Perpendicular signal equalization and timing recovery using Hilbert transform

A Hilbert transform is used to process perpendicular magnetic recording signals from both single layer and dual layer disks to produce a complex analytic signal. This complex analytic signal is used to derive angles of magnetization, which depend on the distance between recorded magnetic transitions and consequently which can be used in error estimation. Moreover, the Hilbert transform in cooperation with an equalizer FIR optimizes transformation of the signal such that conventional longitudinal recording processing methods can subsequently be used to process the signal that is read back from the magnetic recording medium.


1. Field of the Invention

The present invention relates generally to perpendicular recording of data onto magnetic recording disks.

2. Description of the Related Art

In data recording devices such as magnetic disk drives and tape drives, MR and GMR heads are used to read data that has been recorded on the devices. These heads detect magnetic transitions on the storage medium that have been previously established (“written”) on the medium to represent data. The output voltage waveform of the head represents the transition locations and, thus, the data on the medium.

The magnetic transitions can be thought of as vectors, and in conventional magnetic recording, the direction of each magnetic transition vector, i.e., the angle of magnetization, is parallel to the recording track. This is also referred to as “longitudinal” recording. More recently, perpendicular recording has been proposed, wherein the angle of magnetization is more or less perpendicular to the recording track. Actually, the present invention recognizes that the angle of magnetization deviates from the true perpendicular by an amount that depends on the distance between magnetic transitions. In any case, one advantage of perpendicular recording over longitudinal recording is that perpendicularly-recorded disks are more thermally stable than longitudinally-recorded disks.

As recognized herein, however, much work over the years has been spent on developing read signal processing that assumes longitudinal recording. Accordingly, the present invention recognizes that it would be advantageous to provide a way to process perpendicular magnetic transition signals in a manner that could exploit the well-developed technology in longitudinal recording read channels. Moreover, the present invention recognizes that timing recovery information can be extracted from the instantaneous phase/frequency of the complex analytic signal obtained by means of a Hilbert transform of the perpendicular readback signal.


A magnetic data read device for processing signals from a perpendicularly-recorded magnetic storage medium includes at least one Hilbert transform that receives signals from the magnetic storage medium. In a preferred embodiment, a read channel cooperates with the Hilbert transform. The Hilbert transform can be between the read channel and the storage medium, or it can be located in the read channel, before or after the ADC of the read channel.

One preferred Hilbert transform can be established by a finite impulse response (FIR) having plural taps. For instance, the FIR can have at least five taps, and indeed can have seven taps. In any case, the signals received from the storage medium are perpendicular signals, the read channel includes at least one equalizer, and the Hilbert transform cooperates with the equalizer to transform the perpendicular signals to longitudinal signals.

In another aspect, a computer program device includes a computer readable medium having a program of instructions thereon for processing data associated with a magnetic recording medium. The program of instructions includes logic means for determining a magnetization angle from a complex analytic signal established by combining a Hilbert transformation of a magnetic recording read signal with the read signal.

In still another aspect, a method is disclosed for determining an angle of magnetization on a perpendicular recording medium. The method includes receiving a signal from the medium, and deriving a Hilbert transform of the signal. The Hilbert transform of the signal is combined with the signal to render a complex analytic signal.

In another aspect, a method for determining an angle of magnetization on a perpendicular recording medium includes receiving a signal from the medium, deriving a Hilbert transform of the signal, and, using the Hilbert signal, deriving the angle of magnetization.

