Personalizing a search results page based on search history

The invention discloses a system and method for personalizing a search results mix based on a user's search history. The invention can use an individual user's search history to personalize a search results page that may be unique for the specific user. The invention can be configured to monitor the types of search results that the user frequently accesses. A default search results page can then be modified according to the frequency in which the user accesses certain search results. The modified search results page can then be presented to the user upon the submission of a search request.


FIG. 1 illustrates an exemplary operating environment for implementing the invention.

FIG. 2 illustrates an embodiment of a system for implementing the invention.

FIG. 3 illustrates an embodiment of a method for personalizing a search results mix based on a user's search history.


The invention introduces a system and method for personalizing a search results mix based on a user's search history. The invention can be configured to present personalized search result pages that reflect an individual user's needs or interests. The search history of a user can be examined to determine if a user frequently accesses certain types of search results within a search results page. The search results page can be personalized for a specific user by displaying more types of search results that the user frequently accesses and less of the types of search results that the users does not access as often.

Accessing a search result can comprise utilizing any type of input device to obtain information from a search result. In an embodiment, accessing a search result comprises a user moving his/her mouse cursor over the search result or hyperlink of the search result and clicking the result or hyperlink. In another embodiment, accessing a search result can also include hovering the mouse cursor over the search result or over a hyperlink of the search result. In another embodiment, accessing a search result can include depressing any number of buttons on a keyboard, keypad, mouse, or any other input device to obtain information from the search result.

There are many different search results that can be displayed on a search results page. The different types of search results are broken down into two different categories: algorithmic search results and non-algorithmic search results. An algorithmic search result is a web result that is based on a search engine's index algorithm. Typically, there are ten algorithmic search results on a search results page whenever there are ten or more algorithmic search results that are found directly within the search engine's index. The algorithmic search results will usually have hyperlinks that will link a user to the web page of the corresponding algorithmic search result.

A non-algorithmic search result is any other information presented to the user other than the algorithmic search results that is related to the search query submitted by the user. The non-algorithmic search results are not directly derived from the search engine's index. Such non-algorithmic search results can include, but are not limited to, advertisements, sponsored links, query refinement modules, and instant answers. An instant answer is any type of search result that comes directly from a third-party source instead from a search engine's index. Such third-party sources can be, for example, Encarta, MSN Shopping, or any other source besides a search engine that is configured to provide information related to a user's search query. For example, if a user enters the search query “nation's capital,” the instant answer “Nation's Capital: Washington, D.C.” may be presented to the user. The instant answer may have come directly from the Encarta database. The instant answers may be convenient as a user can instantly receive an answer without having to go through any of the algorithmic search results. An instant answer may or may not have a corresponding hyperlink presented along with it.

Referring initially to FIG. 1 in particular, an exemplary operating environment for implementing the invention is shown and designated generally as computing device 100. Computing device 100 is but one example of a suitable computing environment and is not intended to suggest any limitation as to the scope of use or functionality of the invention. Neither should the computing device 100 be interpreted as having any dependency or requirement relating to any one or combination of components illustrated.

The invention may be described in the general context of computer code or machine-useable instructions, including computer-executable instructions such as program modules, being executed by a computer or other machine, such as a personal data assistant or other handheld device. Generally, program modules including routines, programs, objects, components, data structures, etc., refer to code that perform particular tasks or implement particular abstract data types. The invention may be practiced in a variety of system configurations, including hand-held devices, consumer electronics, general-purpose computers, more specialty computing devices, etc. The invention may also be practiced in distributed computing environments where tasks are performed by remote-processing devices that are linked through a communications network.

With reference to FIG. 1, computing device 100 includes a bus 110 that directly or indirectly couples the following devices: memory 112, one or more processors 114, one or more presentation components 116, input/output ports 118, input/output components 120, and an illustrative power supply 122. Bus 110 represents what may be one or more busses (such as an address bus, data bus, or combination thereof). Although the various blocks of FIG. 1 are shown with lines for the sake of clarity, in reality, delineating various components is not so clear, and metaphorically, the lines would be more accurately be grey and fuzzy. For example, one may consider a presentation component such as a display device to be an I/O component. Also, processors have memory. We recognize that such is the nature of the art, and reiterate that the diagram of FIG. 1 is merely illustrative of an exemplary computing device that can be used in connection with one or more embodiments of the invention. Distinction is not made between such categories as “workstation,” “server,” “laptop,” “hand-held device,” etc., as all are contemplated within the scope of FIG. 1 and reference to “computing device.”

