"Small Helical Flux Compression Amplifier" by J. E. Gover, O. M. Stuetzer, and J. L. Johnson, Sandia Laboratories, Megagauss Physics and Technology, 1979. |
"The Central Power Supply", Showcase for Technology, Conference and Exposition, 1981. |
"A New Kind of Detonator-the Slapper" by J. R. Stroud, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California, pp. 22-1 through 22-6. |
"Shock Initiation of Explosive Pellets at Low Temperatures" D. S. Gilman, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, pp. 41-1 through 41-5. |
"A Low-Energy Flying Plate Detonator" by Albin K. Jacobson, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, pp. 49-1 through 49-20. |
"High Temperature Stable Detonators" by Robert H. Dinegar, Proc 12th Symposium on Explosives and Pyrotechnics, San Diego, Calif. Mar. 13-15, 1984, Los Alamos National Laboratory, pp. 4-1 through 4-4. |
"National Course on Fuzing and Initiation Session VI Initiation Systems" by Dick Weingart, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Sep. 1989. |
"A Fast, Low Resistance Switch for Small Slapper Detonators" by D. D. Richardson and D. A. Jones, Department of Defense Materials Research Laboratories, Report MRL-R-1030, Oct. 1986. |