The details of the present invention, both as to its structure and operation, can best be understood in reference to the accompanying drawings, in which like reference numerals refer to like parts, and in which:


FIG. 1

is a block diagram of a first embodiment of the present system;


shows an IF quantizer for the (1,7) code for translating the magnetic angle variations into zero run length estimates;

FIG. 2

is a block diagram of a second embodiment of the present system;

FIG. 3

is a block diagram of a third embodiment of the present system;

FIG. 4

is a schematic diagram of the presently preferred Hilbert transform;

FIG. 5

is a flow chart showing the overall logic of the present invention;

FIG. 6

is a schematic representation of data on a perpendicular magnetic recording medium;

FIG. 7

is a flow chart showing the details of a preferred logic for deriving the magnetization angle;

FIG. 8

is an amplitude versus time graph showing the phase signal superimposed on the single layer perpendicular disk signal;

FIG. 9

is an amplitude versus time graph showing the phase signal superimposed on the Hilbert transform of the single layer perpendicular disk signal;

FIG. 10

is an amplitude versus time graph showing a dual layer perpendicular signal superimposed on the Hilbert transform of the dual layer perpendicular signal; and

FIG. 11

is an amplitude versus time graph showing a dual layer perpendicular signal superimposed on the phase signal.


Referring initially to

FIG. 1

, a magnetic recording readback system is shown, generally designated


, for processing signals represented by magnetic transitions on a magnetic storage or recording medium


. It is to be understood that the medium


can be a magnetic disk of a hard disk drive, although other recording media, such as magnetic tape, floppy diskette, and so on can be used.

In the architecture shown in

FIG. 1

, the signal (designated S(t)) from the medium


is sent to an envelope calculator


which, in accordance with the logic of

FIG. 7

below, combines the signal with a transform thereof (designated S(t)) to render an envelope magnitude signal. The Hilbert transform is generated by a main Hilbert transform


as shown, which also receives the perpendicular signal from the disk. A preferred implementation of the main Hilbert transform


is described further below in reference to FIG.



In effect, the output of the main Hilbert transform


represents the readback that would be expected from a parallel (or longitudinal)-recorded disk, and it is sent to a conventional read channel


. While all conventional read channels are contemplated herein, the exemplary read channel


includes in series, in accordance with principles known in the art, a variable gain amplifier (VGA)


, a continuous time filter (CTF)


, an analog to digital converter (ADC)


and a digital finite impulse response (FIR) equalizer


. Thus, the Hilbert transform


cooperates with the equalizer to transform the perpendicular signals to longitudinal signals. From the DFIR


the signal is sent to a VA detector


which outputs the detected bits from the disk. The VA detector


and DFIR


also send their outputs to digital loops


which, in accordance with longitudinal read channel principles known in the art, output a signal to the VGA


to provide timing and amplitude control. Moreover, the loops


output a signal representing estimated transition locations to a phase and frequency control module


, which in turn outputs a control signal to the ADC



Having described the read channel


, attention is now directed to upper portion of FIG.


. As shown, the envelope calculator


sends its output to a logarithm generator


, which generates a logarithm of the signal that can be differentiated with respect to time by a differentiator


. A second Hilbert filter


receives the output of the differentiator


and outputs a signal representative of the angle of magnetization (or its time-based derivative, when the differentiator


is used). The signal is then processed through a quantizer


to limit the peaks of the signal, and then the signal is sent to a delay


that adjusts for differences in processing times between the read channel


and the upper portion of the circuit that derives the magnetization angle. The magnetization angle (or its derivative) is then sent to the phase/frequency control module


, for timing recovery purposes set forth further below. It is to be understood that the structure described in this paragraph can be implemented in hardware or software, and that in any case it functions in accordance with

FIG. 7


In the embodiment shown in

FIG. 1

, the main Hilbert transform filter of the present invention is located outside the read channel, and specifically between the read channel and the medium



FIGS. 2 and 3

show that alternatively, the main Hilbert transform filter of the present invention can be implemented within the read channel, both before (

FIG. 2

) and after (

FIG. 3

) the present ADC. More particularly, in

FIG. 2

a system


is shown that contemplates sending the signal from the data storage medium through the VGA to a combined CTF/Hilbert transform


, and thence to an ADC


. A delay “D” delays the signal from the disk and sends it to an instantaneous frequency (IF) calculator “C”, which combines it with the transformed main signal from the combined CTF/Hilbert transform


and which outputs a signal to a phase/frequency control module



. The digitized IF calculator shown in the upper portion of

FIG. 1

is thus incorporated in the architecture shown in FIG.


