cm path length glass cell.

[0069] The observed enzyme reaction absorbance is corrected for non-specific absorbance by carrying out a reaction in which the Precipitation Solution is added to the mixture before the enzyme solution. One unit of endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which hydrolyses the substrate to give an absorbance of 0.820 units at 590 nm, using a standard substrate, under the conditions of the assay (30° C. and pH 4.6).

[0070] 1.6. Laminarinase (endo-1,3-β-glucanase) by the DNS Laminarin Method

[0071] The assay for laminarinase (endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase) activity is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of the glycosidic bonds in laminarin, a β-1,3-glucan. The products of the reaction, β-1,3-glucan oligosaccharides, are determined by the resulting increase in reducing value (as glucose).

[0072] A solution containing 1 ml of a 1% (w/v) laminarin solution in 0.1M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0; 1 ml of appropriately diluted enzyme solution was incubated at 50° C. for 10 minutes. The enzyme reaction is stopped by the addition of 2 ml of a DNS solution (1% (w/v) 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, 1.6% (w/v) sodium hydroxide, 30% (w/v) potassium sodium (+)-tartrate in distilled water). The solution is mixed and placed into a boiling water bath, 95° C. minimum, for 5 minutes then cooled to 25° C. 10 ml distilled water is added to the solution and the absorbance is measured at 540 nm using a 2 cm path length glass cell.

[0073] The result is converted to μmoles reducing sugar (as glucose) by comparison with a standard curve for 2 ml of 0.00-0.04% (w/v) glucose solutions treated with DNS solution in an equivalent manner.

[0074] The observed enzyme reaction absorbance is corrected for non-specific absorbance by carrying out a reaction in which the DNS solution is added to the mixture before the enzyme solution. One unit of laminarinase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which produces 1 μmole glucose equivalents.min−1 under the conditions of the assay (50° C. and pH 5.0).

[0075] 1.7. Endo-1,4-β-xylanase by the DNS Birchwood Xylan Method

[0076] An assay for endo-1,4-β-xylanase activity is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of the xylosidic bonds in birchwood xylan, a β-1,4-xylan. The products of the reaction, β-1,4-xylan oligosaccharides are determined by the resulting increase in reducing value (as xylose).

[0077] A solution containing 1 ml of a 1% (w/v) birchwood xylan solution in 0.1M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0 (or at different pH values); 1 ml of appropriately diluted enzyme solution was incubated at 50° C. for 10 minutes. The enzyme reaction is stopped by the addition of 2 ml of a DNS solution (1% (w/v) 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, 1.6% (w/v) sodium hydroxide, 30% (w/v) potassium sodium (+)-tartrate in distilled water). The solution is mixed and placed into a boiling water bath, 95° C. minimum, for 5 minutes then cooled to 25° C. 10 ml distilled water is added to the solution and the absorbance is measured at 540 nm using a 2 cm path length glass cell.

[0078] The result is converted to μmoles reducing sugar (as xylose) by comparison with a standard curve for 2 ml of 0.00-0,03% (w/v) xylose solutions treated with DNS solution in an equivalent manner.

[0079] The observed enzyme reaction absorbance is corrected for non-specific absorbance by carrying out a reaction in which the DNS solution is added to the mixture before the enzyme solution. One unit of endo-1,4-β-xylanase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which produces 1 μmole xylose equivalents.min−1 under the conditions of the assay (50° C. and pH 5.0 or other pH).

[0080] 1.8. Endo-1,4-β-xylanase by the DNS Wheat Arabinoxylan Method

[0081] An assay for endo-1,4-β-xylanase activity is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of the xylosidic bonds in wheat arabinoxylan, an arabinose substituted β-1,4-xylan. The products of the reaction, arabino-β-1,4-xylan oligosaccharides are determined by the resulting increase in reducing value (as xylose).

[0082] A solution containing 1 ml of a 1% (w/v) wheat arabinoxylan solution in 0.1M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0 (or at different pH values); 1 ml of appropriately diluted enzyme solution was incubated at 50° C. for 10 minutes. The enzyme reaction is stopped by the addition of 2 ml of a DNS solution (1% (w/v) 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, 1.6% (w/v) sodium hydroxide, 30% (w/v) potassium sodium (+)-tartrate in distilled water). The solution is mixed and placed into a boiling water bath, 95° C. minimum, for 5 minutes then cooled to 25° C. 10 ml distilled water is added to the solution and the absorbance is measured at 540 nm using a 2 cm path length glass cell.

[0083] The result is converted to μmoles reducing sugar (as xylose) by comparison with a standard curve for 2 ml of 0.00-0,03% (w/v) xylose solutions treated with DNS solution in an equivalent manner.

[0084] The observed enzyme reaction absorbance is corrected for non-specific absorbance by carrying out a reaction in which the DNS solution is added to the mixture before the enzyme solution. One unit of endo-1,4-β-xylanase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which produces 1 μmole xylose equivalents.min−1 under the conditions of the assay (50° C. and pH 5.0 or other pH).

[0085] 1.9. Endo-1,4-β-xylanase by the Viscometric Wheat Araboxylan Method

[0086] An assay for endo-1,4-β-xylanase activity is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of a standard wheat arabinoxylan solution, the activity being determined by the reduction in relative viscosity against time.

[0087] A solution containing 1 ml of a 1% (w/v) wheat arabinoxylan solution in 0.1M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.5 (or at different pH values); 3 ml distilled water and 1 ml of appropriately diluted enzyme solution is injected into a Haake microviscometer (using a gold ball calibrated to 0.1-2.0 mpa.s) and the ball drop time (Ttest) measured (in ms over the defined drop length) every 30 seconds over a period of 15-20 minutes at 30° C. Mean ball drop times are measured for water (5 ml distilled water) and substrate (1 ml of a 1% (w/v) wheat arabinoxylan solution in 0.1M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.5 and 4 ml distilled water) as Twater and Tsubstrate respectively. Controls are measured in an equivalent manner. The relative fluidity (Fr) is calculated for each value of Ttest as follows:

[0088] The slope of a plot of Fr against time (the elapsed time at which each measurement of Ttest is made) is calculated in relative fluidity change per minute (ΔFr.min−1) and is proportional to the enzyme concentration. One unit of endo-1,4-β-xylanase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which will hydrolyse the substrate, reducing the viscosity of the solution, to give a change in relative fluidity of 1 (dimensionless unit).min−1 under the conditions of the assay (30° C. and pH 5.5 or other pH).

[0089] 1.10 β-Xylosidase by the p-nitrophenyl β-D-xylopyranoside Method

[0090] The assay of β-xylosidase is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl β-D-xylopyranoside. A product of the reaction, p-nitrophenol is determined colorimetrically.

[0091] A solution containing 1 ml of a 0.1% (w/v) p-nitrophenyl β-D-xylopyranoside in distilled water; 1 ml distilled water; 1 ml 0.2M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0: 1 ml of appropriately diluted enzyme solution was incubated at 50° C. for 30 minutes. The enzyme reaction is stopped by the addition of 4 ml of 0.4M glycine solution. The solution is mixed and cooled to 20° C. The absorbance is measured at 400 nm using a 1 cm path length glass cell.

[0092] The result is converted to μmoles p-nitrophenol by comparison with the molar extenction coefficient of p-nitrophenol under these conditions.

[0093] The observed enzyme reaction absorbance is corrected for non-specific absorbance by carrying out a reaction in which the glycine solution is added to the mixture before the enzyme solution. One unit of xylosidase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which produces 1 μmole p-nitrophenol from p-nitrophenyl β-D-xylopyranoside per minute under the conditions of the assay (50° C. and pH 5.0).

[0094] 1.11 α-N-Arabinofuranosidase by the p-nitrophenyl α-L-arabinofuranoside Method

[0095] The assay of α-N-arabinofuranosidase (arabinofuranosidase) is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl α-L-arabinofuranoside. A product of the reaction, p-nitrophenol is determined colorimetrically.

[0096] A solution containing 1 ml of a 0.1% (w/v) p-nitrophenyl α-L-arabinofuranoside in distilled water,; 1 ml distilled water; 1 ml 0.2M sodium acetate buffer, pH 5.0; 1 ml of appropriately diluted enzyme solution was incubated at 50° C. for 30 minutes. The enzyme reaction is stopped by the addition of 4 ml of 0.4M glycine solution. The solution is mixed and cooled to 20° C. The absorbance is measured at 400 nm using a 1 cm path length glass cell.

[0097] The result is converted to μmoles p-nitrophenol by comparison with the molar extenction coefficient of p-nitrophenol under these conditions.

[0098] The observed enzyme reaction absorbance is corrected for non-specific absorbance by carrying out a reaction in which the glycine solution is added to the mixture before the enzyme solution. One unit of arabinofuranosidase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which produces 1 μmole p-nitrophenol from p-nitrophenyl α-L-arabinofuranoside per minute under the conditions of the assay (50° C. and pH 5.0).