Computing device 100 typically includes a variety of computer-readable media. By way of example, and not limitation, computer-readable media may comprises Random Access Memory (RAM); Read Only Memory (ROM); Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM); flash memory or other memory technologies; CDROM, digital versatile disks (DVD) or other optical or holographic media; magnetic cassettes, magnetic tape, magnetic disk storage or other magnetic storage devices, carrier wave or any other medium that can be used to encode desired information and be accessed by computing device 100.

Memory 112 includes computer-storage media in the form of volatile and/or nonvolatile memory. The memory may be removable, nonremovable, or a combination thereof. Exemplary hardware devices include solid-state memory, hard drives, optical-disc drives, etc. Computing device 100 includes one or more processors that read data from various entities such as memory 112 or I/O components 120. Presentation component(s) 116 present data indications to a user or other device. Exemplary presentation components include a display device, speaker, printing component, vibrating component, etc.

I/O ports 118 allow computing device 100 to be logically coupled to other devices including I/O components 120, some of which may be built in. Illustrative components include a microphone, joystick, game pad, satellite dish, scanner, printer, wireless device, etc.

FIG. 2 illustrates an embodiment of a system for implementing the invention. Client 202, content manager 204 and personalizing device 210 are computing devices 100 that can include one or more devices illustrated in FIG. 1. Client 202 may be or include a desktop or laptop computer, a network-enabled cellular telephone (with or without media capturing/playback capabilities), wireless email client, or other client, machine or device to perform various tasks including Web browsing, search, electronic mail (email) and other tasks, applications and functions. Client 202 may additionally be any portable media device such as digital still camera devices, digital video cameras (with or without still image capture functionality), media players such as personal music players and personal video players, and any other portable media device. Client 202 may also be a server including, for instance, a workstation running the Microsoft Windows®, MacOS™, Unix, Linux, Xenix, IBM AIX™, Hewlett-Packard UX™, Novell Netware™, Sun Microsystems Solaris™, OS/2™, BeOS™, Mach, Apache, OpenStep™ or other operating system or platform. Client 202 can be controlled by any user.

Client 202 can include a communication interface. The communication interface may be an interface that can allow the client to be directly connected to any other client or device or allows the client 202 to be connected to a client or device over network 218. Network 218 can include, for example, a local area network (LAN), a wide area network (WAN), or the Internet. In an embodiment, the client 202 can be connected to another client or device via a wireless interface.

Content manager 204 and personalizing device 210 may each be a server including, for instance, a workstation running the Microsoft Windows®, MacOS™, Unix, Linux, Xenix, IBM AIX™, Hewlett-Packard UX™, Novell Netware™, Sun Microsystems Solaris™, OS/2™, BeOS™, Mach, Apache, OpenStep™ or other operating system or platform. Content manager can include aggregator component 206 and user information database 208. Aggregator component 206 is used to aggregate each individual user's search history information. In an embodiment, the aggregator component can be configured to monitor and collect a user's search history information that can include any information related to the way in which a user has searched for data on the Internet. Such information can include, but not limited to, search terms/keywords, times when searches queries have been submitted, web results from a search results page that were accessed, time spent on a search results page, advertisements accessed on a search results page, instant answers accessed on a search results page, and any other information derived from a user's searching experience. Once the aggregator component retrieves the user search information, the information is associated with its corresponding user and is stored in database 208. In an embodiment, the user's search information can be stored on a user's client device using a cookie. In such an embodiment, the aggregator component can aggregate the user search information from each user's client device. In an embodiment, content manager 204 is a search engine.

Personalizing device 210 is used to personalize a search results page for an individual user. In an embodiment, personalizing device 210 and content manager 204 can be integrated into one device. In an embodiment, personalizing device 210 is a search engine. Personalizing device 210 can include retrieval component 212, layout component 214, and access frequency monitor component 216. Retrieval component 212 is used to retrieve user search information from database 208. In an embodiment, the retrieval component 212 can retrieve the user search information from a user's client device.

Access frequency monitor component 216 is used to monitor how often a user accesses algorithmic and non-algorithmic search results from a search results page. The access frequency monitor component 216 can be configured to determine a user access frequency for each type of algorithmic and non-algorithmic search result presented to a user. The user access frequency corresponds to the frequency in which a user accesses an algorithmic or non-algorithmic search result in a given time period. For example, an user access frequency for an algorithmic or non-algorithmic search result can be the percentage of an algorithmic or non-algorithmic search result that a user accessed from the total number of the specific type of algorithmic or non-algorithmic search result presented to the user within a period of time. Thus, search results from a search engine, advertisements, and instants answers, for example, can each have a separate user access frequency. In another embodiment, the user access frequency is the total number of a specific type of algorithmic or non-algorithmic search result accessed by a user within a given time period. The access frequency monitor component 216 can compare the determined user access frequency to a threshold frequency value. The access frequency monitor component 216 can be configured to create an alert when the determined user access frequency reaches the threshold frequency value.