. The system


is in all other essential respects identical to that shown in FIG.




shows an exemplary IF quantizer for the (1,7) code for translating the magnetic angle variations into zero run length estimates.

On the other hand,

FIG. 3

shows a system


wherein the signal from the medium is first digitized before being sent to a combined DFIR/Hilbert filter


. IF calculation is done by sending the non-transformed, digitized signal to a delay “D


” which delays the signal from the disk and sends it to an IF calculator “C


”, which combines it with the transformed main signal from the combined DFIR/Hilbert filter


and which outputs a signal to a phase/frequency control module



. The digitized IF calculator shown in the upper portion of

FIG. 1

is thus incorporated in the architecture shown in FIG.


. The system


is in all other essential respects identical to that shown in FIG.



FIG. 4

shows the presently preferred Hilbert transform


, which is implemented as a FIR with plural taps


staggered between plural delays


. In one non-limiting embodiment, the Hilbert transform has at least five taps


and in the embodiment shown in

FIG. 4

it has seven taps


and six delays


. Each tap


leads to a respective multiplier


, which multiplies the signal in the tap by a constant in accordance with FIR principles known in the art. The signals from the taps


are added together, after multiplication, by an adder


, which outputs the Hilbert-transformed signal (labelled “y” in FIG.


). In a particularly preferred, non-limiting embodiment, the programmable delays


can be implemented by movable pole low pass filters, and more specifically each delay


can be implemented by two differential amplifiers connected as a single follower. The programmable delay Hilbert filter can accommodate a specified range of write frequencies.

Now referring to

FIG. 5

, the overall logic of the present invention can be seen. Commencing at block


, the signal representing perpendicularly-recorded magnetic transitions is sent through the main Hilbert transform as described above. At block


, the output of the Hilbert transform


is used to derive a magnetization angle. One preferred way to do this is shown in

FIG. 7

, discussed further below. Then, at block


the magnetization angle can be used as an estimate of the distance between magnetic transitions and, hence, as a timing recovery error check.

More specifically, in considering

FIG. 6

it is shown that a magnetic transition indicating a positive “1” can be separated from a subsequent transition representing a minus “1” by, e.g., one or more zeroes (three zeroes separate the transitions shown in FIG.


). As understood herein, most modulation codes allow 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 zeroes at most in a row, between transitions. As also understood herein, the angle of magnetization varies with the distance between transitions and, hence, with the number of zeroes between transitions. Accordingly, the angle can be used as an estimate of how many zeroes are between transitions, which estimate in turn can be used to check for read back errors.

One way to derive the angle of magnetization is to determine the arctangent of the ratio of the Hilbert transformation of the perpendicular read signal to the perpendicular read signal. A more preferred way is shown in FIG.


. Starting at block


, the magnetic (perpendicular) signal is sent to the main Hilbert transform filter


discussed above, where, at block


, it is transformed such that a transformed signal is generated and combined with the original signal. An envelope “m” can then be determined as the square root of the sum of the squares of the transformed signal and the original signal, i.e., as the square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts of the complex analytic signal Moving to block


, a logarithm (preferably to the base “e”) of the absolute value of the envelope is determined by the logarithm generator


. In one particularly preferred embodiment, the signal is passed through the differentiator


at block


, so that the taking of a logarithm of a value near zero can be avoided. Then, the logarithm (or its derivative) is passed through the Hilbert transform filter


at block


. The output of the Hilbert transform filter


is obtained at block


, with the output representing the angle of magnetization being sought (or a derivative thereof).

It is to be understood that the present invention can be implemented in analog or digital hardware, and that the logic herein may be represented as computer software.

FIG. 8

is provided to show the relationship between the phase signal and the non-transformed perpendicular signal S(t) from a single layer disk. As shown, the phase signal frames the zero crossings of the non-transformed perpendicular signal, with the phase signal peaks being aligned with the single layer perpendicular signal zero-crossings.