[0099] 1.12 Feruloyl Esterase by the FAXX Method

[0100] An assay of feruloyl esterase (ferulic acid esterase) is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of O[5-O-(trans-feruloyl)-α-L-arabinofuranosyl]-(1→3)-O-β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→4)-D-xylopyranose (FAXX). FAXX is prepared from enzyme-hydrolysed wheat bran, purified and characterised by NMR. FAXX hydrolysis is measured spectophotometrically.

[0101] The enzyme reaction is followed at 325 nm, using a 1 cm path length cell, in solution containing 0.050 mM FAXX in 0.1 M MOPS buffer, pH 6.0 at 37° C.

[0102] One unit of feruloyl esterase activity on FAXX is defined as the amount of enzyme which converts 1 μmole substrate to product per minute under the conditions of the assay (37° C. and pH 6.0).

[0103] 1.13 Feruloyl Esterase by the Ara2F Method

[0104] An assay of feruloyl esterase (ferulic acid esterase) is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of Ara2F (terulic acid linked 1,2 to arabinose). Ara2F is prepared from enzyme-hydrolysed sugar beet pulp, purified and characterised by NMR. Ara2F hydrolysis is measured spectophotometrically.

[0105] The enzyme reaction is followed at 325 nm, using a 1 cm path length cell, in solution containing 0.050mM Ara2F in 0.1 M MOPS buffer, pH 6.0 at 37° C.

[0106] One unit of feruloyl esterase activity on Ara2F is defined as the amount of enzyme which converts 1 μmole substrate to product per minute under the conditions of the assay (37° C. and pH 6.0).

[0107] 1.14 Feruloyl Esterase by the Hydrolysis of Methyl Esters: Methyl Ferulic Acid (MFA); Methyl Caffeic Acid (MCA); Methyl Sinapic Acid (MSA); Methyl p-coumaric Acid (MpCA) Methods

[0108] An assay of feruloyl esterase (ferulic acid esterase) is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of methyl esters of ferulic acid (MFA), caffeic acid (MCA), sinapic acid (MSA) and p-coumaric acid (MpCA). Methyl ester hydrolysis is measured in 0.1M MOPS buffer, pH 6.0 at 37° C. Assays are based on two different techniques.

[0109] In the spectrophotometric method the methyl ester substrate concentration is 0.10 mM and ester hydrolysis is followed at 325 nm using a 1 cm path length cell. In this method the initial substrate concentration is limited.

[0110] In the HPLC method, the methyl ester substrate concentration is 1.0 mM and ester hydrolysis is followed at by measuring the release of free acid by HPLC after 10-30 minute intervals. In this method there is no limit over substrate concentration and activities measured are considerably higher than those for the spectrophotometric method.

[0111] One unit of feruloyl esterase activity is defined as the amount of enzyme which converts 1 μmole substrate to product per minute under the conditions of the assay (37° C. and pH 6.0).

[0112] 1.15 Protein Concentration by Modified Bradford Coomassie Blue-binding Protein Assay

[0113] The assay of protein concentration is based on the modified Bradford Coomassie blue-binding protein assay using Brilliant Blue G (Coomassie blue) measured in a spectrophotometer at 595 nm using 1 cm light path glass cuvettes. The method (Sigma B 6916) is standardised using Bovine Serum Albumin (Sigma P 0914).

[0114] 1.16 Isoelectric Point by Isoelectric Focusing

[0115] Isoelectric points of proteins are determined by standard methods using pre-cast vertical 5% polyacrylamide gels such as gels from NOVEX® for pH 3-10 (pl performance range 3.5-8.5) or pH 3-7 (pl performance range 3.0-6.5) in the NOVEX® XCell II™ Mini-Cell. NOVEX® cathode, anode and IEF sample buffers for pH 3-10 or pH 3-7 are used. NOVEX® standard protocol for isoelectric focusing, fixing, staining with Coomassie R-250 Blue Stain, and destaining are used.

[0116] 1.17 SDS-PAGE (Sodium Dodecylsulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Elctrophoresis)

[0117] Analytical separation and molecular weight determination of proteins are carried out standard SDS-PAGE methods. Pre-cast NOVEX® NuPAGE™ gels (NuPAGE™ Bis-Tris gels or NuPAGE™ Tris-Acetate gels with NOVEX® recommended running buffers) are used in the NOVEX® XCell II™ Mini-Cell. NOVEX® sample preparation and running buffers, and molecular weight standards are used. NOVEX® standard protocol for SDS-PAGE, fixing, staining with Coomassie R-250 Blue Stain, and destaining are used.

[0118] 2. Results on the Enzymes Mixture

[0119] 2.1. Optimal pH

[0120] 2.1.1. Activity endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase

[0121] The assay of endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase from Penicillium funiculosum was carried out under standard conditions at 50° C. using the DNS barley β-glucan method. Enzyme activity was measured between pH 3.0 and pH 7.0. The optimal pH for enzyme activity is pH 4.0-5.0.

[0122] 2.1.2. Activity endo-1,4-β-xylanase

[0123] The assay of endo-1,4-β-xylanase from Penicillium funiculosum was carried out under standard conditions at 50° C. using the DNS birchwood xylan method.

[0124] 2.2. Optimal Temperature

[0125] 2.2.1. Activity endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase

[0126] The assay of endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase from Penicillium funiculosum was carried out under standard conditions at pH 5.0 (the optimal pH for this enzyme) using the DNS barley β-glucan method. Enzyme activity was measured between 30 and 70° C. The optimal temperature lies between 50 and 60° C. with the greatest activity being measured at 60° C. The results in detail, in the form of a table vs. temperature are given.

[0127] 2.2.2. Activity endo-1,4-β-xylanase

[0128] The assay of endo-1,4-β-xylanase from Penicillium funiculosum was carried out under standard conditions at pH 5.5 and pH 3.5 using the DNS birchwood xylan method. Enzyme activity was measured between 30 and 70° C. The optimal temperature lies between 50 and 60° C. with the greatest activity being measured at 50° C. for pH 5.5 and at 60° C. for pH 3.5. The results in detail, in the form of a table vs. temperature are given.
8TemperatureActivity (pH 5.5)Activity (pH 3.5)(°C)(−1)(%)(−1)(%)302492414334234040426681284250610710018251956046027519155100703851631273066

[0129] Enzymes produced by Penicillium funiculosum have high levels of cellulase, endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase and other glycanolytic activities. In addition, they are also characterised by high levels of endo-1,4-β-xylanase and xylanase accessory enzyme activities The broad spectrum of hemicellulolytic enzymes is a characteristic of enzyme preparations from this micro-organism.

[0130] Each activity measured can reported as a ratio to a major activity for that preparation. An example of obtained results is shown in table A. These ratios may change in preparations from different fermentation batches.
9TABLE ARelative activities against relevant different substratesResults with PenicilliumMethods used in the testsfuniculosumCellulase (DNS CMC method, pH 5.0) [1.1]3.14Cellobiohydrolase (p-nitrophenyl β-D-cellobiopyranoside0.022method, pH 5.0) [1.2]β-Glucosidase (p-nitrophenyl β-D-glucobiopyranoside method,0.157pH 5.0) [1.3]Endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase (DNS barley β-glucan method, pH 5.0)7.23[1.4]Endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase (azo-barley β-glucan method, pH 4.6)1+/−[1.5]Laminarinase (DNS laminarin method, pH 5.0) [1.6]0.30Endo-1,4-β-xylanase (DNS birchwood xylan method, pH 3.5)9.16[1.7]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase (DNS wheat arabinoxylan method, pH 3.5)8.67[1.8]Endo 1,4-β xylanase (viscometric wheat arabinoxylan method,9.80pH 5.5) [1.9]β-Xylosidase (p-nitrophenyl β-D-xylobiopyranoside method)0.0047[1.10]α-N-Arabinofuranosidase (p-nitrophenyl α-L-arabinofuranoside0.0017method) [1.11]Feruloyl esterase (FAXX method) [1.12]0.000254Feruloyl esterase (Ara2F method) [1.13]0.000349Feruloyl esterase (MFA spectrophotometric method) [1.14]0.000135Feruloyl esterase (MCA spectrophotometric method) [1.14]0.000174Feruloyl esterase (MSA spectrophotometric method) [1.14]0.000049Feruloyl esterase (MpCA spectrophotometric method) [1.14]0.000216

[0131] 3—Properties of Components in the Enzyme Mixture

[0132] 3.1. Purification Methods

[0133] Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography

[0134] The preparation obtained after filtration and concentration of the fermentation medium, to 112.6 mg/ml protein concentration, was diluted 1/1 with Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatogaphy (HIC) buffer (50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.0/1.7 M (NH4)2SO4/0.04% sodium azide), exchanged into HIC buffer (PD-10 columns; Phamacia). Portions (10 ml) were applied to a column (10×5 cm diameter, 200 ml) of PhenylSepharose™ high performance HIC gel (Pharmacia) and separated using a gradient of reducing ammonium sulphate (NH4)2SO4)concentration (1.7-0.0 M) at 10 ml/min. Fractions (10 ml) were collected and assayed for xylanase activity.