In an embodiment, the access frequency monitor component 216 can monitor how often a user accesses algorithmic and non-algorithmic search results based on a query category. A query category refers to the type of search query submitted. For example, two query categories can be commercial and non-commercial search queries. The access frequency monitor component 216 can be configured to determine a user access frequency for a corresponding query category for each type of algorithmic and non-algorithmic search result presented to a user. The access frequency monitor component 216 can compare the determined user access frequency to a threshold frequency value. For example, a user may tend to access advertisements frequently when submitting commercial search queries, however, the same user may tend to access advertisements less frequently when submitting non-commercial search queries. The access frequency monitor component can determine a user access frequency for each of the two types of query categories so that a search results page can be personalized that correlates with the user's access history. The access frequency monitor component can then, for example, display more advertisements for commercial search queries and less advertisements for non-commercial search queries when the respective threshold frequencies have been reached. However, commercial and non-commercial search queries are only two examples of query categories, as such, the invention should not be limited to only these two examples. The access frequency monitor component 216 can be configured to create an alert when the determined user access frequency reaches the threshold frequency value.

In another embodiment, the user access frequency is based on a satisfaction score. The satisfaction score can be used to show a degree of satisfaction that the user had with a particular type of search result. The access frequency monitor component 216 can be configured to monitor how the user interacts with the different types of results on a search page. The monitor component can be configured to track the time a user spends on a search results page, monitor the results accessed by the user, track the time the user spent on the web pages of the accessed search result, and evaluate a multitude of other factors that can be used to determine if a user was satisfied or dissatisfied with the search results. The access frequency component can use an algorithm to evaluate the multitude of factors to generate a corresponding satisfaction score. The satisfaction score will be used to show how confident the access frequency monitor component is that the user was satisfied with the particular type of search result. For example, a satisfaction score of 70 may be generated that means that the access frequency monitor component is 70% confident that the user was satisfied with the particular search result. The satisfaction score can be useful for determining whether a user was satisfied with an instant answer as some instant answers may not have a corresponding hyperlink for a user to click. Once determined, the satisfaction score can then be compared to a threshold satisfaction value. The access frequency monitor component can also be configured to create an alert when the determined satisfaction score reaches the threshold satisfaction value.

Layout component 214 is configured to determine the layout of a search results page. The layout component 214 is configured to specify a default layout for a search results page that includes any number of algorithmic and non-algorithmic search results. In an embodiment, layout component 214 can modify the default search results page by displaying more or less of a type of non-algorithmic search result based on any determinations made by the access frequency monitor component 216. For example, if the access frequency monitor component 216 determines that a user accesses advertisements at a high frequency that reaches a certain threshold, the monitor component can create an alert to inform the layout component 214 to display more advertisements on the search results page. Conversely, if the access frequency monitor component 216 determines that a user accesses advertisements at a low frequency that reaches a certain threshold, the monitor component can create an alert to inform the layout component to display less advertisements on the search results page. In another embodiment, the layout component 214 can modify the default search results page by rearranging the location of the algorithmic search results and any non-algorithmic search results. The rearrangement of the types of search results, in an embodiment, is based on any determinations made by the access frequency monitor component 216. For example, if the access frequency monitor component 216 determines that a user accesses advertisements at a high frequency that reaches a certain threshold, the monitor component can create an alert to inform the layout component 214 to display instant answers above the algorithmic search results. Again, such determinations and layouts are made for each individual user, therefore, each user will have their own personalized search results page depending on the type of search result he/she frequently accesses.

FIG. 3 illustrates an embodiment of a block diagram representing a method for personalizing a search results mix based on a user's search history. At operation 302, user search history data is aggregated from a plurality of users' client devices. The user search history data is then associated with its corresponding user and is stored. Alternatively, at operation 304, the user information is retrieved from a database that contains the user search data. At operation 306, a search request, including a search query, is received. At operation 308, a user access frequency is determined for a non-algorithmic search result. In determining the user access frequency, the user's search history data that describes how often the user has accessed the particular non-algorithmic search result is evaluated. In an embodiment, data older than a set time period can be disregarded from the evaluation. For example, search history data that is older than one month will be ignored in order to accurately reflect the user's current interest.