FIG. 9

shows the relationship between the phase signal and the Hilbert-transformed longitudinal signal S(t) from a single layer disk, wherein the peaks of the phase signal are synchronized (aligned) with the peaks of the Hilbert-transformed signal. While

FIGS. 8 and 9

are actual graphs of signals from a single layer disk, the present invention applies equally to dual-layered disks. For instance,

FIGS. 10 and 11

show dual layer disk signals superimposed on their Hilbert transforms and phase signals, respectively. In

FIG. 10

, the phase signal peaks and dual layer perpendicular signal transitions are aligned, while in

FIG. 11

the Hilbert transform of the dual layer perpendicular signal has peaks at dual layer signal transitions.

While the particular PERPENDICULAR SIGNAL EQUALIZATION AND TIMING RECOVERY USING HILBERT TRANSFORM as herein shown and described in detail is fully capable of attaining the above-described objects of the invention, it is to be understood that it is the presently preferred embodiment of the present invention and is thus representative of the subject matter which is broadly contemplated by the present invention, that the scope of the present invention fully encompasses other embodiments which may become obvious to those skilled in the art, and that the scope of the present invention is accordingly to be limited by nothing other than the appended claims, in which reference to an element in the singular is not intended to mean “one and only one” unless explicitly so stated, but rather “one or more”. All structural and functional equivalents to the elements of the above-described preferred embodiment that are known or later come to be known to those of ordinary skill in the art are expressly incorporated herein by reference and are intended to be encompassed by the present claims. Moreover, it is not necessary for a device or method to address each and every problem sought to be solved by the present invention, for it to be encompassed by the present claims. Furthermore, no element, component, or method step in the present disclosure is intended to be dedicated to the public regardless of whether the element, component, or method step is explicitly recited in the claims. No claim element herein is to be construed under the provisions of 35 U.S.C. §112, sixth paragraph, unless the element is expressly recited using the phrase “means for” or, in the case of a method claim, the element is recited as a “step” instead of an “act”.

  • 1. A processing device for executing a method comprising:determining a magnetization angle or the rate of change thereof from a complex analytic signal established by combining a Hilbert transformation of a magnetic recording read signal with the read signal, wherein the method executed by the device includes: determining an envelope based on the read signal and a Hilbert transformation of the read signal; and determining a logarithm of the envelope.
  • 2. The device of claim 1, wherein the method executed by the device includes:processing the logarithm or a derivative thereof through a Hilbert transform to render an output, the output representing the angle of magnetization.
  • 3. The device of claim 2, wherein the method executed by the device includes correlating the angle of magnetization to a distance between magnetic transitions on the medium.
  • 4. A method for determining an angle of magnetization on a perpendicular recording medium, comprising the acts of:receiving a signal from the medium; deriving a Hilbert transform of the signal; combining the Hilbert transform of the signal with the signal to render a complex analytic signal; and deriving a Hilbert transform signal using the complex analytic signal, the arctangent of the ratio of the Hilbert transform signal and complex analytic signal representing the angle of magnetization.
  • 5. The method of claim 4, further comprising:using the angle of magnetization as an indication of a distance between magnetic transitions.
  • 6. The method of claim 4, further comprising:deriving an envelope from the complex analytic signal; determining a logarithm of the envelope, prior to the act of deriving a Hilbert transform signal, the Hilbert transform signal being a Hilbert transformation of the logarithm or a derivative thereof.
  • 7. A method for determining an angle of magnetization on a perpendicular recording medium, comprising the acts of:receiving a signal from the medium; deriving a Hilbert transform of the signal; using the Hilbert signal to derive the angle of magnetization; combining the Hilbert transform of the signal with the signal to render a complex analytic signal; deriving a Hilbert transform signal; and using the complex analytic signal, deriving a phase signal by arctangents of ratio of complex analytic signal components.
  • 8. The method of claim 7, further comprising:deriving an envelope from the complex analytic signal; determining a logarithm of the envelope, prior to the act of deriving a Hilbert transform signal, the Hilbert transform signal being a Hilbert transformation of the logarithm or a derivative thereof.
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