[0135] HIC gave two major peaks of xylanase activity. The first, named A, eluted from the column when the NH4)2SO4concentration was reduced to about 0.6 M, while the second, named B, eluted at about 0.25 M NH4)2SO4 concentration. Fractions comprising peaks A and B from each injection were pooled separately. In total fraction A corresponded to 2.8% of the total xylanase activity whilst fraction B corresponded to 97.2% of the total xylanase activity. The yield was 77%.

[0136] Ion-Exchange Chromatography

[0137] Pooled fractions for peak A and B from HIC were precipitated by increasing the NH4)2SO4concentration to 100% saturation followed by centrifugation (10000×g for 30 minutes). Pellets were redissolved in 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0/0.04% sodium azide and desalted to the same buffer using PD-10 columns. Samples (5 ml) were applied to a MonoQ™ HR 10/10 anion-exchange column (Pharmacia) previously equilibrated with 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 8.0/0.04% sodium azide and eluted at 2 ml/min with increasing concentration of sodium chloride (NaCl (0-1 M) in the same buffer. Fractions (2 ml) were collected and assayed for xylanase activity.

[0138] Peak A

[0139] Separation of peak A by anion-exchange chromatography gave a single peak of xylanase activity which eluted at about 0.3M NaCl. The most active fractions were pooled and analysed by SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). This showed a single major band of molecular weight 48 kDa. Recovery of xylanase activity after IEF (isoelectric focusing) confirmed that this major Coomassie-stained band was a xylanase.

[0140] Peak B

[0141] Separation of peak B by anion-exchange chromatography gave two major peaks of xylanase activity, one of which eluted in the void (unbound material; peak B-I) and the other at 0.1 M NaCl (peak B-II). There were also two minor peaks eluting at 0.13 M and 0.19 M NaCl. The active fractions corresponding to each peak were pooled and analysed by SDS-PAGE, but none of the samples were pure.

[0142] Gel Filtration Chromatography

[0143] Pooled fractions comprising B-I and B-II were freeze dried, redissolved in water, and desalted (using PD-10 columns). Samples (0.2 ml) were applied to a Superdex™ 75 HR column (Pharmacia) and eluted at 0.4 ml/minute with 20 mM Bis-Tris buffer, pH 6.0/0.2 M NaCl/0.04% sodium azide. Fractions (0.4 ml) were collected and assayed for xylanase activity.

[0144] 3.2. Properties of Xylanases

[0145] 3.2.1 Isoelectric Point by Isoelectric Focusing

[0146] Isoelectric points of proteins are determined by standard methods using pre-cast vertical 5% polyacrylamide gels from NOVEX® for pH 3-10 and pH 3-7. NOVEX® cathode, anode and IEF sample buffers, and standard protocol for isoelectric focusing, fixing, staining with Coomassie R-250 Blue Stain, and destaining are used.

[0147] For xylanase A, a sample following MonoQ was used. For xylanases B-I and B-II, a sample following HIC, xylanase B, was used. For each of A and B, a small sample (10 μl) was loaded into a single well and a large sample (50 μl) was loaded into a triple well. After focussing the samples, the gel was cut in half such that one half contained the two small samples (A+B) and the molecular weight markers (this half was stained with Coomassie), while the other half contained the two large samples. The gel half containing the large samples was cut to separate the two samples lanes, and subsequently each lane was fractionated into 2 mm pieces. Each 2 mm piece was soaked separately overnight in 100 mM MOPS buffer, pH 6.0/0.04% sodium azide. Fractions were assayed for xylanase activity.

[0148] For xylanase sample A, the stained IEF gel showed a single major band of pl 3.55 marker and a few minor contaminating bands. Xylanase activity was found only in the fraction corresponding to this band, confirming the xylanase major band.

[0149] For xylanase sample B, the stained IEF gel indicates several bands over a range of pl values. Xylanase activity occured in two separated fractions of the unstained gel, and corresponding to proteins of pl 4.2 and 4.8.

[0150] 3.2.2 Molecular Weight by SDS-PAGE

[0151] To confirm the molecular weights of xylanases in peak B from HIC, the fractions with xylanase activity eluted from the IEF gel were deslated, freeze-dried, and separated by SDS-PAGE. Denaturing PAGE was performed using 10% Tris-glycine gels (NOVEX®) with dithiothreitol (DTT 50 mM) included in the sample buffer as a reducing agent.

[0152] The stained gel indicated that both xylanases were pure, with molecular weights of 36 kDa and 15 kDa for xylanase B-I and xylanase B-II respectively.

[0153] All three purified xylanases were subjected to SDS-PGE analysis: xylanase A fraction after anion-exchange chromatography, xyalanase B-I and B-II fractions after gel filtration chromatography. Xylanase A gave a single band of molecular weight 48 kDa. Xylanase B-I gave one major and four minor bands after Coomassie staining. The major band was confirmed as the xylanase since it was of molecular weight 36 kDa. The purity is estimated at 90%. Xylanase B-II gave a major band of molecular weight 15 kDa and 2-3 minor bands. This xylanase is approximately 95% pure.
10SampleM.W. (kDa)P.I.Xylanase A483.55Xylanase B-I364.20Xylanase B-II154.80

[0154] 3.2.3 Enzyme Activity

[0155] The tests for enzyme activity measurement are described previously.

[0156] Analysis of Xylanase A

[0157] [Protein] 0.4 (mg/ml)
11Enzyme activityEnzyme assay methodpH(u/ml)(u/mg protein)Cellulase5.0<1.0n/a(DNS CMC method) [1.1]Cellobiohydrolase5.0<0.1n/a(p-nitrophenyl β-D-cellobiopyranosidemethod) [1.2]Endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase5.0<1.0n/a(DNS barley β-glucan method)[1.4]Laminarinase5.0ndn/a(DNS laminarin method) [1.6]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase5.5140350(DNS birchwood xylan method)[1.7]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase3.5158395(DNS birchwood xylan method)[1.7]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase5.5152380(DNS wheat arabinoxylan method)[1.8]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase3.5171429(DNS wheat arabinoxylan method)[1.8]Endo-1,4-β xylanase5.54561140(viscometric wheat arabinoxylan method)[1.9]

[0158] nd not determined

[0159] n/a not applicable

[0160] Xylanase activity on birchwood xylan vs pH
12ENZYME ACTIVITY(% of maximumpH(IU/mg protein)activity)2.00294733.00353873.50385954.004051005.00345855.50340846.00302757.0021252

[0161] Analysis of xylanase B-I

[0162] [Protein] 0.096 (mg/ml)
13Enzyme activityEnzyme assay methodpH(u/ml)(u/mg protein)Cellulase5.026.5276(DNS CMC method) [1.1]Cellobiohydrolase5.00.5415.6(p-nitrophenylβ-D-cellobiopyranoside method)[1.2]Endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase5.073.8769(DNS barley β-glucan method)[1.4]Laminarinase5.0<0.1n/a(DNS laminarin method) [1.6]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase5.551.3534(DNS birchwood xylan method)[1.7]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase3.583.6871(DNS birchwood xylan method)[1.7]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase5.593.2971(DNS wheat arabinoxylan method)[1.8]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase3.5143.81498(DNS wheat arabinoxylan method)[1.8]Endo 1,4-β xylanase5.51471531(viscometric wheat arabinoxylan method)[1.9]

[0163] nd not determined

[0164] n/a not applicable

[0165] Xylanase activity on birchwood xylan vs pH
14ENZYME ACTIVITY(% of maximumpH(IU/mg protein)activity)2.00610703.00755873.508711004.00802925.00567655.50534616.00481557.0040446

[0166] Analysis of Xylanase BII

[0167] [Protein] 0.165 (mg/ml)
15Enzyme activityEnzyme assay methodpH(u/ml)(u/mg protein)Cellulase5.0<1.0n/a(DNS CMC method) [1.1]Cellobiohydrolase5.0<0.1n/a(p-nitrophenylβ-D-cellobiopyranoside method)[1.2]Endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase5.0<1.0n/a(DNS barley β-glucan method)[1.4]Laminarinase5.0ndn/a(DNS laminarin method) [1.6]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase5.5141.9860(DNS birchwood xylan method) [1.7]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase3.5261.01582(DNS birchwood xylan method) [1.7]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase5.5152.6925(DNS wheat arabinoxylan method)[1.8]Endo-1,4-β-xylanase3.5267.91624(DNS wheat arabinoxylan method)[1.8]Endo 1,4-β xylanase5.52621588(viscometric wheatarabinoxylan method)[1.9]

[0168] nd not determined

[0169] n/a not applicable

[0170] Xylanase activity on birchwood xylan vs pH
16ENZYME ACTIVITY(% of maximumpH(IU/mg protein)activity)2.001374843.001523933.501582974.0016301005.001093675.50860536.00443277.0015610

[0171] 3.2.4 Sequences

[0172] One embodiment of the present invention is related to the amino acid and the nucleic acid sequences of the above described proteins or their variants.

[0173] For this purpose, the sequences for xylanases were identified from amino acid sequences of purified proteins (xylanase A, xylanase B-I and xylanase B-II) and from comparisons of amino acid and nucleotide sequences of known fungal xylanases.