At operation 310, the determined user access frequency is compared to a threshold frequency value. There can be more than one threshold frequency that could each represent a different level of activity by the user for accessing the particular non-algorithmic search result. At operation 312, a default search result page layout is specified. The default search result page layout can be specified, for example, by an administrator, developer, or any other user. At operation 314, the default search results page is modified when the determined user access frequency reaches the threshold frequency value. In an embodiment, the default search results page is modified by increasing or decreasing the quantity of the type of non-algorithmic search result. In another embodiment, the default search results page is modified by rearranging the placement of the type of non-algorithmic search result on the search results page. At operation 316, the modified search results page is provided.

In another embodiment, the threshold frequency values can vary for different geographical locations. For example, the threshold frequency values for instant answers or advertisements can vary depending on the city, state, time zone, American region, country, or continent that a user is located. This may be due because a particular geographical location may not have the same click rate as another. For example, the same click rate in the U.S. may not apply for France, Germany, or Japan. Therefore, it may be advantageous to adjust the threshold frequency values based on geographical location.

While particular embodiments of the invention have been illustrated and described in detail herein, it should be understood that various changes and modifications might be made to the invention without departing from the scope and intent of the invention. The embodiments described herein are intended in all respects to be illustrative rather than restrictive. Alternate embodiments will become apparent to those skilled in the art to which the present invention pertains without departing from its scope.

From the foregoing it will be seen that this invention is one well adapted to attain all the ends and objects set forth above, together with other advantages, which are obvious and inherent to the system and method. It will be understood that certain features and sub-combinations are of utility and may be employed without reference to other features and sub-combinations. This is contemplated and within the scope of the appended claims.

  • 1. A method for personalizing a search results mix based on a user's search history, comprising: determining a user access frequency for a non-algorithmic result;comparing the user access frequency to a threshold value;specifying a search results page layout, the search results page including one or more non-algorithmic results;modifying the search results page layout when the user access frequency meets the threshold value; andproviding the modified search results page layout.
  • 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the non-algorithmic result is at least one of an advertisement and an instant answer.
  • 3. The method according to claim 1, wherein modifying the search results page layout comprises increasing the quantity of non-algorithmic results.
  • 4. The method according to claim 1, wherein modifying the search results page layout comprises rearranging the placement of the non-algorithmic result.
  • 5. The method according to claim 1, wherein modifying the search results page layout comprises decreasing the quantity of the non-algorithmic results.
  • 6. The method according to claim 1, wherein determining a user access frequency for the non-algorithmic result comprises evaluating at least one item of user search history information to detect how often a user accesses the non-algorithmic result.
  • 7. The method according to claim 6, wherein the at least one item is disregarded after a period of time.
  • 8. A method for personalizing a search results mix based on a user's search history, comprising: aggregating user search history information from a plurality of users;receiving a search request;determining a user access frequency for a non-algorithmic result;comparing the user access frequency to a threshold value;specifying a search results page layout, the search results page including one or more non-algorithmic results;modifying the search results page layout when the user access frequency meets the threshold value; andproviding the modified search results page layout.
  • 9. The method according to claim 8, wherein the non-algorithmic result is at least one of an advertisement and an instant answer.
  • 10. The method according to claim 8, wherein modifying the search results page layout comprises increasing or decreasing the quantity of non-algorithmic results.
  • 11. The method according to claim 8, wherein modifying the search results page layout comprises rearranging the placement of the non-algorithmic result.
  • 12. The method according to claim 8, wherein determining a user access frequency for the non-algorithmic result comprises evaluating at least one item of user search history information to detect how often a user accesses the non-algorithmic result.
  • 13. The method according to claim 6, wherein the at least one item is disregarded after a period of time.
  • 14. One or more computer-readable media having computer-usable instructions stored thereon for performing a method for personalizing a search results mix based on a user's search history, comprising: determining a user access frequency for a non-algorithmic result;comparing the user access frequency to a threshold value;specifying a search results page layout, the search results page including one or more non-algorithmic results;modifying the search results page layout when the user access frequency meets the threshold value; andproviding the modified search results page layout.
  • 15. The method according to claim 14, wherein the non-algorithmic result is at least one of an advertisement and an instant answer.
  • 16. The method according to claim 14, wherein modifying the search results page layout comprises increasing the quantity of non-algorithmic results.
  • 17. The method according to claim 14, wherein modifying the search results page layout comprises rearranging the placement of the non-algorithmic result.
  • 18. The method according to claim 14, wherein modifying the search results page layout comprises decreasing the quantity of the non-algorithmic results.
  • 19. The method according to claim 14, wherein determining a user access frequency for the non-algorithmic result comprises evaluating at least one item of user search history information to detect how often a user accesses the non-algorithmic result.
  • 20. The method according to claim 19, wherein the at least one item is disregarded after a period of time.