[0174] It is understood for the invention that variants refers to any polypeptide or any protein analog, protein fragment, derived or mutated protein from the native protein or polypeptide and having the same biological fuctions as the said native protein or polypeptide. Different variants may be exist at natural state. Those variants may be for example allelic variations characterized by differencies into the sequence of genes encoding for the said protein or may result from differential splicing or from post-traductional modifications. Variants are obtainable by substitution, deletion, addition and/or modification of one or more amino acids. The all modifications are well known and can be performed by any method known of one skilled in the art.

[0175] Variants are molecules having for example more affinity for their substrate or having new biological properties.

[0176] Another object of the present invention is also the use of the sequences for the expression of the disclosed proteins or polypeptides in host cells of uni- or pluricellular organisms. For this purpose, the said sequences may be comprised into the genome of a vector. The said vector may be a plasmid, a phage or a virus. In hence, another embodiment of the invention is a host isolated cell from uni- or pluricellular organism, transfected or infected by a vector as above described. In a preferred embodiment the host cell is a bacteria.

[0177] The use of said vectors comprising the nucleic acid sequence of the disclosed proteins for the expression of said protein in any host cell is another embodiment of the present invention.

[0178] Sequences of Xylanase C

[0179] The production of probes was based on comparisons of amino acid and nucleotide sequences of known fungal xylanases. Conserved regions were identified and used to design PCR primers, whose products would be used to screen a genomic library of Penicillium funiculosum.

[0180] Two pairs of degenerate primers were made. The first pair were designed to amplify a 200 pb (approximate) product from a xylanase type B (or type 2) gene. The second pair were designed to amplify a 250 bp product from a xylanase type A (or type 1) gene.

[0181] A 258 bp band was produced with primers 3 and 4. After cloning into pGEMT and sequencing this was found to have significant sequence similarity to fungal xylanase type A/1. The plasmid containing the cloned product has been named pPFXYLA.

[0182] The complete sequence of xylanase C is shown in FIG. 1 and in SEQ ID no 1.

[0183] Sequences of Xylanase BI

[0184] The internal amino acid sequence, together with sequence alignments of other fungal cellobiohydrolases were used to design degenerate PCR primers (SEQ ID No 2 and No 3). A 290 bp product (SEQ ID No 4) was amplified and cloned into pGEMT(Promega) to create pGEMTCB2 and sequenced. As shown in FIG. 2, the primer sequences are underlined. This PCR product is currently being used as a probe to screen a Penicillium funiculosum IMI134756 genomic library.

[0185] Sequences of Xylanase BII

[0186] The all sequence of the xylanase BII gene includes 1.3 kb of 5′ untranslated and upstream region and 0.85 kb of 3′ untranslated, a 54 bp intron and 669 bp encoding a 223 amino acid protein .

[0187] Reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) was used to prove the existence of the 54 bp intron. Total RNA was isolated from mycelia of Penicillium funiculosum IMI-134756 cultures, harvested after 4 days growth on 1% (w/v) oat spelt xylan. Primers were designed to amplify up to 195 bp fragment from messenger RNA (249 bp from genomic DNA) and to 433 bp (487 bp with genomic DNA).

[0188] Sequencing of 3 kb at the 3′ end of the plasmid (pPFXYNC2 , revealed a gene (designated per A) that contains two putative introns and encodes a polypeptide of aproximatively 570 amino acids. The polypeptide showed significant sequence similarity to fungal amino acid permeases.

[0189] Sequence of Xylanase A

[0190] The internal sequence of Xylanase A was obtained and is represented by the following amino acid sequence:


[0192] 3.3 Properties of Feruloyl Esterases

[0193] 3.3.1 Purification

[0194] It is carried out following the same process as for xylanases.

[0195] The enzymes mixture contains at least two distinct feruloyl esterases. One of these (FaeB) has a molecular weight of 38,945-41,051 Da by mass spectrometry (35,450 Da from the primary amino acid sequence and 37 kDa by SDS-PAGE). FaeB has a pl of 4.2, it is a type B feruloyl esterase and is specific for MpCA and Ara2F substrates (activity against MpCA, MCA, MFA and Ara2F; but not against MSA and FAXX).

[0196] The other feruloyl esterase (FaeA) has a molecular weight of 29 kDa (by SDS-PAGE). FaeA has a pl of 4.65, it is a type A feruloyl esterase and is specific for FAXX and MSA substrates (activity against MSA, MCA, MFA and FAXX but not MPCA Ara2F).

[0197] 3.3.2. Isoelectric Point by Isoelectric Focusing

[0198] Isoelectric points of proteins are determined by the standard methods. The enzymes mixture was applied as a wide strip (about 20 mm) to an IEF gel and electrophoresed at reduced temperature (5° C.). After focusing and band sharpening, the gel was cut down the middle of the sample lane. One half of the sample lane and the IEF standards were fixed, stained and destained using the standard protocol. The other half lane was cut into 2 mm wide sections and each section soaked overnight in 1 ml of 100 mM MOPS buffer, pH 6.0. Feruloly esterase activity was determined for each section of the gel using MFA, MpCA and MSA as substrates.

[0199] The stained IEF gel indicates the presence of very many proteins in cellulase with pl's ranging from very acidic (pl 2.4) to about pl 7. Most of the proteins are acidic (pl range 2.4-5). Two peaks of feruloyl esterase activity were detected in fractions cut from the gel. One, corresponding to FaeB, had a pl of 4.2 and activity only against MFA and MpCA (not MSA) . The other, corresponding to FaeA, had a pl of 4.65 and activity against all three substrates tested .

[0200] 3.3.3 Molecular Weight by SDS-PAGE

[0201] Molecular weights were analysed by SDS-PAGE using 10% Tris-Glycine gels. SDS-PAGE gels were run, fixed, stained with Coomassie Blue Stain and destained using the standard protocol.

[0202] The enzymes mixture contains at least two distinct feruloyl esterases. One corresponding to FaeB (pl 4.2) has a molecular weight of 37 kDa. The other, corresponding to FaeA (pl 4.65) has a molecular weight of 29 kDa.

[0203] The molecular weight of FaeB is estimated at 34,450 Da from the primary amino acid sequence. and at 38,945-41,051 Da by mass spectrometry.

[0204] 3.3.4 Feruloyl Estease Activity

[0205] Assays for feruloyl esterase activity performed on the enzymes mixture using the spectrophotometric method
17ActivitySubstrate(U/ml)(U/g protein)Methyl ferulate MFA (0.1 mM)0.0867.9Methyl caffeate MCA (0.1 mM)0.11110.3Methyl sinapate MSA (0.1 mM)0.0312.9Methyl p-coumarate MpCA (0.1 mM)0.13812.7FAXX (0.05 mM)0.16215.0Ara2F (0.05 mM)0.22220.6

[0206] The enzymes mixture contains activity against all the substrates tested. With the methyl esters, activity is highest against MpCA and lowest against MSA. The activities against Ara2F and FAXX are higher than against the methyl esters which is indicative that the esterase activities are due to true feruloyl esterases and not general esterases or side activities of other cell wall-degrading esterases (e.g. acetyl xylan esterase, pectin esterase).

[0207] 3.3.5 Sequences

[0208] Sequence of FEA-A

[0209] According to trypsin digests of the purified protein internal amino acid sequences were obtained as shown as following:

[0210] Sequence 1


[0212] Sequence 2


[0214] Sequence 3


[0216] Sequence 4


[0218] Several degenate PCR primers were designed from amino acid sequences obtained from the purified protein. Many products were cloned into pGEMT(Promega) and sequenced.

[0219] A plasmid named pGEMTD19 (180 bp) (FIG. 3) was found by PCR to contain sequence that was recognisable as peptide sequence 4 shown above. As shown in FIG. 3, the primer sequences have been double underlined previously known sequence, singly underlined.

[0220] The nucleic acid and amino acid sequences of FAE-A are diclosed in SEQ ID no 5.

[0221] Sequence of FEA-B

[0222] Primers designed from peptide sequence of FAE-B were used to amplify up a probe, that was subsequently used to screen a Penicillium funiculosum genomic library. A 2291 bp clone was isolated and has been sequenced (SEQ ID no 6). The gene encoding for a 304 amino acid polypeptide and has one putative intron. The predicted amino acid sequence is shown in FIG. 4 wherein the mature protein (mature protein length=338) is in Bold. This protein comprises two distinct domains separated by a highly glycosylated linker. As shown in FIG. 4, the catalytic domain is in Bold, whereas the binding domain is in Bold double underlined and the linker is represented in dotted Bold line.

[0223] The protein is also featured by a putative active site motif (serine=nucleophile) as shown underlined in FIG. 4 with the following Putative catalytic triads:

[0224] (1) S136/D174/H216

[0225] (2) S136/D220/H276.

[0226] The FAE-B protein comprises also a secretion sequence (353) and 10 cysteines.

[0227] 3.4 Properties of Glucanases

[0228] The enzymes mixture was subjected to 2D gel electrophoresis. IEF was carried out using pre-cast vertical 5% polyacrylamide gels from NOVEX® for pH 3-7 (pl performance range 3.0-6.5) in the NOVEX® XCell II™ Mini-Cell. NOVEX® cathode, anode and IEF sample buffers for pH 3-7 and the NOVEX® standard protocol for isoelectric focusing are used. One lane was cut off and electrophoresed in the second dimension using a 10% Laemmli SDS-PAGE gel. A second lane was separated from the gel, cut into 35 fractions, the gel strips soaked in buffer, and fractions assayed for enzyme activity. The third lane was left on the gel, fixed, stained with Coomassie R-250 Blue Stain and destained using the NOVEX® standard protocol.

[0229] Significant endo-1,3(4)-β-glucanase (DNS barley β-glucan method) and cellulase (DNS CMC method) activities were found in fractions corresponding to proteins with pl 4.2, M.W. 36 kDa and pl 5.4, M.W. 27 kDa. To eliminate Xylanase B-I as being in one of the fractions, the fractions were tested for activity using the DNS birchwood xylan method. No xylanase activity was detected in the fractions corresponding to β-glucanase or cellulase activities.


FIG. 1: Penicillium funiculosum xylanase C protein amino acid sequence

FIG. 2: Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of xylanase BI (XynBI) PCR product

FIG. 3 : Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of Feruloyl estease A (faeA) PCR product

FIG. 4: Penicillium funiculosum Feruloyl estease B (faeB) protein (FAE-V or FAE-I) amino acid sequence



Evaluation of Enzymes Preparation Produced by Penicillium funiculosum Efficacy on Energy Value (AMEN) of Mixed Wheat-barley Diet in Broilers.

[0234] The aim is to demonstrate the efficacy of enzymes (activity of β-glucanase: 100−1 and activity of xylanase: 1100 U. kg−1) on Apparent Metabolizable Energy corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEN) of a diet containing 50% wheat and 22% barley.

[0235] Experiences are led on Control and Enzymes Preparation (activity of β-glucanase: 100−1 and activity of xylanase: 1100 U. kg−1) using the European Reference Method (Bourdillon et al., 1990) with ad libitum feeding and total excreta collection between 18 and 21 days of age.

[0236] a. Material and Methods

[0237] Birds: Breed and Breeding Conditions

[0238] Day old male Ross broilers are reared in collective battery cages till 12 days of age. They are fed a standard starter diet. At day 12, birds are weighed and equally distributed into 10 individual cages per treatment and were then fed the experimental diets for the adaptation period (minimum 5 days).

[0239] Standard temperature and humidity programs are applied. The lighting program is kept constant 23 hours light and 1 hour darkness up to the end of the trial.

[0240] Feeds: Birds received a starter diet from day old to 12 days of age and then the experimental feeds.

[0241] Experimental Diets

[0242] Feeds contained 50% wheat and 22% barley (Table 1.1). Enzymes Preparation was sprayed onto 20 kg of crumbles.

[0243] In-feed enzyme recoveries are measured by viscometric method (Sabatier and Fish, 1996).

[0244] Measurement of Metabolizable Energy

[0245] The balance starts D18 according to the following procedure

[0246] D17, birds were fasted overnight;

[0247] D18, birds weighing, clean collection trays

[0248] D19, faeces were collected and frozen;

[0249] D20, faeces were collected and frozen, overnight fast;

[0250] D21, faeces were collected and frozen, birds weighed and refed.

[0251] Faeces are then freeze-dried and ground as feed (1 mm, Retsch grinder). Gross energy of feed and excreta are measured on an IKA C5000 adiabatic calorimeter. Protein (N*6.25, Kjeldahl method Z130) and lipid (method Z160) contents are also determined. Correction for nitrogen balance was applied using 18% protein in the weight gain.

[0252] b. Results and Discussion

[0253] Apparent Metabolisable Energy Corrected for Nitrogen Balance (AMEN)

[0254] Zootechnical performances and Metabolisable Energy are presented Table 1.2. There was no difference in zootechnical performances between treatments.

[0255] In growing broilers, Enzymes Preparation improves AMEN of a 50% wheat and 22% barley-based diet by 6.2% (+204 kcal/kg DM (Dry Matter)).

[0256] Moreover, variability in energy digestibility was decreased from 80 to 62 DM.

[0257] This high improvement demonstrates the interest of both activities (xylanase and β-glucanase) produced by Penicillium funiculosum to hydrolysed soluble non starch polysaccharide of wheat and barley.
18TABLE 1.1Main ingredients and analysed characteristicsof experimental dietsComposition (%)Wheat50Barley22Canola meal8Poultry meal5Soybean meal5Meat meal5Fat3Vitamins/minerals2Characteristics (%)ControlEnzymesDM89.789.6Crude Protein20.820.7Fat5.45.6




Effect of Enzymes Preparation produced by Penicillium funiculosum on

growth performance and apparent metabolizable energy in broilers

receiving a 50% wheat and 22% barley-based diet.

Control n = 10
Enzymes n = 10

Dietary Gross Energy (kcal/kg DM)

Body Weight gain (g)
156 ± 19.8
 154 ± 22.3

Feed intake (g/day)
104 ± 15.8
99.7 ± 10.1

FCR (g/g)
1.99 ± 0.11 
1.95 ± 0.17

Fecal DM (%)
34.7 ± 3.7  
35.6 ± 8.3 

AMEN (kcal/kg DM)
3252 ± 80  
3456 ± 62 

AMEN (kcal/kg)
2913a ± 71.9   
3095b ± 55 


Effect of Enzymes Preparation Produced by Penicillium funiculosum on Feed Digestibility in Wheat-fed Broilers

[0259] The trial was performed to determine the effect of Enzymes Preparation produced by Penicillium funiculosum (activity of β-glucanase: 100−1 and activity of xylanase: 1100−1) on Apparent Metabolisable Energy (AME), protein and lipid digestibilities in broilers fed a diet containing 54% wheat. The interaction with grinding was also investigated.

[0260] (1) Control 1 (54% ground wheat)

[0261] (2) Control 1 +Enzymes Preparation (activity of β-glucanase 100−1 and activity of xylanase: 1100−1)

[0262] (3) Control 2 (30% whole wheat, 24% ground wheat)

[0263] (4) Control 2 +Enzymes Preparation (activity of β-glucanase 100−1 and activity of xylanase: 1100−1)

[0264] according to the European Reference method (ad libitum feeding and total excreta collection from 18 to 21 days of age) (Bourdillon et al., 1990).

[0265] a. Material and Methods

[0266] Birds: Breed and Breeding Conditions

[0267] Day-old Ross male chicks are reared in collective battery cages up to 12 days of age. They are then transferred to individual battery cages for digestive balance.

[0268] Standard temperature and humidity programs are applied. The lighting program was 23 hours light and 1 h darkness up to 8 days of age. It was then modified to 15 h 30 light, 8 h 30 darkness due to a layer trial run in the same building.

[0269] Feeds: Birds received a standard starter diet up to 12 days of age and then the experimental feeds.

[0270] Experimental Diets

[0271] Experimental diets contained 54% wheat. Characteristics are given Table 2.1. Diet composition is reported Table 2.2.

[0272] Measurement of Apparent Metabolisable Energy

[0273] The balance starts on Day 17 according to the following schedule

[0274] D 17, birds were fasted overnight;

[0275] D 18, birds weighing, clean collection trays

[0276] D 19, feces were collected and freezed;

[0277] D 20, feces were collected and freezed, overnight fast;

[0278] D 21, feces were collected and freezed, birds weighed and refed.

[0279] Feces are then freeze-dried and ground as feed (1 mm, Retsch grinder). Gross energy of feed and excreta are measured on an IKA C5000 adiabatic calorimeter. Protein (N*6.25, Kjeldahl method Z130 for feeds and Z135 for feces) and lipid (method Z160) contents are also determined.

[0280] An amino acid profile is also performed by HPLC (method Z100 for feeds and Z080 for feces). Phosphorus content of feeds and excreta was measured using the AFNOR method (NFV18-106).

[0281] b. Results and Discussion

[0282] Apparent Metabolisable Energy (AME)

[0283] Growth performance and metabolisable energy data are presented Table 2.3. Performance (weight gain, feed intake), measured over the three day period, did not differ between treatments. AME of the control diet containing 54% ground wheat was 3173 kcal/kg. Metabolisable energy of the diet containing the same total amount of wheat but of which 30% is as whole grain, is increased by 100 kcal/kg compared with the theoretical value. Moreover, variability appreciated by the standard deviation of the different criterions measured is also reduced with whole wheat.

[0284] Enzymes produced by Penicillium funiculosum (activity of β-glucanase: 100−1 and activity of xylanase: 1100−1) enhances metabolisable energy value of a 54% wheat-based diet by +3.4% (122 kcal/kg DM) if all wheat is ground and by +2.7% (101 kcal/kg DM) if 30% of the wheat is included as whole grains.

[0285] Apparent Digestibility of Nutrients (Lipids, Proteins and Amino Acids)

[0286] When all wheat is ground, apparent lipid and protein digestibilities are increased by 7 and 2.7% respectively, with Enzymes Preparation of Penicillium funiculosum. With part of the wheat as whole grains, the increase is less : +3 and +0.6% respectively, due to an overall enhanced nutrient digestibility. Indeed, nutrient digestibility with control diet containing whole wheat was similar to that of the experimental diet conaining only ground wheat but supplemented with Enzymes Preparation.

[0287] Enzymes Preparation effects on apparent amino acid digestibility is presented Table 2.4. The improvement with Enzymes Preparation reaches on average +2.9% with all wheat as ground wheat and +1.1% with whole grains, confirming the effect on apparent protein digestibility.

[0288] Apparent Phosphorus Retention and Phosphorus Excretion

[0289] Enzymes preparation effect on apparent phosphorus retention is presented Table 2.5. Apparent phosphorus retention is significantly increased with Enzymes Preparation addition : +8.0%. This increase is greater than those observed for the other nutrients (+2.9 to +3.5% depending on the criterion : AME, proteins, lipids, amino acids). Such an increase might thus result from improved nutrient digestibility (direct effect of xylanase and β-glucanase) but also from a better action of the wheat phytase. When hydrolyzing non starch polysaccharides's, xylanase and β-glucanase give more accessibility to phytic acid for the endogenous wheat phytase.

[0290] This better digestive utilisation of phosphorus thus reduces phosphorus excretion: −8% when expressed as g phosphorus per kg weight gain.
20TABLE 2.1Wheat characteristics (%)%WheatDry Matter86.2Crude Protein10.87Lipids1.65β-Glucans0.77Pentosans6.8Relative ViscositypH = 4.5:1.34(mPa.s)pH = 1.5:1.29




Composition and Characteristics of experimental diets

ground wheat
whole wheat

Composition (%)

Ground wheat

Whole wheat

Animal Fat

Soybean meal 48

Meat & Bone Meal


Whole Rapeseed


Characteristics (%)

ME (kcal/kg)





Met + Cys


Available P




Effect of Enzymes Preparation (activity of β-glucanase: 100−1 and

activity of xylanase: 1100−1) on AME of a wheat-based diet (54% ground

wheat or 24% ground + 30% whole wheat) in growing broilers.




Ground wheat +
Whole wheat +

Ground wheat
Whole wheat

Weight Gain (g)
 172 ± 11.8
 170 ± 13.1
 167 ± 8.9
 165 ± 12.0

Feed Intake (g)
 282 ± 20.5
 272 ± 17.2
  274 ± 15.5
 267 ± 14.0

Daily Feed intake (g/day)
 94 ± 6.8
 91 ± 5.7
  91 ± 5.2
 89 ± 4.7

FCR3 (g/g)
1.64 ± 0.05
1.60 ± 0.06
 1.64 ± 0.05
1.63 ± 0.09

Apparent Protein Digestibility

83.8 ± 1.08a

85.9 ± 1.14b

86.5 ± 0.77bc

87.0 ± 0.80c


Apparent Lipid Digestibility (%)
82.2 ± 2.5a

88.0 ± 2.1bc

86.6 ± 2.45b

89.2 ± 1.25c

AME (kcal/kg DM)
3577 ± 76a
3699 ± 85b  

3678 ± 35b

3779 ± 34c

3194 ± 67 
3303 ± 76 
3284 ± 31 
3375 ± 31 

one-way analysis of variance. diet effect, n = 47; a, b: values followed with the same superscript letters do not differ at p < 0.05.

two-way analysis of variance, n = 47 (wheat: 54% ground or 24% ground + 30% whole; enz: without or with 0.2 l/t Xylan).

FCR: Feed Conversion Ratio (g feed:g gain)




Effect of Enzymes Preparation on apparent digestibility

of amino acids (%) of a 54% wheat based diet in growing

broilers (one sample of mixed excreta per treatment)

Ground Wheat
Ground + Whole Wheat


























Effect of Enzymes Preparation on phosphorus (P) excretion

and apparent retention of phosphorus of wheat-based diet

(54% ground wheat) in growing broilers (n = 12)



Wheat - Enzymes



Apparent P Retention (%)
37.9 ± 3.0
40.5 ± 2.8

Excreted P (g/birdl/3 days)
  1.24 ± 0.13
1.14 ± 0.1

P Excretion (g/kg gain)
 7.2 ± 0.5
 6.7 ± 0.5


Evaluation of Enzymes Preparation on AMENof a Wheat Based Diet in Growing Turkeys

[0295] The aim of this assay is to demonstrate the efficacy of Enzymes Preparation from Penicillium funiculosum (activity of β-glucanase : 100−1 and activity of xylanase: 1100−1) on Apparent Metabolizable Energy (AME) of a wheat-based diet according to the following experimental design

[0296] (1) Control

[0297] (2) EP 1: Enzymes Preparation (activity of β-glucanase 100−1 and activity of xylanase :1100−1);

[0298] (3) EP 2: Enzymes Preparation (activity of β-glucanase 150−1 and activity of xylanase 1650−1);

[0299] using the European Reference Method (Bourdillon et al., 1990) with ad libitum feeding and total excreta collection between 33 and 37 days of age.

[0300] a. Material and Methods

[0301] Birds: Breed and Breeding Conditions

[0302] Day old male BUT9 turkeys were reared in collective battery cages up to 20 days of age. They were then transferred to individual battery cages for the digestibility balance after an adaptation period of at least 7 days.

[0303] Standard temperature and humidity programmes were applied. The lighting program was kept constant 23 hours light and 1 hour darkness for the 2 first weeks and then reduced to 15 hours light for 9 hours darkness up to the end of the trial.

[0304] Feeds: Birds received a standard complete starter diet from day-old to 21 days of age and then the experimental feeds.

[0305] Experimental Diets

[0306] Feeds contained 47% wheat and 33% soybean meal (Table 3.1). Enzyme spraying was done in on 20 kg pellets of control diets.

[0307] Measurement of Metabolizable Energy

[0308] At D 21, birds were weighed and equally distributed in 10 individual cages per treatment and were then fed the experimental diets.

[0309] The balance starts D 33 according to the following procedure:

[0310] D 32, birds were fasted overnight;

[0311] D 33, birds weighing, clean collection trays

[0312] D 34 and D 35, feces were collected and freezed

[0313] D 36, feces were collected and freezed, overnight fast

[0314] D 37, feces were collected and freezed, birds weighed and refed.

[0315] Feces are then freeze-dried and ground as feed (1 mm, Retsch grinder). Gross energy of feed and excreta are measured on an IKA C5000 adiabatic calorimeter.

[0316] The AME is corrected for N balance by taking into account the body weight gain (g) and its nitrogen content (21% crude protein).

[0317] Feces are then freeze-dried and ground as feed (1 mm, Retsch grinder). Gross energy of feed and excreta are measured on an IKA C5000 adiabatic calorimeter. Protein (N*6.25, Kjeldahl method Z130 for feeds and Z135 for feces) is also determined and an amino acid profile performed by HPLC (method Z100 for feeds and Z080 for feces).

[0318] b. Results and Discussion

[0319] Apparent Metabolisable Energy (AME)

[0320] Zootechnical performances and Metabolisable Energy are presented Table 3.2. There was no significant difference in growing performance during the balance between treatments.

[0321] In growing turkeys, Enzymes Preparation improves AMENof a wheat-based diet by 2.2 and 5.4% for EP 1 and EP 2 respectively.

[0322] The high improvement observed demonstrates the interest of both activities (xylanase and β-glucanase) contained in Enzyme Preparation to hydrolysed non starch polysaccharide of wheat for improving energy value of this cereal in growing turkeys.
25TABLE 3.1Main ingredients and analysed characteristicsof experimental dietsComposition (%)Wheat47.55Extruded soybean5.00Soybean meal33.00Meat meal6.00Fat4.00DiCalcium Phosphate2.30CaCO30.85Vitamins/minerals1.30Characteristics (%)ControlEP1EP2DM89.089.188.9Crude Protein26.326.126.3Fat6.4




Effect of Enzymes Preparation on apparent metabolizable energy

corrected for nitrogen balance (AMEN) of a wheat-based diet

in growing turkeys (32 to 37 days). (means ± SD)


EP 1
EP 2

n = 12
n = 12
n = 12

Gross Energy (kcal/kg DM)

Body Weight gain (g)
341 ± 23
338 ± 36
337.5 ± 57 

Feed intake (g/day)
 111 ± 5.9
 107 ± 6.3
  103 ± 12.1 

Feed Conversion Ratio (g/g)
 1.63 ± 0.09
 1.60 ± 0.12
  1.59 ± 0.17

Fecal DM (%)
26.1 ± 5.5
26.5 ± 2.2
 25.9 ± 4.8

AMEN (kcal/kg DM)2
3025 ± 86 
3092 ± 56 

3191 ± 34


AMEN (kcal/kg)2
2700 ± 77 
2753 ± 50 

2840 ± 30


One-way analysis of variance: Enzyme effect: n = 60, a,b: means not followed by the same letter are significantly different at p < 0.05; Dose effect: 0, 0.2, 0.3 l/t.

Mean ± SEM


Evaluation of Enzymes Preparation Produced by Penicillium funiculosum Efficacy of Wheat-based Complete Feed Diet in Growing Pigs

[0324] The objective is to evaluate the effect of enzyme supplementation of wheat-based diets on energy digestion in the small intestine of growing pigs. Enzymes Preparation normal level activity is 1100−1 for xylanase and 100−1 for β-glucanase.

[0325] a. Material and Methods

[0326] Animals

[0327] The treatments were tested according to a Latin square design with three diets and three periods and two pigs per diet* period. The diets were fed at fixed levels according to weight of pig throughout the period of the test.

[0328] Experimental Diet

[0329] A diet based on poor quality wheat and balanced with other typical feed ingredients was fed to six growing pigs (see table 4.1.). The diet was fed either:

[0330] 1. Unsupplemented (basal);

[0331] 2. Supplemented (1): with Enzymes Preparation at 1× level (activity of β-glucanase 100−1 and activity of xylanase: 1100−1)

[0332] 3. Supplemented (2): with Enzymes Preparation at 2× level (activity of β-glucanase 200−1 and activity of xylanase : 2200−1);

[0333] Accurate dosing of the diet was achieved by diluting the Enzymes Preparation with corn starch to create a premix which was then added to the diet as appropriate.

[0334] Sample Collection

[0335] Ileal juices were collected for a period of 48 hours each week according to standard procedures at the RPNA laboratories. A sample of the ileal juice and of the test diets were analysed for energy by bomb calorimetry by Sanders to determine digestible energy. Aliquots of the samples were stored for further analysis if necessary.

[0336] Statistical Analysis

[0337] Digestibility of the crude energy was calculated from the results of the bomb calorimetry of the ileal juices, feed and feed intakes. Analysis of variance was undertaken on the digestibility calculations.
27TABLE 4.1Ingredient and nutrient specification of the basal dietPercentage inclusionIngredientsWheat60.0Barley9.7Peas11.4Fish meal5.0Sunflower meal (30)10.0Lysine0.15Minerals and vitamins3.75Total100.0NutrientsProtein14.9Dry matter84.9Digestible Energy (kcal/kg)3150Fibre5.1Dig. lysine0.8

[0338] b. Results and Discussion

[0339] The xylanase supplementation of diets of pigs increased the energy digestibility by at least six per cent. This indicates that the enzyme is increasing the breakdown of the raw material cell walls (in particular, wheat) and the release of additional energy in the small intestine.
28TABLE 4.2Effect of Enzyme Preparation supplementation of Wheat-based diets onthe energy digestibility of feeds given to growing pigs.UnsupplementedtreatmentSupplemented (1)Supplemented (2)p valueMean (%)70.174.575.6<0.001Energy digestibility0.800.490.45% improvement6.277.87


Effect of Enzymes Preparation Produced by Penicillium funiculosum on Performance of Straw, Corn Silage, Hay and Grass Silage Diets in Ruminants

[0340] HFT test (Hohenheimer Futterwertesten, Menke et al., 1979, 1988) is an in vitro incubation test allowing the measure of raw material degradation through the gas volume produced by the fermentation of these fedstuffs in a buffered rumen juice.

[0341] a. Material and Methods

[0342] 200 mg of dried and ground substrate is incubated with 10 ml of rumen juice plus 20 ml of buffer in syringes which are gently agitated on a rotor in a temperature controled incubator (39° C.). Volume of gas produced are registred at 24 hours. Blank (without substrate), standard hay control and standard concentrate control (with known value of net gas volume production) are used to correct the results and calculate a net volume of gas produced in 24 hours. The energy value and OMD (Organic Matter Digestibility) of substrates are calculated using volume of gas produced in 24 hours and predictor equations proposed by Menke et al. (1988).

[0343] Rumen juice is collected on 2 dry cows, rumen canulated and fed at 8 a.m. and 7 pm with a ration composed with 6 kg hay and 2 kg concentrate (ratio 75/25). Rumen juice collect is realized just before a.m. feeding. Rumen juice is filtered to avoid alimentary particules passage and is maintained in strict anaerobic conditions.

[0344] The aim of this trial was to test the effect of Enzymes Preparation application on the forage 15 hours before HFT incubation.

[0345] Pretreatment with Enzymes Preparation: the enzyme solution is spraid on the forage on the floor on straw, corn silage, hay and grass silage. Spraying is realized with 1 ml of Enzymes Preparation onto 2 kg forage dry matter. Forage at the edge (about 10 cm) is rejected to improve the homogeneity of the sample. After treatment. the forage is mixed by hand and left at room temperature for 15 hours after spraying. HFT incubation is carried out after 15 hours Enzymes Preparation contact through one serie and 6 replicates per treatment.

[0346] b. Results and Discussion

[0347] Net gas volume production at 24 hours is given in the table 5.1 for straw, corn silage, hay and grass silage.

[0348] Application of cellulase on straw through pretreatment gives a 18% net volume of gas improvement vs. control. For corn silage, this improvement is 8%, for hay, 9,5,% and for grass silage 9%.

[0349] OMD is given in the table 5.2. for the different forage before and after pretreatment.

[0350] OM digestibility is respectively improved for straw, corn silage, hay and grass silage vs. control : 8,5% straw, 5% corn silage, 5,4% hay and 5% grass silage.

[0351] 15 hours pretreatment of forages (straw, corn silage, hay, grass silage) with Enzyme Preparation improves intensity of rumen substrate incubation and OM digestibility of substrate.
29TABLE 5.1Net gas volume production at 24 hoursNET GASVOLUME (atRAW MATERIALTREATMENT24 hours)Stat SignSTRAWControl25S (p < 0.05)Cellulase29.5CORN SILAGEControl53.7S (p < 0.05)Cellulase57.8HAYControl39.5   (p < 0.08)Cellulase43.1GRASS SILAGEControl43.7   (p < 0.08)Cellulase47.7





Stat sign

S (p < 0.05)


S (p < 0.05)


   p < 0.08


   p < 0.08



Effect of Enzymes Preparation Produced by Penicillium funiculosum on Performance of Wheat or Barley-fed Layers

[0353] The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of Enzymes Preparation addition on productive parameters of laying hens fed with wheat or barley-based diets.

[0354] a. Material and Methods

[0355] Experiment design: 4 treatments×8 replicates×5 cages×3 hens

[0356] Treatments:

[0357] 1. Control 1: 60% wheat

[0358] 2. Control 1 +Enzymes Preparation

[0359] 3. Control 2 : 60% barley

[0360] 4. Control 2 +Enzymes Preparation

[0361] Animals, Housing and Management

[0362] The trial was conducted on four hundred and eighty brown hens of the Hy-Line strain. Each replicate was formed by five pens, with a common feeder, i.e. a total of thirty-two replicates of fifteen birds each.

[0363] Distributed in two identical rooms, the replicates had programmable lights and ventilation. The lighting program started with 14 hours of light per day on arrival of hens at 17 weeks of age, increasing every two weeks by 30 minutes. up to a maximum of 17 hours of light per day.

[0364] Hens were 22 weeks old at the beginning of the experiment, that lasted during the first five months of laying period.

[0365] Diets and Feeding

[0366] There were two experimental diets based on 60% of wheat (diet 1) and 60% of barley (diet2), and 10% of sunflower meal. Their composition is shown in Table 6.1. Cereals characteristics are presented Table 6.2.

[0367] Controls

[0368] Chemical Analysis

[0369] Feed samples

[0370] Quality control of experimental feeds was performed by analyzing dry matter, crude protein, crude fat and ash.

[0371] Xylanase activity (T-1, T-2) and β-glucanase activity (T-3, T-4) were determined in mash feeds.

[0372] Measurements

[0373] Feed consumption and feed efficiency were recorded every four weeks. Hens were weighed at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. Egg production, egg weight and percentage of dirty and faulty eggs were recorded daily, during five periods of four weeks each. Mortality was checked and recorded daily, including the cause of death.

[0374] b. Results and Discussion

[0375] Performance Trial

[0376] The productive parameters obtained during the trial are shown in Tables 6.3 to 6.5. In the first two periods (from week 22 to 30) and in the overall experiment the percentage of dirty eggs was statistically affected by treatment (P>0.005). Animals fed wheat diet without enzyme produced more dirty eggs. Statistically significant differences between treatments were found in egg laying percentage (P>0.05) and in egg weight (P>0.005) from second period to the end of experiment. Animals fed barley diets presented higher egg laying percentage and produced heavier eggs than animals fed wheat diets. Enzymes Preparation seem to increase these parameters but not significantly at 0.05 level of probability.

[0377] In all experimental periods, feed intake of animals from treatments T-3 and T-4 (barley diets) was higher than consumption of animals fed wheat diets, due to the energy levels of both diets (barley diets were formulated at 2600 kcal/kg of energy while wheat diets contained 2800 kcal/kg). Taking into account the different energy values of both types of diets and feed consumption of animals, in the overall period all animals presented the same daily energy consumption.

[0378] The feed efficiency (expressed as g feed/g egg) of experimental diets during the first period was very high due to the low egg laying rate of hens during this period of time. In the first two periods, feed efficiency for wheat treatments was better than those obtained with barley treatments; but in third period, when highest egg laying percentages were recorded, both types of diets presented similar efficiencies. From week 34 to the end of experiment, barley diets presented better feed efficiencies than treatments with wheat. Enzyme tends to improve feed efficiency (P>0.05). In the overall period β-glucanase improved feed efficiency of barley diet (with a P=0.066).

[0379] Table 6.4 shows that wheat-fed layers supplemented with Enzymes Preparation tend to exhibit higher laying rates (+1.5 absolute points), greater mean egg weight (+0.37 g) and lower Feed Conversion Ratio (−2.7%) than unsupplemented ones.

[0380] Table 6.5 shows that Enzyme Preparation addition to barley-fed layers improved laying rate (+4%), mean egg weight (+0.7%) and Feed Conversion Ratio (−5.7%) compared with control barley diets.
31TABLE 6.1Composition of experimental laying dietsIngredientWheat dietBarley dietWheat60.171Barley59.033Animal and vegetal fat (30%4.04.0linoleic acid)Full fat extruded soybean11.41210.399Soybean meal, 48%3.4435.705Sunflower meal, 29%10.010.0DL-methionine0.0910.101L-lysine HCl0.111Calcium Carbonate8.5958.546Dicalcium phosphate1.4781.517Salt0.300.30Mineral and vitamins premix*0.400.40Estimated nutritive value28002600Metabolizable energy (kcal/kg)Crude protein16.016.41Crude fat7.487.21Lysine0.750.76Methionine0.350.35Methionine + cysteine0.670.69Calcium3.703.70Inorganic phosphorus0.400.40Sodium/Chloride0.16/0.270.15/0.29*one kilo of feed contains: Vitamine A 8000UI; Vitamin D3 1600UI; Vitamin E: 5 mg; Vitamin K3: 2 mg; Vitamin B1: 1.5 mg, Vitamin B2: 4 mg; Vitamin B6. 3 mg; Vitamin B12: 11.8 μg; Folic acid: 0.35 mg; Biotin: 150 μg; Calcium Pantotenate: 10 mg; Nicotinic acid: 20 mg; Mn: 30 mg, Zn: 50 mg; I: 0.3 mg; Fe: 50 mg; Cu: 6 mg; Se: 0.1 mg; Etoxiquin: 125 mg.




Analytical composition of cereals






Crude fat

Crude fibre

Crude protein

Viscosity (pH 1.5 with inactivation, in cps)

Total β-glucans (% DM)

Insoluble β-glucans (% DM)

Total pentosans

Soluble pentosans




Productive parameters from 22 to 42 weeks (complete experimental protocol)


Egg laying
Dirty eggs
Egg Weight

eggs (%)
intake (g)
gain (g)







Effect (P)

comparison with a genetically perfect hens (value given by hens supplier).

Values are means of eight replicates of 15 hens. Within columns, means followed by a different superscript are significantly different (P < 0.05).




Effect of Xylan on laying performance of wheat-fed layers (in

absolute values1 and percentage2 compared with control)

Feed Conversion Ratio

Laying rate (%)1
Egg weight (g)1







For the 22-42 week period




Effect of Enzymes Preparation on laying performance

of barley-fed layers (in absolute values1 and percentage2

compared with control)

Feed Conversion Ratio

Laying rate (%)1
Egg weight (g)1







For the 22-42 week period

[0385] Bibliography

[0386] Bourdillon A., Carré B., Conan L., Duperray J., Franscesch M., Fuentes M., Huyghebaert G., Jansen W. M. M. A., Leclercq B., Lessire M., McNab J., Rigoni M., Wiseman J., 1990. European reference method for the in vivo determination of metabolizable energy with adult cockerels: reproductibility, effect of age, comparison with predicted values. British Poultry Science 31, 567-576.

[0387] Sabatier A. M., Fish N. M. 1996. Method of analysis for feed enzymes: methodological problems ? Journal of Applied Poultry Research 5, 408-413.

[0388] Barrier-Guillot B., Metayer J. P., Bouvarel I., Castaing J., Picard M., Zwick J. L. 1997. Proceedings of the XIth European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, WPSA, August 24-28th Faaborg, Denmark, 237-239.

[0389] Svihus B., Herstad O., New man C. W., Newman R. K. 1997. British Poultry Science 38, 524-529.

  • 1- New Penicillium funiculosum deposited under the Budapest treaty IMI No 378536.
  • 2- New enzymes mixture obtainable from Penicillium funiculosum deposited under the Budapest treaty in the International Mycological Institute under the number IMI 378536.
  • 3- New enzymes mixture obtainable from Penicillium funiculosum IMI 378536 with at least for xylanase activities optimum pH comprised between pH 3.0 and 5.0
  • 4- New β-glucanase obtainable from Penicillium funiculosum IMI 378536.
  • 5- New feruloyl esterases obtainable from Penicillium funiculosum IMI 378536.
  • 6- New enzymes mixture obtainable from Penicillium funiculosum IMI 378536 containing at least xylanases, β-glucanases cellulases and ferulolyl esterases.
  • 7- New enzymes mixture according to claim 6 wherein the ratio between xylanases, as defined by the DNS wheat arabinoxylan method, pH 3.5, and β-glucanases/cellulases determined by the DNS CMC method, pH 5.0, is comprised between 10/1 and 1/4.
  • 8- New liquid composition obtainable from Penicillium funiculosum IMI 378536 containing Microbial products as total organic solids 4%-10% anti microbial agent 0,005%-0,35% sorbitol 20%-50% anti freezing agents 0-40% concentrated filtered fermentation broth 0.3 to 76% buffered and adjusted to pH 3 to 5.
  • 9- New liquid compositions according to claim 9 wherein the anti fungi and/or anti bacteria are chosen from sorbic acid and salts, benzoic acid and salts, methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, n-propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, furamic acid, salts and esters, sodium chloride or potassium chloride.
  • 10- New liquid composition according to claim 8 or 9 wherein the anti-freezing agents are chosen from 1,2-propandiol, ethylen glycol, glycerol.
  • 11- New powder compositions obtainable from Penicillium funiculosum IMI 378536 having the following composition: Microbial products as total organic solids 16%-40% Carrier 59%-83% other dried fermentation broth components 1%.
  • 12- New powder composition according to claim 11 wherein the carriers are chosen from wheat flour, starch, gypsum, maltodextrin, corn solid, by-product from cereal processing such as maize grits, wheat middlings, wheat bran, rye tailings.
  • 13- New use of the product of one of the preceding claims for feeding farm animals such as poultry, swine, ruminant.
  • 14- New use of the product according to claim 13 for improving digestibility of cereals, such as wheat, barley, rye, triticale, oat, rice; oil seeds, such as soya, sunflower, rapeseed; and cereal by-product, such as wheat bran.
  • 15- New use of the product according to claims 6 to 12 for decreasing phosphorus excretion.
  • 16- New use of the product according to claims 6 to 12 for increasing digestive utilisation of phosphorus.
  • 17- New use of the product of claim 1 to improve aminoacid digestibility.
  • 18- New use of the product according to any claim to reduce the ammonia in the air of the batteries.
  • 19- Penicillium funiculosum comprising heterologous genes inclusions.
  • 20- Penicillium funiculosum comprising modification of the genome with homologous genes by inclusion, deletion or modification of said homologous gene.
  • 21- New polypeptide having the amino acid sequence as shown in SEQ ID no 1 and FIG. 1
  • 22- New polypeptide or variant thereof having the nucleic acid sequence as shown in SEQ ID no 1
  • 23- New polypeptide having the amino acid sequence as shown in SEQ ID no 4 and FIG. 2
  • 24- New polypeptide or variant thereof having the nucleic acid sequence as shown in SEQ ID no 4
  • 25- New polypeptide having the amino acid sequence as shown in SEQ ID no 5 and FIG. 3
  • 26- New polypeptide or variant thereof having the nucleic acid sequence as shown in SEQ ID no 5
  • 27- New polypeptide having the amino acid sequence as shown in SEQ ID no 6 and FIG. 4
  • 28- New polypeptide or variant thereof having the nucleic acid sequence as shown in SEQ ID no 6
  • 29- New polypeptide having the internal amino acid sequence as follows: AEAINYNQDY
  • 30- Nucleic acid sequence encoding for the xylanase C polypeptide or a variant thereof
  • 31- Nucleic acid sequence encoding for the xylanase BI polypeptide or a variant thereof
  • 32- Nucleic acid sequence encoding for the feruroyl esterase A polypeptide or a variant thereof
  • 33- Nucleic acid sequence encoding for the feruroyl esterase B polypeptide or a variant thereof
  • 34- Vectors comprising nucleic acid sequence according to claims 22, 24, 26 and 28 or claims 30 to 33.
  • 35- Vectors according to claim 34 are plasmids, phages or viruses
  • 36- Use of vectors according to claim 34 for the expression of new polypeptides according to claims 21 to 29 into host cell .
  • 37- Host cell transfected or infected by a vector according to claim 34.
  • 38- The host cell according to claim 37 is isolated from uni- or pluricellular organism.
  • 39- Use of host cell according to claim 37 for the production of new polypeptides according to claims 21 to 29 or enzyme mixture according to claims 2, 6 and 7.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
EP9840101.5 May 1998 EP
Divisions (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 09462246 Apr 2000 US
Child 10299393 Nov 2002 US